20 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World

20 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World

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foreign technology has already made a huge impact on our lives the technology of the future is already proving to be even more incredible imagine being able to print a house in just a few hours to having robots that can help us with pretty much everything cooking to taking care of our homes these technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we live work and play so join us as we explore 20 emerging technologies that will completely change our world 20. exoskeletons [Music] think of exoskeletons it was wearable of mobile machines that are powered by electric motors pneumatics levers are a combination of Technologies they are robotic devices that are worn on the body to enhance strength endurance and Mobility they have a wide range of applications from helping people with Mobility impairments to enhancing the performance of industrial workers for people with Mobility impairments exoskeletons can be a game changer they allow individuals who have previously been confined to wheelchairs to stand and walk again these devices that use sensors and motors to control the movement of the legs allowing the user to walk and stand with minimal effort one of the most impressive exoskeletons out there is the guardian EXO by sarcos this full body powered industrial exoskeleton is similar to the one soldiers wore in the film Avatar exoskeletons are also being used in industrial settings to enhance the performance of workers these devices can be worn by workers to assist with heavy lifting repetitive tasks reducing the risk of injury and increasing productivity exoskeleton technology is still in its early stages but researchers are working hard to improve the design and functionality of these devices we advances in materials sensors and software exoskeletons are becoming more lightweight durable and user-friendly number 19 hyper trains hyper trains also known as hyperloop trains are a new form of transportation that uses magnetic levitation technology to reach incredibly high speeds imagine traveling from Los Angeles to San Francisco in just 30 minutes that's the kind of speed we're talking about here but how do these hyper trains work well they're basically trains that travel in a vacuum sealed tube with no air resistance this means they can reach speeds of up to 700 miles per hour that's faster than most commercial airplanes the technology for hyper trains has been in development for several years and several companies are currently working on building the infrastructure to make this a reality the goal is to create a network of hyperlooper routes that connect to major cities making it easier and faster for people to travel one of the biggest advantages of hyper trains is that they're much more energy efficient than traditional forms of transportation they don't produce emissions and require less energy to operate this means that they're a more sustainable option for getting around while hybrid trains is still in the early stages of development the potential for this technology is huge and are excited to see how it will change the way we travel in the future number 18 living robots a team of biologists and computer scientists have created something truly groundbreaking tiny self-healing biological machines made from frog cells these cells are then programmed and assembled into a specific shape creating a unique and versatile type of robot these machines named xenobots after the African clawed frog are less than a 0.04 inches wide making them small enough to travel inside human bodies but how did the researchers create these amazing machines they scraped living stem cells from frog embryos and left them to incubate then the cells were cut and reshape into specific body forms designed by a supercomputer forms never seen in nature some of the cells differentiated to produce cilia tiny hair-like projections that move back and forth and likewise rotate in different ways instead of using a manually sculpted cardiac cells cilia give the xenobots legs to move them rapidly across the Surface by looking at the world's first living robot a programmable life form that has the potential to revolutionize medicine technology and so much more imagine the possibilities of these tiny machines working inside our bodies to repair and heal or exploring and mapping the depths of our oceans number 17. deep fakes deep fakes are a form of technology that uses artificial intelligence to create highly realistic videos of people doing things they never did it's a form of digital manipulation that can make it look like someone said or did something that they never actually said or did now this has been used in movie making for decades remember the late actor Paul Walker in the movie Fast and Furious 7. he was resurrected for that role using this technology with advancements in AI deep fakes are becoming increasingly realistic and harder to detect but now with deep fake technologies have advanced so much that we have apps that can do it almost instantly in fact some experts have warned that deep fakes could potentially be used as a form of disinformation or propaganda leading to mistrust and confusion in society and that's where the problem lies with the ability to create evidence of scenes that never happened people have grown uneasy about deep fakes audio can be deep fake too creating voice clones of just about anyone social media platforms have even been deep fakes from their networks due to the strong divide they create number 16 are quantum computers in 2019 Google made a huge announcement now it's a extraordinarily important Milestone you know last year we achieved something what's what's known in the field as Quantum Supremacy uh it is when you can take quantum computers and they can do something which classical computers cannot they reveal that their quantum computer named Sycamore had achieved something called Quantum Supremacy this means that quantum computers can complete tasks exponentially faster than their classical counterparts quantum computers are not only faster but also more powerful than traditional computers they use the properties of quantum mechanics such as superposition and entanglement to perform calculations that are beyond the reach of classical computers but what makes quantum computers so special well over decades computer scientists have been trying to harness the behavior of subatomic particles that can simultaneously exist in different states these particles can exist in more than one state at a time and it's this ability that quantum computers take advantage of instead of using a bit like a traditional computers quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits this allows quantum computers to store huge amounts of information and use less energy doing so than traditional computers in the world of quantum Computing traditional laws of physics no longer apply this means that we'll be able to create processes that are a million or more times faster than the ones we use today it's no surprise that some of the world's most influential companies are investing heavily in Quantum Computing technology number 15 self-healing concrete Yes you heard that right self-healing concrete is a new type of concrete that can repair itself when it cracks this is possible thanks to a special type of bacteria that is mixed into the concrete when the concrete cracks water and oxygen enter the crack and the bacteria start to grow the bacteria produce a natural mineral that fills in the crack effectively healing it this is a game changer for the construction industry concrete is one of the most widely used materials in construction but it's also one of the most prone to cracking cracks in concrete can lead to structural problems and can also make the building look unsightly self-healing concrete solves this problem by allowing the concrete to repair itself which means less maintenance and a longer life span for the building so how does it work the bacteria used in self-healing concrete are mixed in with the concrete before it's poured once the concrete is in place the bacteria go into a dormant state but when the concrete cracks water and oxygen enter the crack and the bacteria start to grow they produce a natural mineral that fills in the crack effectively healing it it's environmentally friendly it's a great solution for remote locations and it's game changer for the construction industry number 14 virtual reality [Music] virtual reality or VR for short is a technology that allows users to fully immerse themselves in a digital world but VR isn't just for video games and entertainment it has the potential to revolutionize Industries and change the way we live our lives the concept of virtual reality has been around for decades but it wasn't until the 1960s that the technology started to take shape early VR machines were confined to Amusement arcades and offered a limited experience but today's VR headsets offer a much more immersive experience when you put on a VR headset you were completely immersed in a digital world as you move your head your view adjusts giving the impression that your line of sight is actually real VR technology has been adapted for many different purposes including video games training simulations and even therapy it's being used to treat trauma and anxiety in addition to healthcare VI's also being used in Industries such as architecture real estate and education Architects and real estate agents are using VR to create virtual tours of buildings and properties making it easier for potential buyers to visualize themselves in the space educators are using VR to create interactive and engaging lessons for students number 13. biometrics biometric system s it was one technology that was once only seen in science fiction movies but is now being implemented all around us remember when you saw people in movies using their fingerprints and irises to access buildings it seemed impossible at the time but now we have biometric security measures in place in many businesses allowing only authorized people to enter specific buildings and rooms but Biometrics technology isn't just being used for security purposes it's also making our everyday lives easier imagine not having to carry your wallet with your ID and bank cards but instead being able to verify who you are in various situations with just your fingerprint Iris facial features or even your palm this might sound like a far-off reality but it's not Palm ID technology is already being used in places like the jiju international airport in South Korea and Amazon ghost shops in Seattle once you've used computer vision technology to scan the lines and patterns of your palm you can connect it to your payment card so instead of paying with your card you can just hold your hand over a scanner to make a purchase it's truly mind-blowing number 12. 5G and The Internet of Things

5G in the internet of things are two emerging technologies that are revolutionizing the way we connect and exchange information 5G or fifth generation Wireless technology is fast providing faster and more reliable internet speeds enabling new possibilities for streaming gaming and online communication with 5G we'll be able to download movies and TV shows in seconds play online games with no lag and have Smooth video calls with people across the globe and with it the Internet of Things iot the different devices we use within our homes can communicate with each other and with us making our lives more convenient and efficient for instance you can control your home's Heating and lighting from your phone or receive alerts if there's a problem with your fridge together 5G and iot are set to create a new era of connected devices and services imagine self-driving cars communicating with traffic lights into other vehicles in real time or factories using iot sensors to optimize production the possibilities are endless the rollout of 5G networks has already begun and we can expect to see more and more iot devices in our homes and workplaces in the coming years number 11 artificial intelligence artificial intelligence or AI for short is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work at its core AI is the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence such as understanding natural language recognizing images and making decisions one of the key drivers of ai's growth is the explosion of data that is now available with a widespread use of smartphones and the internet we are generating more data than ever before this data can be used to train AI systems to perform a wide range of tasks from diagnosing diseases to driving cars AI is already being used in a variety of Industries including Healthcare finance and transportation in healthcare AI is being used to analyze medical images and assist doctors with diagnosing diseases in finance AI is being used to detect fraudulent transactions and improve investment decisions and in transportation AI is being used to develop self-driving cars and optimize Logistics one of the most exciting aspects of AI is its ability to learn and adapt with machine learning AI systems can continue to improve their performance over time as they're exposed to more data number 10 blockchain this is a one technology that's fast changing the way we think about financial transactions and data storage essentially a blockchain is a digital Ledger that allows multiple parties to record transactions without the need for a central Authority think of it like a digital notebook where multiple people can write in it but once something is written it can't be halted this creates a sense of trust and transparency as all parties can see the entire history of transactions one of the most popular uses of blockchain technology today is in the form of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin instead of using a traditional banking systems to transfer money blockchain allows for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries however blockchain technology can also be used for things like Supply Chain management voting systems and even digital identities this is because blockchains decentralize nature allows for multiple parties to access and verify information without the need for a central Authority while blockchain is still a relatively new technology and there are still challenges like scalability and regulation that need to be addressed the potential for blockchain to revolutionize the way we think of data storage and transactions is too great to ignore 9. wearable technology these are basically devices that can be worn on the body which are designed to enhance your experience as a user while clothing items are fast joining the league of wearable Technologies others include smart watches fitness trackers and more recently virtual reality headsets smart watches can do everything from tracking your Fitness to sending text messages and making phone calls they can also be linked to your smartphone allowing you to receive notifications and access apps right on your wrist as fitness trackers they're more specifically designed to track your physical activity and monitor your health including your heart rate and sleep patterns virtual reality headsets allow you to immerse yourself in Virtual Worlds and also have the potential of allowing users to experience simulations of real world scenarios and smart fabrics and textiles also now exist that are embedded with sensors and Technology allowing them to Monitor and track your health and other physical activity and they can also be controlled by a smartphone allowing you to change the color or Passion of the clothing you have on number eight driveless cars you may have seen driveless cars on the road but have you ever stopped to think about how they work well imagine this you're sitting in your car and instead of having to focus on the road you can relax and do other things like reading a book playing a game or even taking a nap that's exactly what driverless cars do they use a combination of cameras sensors and sophisticated software to navigate the road and make decisions about traffic other vehicles and even pedestrians Additionally you don't have to worry about the safety of these cars they are equipped with multiple layers of redundancy meaning that if one system fails there are backups in place to keep you safe but driveless cars aren't just about convenience they also have the potential to reduce traffic congestion improve Energy Efficiency and even save lives by reducing accidents caused by human error or also seeing new technologies emerging that will allow driverless cars to communicate with each other and with traffic infrastructure making the entire transportation system more efficient and safe number seven autonomous robots [Music] you may have heard of self-driving cars or drones that can fly without human control but did you know the robots are becoming more autonomous in all areas of life imagine a future where robots can take care of tasks such as cleaning your home stocking your grocery shelves or even performing surgeries these robots are equipped with senses and algorithms that allow them to navigate and make decisions on their own for example a self-driving car uses cameras and lidar sensors to detect and navigate around obstacles while surgical robot uses Precision sensors to perform precise movements autonomous robots can also work in dangerous or difficult environments the context they can be used to inspect nuclear power plants or to search for survivors in a disaster area they can also work continuously without getting tired or making mistakes making them more efficient than humans as technology continues to evolve autonomous robots are becoming more and more advanced for instance they're now able to learn and adapt to new tasks making them even more versatile foreign as you step into the metaverse you'll be greeted with a virtual world that looks and feels it just like the real one you'll be able to walk around explore different environments and interact with other people and objects just as you would in the physical world but in the metaverse the possibilities are endless you'll be able to visit virtual cities attend at virtual concerts and even attend virtual classes the metaverse is all set to revolutionize the way we work Play and Learn imagine being able to attend a virtual meeting with your colleagues or attend a virtual class without ever leaving your home and as you explore the metaverse you'll also discover that it's a place where creativity knows no bounds you'll be able to create your own virtual worlds design your own avatars and even create your own games and experiences the metaverse is a place where you can express yourself and let your imagination run wild number five starlink internet are you tired of dealing with slow and unreliable internet you were living in a remote area where broadband internet is not available well it appears that new and revolutionary technology is finally here to solve all of your internet woes and change the way we connect to the Internet starlink is a satellite-based internet service developed by SpaceX the company founded by Elon Musk it's a network of thousands of satellites orbiting around the earth providing high-speed internet access to people in remote and underserved areas with starlink you'll be able to enjoy a lightning fast internet speeds of up to 100 megabytes per second as fast enough to stream high definition videos play online games and download large files without any lag so whether you live in the city or in a remote rural area you'll be able to enjoy high-speed internet with starlink but that's not all starlink also offers low latency which means you'll have very minimal delays in online activities like online gaming and video conferencing this means you'll be able to have a seamless online experience without any buffering or lag talk about the far stage of the internet and here you have it number four natural language processing ever imagined what it would look like attempting to communicate with your computer or even your phone using your own natural language without any need for complicated coding or programming languages well a natural language processing is here to provide the answer to that NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and human language this technology allows computers to understand interpret and generate human language making communication between humans and machines more natural and intuitive imagine being able to talk to your computer or phone just like you would with a friend NLP makes this possible by analyzing and understanding the meaning behind your words and responding accordingly one example of NLP in action is a voice recognition software like Siri or Alexa these virtual assistants use NLP to understand respond to your spoken commands making it easy for you to set reminders play music or even order groceries more recently open AI released the most advanced language model yet with its novel gpt3 chatbot this super Advanced chatbot uses NLP to understand respond to your queries providing quick and accurate answers while also learning in the process number three genomics genomics is an emerging field of technology that is revolutionizing the way we understand and treated diseases improving Agriculture and even designing new materials it's the study of an organism's complete set of DNA including all of its genes you may be wondering what makes genomics so special well thanks to advances in DNA sequencing technology scientists can help quickly and cheaply sequence entire genomes this has led to an explosion of data and new ways to analyze it by understanding an individual's unique genetic makeup doctors can now tailor treatments to their specific needs and further develop the field of precision medicine for example imagine you have a tumor that doesn't respond to traditional chemotherapy with a genomics doctors can sequence the DNA of the tumor and identify specific genetic mutations that are driving its growth this information can be used to design new treatments that Target those mutations increasing the chances of a successful outcome similarly by sequencing the genomes of plants scientists can identify genes that control traits such as disease resistance drought tolerance and yield this information can be used to breathe new crop varieties that are more resilient and productive number two spin launch as you can see from this illustration spin launch uses a powerful spinning device known as the spin projectile to accelerate a spacecraft to high speeds before launching it into orbit this eliminates the need for traditional rocket boosters and allows for a much more efficient and cost-effective way to reach space but how does it work exactly well you start by placing the spacecraft inside the spinning device then using centrifugal force the device accelerates the spacecraft to incredibly high speeds once it reaches the desired speed it's launched into orbit using a linear accelerator but spin launch isn't just about cost savings and efficiency it also has the potential to greatly reduce the environmental impact of space travel traditional rocket launches release large amounts of pollutants and debris into hemisphere but with a spin launch there is no need for these large powerful Rockets reducing the environmental impact the spin launch is a game-changing technology that has the potential to greatly impact the future of space travel and with continued research and development we can expect to see even more exciting advancements soon number one 3D printing this fast emerging technology involves using a computer to design a virtual object and then using a 3D printer to physically create it this process is also known as additive manufacturing one of the biggest advantages of 3D printing is its ability to create complex and detailed designs that would be difficult or impossible to produce using traditional manufacturing methods for example take a look at this illustration of a prosthetic hand traditional manufacturing methods would have a hard time creating the intricate details and movement of the fingers but with 3D printing it can be produced easily another advantage of 3D printing is its ability to create customized products for example you can use 3D printing to create a custom fit prosthetic limb or even a custom fit pair of shoes and in addition to its many benefits 3D printing is also becoming more affordable and accessible which of these Technologies did you find the most intriguing let us know in the comments below

2023-07-05 11:07

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