2024-2030 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan Information Session

2024-2030 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan Information Session

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good afternoon thank you for joining the 2024 through 2030 federal health it strategic plan information session my name is Frank bajowski with capital Consulting and I will be assisting with the logistical support for today's session you can ask questions by clicking the Q&A button at the bottom of your screen additionally we ask that you select the speaker view option located at the top right side of your Zoom interface this will allow you to see the speaker as they present or share information if you need technical assistance please click the chat icon at the bottom of your screen type your question into the chat and one of our texts will respond to you finally Please be aware that today's session is being recorded Clos captioning is available by clicking the CC icon at the bottom of your screen I will now turn it over to Mickey tripathy ATP great thanks so much and hello everyone and thanks for joining us during this informational webinar on the 2024 to 2030 federal health it Strate strategic plan uh I'm Mickey trapathy the assistant secretary for technology policy and really delighted to be here and want to thank all of you for participating I'm pleased to join you today as we discuss our recently published strategic plan and before we dive into the agenda further I wanted to share some perspective on where we are in regard in regards to the health it landscape our nation has experienced a remarkable digitization of health information over the past decade however our journey to transform Healthcare using health it is still an ongoing process in the early years our strategic Direction focused a lot on education around where um what health it is and its various value propositions and then implementing that value proposition through adoption and meaningful use of Health it and now our Focus has evolved Beyond just adoption of these Health um Information Systems to interoperability and continuing to use our policy and Technical levers in order to achieve a fully connected health system and improve the access exchange and use of Health Data the health it landscape continues to evolve as we know and we want to make sure we're continuing to meet Congressional and societal expectations to promote Modern Health it that creates a better and more connected health system for our country and we've made a ton of progress standards such as hl7 fire allow for more seamless exchange of health information and tea has created a National Exchange framework so that Health it users can get the information they need when and where they need it we've also seen the rapid advancement of Public Health infrastructure in response to the covid-19 pandemic where Health it particularly electronic case reporting plays a significant role but challenges still remain the benefits of Health it haven't reached everyone equally issues with access and Health Equity still remain as solvable issues additionally the development of new technology te ology particularly AI creates new opportunities and yes challenges that require new and innovative solutions as such the Hightech act requires that ASP coordinate across the federal government to develop and update its federal health it strategy on an ongoing basis this coordination helps to leverage the collective authorities and Investments of the federal government to continue to Advance Health it capabilities and promote data sharing for all Health it users the Strategic plan reflects a very coordinated and collaborative approach one we collaborated with more than 25 federal agencies convening a series of working sessions over the past year to guide the second uh the development of the plan second we considered asps Health it advisory committee's input as well which provided us with an ongoing assessment of the current state of health it and recommendations third we had a public comment period to collect feedback from individuals and organizations in the healthcare sector in order to help shape the final plan and now we look forward to our continued engagement with our federal Partners in the industry on policies and programs to realize that strategy the Strategic plan is an outcomes-driven plan that's focused on meeting the needs of various users of help it including individuals populations caregivers healthc care providers payers public health professionals researchers developers and innovators the plan's intended use is to prioritize resources and align and coordinate efforts across the entire federal government I want to thank than you again uh thank again our federal partners and the general public who have contributed to the who have contributed to the finalization of the plan with that let me turn let me introduce uh Stephanie Lee to begin presenting the 2024 to 2030 federal health it strategic plan great thanks so much Mickey just waitting for slides to come up um so hello everyone um as Mickey said my name is Stephanie Lee um and I'm the branch chief within our strategic planning and coordination division here at ASP um I'm also joined by my colleague Dustin Charles um he's a senior analyst who is also in our strategic planning and coordination division as well um and we are really excited to join you all today to provide an overview of the Strategic plan um so I will just give a brief background overview uh for some additional context before turning it over to Dustin for the plan itself uh next slide please uh so here's just the table of contents on the overall topics we'll be speaking about today um we can just go ahead and jump to the next slide please all right so our federal health it mission and vision um so the mission statement simply put is um really a description of our purpose for all of this um and this is to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities um us a technology and held information that is accessible when and where it matters most um and then we have our vision statement which is more about what we're striving for in the end and so what we're striving for is a health system that uses information to engage individuals um lower costs um deliver high quality care as well as improve both individual and population Health uh next slide please um so the Strategic plan includes U four over overarching goals um so the first three goals address plans to um improve the experiences and outcomes for Health it users so these three goals are to promote health and wellness um enhance the delivery and experience of care as well as accelerate research and Innovation um while the fourth goal um is to connect the health system with Health Data um so this four goal uh focuses more on the policy and the technology components um that are needed to support the advancement um of the first three goals uh next slide please um so this slide emphasizes the specific audiences in particular um for each goal of the plan um as well as uh provides a description on who we want to um really realize the benefits of the before goals um so the first goal to promote health and wellness um this includes individuals populations and communities and to uh extend that use case is to really leverage Health it to empower individuals even when they're not in a formal care setting um like in a doctor's office so this this is really just life itself where people play Live learn and work um and to promote healthy behaviors as well um so for the next goal to enhance the delivery and experience of care um the audience for this goal includes um both patients and caregivers who experience care but also um enhancing the experience for providers and others in the healthc care Continuum um who also support the delivery of that care so this is um this is really to acknowledge that care delivery is um it's a partnership um between those receiving care care um as well as those delivering care um so this also includes accelerating research and Innovation um by harnessing the power of data in um in Equitable ways uh through collaborative efforts of researchers developers um as well as other health it users um and lastly uh connecting the health system with Health Data for all users of Health it so that the um the development and the use of Health it capabilities continues to advance um and that we really have clear and shared expectations for data sharing um for all Health it users um next slide please um so the purpose of this plan um so not only is this plan uh statutorily required uh through the high-tech act um but it's it's also just a good time to update the plan given uh several considerations um really to ensure the relevance of our health it strategy in the current landscape um so as Mickey mentioned um you know we've seen Evolutions in several topic areas like like public health health equity and artificial intelligence um so the purpose of this plan is also in part to provide um both a communication as well as an alignment tool um that guides the Strategic Direction in terms of effort and priorities across the federal government um and so this this reaches various uses of Health it and ehi everything from um individual access ehi care delivery Health Equity public health research data quality um as well as whole person care delivery uh next slide please um so the use of the plan um in the context of federal organizations um so so this is very outcome based in that um you know federal government organizations use the plan um in in these in these main ways which is to prioritize resources um as well as to align and coordinate efforts uh Benchmark it assess progress um as well as signal priorities to the industry as well next slide please so building on past government and Industry progress um the main point here is that our health it strategy is really a progression uh with ongoing um continuing efforts to focus on the exchange of ehi through um uh various policy and Technical activities um and this is to try and continue to connect the Health Data um in these systems in in a meaningful way um So the plan really builds upon this progression and of course as mentioned before um it includes uh increased emphasis in the areas that we've seen um just Evolutions in U like Health Equity public health and artificial intelligence uh next slide please so just to give a a brief overview on the principles um so these are the guiding principles um that we use to um connect our strategy to um so principles like person centered design uh which is to consider considered the the whole individual in all aspects um of the design and development um and use of Health it um we also have safety and quality uh which is to ensure high quality high value care to translate into Better Health experiences um and outcomes um we also have privacy and security um this is really important to uh really continue building trust and protecting individual health information um everything from compromise to loss um to unauthorized access as well um and then we also have uh data informed decision making um you know this is effectively to support information sharing um so that more informed decisions can help create better heal Health outcomes as well um and then uh we also have increased Health Equity across all populations um because a as we all know there are a lot of factors that um impact the quality of um access and experience with health and human services for individuals um and then finally uh to encourage Innovation and competition um you know this is this is a really important principle as well because this results in new Solutions um as well as business models for better care um so uh we can go on to the next slide please so th this is the framework of the plan itself um so now I will turn it over to my colleague uh Dustin Charles thank you thanks Stephanie uh hello my name is Dustin Charles and I'm happy to present to you the federal health it strategic plan um as you can see this is the overall framework I will be going over it in much more detailed shortly but first I kind of wanted to discuss the framework overall um we as Stephanie has said this has been um divided into four goals um and what we are trying to show with this framework is that these goals are they're not separated from each other they're not in unique silos they're not isolated in any way they work together um to support one another so goal one of promote health and wellness um while focused on individuals and communities um is you know a essential goal to making sure that um everyone is experiencing the health care the benefits of Health it and getting the health care that um is best for them while goal two is a little bit more focused on the health it tools and strategies necessary to support uh a care delivery system that is connected by Health Data um and research Innovation and delivers the improvements and wellness um through Health it goal three is really focused on research and Innovation um it's that Innovation engine within the plans framework um that harnesses connected technology and data to generate enh enhancements in the delivery and experience of care as well as continue to promote health and wellness and then finally goal four this is really what we consider that foundational goal that really Builds on that infrastructure to support Better Health better care um better research outcomes through health information exchange and the use of Health Data by those who serve um patients populations and researchers so I will walk through um each of these goals and their objectives and then the briefly go over the strategies um that the federal government has put together to achieve these goals and objectives so we can go to the next slide thank you um so here is the promote health and wellness under goal one um this goal presents a set of strategies designed to equip individuals populations communities and public health professionals with the health it tools and data necessary to empower individuals and caregivers to steer care um particularly with emphasis on the privacy and security of their data um this drives equity and health care experience um and its outcomes here is where Health it meets the needs of individuals and populations and also um we want to strengthen the health and public health um of communities so we have an entire objective here on making communities healthier and safer so moving on to objective a next slide please um individuals are empowered to manage their health so this objective really seeks to ensure that individuals can trust the electronic platforms on which they access their data by having secure private access to their electronic health information um they can dve this goal I'm sorry this objective drives equity in health experience and outcomes so that Health it meets the needs of individuals and populations and um that these strategies you know strengthen um the health wait I'm sorry I'm on the wrong thing um so are better so this helps so that um excuse me they're better able to man individuals are better able to manage their health through Health it um through expanded access to Affordable technology and finally under this one you um individuals are able to better understand how and when their Health Data is accessed and used um through available uh resources uh next slide please so this objective um individual uals and populations experience modern and Equitable healthare really aims to ensure that electronic health information considers the whole person through the use of standardized social determinant of Health um through Equitable access to health information through increased access to health liter literary resources um individuals are then able are also able to access uh the latest proven Technologies um so here we highlight things like the Advanced Digital Therapeutics and Diagnostics uh tools for Health Management um and in particular um education Outreach and transparency about the use of artificial intelligence Technologies uh next slide please so Objective C is the one that's focused on making communities healthier and safer um to do this what we're want what we're trying to do here is imagine a future state where public Health Data directly impacts the communities in need and we do this by connecting the community or connecting Community organizations to the government uh in addition we want social programs to have access to health data um to meet their goals so we want to do this by sharing um electronic health information across the healthcare Continuum and then using that Health it to share information about Federal programs and also just public health information so really making sure that information is getting not just to different um Healthcare settings but to the communities that need them as well um and that's really where we get to a lot of these strategies focusing on getting Health it making sure that it's available um in All Care settings so we particularly here want to um recognize that resource limited settings um maybe lagging in resources and skills um needed to make the best use of the health it that is available to them um next slide please so goal two is really more focused as we've said on the health care setting so the delivery of care um so under these objectives what we really want to see is how Patients health care providers caregivers and payers um can better participate in excellent and high quality care how high quality Health Care is available everywhere um how to deliver care in a transparent modern and competitive ecosystem um also we want to do with under these objectives is to reduce burden um of Health it tools and to reduce the burden of regulations uh and also we want to make sure we advance the use of Health it throughout the entire Healthcare Continuum so moving on to the first objective uh next slide please um so this objective providers deliver safe Equitable High quality and improved care uh encompasses a set of strategies that I'm sorry that um really seek to ensure that clinical workflows are improved by Health it such that workflows are not disrupted by Health it but instead but enhanced by it um Health it standards we want to ensure that Health it standards are applied across the healthcare Continuum um and that Health it supports payment for high quality value based care uh we want to increase transparency and understanding of algorithm based decision support interventions um so that um patients and providers as can um have the confidence that these decision support tools are giving accurate and safe treatment options um and then we also want to make sure that issues like patient identity and record linking um are addressed and and resolved um through these strategies next slide please um so this objective patients experience expanded access to Quality Care and reduced or eliminated Health disparities really aims for that reduction of health and Health Care um inequalities and disparities and you know the strategies here try to do this through um expanded and affordable teleah health uh expansion of the health it care setting that haven't seen the same benefits from federal programs um greater integration of Health Care and health and human services such as the use particularly of standard social determinants of Health um really that those can are very helpful for reducing um Health Care inequities and disparities and then we also want to look at here helping uh patients be more engaged with their health um Beyond just using p to connect to their health information uh next slide please uh for objective c um the emphasis here is Healthcare has improved through greater competition and transparency um what we want to ensure here is that there is increased transparency between healthc care delivery and the cost of that delivery um and doing this by expanding methods to measure and make quality and price information available electronically and by merging clinical and administrative Data Systems we also want to make sure that there are pro competitive business practices where consumers have access to a variety of high quality and affordable health it products and that standard apis Advance a safe secure and competitive Health it Market um so that um patients and individuals are able to choose the systems that work best for them uh next slide please uh objective D providers experience reduce Regulatory and administrative burden um a lot of these strategies are really focused on looking at automated tools and tasks to help reduce time spent on manual activities so things like simplifying the electronic documentation requirements standardizing uh data and processes related to electronic health prior authorization uh advancing policies for Automation and admin ministrative tasks data collection and data reporting and also promoting automation tools that improve workflows um also here we want to make sure that information about health how health it regulations affect healthc care delivery is available and easy to understand um by providing education on regulations and the expected business practice practices related to electronic health information sharing um Health it users also we want I'm sorry we also want to see Health it users um benefit from advanced technology by ensuring that such technology like artificial intelligence is safe and secure uh next slide please so for this one the healthcare Workforce uses Health it with confidence um this objective aims to make Health it a rout routine component of the entire healthare and ecosystem um it does this by ensuring that Health it users have the information they need need to use um from their tools from acquisition to through implementation to through ongoing use um this is done also by engaging Health it users across the health IT industry in health it development optimization and usability testing um we also are encouraging implementing um education and training programs for Health it users so that they can better understand how to use their tools and Leverage ing Health it expertise from different Healthcare settings so that best practices are shared um among um different Health it users uh and finally this well not finally I'm sorry this objective also seeks to improve workflows um across in between Healthcare settings including public health and Health and Human Service Providers um and it also seeks to prevent and mitigate cyber security issues through um better cyber security Frameworks better standards and better education uh next slide please so now we've reached the um goal on accelerate research and Innovation and this one is exactly as it sounds it's focused on uh researchers and innovators um the overall emphasis for this goal is um researchers are better able to access data across Healthcare settings provide by providing secure ways for individuals to share their data for research um advancing individual population Level Trans transfer of Health Data uh and increasing the linkages of Health Data and Human Service data sets um and then we really want to look at the results of that data and make sure that that is more easily um available to those who need them by increasing the access to tools for data analysis using common data elements to make data sharing between Healthcare and research settings easier and then finally um while doing all this we want to make sure that Health Data remains private and protected when used in research so next slide please um yes so actually this is just what I covered um continuing to um allowing research and others and other health it users to have appropriate access to high quality Health Data to drive individual um population Health Improvement um the strategies here are really focused again on providing ways individuals to securely share their information um and advancing the individual and population level transfer of Health Data um so a lot of the strategies here are really focused on making sure the researchers can get the information they need but individuals feel that the information that they're also giving is safe and secure so fostering data government that reinforces privacy protections for large data sets is an essential strategy under this um objective and as I've stated we want to make the results more um easily available to those who need them um by increasing access to tools for analysis of healthcare data for health research and even postmarket surveillance use um and evaluating common data sets for OPP opport accuracy and opportunities to harmonize for improved interoperability uh next slide please so for objective b individual and population research analysis and its applications are enhanced by by Health it the aim here is to make it possible for healthcare research to take advantage of the latest Technologies to improve the quality of care such as using digital Health tools for targeted therapies making better use of both structur and unstructured data uh and increasing the use of Health it capabilities for data integration and research um also we want to make it possible here for individuals to have again assurance that their health information is protected um in particular that it cannot be reidentified we also want to make it possible for Health it research to be self-reflective um resolving known problems and enhancing the existing benefits of Health it doing this by um investigating the impact and effectiveness of Health it on outcomes such as care safety and health um and by promoting increased transparency into the development of use of um new health it tools particularly artificial intelligent algorithms uh next slide please so for objective c uh research is Advanced Health Equity by using Health Data that includes underrepresented groups um the objective here is that research takes into account the socioeconomic environmental and system level landscapes for those that they are researching um and this is done by specifically promoting Health it interventions that address disparities address bias in artificial int intelligence or algorithmic discrimination um address bias in health it guidelines um but also increasing participation in research for all populations such as individuals affiliated with underserved groups um making sure that they're well represented well represented in clinical research um also making sure that individual individuals understand how clinical research applies to them uh and then finally really expanding the research infrastructure to just better understand the Health Quality Health Equity data that we have available and how we can best use it next slide please so the goal of this of this goal four as I said this is really the infrastructure um goal to connect the health system with Health Data um and kind of lays the foundation upon which all the other goals are built so without this goal goal um the others would lack some of the technology um that they would need to execute their strategies um overall what we want to make sure here is that um Health it products and regulations benefit Health it users uh we want to promote the exchange of electronic health information we want to reduce barriers to access to health it and we want to maintain privacy and cyber security protections and adapt to any future threats and also we want to advance the role of Health it um in enhance enhanced responses to public health hazards uh next slide please so um the first objective here development and use of Health it cap capabilities continues to advance um there are a lot of strategies here um this this objective really supports a future stra future state that includes um advancing Health it modernization adoption and use across the Healthcare System um collaboration across public and private sectors on key issues in health it uh encouraging Equity safety and user design principles in the entire life cycle of Health it tools uh improving data quality through governance and Providence improving data portability and competition in the health IT industry and encouraging transparency on health it usability um reducing financial and Regulatory burdens to Innovation and increasing the federal government communication with the public on health it um via methods of reports data sets and um other things such as webinars like these uh next slide please uh objective b Health it users have clear and shared expectations for data sharing um health information we want to make sure that health information is effectively and efficiently exchanged without any obstacles so the strategies here or do this by promoting U best sharing practices and educational resources across the healthcare Continuum um continuing to advance tea to create that Universal governance policy and Technical floor for Nationwide interoperability um advancing Health it standards for cyber security and electronic health information sharing and improving the data quality of data shared among different Health Systems devices and applications uh next slide please uh so for objective c underserved communities and populations have access to infrastructure that supports Health it use um the focus here is really looking at um underserved communities and focusing on addressing gaps app s in health it infrastructure and the strategy strategies here do this by assessing Health it broadband and cellular service demands uh expanding Broadband access adoption and use and supporting the advancement of secure cloud-based Services um in addition this objective wants to eliminate Health it access and use disparities by advancing Equitable access to Affordable technology in Broadband um also advancing or improving um telea Health um access and outcomes from tella Health by supporting the adoption and development of telea Health infrastructure particularly in undar care settings uh next slide please so for objective D individuals electronic health information is protected private and secure um with this one we are recognizing that you know cyber security uh remains a consist issue that needs to be addressed and mitigated when it occurs so this objective will ensure that accurate and timely information on privacy and security is available to all who need it so this includes providing guidance and resources to help Healthcare organizations integrate high impact cyber security practices such as the health care and public health cyber security performance goals um this also we want to Prov provide guidance and technical assistance on the cyber security um privacy and security policies um that the federal government has enacted um in addition to helping us resolve privacy and security issues the strategies here look at collaboration between the federal state local tribal and territorial Partners on privacy and security issues um and as I said we really also want to look at mitigation of health information security and privacy risks with these strategies um including implementing appropriate standards and consent mechanisms for exchanging electronic health information uh next slide please so this is the last objective um here communities are supported by modern integrated Public Health Data Systems and infrastructure so the emphasis here is of course on public health so what we really want to do is imagine a future State again where Public Health technology infrastructure supports rapid response to Public Health emergencies and doing this by implementing policies that promote secure electronic health information exchange across government organizations and the Health Care System uh implementing policies and tools that support rapid scalable reporting and use of Public Health Data um and also using data standards to increase interoperability across Public Health System um in addition to that um this objective wants to see public health professionals have the tools they need to quickly resolve Adverse Events um again doing this by supporting standards and technology for improved adverse event detection and Reporting um advancing the use of forecasting and Predictive Analytics and improving data science capacity and the capabilities of the public health Workforce uh next slide please so U as I discussed the strategies objectives and goals in this plan um You probably noticed several uh crosscutting issues um throughout each of these U and these came from when we were developing this plan these are the in particular issues that we really were focusing on and making sure we're well addressed throughout the plan so as I just discussed Public Health Data Systems you will have heard that throughout the plan uh Health Equity was in significant part of the strategies we developed um artificial intelligence is um you know an emerging technology and so we wanted to make sure that was addressed particularly over the next five years of this plan um we also looked at important things like the increased use of Health it and electronic health information and sort of how that affects things like privacy and security um and what kind of federal government use cases are involved in helping improve those and then finally we really thought about collaboration and coordination U particularly with the federal government uh and other government organizations and as well as the private sector um so next slide please uh so appendix B here looks at how we are going to be measuring communicating progress on the 2024 through 2030 federal health I strategic plan um from the ASP perspective we are going to prioritize these following areas for measuring progress um we will continue looking at the United States core data for interoperability as well as uscdi plus um we will continue to advance certified health it where you will find um advancements in standardized apis for patient and population Services electronic health information export for single patient and or and for the entire patient population as well as decision support intervention information to improve um transparency on how predictive decision support intervention was Dei design developed trained and evaluated should be used uh we've discussed tefa um and how we can create um Nationwide standards and expectations for electronic health information exchange um we ASP will also continue um providing information about um information blocking regulations and making sure that information sharing remains consistent and also we will be working with Federal other federal health it agencies through the um ajs health health it alignment program um next slide please so um very briefly sort of about how we went around developing this plan so this plan is part of the is a requirement under the Public Health Service Act which requires ASP to update the plan um in consultation with other federal agencies about every five years um this plan establishes goals objectives and strategies for the entire federal government so Federal organizations will exate the strategies um according to their own admissions the process we use to develop this is we started by developing a framework um and the meeting with Federal organiz ations and authorities um in oversight or investments in health it and electronic health information and working with them with that initial framework we identified representatives from more than 25 different agencies to help us contribute to help contribute to the development of the individual objectives strategies um and so on with the plan um once we've developed a draft plan um we gathered input through public comment as well as presented the plan at the health information technology advisory committee um once we received that comment uh those comments we applied them to the plan we turned it to our federal Partners to discuss and develop the draft the final plan that you are seeing now today uh next slide please and here are um the federal contributors to our plan without them this plan would not have been possible um each one of them provided significant input um and you will see through as you will see if you read through the plan you can see how um their mission programs and activities are all influenced within this plan uh next slide please and then finally in final appendix um we've included several um references and notes so things that elaborate on a little bit more of definition such as the definition of Health ID users here Health Equity um and what how what we mean when we use these terms are elaborated on within this um part of plan so if you want a little bit more information about certain topics here this is where you can go to find it and the next two slides um the next slide we'll continue this appendix uh and then the other slide is the final slide uh so thank you very much and I believe we are going to open it up for questions now thank you team yes we do have a few minutes uh for questions if you'd like to ask a question simply type it in the Q&A box at the bottom of your screen and we'll get to as many um questions as we can as a reminder um the presentation and recording will be available online in a day or so and um I put the link where you can find the entire uh strategic plan in the chat box as well okay first question I believe is for you Dustin can you talk a little bit more about um what is meant with whole person yes so uh I try to cover this a little bit with some of the strategies um that look at the social determins of Health um but when we mean whole person we don't just mean um looking at their their physical um aspects but also their social and economic aspects as well so thinking about um where they are on that aspect as well as what their role is in the community so we recognize that Health isn't just um solely about what your physical aspects are but it is affected by um a lot of the expressing your environment as well as your culture um and your ideals and so forth so when we consider a whole person we want to make sure that um providers have information all the information they need to um give the best care to their patients thank you dtin and now I have um a question for Seth um it says I am a physician and technology and interoperability is a big challenge for urban underserved and Rural providers especially related to participation in MMI care models based on the ASP principle of innovation and competition and goals to decrease burden eliminate disparities and goal four improve outcomes of the federal health it strategic plan how can Physicians providers from these areas collaborate with ASP and cmmi on innovative ways to use technology to improve clinical outcomes eliminate disparities and lower cost among these populations right thank you for the question um so I'll share just a couple thoughts um and opportunities to engage uh with ASP um uh in the future uh so on the uh disparity side um uh we have had a focus on Health Equity by Design um and that's our work that uh directly supports the broader Department's Health Equity efforts um and that's focused on building Health Equity into the design um build and implementation of Health it policies programs and workflows um and we're actually going to be starting a uh a Health Equity by Design task force under our health it advisory committee uh that provides recommendations to the National coordinator um and um that's going to be launching later this month and all meetings of the health it advisory committee are open to the public and public comment um is encouraged in all of those meetings so you can check out health.gov um if you want to listen in or provide uh feedback uh during those um during those high-tech deliberations um that's an opportunity on the um disparity side um to engage with ASP coming up um on the uh on the burden side um there's a couple of things one um is the health it Playbook um so in this Playbook we um uh publish strategies recommendations and best practices that um are based on research and that have been um gleaned from a variety of kind of clinical settings um and they're intended to you know provide uh support to uh healthc care providers uh who are implementing and using health it um and that includes um looking for ways to uh Implement and use Health it um that reduce burden um on clinicians um and certainly welcome any feedback um on new or Innovative resources that uh could be incorporated into that Health it playbook in the future uh and the last thing um is uh you know the opportunity to provide public comments through the federal um regulations and ruem process um so and that includes um both for ASP as well as CMS um all of our rules are published on regulations.gov um and uh in the unified regulatory agenda um each uh fall and spring um the schedule of federal regulations um that are planned are published um so you can look and see what is coming up from ASP or CMS that might be an opportunity to provide um your feedback um into how those uh regulations and rules are put in place thank you Seth and we have put the link to um the high Tac committee which has all of the meetings listed there in the chat as well okay now we will turn to Peter Caris and um ask about how will we Empower patients individuals to access all of their own information in the healthcare information exchange right now patients can only see a fraction of their data through individual portals like my chart will there be a national portal through which patients can see quote all of their information that exists about them in the hi great thanks Amanda thanks for the question um so access exchange and use of electronic health information is something that ASP along with our federal Partners continue to uh work on um it is constantly evolving um you know interoperability has made uh tremendous strides and access to electronic health information has made tremendous strides but we recognize that there is constantly work to be done um in that space and um part of what we're doing at ASP um is setting content standards uh so you know what's the information um that needs to be captured and and that really is in our United States coord for interoperability um which you can look at as like the basic payload of Health Data um that uh you know we require um uh ehrs to to to store um and a big part of that is you know once you have the kind of the what and the and the content standards is then kind of thinking through all right how do we exchange that and this is an ongoing evolutionary process um so you know this is the what and and what we're trying to cut capture like demographics lab results uh medications allergies immunizations and we continually expand upon this kind of content standard list um and and and what we require through Ru making um and versioning of United States core data for interoperability uh and then in in order to implement um uh you know the access of these content standards and and really that health information exchange we're we're looking at um you know programs like the The Trusted Exchange framework and common agreement which is kind of the what um going back to you know what's the what's the content standard and and and how are we going to transfer and exchange that information um you know that's through a common agreement um kind of a network of networks that um you know we have National networks uh State networks uh local networks that are coming together um that you know want to agree to kind of the same terms and conditions um same policy and Technical infrastructure um to really get to uh how we share those those content standards um which you know trickles down to individuals to to to patients to to Providers um researchers and continuing to to expand the use case with our trust exchange framework and common agreement um and and really leverage what's in the market uh but just really create a network of connected exchanges um that are operating kind of by the same Playbook um the same terms and conditions uh and and you know we've seen a lot of strides we can look at our you know Apple health kit um and and a lot of the the data elements that we see um you know if you open up that app as an example is is coming from our United States core data for interoperability uh and and just continuing to work there and and and make progress and access exchange and use okay great um next next question is for you Seth and it says um awesome goals and objectives thank you um you've talked a little bit about the implementation of um the plan so what is the implementation plan to accomplish these ambitious goals within the next six years a lot of these steps require work by other organizations to ensure it comes together public private federal state local nonprofit how do we make sure that coordination happens uh yeah appreciate the question um so this is a you know a Visionary plan kind of laying out what we hope to accomplish in the future um it recognizes that there's um a lot of action planning um that needs to be taking and is taking place across all the different players um so in particular with our um ourselves and with our federal Partners we have ongoing uh collaboration and coordination with those agencies um and in particular through through the federal health it uh coordinating Council um is a place where we bring together um all of the agencies who help to develop this plan and we talk about different challenges um and ways to um align and coordinate um in advancing the goals of the plan um there's also um the HHS Health it alignment policy um that continues to be implemented uh this is a um a department-wide policy that's looking to Leverage The you know Collective investment power and authorities of HHS in driving um adoption and use of uh HHS adopted standards across um uh across the healthc care system um and uh we recognize that this is kind of an ongoing um uh implementation and that the um both the you know the health landscape and the IT landscape are Dynamic and kind of Ever Changing uh and so one of the other things that we do is put out a um an annual report uh to Congress which is made available publicly and that's kind of our state of the union on how health it and data sharing is progressing in the United States um and that includes barriers the um significant actions that in particular Federal uh agencies have taken and then what recommendations we have both for congress um to continue moving progress forward and then on the uh private sector side there's various opportunities such as this uh public webinar um as I mentioned earlier there's the opportunity for public comment through our um Federal rulemaking process um and there's also the health it advisory committee which I also mention and that's a um an ongoing body that brings in private sector uh leaders and input um into the um policy and program decisions of ASP as an agency um so those are some of the ways that we uh look to continue to um work with uh both our federal partners and get insights um from industry um in how we can uh continue the advancement of the goals that are laid out in this federal health I strategic plan thank you and this is for the team a couple of you may have thoughts on this can the presenters discuss the larger shifts in the current or recent past work streams at the federal health agencies that will likely Cascade down from this plan uh yeah happy to start on that one I'll um just emphasize one of the uh key pieces that we uh emphasized throughout the plan development in in uh rolling out this plan is artificial intelligence um and uh the directive to across federal agencies that came from um uh the Office of Management and budget on establishing Chief AI officers uh within the federal departments um so that is one of the responsibilities that uh Mickey trapathy as our um National coordinator and assistant secretary for technology policy uh also serves as the acting uh Chief uh AI officer um but that is one thing that's happening across the federal government and is uh one of the pieces that we've definitely emphasized uh in this plan and that we would anticipate um you know has a key role or is a significant Trend um that would have um uh influence over the plan's implementation hey thank you and now um for Dustin it was mentioned there was collaboration with federal agencies on developing the Strategic goals but also mentioning prioritizing collaboration with the private sector in the Strategic goals as a start to achieving that did the Strategic task force collaborate with any private sector sectors in constructing some of these goals uh yes we did um not only did we seek out public comment um where we received um nearly 70 comments from the private sector um we also worked with the health it advisory committee um to uh receive comments thank you okay and I think we have just one last T time for one last question um it says thank you this was a good presentation thank you is there a defined or suggested timeline to implement the federal health it strategic plan yeah so we look at our strategic plan from a relevant range um so with this one in particular uh it's a 2024 to 2030 Federal HTH it strategic plan um and you know since we're on the the topic of implementation I I I do want to note that um this isn't necessarily just an asdp plan it's not an HHS plan it's a federal health it strategic plan um so it really takes the uh Collective uh brain power of the federal government um and and you know specifically the agencies who um in some way or some form rely on the access exchange and use of electronic health information for their own missions to be successful um so with that um we tend to keep this as a kind of outcomes-based um broad strategic plan that defines essentially what we want where we want to go why we want it who benefits uh which is the strategic planning component and then um we intentionally leave it tool um and program agnostic specifically for um uh the ability to have Federal organizations align their own work um to the actual plan um and when we get into strategic implementation um we're going to be monitoring uh you know the specific programs and activities across um you know the federal partner landscape report on that through our annual report to Congress on you know where we are um as it relates to um just achieving um you know a constant improved Health iy infrastructure uh and I know we're at time but just to unpack that a little bit further just to to provide a little bit more clarity around that is um you know as an example when we say we want to alleviate provider burden um you know we within goal two you know enhance the delivery and experience of care we we like to say that there multiple ways to the way um so we intentionally want to leave room for creativity um and you know provider burden when it comes to let's just say the the FTC um or I'm sorry the FCC is you know their Telecommunications Act um which is you know specifically centered around um providing um funds and resources to underserved areas to help with you know their health it infrastructure um Broadband connectivity which in turn you know helps uh rural providers uh for you know CMS as an example provider burden is maybe disassociating um documentation in anhr that's required for payment um from an asp perspective that would be you know working on usability and functionality of um Health it so we like to look at multiple ways to the way leave room for creativity um and we'll be assessing this um you know yearly through our reports to Congress on progress that we've made well thank you all we are at time I would like to thank uh the presenters and on behalf of ASP all of those who participated we do hope that you will stay connected with us um via the links that are in the chat and as we implement this Federal strategic plan hope you all have a nice day thank you so much

2024-10-19 00:10

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