2023 06 22 TOC meeting

2023 06 22 TOC meeting

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Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, welcome everybody to the June 20 s Hyper Ledger. Technical Oversight Committee call Tracy Kuhrt: as I believe everybody on the call has been here before you are aware that we have 2 things that we must abide by. Tracy Kuhrt: The first is the antitrust policy that is currently displayed on the screen. And the second is our code of conduct which is linked in the agenda. Tracy Kuhrt: So for announcements today, we have the Hyper Ledger Dev Weekly Developer Newsletter that goes out each Friday. If you do have anything that you want to include in that newsletter. Tracy Kuhrt: please do leave a comment on the Wiki page that is linked in the agenda.

Tracy Kuhrt: I also had a comment in here to have you review the encourage projects to set annual goals. Tracy Kuhrt: I know that there's been a few of us that have reviewed that. Oh, no, I did see your message about not merging this until we march 123 which we will be discussing today. Tracy Kuhrt: so I think, you know, there's still a few folks that need to review the encourage projects to set in home calls, but we did talk about it last week, and I think everybody was Tracy Kuhrt: on board with it. So just to you know, give your thumbs up on a github itself.

Tracy Kuhrt: We've also got a workshop that is coming up on July eleventh. for the hyper ledger areas framework, Javascript. Release. So how you set up Tracy Kuhrt: an agent and issue credentials is the topic there. So if you are interested, please do click on the link there in the agenda for any additional details on on how to attend that workshop. Tracy Kuhrt: Any other announcements that anybody would like to make. Tracy Kuhrt: No okay. So then, the next thing that we have on the agenda are quarterly reports. We did get the cello report to come in this week. I did see a few comments on there or no, I think. I also read your comment on that one this morning. I think that Tracy Kuhrt: they actually did do the release. But yet they in the current Tracy Kuhrt: kind of Tracy Kuhrt: where the last quarter plans they they committed that they were working on it. I was also confused by that. as I read it so I think I convinced myself that it was correct. But we'll see what the the cello folks have to say about that, but I don't think it is out. In fact, I looked at the repo and the change log.

Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): and it does. It says 0 point 9, I think, or something like this. So Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): it doesn't talk about the 1 0. I was like, Okay, I wasn't sure how to figure it out. But well, there it is. Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): So the change log fine, I guess, is not up today. Yeah, okay, so it is confusing. At least we can actually do that. Tracy Kuhrt: Yeah, definitely. I I also read it. I was like, Wait what? You said. You released it. How can you be working on it? so I'm yeah, I definitely have the Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): convinced myself that that was to be 2 versions. In fact, there is 2, 1 0 versions. There is the 1 0 where I guess they froze the code. And then there is the 1 0 G. A. Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): I think that's where it becomes confusing. But

Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): see, prepare for the 1 0. G, a. Ry Jones: yeah. So the this is labeled as pre-release. Ry Jones: The Ga is pre-released from November. And then 1 0.

Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): Okay, so 1 0 is more recent. Okay? So Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): yeah, so the report is needs a bit of fixing. Tracy Kuhrt: Yeah. Yeah. Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): So we'll we'll try to get that to update it. Were there any other comments that anybody had on the cello report that we should talk about.

Tracy Kuhrt: No, okay, So we don't have any past 2 reports. We are expecting to get the base doing the caliper report today? Tracy Kuhrt: so we should be able to Tracy Kuhrt: hopefully have those on the agenda for next week Tracy Kuhrt: the soft one we're still waiting for. some answers to some questions, and I did see some grammar changes as well being reflected there. So I will wait to get that one merged into the repo until we get those answers back Tracy Kuhrt: any questions on the reports. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, so for discussion today, we do have the annual review policy. I did make some changes based on our conversation last week that are listed in the agenda here.

Tracy Kuhrt: I think there's just a few outstanding questions. Tracy Kuhrt: the first is the timeline I did see, and the poll that 7 folks had selected. They they would like it to be within a single quarter. So I did make that change yesterday. Tracy Kuhrt: you can see in the timeline that first sentences the annual reviews will replace the Q. One quarterly report. Tracy Kuhrt: So just wanted to talk about that. Make sure everybody was okay. And if there were any concerns there, because I know that everybody had a chance to vote on the timeline

Tracy Kuhrt: poll that was out there. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, So if there's no concerns there, I think the second open item was Tracy Kuhrt: the number of folks that need to be responsible. so the number of responsible Toc members, Rama, I think you had suggested that we have Tracy Kuhrt: at least 2 people who are responsible. Tracy Kuhrt: so I wanted to see. I couldn't remember last week, if we had come to any sort of decision on whether or not it would make sense to have Tracy Kuhrt: to corroborating opinions.

Tracy Kuhrt: my biggest concern with having 2 people responsible is that if 2 people are responsible, nobody is responsible. And so I want to make sure that we definitely have. You know, at least one person that we can go to to to have Tracy Kuhrt: you know, responsible for the the reviews. But if we do think we need a a backup or a second person to. Tracy Kuhrt: you know. Help gather any sort of information. That's fine. but you wanted to talk about that with the the Tracy Kuhrt: Peter. Peter Somogyvari: We could mark one of them as primary, in the other. One is back up secondary or observer.

Peter Somogyvari: or any other label, in my opinion. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, so you're in favor of 2 and theater. Peter Somogyvari: Yes. But I also agree with what you said this, that if it's not a single person responsible, then no one is responsible. Tracy Kuhrt: Yeah, yeah. Okay. Marcus. Marcus Brandenburger: I also like having 2 people responsible here, and maybe not as a primary and secondary, but more like a good cup and pet. Marcus Brandenburger: I I know just joking. No, I I think it's nice to have 2 people.

Tracy Kuhrt: I I'm just. I'm smiling here with a good cat, that top. I I think that's an interesting an interesting idea. I don't know that. I'm Tracy Kuhrt: I I think I feel like I'm labeled as a a bad cop, anyway. So But I maybe I don't want to be labeled as bad cop. So I let's let's maybe not label ourselves as back cops or to cups, because that that might end up being a a concern for for folks. But I I think it's it's amazing to me I like it, but I don't like it. Tracy Kuhrt: So right. Ry Jones: I guess my question is, what level of staff involvement. Ry Jones: do you want or to say, how much do you want me to get involved? Ry Jones: if at all. is this something? Ry Jones: Should the staff have a role in this, possibly as the bad cop, possibly as a mediator, or just do it as the currently as it's done currently with the quarterly reports. I ask primarily around the sort you know, the turbulence that

Ry Jones: I created around the Saw Tooth report. Tracy Kuhrt: Yeah. So right, I think. as far as staff involvement in the actual reviews. The Tracy Kuhrt: the thing that I think we can take Tracy Kuhrt: and uses is the work that you've done to really gather some analytics around when maintainers have been Tracy Kuhrt: last contributing, or or those sorts of things. So I think that the data gathering is a a thing that you already do, and that we could utilize Tracy Kuhrt: So I guess for me, you know. I would like to continue to have you run those or to to utilize that data. That's, I think, my thought and staff involvement. But Tracy Kuhrt: and obviously the the other pieces that are defined currently in the document which is to to send out the notifications of the information that's due. that the the report is due Tracy Kuhrt: I think, is the the one piece that I have in there And then the timeline, I think, is the second piece that I have staff responsibility for.

Ry Jones: Okay, I'm just quickly for everyone that's not aware, I run this script every day. Ry Jones: and it tracks who does what Ry Jones: you know. I can see, like everything that this Github user has ever done. Ry Jones: in terms of of github involvement. Ry Jones: and then on each repo Ry Jones: I have, I can look and see what has Team O done for the last year, and it gives me the the dates of every activity for the project that the team has done. So those are the stats that I'm collecting.

Tracy Kuhrt: Yeah, any any other things that the the staff would be Tracy Kuhrt: helpful in in providing with these annual reviews. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay? So right now, I have at least 2 people who've given kind of a Tracy Kuhrt: maybe it's 3 people, I guess, that have given the yes, let's have more than one person. that we assigned to these project annual reviews. Tracy Kuhrt: Is there any other thoughts on that? dissenting thoughts? Or. Tracy Kuhrt: if not, I will make that change to reflect kind of Tracy Kuhrt: that primary secondary. Pick up that cup. Whatever we decide, we're going to call it in the annual review when I write it.

Tracy Kuhrt: Okay? so if we have no dissenting, that's what I'll do. I'll make that change to reflect that the last thing that I did with Steven had recommended that we put together a template specifically for answering the questions about the content of the the annual report. So I did do that in the poor request Tracy Kuhrt: put together a template. And so I wanted to just take a look at that template and see if there's anything else that anybody is interested in making sure that we, including that template as we, we go forward. Tracy Kuhrt: so right. I don't know if you would mind bringing up the the template in the pull request. Tracy Kuhrt: So the the items that are listed here used to be in the content section of the the Pr. what I did is, I just moved them to the template itself

Tracy Kuhrt: around the project health Tracy Kuhrt: and including links to the insights page. And and you know, providing Tracy Kuhrt: commentary on what we're seeing in those insight pages, as far as Tracy Kuhrt: you know? Or do we see increasing or consistent contribution, activity? and and moving forward with that that maintain our diversity, which I think is important for us to really understand and dig into and think about Tracy Kuhrt: project adoption. So do we. Do. We know who's adopted the project. Do we understand? If if there's companies that are using the project or not? Tracy Kuhrt: and then goals. So for goals, we have the performance against the prior goals. Tracy Kuhrt: and we also have Tracy Kuhrt: information about like the goals for the next year.

Tracy Kuhrt: so if you wouldn't mind right, just scrolling down in the template any sort of help that is required to meet the upcoming goals. that that can be listed, and then, if the project has any changes that they would recommend for themselves, as far as the the life cycle states that they're in. Tracy Kuhrt: So you know, I wanted to check in with the Tsc. And see if they thought there was any other sorts of things that we should be asking Tracy Kuhrt: of the projects. As we look at the Annual Review instead of the Quarterly Review.

Tracy Kuhrt: Stephen. Stephen Curran: one suggestion might be to try to be Stephen Curran: try to make this a little more factual. So one thing we could do, for example, to the Maintainer Session Stephen Curran: request that they put a link in to the Maintainers Stephen Curran: file from last year, and the one from this year. Stephen Curran: and obviously the first year, you know, maybe we don't get that, but but try to be Stephen Curran: Try to tie it to actual Stephen Curran: like specific information, then add commentary about it. Ask them to add commentary. So link to last year's link to this year's comments about how many you have. Same with the goals, because we want to encourage them to have. We want to encourage all projects, to have goals.

Stephen Curran: a link to the goals from last year like for the goals from this year, and then commentary about it. Stephen Curran: and that would give us that combination of It acts as as well as discussion about the Stephen Curran: also it first people to have a maintainer diversity or sorry, a maintainer's file, and Stephen Curran: and you Stephen Curran: to keep it up Stephen Curran: today. So yeah.

Tracy Kuhrt: okay, hey, Steven, you were breaking up there at the end a bit, but I think I did get it all Tracy Kuhrt: unless it's me that's breaking up. But we'll see if if Marcus Tracy Kuhrt: we'll clarify who is breaking up. Stephen Curran: It's not you. It's me. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, that's fine. We, I think we got it all those, David. Tracy Kuhrt: You're up, Marcus.

Marcus Brandenburger: yeah. One thought I have here. I mean the the term. I I. First of all, I I like this template a lot. I think that's a good starting point. So when I think about the goals, I mean, the term go sounds like a commitment, and I think this is also the int intention here, which is good. but I believe I mean we as a to see. We would also maybe Marcus Brandenburger: acquire some knowledge about other future work items or directions where good a project or the Maintainer might think of. But they don't at this point won't want to commit to those directions as as a goal, because I mean, goal is then maybe evaluated at some point, and then we see, hey? Did they see all the goals? But I mean, if we have, like an optional subsection of goals like future direction, where they can put Marcus Brandenburger: things they would like to explore in the future without giving a strong commitment on certain things. That would be. One thing I I I think, would be interesting as well. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay. Tracy Kuhrt: thanks for that, Marcus. Dave. David Enyeart: yeah, to follow on from what Steven was saying, kind of related to that for the Maintainer diversity. It would also make sense to make sure that the Maintainer's files were up to date, and anybody that needs to be retired is retired. So it's sometimes awkward to go to retire your your colleagues on a project.

David Enyeart: and the annual review is a good force point to to make that happen, and for maybe the Toc lead to be the the bad cop in this case, and to make sure that the Maintainers are all active and everything is healthy there. Tracy Kuhrt: Yeah, I completely agree. Dave, I think it's important that we we do point out Tracy Kuhrt: where we've got issues with the general files that haven't retired Tracy Kuhrt: particular maintainer that Tracy Kuhrt: haven't contributed in the past year or 6 months, or whatever that number is that we we decide is important. So well, I can add some information there about just reminding people that they should be retiring there. Tracy Kuhrt: Maintainer, that I haven't been active Tracy Kuhrt: a room.

Arun S M: so this is in continuation to the goals and the, you know, future scope kind of discussion. Arun S M: I just thought of sharing my opinion. I think it's okay to have a goals, for instance, goals are something that we want to achieve. Like set. Arun S M: I measured a way of saying. Hey, by the end of this year, maybe we want. Arun S M: we want to achieve, let's say a new major release for the project.

Arun S M: And we would like this project to have adoption because of these major capabilities that we want to introduce. Arun S M: And I think it's okay to have diversion from the goals, if at all, project wants to have in between the here, because of maybe changing priorities or due to. Arun S M: let's say the new set of maintenance coming. And then they propose new set of features to work on. Arun S M: and then they decide, hey, yeah, maybe our initial goals are not accurate. Maybe we want to payvert it out.

Arun S M: and we could provide an option in 2 ways. so there can be an Arun S M: Add in them to the calls, or maybe like a amendment to it on Arun S M: as in when, like maintenance decide to do it. Arun S M: or the other option could be. During annual review. the teams member who is responsible. They will be working with the project team, and they will make sure

Arun S M: this is communicated. Well, and Arun S M: I'm sure the project must have had done something in response. I mean Arun S M: in something other than what they have already promised. Arun S M: And then to you you can definitely consider that something heads, as Arun S M: in response to the goals, and then the the amendments, if any, to the goals, can be added later Arun S M: during the review process. Arun S M: or it could be described in the Annual review saying that we started with this, and then during the midpoint, we decided to pay it out like this. And then Arun S M: here we are. At the end of here with these things in

Arun S M: that can be a a good thing to mention in the annual report as well. Tracy Kuhrt: Yeah. Yup, I do have the parenthetical arrogance the performance against prior calls. It says we won't analyze your your goals change for good reasons. maybe I'll clarify that a bit more just to to reflect. a couple of things right like. I think it's also okay. If you don't meet your goals, if you've made some progress towards those goals. Right? Like, maybe you're 75% of the way towards the goal that you set at the beginning of the year. Tracy Kuhrt: that's okay, too. Right? Like you. You were. You were working towards it, and it just didn't happen within the year. or or things like you said changed in some way, and so that one maybe got the prioritized a bit.

Tracy Kuhrt: you know, I I think there's there's definitely Tracy Kuhrt: reasons for goals to change, and we we have to be cognizant of that. But I do also think that it's worth mentioning right? A a bit more in the instructions that Tracy Kuhrt: you know. Let us know what they were. Let us know if you change them. and and that sort of thing, and and just the the commentary. Right? I mean, we're looking for information about what's happening with the project. Tracy Kuhrt: and whether or not they, they seem to be on track in in some way, shape or form. Tracy Kuhrt: So part. Hart Montgomery: Hey? Thanks, Tracy, so I really agree with your last point there. Hart Montgomery: and I think we should probably try to emphasize that. You know projects will not be punished if they're, you know, doing good work, even if they sort of don't meet their goals.

Hart Montgomery: I worry that if we, if if Hart Montgomery: if things even look a little bit punitive like, if if people are sort of afraid to not meet their goals, they might set like overly Hart Montgomery: conservative and goals that are basically, you know, not Hart Montgomery: really what they want to achieve, but what they're sure they can achieve. If that makes sense. Hart Montgomery: you know, and we'd probably like projects to to list what they want to achieve. Not, you know what they're sure they can achieve the next year. Hart Montgomery: so you know, as as you suggested making that language. Hart Montgomery: you know, very non punitive, I I think, is important, because that will give the Ts that will encourage and incentivize projects to give the Tsc the most accurate impression of what they want to do. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, I'll make some some verbage changes there to to reflect that. I think maybe even remembering the word penalties. right like that, replies that we were planning on penalizing somebody for something.

Tracy Kuhrt: So I'll I'll work on just the phrasing there, and and try and really help people understand the importance of the the annual. And what we're looking for right is is really. Tracy Kuhrt: let's see what you're you're looking to accomplish. Let's see what you have accomplished. Tracy Kuhrt: And and you know. I I think it's. I think it's just important for us to be able to understand Tracy Kuhrt: where projects are at. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, any other comments or thoughts to improve this change it.

Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, I will. make the changes that we have discussed then for the annual view and the annual review template to get those changes in place Tracy Kuhrt: and then move this from a draft pr to a Tracy Kuhrt: to a non drop here and then we can review it that way. Tracy Kuhrt: and maybe have a vote on it next week. if if we're ready for that.

Tracy Kuhrt: yeah. So that that's it for the the annual review. Then I think now we're up to the task force discussions. Tracy Kuhrt: So, Bobby, I think it's up to you to take us through the rest of the meeting. Bobbi Muscara: Well, then it's going to be a short one. let me just some of what's going on with the 2 task force. I'll start with the Documentation task force Bobbi Muscara: due to the overwhelming applications to the mentorship program. We have a a great team going into the summer working with us. Our room is on the call right now. She's my mentee. So what we plan on doing is for right now, I'm gonna say, suspend the task force reports to the Toc for the summer.

Bobbi Muscara: so that we can meet our goals, which is, we have 5 areas we're working on. One is the Github, which Tracy, you know how that's going trying to get that 2 prompt approach a good template for new projects, and Bobbi Muscara: the good documents from the github repos that are consistent with the look and feel of hyper ledger. Bobbi Muscara: so those are the 2 things for that. We're working on on getting some templates out there for people with the new look and feel and the new branding to support any kind of creativity. They want to make the that easy for them to just put their knowledge down and not have to worry about the formatting or any of that kind of stuff.

Bobbi Muscara: we're also working closely with the onboarding task force, which? again, is a combined effort. so there are a lot of changes happening with the new website and the new branding, so that Bobbi Muscara: our helping that piece is kind of slowed down until that happens. Bobbi Muscara: but there are other spots where people come into the community like the discord and all those other places, and we're trying to make it Bobbi Muscara: Ben is defined 4. Person. Is that coming to Hyper Ledger. We're trying to make it to those 4 personas wherever they come in can get to where they go where they need to be. And there's user guides and documentation support for them in all of those spots that they come in and then, with the best practices I know that's that task force has had had a documentation piece which

Bobbi Muscara: our subcommittee is looking at their findings, and I know in our last meeting we kind of talked about how that's gonna work into a badging process. So we're on. we want to work with that as well. Bobbi Muscara: Another piece is the mentorship programs all have a documentation piece. So we've sent out some members of our team. what we were. We had a presence at the initial meeting offering our support, and some of our teammates have made associations with some of the lab projects, as well as some of the incubated and graduating projects to offer our documentation support. Bobbi Muscara: and basically what the task force wants to do in the summer is work on those things to get them down, and so we can present them to you. the task force at the end of the summer. But I do think that Bobbi Muscara: The group wants to present what I just summed very quickly to the task force in a week or 2. With more specifics, I mean, that would coincide again with the onboarding. in a week or 2. so that. Bobbi Muscara: let's say. Bobbi Muscara: in 2 weeks the task force will present to the Toc exactly what our goals are for those topics I mentioned, and then we'll be on our way in the summer to work on those. So that's it for the to task force hopefully will be on the agenda in 2 weeks for a a more formal goal setting with no punitive damages if we don't meet them kind of thing.

Tracy Kuhrt: Okay? A. And that that's going to be a specifically in the task force meeting itself if you will right? Bobbi Muscara: the one that happens on Monday. Yes, right, those meetings will still stay every Monday. And we're gonna offer support to. again. We're gonna try to hit every project and every lab that needs document to support, to offer that to see what it looks like. So they have a contact person on the task force in case they get stuck with their documentation. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay? Great. Any questions for Bobby.

Tracy Kuhrt: Alright So next week I am on holiday. I will not be here. A room, I believe, is going to to run the meeting next week. Tracy Kuhrt: so I think the item on the agenda for next week is the Security Task force which we had put off for this week. Tracy Kuhrt: given the meeting with the open Ssl. Tracy Kuhrt: So just want to confirm that the Security task force will be ready to present next week. Arun S M: Right, Tracy, there is openness of me meeting next Wednesday. We'll understand more. for after that meeting

Arun S M: the other agenda item that I could think of was Arun S M: Last week. There were asks in creating the templates for it Arun S M: like the annual goal setting that could be another topic. So Arun S M: to get started with the Pr, and we'll have those discussions with you as a call.

Tracy Kuhrt: Okay? Tracy Kuhrt: Sounds great. Anything else that anybody would like to make sure is on the agenda for us too. Tracy Kuhrt: Alright. So if you do come up with anything, I definitely bring it in the to see chat or ping a room He'll be walking through the agenda next week, and I will see you, I guess, in a couple of weeks. Tracy Kuhrt: and unless there's anything else, we will conclude the call. But is there anything else before we do that? Ry Jones: I'll just say out loud, I said on discord. I've invited all the Toc members to the Ry Jones: private repo, where I keep all the get up statistics. So comments, questions are Ry Jones: oh.

Ry Jones: enjoyed. Now please help Tracy Kuhrt: all right. Great thanks for that. Well. Tracy Kuhrt: alright! So we will talk to you. Well, some of you will talk again next week, and I will definitely talk to you in 2 weeks time. Tracy Kuhrt: so have a great Tracy Kuhrt: a great week.

2023-06-28 18:49

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