2022 Virtual Regional User Conference Esri Technology Update - Part 1

2022 Virtual Regional User Conference Esri Technology Update - Part 1

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Kia ora koutou. Welcome to the Eagle GIS  Technology update. While we wish we were able   to join you all face to face we are nonetheless  very happy to be here talking to you as part of   the 2022 New Zealand Esri User Group RUCs. The  Eagle team have been working to prepare some   cool examples showing just some of the new  and upcoming features of the ArcGIS system   and we want to share these with you today in  two parts, but before we get to the technology   I want to take a moment to take a little time  to talk to you about this community, about you.

You're a community of many thousands of  GIS professionals covering New Zealand   and the South Pacific and which represents  almost every discipline of this region.   You're also part of a wider global community  which represents over 350,000 organisations   and over a million GIS users  spanning every continent on earth.   This is a community which undertakes  incredibly important work, work which I,   my colleagues at Eagle and Esri and also our Esri  partners are very proud to be able to support. All of you whether you know it or not are using  a geographic approach in undertaking this work.   By integrating and combining data from  various sources using GIS and mapping apps   you can see what others can't and unlock  incredibly valuable information, both for   yourselves and for your users. While some of you  in this community are focused on core GIS work,   others are working in the connected  and related areas of mapping,   analytics and software development all  through the connected system of ArcGIS.  

This ArcGIS technology which you use is rapidly  advancing and incorporates leading technology   developments from many related areas, as well as  the latest advances in spatial technology itself.   Including areas such as remote sensing, 3D  visualisation and advanced web applications.   ArcGIS is also designed to be  open and interoperable with other   technologies and systems using industry  standards through well-documented APIs   and by working well with open source libraries. Both globally and in our own region there are  a number of key technology trends that we see   and I wanted to share those with you now. It  would be interesting to see how many of those you   recognise within your own work. The first trend  is connecting with other systems. Organisations   are using ArcGIS in an increasingly connected way  to link applications, data and workflows together,   using distributed services from ArcGIS Portals  this can be done quite easily with immense   benefits to the end users. Another trend is  perhaps an obvious one, but one which has  

revolutionised many technology systems, cloud.  Cloud computing comes in many different forms   software as a service, platform as a service,  private or public clouds, managed service   clouds. All of these are being heavily used to  allow organisations to do more with their GIS. A third trend is around connecting to  new data sources. Many of you are taking   advantage of the ability to connect to and  use many different kinds of spatial data   without the need for complex data transformations.  Whether this be real-time data from sensors,   CAD and BIM data from infrastructure projects,  or 3D data from LiDAR scanners. These data sets  

enrich your workflows and allow you to apply  the geographic approach to related areas. Trend number four is using a variety of  configurable apps. Apps come in almost every shape   and size, from ArcGIS Pro which can perhaps be  considered a super app used by GIS professionals,   to web and mobile apps with focus  specific uses that don't require training.  

All of these are powered by the same geospatial  services and capabilities, much of it itself in   the cloud. Apps are how your users interact with  your own work, your maps, your analysis, your data   and selecting the right app for the job is key to  the success of many projects and implementations. The fifth trend is one that we've been seeing  for many years now, but which continues to grow   and evolve. High quality geospatial data is a key  part of any ArcGIS system and users increasingly   take advantage of data sets and models which  are made available through ArcGIS itself.   Authoritative layers of data, maps, analysis  models, all of which are created, curated,   maintained and served up as web services  to be used alongside your own data   in your own maps and apps. We call  this collection the Living Atlas.  

To tell you more about the work we've been doing  in this area I want to pass over to Boudewijn   and Alice. Hi everyone, ArcGIS Living Atlas  is a catalog of curated ready to use layers,   maps and apps. This content is contributed  by Esri, Eagle and the wider GIS community   and today I'm going to talk about some of  these layers that have received updates   or are newly added. One of the reasons to use  Living Atlas layers is that you know you're  

working with authoritative and curated data. It's  basically a subset of all the data that's publicly   shared on ArcGIS, and your authoritative layers  could be part of it as well. Having the layers   registered in Living Atlas makes them easy to find  and use. And to show you how you can find these   layers and how you can make them your own we'll  go to Alice now. Hi everyone, let's take a look   at how we can customise the layers available  in the Living Atlas to enhance our own maps.  

First let's find my area of interest using one  of the boundary layers in the Living Atlas. I've   set a filter and added a drop shadow effect. All  layers, all boundary layers are updated yearly.   To add a layer from the Living Atlas simply  select Living Atlas from the drop down menu. In this example we'll add the  world elevation image layer. Now that this layer is in my  map, I can start to customise it,   I will set a filter to make sure that only the  New Zealand one metre elevation data is used. I'll set the symbology to use classify and  change the scale to only show low lying   areas. I will also change the colour  ramp to better represent the colours.

Now that I have added this, I can no longer  see the labels in my area of interest   using the blend option we're able to see the  details of the base map without losing the   vibrancy of the elevation layer. Looking back at  the layers tab we can see several other examples   of layers found in Living Atlas. Let's have  a look at ways we can customise these layers.   I have added the New Zealand schools and  ECE layers in, which are updated daily by   the Eagle Technology content team. The symbology  is a little bit too overpowering for my liking,   but I can change this by changing the  symbol size based on the zoom level. Items found in the Living Atlas have  pre-configured pop-ups however these   can be edited to represent the  data better for your needs.

If I want to know where a certain facility  type is I can use the filter to only show   specific use types. I can use the LINZ  building outlines to only show supermarkets. Or I can use the OSM building layers which are  updated every few minutes and can show only based   on certain amenities, such as places of worship>  I'm interested in what buildings are in low-lying   areas but to make sure that the buildings will  visually pop I will change the base map to the   New Zealand dark gray vector. This was one way  to visualise the elevation, but now let's try   blending it with the buildings. For this I put the  elevation and LINZ building layers into a group.  

I use the blending mode Source Atop which draws  the elevation only on top of the buildings. I hope   this demo gave you a better understanding of how  easy it is to use and adapt the content found in   the Living Atlas to enhance your maps. We'd love  to see how you're using the Living Atlas layers.   That was a great demo, thanks Alice. And it just  shows how much is already available and how with   simple changes you can make someone else's layers  work for you. Now let's jump into some of the new   and improved layers and we'll start with imagery.  The NZ Imagery basemap is the most popular basemap   in New Zealand and receives many updates every  year. In the last year we've made a couple of  

improvements, we've added bathymetry to  the base map to make it more appealing,   especially on the smaller scales, and when  your area of interest is near the coast.   Last year, we also introduced a reference  layer that is designed to be overlaid with   the imagery base map and it gives context by  having roads and labels visible on the imagery   and for the south pacific, where there isn't  as much high resolution imagery available,   the world imagery base map is updated  regularly with imagery from Maxar   and apart from the aerial imagery, Living Atlas  also comes with ready to use satellite imagery.   Sentinel and Landsat layers have been available  for a while, these layers hold a collection of   current and historic imagery and they allow you  to select an image from any date available in the   layer, making them great for seeing change over  time. And the layers are multi-spectral allowing   you to use different band combinations and raster  functions to view the earth. The layers come with   preset visualisation to show, for example, NDVI,  moisture index and agriculture. Esri has released   a new Sentinel 2 layer, the level 2a, and this  is a process layer that is analysis ready.  

And Landsat recently launched the satellite  Landsat 9 and these images are available in   Esri's Landsat layer. The specs of the Landsat 9  are similar to the Landsat 8 but the main benefit   is that the revisit time is now half to 8 days.  So we have much more imagery to work with.   We also see that many organisations start using  premium imagery to support their operations.   At Eagle Technology we can provide you with  high resolution aerial imagery from nearmap   and high cadence multi-spectral  satellite imagery from Maxar and Planet.  

And now let's move on to the 3D space with our  elevation layer. As you probably have heard a lot   of LiDAR has already been captured and even  more is coming to us in the next few years,   and this data has many use cases across many  industries and if you are new to using LiDAR   and elevation data have a look at getting  started with LiDAR and elevation story map.   This story map has workflows on how you can  visualise and use elevation data for analysis.   And at Eagle and Esri we use this elevation  data to create some ready to use layers,   all the data is currently available is in our  New Zealand elevation layer. The layer, in NZTM,   allows you to visualise our country in 3D with  much more detail than what's possible before   and here in the video you can see the  difference between the 8 meter derived DEM   and the 1 meter LiDAR elevation and the  difference in visualisation is really   big. Just imagine how much better the outcomes of  your analysis will be using this new LiDAR data,  

and you don't necessarily have to download  the data to get started with visualisations   or analysis. It's also being added to  Esri's dynamic elevation image surface   and this is great as it allows you  to quickly visualise elevation data   in various ways as we saw Alice's demo before or  use it in raster functions to perform analysis.   The new LiDAR can also be used in the  3D base map solution and this solution   allows you to create buildings, bridges, power  lines, underground infrastructure and more.   At Eagle we use the solution to create  a 3D buildings layer for New Zealand   that we hope to release as a beta  layer in Living Atlas later this year. And as I said before, you can also nominate  your organisation's authoritative layers   for Living Atlas. Toitū Te Whenua (LINZ) for  example has added some key layers like roads,  

parcels and addresses to Living Atlas and the Fiji  Bureau of Statistics have worked with us to add   Fiji census data and Taihoro Nukurangi (NIWA) have  contributed bathymetry, flood statistics and river   data and just this year NIWA has added a few more  items and the first is an updated river layer that   is based on the river environment classification  that now has river names attached to it   and this river data is available as a web layer  to directly use in your maps but you can also   download it as a file geodatabase and this data  has network connectivity so you can add it to a   trace network in ArcGIS Pro and that allows you  to do things like upstream and downstream traces   and visualising this in 3D gives you an even  better understanding of how these rivers flow. And since last year Esri has started to add deep  learning packages to Living Atlas and currently   there are over 30 packages available and these  are pre-trained models that you can use to do   many things, like classifying land cover, extract  building footprints and classify point clouds,   and you can use these deep learning packages as  is or train them further to improve the results   and that is exactly what NIWA has  done for detecting solar panels.   They took Esri's deep learning package and  trained it further with Wellington imagery   and the best of it all is they have  re-shared this deep learning package   back to Living Atlas so we can now all use  it and potentially train it even further.  

Related to the topic of deep learning are  the new land cover layers that would have   been added to Living Atlas and the layers have  worldwide coverage and have been created from   different data sets using different deep learning  methodologies and one of the layers is a 10 meter   land cover layer that is derived from sentinel  satellite imagery and this is a time enabled   layer with data from 2017 to 2021 allowing you to  see the change over time like here in Northland. And at Eagle we are working to make the  land cover data set from Manaaki Whenua   available in Living Atlas as a web feature layer  so it allows for analysis and filtering. I hope   this has been useful for you and you've heard  about some layers that can help you in your work   and I know that a lot of you work in organisations  that maintain authoritative data sets   and I know a lot of this data is already shared  and if you would like to add it to the Living   Atlas please reach out to us, we can help you with  contributing this to to Living Atlas so it can   be easily found and used by everybody else. So as  you heard content is an area that is evolving and   we at Eagle, alongside our colleagues Esri, are  working hard to make the best publicly available   data easily accessible for your own work. Another  area that we see and have been putting a lot of   focus on recently is imagery both the availability  and use of imagery is growing significantly.   Imagery source from automatically  from many different amazing sources   imagery used for advanced visualisation imagery  combined with powerful computing to carry out   sophisticated analysis or feature extraction, all  of it being used by you across the ArcGIS system.  

To take you some of these capabilities I  want to pass across to Boudewijn and James.   ArcGIS is a comprehensive and integrated  imagery system you can create maps,   manage and visualise your imagery and run analysis  on it. It allows you to create ortho mosaics or   reality captures like high resolution 3D meshes  and using mosaic data sets and oriented imagery   catalogs you can manage all your imagery and it's  capable of visualising all that imagery as well   and whether they're simple images, multi-spectral  imagery or 3D voxel layers. With all the   geoprocessing tools and raster functions  available you can do advanced raster analytics.  

ArcGIS Pro is your main desktop tool to work with  imagery and whether you're managing your data from   different sources or run advanced analysis like  deep learning. ArcGIS Enterprise allows you to   share your imagery quickly, whether the data is  stored locally or on native cloud storage, it also   allows you to do analysis on large data sets using  geoprocessing services and raster functions. Last   year Esri introduced ArcGIS Image Online giving  you all the capabilities of ArcGIS Enterprise but   as a complete SaS solution.Put simply ArcGIS  Image Online is a new capability for hosting,   streaming and analysing your raster data and the  raster data could be drone or satellite imagery   or perhaps elevation data derived from  LiDAR. What ArcGIS Image Online allows   you to do is that you can share this imagery  as image services meaning that you have access   to the underlying pixel values and for users of  these layers that means that they can use it in   analysis and create their own visualisations  without the need to have a local copy of the data   and to show you how that works we'll go to James.  Thanks Boudewijn, for that great intro. Now to   demonstrate some of these new capabilities I'm  going to jump to ArcGIS Online, there is now a new   upload interface where I can specify what type of  image layer I would like, in this case I'll select   a dynamic image layer, where I want to be able to  perform some analysis on my imagery. I also have  

the option to automatically mosaic my images  removing the need to do this manually in Pro.   Now my images have been uploaded to ArcGIS  Online and ready to be hosted. Here I've   added a new up-to-date drone imagery layer of  an area forest. Since this is a dynamic imagery   layer I can perform imagery analysis using some  of the 160 plus brass functions available to me.   To visualise some of the newly coloured areas  a bit better I'll use a pre-configured raster   function template created by the wider Esri  community, there we go that looks a bit better.   Another benefit to having dynamic imagery hosted  with an ArcGIS Online is that you can upload   imagery services with predefined rendering applied  to them, using raster function templates. Here we  

have an example of an elevation image service  derived from LiDAR. Initially we can apply an   aspect map to the service, next we can render  with contours or different hall shades and more.   All while having only having one layer  and simply rendering it differently   depending on your needs. Finally I'll  take the new hosted newly host imagery  

out to the field with me. Here you can see I have  my most up-to-date drone imagery on my mobile,   my user can now use this to navigate and  verify areas that have been marked as cut over.   All of this with the same set of imagery that our  users in the office can be performing analysis on   just shown in different views. So there you  have a few short examples of utilising ArcGIS   Image for online hosting up-to-date  imagery in a cloud environment   where all members of an organisation  can utilise it for their own needs.  

I'm looking forward to seeing your  own use cases in ways that utilise   imagery within your own organisations. Thanks to  Boudewijn and James for taking us through examples   of how imagery is used across ArcGIS including  some of the new and forthcoming capabilities.   I now want to look quickly at one or more of the  key trends that we see, analysis. Spatial analysis   can sometimes be thought of as an aspect of  GIS which differentiates it from mapping,   this analysis takes many forms and levels of  complexity, but essentially is about using the   growing power of computers combined with advances  in data science to answer key questions ranging   from where is, or how far, to using predictive  analytics to answer more advanced questions like   will X happen if we change Y or  where and when will this event occur.   This analysis is advancing rapidly and  increasingly available across the ArcGIS system.  

We'll see a few different examples of this  analysis in action later on in the technology   update. A particularly interesting area, that  we have already mentioned, is the use of deep   learning models to analyse and extract information  from huge amounts of imagery or LiDAR data.   Two specific examples of the use of New Zealand  enhanced data learning, deep learning models   are the work of NIWA to identify solar panels  from imagery and then the work that Eagle is   doing to create New Zealand-specific tree  extraction tools from LiDAR data using,   LiDAR data sets such as the national elevation  data currently being captured and processed.We  

now want to look at an update of both what's new  and what's coming in the most widely used of the   ArcGIS products, ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS Online has  grown to have over 50 million items with millions   of users and with its rapidly growing capabilities  combined with its ease of use it now forms the   backbone of many organisations GIS in New Zealand,  in the wider South Pacific, and indeed globally   ArcGIS Online received regular updates of new  capabilities with the latest update just a few   weeks ago. ArcGIS Online includes a great number  of highly configurable web applications to allow   you to give the right user experience to your  end users and so to give us an update on the   latest features within ArcGIS Online including the  built-in web applications and map features I want   to pass over to Lauren and Sohillah. Hey everyone,  to kickstart our ArcGIS Online update for you  

today we're going to begin with the map viewer,  as you hopefully know the map viewer is now out   of beta and Esri are continuing to add in new  features as well as port over existing features   from the map viewer classic. So let's get started  with some data exploration and visualisation.   In this map we're looking at population density  centered on Christchurch, in the recent release   of ArcGIS Online the option to copy layer  was brought in, just like you could do in   the map viewer classic, now you can do this by  clicking on the layer menu and choosing duplicate,   from here we can go across to the styles panel  for this copied layer and map a new variable.   As I remove my initial field the map viewer  prompts me to add a new field to start   smart mapping, here I want  to look at the median age.

Immediately smart mapping has applied a style that  it thinks will work with the data in this field,   which in this case is counts and amounts  color, now as you know we can adjust the   style even further and I'm interested in  those above and below the national average.   Here we have a variety of styling options  including color ramps to help emphasise values   above and below this average, as well as work  with and complement the background that we choose.   Now at the end of last year layer effects were  added to the map viewer, these can be applied   to the whole layer or as a feature specific  effect, in this case I'm using drop shadow and   grey feature effect for the median age where it is  above the average that I can then adjust with the   slider to fill in the units below the average in  the city centre and outer areas. Now I could keep   this or I could change it to drop shadow and  transparency, where I can emphasise a certain   regional area in my map. In this case, we'll look  at Canterbury and we can see how it stands out   from the rest, without losing context of the other  regions as they're only slightly transparent.  

Taking the same data set and field we can  easily adapt our visualisation, in this case   I'm still looking at that median age above and  below the national average, we've opted for a   color and size style, here the larger circles  show where the average age is highest and the   largest rings show where is lowest and by using  the Bloom + Gray effect, we can choose between two   pages and adjust the histogram to see patterns  immediately come through on a map of Hamilton.   This is showing where those over and under  the average age dwell. Now these are just   some examples of how the map viewer is great at  letting us dynamically preview patterns before   saving them to our map and this was something  that you couldn't do in the map viewer classic.   Another quick update to the map viewer I  want to highlight is around sketch layers. Here we have a map of cycle trails in the Hawke's  Bay. New to sketch layers is the ability to snap   to a feature layer. Now if I just go ahead and  zoom into marine parade and Napier, I know that  

there are a series of bike hire locations along  the strip that I want to add to my sketch layer,   clicking on the layer I can enable  snapping and choose my trail layer. I can then choose from a wide variety of  sketch stamps and symbols to find say a bike   and adjust the size for this as  needed before adding it to my layer. Now I can simply add these bike hire vendors  to the trails by snapping to the line feature. Multi-dimensional raster data is often used in the  scientific community to display oceanographic and   meteorological data, so that's things  like temperature humidity wind speed   or currents and their direction. Here I have  some multi-dimensional raster data from NIWA,  

this is forecasting weather variables such  as wind speed and direction over New Zealand.   Now this data was derived from the global unified  model, a global weather model that NIWA and other   scientists across the world have developed  capturing 10 kilometer resolution for up to   six consecutive days. This was provided in a Net  CDF format from which we were able to upload to   ArcGIS Online using the in-built hosted imagery  capabilities to generate a hosted imagery tile   service with the source type of vector magnitude  and direction. Now there are multiple ways that   we can render this data, the most traditional  is the raster stretch renderer where we can see   magnitude, now in this case the wind is moving  faster up the west coast areas and slower across   the land mass into the far east but this doesn't  tell us direction, so we'll flick to victor,   sure we can see direction now but it's still a bit  underwhelming. But in the recent release of ArcGIS   Online we now have a new rendering style Flow, so  we can immediately get hit with a more impressive   and visual representation of the wind direction  and speed using animated streamlines. We can  

change the speed, we can change the density of the  streamlines and how long they are, as well as use   colour ramps to accentuate areas with stronger  wind speeds across and around New Zealand. We can also integrate effects like  Bloom to make the stand out even more.   Flow can also be used with other map  viewing styling tools like blending,   blend modes give us far greater control over what  shows through and how colors and textures appear   between layers in our map. Now in this case we  have two layers, we have the global ocean currents  

and sea water temperature from the Esri Living  Atlas. By choosing the source and option on our   temperature layer we can blend these together to  pull the temperature symbology into our currents. Now our map also includes time information, which  I can control by accessing the time slider options   that are now accessible from the options menu  or from the map properties like I've shown here.

Now finally, flow lines are not the  only visualisation option we have   under this new style, we can also opt to use  the wavefront option. In this case bringing   to life this global forecast data for total  waves wind waves and swell from tidetech.org.   So I hope you can go away and start getting stuck  into some of these styling options in ArcGIS   Online, but that's not all that we can do with  the map viewer. Now I'm going to hand it across to   Sohillah who's going to tell us a bit about Arcade  and some of the updates to the ArcGIS Online apps.  

Right, now that we have seen all the cool ways we  can symbolise and represent features on the map   viewer let's take a look at how we can showcase  attributes associated with these features. With   the new updates we are now now able to perform  Arcade expressions for point layer clusters.   For this demo we will be looking at data from  iNaturalist for bird observations across New   Zealand. We want to enable clustering so we  can see the trend in the data more clearly. In   the pop-up section we can now add our own Arcade  expressions to summarise our cluster. We are going  

to add an Arcade expression to show us the number  of data points of a cluster, as well as the list,   of each species observed with the location of each  observation. With the larger clusters we don't   want to see a larger list of each observation  so we will add a condition to the expression   to display larger clusters with only the species  and the number of observations for each species. For a better user experience, we can display  our map in a web app. Web app options are easily   accessible through the map viewer under the create  app icon. There are many apps we can use for   different views of our data such as dashboards,  for a bold look at our data, or ArcGIS Hubs,   an easy to configure platform for building sites,  as well as story maps, for presenting your maps in   a more meaningful format. You will see that  story maps have been updated to offer more  

options for sharing and organising your themes in  the theme builder, while also giving you more text   alignment options for more personalisation. We can  also create our own quick apps and instant apps.   Instant apps offer a range of map templates  that are easy to work with and quick to set up.   There are multiple new and updated instant apps  templates, but today but today to continue with   our theme we're going to look at database  charts. So to create an app you simply pick   a template and click choose where you are then  asked for a name and other details for your app.   For our demo we will look at one we have created  previously using the chart viewer template.   Chart viewer allows the user to display  multiple data charts with your map,   so you can see your data in a spatial sense while  also being able to explore the data in more depth   by displaying important relationships side by  side. These charts can be turned on and off from  

the side panel and we can change the display size  to focus on either the map or charts. You can add   all these charts you want viewed in your app by  turning them on and off from the charts section   and choose how you want to display them in  correlation to the map. Exhibit is another new   template which allows the user to showcase their  map from different views using bookmarks. You can  

import bookmarks from your map or add a new slide  by clicking the new slide button. Here we can edit   your slide by adding pop-ups, changing the base  map, or adding notes. You are given the option   to either flick through or play your slides. For  this demo, we will play through in the side panel   you will find transition options allowing you  to customise the look and feel of your slides. I hope you guys are just as excited  about these updates as we are,   with all these new capabilities in ArcGIS Online  we would like to invite you to also test them out.  

Thanks to Lauren and Sohillah for that. I  know that the ArcGIS online updates are one   of the highlights of the year for me where  new functionality automatically appears for   you to make use of and there is an early adopter  option where you can apply to get early access   to new features before they appear. Which  is great for testing and familiarisation.   Continuing with a focus on web applications,  there are a number of approaches you can take   to creating web applications for your users.  Beyond those we just saw in the ArcGIS Online and   which are also available in ArcGIS Enterprise,  you can use some of the ArcGIS App Builders to   create web and native applications, either with  minimal coding or without any coding at all.  

If you do choose to go down the coding path  these applications, then this opens up even   more possibilities for your apps and ArcGIS  has a very comprehensive set of developer tools   to assist you including fully documented APIs  and SDKs. To take a look at the latest updates   for developers, as well as look at our most  widely used app builder, Experience Builder,   I'm going to pass over to Josh. As Esri users, you  have access to a broad range of tools for creating   powerful and targeted web tools, ranging from  apps you can create instantly with just two   or three clicks to powerful developer SDKs  and APIs limited only by your imagination.   Bridging the gap between Esri's web apps and  custom development is ArcGIS Experience Builder.  

Experience Builder is Esri's powerful next  generation drag and drop web application builder.   Using Experience Builder you can  create map-centric and non-map-centric   2D and 3D responsive and multi-page applications  without the need for a single line of code.   Let's take a look at how we can use  Experience Builder to create an app for   exploring huts and campsites throughout  New Zealand. The first step to building   experience is selecting a template, as you can  see here there's a wide range of templates,   many of which have been added over the past year,  if you want you can just start with a bank canvas   or one of the Web AppBuilder templates you might  already be familiar with. We're going to use   one of the multi-page website  templates the Bookings template. Once we've selected a template, we can change the  layout, the look and the feel of our experience.  

At any point during the process we can test what  our app will look like, to an end user, by using   the live view button. We can also preview our  app in desktop, tablet and mobile screen sizes.   We've got two pages set up in our bookings  website, this home page lists all huts and   campsites and the details page shows us  information on a specific hub or campsite.   Using message actions we can make our home page  set the campsite active on the details page.   Now when we click on one of the cards in the  home page, the map in our details page will   zoom to the selected location. Experience Builder  is built using elements called widgets, we've got   lots of widgets available to us to help build  out our experience including maps, map tools,   lists, charts and the option to embed a Survey123  form or another web page for access to additional   functionality. Let's add in the new directions  widget, to allow users to find directions to a   particular camping spot. All we need to do to  link it to our map is to select the map here  

and then users can use this widget to  navigate to the place they're interested in.   We could continue to add content to our pages  and pages to our experience to turn it into a   fully fledged information website, perhaps  adding in a 3D viewer for exploring trails,   including the new draw widget and profile  widget, so users can plan their trips. We'd   encourage you to try out Experience Builder maybe  replacing your classic StoryMap series or old Web   AppBuilder applications with a performant  responsive Experience Builder equivalent. Sometimes you'll want to do more than what's  possible with Esri's out of the box applications,   whether it's creating a complex full stack web  application, or just a very simple map embedded in   your website, that's where the ArcGIS Platform as  a Service comes in simply put through the ArcGIS   platform as a service Esri is making available  the individual building blocks that make up our   Software as a Service or SaS offerings.  The ArcGIS PaS does this in three key ways,   firstly through an excellent developer experience,  this includes interactive developer documentation   pages, including everything from the basics of  GIS to advanced usage examples and demos with over   a hundred tutorials on how to use Esri services  with the ArcGIS API. In addition to documentation,   we also now have tools to help you use our  services with popular web mapping libraries   including leaflet, open layers and Map Libre GL JS  and finally we've made our calcite design language   and web components available to help speed  up the development of your application UIs.

Secondly location services, these are services you  will already be using but made available to use   in an easier and standalone way. These services  include access to our expertly despite style base   maps and the ability to customise these designs  to meet your needs, data hosting - the ability to   host your data online, cache it offline, edit and  analyse and view it in your custom applications,   data visualisation - sophisticated 2D and  3D data visualisation capabilities, access   to premium data - both New Zealand specific and  global information and powerful and sophisticated   abilities like spatial analytics, image  analysis, real-time mapping and IOT integration. And finally, we have an additional,  consumption-based business model. You can   pay for access to ArcGIS services based on your  consumption, in addition to named users. You have  

the option of being billed based on the number of  tiles or the number of routes your users request,   with prices competitive with other providers  and generous free tiers to get you started.   This new business model uses authentication  based on industry standard API keys,   simplifying the deployment of services  and giving you detailed information   on their usage. But how is all of this relevant  to you? Well the ArcGIS Platform as a Service   extends Esri development options to cater  for non-GIS developers, these are devs who   aren't necessarily GIS savvy and who maybe  aren't deploying map centric applications.  

The platform will enable you to work with  your development teams to make your geospatial   information available as part of larger websites  and applications. The new documentation provides a   great introduction enabling your devs to become  familiar with the GIS concepts you're already   familiar with and the new tools will enable your  development teams to integrate your geospatial   information into their applications using the  tools and libraries they already know and love. Well talking of custom development and Experience  Builder, I'd like to give you an update on our own   Eagle developed mapping solution, LocalMaps.For  those of you who don't know me, I'm one of the   LocalMaps developers with the next major release  of local maps we've been leveraging the new   calcite UI library components and design language  to build a re-skinned gallery with a look and feel   just like your other Esri applications. We'll also  be customising Experience Builder to create the  

new viewer, leveraging Esri's work, on  recreating the old Web AppBuilder widgets.   But first an update on the currently available  version of LocalMaps. LocalMaps version 2.3.2   was released in January, in this release we  focused on quality fixes and improvements,   performance and reliability, we've also updated  several of the core libraries used in LocalMaps,   including updating Web AppBuilder  to the latest version, so you have   access to the latest security patches and  can make the most of Esri's enhancements.  

This is available for all customers now, so  get in contact with the Eagle team to get   on this version. But here's a quick overview  of the road map for the short and long term.   First off as we mentioned we've already  made available the 2.3.2 quality release,   we've now begun work on the next  major version of LocalMaps, version 3.   First we'll make available the new calcite-based  gallery, this will be due for release in the next   few months so keep an eye on our community GeoNet  page for updates, following this in the later half   of the year and into next year we'll be focusing  on rolling out the highly anticipated 3.x viewer.   This will leverage Experience Builder and the  ArcGIS 4.x API and all of the functionality   and performance that comes with them. Building  off this we'll be looking at containerising the  

core functionality of the LocalMaps back end and  offering this in both SaS and on-prem deployments.   It's an exciting time in the LocalMaps roadmap.  With this approach we'll be providing you a more   modular solution, with tighter integration  into the ArcGIS system and more options for   using LocalMaps technology across your GIS  applications. We look forward to sharing  

our progress with you as things progress.  Thanks Josh. This takes us to the end of the   first part of the technology update, please  join us again after the break for part two.

2022-04-21 17:36

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