2021 Elantra Live Global Reveal | Hyundai

2021 Elantra Live Global Reveal | Hyundai

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The. Introducing, Hyundai Motor Company's, global, chief operating, officer, and the president, and CEO of, Hyundai Motor America. Jose. Munoz. A. Warm. Welcome and, hello, to viewers. Around the world, our. Global reveal, is streaming, live from West, Hollywood California. Before. We get underway our heartfelt. Concern goes. Out to, all those affected by, the corona virus, Hyundai. Motor America is, responding, to the financial and, financial. Uncertainty, our customers, face in today's environment by. Reinstating, the, Hyundai Assurance job, loss protection program. We. Have long, advocated on, behalf of our customers, and, want them to know we have their backs if, their employment, status is affected. Bring. Him back the job loss protection program, in these difficult, times gives. Our customers one. Less thing to worry about, details. Are available online. We. Wish everyone, around, the world good health a speedy, recovery to. Anyone affected and a, rapid, end to, the situation. With. Hope that many of you could be with us in person for this event but. The, show must go on and we're, glad you, tuned in to watch we. Are streaming, in multiple, languages this evening so, to, those of you watching in their countries, good. Day, Nihao. Buenas, noches and yo Hassan yo welcome, all. The. Experience, you're about to have is very different, from, what we can typically deliver at an Auto Show we're. Breaking, new ground in our presentation. Tonight to, celebrate the. Global, launch of a groundbreaking, new model, one. That raises the bar in its segment and exemplifies. What, we aspire to as a company. Our. Brand vision, is to achieve progress. For Humanity, by, connecting, people with quality time so, they can break away from their, everyday routines, and focus. On what really matters, to them. We. Do that by, being a trusted companion, who, works tirelessly, to. Improve and, personalize. The driving experience we. Pursue, innovative, designs, to maximize, personal. Expression, and deliver. Individualized. Services, that heighten, the, customer, experience. We. Create business, models that offer people and limited, mobility and, complete. Connectivity. While, lowering, emissions and, seeking, and compromise. Sustainability. Our. Commitment, to these enduring, principles has. Helped us become a global. Leader in mobility. Electrification. And, advanced. Technologies. For mass markets. Today. Our eco-friendly, lineup. Includes, the ionic family with, hybrid, plug-in. Hybrid and electric variants. It. Also includes, the world's only fuel. Cell SUV. Nexo. The. All-electric, corner. Subcompact, SUV the. New Sonata, Hybrid sedans and more. We've. Committed, to launch an unprecedented, number of eco-friendly vehicles, by the year 2025. Today's. Announcement makes. Yet another contribution. To, that a lot, of new products. To. Reach our long-term goals in emissions, electrification, and, advanced technologies, we, continue, to make massive, investments, in R&D and, key, partnerships, with. Remac to. Further, our development. Of high-performance. Electrified, vehicles. With. Partners, with Canoe to. Develop, electric, passenger, vehicles, for the a and B segments, based on the unique small, scale platform and, with. Active to, help us advance the design development. And commercialization, of level, four and five autonomous, technologies. Last. Year we, launched motion. Lab to, provide mobility services, in metropolitan. Areas, starting. With our pilot, car, service. Right. Here in. Traffic, challenge Los Angeles, and. We, recently share, our next fuel, cell vehicles, with, the US Department, of Energy, to further, their, research on hydrogen, technology. In. Parallel with, these efforts we continue to improve the efficiency of, our internal, combustion, engines, with the new Sonata, and the. Model we, are about to reveal. The. All-new. Elantra. First. Introduced, in 1990. The, Elantra, nor in Korea as the Avanti, is a critical. Model in our u.s. lineup. And a. Key driver of Hyundai's, global, success in, the, US alone we've. Sold 3.4. Million Elantras. Since. Its introduction, and, worldwide. The number is quadruple, that in. 2012, the fifth-generation, Elantra. Was, a claimed North, American, car of the year and receive. Multiple. International. Awards. It. Has continued, to win awards in, the years since. One. Reason for Elantras enduring, popularity through, the years is that we continue to improve its styling, powertrain.

And Customer. Oriented features, in. A segment with, fierce competition we've, made many recent, improvements. To advanced elantris, market, position, and maintain its status as a potent weapon in our product, arsenal and today. We. Bring you an all-new. Model redesigned. From, the ground up. For. Model year 2021, we are taking, Elantra, to a whole new level to. Appeal to a new generation of customers, we. Are daring, with, cutting-edge design and advanced, technologies, and we, are returning, Elantra. To, its sporty. Roots for. All the junk disruptors. Who, are ready to challenge the status quo. We. Are supremely, confident, that, the all-new, Elantra, will, hit its, mark, watch. Ladies. And gentlemen, introducing, the all-new. 2021. Hyundai. Elantra. Introducing. The senior designer, of Hyundai design North America. Davis, Lee. Wow. That. Was, cool. Do. You feel the passion we have for the new Elantra, I sure. Do. Hello. Everyone, and thank. You for joining our livestream. Ever. Since we were first inspired, by the initial, concept, for the new Elantra. We. On the design team have eagerly, awaited. This global reveal moment. Now. Let's, go back to the past for a second in. 1990. Exactly. 30 years ago the. First Elantra. Made its world debut full. Of passion, and aspiration. It. Seemed, that nothing. Could dentists confidence, even. If that something was. A portion. As. Hyundai's, first. Sports. Sedan. Elantra. Has been loved around, the world. Compact. Yes. But. More charismatic than, anything. Today. I cannot. Hide my excitement, to, introduce, the second, model infused. With Hyundai's, new design identity. Sensuous. Sportiness. Which. Maximizes. Emotional. Value, to customers, and, harmonizes. With innovative. Engineering, solutions. Elantra. Is a perfect, combination of four design elements. Proportion. Architecture. Styling. And, technology. Some. Might think that a launch was vivid, lively. Character has, faded over the years well. Our. 2021. Redesigned. Brings, Elantra. Back, to its roots as a, statement, of ambition. We're. Returning Elantra, to, its origin, as a sporty. Dynamic. Fun. To drive car and we're. Giving it the most progressive in vehicle. Experience, in its class. The. Seventh, generation Elantra. Is a six that, never forgets its beginning. And spirit. We. Proudly, say its design, will, rock the boat in the, compact, sedan, market.

To. Do so we've, based our new model, on an all-new. Third, generation. Platform. The. New platform, dramatically. Changes, Elantras. Proportions. Its. Shape is wider. Longer. And lower. Than ever. It. Has what we call a, sporty. Four-door coupe look with, the sleek fastback, roofline and, a, forward leaning wet stance it is. More, emotionally. Expressive and more. Exciting, to drive, so. What. Makes a new Elantra, so special. What. Makes it stand out of the crowd, first. It dares, to break the established, rules. Triangles. Are seldom used in car design they're, taboo, and most designers, try to avoid them, but. Our sixth, generation launched, our facelift, in, 2019. Helped, us transition, to the ultimate, example of. Triangular. Design that, you see before you now the. Second, thing that makes a launcher special, is that it, is a perfect, expression, of digital. Design technology. We. Use cutting-edge, engineering and, molding, techniques, rather, than conventional. Drawings, or sketches. This. Is the integration, of design, and engineering, solutions. That we strongly, emphasize, all, the time, our. Goal was to give elantra more, character, and emotional. Appeal, and we, did that with a strategy called, parametric. Dynamics. We. Use parametric, shapes, and textures, to give it an edgy. Aggressive. Look and we. Cascaded, those shapes throughout, the entire car. You. First notice them on the front end in the, parametric, jewel pattern, grille. Also. We created, an integrated. Architecture with. The LED, headlamps, and harmonizes. Shades of the air curtain, and lower, fascia to, create a strong, graphic. The. Funnin feels very, charismatic. And futuristic. Edgier. And more. Aggressive. From. The side the, long hood and for, leaning, profile, create, a feeling of tension and define. Elantra as a car, with attitude. A bold. Edge runs from the front of the car to, the rear and well, refined, crystal, shapes cascade. Throughout even. Into the wheels reflecting. Lights we. Accented, the parametric. Surfaces, with three sharp, lines that meet, this. Staring, figure. Usually. Avoided in car design is, a, mark, of Elantras. Disrupter. Spirit. We. Kept the angular, theme going, in the rear of the car, extending. One, horizontal, line across the, centre of the trunk to, the edges, and we. Used hi-tech. Taillights, to form a flying H logo, shape. To. Enhance the fastback, coupe look we, gave the rear glass a black, deck accent, and added. A wing type lower, bumper treatment. The. Wide proportions. That define, the, outside, of the car, continued. On the inside. We. Connected, low and wide structures, from the door to the center console to, create an immersive cocoon. That, surrounds, the driver like, an aircraft cockpit. The. Immersive interface. Consists. Of two white displays. Harmoniously. Connected, under single elegant. Piece of glass. The. Angled touchscreen, is easy for the driver to see and control. The. Interior, gives a driver access, to the latest technology and, the, confidence, to use it. We. Finish the driver or into layout with a high console, and framed. It on the right with the unique, passenger. Cornering, grip, we. Gave the interior, slim. High-tech, vents and, customizable. 64. Color move lighting to enhance the futuristic. Feeling, of the, car. Now. Before, I finish I like, to share my story. I've. Worked here in America, for about eight, years and I. Actually quite, enjoy, sitting, in my car driving. On the highway for. Hours. Seriously. Maybe. It's because I, can see at a glance. Hundreds. Thousands. Of cars all. With, different looks in a, huge space. As. A young and passionate designer, I, always. Think in, this, very crowded. And highly. Competitive market, I want. Something new. Outstanding. And, destructive. Of the, status, quo. Ladies. And gentlemen I dare. To say it was, very rewarding for us to be part of writing new. History, in Haeundae. You. Can look forward to our continued, progress meeting. New challenges. As a first, mover, in the, market, thank. You. Introducing. The Hyundai's, manager, connected, car CJ. Eckman. When. Your goal is to make a groundbreaking, new model, for a whole new generation my. Generation you. Need to listen carefully to. Your customers, and understand. Who, we are. Compact. Car buyers like, us expect. A lot from our vehicles, we, expect, great, design. Comfort. And convenience. Seamless. Connectivity. Protection. From driving hazards, that's. A tall order from, any manufacturer. But. Hyundai's, all-new, Elantra, delivers, in every, respect, it's, loaded, with advanced. Technology, that creates an unparalleled. Driving. And ownership, experience, for, our customers. The. Technology, story starts, with the powertrain a fuel-efficient. 2-liter a concern cycle engine made, it to Hyundai's intelligent, variable transmission. It's. A competitive performer. Projected. To have best-in-class. Mpg. Saving. Money at the pump of course. A launcher, customers aren't motivated by, ownership costs alone we.

Want A car that gives us an escape from, the daily stress of long commutes heavy. Traffic road. Hazards and distractions. We. Want a car that puts us in control and we. Want a car that appeals, to our senses, one, that fits our taste and lifestyle, with, a progressive. Exciting. Identity, the. Global launch film for the new Elantra, captures, the harmony between the needs of these unique customers, and the car Hyundai, has created to serve them let's. Take a look. How. Do you dare. You. Chip away at what's been built. Because. You can do better. How. Do you dare you. Chase away wrongs, to. Make room for what's, right. You. How, do you dare you. Stand while they sit, and. Scream, when they are silent. You. Combine your strengths. To. Reject their weakness. You, step, up. Stand. Out. And shape, a new point of view. How do you dare. The, answer, is you, this. Is how. You dare. Introducing. The all-new Elantra. The. 2021. Elantra, is the perfect, vehicle for my generation it's. A dynamic disruptor. Of the compact, car status quo it's. Efficient, affordable. And, equipped. Technology, that delivers the, most progressive in-car. Experience, in its class, take. A look at what's inside the. Futuristic. High-tech cabin. Is a refuge, from the outside and the. Wider lower. Platform and stronger, powertrain, make, it handle and perform, better for, a smoother, Drive. The. Elantra cockpit, immerses. You in the road for an engaging driving, experience, and the. New architecture provides some of the best mvh performance, in the segment. Even. With the fastback, coupe roofline, the, new Elantra, is one of the roomiest players in the segment its. Overall legroom, even, beats the BMW, 5-series and the, audi a6 of, course. Today's, customer, car customers, expect, to stay connected wherever, we go and the seventh generation Elantra. Does that better than any sedan in the market its. Connectivity, and convenience, features include, Bose premium sound and. Hyundai's. Exciting. New 10 and a quarter inch infotainment, system, has all the bells and whistles for media rich stress, tips across, town or across the country to. Make staying connected in route easier, than ever the 2021, Elantra, has compact, segment first wireless, Android, auto and apple, carplay on its display audio system, that's, right, Wireless. No. More cords cluttering the console, and getting tangled with the controls. Wireless. Pairing automatically. Connects your Android or Apple smartphone, so you can keep your phone in your pocket backpack. Or purse or. Drop. It in a Qi wireless charger. Staying. Connected to the outside world while you drive or ride has never been easier, and a, launcher customers have another segment first innovation at their fingertips, Hyundai, digital, key digital. Key is an app that turns a smartphone into, a smart key it. Uses near-field communication. To detect an authorized user so. They can operate their car without a physical, key present. They. Can lock unlock. Activate. The panic alert and start. The engine from up to 90, feet away and. Because. Each person's preferences, are stored in the car radio. Presets sound. Settings, and C position adjust, automatically. Best. Of all up, to four authorised users can use the key making, it perfect, for busy families and, seamless car sharing, to. Keep customers connected, to the world inside, their new Elantra, we've developed an enhanced, natural, language voice recognition system, that, controls more car features better, than ever, the. Smart platform uses, speech to meeting technology, for unprecedented speed, and accuracy, it. Can understand context, like locations, to support a wide range of requests, you. Can control the car's comfort, and convenience features, by pushing the dedicated, button on the steering wheel and giving, a command. Turn. On the, passenger, seat warmer. Rear. Defroster. On. Move. Air to, windshield, and feet. The. System can also handle other requests.

What's. The temperature in st. Louis. Where. Is, I, on national park. Instead. Of being distracted, with cellphone buttons and screens drivers. Get disturbance, free navigation guidance which, lowers, their stress of traveling, from point A to point B. Elantras. Rich digital, features improved, the daily lives of a whole new generation, putting. Us in complete control when, we drive of. Course. Nowhere. Is our desire to be in control while driving more important, than with safety. Compact. Car customers, just, like luxury, brand customers, don't want to compromise even if. It costs more we want a car that can reduce the anxiety of our hyper-connected, lives and mitigate. Road hazards, and distractions. That lead to accidents. We. Want to keep ourselves our. Loved ones, passengers. Pedestrians. And other. Roadway, users out of harm's way that's. Why, Hyundai expanded, its smart sent safety technologies, on the new Elantra. The. Elantra may be compact, but it casts a wide shadow in its segment through customer, oriented technology, and features, like these, Hyundai. Is daring, in its design and execution to raise the bar for all manufacturers. And give customers a better driving. And ownership. Experience. Now. For. Customers, who want an even, more efficient, and eco-friendly, alternative. I'm, excited, to tell you that we have the perfect solution and here. Is Albert Biermann to tell you about it. Good. Evening I'm pleased, to greet you at the global, reveal of our daring, exciting, new Elantra, earlier. You heard about yonder, motor group's commitment, to, develop, and produce eco-friendly. Vehicles, we. Have long championed, fuel-efficient. Low emission internal, combustion, engines in the compact car segment a responsible. Strategy, for society, and the, good of the planet. But. We have also gone to great lengths, in research, and development to, advanced alternative drive, systems, that, take this concept, further and have, helped, raise the bar for all manufacturers. In our industry. Recent. Examples include our, eco-friendly, ionic. Family, which. We have significantly. Updated. Ionic. Is built on a platform that, accommodates, three different, powertrains hybrid. Plug-in. Hybrid and battery. Electric, and with, each we continue, to advance. Beyond. Ionic, we have introduced, the first hydrogen powered, SUV in the mass market Nexo. Which, delivers, an estimated, range of 380. Miles we. Added the kona the, world's first all-electric. Subcompact, SUV, and the 2019. North, american, utility. Vehicle, of the year with, an epa-estimated range.

Of, 258. Miles and we recently started, production of our new Sonata Hybrid to. Add to Hyundai's, eco line up the. New Sonata Hybrid boasts, the highest highway. Fuel economy of mid-sized, sedans. Today. We have the most technology. Girl is sophisticated and. Environmentally. Friendly line, up in the mass automobile. Market and aggressive. Plans to further our leadership, in the years ahead our. Full spectrum of eco-friendly, vehicles. Is being designed to, meet mobility, needs for the widest, possible range of customers, in markets, around the world of course. Geography. Infrastructure. Government policies, and customer. Preferences, all play, significant, roles in the electrification, of, our lineup worldwide. What. Customers, want in the dense metropolitan. Space of Seoul might, be different, from what customers, want in, the wide-open spaces of the American. Southwest. So. Today in addition. To our fuel-efficient. Internal, combustion, engine version we, are pleased to introduce another. Exciting. Model, with, all the challenging. Nonconformist. Spirit, of its sibling, the, first-ever, Elantra. Hybrid. Ladies. And gentlemen, introducing the. All-new, 2021. Elantra. Hybrid. As. You, can tell the hybrid Elantra, is every, bit as bold, and innovative as, a gasoline, version and it, delivers exceptional fuel. Economy, estimated. To be over 50 miles per gallon without, sacrificing. Any of Elantras. Refined, interior, and futuristic, exterior. Was. Its progressive, in-car experience, and exciting, performance, it, has a sporty, image and the fun to drive character, that compact, segment customers want, regardless of, powertrain. The, hybrid. Elantra, features a 1.6, liter GDI atkinson. Cycle 4-cylinder. Engine coupled, with a permanent magnet electric, motor powered. By lithium I am polymer, battery, located. Under the rear seats, together. The motor and engine deliver plenty of power and torque for, spirited, performance, the. High efficiency electric, motor has a pure, electric driving mode that, delivers instant, torque at lower speed and power, assisted, acceleration. At higher speeds, the. Hybrid engine mates, with Yonder is 6 speed double clutch transmission for. Fast shifting, and smooth. Acceleration. The. Result is a more dynamic engaging. Driving, experience, which, gives the Elantra, the clear advantage over, the key competitors, in the compact, sedan segment. One. Other advantage worth. Noting, this, beautifully. Redesigned. Body was its longer, lower. Wider, stance has an impressive coefficient. Of drag an important. Factor when designing, for high fuel economy. The. Hybrid also sports a fully independent, multi-link. Rear axle, suspension setup. For, improved ride, and handling. Both. The hybrid and the internal. Combustion, Alondra are built, on yunda is third generation compact. Size k platform, the. New platform, has many advantages it, is, stronger, and able, to absorb and disperse collision, force more effectively, it's. Lower center of gravity increases. Driving, stability and, builds. Driver confidence. And the. New structure improves steering, and suspension, responsiveness. Yond. I tested the ride and handling and durability of the Elantra, and we, succeeded, in developing a suspension tune that feels stout yet comfortable, with minimal, unwanted, body roll yet, maximum, wheel impact, absorption, in, every. Respect whether. It is performance, design, or advanced technology, the, 2021. Elantra, raises, the bar not, just for eco-friendly, vehicles, but, for the compact sedan segment as a whole I cannot. Wait for you to drive the all-new, Elantra, thank. You. Thank. You Albert and thank, you Davis and CJ. For helping us introduce the. Seventh, generation Elantra. And Elantra. Hybrid. Our. Exciting, new compact. Sedan is a key, player in our growing, line, up perfectly. Equipped. To, bring a whole new generation of, customers to. The handle family. Now. As. Passionate. As we, are about the environment, and expanding. Our lineup, of eco-friendly. Vehicles, we. Are also deeply, committed to performance. At Hyundai, so. I am pleased. To announce that we, will develop an, endline. Variant, of the, all-new. Elantra. We. Can't, discuss, it just yet but. Please stay tuned for, further details. Special. Thanks to all of you who, have joined us around. The world on our live stream, for. More information, about the new Elantra. And, Elantra. Hybrid please visit hyundai, usa.com. And honda. Comm. /, worldwide. This. Concludes. Our broadcast thank. You for watching good, luck and good, night. You. You.

2020-03-19 04:51

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