Implosion Energy Breakthroughs Sonic Cavitation Nano Geometry Conservation

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Oh. My. Name is Jason for belly and. I invite you to take a look at the information, I've compiled, on, my Facebook page and, on. My youtube channel, all. Of the information you can find in the video description click. Show. More and. It will have a bunch of links and info, that. We, can all research. So. My. Deal is trying. To find out information. Regarding. Science, the. Suppressed. Studies. That are not talked about mainstream and, trying. To put information on the table so, that we can all sort through it together and apply, it in regards. To machines, powering. Our homes and. Just bettering. Our health in general, so. This. Video is going to be dealing with some very, technical and. Profound. Concepts, a lot, of it's going to be controversial. Talking. About energy, Einstein. Newton. Walter. Russell John, Searle. Cavitation. Sonoluminescence. And. A bunch of other stuff, so. Look. At the first few, minutes of this video, first. Six, or seven minutes just. To get an idea, of what. We're. Going to be talking about and getting into just. To get your interest and take. A look through the information in the video description again, just, familiarize, yourself, with the, type of information that, I am trying to put. Out and trying. To ask. And, this. Is a team effort as. I still have a lot of questions I'm. Still using gasoline, in my car and, I'm still paying for my electric bill in my house I don't. Like that I'm. Sure none. Of you do either so. That's why I spend, a lot of time, to. Search for ways that we can, change. Things for, ourselves using. What's around us and. Just. Acknowledging, the hidden Sciences, that, aren't promoted, in mainstream, so. This video is dealing with in, information, not. Promoted. In mainstream. So. Beware, thank. You. It's. A process called sonoluminescence. The. First time I saw sonoluminescence, was. In a darkened room I. Was. Transfixed. To look at this. Spherical. Flask. Of fluid. And. You'd look into the center and in, the center see a, glowing. Blue. Purple. Light, which. Could be seen with the unaided eye. It. Looked like a star in the heavens. SEF, Putterman called it the, star in a jar a tiny. Spot of bright light contained. In a flask of liquid. This. Star in a jar is. Made when. A sound wave is, passed through a small bubble inside a flask, of liquid and this. Sound wave makes. The bubble do something, remarkable. First. It expands. Then. It collapses. And this. Collapse happens, so violently, that. Vapor molecules, trapped inside the, bubble slam. Together and, heat, up so much that. The bubble gives, off an incredible, burst of heat and light. Several. Thousand, times a second. Giving. The appearance of a, star. What. Made the phenomenon, so exciting, was, the temperature, of this star in a jar on its. Surface alone, the, light burns at tens of thousands, of degrees. Hiding. Under the rock is a pistol. Shrimp and, he is packing a lethal, weapon. This. Crab is heading, into trouble. Our. Shrimp, is ready, for a fight a. First. Sight it looks like he's punching the intruder with his claw.

But. In fact something. Much stranger is going on something. We can only see if we, look again in, slow, motion. That. Sound we hear is not from the claw itself, but, from an amazing invisible, force. The. Claws snap happened so fast it causes, a high velocity water jet which, shoots forward at almost 60 miles an hour, fast. Enough to vaporize the water and. Form a bubble. But. This is no ordinary pup. For. An instant it's as hot as the surface of the Sun and. As it collapses, this vast energy is released like. A superheated. Shockwave. Stunning. Or even killing it, spread. The. Knockout punch comes, not from the claw but. From the superhot power of. Bubble. Demonstrate. How much power he could generate with just a short thrust at his fist Bruce showed off what he called his one-inch, punch. Martial. Arts fans saw, Bruce. What. He has tried to do is to capture the intriguing effective noticed in that vibrating bullet pipe and use it to create a coping new water heater one, that works without any heat source, it's. Nothing that produces what amounts to a well-engineered what the hell it measures, the water fed into it raises, the temperature to boiling point or to steam in, microseconds, don't replace household, or industrial boilers I happen. To call these machines pumps oh yeah. There's a hypersonic pump that has a rubber located, inside it's a story that has holes more in it it's specific angles and de ups ranging, from a few hundred holes up to a few thousand depending on whether we're going to make hot waters think the. Key to the machine seems, to be the number and the design of the holes in the rotor Biggs. Has experimented, with many different combinations to get the best results. The. Rotor fits that into a steel chamber with only a very small gap between the two what are they speaking to the gap and, the rotor spun rapidly by a small elector Clinton. Has. Experienced, the motors pummel the Hammers through the homes in seconds it flows out of a cylinder is hot in the floor steam what's, so extraordinary about, that all the looking machine is, the claim of it is more than 100 percent efficient more, energy has been measured ton of height in the form of leaders feeling and the electrode energy needed to turn the renter the time for this is over unity, scientifically. This is supposed to be impossible because it overturned the fundamental, law of conservation of energy just. A side note it. Seems that the pistol, shrimp is overturning, the laws of conservation of, energy by, generating, heat equal to the Sun without having, the mass of the Sun it, seems. That the sonoluminescence, phenomenon. Is generating.

More Power out than in seemingly. Because. It is generating, the heat and light equal, to suns and stars, without, having the mass of the Suns and the Stars something. Else is going on. Look. At this it's, an ultra efficient, LED that puts out more power than is pumped in according. To MIT. And. It says that the. Extra energy comes from the interaction, of lattice, vibrations. So. What temperature, is the pistol, shrimps claw, during. The point where the bubble is at its highest temperature. And. Compare. That to the surface of the Sun. Can. We be misinterpreting. The. Sun's temperature, with. The temperature, around the Sun just, as we might be misinterpreting. The temperature of the bubble versus the claw that generates the bubble the, intersecting, wave fields, are. What generate, the heat the. Implosion, but. The claw itself, is not. Hot. So. We're. Gonna get to that in a little bit. Or. We can also ask how. Hot. Is an ionized, particle. It's. Not really a logical, question. But. A particle. Itself that's ionized might not necessarily be, hot. But. When it's in motion or. If the electricity, from that charge arcs. On to something else you, can. Measure the temperature, within, that arc of electricity. But. The particle, itself that was ionized, is. Not. Hot. Not. Necessarily. So. The discharge, that you measure. Contains. The heat within it. But. The actual object, that is discharging. Might, not necessarily be, hot. What. I have here is basically a magnet, and a chrome-plated neodymium. Magnet sitting in water sitting. On a metal plate with, an old tiny insulator, that's sitting on and. What I do is I basically apply a voltage this side of the magnet, okay nursing, a a. Helical. Vortex. Like a miniature tornado. Basically. Through the gas bubbles, that are being generated by the electricity, and, it's investing, this magnetic flux, to. Be shown, by. The Franklin called flame frame dragging, the. Of, the bubbles it's, absolutely incredible this, is I don't think you're gonna see this anywhere on YouTube. John. Had also stumbled on yet another amazing, breakthrough, we have nothing his, machine could actually burn salt water. John. Kansas, discovered, that his radio frequency, generator, could release the oxygen, and hydrogen from saltwater and create, an incredibly, intense flame, just, like that but that was like inside a fire cylinder, you, can see the bottom fire that would be in the cylinder I can, put my hand in here put your hand into the beam nothing, happens, put, in a fluorescent bulb and it lights up immediately.

At. The apv, company laboratory, in Akron top, engineers, have checked out John's amazing, invention, and they were amazed, and, we saw it go up to 1,500 degrees centigrade, the. Temperature, and. It's. Incredible. This, simple Stirling, engine is running with the heat generated, by the flames coming off that test tube the fuel nothing. More than salt water so, that could be a steam engine a steam turbine, could. Be a car that if you wanted to be this, is the most abundant. Element, in the, world water and. Salt water is everywhere at. The end to see it burn actually. Gives me chills so. Imagine, the possibilities. And. So, I'm starting to compare, all of these people's, work and all. Of these different, things the. Commonalities. Between. What. Generates, this phenomenon. And. In, looking at that, I found. That all. Of them have a geometric, lattice. Structure. So. I put this paper together called. Atomic, alignment, etheric. Diodes, and magnetization. And. I also put a nine part video to go along with that but. I uploaded on YouTube called atomic. Feng-shui, what. A magnet, is and why. So. I invite, you to also look at that which. Will help put. In context, the rest of this information. So. I started looking into more. Geometries. On. The surface and the, lattice of something as a whole and going. Back to this cavitation. A hydra, sonic pump, here. Are the parts to the pump we. See in the upper left it's. A cylinder with, holes. Poured into it or, dimples, so, I, started looking into. Water. Structure. Icers and how, water, starts to flow over, things, in. Different, environments in, different tubes or different, shapes. Fluid. Mechanics. Started. Looking into the aerodynamics. Of golf balls. Original. Ones had, triangular. Dimples didn't, work out too well then. They had sort of a square. Mesh also. Didn't work out well now. The standard is hemispherical. Dimples. About. 432. Dimples average. Now. We have these new balls, with hexagonal. Dimples. About. 332. We. Compare the efficiency, and the, aerodynamic, quality. Of these, shapes and the. Hexagons, seem to be the most efficient. Now. That we've gone over some basic concepts, and have, context. In this. Next part we're going to take a look at more examples of, water.

Biomimicry. I'm. Gonna take a different look at the model of the atom solar. System, so-called, overunity, and a, lot more. Take. Note to the geometric structure. Of the honeycomb and. Looking. At the aerodynamics, of the golf ball. Hexagons. Are the most efficient. So. Can we combine that with the hydra sonic pump to. Make that even more efficient. Instead. Of having cylindrical. Holes drilled into it would. It be more efficient to have hexagonal. Dimples or hexagonal holes. Pretty. Much we're looking for a cylindrical. Honeycomb. And I. Have never seen an image of that on the, internet other, than a 3d. Graphic, of a, carbon, nanotube. So. Why not apply that to a macro level and spin. It and. See what happens. This. Image comes from a book called my. World, written. By Victor, graben akov a. Russian. Entomologist. Studying, very strange, things that he called the, cavernous, structure. Effect. Cavernous. Structure, creates. Cavitation. And, this. Is a wooden, dreidel. With. Holes. That he drilled into it and, when he spun it and put his hands next to it he said he could feel a type of heat but. It wasn't normal heat it. Was resulting, from the cavernous, structure. So. Compare, this to the Hydra sonic comp once again. Continuing. Research, into. Fluid dynamics. Honeycomb. Structures, and, water. I came. Upon the work of dr. Masaru Emoto and. Clayton. Knowlton. Clayton. Nolte has a device, he. Calls a water structure, Iser which. Has, spheres. Stacked. On top of each other inside, of a PVC pipe when. The water flows through that pipe it's forced, to run over the spheres in a geometric path. So. The geometric structure. Of the spheres, structure. Eise's the, water as it flows through. But. Taking a closer look inside a Clayton Nolte's device I so that they weren't just spheres. They had some texture, to them and I. Tried to zoom in here and, it seems that there, is some sort of a hexagonal. Texture. To. His spheres so. It's more than just a smooth. Sphere there's something, even. More to, the hexagonal structure. So. I put together my own water, structure, izing setup so. That I can experiment. And see. How water flows and combine. A bunch of different technologies, and. You. Can see the videos I put together and, I've experimented, with in. The video description. Every. Day I watch how water flows, every. Day I try, something new just, observe. A. Year. Ago I put together this video called, fist. Fights with physicists. And. This. Next segment is, going to be from that video and, I also included, a bit from a documentary, called, water, the. Great mystery. Here. Are a few, pictures, of Dan winters imploder. Nozzle.

Here. Is the, design in 3d and. Also. Compared, to the caduceus. The. Water cycled, through Dan winters imploder, system, is enhanced. By. Enhanced. I mean. It has, documented, lower, surface, tension and increases. The zeta potential, in the blood stream. Zeta. Potential, is the. Electric, potential, and increased. Conductivity. In, the. Blood this. Means increasing, the capacitance. Per, brain synapse. Circulating. Water in a specific vortex. Before. Watering, plants will. Result, in dramatic growth of up, to three and a half times bigger. Compare. These findings, to the documentary, called water. The. Great mystery. With. Modern technology, it is possible, to structure, eyes water, artificially. When. Seeds were grown under laboratory conditions using. This kind of water the, soy sprouts had, six times greater photon, radiation than, when ordinary, water was used, using. Structure, eyes water makes vegetables, ripen faster and increases. The amount of useful micro, elements and vegetable, proteins, several fold. If. We look at the shoots the treated ones were long even, and strong while the untreated, ones were short thin and weak if we, look at the plants today those. From the selected, seeds have all ripened, but, the ones from non selected, seeds have not we. Have to say that using structure, eyes dwara really, does affect the growth of vegetables, and fruits. This. Man from the documentary is collecting. Samples of water from, a remote area in Venezuela. Who, were later tested, for the electric conductivity. Professor. Co-wrote coves laboratory, has developed, an instrument, that can determine the energetics, of water it. Works, on the basis of the Kirlian affect, everything. That enters a strong electromagnetic, field. Begins, to emit light. The. Greater energy the object possesses. The, brighter it shines. The. Water from Venezuela, was compared, with ordinary drinking, water. We. Can say that this water is not double, not, triple, but, it is 40,000. Times more active so. These are really two fundamentally. Different substances. And water. Of this type this water which. Immediately activates. The body it, activates, the whole system. But. Not by drinking ordinary, water, have. To drink structure, eyes water, which, means that you are geometrically. Reordering. The water or. You're, just sending, that water down a geometric, path. Natural. Is like a waterfall. You, can have it flow around. Spears, you can have it flow down a vortex, there, are an infinite, number of ways that you can restructure, your water because. This technology is a know-how, that you. Can apply this know-how. To, any given device in technology, and, make. Your own device and sell them to other people or, you can just tell people how it all works and, everybody. Can build their own devices based on this information. So. When you drink, this type of water, it. Allows for your blood to. Become more electrically, conductive, and you. Have a lot of benefits, you water plants with it they grow a lot faster and. It's just a lot, of weird stuff to look into and test out for yourself. So. In this next part, we see an upper. Left, an. Excerpt. From Walter, Russell's book called atomic, suicide. And, we. See sickle. Cells on the right all, compacted, together and healthy, cells on the left in. The. Lower left hand corner we. See again the. Compacted. Cells and the freely, floating, red. Blood cells. And. In the upper right we see an example of bio magnetism. Somebody. Was just treated, by having magnets. Put on specific, parts of their body, for. A couple hours and then they, tested their blood again. Wow. And. Then here's, an example of. Magnets. That I have I've broken a lot of magnets, and they collect, together in a big chunk, just. So happens they looked very similar, to the acidic. Blood or the. Unhealthy. Blood and, then magnets. That are able. To, freely. Float around each other. They. Look much like the red blood cells so. Down here we have an example of the tap water on the Left the structured, water on the right which seems to encapsulate all of the impurities of the water. There. Are a lot of other examples, here's. Another. Acidic. Blood versus. Alkaline. Blood. Let. Us see how this type of water affects human, blood. The. Doctors drawing blood from a patient's finger using. A special microscope we, shall be able to see the condition, of her body from this drop. These. Are red blood cells and they've lost their, electrical. Charge so, they're all stuck, together in a formation, called a reuleaux here's, a huge, simplest, simplest. SAR, associated. With heart disease, and.

Arthritis. And. Lung. Disease. And many, other conditions, that, could be coming, in the future the, doctor asks, the patient to drink a small amount of structure, eyes water. After. 12 minutes the doctor again draws blood from the patient and studies, it. So. You can see that the cells then become buoyant, they, become slippery, and, they. Have their electrical, charge so they repel, each other that, allows them to carry oxygen and, it. Means that we're changing the pH of the blood back to an aerobic, environment rather than an anaerobic, environment. I think. That's utterly amazing, that. That a water could that just drinking, water could, do that and. We're gonna go and see this little segment from top. Secret, water it's a documentary, from 2005. At. All events the machine, contains, pipes made of titanium and ceramic. Membranes, through, which the water is conducted, and in some way activated. What. Happens to normal, moscow tap water in a matter of seconds, is illustrated. Here by a test involving, a few drops of ink on. The, left plain. Tap, water on, the, right Bucky. Is altered, activated. Water. While. As might be expected the. Ink colors. The tap water the. Activated. Water swallows. It up completely. Much. Of what happens here beggars, scientific. Explanation. Well. There are plenty of scientific, explanations. Out there and there. Are plenty of products to help validate those, explanations. Now. We're going to start taking a look at bio, mimicry. Because. Most of these amazing results just come from imitating, nature. The. More that we attempt, to mimic nature and combine. That with human, and Genuity. The. More that we will be able to reap results, that. Mainstream, models might not account, for and. From. What I can conclude. Geometry. Equals, power. More. Accurately. Collective. Geometry. Is directly. Proportional. To electrical, conductivity. So. The more that you can account for, geometry. On, small, scales working. Together it. Will contribute to a larger benefit, as a whole. And. That's what nature does on very small scales nano, scale and beyond, things are arranged, and geometric, fashions, which allow for energies, to. Either pass around or through, which. Results, in eddy. Currents, and a, lot of other benefits. In, the. Next part of the video we're. Going to take a look at Jay Harmons, perspectives. And the. Difference between propellers. And impellers. We're. Also going to go back to the concept, of cavitation. And look, at that in relation, to the model of the atom and. The solar system, and, John. Searles, technology. Some. Of the work of Walter Russell and. See what else we can cram in here. So. Here we have the, picture, of the Lilly impeller, or the teks impeller, next. To some diagrams. From Walter Russell, from. 1926. Now. We're gonna take a look at the. Difference in efficiency, of a propeller, and impeller. Take. A look at this, video. Something. To exist that must be moving so, every, single thing in this universe, is moving the, interesting thing is that all, of that movement in, nature, has, a particular, spiraling. Top nature, never ever moves in a straight line no, such thing, so that is makes it streamline in principle.

Gotta. Have a side note, nothing. Ever travels, in a straight line, all. Things, come from a rotating frame of reference, unless. Walter Russell put it all, Direction. Is curved and all, motion, is spiral. When. I froze. The Whirlpool but you see in your bathtub you pull the plug out there's. The whirlpool if you freeze that well so it's, exactly the same geometry. As a, hurricane, or a tornado, or any, other spiral or cochlea of your ear this, shape is archetypal, in nature and so when I froze this I was then able to rotate it and create. Because. I had a frozen whirlpool, I was able to create a whirlpool so, one, of the first things that I used, it on particularly. In America there are great, big holding tanks, well, that water gets stagnant, the. Municipalities. That manage that water have to put chlorine and chloramines. Into, the water, the, problem is better solved, by, mixing that water generally, throughout the world if you want to mix the water it's very expensive, I put, one of these frozen whirlpools. In the bottom of one of these tanks six. Inches high four inches wide and I rotated, it with a couple of hundred watts of power a couple of light bulbs of power and I found it was able to mix an entire tank, of water 10 million gallons which, from, an engineering point of view is not. Even conceivably, possible so. From there I started, adapting these shapes into fans, fans. Use 18%. Of the world's electrical, energy, they're not terribly efficient, we, found time and time again we, could take the best fan in the world and reduce its energy by. As, much as 30% so, pretty much everything in an industrial, world can be improved by taking. These shapes from nature and. Reconfiguring. What. Engineers, build today. More. Order more power you. Can always have more order can, always refine, things more always. Have more geometry. More. Nanoscopic, textures. Can. Always have things working, together to. Achieve a, synergistic. Outcome. Listen. To what that man said, he. Said, 200. Watts. Can. Move 85. Million, pounds. That's. 10, million gallons of water so. A. Helicopter. Blade in that water spinning, with 200 watts, do. You think that would achieve the same vortex. The. Same amount of power no. Because. It's only spinning, on a 2d. Flat, plane. Need. To have three, dimensions, of, spin. So. Why, not mount, Tesla. Turbines, or, something. Like that inside, of the industrial. Tank so. As the vortex is being generated by that 200 Watts the. Weight of that water is being, funneled through some, Tesla turbines, and. Possibly. Generates some excess. Power while. Moving that amount, of water. Here. Is Paul, a la vía let's book called secrets. Of anti-gravity, propulsion I, liked. The book overall, especially, chapter, 10 dealing, with Professor, Searles technology. And. Also he might have wanted to change the title from anti-gravity. Propulsion, to. Anti-gravity, impulsion. Because. It seems that, impellers. Are much more efficient, than propellers. And impulsion. Systems, so. This brings us to Victor, Shaw burgers, implosion. Repulsing. And. The benefits, from his device the weight reduction. The. Air and water being sucked. Through helical. Grooves. Ordered. Grooves, working. Collectively at tangential, angles so, there's. A lot of stuff to look into this particular device, and viktor, schauberger in, general.

Here. We see a propeller, blade, something. Like a ceiling fan. Propeller. Blades spin, on a 2d, flat, plane. The. Angles, of the blades might, be tilted, a little bit but. All in all the, blade itself spins, on a 2d flat plane. The. Image on the lower right is the. Path, that. It traces, while. Traveling, in the air traveling. Through, space. The. Propeller, spins and it. Traces, that path. Like. An Archimedes, screw. But. The difference between a propeller, and an, Archimedes, screw is. That the screw is the actual, shape. But. The propeller, blade traces, so. The propeller blade just spins in 2d but it's, traveling. Forward. So. The propeller traces that shape but, the Archimedes, screw is the. Actual, shape. So. That's a main difference between a propeller, and an impeller, propeller. Spins in 2d impeller. Spins in 3d. Another. Big difference between, a propeller, and an impeller, is. That the propeller, pushes. Outwardly. And an. Impeller. Pushes. Inwardly. It. Doesn't pull it. Doesn't attract, or suck anything in. It's. Pushed, in the, inverse, direction through. The impeller, it's. The inverse, push and, because. It pushes inwardly it creates, an inward, vortex. So. You take the vortex, you spin a vortex, and you. Make another one, if. You take a propeller, and you, spin it, it's. Being. Ejected. Outward, radially, all that energy and if. You move forward, you're gonna trace a helical, trajectory. But. If you actually form, an, object. To. A helix. Then. You spin that it's going to be even more beneficial, but. Even an Archimedes. Screw, is. Cylindrical. But. A vortex, is more. The shape, of nature a logarithmic. Spiral. Things. Might trace a cylindrical, path. While. Spinning. But. Nature itself is more of a 3d, vortex, shape and. That's what we need to mimic is, spinning, 3d, vortex, shapes or having. Coils. In. Cones, rather, than cylinders, and. See what happens there. And. We put that in a huge tank of water and there's our device. And. There's our competitors, device. And. We do the job better, well. Most flow is looked at as two-dimensional, so. If you've got a wing printer, let's say that's a wing you're, looking at the flow going over the top and under, the bottom you're.

Not Looking at the flow going this way so. Everything, in nature has three dimensions, most. Of our science is really dealing with two dimensions, so most of our tools are as well, so. You. Can see the spiral here in, the end that's a pretty familiar spiral, you see in your whirlpool and. That's. Easily understood but it's two dimensions, it's, this, dimension, and this dimension but look, we've got a third dimension and you. Can see it's changing in the third dimension that's very complicated. I mean it's infinitely complicated. If. You think about it every. Living thing goes, through a liquid phase and that's development, so, it takes on the geometry of turbulence so every living thing on earth as. These. Geometries built into it from, the cochlea of your ear to, the spacing, between your teeth the, size of your teeth -. Even. If I look at my finger the, length of that in. Proportion, to that bone and a proportion, to that bone are. The same proportions, that you find in these spirals, so it's everywhere. Wanted. To mention one more thing before we change subjects. Regarding. Viktor schauberger we. See his, device. Here, and. Then we can compare, that to a more, modern, unit, called a disperser. And. Wanted. To bring it back even further, taking. A look at this object which. Was uncovered, from ancient, Egypt in the. Valley of the Nile, I. Believe. That this could be an impeller. See. That says the mysterious, Egypt. Try lobed disk. To. Me it looks just like an impeller. And it just so happens it was uncovered, in the Valley of the Nile where, large, amounts of water would need to be circulated. And. Also compared the Egyptian piece to the first avrocar, from, 1958. Now. I also heard. That Archimedes, got, his idea for the screw after. He visited Egypt. Which. Is even more significant. Here. Are a couple picture. Comparisons, of the. Differences, between propulsion. And impulsion, a propeller. And impeller. Waste. And efficiency. Big. And small Yang, and Yin. So. In the upper left, we, have the. Pecs, impeller, compared, to a regular. Turbine, and, the. Lower left we have a, regular. Diesel. Engine compared, to Rafael, more Gatos myt. Engine. Or the mighty engine. And. On. The, right we have a, comparison. Between a nuclear, power plant and, professor. John Searles, s e-g. We'll. Get into, that later. So. Taking, a look at the difference between waste. Heat. And, efficiency. Let's. Take a look at the difference between fire, and ice or, Edison. And Tesla, or. Explosions. And implosions, I. Wanted. To offer a couple of my perspectives. On, lightning. And thunder, I. Think. Thunder is the result of an implosion, or the collapse of the atmosphere, I was. Watching, a lightning storms in the San Francisco area here on Thursday, April 12th.

Quite. A few hours was, huge, a huge show, got some cool shots on the camera and I was comparing the lightning and thunder to the sonoluminescence. Lightning. Is blue and violet fire. Is red and orange. Implosive. Energy seems to be blue in X of energy seems to be read a loud. Pop is created, from the violent implosion, of a cavitation, bubble and a. Bluish light is associated, with that not. A red light that, I have seen. Tesla's. Light bulb had. A bluish, hue, Edison's. Rather. The, one that Edison. Improvised. From Tesla, glows, red, the. Shuttle coming into an atmosphere has, a hot streak trailing behind it from friction pushing. Its way through the atmosphere, all. The heat of a lightning bolt though is contained. Within the, bolt just. Like all of the heat of the sonoluminescence, contained. Within the bubble you. Can. Swat at the bubble underwater and break it up and make a million little bubbles at which point the heat might be distributed, throughout those little bubbles but, all that heat is still contained within the bubbles. The. Gunshots, are explosions. Notice. The red fire from the bullets takes. Gunpowder to create an explosive, force which projects. The bullet thus. The term projectile. But. Lightning is different I think. Something is impelling, not propelling. Take. A look at that picture of a volcano with the lightning around it as, the volcano explodes. And projects. Ash into the air it's. Charging, the atmosphere, and changing the pressure potential, and there. Is such varying, extreme, pressures, in a short amount of time it. Releases, arcs, of electricity. So. Pay attention to the sound of an implosive bubble, versus an explosive, bang see, if you can tell the difference listen. To that pistol shrimp again I. Think. The, sound of a Tesla coil is, different. Than, the sound of an explosion. I, think. We're hearing the atmosphere, collapsing, at given frequencies, rather, than a wave pushing, through the atmosphere, at a given frequency with. A Tesla coil. If. You blow up a balloon underwater, and then. Quickly suck, all the air back into your lungs the. Surrounding, water will collapse to the point where the balloon just occupied, that space. But. If you collapse the balloon fast enough, the. Water will slap together from the collapse and it, will cause a sound, but. It's the result of an implosion, not an explosion, the. Sound from an explosion will carry radiation, with it, sound. From an implosion, might not carry radiation, because nothing is radiating. It's, a different dynamic to achieve sound. Other. People might think thunder is an explosive, sound but I do not think so. Now. We're going to get into the more interesting, aspects, of this stuff the, implications. Of controlled, cavitation. On the atomic level, Hutchison's. Experiments. Professor. John Searles technology. Addressed, the solar system. Einstein's. Fallacies, Rose, alien science and, let's. See what else we can do. In. Order to address controlled, cavitation. On the atomic level we. Have to first take a look at the mainstream, model of the atom in relation. To reality. So. We're gonna have story time. Using. Basic logic, and Occam's razor let's. Take a closer look at quantum mechanics. Occam's. Razor means. That the simplest, solution is most. Likely the correct one so. Here, is mainstream sciences. Version, of Occam's razor. There. Once was a magical, kingdom and this. Kingdom, exploded. Into existence from, nothing. The. Smallest parts, of that kingdom they call atoms and they. Are made up of one-sided coins, and one-sided, magnets, called, protons, and electrons, with. An O sided, magnet called a neutron. They. Say the proton, is an all positive, magnet and an. Electron, is a massless magnet, but, it's all negative but, that. Positive magnet, and the imaginary, negative, magnet don't go together oh no no, this.

Is A magical, kingdom and in. This fantasy world positive. And negative magnets orbit each other on a 2d flat plane. Make. Sense so far right, now. All these positive magnets. Called protons, are compacted. Together somehow. Even. Though to positive. Poles of a magnet will, repel each other. Now. The electrons, are little balls of negativity, but. They aren't really there yet they. Orbit around those compacted, positive, magnets but. Wait not, really because, the little balls of negativity, are more like a cloud of probability at, the same time and those. Little guys pop, in and out of existence, that's. The technical phrase for we don't know what we're talking about now. That, we have all that explained, let's, move on to photons. Good. Old Occam's razor explains, it every time, the. Photon, is another massless, particle, and that's, the fastest, moving thing in the universe but. Wait there. Are other things called neutrinos that travel much faster but. Will just sweep those under the rug and call, it the product of a faulty wire and oh. Yeah tachyons. Travel faster, too but they, don't exist because the King said so, now. This. Sort, of fastest, moving massless, particle, is also a wave, and. It travels in perfectly straight lines like all ocean waves do because. The ocean is flat of course the. End. And. That's. The magical, story of quantum, mechanics, and mainstream. Sciences Occam's razor but. Don't worry there's. A bunch of equations, and formulae, to prove, that story so. It must be true. Well. I don't really see it that way and I. Know of many others who share the same opinions. All. Things, are in motion, all. Motion. Is polarized. Which. Means all things in motion have a north and a south, there's. No such thing as a one-sided ball or a singly, charged particle, it's. Illusions, of observation. Or. Misconceptions. Now. I have my own view, of the atom. Which. Is a little more simplistic, I. Say. That that, cluster, of protons. Is actually. A bunch of bucky balls or magnets. Compacted, together, and. Each of those little bucky balls in that cluster has. A north and a south but. Because the cluster has, mass. They're. Trying to call the entire cluster, a proton. If. People. Are interested, in an alternative, and different, perspectives, I would, strongly encourage looking. Into do EB Larson, and his collected, works and. Especially. Look, into, the book titled, the case against, the nuclear atom, which. Dewey B Larson eloquently, addresses. The misconceptions. Of the mainstream model of the atom and the, history of those ad hoc misconceptions. Here. Again we see a picture of Walter, Russell's diagram, of, the structure of the atom and it's vortex nature. In. 1926. Walter. Russell presented, the spiral, periodic, chart of the elements in two, formats an aerial. View and a side view and sent. Those to hundreds, of scientists, and also publishing the universal, one and sent. That to hundreds of scientists and universities, as well. With. His publication. Of the periodic, chart he. Predicted, the existence of deuterium, and tritium as. Well as all of the transi, rhenium elements such as plutonium. And neptunium. This. Is significant, again which we will see in a later video regarding.

Cavitation. By. 1927. Walter Russell had transmuted, water into 17, different substances. At the Westing Tinnell Schlampe laboratories. An. Alchemy. Ik action, will. Reap what they label a nuclear. Reaction. Which. Will be contained, within its own field, density a, field. Density is different, than a meniscus or wall, of a cell. And. Here. We see a picture comparison. Of John Keeley's model of the atom with. The standard, model of the proton, the quarks and. Dr.. Palisade, capiche ababa hots model. Of the universe in a fractal, form. So. I'm just wondering where. Cavitation. Is accounted, for in the current atomic model. We. See what happens when a propeller, blade of a, certain orientation spins. In, a medium, it. Creates, cavitation. Bubbles in its wake. So. A cluster, of magnets, the. Size of what they would label an atom. Spinning. Really quickly. Might. Generate, cavitation. Bubbles in its wake, so. How are scientists. Supposed, to discern the difference between. A solid, particle and a cavitation, bubble on the atomic scale. If. They. Don't account, for cavitation. Bubbles they. Might make up a bunch of equations to describe the behavior of solid particles a. Sono. Luminescent, bubble is the, result of an alchemy, ik implosion. Not. A standard, explosion. So. When scientists, are measuring datoria. Mand tritium, from. A sono luminescent. Implosion. They. Are trying to duplicate, that by. Taking datoria, mand tritium and smashing. It together in hopes, that they will implode. So. They're using an explosive, force hoping to create an implosion. It's. Absurd which. Is why I think many people have been, having. Difficulties, achieving. Cold, fusion since 1989, because, they're trying to explode. Things and smash them together in hopes that they will implode, within, themselves. Because. They think everything. Was initiated. From explosions. They're. Not looking at the other side of the coin. The, bang of a sono luminescent, bubble is, the last stage, of the cycle before it repeats again not. The first. An. Imploding. Cavitation. Bubble does not compress, to one point, the. North Pole of that bubble caves in on itself to form, a hole or a ring like, a donut, gee. Just like Marco Rodin's models and very. Similar to what Professor, John Searle says happens. During his magnetization, process. With the imprinting, of magnetic. Bubbles, he calls it. Now. Some people label. This new science, L. E and R or low energy nuclear reactions, like. The work of Andreia Rossi I just. Call it alchemy, he. Puts in nickel and hydrogen and comes out with copper, that's. Called transmutation. That's, alchemy, they. Can call it what they want make. Up new names because, we have stigmas, and negative, connotations, associated with, these old words, but. It's alchemy. Now. Let's take a look at this video regarding. Controlled, cavitation. At. Ariston we've, discovered, a way to harness the power of hydrodynamic. Cavitation. Hydrodynamic. Cavitation can, be produced by passing, a liquid through a constricted, channel at a specific velocity a, combination. Of pressure and kinetic, energy is created when the low-pressure cavern, created, downstream, from the local constriction, generates. High energy cavitation, bubbles, the. Formation, growth, and implosive collapse, of these cavitation. Or vapor bubbles, in the liquid releases. Tremendous, localized, energy in the form of shockwaves whether. The waves are disrupted, and more productive. Depends, on your ability to control. The process. At, the edges of the cavity small, amounts, of vapor break off falling, smaller, and smaller cavities, 100. Milliliters to 3 millimeters, in diameter with. Smaller cavities implode. Uniformly, under the high pressure surrounding, them. Control. Flow cavitation. Technology, controls. The location, sides. Density. And the intensity, of implosion, of the bubbles in the zone to, create optimum, process, conditions. It's. This advanced understanding of physics and the ability. To apply productive. Process, that, sets eras planning part of everyone. Else it is real meditation. Filled, with so many things and we have just begun to explore its, potential. Errors. Towing systems. Innovation. For the alternative. Fuel industry. Normally. Cavitation. Is only detrimental. And destructive, to a system, and impeller blades and propeller blades and you, can see here evidence. Of the, scarring, and the pock marks left behind from the imploding. Bubbles. Now. What's interesting to me is. Comparing. That damage, to. John Hutchison's, experiments.

And. Here. We have a picture of, microscopic. Mixing. So. You have two particles, that, normally would just go together like two magnets or two bucky balls but. You can turn that magnet, into a bunch of tinier, magnets, individualized, in a grid at, which point you can pass those two through each other and then. You can reorganize. Them or recombine, them so that they are fused. Together in a new state and. Then. We look at John Hutchison's, experiments, with, this butter, knife in a, solid, block of metal. And. We see the cavitation, damage resulting. From that. There's. A lot more to, these types of Sciences. Imagine. What we can do on the atomic level this. Is microscopic, mixing, imagine. Atomic, mixing. But. It's not atomic fusion in the same regard as science, knows it currently, it's. A fusion resulting, from cavitation. So. Something. Other than electrons. Jumping, valence, is going, on here. In. The. Top left we. See a still image taken. From former, YouTube user magnet, vortexes. Video. This. Is a paper clip sandwiched, between two, neodymium, magnets, those. Magnets, are in front of an old TV, and. We can see what they call the charge distribution, from. The magnetic field lines. The. Image on the top right is. A nanoscopic, microscopy. Costing. Billions of, dollars over the course of many years and. They claim that for. The first time scientists. Image the charge distribution within, a single molecule. For. The first time huh. So, by that logic and the, picture comparison, we. Can say that two magnets, are acting like a single molecule, and. That evidence can be seen for less than $100, on an old TV. So. How much money do we really need to spend, what. Happens on a microt happens, on a macro, and all, scales in between. You.


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