Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 vs. S24 Ultra ️ MY HONEST COMPARISON!

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 vs. S24 Ultra ️ MY HONEST COMPARISON!

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on one hand the Galaxy s24 Ultra has Sleek powerful smartphone incredible camera and display on the other hand quite possibly the best smartphone for getting things done which one is better though I'm Alex and I do Down to Earth Tech videos today we'll compare the Galaxy s24 Ultra against the Galaxy Z 6 there's a lot to cover so we may have to run into multiple rounds of videos but we'll still get through camera display and much more in this video but what you're not going to see here today is benchmarks and specs I mean I'm going to show you some specs where it makes sense where it's relevant I try to compare these devices but I'm also conscious that whichever way you go these are expensive gadgets so I try to respect your investment by showing you things here that are more realistic this in The Boll and talking about realistic we have to start with the display on these phones I think in their own way these are leaders in their categories I might be slightly biased considering how much investment I made in Samsung devices recently but I honestly believe that when it comes to display technology Samsung has really pushed the boundaries here in the last few years it was a bumpy start to be honest with the s24 ultra I had color accuracy issues that I reported here but once that was fixed within a couple of weeks I still maintain that this display on the s24 ultra is the best out there in this one factor by the way this might be triggering a few people I am doing an experiment between the Galaxy watch Ultra and the Apple watch Ultra anyway side by side when watching content both are incredible and even though image quality is better on the s24 ultra my preference is 100% the fold on this one the other interesting aspect here is I prefer the fa sigs for watching content despite the display area the viewable area that you've got on the display being quite a bit smaller than the s24 ultra you can zoom in to feel the display of course and crop quite a bit of your content but I honestly prefer it just like this the zold 6 like its predecessors really comes alive when you're watching Youtube though it's one of those apps that have actually been customized or optimized for foldables so of course there's going to be a clear Advantage here for the fold you may not think much of this but I have my navigation set to Swip gestions on all my smartphones and because of that sometimes scrolling on a video or trying to access comments or interacting in any way with a video I end up coming out of the app all together and kind of because of the swipe gestures got activated on the fold that problem goes away right because whether you're using the app natively or in Flex mode not only can you get all of these controls on the bottom part of the screen but the phone itself become its own stand so you don't have to touch the phone if you don't want to and I love that when you're working and you just want to catch up with your Olympics actions or whatever right or your favorite YouTube channels you know this comes really really handy and talking about things that come really handy these are the cases and some great accessories from today sponsors kyi not only for the fold six but also for the flip 6 as well it's fair to say now that kyi really created an ecosystem of accessories in the past few years that goes beyond just phone cases but when it comes to these cases these are extremely protective and stylish and that's a huge credit to Cas toile as well because you know I know it must be hard for companies out there to protect your devices and keep a nice style to them as you can see here all around the case we have K 5's own protective material called ecoshock which absorbs the impact in case you drop your phone and in my case it's not if I drop my phone it's when I drop my phone the case itself feels really great in the hand without adding a lot of bul to the fold and keeping it still very light which is great but more importantly it adds a lot of grip to the phone as well if you take the fold six out a lot I'd say this is a must for me casify has plenty of different prints as well to suit every Style you'll never get bored with them and you can even customize your own too which is great you can add your initials make your own prints and stuff like that which is quite a unique thing with Casi there's not many people out there that let you customize the cases and in that scenario that I just shared about watching content on the side of the fold together with this Snappy magnetic ring here makes it even better by allowing you to snap the fold six into this lovely stand allowing you to enjoy that beautiful fold 6 display in all its Glory not only that this essentially brings ma safe functionality to the fold that you wouldn't have otherwise you can charge your phone wirelessly while watching content and if you have other mic safe accessories like a car mount or whatever your fold will now work with them as well which is fantastic alternatively and this is my favorite thing about this accessory here you can use it as an additional point of contact when holding your phone to record content as a Creator that's really useful for me the zold 6 and the flip are already very flexible but you can never have too many options when recording videos or taking photos as a creative that's really important for me this one here even has a a mirror I love when accessories enhance what the product can already do and this is exactly the case here whether it's improving the charging with a super durable cable I mean these cables are fantastic I've tried them before or protecting your zold 6 display with a screen protector kc5 is always bringing new products to cater for every situation and in the summer right now if you're going to a concert or a festival these lanyards here can be really useful too grab your today from Alex gear in Tech if you use the link in the description deson you can see all my top picks over there and fold your away oh and if you're watching this from a TV you can scan the QR code here that works too and thanks so much casey5 for sponsoring this video going back to the display just quickly I'm just going to come out and say it I don't think it needs changing when it comes to the cover display I really think it's perfect I hear a lot of people drawing comparisons to OnePlus open Google pixel fold honor and saying it should be wider on the fold but I personally think Samsung has quite rightly settled on this design now they may well bring a new fold Ultra as it's being rumored but you know only to compete with those Brands and cater for that market that wants that wider display and that's fair enough but I personally really appreciate this design exactly how it is the cover display for me is just that a cover display quick access convenient one-handed like you know load distraction quick messages get back to what I'm doing right don't don't kind of interrupt me just you know if I want to immerse myself in the content or work here's what I do and you're not going to believe this it's magical I pick it up and I open it while I serious now let me show you multitasking using these phones this is probably the biggest category in this video and potentially what makes the fold itself you know worth its money because there's not just one but multiple ways to get work done on both these devices to be fair both have Samsung decks which is amazing but the fold has an extra trick cap it sleeve as well which is flex mode on top of that you have the obvious bigger screen on the fold which allows for multiple apps to be open and more usable as well initially you might find well how is that useful right having multiple apps on a tiny screen I only have two hands right and it takes time especially if you're not used to the foldable and you're coming from an iPhone perhaps but once you pair apps together that make sense like YouTube and notes maps and music uh WhatsApp or messages with your banking app you're really going to start to appreciate this functionality because it saves you a lot of time as well it makes you more efficient and there's a whole world of automations as well when you use modes and routines I did an entire video covering about painy automations in there I definitely recommend you check it out later but this here Samsung Dex is the crem the CR as they say when it comes to multitasking super quick to get started all you need is a screen that takes USBC input which is basically pretty much every modern monitor out there if you have a Samsung Smart TV or a smart monitor for example you can just do this wirelessly too which is even more convenient I always use it with a cable myself because is a little bit faster but when you pair this with a Bluetooth keyboard and a mouse you essentially have a mini laptop set up here that you can take with you anywhere I actually want to try one of those external monitors like the espresso displays there's a few others as well because when I commute on a train and things like that it wouldn't mean sometimes not taking my laptop at all and means you know traveling lighter something that I find really great with decks I know many people talk about is that using decks on an external monitor doesn't mean that you can't use your phone you know you can still use that extra display on the phone itself for watching content answering phone calls you're not limited in any way which is great and that's that's a story with Samsung in general right they love giving customer all these features even if the majority of customers may never know they're there or even use it as a customer myself my experience has been you always love it when you go to use something and it's there already and you don't need to buy anything or install anything extra I really don't take that for granted in the past there was a difference in display resolution in deck between the s23 ultra and the fold five in my previous reviews but I think that's gone now I couldn't even find the setting but I was able to change the resolution in videos to 4K 60 which I wasn't able to do before so I think that's gone by the way when you connect wirelessly everything works fine you know it's there's definitely a small lag in there but when you start watching videos in particular YouTube videos I do notice on both devices that the lag gets quite annoying even when you're just moving the cursor so I'd say if you watch videos with index maybe consider using the USBC cable to connect your display rather than doing wirelessly let's talk about cameras the camera on this devices or any smartphones these days right it doesn't even need to be like a flagship device are incredible already but the proof as they say over here is in the pudding this is 4K 60 on the zold 6 using the main camera and this is the Galaxy s24 Ultra also in 4k 60 using the main camera and just to give you an idea not using any microphone this is my main camera my Sony fx3 with an ND filter uh just turning around as well so you have an idea for the kind of the level of quality you've got here let's walk around a little bit as well so you have an idea for stabilization but also you know noise and things like that and I think there are three main things to pay attention to here one is the general look and feel as I turn around the the light changes as well this is literally just a point shoot uh video um but you know pay attention to the skin tone and the sharpness and general I mean sometimes you know smartphones can oversharpened image and you know have a look and see how sure he looks as well in the background but not everything is about video right let me just walk into the shade a little bit cuz it's getting a bit roasting here um a lot of people care about when it comes to a smartphone that cost as much money right is how good are the photos in this phone right and one of the biggest questions I had about the Z 6 is is it now good enough I know he's never never say never right but I know he's not going to be on par with the S Series right but I thought can he be good enough like you know can he go to s23 ultra level uh because that would mean perhaps not even needing the S series for me and just keeping the fold judging by these shots and it's only been a week or two right you could easily say yes the F six camera is indeed good enough more than good enough for a lot of people but I totally understand and I'm I sympathize with the feeling that you know when you pay so much for a device like the full 6 you really expect the camera Hardware to be more in line with you know what we have on the ultra devices but when you put that sentiment to one side and look at the results that we're getting here and the flexibility as well that you get with the fold is kind of hard to argue with the quality and the value for money here do I miss the 5x Zoom absolutely I even missed the 10x Zoom from the s23 ultra but if I'm really honest I've had fantastic results from a camera perspective even when I was using the s24 plus so on one hand I understand the frustration from customers that quite rightly one better camera specs on the fold on the other hand for a regular dad like me just taking you know quick snaps for for Instagram or whatever these cameras are covering pretty much every situation for me and if I wasn't making these videos for for you for reviews and was just sharing my photos on Instagram or whatever I'd say these cameras are definitely more than good enough wait apart from this one exposure issue which is in my view unacceptable really considering how much power in the processor and AI features that we've got here it's a beautiful blue sky and you can just about see in this shot but when I go like this and yeah it kind of clearly glows goes away the exposure goes all over the place and I think if I kind of you know tune down a little bit using my hand like that I can get it to a point where okay this is decent right it's I'm not completely dark and I can see that the sky is blue but yeah by default it's not like that so you have to kind of adjust the exposure manually to get it to a point where you know if if you've got really bright stuff behind you just pay attention to that it happens on the s24 ultra and it's happening on the fold 2 I love the AI features we now have on these devices I'll talk about them in a lot more detail in the upcoming videos but I think fixing exposure which doesn't sound complicated to me should be something AI could be doing for us if you look at the iPhone and even the Sony xeria other devices do this a little bit better especially for simple shots like a selfie right obviously if there's a face in the photo and a sky in the background you want the device to Al automatically detect that and adjust the exposure without you having to fiddle with it manually is such a pain especially if in bright daylight and you're trying to to do this manually the moment has passed sometimes you know just like you just want to take a photo and move on with your life right when you do it manually though when you change those those settings the results are awesome and this is true in pretty much every mode not just photos but portrait videos too and I think other devices out there do a better job at this you know processing this kind of shots feel a bit easier when using the iPhone or other devices so Samsung get to work and look I appreciate that Samsung has actually released so much software and features recently so you can kind of forgive them for kind of overlooking this but this does look like such a simple thing to fix it's frustrating to see that blown out sky every time you know and I'm not professional photographer or anything so if you are and you know more about this exposure issue maybe it's a user problem do let me know as well I'm always learning here and I'm clearly you know if this was fixed I I think Samsung could actually win quite a few customers as well given how important social media and quality of images is and it has been for a few years now talking about social media this has been a pain for me for such a long time as much as it's getting better on Android devices not just Samsung I still think there's so much that social media apps could be doing to take advantage of the foldable form factor but also just not suck on Android period right this is not a dig of Samsung by the way but Android developers in general between these two devices here the s24 ultra and the fold 6 is a bit of a toss up which one is better because they are very similar in how they behave Instagram Tik Tok Twitter are actually very similar now between iOS as well and Android but there are still some things that annoy me on on Android which is not so much about scrolling and browsing those apps but to create on them as a Creator that's what's important to me I want to post stuff creating a real natively on Instagram for example is still 2024 a much nicer experience on the iPhone whether you like it or not it's it's true I I've tried this every day but to get around this issue I use something like cap cut and that kind of is much better to do whichever platform you're creating cap cut and then you just upload it to to instant but it's just silly things like adding a song or adding Clips adjusting Clips things just feel a little bit buggy at times on Android between these two devices though I'd say if you're just scrolling one handed and chilling on the sofa or whatever the s24 ultra is better just because it's easier but for actually enjoying the content and maybe you know watching videos and things like that on Instagram and reals and shorts then you will appreciate things a bit more perhaps interact with the content by adding comments and things like that much more easily on the fold something else I've been really enjoying on smartphones is gaming it's getting so good now that you know support for emulation and things like that it's really quite fun to do I've been trying games recently that have rate tracing enabled and they look awesome on the fold the thing with gaming on smartphones is they usually get really hot and burn through the battery really quickly as well I'm glad to say that Samsung obviously with the vapor cooling chamber that they've got here the new stuff overheating and battery issues has not been the case with the fold in the last couple of weeks I've been trying the s24 ult trip is no slouch don't get me wrong but without adding any accessories the fold is much more comfortable to play for long sessions like half an hour and above oh and great audio quality as well which makes a big difference when you're playing games and you're not wearing headphones the fold for me takes this one which brings me to to the speakers on these devices I think I remember there was a slight upgrade from the fold 4 to the fold 5 in terms of Hardware but I'm not sure if they done anything from the fold 5 to fold six apart from the the design here the s24 ultra does sound incredible I mean it's probably one of the best out there and I like how they don't distort even when playing content really loudly there are louder phones but I think from a Clarity perspective the s24 ultra is is really good the opening for the speakers on the fold six though looks way cooler now and to me they sound slightly better than the s24 ultra perhaps not a fair comparison but like every year I'll let you be the J the banner is unfold the scooteria expect and the toosi demand the performance the banner is unfilled the scooteria expect and the toosi demand a performance by the way last year when we did this same video here the channel was just over 70k I think we finally crossed 100,000 subscribers and I'm so proud of this you know considering this is not my full-time job I'm here after work in the dark you know my wife is calling for dinner and you know I I just enjoy doing this for you and you know thanks to you for liking sharing commenting and supporting me here this is why you know the channel is the size it is and sponsors are coming in and helping me and if you continue to do that maybe this could become my full-time job which would mean the world to me and to you it means more videos it's a win-win right anyway as you probably noticed I'm wearing the Galaxy Ring I've got another ring here watch chra as you can see wearing my multiple devices there's a lot of videos coming up as well so if you subscribe content and gadgets are going to be coming thick and fast in the next month I mean there's a new iPhone coming out as well which I'll be trying so yeah loads more to come now when it comes to the battery it's still fairly early days well it's very early days when it comes to the fold but I will say this my s24 ultra has been terrible in comparison to the s23 ultra which was like 2day battery easy this is not not even a day at the moment I'm getting 4 and 1 half 5 hours of screen on time on the s24 ultra I've tried everything the updates didn't work the last one did something that made it maybe an extra hour of screen on time still not good enough still not the 2-day battery that I had on the s23 ultra so my expectation for the fold was quite low if I'm able to get through the day without having to top up or maybe maybe just a quick 10 15 minute top up in really busy days I'd be fine with that the question is should Samsung start to really think about giving the fold a bigger battery right it's being the same size battery for a long time because it is quite a lot of cash right and whether I accept it or not a lot of people will still think that battery and faster charging should be here by now on the fold much more to come there's lots of AI features to compare and things like that but if I had to choose one right now surprisingly I'd pick the fold it's doing everything I needed to do and some and I don't feel like I'd be missing the s24 ultra if I was to really pick one time will tell but right now the fold six is sticking way more boxing for me than any other phone there see you soon [Music]

2024-08-03 17:14

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