Networking Towards Data Science

Networking Towards Data Science

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Hello one and all myself Dr Ganesh  Khekare and I'm working in a School of   Computer Science and Engineering in Vellore  Institute of Technology Tamilnadu India   so my today's keynote session is related  to the networking towards the data science. So before moving ahead As we know the network is basically  Australian bomb said by the titanium   network is interconnected collection of autonomous  entities when we say interconnected then exchange   must be there sharing must be there so in order  to share something two or more than two nodes   now node may be in the form of  anything so nodes must be there   which can exchange their information and  again independently they should have their   identity as well their freedom as well  autonomous must content must be there so now first of all what is network and in this  keynote session we were going to have a focus on   networking and how data science will be helpful  to integrate the network or to do the network   analysis we will see one by one so what is Network  a network array first to a structure representing   a group of object or people and relationship  between theme it is also known as a graph in   mathematics a network structure consists of  nodes and edges here nodes represent objects   which are used to analyze while ages represent the  relationship between those objects for example if   we are studying a social relationship now in  this my entire session I am going to correlate   with the Facebook or the Instagram we have for  the better understanding so let us take one   exam if you are studying a social relationship  between a Facebook users nodes are nothing but   the target users the who are using the Facebook  and the ages are relationships such as friendship   between two users or group memberships are  there so in Twitter as well ages can be if   you are following or for our relationship will  be considered as a egis now the second is what   is a network analysis and why network analysis  is required if you are using any social media   applications you may have experienced the  friend or follower suggestion functions   have you ever wondered how these functions work  one common technology used in this case is the   network analysis so why network analysis is  required that we will see so network analysis   is useful in many Living applications tasks it  helps us in a deep understanding the structure of   a relationship in a social network a structure or  a process or a change in a natural phenomenon or   even the analysis of biological system organisms  so everywhere we have a huge amount of data   nowadays available to manage it we require  a proper analysis of that particular Network   again let's use open network of social media  users as an example analyzing this network   helps in identifying the most influent person  or people in a group defining characteristic   of groups of users prediction of suitable  item for users and identifying CM targets   Etc so other easy to understand examples are the  friend suggestion function in a Facebook or follow   suggestion function in it in a Twitter so who is  the important person in this if you are trying to   analyze the network who has the most importance  so a crucial application of network analysis is   identifying the important node in a network this  task is called as measuring Network centrality   in social network analysis it can refer to the  task of identifying the most influential member   or the representative of the group for example  which node do you think is the most important   amongst the various nodes are available like on  a Facebook or a Twitter also various users are   available and various things has been done between  the two users so you have to identify which is   the best node is available in such a scenario  that's why we require a data analysis to do a   proper analysis of the entire data we have so ah  of course to define the most important node we   need a specific definition of the important node  there are several indicators used to measure the   centrality of a node so the very first indicator  is the degree centrality node with a higher degree   has higher centrality so this has been We are  following from the data structure subject as well   the second we have the Eagan vector centrality so  adding to the degree of one node the centrality   is of an important nodes are considered as  a result the eigen vector corresponding to   the highest taken value of the adjacency Matrix  represent the centrality of nodes in the network   now between third parameter or the indicator we  have is the between nice centrality the number   of Parts between two nodes that go through the  ith node is considered as a is node between nest   centrality and the fourth parameter or the  indicator which we can use is the closeness   centrality the length of the path from the  ayat node to the other nodes in the network   is considered as a ith node closeness centrality  with this definition for example this centrality   can be applied in the task of defining a suitable  evacuation site in the city now the last part we   have is the to identify ourselves who we are as  far as network data science network is concerned   so another application of network analysis is the  community detection task so this task purpose to   divide a network into a group of nodes that are  similar in any specific features examples of   this task are a task of defining groups or user  in SNS who share common interests or opinions   find groups of customer to advertise specific  items recommendation systems in online shopping   systems so many researchers are working on  algorithm to effectively solve communicating   Community detection problems some well-known  algorithm methods in this task are carnegan   lean algorithms then spectral castillary then  label propagation then modularity optimization   Etc so we have to identify ourselves so  that we can accommodate in any cluster   or class we can Define the things again we  have the supervised learning unsupervised   learning and then reinforcement learning is  also moving nowadays and again we are moving   towards the D free enforcement learning  algorithm so we should able to analyze   the newer environment as well and we should  able to differentiate between these three   and we can share it properly that is the main  thing we have so moving towards the next part so now Network in a data science so the network in a data science is a collection  of different connected objects these objects   present which are called in nodes or vertices we  draw a line to connect different object which are   called ages different nodes connected with objects  using edges and which can connect multiple objects   so networks are as one example is given in the  sample network is given in the presentation as   well so these are our new nodes we have black  solid circles and in order to connect two   nodes we have the different edges available so  networks are often referred to as a graphs there   are various systems in a real world which can be  represented as a Networks let's take an example   of Internet it is a network where the nodes are  the computers or laptops and the edges are the   connections between the devices the rail network  is a system of stations Interlink by different   railway lines the Friendship is also called as  a network where all friends connected with each   other via different group of people now let's say  so here you can see a Facebook Network graphs has   been shown and you can see the complexity of  billions and millions are users are there on   the social networking sites again each user is a  doing a transaction with the thousands of another   users doing a charting sending something so  a huge kind of data is available over there   so Network also referred as a graph or Digraph  which carries some sort of information whereas   a graph represents only the connection between  two or more systems and provides no information   regarding its elements however a network defines  additional vital quantitative information now the next state what are the different types of  networks are available so we have on a generalized   form these seven networks are available first  one is the road networks then pipeline networks   then artificial neural network then biological  networks and Telecommunications Network then   computer network and then social network where  I'm going to provide you the glimpses of first two   Road networks and the pipeline networks so  one by one we will see this so as you can   see in this diagram it is the example diagram of  given of a Rhoda Network so road is a system of   interconnected lines designed to accommodate Field  Road going vehicles and prediction is traffic   in Road networks weight of each nodes can be  the length of the road in miles or kilometers   the valued or actual time for traveling and the  cost of traveling can be considered such as the   cost of fuels and tolls in addition the weight of  the nodes can also be the appealing scenery the   quality of road then the danger rate of traveling  along the road and the amount of traffic is taken   into consideration while calculating this so  simplest way to find the path between two cities   can be work using the road Network in the below  given Network problem the amount of traffic that   each Road can take is not taken into consideration  but the length of the road or the distance   between the two cities is taken into account for  assigning the weight on the two edges of our graph   so to find the shortest path between two  cities which is considered as a vertices   on the graph we can determine the shortest  route between the two corresponding cities   so as you can see on the presentation as well  in this image a seven major cities of UK has   been shown so each node is a city and each Edge  is the graph represent a straight flight path   distance that a traveler would take while going  from one node to another node again various   recent Trends is going on while calculating the  shortest path from one city to another city you   can also refer my various latest paper which is  available on my all research profiles so while   now while calculating the shortest path between  different nodes you know we are considering the   multi parameters again with multi parameters we  are also focusing on the history data as well as   current data and what is going to be in the future  as well so by considering this all three data we   can come to the prediction because we cannot  say if a particular one road is busy for one   day it will be busy for throughout the year like  we have a particular University which is has a   opening time and the closing time so I if suppose  9 am to 5 PM is a timing of our University so most   probably in the morning 8 30 to 9 it is going to  be a busy that road and again in the evening 5 to   5 30 PM again it is going to be a busy because  at a sudden a lots of a student will use that   road so rest of the time it will remain and it  also on the weekends holiday will be there and   no one can use the role so we cannot predict  that's why we have to take into consideration   the history data as well current data as well as  future data also the second type we have is the   pipeline networks now in a pipeline networks  in a pipeline Network ages between two nodes   are represented as a pipeline and two nodes  considered as a two Junctions and the weight   of the node represent the capacity of the pipeline  a fluid such as water oil or gas flows from source   to terminal the total flow can be considered as a  flow coming from the source and going to terminal   so we can say that no fluid loss while going  from source to terminal the fluid flow ah flowing   through the pipeline must not be exceed the node  capacity and the specified direction as well. We can determine that the flow of two units of  fluid can be said along the root highlighted in   the we can see so this way pipeline networks  works so moving ahead with the graph. So basically what is graph I show you you  can show in the you can see in this diagram   a graph is a compilation of set of nodes or  vertices and the set of edges so we can draw   the graph by displaying the nodes by dots and  drawing lines between the end points of the   age if the set or vertices given problems is for  example you can say vertices V can be classified   as five elements will be there as a a b c d  e and the set of edges is will be a to b b 2   e then D to e then C to D and then a to a to c  one additional age is also given as a to d okay   so we can apply or replace the vertices in  whichever order we want if two vertices are   connected by a line if there is any a predefined  weight that should be taken into consideration   now multiple edges now like in this for node  a we have multiple edges or multiple paths   are available multiple ages are those for  two or more it is joining the same pair of   nodes if single node has an a joining a node  to itself is called as a loop loop you can   see over here this is the multiple edges as  shown in the diagram and this is the loop we   have and the simple graph will look like a mesh  structure as you can see in the this diagram so   a a graph which does not contain multiple edges  or Loops is a simple graph you can say so most so the most common type of graphs are simple  graph then directed graph and the weighted graph   so let's one by one see this so the first graph we  have is the a simple graph as you can show in the   diagram a graph which does not have any Loops or  without parallel edges it's called a simple graph   simple graph is also referred to as a strict  graph it does not have any weighted undirected   graph containing no graph loss or multiple edges  a simple graph can be connected or disconnected a   simple graph which has Total Line vertices the  degree of every vertex is at most n minus 1.  

the next graph we have is the directed graph  now in a directed graph as you can see in the   diagram as well if the connections between  the nodes are directional then it is called   as a directed graph this directed graph is  called as a diagram in a direct date graph   all the branches of a graph are represented with  arrows on which they are connected to next node   a director graph is a graph consisting of points  called vertices joined by directed lines called   arcs every Arc joins exactly two vertices the  director graph is also as shown in the diagram   so in this diagram your G will become a v comma  e with a mapping done such that every H map onto   some ordered pair of vertices like a v i comma VG  so we can say which node is going towards which   node as a direction there can be a different nodes  reaching one node the sample of directed graph is   as you can see on the presentation in a friends  network person a might know person B but that does   not mean that person B nodes personing so this  kind of relationship can be shown by the directed   graph now the third graph we have is the weighted  graph a weighted graph is a graph where each age   has a numerical value called weight this can also  be measured the weight needed to reach other node   this weight is represented by a weight function  which is given by w e belongs to R the weight   on an H can signify many things for example on a  road map a person a need time to reach percent B   so person a if need a time to reach person  b or the distance between cities to reach   the Final Destination can be considered over here now the most important part of my keynote speech  if you are talking about the networks to handle   through data science so tool is required  for the same so there are various tools   are available nowadays I am focusing on one of  the tool I am given the insights of one tool so   data science building a network graph using  Microsoft power bi for SQL relational data   so we will have a look on it so how to build  a network graph for sales data stored in a SQL   Server to visualize the sales pattern you can see  this presentation on this slide so Network theory   is a state of art theory that is used to represent  the complex relationship between entities some   interesting applications are pandemic diffusion  analysis for example code 19 social network   analysis like Facebook Network World Trade  analysis Etc so Network graph is built upon   the network Theory and you can provide a dynamic  sometimes mind blowing graphs for storytelling   so here we are going to discuss how to build a  network graph for SQL relational data stored in   SQL Server it may be of interest of walks for  example like a software engineer data engineer   database administrator who want to take on some  data science projects above is a final Network   graph for sales data for bike related product note  that I am not using all the data for Simplicity   and the cleaner view for a demo purpose so  from this graph which you can see on your in   my presentation as well it is easy to answer the  frequently Asked question by Computing executive   so what products are sold all the green  nodes in the graph including touring bikes   Road Bikes mountain bike bike tracks so a  second where are products sold to all the   gray nodes in the graph including California New  England New Mexico Colorado and Nevada and Utah   so simply you can answer the third question may  be asked how many products are sold or how many   much are products sold for so simply by seeing  the graph you can provide the answer mostly to   California and New Zealand some to know Mexico and  Colorado and a small amount of Uther and Nevada now the next question can be asked as are there  any correlation between the product and customer   geographical so simply you can say yes for example  a lot more Road rights than bike racks are sold to   New Zealand indicated by a thicker line for road  bikes next question can be asked for a brand new   product where should it be marketed and sold  so for example a touring a bike can be marketed   marketed to California New Zealand New Mexico and  Colorado now how do we build something like this   in Microsoft power bi so this as a one example  I have put it one graph in my presentation so   this kind of questions you've asked you can simply  answer it but how to create this cup now in order   to create this graph we have a software available  Microsoft power bi now let's see how it works has two specific thing one is prerequisites and  second one is what is in the sample Adventure   Works database so the first one is prerequisite  so a Microsoft account you can register for free   then power bi desktop you can download  the software it is open source software   from the Microsoft official link also you  can download it then you require a SQL   Server you can download it from free for the  Microsoft link so Microsoft sample database   that is Adventure Works LT 2016. okay all the  researchers listening to me can note it down   these softwares so now the second point is  what is the sample Adventure Works database   so fake CMS data for a sales system then products  and product categories then customers and their   addresses and sales orders Now by installing the  software which I have told in a pre-sequences you   can use it very easily they are very user friendly  okay you can put your data and with respect to   you can provide the attributes to it and with  respect to that it will generate the graph for you now the next we have I would like to have a focus  on vulnerability due to the interconnectivity   so as you can see the diagrams on your screen  at a first Reliance the two satellite images are   indistinguishable so showing light shining  brightly this kind of images we usually see   on the Google as well most of the times so  being a data science engineer we have to buy   for gate we have to come up with the solutions  on it automatically through system software we   should be able to do that so at the first line  the two satellite images are indistinguishable   showing light shining brightly in a highly  populated areas and dark places that Mark was   uninhibited forests and oceans 8 upon a  closer inspection we notice the differences   Toronto Detroit Cleveland Columbus and Long  Island bright and shining in a you can see   how gone dark in B this is not a doctored shot  from the next Armageddon movie but represents a   real image of the U.S Northeast on August 14 2003  Before and After the Blackout that left without a   power on estimated 14 5 million people in eight  U.S states and another 10 million in Ontario  

so image a you can see on your screen is the  satellite image on Northeast United States taken   on August 13 2003 at 9 29 pm 20 hours before the  2003 blackout and the image be the same as above   put five hours After the Blackout so the 2003  blackout is a typical example of cascading failure   when a network acts as a transportation system a  local failure shift loads to other nodes if the   lexter load is negligible the system can simply  seamlessly observed and the failure goes unnoticed   if however the external load is too much for the  neighboring nodes they will two tip and reduce   and distribute and load to their neighbors in no  time we are faced with the cascading event whose   magnitude depends on the position and the capacity  of the nodes that failed initially cascading   failures have been observed in many complex system  they take place on the internet when traffic is   re-roted to bypass malfunctioning routers this  routine operation can occasionally create denial   of service attacks which make a fully functional  routers unavailable or by overwhelming them with   traffic we witness cascading events in a  financial system like in a 1997 when the   international monetary fund has a pressure put  pressure on it in central on the central banks   several Pacific Nations to limit their credit  which defaulted multiple cooperations eventually   resulting in a stock market crashes worldwide the  2009 to 2011 Financial meltdown is often seen as   a classic example often cascading failure the  U.S credit crisis paralyzing the economy of the   globe leaving behind scores of failed Banks then  corporations and even bankrupt States so cascading   failures can also be induced artificially an  example is the worldwide effort to drive the   money supply of terrorist organizations aim at  creeping their availability to function similarly   cancer researchers aim to induce cascading  failures in our sales to kill cancer cells   the Northeast blackout illustrates several  important themes of this book so first to   avoid damaging Cascades we must understand the  structure of the network on which the Cascade   propagates second we must be able to model  the dynamic dynamical processes taking place   on these networks like the flow of electricity  finally we need to uncover how the interplay   between the network structure and Dynamics  are failed the robustness of the whole system   although cascading failures may appear random and  unpredictable they follow repredictable laws that   can be Quantified and even predicted using  the tools of network space the blackout also   this blackout also illustrate a bigger thing  vulnerability due to the interconnectivity   indeed in the early years of electric power each  City and its own generators and electric Network   electricity cannot be stored however once  produce electricity must be immediately consumed   it made economic sense therefore to link  neighboring cities allowing them to share   the extra production and borrow electricity if  needed we await the low price of electricity   today to the power grid the network that image  through this pairwise connection linking all   procedures and consumes into a single Network  it allows cheaply produce power to the instantly   transported it anywhere electricity hence offers  a wonderful example of the huge positive and that   networks that have on our line being a part of  the network has its catch however local failures   like the breaking of the fuse somewhere in the  OU may not stay local any longer their impart   can travel along the Network's link and affect  other nodes as well consumers and individuals   apparently removed from the original problem in  general interconnectivity induces a remarkable   non-locality it allows information memes business  practices power energy and viruses to spread on   their respective social or technological networks  and reaching us no matter our distance from The   Source hence Network carry both benefits and  vulnerabilities uncovering the factors that   can enhance the spread of traits dim positive  and limit others that make Network weak all   vulnerable is one of the goals of This research  work so the research scope is there only thing is   that quality research is required and researchers  should come forward to solve such kind of problems now moving ahead so networks at the heart of  complex systems so I think the next Century   will be the century of complexity so this is  the statement given by the Stephen Hawking   so we are surrounded by the systems that are  hopelessly complicated consider for example the   society that requires cooperation between the  billions of individuals or the communications   infrastructure that integrate billions of cell  phones with computers and satellites our ability   to reason and comprehend our world requires the  coherent activity of billions of neurons in our   brain our biological existence is rooted in a  seamless interactions between the thousands of   genes and metabolic bullets within our cells the  systems are collectively called complex system   capturing the phase that is difficult to derive  their Collective behavior from a knowledge of   the systems components given the important  role complex system play in our daily life   in a science and in economy their understanding  mathematical description prediction and eventually   control in one of the major intellectual  and scientific challenges of the 21st   the emergence of the network science at the dawn  of the 21st century is a vivid demonstration   that science can live up to this challenge  indeed behind each complex system there is an   intricate Network that encodes the  interactions between the system components   so five to six things we always need to take  an into consideration the very first is the   network encoding the interaction between the  genes proteins and metabolase integrates this   component into a live cells the very existence of  this cellular network is a prerequisite of a life   the second thing is the wiring diagram capturing  the connections between the neurons called the   neural networks holds the key to our understanding  of how the brain functions to our consequences the third thing is the sum of all professional  friendship and Family Ties often called the   social network is the fabric of the society and  determines the spread of knowledge behavior and   resources the fourth thing is communication  Network describing which communication devices   interacts with each other through wired  internet connections or Wireless links   are at the heart of the modern Communication  System fifth one is the power grid a network   of generator and transmission line supplies  with energy virtually all modern technology   sixth one is the trader networks maintain our  ability to exchange the goods and services   being responsible for the material prospective  prosperity and that the world has enjoyed since   World War II so networks are also at the heart of  some of the most revolutionary Technologies of the   21st century and also going ahead with the 22nd  century so empowering everything from the Google   to Facebook Cisco and Twitter at the end Networks  format science technology business and nature to   much higher degree then it may be evident upon  a casual inspection consequently we will never   understand complex system unless we develop  a deep understanding of the networks behind   them and for understanding deeply the network data  science will be required the exploding interest in   a network science during the first decade of the  24th server Century either rooted in the discovery   that despite the obvious diversity of complex  systems the structure and the evaluation of the   networks behind each system is driven by a common  set of fundamental rods and principles therefore   notwithstanding the amazing differences in a form  size nature agents K-pop on real Network most   networks are differences in a form size nature  age and scope of real networks most networks are   driven by Common organizing principle once we  disregard the nature of the components and the   precise nature of the interactions between  them the obtained networks are more similar   than different from each other in the now moving  towards the next section now here we are going to   focus on two forces help the emergence of the  network science so Network science is a new   discipline one may debate its precise beginning  but all accounts the field has emerged as a   separate discipline only in the 21st century not  now so why didn't we have a network science 200   years earlier after all many of the networks that  the field explores are by no means new metabolic   networks date back to the origins of life with  a history of 4 billion years and the social   network is as old as Humanity furthermore many  disciplines from the biochemistry to sociology   and the Brain science have been dealing with their  own networks for decades craft Theory a prolific   sub field of mathematics has explored graph  since 1735. in this is there reason therefore   to call a network science the science of the 21st  Century something special happen at the dawn of   the 24th century and that transcended individual  research fields and catalyze the emergence of a   new discipline to understand why this happened  now and not 200 years earlier we need to discuss   the two forces that have contributed to  the emergence of the data science Network the first one we have is the  emergence of the network map so the emergence of the network science while the   study networks has a long history with  roots in a graph Theory and sociology   the modern chapter of the network science emerge  only during the first decade of the 21st century   the explosive interest in a network is well  documented by the citation pattern of two   classic papers the 1956 paper by wall reduce and  Alfred Rani that marks the beginning of the study   of random networks in a graph Theory and in 1973  paper by Mark Granovator the most cited social   network paper the figure so it had they have shown  that they have acquired their population and that   both papers had only limited impact outside their  field the explosive growth of the citations of   this paper in the 21st century is the consequences  of the emergence of the network science drawing a   new interdisciplinary attention to these classic  Publications now the emergence of the network map now the very first thing the emergence of the  network map to describe the detailed behavior   of the system consisting of hundreds of billions  of inter acting components we need a map of the   system so write in diagram in a social system  this would have required an accurate list of   your friends your friends friends and so on  in the world wide web this map tells us which   web pages linked to each other in the sale the  map corresponds to a detailed list of binding   interactions and chemical reactions involving  genes proteins and metabolics in the past we   lack the tools to map these networks it was  equally difficult to keep track of the huge   amount of data behind them the internet Revolution  offering effective and fast data sharing methods   and cheap digital storage fundamentally change  our ability to collect a symbol share and analyze   data pertaining to real networks thanks to this  technology advances at the turn and Milestone we   witness and explore explosion of a map marking  example range from the guide or dimes project that offered the first large-scale maps on  the internet to the hundred of millions of   dollars spent on biologies to experimentally  map out protein to protein interactions in   human cell the efforts made by social  network companies like Facebook Twitter   or LinkedIn to develop accurate depositories  of our friendships and professional ties the   contempt project of the U.S National Institute  of Health that aims to systematically trace the   neural Connections in a mammalian brain so the  sudden availability of these maps at the end   of the 20th century has catalyzed the emergence  of network science the next point we have is the   universality of the network characteristics so  it is easy to list the differences between the   various networks we encounter in a nature  or a society that notice of the metabolic   Network or tiny molecules and the links are  chemical reactions governed by the laws of   chemistry and the quantum mechanics the nodes of  the world wide wave are wave no comments and the   link are URLs guaranteed by the computer  algorithm the nodes of the social network   are individual and the links represent family  professional friendship and acquaintances styles   the processes that generated these networks also  differed a greatly metabolic networks where shaped   by billions of years of evaluation the world  wide way we built by the collective actions   of the millions of individual organization the  social networks are the shaped by social norms   whose roots go back thousands of year given the  diversity in size nature scope history evaluation   one would not be surprised if the networks Behind  These systems would differ greatly a key discovery   of network science is that the architecture of  network emerging in various domain of science   nature and Technology are similar to each  other a consequences of being governed by   the same organizing principle consecutively we  can use a common set of mathematical tools and   explore the system this universality is one  of the guiding principles of This research   but each time we ask how widely they apply  we will also aim to understand their Origins   uncovering the laws that shape Network evaluation  and then consequences on the network Behavior so   we can summarize like this while many disciplines  have made the important contributions with the   network science the emergence of the new field  was partly made possible by data availability   offering accurate maps of network encountered in  different disciplines these diverse Maps allowed   Network scientists to identify the universal  properties of various networks characteristics   this university universality offers the foundation  of the new discipline of the network science now moving ahead the next is the characteristics of the network  science so the very first characteristic is   interdisciplinary nature now Network Sciences  offers a language through which different   disciplines can seamlessly interact with each  other indeed cell biologists brain scientists   and computer scientists alike are faced with  the task of characteristic the wiring diagram   behind their system so extracting information from  incomplete and noise in data set and understanding   their systems robustness to failure or attacks  to be sure each discipline brings a different   set of goals technical details and challenges  which are important on their own in the common   nature of many issues these field struggles it  has led to cross-disciplinary fertilization of   the tools and idea for example the concept of  betweenness centrality that emerge in The Social   Network literature in the 1970s today plays  a key role in identifying high traffic notes   on the internet similarly algorithm developed by  computer scientists for a graph part dictionary is   also taken into consideration so this is the first  point we have and it has been found that novel   application in identifying disease modules in a  medicine or detecting communication within the   large social network the second characteristic we  have is the empirical data driven nature several   key concepts of the network science how the  roots in the graph theory if a fertile field   of mathematics what distinguishes network science  chronograph 3D is its empirical nature that you   use focus on data function and utility as we will  see in the coming slides in the network science   we are never satisfied with the developing  abstract mathematical tools to describe a   certain Network property each tool we develop is  tested on a real data and its value charge by the   insights it offers about the system properties and  behavior the third characteristic we have is the   quantitative and mathematical nature to contribute  to the development of network science and to   properly use it tools it is essential to master  the mathematical formalism behind it Network   assigned borrowed the formalism to deal with  the graphs from graph Theory and the conceptual   framework to deal with the randomness and seek  Universal organizing principle from statistical   physics lately the field is being from conceived  borrowed from engineering like control and the   information Theory allowing us to understand the  control principle of networks and from statistic   helping us extract information from incomplete and  noisy data set the development of network analysis   software has made the tools of network science  available to a wider Community even those who may   not be familiar with the intellectual foundations  and the full mathematical tips of the discipline   it to further the field and to efficiently  use its tool the mid to master its theoretical   formalization the last characteristic we have is  the computational nature given the size of many   networks of practical interest and the exceptional  amount of auxiliary data behind them Network   scientists are regularly confronted by a series of  formidable computational challenges and the field   has a strong computational character actively  borrowing from algorithm database management   and a data mining a series of software tools are  available to address this computational problem   enabling practitioners with diverse computational  skills to analyze the networks to interest to them   so as a we can summarize a Mastery of a network  science require familiarity with each of these   aspects in the field it is their combination that  offers the multi-faceted tools and perspective   necessary to understand the properties of real  Networks now the next part is social societal in   Impact if you are talking about the network data  science what will be the societal impact it has   we will discuss over here so the first impact  is the economic impact so from web search to   social networking the most successful companies  of the 21st century from Google to Facebook   Twitter link Francisco Apple you can take an  example of any like my base their technology   and business model on Networks indeed Google not  only runs the biggest Network mapping operation   that Humanity has ever built generating  a comprehensive and constantly updated   map of the world wide wave but his search  technology is deeply interlinked with the   network characteristics of the wave network has  gained particular popularity with the emergence of   Facebook the company with the ambition to map out  the social network of the whole planet Facebook   was not the first social networking site and it is  likely not the last either an impressive ecosystem   of the social networking tools from Twitter  to LinkedIn are fighting for the attention of   millions of user algorithm conceived by Network  scientists feel these sites aiding everything   from a friend recommendation to advertising the  second societal impact we have is the health   from drug design to metabolic engineering  so completed in almost 2001 the human German   provider offered the first comprehensive list  of all human genes it to fully understand how   our sales function and the origin of the disease a  full list of genes is not sufficient we also need   an accurate map of how genes proteins metabolics  and the other cellular components interact   with each other indeed most cellular processes  from food processing to sensing changes in the   environmentally on molecular Network the breakdown  of these networks is even so responsible for   human diseases several new companies like Advent  advantage of the opportunities are offered by the   network for the health and medicine for example  gengo collects map of cellular interactions from   the scientific literature and genomatica uses  the predictive power behind metabolic networks   so identified drug Targets in bacteria and humans  so recently a major pharmaceutical companies like   Johnson and Johnson have made a significant  investment in network medicine seeing it as   a part towards the future drugs next we have  a network biology and the medicine so again   we have a third Society societal impact we have  is the security to fighting with the terrorism   so again we are I'm sitting in India delivering a  lecture to the China again we have a neighbor as   a Pakistan so every time one or the other thing  is going on with between these three countries   again there are good people who are trying to  collaborate and sharing their knowledge as well   like me and the conference of fertility  is there so terrorism is a malady of the   21st century requiring significant resources  to compact in the worldwide Network thinking   is increasingly presently a rental of various law  enforcement agencies in a charge of responsibility   terrorist activities it is used to disrupt the  financial network of the terrorist organization   and to map adversial Network helping to our  uncover the role of their members and their   capabilities while much of the work in this  area is classified several well documented   case studies have been made public examples  include the use of social networks to find   Saddam Hussein or those responsible for the March  11 2004 Madrid and bombing through the examination   of the mobile call network network Concepts has  impacted military Doctrine as well leading to   the concept of network Centric Warfare aim at  finding fighting low intensity conflicts again   terrorist and criminal networks and employ  decentralized flexible Network organization now the next we have is the  epidemics from forecasting so this is the network behind a military  engagement so [Music] vast amount of data   is available so in order to handle it wisely  we require a network using the data science these are the mapping organizations we have  so moving one by one so next we have is the   epidemics from the forecasting of halting deadly  viruses so recently we have faced the corona as   well so while the H1 and one pandemic was not a  device static as it was feared at the beginning   of the outbreak in a 2009 it gained a special  role in the history of epidemics it was the first   pandemic which course and the time evaluation was  accurately predicted months before the pandemic   reached its peak so this was possible thanks to  fundamental advances in understanding the role of   Transportation networks in the spread of viruses  the next we have is the Neuroscience societal   goodies Neuroscience mapping mapping of brain  we are working on how to map a brain and we are   continuously working on it we means researchers  so the human brain consisting of hundreds of   billions of interlinked neurons is one of the last  least understood networks from the prospective of   network science the reason is simple we lack mobs  Maps telling us which neurons are linked together   the only fully mapped brain available for research  is that of the C Elegance warm consisting of only   three zero to neuron detailed maps of mammalian  brains could lead to a revolution in a brain   science align the understanding and curing of  neurons neurological and brain diseases with that   brain research could turn it into one of the most  prolific application area of the network science   driven by the potential transformative impact of  such maps in 2010 the National Institutes of hills   in the U.S has initiated the connectome project a  map developing Technologies so that could provide   accurate neural maps of mammalian brains the  last we have is the management uncovering the internet structure of an organization so  while management tends to rely on the official   chain of the command it is increasingly we don't  that the in front Network capturing who really   communicates with whom plays the most important  role in the success of the organization accurate   maps of such organizational Network can expose  the exponential potential lack of interactions   between key units help identify individuals who  play an important role in bringing different   departments and products together and help fire  management diagnose drivers organization and the   issues furthermore there is increasing evidence  in the management literature that the productivity   of an employee is determined by his or her  position in this informal organization Network   so overall Network science tools are  indispensable in a management and business   enhancing the productivity boosting  Innovations within the organizations   the next we have is the scientific impact  so this figure shows the complexity and the   network science so now where is the impact  of the network science more evident than in   the scientific Community the most prominent  scientific journals from nature to science   sell to Pinas devoted reviews and editorials  addressing the impact of the network on various   topics from biology to social sciences for example  science has published a special issue on networks   marking the 10-year anniversary of the discovery  of the scale free networks so during the past   decade each year about a dozen of international  conferences workshops summer and winter schools   have focus on network science a highly network  data science a highly successful networks data   science conference series it's called net AC I  had read the fields practitioners since 2005.   several general interest books have made a  bestseller released in many countries bringing   network data science to a general public most  major University offer Network science courses   attracting a diverse student body and in around  2014 Northeast University in Boston as well   and the central European University in Budapest  have long the PHD programs in a network science now the rise of data science so the complexity  and the network science the scientific impact of   a network science is seen through a citation  pattern compared to the citation of the most   cited papers in a complexity the study of complex  system in the 60s and 70s were terminated by the   Edward Lawrence 1960 classic work on cause and  Canon G Wilson's rear normalization group and   Samuel F Edwards and Philip W Anderson work on  spin glasses in the 1980s the communicating has   shifted its focus to pattern formation following  Benoit mind approach books on fractals and the   Thomas written and lion centers introduction to  the diffusion limited aggregation model equally   influential was on hoffield's paper on neuron  Network and the PowerBack shouting and put the   vision field work on self-organized criticality  these papers continue to Define our understanding   of complex system the figure as you can  see on your screen compares the yearly   citation of this Landmark paper with the  citation of the two most cited papers in   a network science the paper by the Vats and  straw Gates on a small world Network and by   barabasi and Albert responding the discovery of  a scaled free networks so several other matrices   indicates that Network science is impacting in  a defining numerous discipline for example in   a several research field Network paper become  the most cited paper in their leading journals so that's all about the networking towards  the data science and still lots of scope is   available we are forming the network of various  things day by day a huge amount of data we are   generating and to handle this data science integer  intelligently we still require lots of Innovations   to be made as far as data science is concerned and  as far as algorithm is concerned so if you require   to collaborate with me these are my contact  details and the public profiles are available   so my personal email ID is khekare that is my  surname k h e k a r e dot one two three  

then my this is my official email ID given by  my Institute that is the willow instructor of   Technology having a reference to nine and again  we are scoring good in the world ranking as well   so these are my research profiles on  various databases so you this is my   researcher ID then my this is our cheater  ID this is my problem profile and Google   Scholar profile scopus profile and this is my  personal primary email ID anytime if you wish   to collaborate or if you are having a query  related to a networking devices feel free to   contact me and thanks a lot to the conference  committee for inviting me as a keynote speaker   and giving me a platform to share my knowledge  so thanks a lot have a wonderful research life.

2023-07-27 18:40

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