Microsoft Surface engineering deep dive: Behind the scenes of hardware innovation | BRK2363

Microsoft Surface engineering deep dive: Behind the scenes of hardware innovation | BRK2363

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Good. Morning. Everybody. Got enough coffee in them all. Pumped, and excited about, the, details of our surface devices and, some of our design philosophy and how we build them I'm, super, excited to tell, you all about it and I, also, want to encourage everyone who is here if, you want to see even more detail look, at the insides of the devices, if you haven't already and I hope you have but. If you haven't already we've got an awesome booth and exposition, over in the hub I highly, recommend you go and check it out we've got devices, that are blown apart with all of their individual, components, and experts that are there waiting. Day answer any of your questions highly, recommend that you head over there in fact I will be heading over there to answer questions, after. This session so, please, do come and join us over there and. Let's, get started let's talk about some, of the behind the scenes of how we build. Our devices, how we design, our devices, and some of the philosophy, that goes into it I'll, be joined a little bit later by, my companion, here all to talk about some of the LTE capabilities, that we build into devices. But. For now I really, want to start, with kind of a simple principle it's, something, we talk about a lot of you've probably heard it if you've seen a lot of our, content. And information but I can't emphasize it enough that, devices, and, engineering. Are really any product, they, ovid. Themselves, they're not you. Know something that just comes off of a tree it's not a natural, process it's something that we as people have. Input, into we build and, the. Products, that we design there, are a reflection of the efforts of a large team of people who, help, to work on all, of the various different facets, that help us produce a device that reflects, all of our customer, scenarios, all of our, organizational. Scenarios, whether, that be building a device that's going to be your everyday work. Device sitting on your desk or whether that's the device that you choose to watch netflix on at the end of the day at home we. Design, because. We also use these devices we are consumers. Of them ourselves and, we, build, the devices that will make us happy in, the goal that it will make you happy, another. Piece I also really, want to hit home, is that this isn't something we do in a vacuum we, build our devices from, a large team of very diverse perspectives, but, we of ourselves you, know there's only a few thousand of us you're not reflective. Of every, possible, perspective, and every possible, philosophy. Worldwide. We, rely on our, customers, to tell us and provide us with feedback about the scenarios, that you use your device in the things that matter to you about a device, would. You prefer more, performance, or better battery life would you prefer to have higher resolution video, and when these. Are the things that we listen to if you've mentioned, something, about surface, online I pretty much guarantee you we've seen it at some point regardless. Of where it was posted you, know we're pretty familiar with a lot of the feedback that we get from you and I just want to encourage you to, continue participating in, those forums, we, do listen to what you have to say we, do build products, in response to it there are some features that we've announced, finally.

I'm Super excited to be able to talk about them this, year that, provide, capabilities. That have been asked for for quite some time especially. In the corporate audience, and. I want to thank you for participating in. This process with us you know we we, don't just, build a product and then that's all that happens, ultimately people use these products, and the goal behind them. Is to. Empower you to be able to do whatever, it is that you do whatever it is that you create with. These devices, regardless. Of the scenario, or what it means to you we want to make sure that this device or a device, that we produce is a fit and helps to empower you to do more we, have a pretty bold. Corporate. Statement, of course you, know empowering. Every, user on the planet every person on the planet to achieve more and for, us to accomplish that we need to work together to produce the next generation of devices the, increase, our ability to do that creative. Process enable. That creative process in. All the various different scenarios that our devices are used so. With that in mind I do want to show a brief clip that helps to emphasize some. Of our sort. Of the. People behind the scenes that's the big point of this video that we talk about some of our design philosophy as well, but, really it's about the, people and the team that I'm incredibly. Excited to represent up, here on the stage and. I hope that you'll find that this video is inspiring, to you as it is to me. The. Moment, you bring physical. Representation. Of your idea. To. A decision-making. Table everything. Changes, to, make a product do you really have to engage in a whole different level, of problem-solving and no, product, is ever designed by one person we've. Been able to bring, all. Of our diverse, talent, across engineering and, design, and, prototyping. Under one roof it, enables, inspiring, each other from you different, ways of how you look at the world you know an engineer can inspire, a designer, a prototyper, can find the next engineering. Solution, by, all working, together we, dissolve, into this group of product, makers. We, have to look beyond our disciplines, in, order to push things further, because. Only if you look beyond you discipline, you understand, that the greater goal is not only to. Be the best in your discipline, and one when a designer, what is something like that the. Greater goal is to make a product that people love. That. Is just an immensely, powering, video to me mostly, because it's the place where I work so I get to go oh wow that's awesome but it. Is just, a true, reflection of, our belief that we, have an, immensely diverse, team offering, different perspectives, and everybody's. Opinion. Is valued, into that product the way that any, other persons might be we. Get engineering. Solutions, from just, about everybody we get a you. Know we have, a future of a product that could be defined by, somebody. Who's the first day on the job we, make impactful, decisions to our product family, and we produce products. That help, to change the world and that's, an immensely, amazing. Thing to be a part of and. It's, also an amazing thing to look back on. On this slide I show the the journey that we I. Mean it's been a long road we've been doing this now for eight, years since we started working on the surface I myself. Started, around the the surface pro 3 timeframe, so it hasn't been quite that long but our journey in this device, has, been immensely. Sort. Of showcasing. The, capability. Of a world-class, team, to, produce devices. That, are.

Uncompromising. You. Know next to none we started with a product, that had, a fantastic. Mission we were gonna bring the PC experience, to the tablet form factor we. Were gonna showcase, the capabilities that, you could do with, a device, that was more than just a clunky laptop, or more than just a desktop, under your desk we were gonna empower, them more and along. This journey we've had a lot of firsts, we've, been able to bring things like touches. A first class citizen pen, and inking as a first class citizen to. The devices that you, use to, do your word, processing, your, Excel, spreadsheets. We've. Gotten to the point now where it's almost a Bic wa tiss if you're a surface user and you use these devices every, day or any of the other touchscreen, devices that are part of the windows ecosystem. You have become accustomed to it I know at home I have monitors, on my desk that don't have touch and the. Amount of times I put a smudge on that screen thinking, ology it's a surface it's a studio that it's, a computer you should be able to touch it you should be able to interact with it well. It's not there's. Certainly plenty of them we've. Also been, able to bring new form. Factors, new ways of interacting with computing devices to things like team spaces, with, our devices like surface, hub where. You can now interact with a digital, whiteboard, with compatriots. Across the country across the globe. First-class. Video conferencing, experiences. And a, native. In-person, experience regardless. Of whether you're separated, by the miles we. Have enabled. New form factors the done of screens with, an, immersive audio experience with surface headphones and all, the while along, these devices, and along this journey we've. Been improving we've been improving our capabilities. Growing, our team our quality, has improved over time our. Capabilities. To scale. Out large, numbers of devices, large numbers, of different form, factors, and devices, have. Grown we're. Very proud of the things that we're able to bring to the market today the, new technologies. That we've enabled in order to make sure that we can push the envelope consistently. And continuously, in the form factors, that have come to signify surface, like pro and laptop, as well, as new form factors, like, the ones that we talked about on stage do, a neo that we'll. See in the next year I. Want. To talk a bit about how. We think. About. Building, devices. What, do we design. Them for I mean we've got all these various different form factors they do a lot of different things and it means a lot of different. Things to different people. But. We, designed, them really for one primary. Purpose, above everything else and that is to capture the moments of creativity, that you have throughout, the day now, he'll. Go into great detail you may have seen this video before it's, a video, that we're very aligned, to in our creative philosophy, of how we design things. But our goal, is to capture that, moment of creativity, whether it's one minute or two minutes or three minutes whether it's you're walking, home from work whether, it's that you're. At work and you've got this office. Space creatively. Set up so that you are free from distractions. Whether it's an open space that you're working in and you put on a pair of surface headphones crank. Up that noise canceling to eliminate distractions, and listen to some music to, get into that moment of creativity, to create something, is massively. Inspiring, and it's what we build our devices, to do. Gonna. Let pop speak about that a little bit these. Are my daughters. That's. Bella and that's. Sophie, with the big smile they're, incredible, humans they're. Growing up in this world of technology they're. Connected, at all times, but. I want you to look at Sophie for a minute here she plays the piano and, she loves, it. It's. Actually incredible, to watch her play I mean, I wish she practiced more but it is incredible. You. Can see that the piano becomes part of Sophie you can see that but, to play her best that piano. It. Has to actually adapt, to her it has to be tuned perfectly. The. Bench it has to be the right height. The. Papers they. Have to be at eye level when, she's learning the teacher who teaches her she. Has to be thoughtful and considerate she has to learn there's a process. The. Piano is the technology. She. Needs the right instrument, to. Create the best music she can you. Need the right instrument, to. Create the best work that you can it, inspires, us to play better it inspires, her to play better you, see tech fading the background watch watch right now watch. You. See that. That. Is a moment of inspiration it. Is a moment of focus, everything. Disappears all, of it the piano the keys everything. The only thing right now is. Her feeling, what, she's creating, what, she sees, the, beauty of what she's making she, is in her flow watch.

Now Watch, this smile watch watch you, see that smile. You've. All been there there's. A moment where you reach your peak of perfection you, may not even remember it it may only be three minutes during the day it may be eight and for, some maniacal, crazies it's like four that's, awesome not me I've got like three minutes a day I think max but, those. Are important minutes and we can't miss them. For. People to get into their flow their technology, must disappear, to the background. Depending. On how. You interact. With your device what you're trying to create those moments of flow could arrive weather like I said you're walking down the street whether you're playing the piano they, could arrive at any moment anywhere. And so in order for us to match, that, moment. Of inspiration we. Have to have a device that is with you we have to have a device that you. Can interact. With at a moment's, notice. We've. Also, realized, that like that piano, we, have customers, who create, a scenario, we have a user so I myself, and, one of them who, create, a scenario, to get into that flow it's not a device, that sits in my back pocket, it's my desktop, it's the fact that I've got a fake, friend sitting beside me and I've got music. Blasting, and no distractions and, I, can get into that moment of inspiration I, I. Would like to say ad hoc but let's face it that's not quite true I. Can. Build, the environment to, inspire, me or I, can let nature, inspire, me and the, world around me inspire, me as I walk, around these. Different scenarios are, just my examples. The things that inspire, me, the things, that drive me to, create and, for each of us that moment of inspiration the, times that get us working. And, sited about our devices excited, about the things that we can, are. Different. And so, we know that we need to create not just one device that's gonna inspire, that one person, you know for me it's all about that desktop experience, in the studio but. For. Someone else it might be that moment on the train for, someone else it might be walking down the street. For. Each of us there's a different, perspective. On how we get inspired how we capture that inspiration. So, we have expanded. This family, and it really is a family, of devices, to. Capture all these different modes and ways that we interact with our environment the, ways that we capture. That creativity, and I'm.

Very Excited, to talk about some of the new items in that list today. We've. Brought 10th. Generation intel, silicon, to. The, pro and laptop, form factor, empowering, up to 80% better, performance, in the newest devices from their predecessors the. Surface. Laptop, now has 32, gigabytes, of RAM as an option which for those of us who are prolific. Multi-tab. Browsers, will note that's that's probably needed and. We, are very, happy to. Make that device, that can keep up with you available, and available today we've also expanded. The size bringing, in new options, it's, all about that choice, to. Decide this, is the device for me it feels good to me whether that's a 13 inch form factor in, a laptop a 15, inch form factor or. The 12 inch screen of surface pro weather mobility, is the higher priority, for you or whether or not you really want that traditional, clamshell form factor, that sits in your lap just right when. You're sitting on the couch we. Have the device that is capable of meeting your needs, powered. By that new processor, powered by that new silicon, we, are able to provide even, more. Ability. To stay in that flow not, wait for that application, to load not wait for that next action that you're trying to take to, process. Minimal. Distractions, that allow that technology. To, fade away. But. We knew we needed to do a little. Bit more the, surface pro is a design, that works fantastically. For, a lot of people but how do you get it thinner how. Do you get it more, mobile how do you get it to stay with you so that you can be literally walking, down the street and just pull it out of your bag grab, the pen write, on it and jot down those notes that came to you in that moment of inspiration. We, knew that to do this because this is hard we, had to design the device from the ground up from the silicon, op and so, for the first time we. Have brought a, Microsoft. Partnership. With silicon, to, create the Microsoft, SQL. Literally. Designed this device from the pieces. Of sand that form the silicon, in this device all, the way up through to the chassis and our southern millimeter thick experience, of the surface pro acts this. Single. Piece of silicon, contains, a large number of components, that otherwise, would have occupied space allow, us to produce a fantastic experience. In that, new form factor, to drive pro to the next level and we're super excited to see it get in your hands we're super excited to see you use it in. This processor, we started with a - wha mobile, device and we were able to add, features, and capability. Increased frequencies, up to a little over seven wants, to. Provide a true, PC. Experience. Even with 32-bit applications, it's. An armed 64, processor, but you can use your 32-bit, office you can use 32-bit web browsing or whatever application, comes to mind. It. Also features, a two teraflop. GPU. Let's. Look at surface pro X. I'm. Super excited to be able to say that you can buy it today which. I was, really looking forward to the. State we've. Made, it available you can literally go to the store and pick it up today finally very. Excited, to see the past several years worth of work in engineering silicon. Engineering, of the device building. These capabilities, and, being able to finally put it in your hands to experience, we also have them over at the surface booth for you to not. Only look at the devices and play around with them but we have a couple of expanded, and blown out views you, can look inside you, can see how it's built super. Excited, to let you get some hands-on experience with, the device there, are a couple things in this video I want to talk about specifically. They. Can go by relatively, quickly so I, want to make sure that I just talk about them a bit some of the challenges, that we faced this, is my moment to be able to say like gee this was hard guys and we did it, so. This, is an, example, of one of the major challenges we, experienced. As we brought the device down, in thickness as we.

Made The device thinner we found a couple of things that we had had in our surface Pro line for a long time just didn't, work the. First one and it's fairly obvious from, this picture is the, type cover port our, magnetic, port to connect that fabric, cover that's flexible on the front, it. Was too thick for a seven millimeter device, didn't. Have the stability if we tried to put it on the device quite as, it was we, needed to introduce a new mechanism to, hold it in vertical, orientation as. Well as to. Have the right level of communication, without having the, additional size of the. Pins that are on the surface type cover so, that was hard we. Engineered, a completely new type cover slot for this new device and the surface pro X type cover and surface Pro X signature, type cover used that new interface, and not, the previous surface, type cover interface, that we've used from pro 3 pro 4 5 6 & 7. We also found, that. Couldn't stick the pen on the side you know the the magnets, just wouldn't, hold we didn't have enough room to make them strong enough without affecting. Other things in the, thin side of the bezel, so. We. Said gee where can we go we can put it in the type cover and, as we're thinking about the solution for how we solve. That problem, of making sure that the pen stays with the device making sure that it is available at that moment's notice so that you can grab, it out of your bag throw. It into your hand throw that type cover up and take the pen and jot down a note as you're walking down the street the device instantly, wakes up when the type of cover opens, moment's. Notice you. Can be in your flow writing. Down in the notes or interacting. With the applications, that you have open on this device, but. We, also wanted, to bring it to, the. Assurance, that that device will always be charged that pen will always, have battery, you don't have to worry anymore about that, annual, battery charge we. Have a rechargeable. In. The surface slim pen that now fits right into that slot and the type cover and we were able to elevate that thinking, to provide more capability. In the space that we were already using to solve problems, the. Second thing that I want to point out is in this video clip. Where we talk about fast charging, and we show the battery. There's. One, thing that I find to be really crazy which, is that this little thing in the red box is the Microsoft SQL processor.

And. We've reduced several, of the external components, that are necessary on the board to allow us to reduce motherboard, size to allow us to reduce thermal thickness, in this device this. Includes, the Wi-Fi chip this includes LTE and includes the USB, hubs this, is, the, device it is the heart, the brain of the device and this, is the piece that allowed, us to reduce all of those additional factors, that were such a challenge, in getting past. That thickness, and surface pro 7 or surface pro 6 to that 7 millimeter thickness in surface. Pro X. This. Is where our hardened, soul went for, the past several years making, a device that, had a truly integrated mobile, first experience. Always. On always ready, plenty. Of battery life regardless, of the mode it's in and available. For you to get into that. We. Also increased, bezel size there's, a number of things that are super exciting, about surface pro X the, increased bezel size and basically the same form factor the ability. For that kickstand. I wanted. To talk in depth about the hinge but I realize. It might not be super exciting, please, do come by at the booth and we'll talk about the hand. We. Also have to make that a lot thinner I mean we have a lot less room, the. Ability to maintain that same hundred and sixty-five degrees studio, mode in, this device and of course the always-on LTE connectivity. All. Of these capabilities, are, available. In not only the surface pro but now in surface pro X and the super thin, always. Available, device and, we hope that you'll enjoy it. And. Of. Course the, o is on pen and inking experience, that I talked about previously where. You can, get into that flow grab that pen and be ready to drop down notes immediately. Now. I'd like to spend a little bit of time talking about the, LTE experience. That this device provides. And to do that I'm gonna bring on my coworker at all who. Can introduce himself and talk about LTE. A little bit. Good. Morning. So. My name is Hiro Moody Thank You Brandon great talk, so far I'm, part of Wireless program management, team back in 88 in Redmond what. We do is we drive wireless. Experiences. For an entire portfolio, that you saw here earlier what, that means is Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ECM. NFC. And of course LTE, part. Of our responsibility. Is also to work with mobile, operators, across the world to, make sure our device works great, on their, network, so. That's what we do. Awesome. Can you tell us a little bit about how, we design, these devices, our philosophy, behind sure, I think you already touched, on that our philosophy. About. Designing, the product is. What Parnas mentioned, the, technology. To fade in the background. T is no different when. It comes to LTE even people, in engineering back in idiot always, thinks it's very, very complicated, the. Number of antennas the frequencies. Bands, CA combinations. That we need to work on. However. For us LT is not any different than any other sub system that we have battery. Kickstand, typing, experience inking. Experience, at, the end of the day we, want to provide you guys with that magical. Connectivity, experience, where, you don't have to think about it you pop in a SIM card boom, your LT, connected, we, launched this device, in. 35. Different countries across the world and we want you to be able to connect to any, of the mobile operator network in any of those country without, really thinking about it. We. Want you to be able. To. Do the things that you want while. You are always connected that's our philosophy of LT, connectivity. What, are some of the biggest challenges, that we face when we go to build an LTE product, sure. So. When we were designing surface.

Pro 5. One. Of the biggest challenge, for, us, what. Where. Do we place all the antennas there, are seven antennas, on profile, there are seven antennas on Pro X including, Wi-Fi Bluetooth, and LTE. As. You look at our product I'm gonna grab Pro, X from here. On. The, site we. Have type-c connectors, we. Can't really use this part to. Put the antennas on this. Side we. Have the surface surf link connector. At the bottom we. Have these awesome typing experience so those connectors, are are there so. We couldn't, really use any of these three edges to put antennas. So. What we had to do. Was. Come, up with a solution which works and, gives. You that magical, connectivity, experience. So. There is a PhD, in our team who spent two years of his life designing. This solution where we have all the, seven antennas, on the top edge if, you look at this, all, the, seven antennas, are on, this top edge we in fact have a pattern we were the only one, in the industry coming. Up with the product who had all the seven antennas, on single, edge. So. That's one of the challenge that we saw one. Of the other challenge, when we launched profile, LTE, was. The, thermal, solution, we were the first one in the industry to launch Intel. I5 processor. Without, the presence of a fan, why. Was it needed some, of our customers, are from mining industry. They. Don't like, fan. Presence, because the dust gets inside so, we had to come up with a thermal heat. Dissipation, solution, which allows our processor, to work at its peak. All. Of these things that we do an invest. Boils. Down to just one thing which is mentioned at the bottom of this life, that. Is our biggest challenge, we. Do not, regionalize. Our LT product, what. It means is it's, truly, global. LT. Product, you, pick a device in any of those 35, countries it's, the same LTE. Modem it's one modem, one, software, unlike. Any other really om, that you find out there unlike. Your phones right if by, the phones in us you, might have to unlock them it may not have the bands that you need when you take the phone back to Europe or Japan or. Australia. We. Have a product, which, is truly global for, all those 35, countries, again. It goes back to our philosophy of, providing. You that magical. Connectivity, experience, where you don't have to think about it you bought a product here you're traveling for fun to Europe or word, just. Buy a SIM card there, or better yet you just download, isom profile, sitting, in your hotel room and your LT connected, you don't even have to step, out of your hotel room to buy LTE. Are. There other challenges, that we faced sure. Well. Before, we go into that I just wanted to show you insider, shot that you may not see anywhere. Outside this. Is the antenna array that I was talking about all the seven antennas on the top edge. What. Do you have the top view and the front view of our, antenna array. In. Terms of the challenges, I think, you already touched based on that. If. You look at the bezel size on this product it's, almost, non-existent. We. Reduce the bezel size by 33, percent on, this, device, the. Chart that you see up here is. A evolution. Of design, from surface to all, the way up to Pro X as you.

Can See. Bezel. Sizes have continuously. Gone down whereas. Of RF. Coverage has continuously. Gone up if, you look at the bands we. Started somewhere around 10 bands with, surface, 2 we. Support 23, different bands, with Pro X in terms, of CA combinations. We start with 2 CA combinations, well now we are up to 5, CA combinations, you. Would be amazed we, support, more than 500. CA combinations. And those, are needed for you to get to the truly. Gigabit. Capable, LTE device more. Than 500. CA combinations. With, that edge on. The antenna what. This chart shows, usually. The more bands you have more frequencies, you have you need bigger antenna. However. We. Are always there. Is this good fight between our ID team, and RF team ID always, wants to make thinner. Smaller. Lighter. Device, whereas we want more space to work with and that's, what you see here this healthy competition between, the, teams to, do, the best for. Their discipline, and come, together and give you that product, so. This was one of our biggest challenge, to, fit in all the RF components, that we needed in this super thin super, light form, factor that's amazing, and you can see this new antenna design at the surface booth we've got a breakdown that you can look and see it right in person we've, also got it broken out in a fully expanded, museum exhibit, of all the various different components. So. You've told us a little bit about the challenges but as we go to solve these how, do we make sure that our solutions, are scalable how do we test how do we validate yeah. Lt's. Is. A, subsystem. Which no. Matter how, much time how, many hours how many people, you. Test, in the lab, it. Will not show you all the true colors that it will show you in the field. So. What do we do there as a part of our validation, again to give you that magical, connectivity, experience. We. Invest a lot in designing, the product however, if we don't test enough and if it's not there when you really need it it's of, no use, so, as a part of this our validation. Effort there are a number of things that we do I'll touch base on some of them really quickly and then dive, deeper, on one of them first, these are engagement. With mobile, operator partners across the world, some.

Of You may know that when you want to launch a product on their network you have to go through their approval, process, which is super lengthy super, complex, they have a series of delay deliverables. They have series of tests that you have to go through on an, average the approval process are, around, eight weeks we. Partner, with more. Than 16, mobile, operator, across. The world and I, talked about literally. Across, the world we have partners, here in u.s. we work with them in Japan Australia. Several. Of them in Europe as well so. The same LTE, modem goes. Through the tremendous, amount of testing, through, those mobile operators, that's, number one number two, we. Call something, called self hosting and you must be familiar with it we, deploy more than three hundred somewhere. Between three hundred to five hundred devices, six. Months, prior to the launch inside. Microsoft across. Various. Different, discipline, we, start from marketing, executives. Engineers, from, all the, way different people larger, surface entire, Microsoft. Across, the globe, they. Use the products, as their, main device for. Six months, or so, and they report issues. You, see the issues we get a lot of telemetry, out of it and we, fix those issues. So. Those are the two things that we do the third one is called ICT. This. Is the chart that you see here. What. Is ICT, ICT, is in country, testing. Even. If we go through this operator. Approval, process, across the world we wanted to make sure that, our product, works, in the countries where we don't go through the operator approvals, as well like I mentioned we go to around 16 operators, however we launched in 35, different countries. So. We came up with this internal. Microsoft. Quality, gate where we. Take our product, to every. Single one of those 35, markets. We. Test on at least two of the mobile operators, as a. Part, of this testing, what do we do we, do a static, testing you're sitting in a hotel room or you're sitting, in a Starbucks Lobby and you go through series of tests we, do, a field test where.

We Go out there, we. Spend time in, the back of the taxi or if. The main mode of community. Is train. We. Take the trains during peak hours and we test the product we, test it with a reference. Device, to see what. Our performance. Looks like for. Some of the leading OEM, product, compared to those products. We. Spend on, an average. Around. Six, to seven days in. Each country and we, do two rounds of those testing, first we go early in the product development we go, across all those countries, we, find issues we. Fix them we. Go back out there again on, the, final software on, the final hardware, to, make sure that we have truly fixed, everything and there are no regressions, we, want to make sure this LTE, connectivity is, there. Like, fanos, mentioned, in that, video. Your. Peak of perfection you, wanted to upload a video you want to get on a teams call you want to get on a Skype, call you, want to make sure, LT, is there for you. That's. How we test our product that's. Awesome huh I'll thank you thank, you. All. Of this culminates, in a device that is ready, when you are it's, instant, on LTE. Connected. You, are able to use it in that moment of flow, in. The. Surface laptop, and surface pro spaces, our, primary focus in this release has been on providing, choice more. Colors, more sizes. I, know. That I think a lot of you will be quite excited to hear a metal, finish on the surface laptop. We. Know that when it comes to finish we've gotten a lot of very. Polarized. Feedback, on the Alcantara, fabric that we have in surface laptop some, people absolutely, love. It I do it, has such a great feel when you're typing on that keyboard it's so interactive. You can just it's. Warm it's home. But. If, you happen to be one of those people who works. With something, on your hands, you know somebody, who is, using, hand sanitizer, a lot we also know that you know the residue, can transfer. Cleaning. The Alcantara, fabric isn't as easy as wiping on a metal surface we've. Enabled metal, on both the 15 and 13-inch, form factors. We've. Also brought of course that tenth generation silicon. We've, brought larger. Glass, we've brought new, speakers, to the 13-inch which is one of our primary or, at, least proudest, features of surface laptop, that. Enables, you to host a teams call we, also have now dual front-facing microphones. That will isolate, vocal. Sounds, from people speaking so that you can sit, on that teams call and have the assurance that you're going to have. Reliable. Experience, even if you don't happen to have your surface, headphones, or earbuds on, you or your. Headset. On you at that point in time these, speakers are amazing, we really highly encourage you to just give them a listen throw some audio up on them watch them netflix video get. Familiar, with the sound experience. That the speakers, provide we. Also have a new 15 inch form factor in. Terms of laptop, I am 100, the 15-inch, user it's probably, due to the fact that I've used 15 inch for a long time longer than I care to admit. And. I, just. Got accustomed to that screen size that space the ability to interact with that much more room on the screen, 13-inch, always felt a little bit small to me so for me that 15 inch form factors just right and the, thinness and lightness of the 13 inch form factor translate. Over. We've. Also introduced. Speaking. Of that feedback we've, received over time a feature that's been much asked, for the. Removable, SSD. Which. That was a short, video clip that didn't shout. But. The removable SSD, would the type cover comes apart from the top of the laptop and you can actually service. That now, this is not a user serviceable, component, it is something we expect, that our enterprise. And commercial, customers and, a lot of you will, become familiar with youth, service laptops, before you're comfortable taking something apart we, have four, screws underneath the feed in the bottom the feet come off they're adhesive, the screws come out and then that type cover lifts off it, has magnetic, seals around the outside edge which are necessary especially, for, the, fabric type cover to help keep the sides of that fabric because it is a little softer than metal down, and to provide that seamless.

Feel That when you're using the device as a normal user you, have no idea that this thing comes apart it, doesn't look like it comes apart it doesn't look any different from surface laptop, to but, when you happen to need to grab that SSD, either to make sure that you can get data off of it or to make sure that you, can hot-swap, a new SSD in so that you can get somebody back up and running in that mission critical, moment when they're about to have a presentation, to the board the next day you. Can do it you'll have the ability to do that even in the field as an enterprise customer with the parts that we make available, with. Surface pro 7 we've, introduced, new colors and new type covers we're, expanding, the Rd loved experience, into the 10th generation intel. Silicon, to empower, you to do more, we. Are maintaining, consistency. With the experience, that we've provided over, the years because we know that that, form factor, works really really, well, in. Fact as we transition, from surface, pro foreign to surface pro 5 we very deliberately did not change the form factor we made sure that cases, were. Still, compatible as we went into pro 6 the, same philosophy, prevailed in pro 7 we knew we had to change something external. To the device we. Were going to add USBC, and, we. Wanted to still maintain that form factor, so we didn't move the ports there in the same places which, I'll show on a slide a little bit later we. Bring together in surface pro the very best experience of, Microsoft especially, for those users who want the thinnest lightest device and they want to be able to move around they, want to be able to just throw it in their bag with ease and, form. That clamshell, form factor isn't as much of a desired. Or, a long-term. Preference, the. Idea with surface, and the, new Pro 7 surface, laptop 3 lineup is about choice empowering. Your users to select the device that they love that fits them the color that they identify, with it makes them happy with their device the, fabric, or metal materials, that make them enjoy the typing experience make, them productive make. Them engaged, and. Of. Course as, I mentioned before we've. Brought USBC, which. Has replaced these DisplayPort. Ports in the exact same location so, that the type cover on the surface pro 7 will function. Or sorry not the type of cover the rugged, covers for surface, pro 6 pro 5 pro 4 i will continue to function with surface pro 7 the. Bottom edge of that DisplayPort, is where the USB C port aligns. So. It's the exact same location and, your type C port, actual. Plugs are a little bit you know they, should fit right into that slot. Regardless, of the cover that you use, and. We've introduced, some new capabilities, for the IT pro, we. Have device, firmware control, interface or GFCI which we've got a couple of sessions on here I hope that you've had some, time to be able to join we've. Taken our capabilities. If, you're familiar with surface, Enterprise management, mode or some it's, a certificate based capability. To control and lock down the firmware experience. Of the device including, hardware. Capabilities. Like whether the camera functions, or you can plug in a type cover that's. Been available through a tool, that had to be deployed as an application, for, quite, some time it's, definitely, the most secure way to manage, the firmware of your device and ensure that you have control over what your users can choose in terms of the hardware that's accessible, to them and to lock down the UV experience, and those fundamental. Baseline. Settings, of the device in addition. We've, now introduced, the ability to control that through the cloud for, auto pilot deployed, devices, you now have the same controls, through in tune with that certificate-based security, that you had with the center, prise management, mode through a deliberately, deployed certificate.

It, Allows you as an IT, pro, or an admin to configure, the hardware of the device much more, easily, you don't have to worry about your own private. Key infrastructure. Your public infrastructure, you don't have to worry about producing. This. Package, that needs to be deployed through your app deployment mechanism, we've. Also introduced, with surface pro 7 and surface laptop 3 again. That much asked for feature way con power we, know that many, of the surface pro devices, are deployed in scenarios. Where they're part of another solution there, you know the screen to an ATM or their screen, to a kiosk experience. And that, power button is and dough is accessible, we've. Introduced, the new capability, available through 7 that can be turned on it. Doesn't have a UV front page so you can't toggle it as an end user as, an IQ pro you would need to deploy it but. That way con power capability. Allows you to have the device wake up whenever you connect the power supply we. Know that some laptop, users are also very. Keen on having a mechanism to be able to turn on the laptop when it plugs into a surface dock surface. Dock in the built-in power supplies, when, this setting is toggled on will wake the device I. Want. To thank you for coming and joining me I don't think we have a huge amount of time for Q&A but, I will absolutely be, available, in the surface booth and. The surface hub or in the in, not inside that surface up. In. The please come join me please ask any questions, I'll, be there until 12:00 today and till 12:00 tomorrow thank, you.

2020-01-18 18:08

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