Introducing Azure Arc | BRK2208

Introducing Azure Arc | BRK2208

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All, right well, welcome everyone, to a shark, it is, my privilege to kick, this session off. We have Microsoft, are really excited to talk about a shark and bring, it to you in preview, I am, joined by two of the engineering, leaders that. Have designed, and are bringing a shark to you so, you'll get the unique opportunity. To actually, learn about it for, the first time publicly and, you'll, see demos, we'll, talk about architecture. So there's a lot of good stuff coming so thank you for coming and and. Again. It's in preview so you're welcome to try it as. Soon as we're done with this session, so. I thought I'd start with a little bit of the problem statement of what. Is a shark. Addressing. What are the needs, a shark, is addressing. And so, when you look at customer. Environments, if we get a chance I get, a chance in my job to, work with customers and partners and. Everyone. We speak to talks. About a world where. They have anywhere. From tens to, thousands, of applications, written. Virtual machines, containers. All sorts. Of different applications. They. Also have diverse infrastructure. They. Have hyper-v. They, have VMware, they. Have, real. Ball or remote branch office infrastructure. They, have new-age compute. As well. So there's some really great scenarios. Coming there and then. There's. A reality, whether companies. Are being strategic about, it or whether, it's happened, organically, we're. Also seeing a lot of companies, have, multi cloud they. Have different cloud solutions, and so. Over the last couple, years when, we've been talking to customers they. Said Microsoft can. You help govern, can, you help us govern, this environment, can. You give us a Jilla T with. This type of environment. And, can, you help us get. Security as well and so. This is. Some. Of what we're hearing and this is why we're really excited, to talk about our Ark and how, it's unlocking, scenarios, that. Allow you to drive. Innovation in, the most flexible, way possible, and also, operate seamlessly. And. When. You look at hybrid, and hybrid. Is something that there's going to be a lot of discussion, on this week we. Are taking a, comprehensive. Multi-dimensional. Approach. So. On the left-hand side, you. Have Azure stack, Azure. Stack is as, you're consistent infrastructure. So, if you're looking to buy new hardware if you want compute, if you want storage if you want intelligence, soup-to-nuts. We, have a portfolio, of abstract, solutions, on, the, right hand side is azure, IOT, which. Enables a number of solutions and gathers. Data to Azure and helps you analyze it and do some interesting things with it and then. Again yesterday. We announced our auric which, is bringing, ashore infrastructure, and services. To, any, infrastructure. So. Let's unpack that a little bit. Number. One azure. Arc allows. You to run as your, data services, anywhere and Travis. Will show you and, talk about what this means but, essentially, it means you get cloud. Innovation, you. Could assure data. Services. Running. On any. Kubernetes. Environment. It's, always up to date it's. Always being patched you. Get a cloud billing model and you. Can scale in seconds. It's. Actually it's it's incredible, and you'll see some of this a little bit later the.

Second One is really, around extending. Azure management. To, your environment and so. We're, effectively. Taking, the Azure control, plane and, extending. It so. You can plug your own resources. Into it so. A, Windows. Server virtual machine. Linux. Virtual machine a kubernetes, cluster and, then, you can manage it just like any other resource and Azure taking. Advantage of azure resource, manager Azure portal a lot of the tools so. Allows, you to manage at scale. The. Third one is around adopting, cloud. Practices. On-premises, so. If you're using kubernetes, or, you're using virtual machines. You can put the governance, you need in place. In. The, policies, while. Your developers, can innovate so. We balance speed. With, control, so, you can get that agility and get. Control again. On your. Infrastructure. And the. Last one is really about, implementing, security everywhere, so whether, it's our back policies, or, Azure threat protection we, want to make sure that your resources are. Secured. With, the best innovation, and again. This is any. Infrastructure. As well, as multi cloud. So. Over, the next 40, minutes we'll walk through these three scenarios these are the three core scenarios, that. We unlock today. So. The first one is about organizing and governing and cost environments, in fact I had someone come up to me yesterday who said arpan. I have a lot of servers, I have. Them on premises, I have them in Azure and I have some in AWS. So. How can I look. At all my, servers, well, now you can you can organize them you, can tag them and you, can do all of that right in the Azure portal. The. Second one is at scale kubernetes, app management, so. Again talking about this whole notion of, enabling. Developers, to develop and, ensuring. You don't have configuration, drift, ensuring. You have the right policies to. Have, that agility and also have that control in, the. Third scenario that we'll talk about today is. Being. Able to run as your data services, anywhere, this, could be compliance, reasons this, could be latency, reasons, but, getting that cloud innovation, in the, environment, you need and being.

Able To run it anywhere is another core, scenario so. With that I'm gonna invite Jeremy, winter who is one. Of the lead. Engineers. Behind a shark and so. Please, help me welcome Jeremy. I. Think. I need to stay in this spot we. Going yeah. All right hey so I'm Jeremy winter and it's, great to be up here again with you all, director. For overall, as your compute, and the focus area that I sit in as management in portal so, we have a lot of us focused in different areas - management, and portal I'm just pleased to be able to bring this and show a lot of the things. Have been working on when. We. Try. This, and. This. How. About okay slowly, come over, interesting. All. Right well I'll also belt so hopefully the mic guys can get me can you hear me in the back all. Right so I'm gonna just increase, this so we're gonna hopefully we'll manage that direction sounds good okay. So when. You think about what, we've been up to is, our pin mentioned it's really these three I'm gonna talk through the first two when, we come through here and when, the teams as they started to come together who, if I move it actually I'm. A walker so this is gonna be interesting. When. We really sit down and look at the core scenario, one of the core scenarios is we were working at the financial, financial institution. And what, you saw there was just this large sprawling. Of their environment, but they started to move to the cloud as well and so as they moved to the cloud and they're in the middle of their migration they. Start to see the benefits, of some of these aspects, but, how do I start to go leverage those and so, this is what we went and worked with them on really on just how, do I do this mix of metal how. Do I do this mix of a virtualized, environment, how do I do this mixed of the things that are starting to go into the clouds and what we're setting on from that perspective and. You can look it's just still this kind of disconnected, the customers are treating, it as two separate areas even, though I want. Oh. Okay. No. Where's. The handheld, mic let's try that so we can keep, this moving. All. Right if. I move at all I'm just gonna get disconnected so. The core what we're really focused we think about how, do we go enable, these core areas and this is an area we went and worked at the bank and really three one. All. Right hey. There. We go. Okay. So the, other piece that I really wanted when we really started to go look at this is how do I now, I have these multiple environments how, do I start to manage them have visibility and apply governance.

To These spaces and so this was really one of the core scenarios, that we worked with with some customers, this. Is what the team was dialed on too and we're thinking about the server's themselves, and. So when you fast-forward this step and I'll come in and login and we'll try to demo this it. Really was centered on - how do we do this bringing in Ark bringing. In the Azure management, the. Arm resources. And how, does that start, to play in where I can take these components. That I've already bet on in the cloud I'm using, policy, I'm using tags who's using who who's using policy, today in arm, all. Right that policy something we launched last year it, was native into our mitts think about it as groups group, policy, on steroids, for your cloud resources and, we're, doing a ton in there sessions that are just deep into the policy, and what. We did is we wanted to make sure that you could bring those core capabilities. Whether you're using it in the portal or not back and extend it to those other environments, bringing, your Azure practices. In let me just show you we'll, go ahead and talk about it that way. You. Login. We'll switch to eat. Okay. So. Here I am I'm in the Azure portal, and this. Is the new UI we've just just released I have the portal team as well so I have to do a plug form on just simplifying that UI in that overall piece for. You if you're trying to find arc today we can just go through and do a quick search for arc and we've made sure that you have two, areas to go look at for arc the, arc machines, which. Are those machines, and I'll show that in a second the machines that are connected, so these are virtual machines or physical machines that are connected in and I'll show that experience, but, you can just go to azure arc directly, and. What azure arc directly will show you is this is where, we are going to keep you up to date on all the different status, of these is because we're gonna continue to roll this out over time so. The first one that's publicly, available I've, already, watched to have to saw I saw this in the Satya keynote. Okay. I could, tell after about the first half an hour we're watching the stats and I can see the stats of usage just jumping on this and so who's already set up machines. Okay. Not very many in here we, know you're setting up the machines we've even seen a few tweets for some other environments, that they're doing so, the. Core of it here is think, about this as three offers that we're gonna talk about today the, first one is your servers, this is in public preview you, can use it today signup there's nothing that's holding you back on this we have many. That are using it already I'm gonna walk you through that experience the kubernetes, is a in limited preview so, please, sign up for the preview we'll take your name when we get you added and same. For the data services, if anyone. Is really, just jonesing, to get into the the private previews like I want, on this Cooper ninnies preview, as soon as I can't come, talk to me afterwards I'll get you access I'll take a picture of your of your badge and we'll get you access okay, alright, so let's so that so let's go in and manage these servers, so I'm just gonna go select on the manage servers, it. Comes in we've. Created a, set that's just specific, to your manage services we'll look at all resources, in a minute so you can see it's there as well but, we wanted for the preview to really make sure you could see just all of your machines that have been arced so ark enabled over, into the into the environment and all. You have to do from an ad perspective. Is its go out of machine here is, we've. Gone through and created, the documentation. For you to do this right in so if, you need to just generate a script you're, gonna just come. In here. We're. Gonna choose our resource group. We're. Gonna hit next to the proxy I'm going to skip you if you have your IP and your proxy name you can route this allows your arcs, to communicate, through your proxy, and. Then if, you want to add tags in your environment, but the short of it is we give you the scripts right here so. You don't have to go out and think about it further you can just come in and use the tool to get you the scripts that you need that's matched to the resource groups and the environment, that you've set up in your account so, you don't have to go off and do this by memory we'll do it within the tool for you cut. And paste this you can go fire this a PowerShell for your Windows Server bash, for your Linux environments. Or you can go use whatever other toolset you use for scale to blast the arc components. Out into the environment whether, that's SACM, or any of our other components.

In There, the. Core is you can download it execute it from that perspective we also given you guidance for. How to do, it at scale in the documentation, so when you go to that site just learn more there's a whole section on just the guides the, docs for. How to go do it okay, let us know if you need it easier for you please. Give the team's feedback, use a whole other sessions, later but we want to make sure it's easy for and I want to hear back from you to, make sure that it is easy cuz I don't want you struck I don't want you to have to spend too much time worried about setup I'd rather go the other way, so now once these are there I can just choose like this one sequel server. This, is no different for. The azure portal, this is this, is the magic of what we're trying to do I want no difference in the azure portal I want to just treat it as if it's an azure resource, you. Can see the core things is you know to the big ones for the customers, that we were working with or to using managed, access and they're looking at the compliance we made it really easy and put it on the main front page for you you. Can go in and look at your compliance and. The, beauty here is remembered this is a sequel machine back on premises, that I'm, looking in through a sure and I'm able to see the, azure policy, capability, which is about 2/3 of the room you're, able to see this just native Azure Policy capability. Right, here being used on Prem and so I know that these things are all within the policies, that I've set from my cloud experience, and this, is where we'll continue to invest heavily when. We think about making. Sure not only just policy, but even in guest configurations. So. How I think about my in guest config, remediating. Within the config, all of that will start to come through the policy flow and for, those that are using policy you'll see a little bit it's in PLC, the built-in configurations. Now within. The next few months you'll see us even at the remediation piece so this, is where we're going both for your cloud resources, and then, where your resources are anywhere, so this is a VM or a physical machine running. On another cloud or, running inside our your, data centers this is your view and I just I'm, just really proud to be able to show you all that core work all. Right let's go look at all resources just, so you can see the. All reese's of all resources world. Real. Quick all. Resources, I'm. So excited to go back to arc even. So. This is quite a bit in my resources, but I'm gonna go through and just quickly sort, by type I'm. Gonna hit machine, doing. This one-handed. Okay. So. Let's get rid of I just, want to look at the machine arcs in my virtual machines in this environment. And. Let's just do a grouping bite type. So we can see it. So. Here it is with, all my all my resources cuz this we know all resources is where a lot of people spend their time in Azure here. It is here's all my arc machines, these are all machines that are talking in, different environments you can see my resource, group I've connected the machines that are on Azure stack and I'm. Connected to machines that are sitting inside my, my own data center and that's right there in the same experience, as I would with my ashore VMs what you typically see so. That's the first step of really bringing in arc and it's, really just centered it's if you know Azure and you know as your policy, and you know what we can do with management and the agile resources we've really just brought it in native and it's extending, arm that way so. Let me jump over to the Kubb environment. I'll. Talk through the coop scenario a little bit. Okay. So, in the coop side this is really where we are gonna jump over to I already did the demo for you now, let's talk about kubernetes. At scale how. Many in the room are. Actively. Using kubernetes, in a containerized environment, inside your ears, alright. Good. Good. So that's about for those it's about I'd, say 20 15%, 15%, when. I just walked down the aisle earlier today and we're talking it I was afraid we didn't have as many as I was just hitting those that weren't using it I guess.

Look. The core of why we invested, and we firstly sit down and look at a Cooper Nettie's environment, and we see that this is really where we're starting to see a development lead energy. Around the kubernetes and it's, really important that you can continue to use the tool sets that are coming from that and so, you're seeing them really want to be able to just how, they could use these kubernetes, environments. To go, look at you. Know how they deploy within stores this is the retail scenario we worked on and. So Cooper Nettie's gives you this really easy way to go deploy out in an environment, it also allows, you to use tool sets that go deploy out in the environment from your, own kubernetes, community, and so, you want to be able to allow that model, of kubernetes, but, you also want to be able to start to put some governance, into that space why. We created a separate piece for the kubernetes, just to give that flip. To that here in a second so what. We did is we created a just another an ark enabled an ark enabled solution, for the kubernetes environment, why. That's so important, as we know as you'll start to see from the the data services, site that's coming up anywhere, that a kubernetes, environment, is running we'll be able to connect to and that, sets you up with flexibility, whether in an IOT, scenario, whether, you're sitting in just your normal modernization, of your apps this. Really becomes a platform for, portability, of the. App so we want to make sure you bring the management, into it afterwards. So. That's where we really set in from the kubernetes, side what. I'll show you in the demo is I'll show you how we connect into some of those existing development, tool sets so, I'm going to jump over to show you that all. Right. So here I am in the azure portal, you'll see a different color on this one it's a limited preview like I said so I wanted you to be able to see this is you've need to signup to come into this version of it and it's, really a straightforward we've already set the machines up like we did before it's exactly the same we're just going to go into the kubernetes, services, and. What we've done inside the kubernetes, service has really just made this we're gonna group by. Type. Do. That so we can make it easier so here, just like we did with all resources, now I can see my kubernetes. All. In there they've been arced so these are kubernetes environments, running wherever and the, retail scenario, they're running in the stores we've. Had some conversations with the auto side of being able to connect to start to bring in some of the auto components. That are talking with the automobiles, built into the kubernetes, side so this, really allows you to bring those resources in, if, I just choose cluster, a as an example again. I'm just gonna bring in the core point that it's just like anything else we've seen inside, the kubernetes, inside, the Azure experience, with our kubernetes, service I want. To call out the total of the tools point for your development side of the house, so. This is a machine that's been added and we. Can see configurations. And there's this notion of get-ups. We. Really wanted to make sure that you could use any of these tools let me show you this get ops piece so it's a configuration, that says, I'm compliant. My state is compliant. I'm, using. The get-ups. Operator. Here and there's an operator type that we've written in called flux what. Flux is for those that haven't used it is inside the get ops side of the world flux. Is a component, that is you can use that, will keep your development, environment in sync. With the production environment or, versa vice vice versa, and so it's monitoring, the whole time and if it sees that a development change has been made it, will enforce that change down and so, it makes sure that you're continuing it this is a separate tool this isn't a Microsoft tool this is a tool that you use within then get-ups but. What we did is we ensured, that the policy was, extensible. Enough you could go leverage any of these tools both in Azure in and native, so. How when these machines come in the environment, or these kubernetes, environments, how does it just automatically, appear, and the, reason for that as we go back to policy, we. Created a policy for this and buyer. As. It loads we. Have policy, in this environment that ensures. That I, have a get ops end point set, up for this so that policy, is created, at the beginning, it's. Put into the environment so anytime new kubernetes, environments, or new kubernetes, instances, come in they, automatically, have that specific configuration.

Why. I wanted to show you that specific, configurations, because it's using a third-party set of tools so we've allowed that extensibility, as, your developers, start to go use the tools they need you, so it really provides that flexibility, now show up in the arc side in a bit, but. That gives you the kind of view or what I wanted you to be able to see before. We bring Travis, up on this is what I really want you to be able to see is why. We've enabled the scenario, we really are taking the azure constructs, and bringing them down onto the on-premises, or the other cloud environments, from, within the experience it wasn't to be by design some big change in a whole nother way of thinking we wanted to take those same constructs, that you're using with Azure and really making that Asscher at the center of how you think about managing, and govern your environment, these. Things will continue to be a part of our, our. Strategy, is we take that next, evolution, of where we take our hybrid capabilities, and will continue to go build behind, arc and these are knievel capabilities, the. First arc enabled service as we talked about as the data services, piece that's coming out in limited preview so Travis come on up and let's run. Through that. Right. All. Right mic, on okay. Good. So, with, elastic scalability, here we have the flexibility, of using. Either. A, scale up or a scale, out approach, so if I want to scale up I can scale up the number of cores the amount of RAM that's, being used and do that without any application, downtime or with. Postgres, hyper, scale for example we can scale out so, we can actually take a sharded data set and distribute, that across multiple different nodes and then, scale it back down again without any application, downtime, and, then. We have the unified, management, experience, here and this is unified, in in multiple different senses, so the first is that we provide a unified, management experience. Across database, engines, starting. With sequel database in Postgres hyper scale which we're bringing is in the first wave of data services, so. You get a consistent management experience across data engines, normally, today you would use a different set of tools to manage sequel, and another, set of tools to manage Postgres, with. These data services, in Azure Arc you use a consistent toolset. Whether, it's in the adjure portal azure data studio or, the CLI, and api's for automation to manage across database, engines, we. Also provide a consistent management experience, between on-premises. And other clouds and Azure so, you get a consistent view, of everything. Regardless, of where it's running and, lastly. We provide a consistent view and a unified view across. Your, data services, and the underlying infrastructure, so. You can see not just how the data services are performing, but also the underlying infrastructure. Now. In terms of unmatched security, here. You get all of the benefits of the, sequel, engine security, features touches such as transparent, data encryption always. Encrypted role level security and advanced role-based security model, and so on but. In addition to that we're bringing our Asscher security, services, for data as well called. Advanced, data security, and there's, two services, that today have only been available up in Azure advanced. Threat protection and. Vulnerability, assessment, so. Advanced threat protection what, that does is it takes a, bunch. Of policies, that are defined by our agile security team that are continuously, being updated and, it pulls those policies, down to your data services, running wherever you have them on premises, or in another cloud and continuously. Looks for potential, threats and notifies, you about those kinds of things so, it could be somebody that is logging in that hasn't logged in for a long time or, maybe there's went a bunch of failed login, attempts for example the.

Other One is vulnerability, assessment, where again the agile security team is continuously, keeping, a set of policies, updated, that, help you identify potential. Security. Vulnerabilities. And giving. You advice on how to improve, your security posture and those, security, services, now will. Be applicable to your, data services, running wherever you have them loads on premises, another cloud or, on the edge and. Lastly. Is we'll be providing a new cloud billing, model so, today. Customers. Consume, our Azure data services, in Azure using, a cloud billing model that, type of billing model will also be available for you to consume these data services, wherever you want going, forward. So. How does this work, so, it starts out by acquiring, whatever, infrastructure. You want it can be your own data center infrastructure that you already have it. Could be some om Hardware that you purchase we're working with all the major OEMs like HPE Lenovo. And Dell to design reference architectures, that are designed to run these data services, or. You can get rented infrastructure, from an iOS provider like ec2 or you, know something up in Azure like a door is and then. On top of that. Infrastructure. You, then deploy a kubernetes, distribution, of your choice open source kubernetes, or open, ship for example or you could use a managed kubernetes service like a KS or eks. In AWS, on, top. Of that then you deploy the control, plane pods for, the environment, and these, are how you operate, the data services, at scale in your own environment, and those, connect, up to Azure through. The azure agent, that's built into that control plane to, do the integration of these things back and forth between Azure and these, control, plane pods also provides a local management, services for monitoring, high availability, disaster. Recovery, backups. And restores and, so on right, there inside of your local environment. So. Let's, take. A look at a quick demo of how this all works. Okay. So here, as your data studio this, is our cross-platform, tool. Mac Windows and Linux open-source, based, on Visual Studio code and. Extensible. There's 1st and 3rd party extensions out there in the marketplace and it's. Designed for all types of data professionals, DBAs. Data, engineers data scientists, it's designed for multiple database, engines, Postgres, sequel, my sequel, cloud, services. All-in-one. Tool now. Here in the azure panel, inside of a jar data studio I can, now log in with my Azure Active Directory credentials, and in, the side of the subscription, here I can see a sequel database instance I have in Azure I can. See a sequel server VM running inside. Of azure I can, see my address sequel database manage instances inside, Bajor and now, with Azure Ark I can also see my Postgres, and sequel. Instances, that are running inside of my, data center so. Now I can get a single view of all of my data services, whether they're running in Azure or someplace else and. I've got this demo, one instance right here connected, up right here and. We can run a query on this. Will. View select add. Add version. Oops. Ok. So. If. I run this query we can see that instead of returning something like sequel server we see that this is a Joe sequel database managed instance azure, arc, so. This is the new database, service that we're providing to customers, that's. Very similar to the management sense service that we have available in Azure but, you can now run this wherever you want in, this case is running in a lab back in Redmond. Now. Let's, take a look at how I could actually provision, a new one of these instances, so, when you go up to the outer portals, I'm. Going to go into the marketplace to provision, an instance, resource. Just like I would any other type of resource in Azure so.

We'll Search for a juror arc here. And. Here. You can see the first of the two services we're offering from Azure data services, as your sequel database managed instance and as, your database for Postgres when. You click into this click, create and you'll, see that the form that I'm going to fill out here is basically, the exact same form is what I fill out for running, a data, service in Azure if I was going to provision unmanaged instance in Azure. I can, choose a resource group then. I can type in a resource name for, this instance I can choose an azure location, where I want to store the metadata about this resource and here's. The only thing that's different is there's, this new arc location, prompt and this. Prompts me for whatever location I want to deploy into where I have a control, plane so. It could be my own data center or it could be something like AWS, so, we'll deploy into the Orlando data center here and we'll. Provide some connection, information here. About. How we're gonna manage this. Click. Review and creates now you can see that this experience is exactly like how we would create any other type of resource especially, data based resources, inside of azure except. In this case we're actually provisioning. This instance, into. Our data center. Done. So. Now let's go and take a look you, guys like that it's pretty quick right. So. I'm gonna run a cube CTL, command here to get the pod and show you how, it was deployed. So. Come CTL get, pod if you're not familiar with this this just shows the pods that are running on that kubernetes cluster and you can see that demo - pod is now, running here and I. Can run another command cube CTL get. Service, and. This. Will give me the endpoint, that I need to connect to you to be able to connect to that instance, is running in that environment now. In this case this is a node port configuration, so I need to connect to the kubernetes master, IP address, at that port number right there so. I'll flip back over to our data studio create, a new connection, and. Then connect to the kubernetes, master IP. Getting. Very good at my one-handed, typing here. Provide. The login. Call. This one demo to. We. Connect. That's. It, that's. How easy it is to go to the azure portal, and provision, an azure sequel database instance into your environment, and log. Into it and start using it and now it's being fully managed by a sure to, be continuously, updated. You'll. Receive all the patches and updates either automatically, or you can configure when you want them to happen you. Get monitoring, built in you. Get automatic h.a you. Get all of the backup. Restore capabilities. And you, can hook up to the azure provided, services that correlate, to that so, if I want to take in a backup that's being created locally, and push, that up to as your backup for long-term off-site retention I can do that I can, take the monitoring, data that's being collected locally, and visualized, if I want to just look at that locally and I can take that monitoring data I can push it up to Azure monitor, and take, advantage of all the benefits of being a natural monitor like alerting, or at, scale monitoring, and log analytics, up there as well so. This is just kind of a quick glance, at Azure data services, coming. To you on Azure Ark there's a whole session tomorrow I'll, go into a lot more detail, on this and show you a lot more demos so please drop by that if you're more interested in the data services, side of this and with that I'll turn it back over to you Jeremy. Thanks. Travis thank, you okay, so we just have a few more few, more pieces I wanted to show, jump. Back over to five. Okay. So, let's double click in I get. A lot of questions we said we saw this at the booth as well I was sitting at the booth last night man long lines so, it's good to see the interest everyone trying to get t-shirts as well, but. It's really I wanted to be able just do a double click to this question, that was asked like so how did you do it tell me how this fits in with arm and. So the core really, the key piece of this slide is to show you how we see, our Azure, customers, whether using the portal, or shell or PowerShell CLI, bash how they interact, directly and every crud is. Gone. Through the Azure resource. Manager this. Policy, yes I can't go that direction, this. This. This basically gives, you that core whether you're sitting with your tags your are back everything. Is gone through this and what this allows us is, to, have extensibility. Within. That core resource. Where, resource provider allows you have extensibility as, a resource manager so. What we've done is this now allows us to influence at across, every, service, and you see that underneath you'll, see across every service we're able to do this in a uniform, way across a sure this.

Is Very specific to, the way asher did it but. Now what we're able to do is do, the same thing, we're able to bring our canned we've created our can abled components, that let you plug in and so. Just as you see kubernetes, in the VM and the data services is a first set there will be a set of other ark enabled components. Coming down the line as we go prove this out and finish these other previews, ok the. Other thing there's a few that we chatted about earlier, about. How they extend. And how they can start to extend and so just know this, is my signal, to you that we are also allowing to start to go extend, as we come into this spring we'll start to have, a way for you to further extend, arm, with. Your own resource providers, so, if you need to start thinking about how you bring, Azure. Constructs, into an, arc, enabled, world. You'll, be able to bring your own components in as well so, let us get through these previews as we come through this spring the first ones available to you for now, and you can get going in through there ultimately. If. You think about just a even double-click deeper is so. Each, one of these blue boxes, that you see inside that's. That extensibility, I talked about we created, our peas that allow you to as your arc data as your, art cube as your, art manage services those are those are peas that you're able to plug into that platform that we've built uniformly. Across this. Gives, the RPS that you build or us the, same same, level, playing field is anything. Else inside the Azure portal, you're, able to take advantage of it just like any of the ow you know the thousand, plus Azure services that we have across the service and the blades that they've created. Inside. Each, one of these we drop this arc enabled, agent into. The virtual machine, or into. The kubernetes, world and that, allows us to have that communication, that I showed you back before if you remember even you could see some as I did the deployment are starting to connect so. It's a pretty extensible, relatively, straightforward, model, I think the magic is really in this control, plane and I. Know you know we hear a lot the, teams are off building companies, are building their own control, planes that are separate to. Try to get at this same challenge, and what you're gonna run into with that which I'm trying to help you avoid is I, go Rev the core platform is I go Rev arm and the core platform it's, gonna be difficult for your control planes to keep up and, so I wanted you to be able to have an ARM based or Azure based control, plane that would keep up with the platform that then you could plug your specialized, components, in but, this gives you that full overarching. Able division and you're, just it's very straightforward in, Travis's. Core area when you think about the data will, this is arkin abled again so when they ship those core services, and we'll have more coming down the pipeline they'll.

Also Be ark enabled in the same way so very simple straightforward model, that, we've worked through what. It ultimately gets, you when. You think about just this shift, of how we think about our overall operating. Models this, is for that developer, and your operations, you want to continue, to allow them to execute, continue. To have that velocity, in the overall environment, but. You also want to be able to have a custodian. Or a center, of excellence for the cloud that sets these policies, up just, like we did with the Cooper net environment, to ensure that it was always using flux so. This is that shift it's also a shift in how we think about our, operations, model, or how we operate, together and so. What this does what arc also enables, us facilitate, this view that allows the developer in the operations, continue to work directly in that side environment, but also allows you whether you're from a security role or an overall governance role or just a core IT role to be able to help put those policies, not only in the cloud but, then take those best practices, that you're now using the cloud and that we're hearing such great positive, feedback on the speed, that the clouds doing and then, go apply it back and those, other environments, in uniform way and so, this is really kind of that shift that we're going through it. Allows you to bring all of those core operation standards, the cost controls the security everything, we have native management, back, in back. Onto these other environments. So. With that. I'd. Say get started. I've. Talked about that enough it's in the in the portal today you, can go out and go take a look at these we've. Got the website and blog signup, to get notified, and, we. Have more sessions this weekend oh and. I guess we have some swag you have your t-shirts we. Have some t-shirts. Yeah. So anyway sure appreciate everyone's time some I don't it's some some some. So. I just appreciate everyone's, time and interest in Ark it's great to see just the packed room over your lunch hour thank, you so much there's deeper sessions and let's, go appreciate. It.

2020-01-20 00:20

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