Intel and Google Cloud Driving Business Transformation (Cloud Next ‘19 UK)

Intel and Google Cloud Driving Business Transformation (Cloud Next ‘19 UK)

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Hello. Welcome. I'm so glad you guys are here with me today. Something, I've always thought is the, gift of your time is the best thing that you can give to us so, I'm. Really grateful that you are here spending, this time with, me at the, partner, booth here, at Google, next so. I am lucky enough to be here my name is Rebecca weakly I run the cloud platform and solutions, enabling. Team, within, Google, within. Intel, and I work very closely with Google on the cloud offerings, I actually. Am curious and I won't have enough time to ask all of you but, if, you're, here as partners, if you're here, as providers. Or if you're here as developers, because, we're, gonna talk a lot over the next 50, minutes about the instance offerings, the partnerships, on software the, platforms that we're bringing to market with, Google. But. Depending on who you are different. Things will be interesting, so, if we have enough time at the end we, can have a little Q&A and we. Can talk through just, about any part of this, business this platform and how, we're trying to make sure the best solutions, are available to you in Google cloud, okay. And of. Course, nothing. Should be done without getting. Feedback so, we. Have a bunch, of surveys, available throughout, Google next, and I would love to make sure that I get your feedback on this session so that next, year we even, better for you. Okay. So what are we gonna talk about for 50 minutes I hope. A lot a little. Bit about the cloud market opportunity, in general what we see is a market opportunity what's, driving cloud, a little. Bit about strategic, alliances, and what we're doing with Google cloud and Intel, will. Talk specifically, about the five solution, pillars of the Google anthos program with with Intel and then, end-user. Partner, benefits so, to, those of you who are partnering with us and Google cloud would, love to talk a little bit more about the Alliance sales and marketing program partner. Solutions and then, wrap it up and be. Done. Okay. So a little bit on the market opportunity, cloud. Services, are exploding. So. If you actually look by, 2024. We are looking at kind of four, major, revenue. Pillars, within, the overall, cloud market, now. It's interesting I spend, a lot of time looking at data in this market. There are really three major. Trends that, are happening within, the digital services, portion, of the, cloud one, is digital retail, everybody. Who is anybody is buying things online these days that's, about a six point five trillion, dollar market by 2020 for digital. Advertising is, also growing rapidly about, a 17%, growth kegger, it's. About five hundred and seventeen, billion dollars, that. We estimate by 2020 for digital. Vidya video, and media is, actually the smallest right now and the smallest you, know currently but. We're looking at about one hundred and twenty four billion dollar market by the time we get to 2024, and it's actually the one that's growing at the fastest, tagar and I, think that that's not, surprising, when you think about it, if. You've, opened any social, media app recently more and more of the ads that you're experiencing, are video there, are more and more subscription, services, there's, more interesting, overlay, experiences. Whether you look at your typical, media kind of experience, with a Netflix, that, they're now doing things like balderdash where, it's, actually a much larger, video stream, a much more interesting and interactive experience. That they're trying to provide and work, with on you and all of that takes a little more compute a lot more memory right, a very different, compute, experience. And a lot more inferencing. And low latency capabilities. So. That. Market is I, would, say nascent, in in, the cloud in the last two years and only, growing and only, growing in small chunks and large chunks so lots of interesting things there and a lot that we do to try and make sure we're, optimizing, video. And media services within the cloud and then. Cloud services, and this, is what we would think of as like X, as a service whether, it's I as fast, paths, as, anything.

Where You are logging into somebody else's server to, experience, the, cloud, compute, that, would be an excess, service or a cloud service and by, 2024, that should be a three hundred and forty four billion dollar business please. Don't quote me on these I like feel free to coat me on these but you know every model is wrong I just hope they're informative and. Certainly. There's a lot that is changing, here and I, think this, is all really driving rapid. Rapid. Disruptive, change and it's, changing. How we do, business, it's, changing, how our enterprise, customers are, looking at their businesses, and what, they want to do when, they come to the cloud so. To that point we. Really are seeing when we talk to our enterprise customers that. Cloud. Is the catalyst, for business transformation. So. Recent. Study that we did 71, percent of CIOs. That we surveyed in, our market share in our market business. Indicated. That they felt their legacy, infrastructure, was holding them back now. Legacy, infrastructure, doesn't necessarily, mean public, cloud or private cloud is the answer it's, literally, that a legacy, infrastructure. Footprint, sans, whatever, it is that you're running is what. They're seeing as a limitation, so, they are looking to the cloud architecture, to solve problems, of availability, reliability. Access. To data lower, latency, on their services, so, 71%. Of them that's their view that it's a barrier to entry a barrier. To their own innovation, so, within the next year what, they were saying was 67. Of that 7 67. Percent of them are looking, to change their. Businesses, by leveraging artificial, intelligence, it, is the buzzword of the day I'm, sure the buzz words of the day, but. This is really about, people. Understanding, more from the data they collect so. Recent. Studies actually, have said only 2%, of the world's data is being, processed and analyzed and. 98%. Of the world's data was actually generated, in the last two years so. We're creating a massive footprint. Of data and, we're not actually doing. Much with it and, it turns out when, businesses, take advantage of, understanding, their. Own information. They. Actually get much better business results. So. What, we're seeing from these businesses is that they want to understand, what to do with their information they, want to give users better experiences.

Using. Their applications, using their services, in order to do that they. Want to take advantage of artificial, intelligence, so, 67%, of them are coming to the public cloud because. Maybe, they don't have a data scientist, team maybe, they don't have a set of classifiers available. To them every day and so, this is really the kind of technology, they're, looking for from our public cloud service providers. 83%. Of them expect. That they will be leveraging, the public cloud within the next year that. Is a massive growth from we've done the study since 2015, and. When. We first did this study it was 23%, of, enterprises. Indicated, that they wanted to come to the public cloud in the next two years. 83%. Are telling us that they will be there by the next year so. Certainly. As an indication, of where they want to go and what they want to do many, of them are going there, interestingly. Though, only 41%, of, their workloads, they expect, will be in the public cloud and I. Think that this is one, of those interesting fallacies. Of the cloud is that, people. Want the, public cloud they want to take advantage of the research, and, incredible. Solutions. That are available to, them in clouds like GCP. But. They, don't. Necessarily want. To use it for everything, right the cost of moving all of your data to the cloud the cost of doing you know low, latency applications, where you might want to be on the edge and not necessarily, in a large footprint, global. Cloud is, something. You have to reconcile, so, as are as more users are coming from enterprise into, the public cloud they, actually are looking at a hybrid, solution and that really is a major pain point for all of our customers whether, they are digital services, providers or traditional, enterprises so. 41%. Of their workloads they expect, to run on a public cloud and they want to run on a public cloud largely, for AI but. We, need to solve that problem of, the, hybrid multi-cloud, to be able to actually service, this market effectively and this, is where I'll be very excited to talk about some of the work we're doing with Google.

So. When, you think about Intel, and Google we've. Had a very very deep engineering, collaboration, partnership, for, the last 15 years but, with. GCP and specific, we, really started, the, strategic. Alliance with Diane, green in 2016, and it. Has, two, major pillars, that we work through together so. One is around technology. Innovation. Google. Is an amazing, partner as it comes to technology, innovation, because of everything that they bring to, the, table they. Were the first, to bring the Intel Xeon scalable. Processor, to market but codenamed skylake, processors. They. Have done a ton, in the space of hybrid and multi cloud with project anthos kubernetes. Before, and the basis of project anthos and. Certainly, the work that they're doing in AI ml. Weather with Intel or somebody else is, amazing. And really. Innovating, in this market and lastly. I think the area that we've worked on most closely with them is IOT so. Four, major areas of technology, innovation and partnership, that we work through in that strategic alliance and it. Really is to help drive business innovation. And business, acceleration. So, we're. Trying to help our customers move faster, and take advantage of GCP, and all, the new technology, that we're putting there and. That in call envy involves. I could speak. That. Involves, the global sales POC, program. For customers, the. Joint marketing initiatives, with our partners and our thought leadership efforts, within the industry co, marketing, plans all sorts, of work that we do with, MSP. Use sis you, know various, different providers in the space. So. I really. Want to take the opportunity to talk about what we're doing now. And next and where, we're going moving, forward this. Year I think in April the most exciting, part of being. In this, part of the business working, with Google, was, the announcement of project, anthos. Project. Anthos really, is it, was announced April 9th at Google next in San Francisco, and it, we, just launched, our intel select solutions, for, it which, has a large, ecosystem, partnership. On the backend both service. Providers and software, partners as well, as OMS, and OD M's that, are building, Intel select solutions that are project anthos certified. This. I think really allows, customers. To take, advantage of that hybrid multi cloud right, you're using an open-source stack you. Have solutions. Providers, if you would like support on that stack you. Have the ability to buy standard, hardware. That, is certified. Intel. Select solutions, and runs project anthos for a flexible, environment to the cloud is it, perfect no, I think we're all still learning in this game. But. I think, the ability for, this multi. Cloud hybrid, cloud offering, to, allow you to not just use GCP, to. Use your own on-premise. Cloud. Architecture, and then, any other cloud, provider. Google. Has really taken an open-source, approach, to, hybrid, cloud it's not just hybrid cloud it's a multi cloud and it's, a multi cloud with other public, service providers and I think that that's an incredible, statement of their commitment, to the ecosystem, and something. That makes me very proud to stand up here as their partner, so. We, do, a lot with them also in that open source ecosystem, we. Are the number one contributor to you, know, the. Linux distro, by note, by far and, away but. Also kubernetes, and also project and those directly so. We do a lot of code optimization. And work, in the open source community with, Google and others to, make sure that, everything. Runs best on Intel. So. I spoke a little bit about project anthos, I can't. Tell. You how, exciting, it is to be at a place where we actually have, an open, source solution in the market to, enable, customers to really, look at hybrid. Solutions. But. I think this is just the beginning and. The. First problem and what we've been talking about here is business. Transformation. And traditional, enterprises, but. The, upcoming, problems. To solve are. The edge I was, just in Taiwan two weeks ago had, a wonderful data-centric, symposium. Conversation, with a lot of our partners there and as, they, are working with their partners to do, network, transformation. They. Have so many challenges, in, the space of understanding. How to run telco. Stacks, on converged. IA hardware, that. Is another. Hybrid right, it's just another implementation of, a standard server an edge server in that case running. Many, many, different services, I think. Anthos is going to be another area where edge and, anthos, can come together I hope. Next year I get to stand up on stage and talk about some of the ways in which we are revolutionizing, telco. As a hybrid, cloud provider as well that's. Not a preview. Yet we're, just beginning. To work through how that is going to actually function, and but. It's pretty exciting to see how it goes so.

The. Enterprise edge is, what we are most focused on and this, is really branch, offices, remote, offices, how do you make sure you have the right connectivity, and a consistent software. Stack whether it's running in your, Singapore, office or, your. Santa Clara office or right, here in London or. In the public cloud so. We are doing a lot in this area and certainly. If there are partners who are looking at this I would love to be able to talk to you if we don't get enough time today I'm sure we will if, we don't get enough time today in this session I'll be at the booth but. Intel has right over there so please, come see us. Ok, so, to talk a little bit more about what, is in project. Anthos what are we doing and how are we bringing us all together so. Into. Has many, different, service, offerings, with, Google. In the public cloud so, you know I'll spend a lot more time on n 2 and C 2 and, M 2 and everything. That we're doing and, various. Benchmarks. And statistics over the next slides, so, I'd, rather talk here, about the. Solution, stack that we're working on with partners, and with Google so, you, know between n 2 and C 2 instances, all. The work that we do for VM migration, and, best performance that's. Really on the solutions backside a key, partner that we've worked with on our memory optimized, instances, is si P so, si B Hana is you, know beautifully, tuned for. The, memory optimized instances, on Intel. DC persistent, memory as well as the m2. S without DC. Persistent, memory both. Are options then. We have done a ton of work on AI, and, machine learning, in general with. Our Intel. DL, boost and avx-512, instruction. Set so, that's available in, the c2, instances, and the end two instances, and, it's, been a fascinating journey as we've gone through that I'll spend a little more time on that and then, lastly, what, we're doing for application. And really infrastructure, modernization I mean to, me what gets me excited every day to work with our customers is how.

They Are changing their businesses, using our technology and, everything. About anthos is really about, changing the future of how, business is conducted, so. The hybrid multi cloud and. There's a series of select, solutions and reference designs to support that for, on-prem footprint as well. Ok, so, what's, in the end two instance the end two instance was announced. Earlier this year it. Is a 20%, performance per, TCO dollar improvement, over. The n1 instance, and one was built on Intel's. Scalable. Processor, gen 1 can. You tell I don't do the marketing side of this that often I do. The research side. But. It's. The n1 processor, we moved to, the end two instance, with the sky lake from, skylight to cascade Lake so the Gen 2 scalable, performance. Offering. It, is it, runs on a wide I mean it's a general-purpose processor. So it runs our wide range, of applications, and. There's a lot of different application, sizes, that, you can facilitate and, utilize. To. To atv cpus available, up, to 640, gigabytes, of memory, up. To an 8 to 1 ratio for V CPUs to, your. Memory footprints, what's. Exciting about this instance, is, intel's. Deep, learning boost i think you know there's, lots of things that are exciting avx-512, is a great feature but it was one was in the first generation of scalable processor, DL, boost is really one of those new features that's bringing out what. Deal boost allows you to do is to increase your throughput on int 8 for. Any kind of an AI workload, that leverages, that lower precision, what. That can do is you can get about 14x, higher performance, on many, measured, applications. Something. I you know when we go back to those original pillars. That I was showing the. Cloud runs, digital, services, that is what what, digital services providers, are doing its. E-commerce it's. You, know retail. Experiences. In the cloud those. Run on recommendation. Systems, when, I go to Google. Or when I go to you. Know Facebook or any of these applications and, I do a search it's. Doing. A fetch from a database, it's inferring. From that database and your previous experiences. What, it should serve to you as a set of results, that's, the recommendation system. Recommendation. Systems have in one small phase an, inference. But. They have a lot of data fetch store, standard. Database access, and query and this. Is what processors, do very well so it's. Been an interesting experience, to. Work with our customers on their workloads, and I mean end customers, not just partners. Like Google on. Their workloads, to understand. The. Actual data. Processing, pipeline, and where a processor, can assist, in this and you. Know when we've gone through that we've seen, significant. Performance improvements in, their work lives. So. The. New instance that was brought to market in, was, the c2 with. The April announcement, this. Is more performance, V, CPU about 40%, more performance, per CPU. It's. The highest performant, core on GCP, there's. Multiple, shapes and sizes 4. To 6 TB CPUs, a little, smaller memory footprint per V CPU for, one is the ratio that we support and. Again, a lot of work here with Intel DL boost really, optimizing, this instance around HPC. AI, recommendation. Systems render. A lot, of cool workloads. So. Two. More that I wanted to talk about is the m-dot two memory, optimized instance so this instance, is really about memory intensive, workloads, we've, been very loud and proud about you know s ap and the work that we've done with sa p and g CP to make sure that this is very performant. In the cloud, it's. A massive, memory VM, so six terabytes 12, terabytes available. For, each VM, hi. Gigabyte throughput, so very high performance, as well on the memory bandwidth and s ap certified, which, is always exciting and, this. Is not just SAV, though I mean there are many different workloads that run well within the public cloud whether, it's presto there's yeah, we've. Had sequel, I mean many, databases, do, much better with a larger memory footprint you do less sharding, there's less network backhaul, bandwidth issues, right, better overall. Throughput and performance so. The more memory capacity, you can have for your database the better SLA, to your end user and that's, really what this instance is all about so 3x more memory capacity, per VM in the. M1 instance is what, this offers and I think it's been really exciting, for overall database performance. The. M2, with DC persistent, memory obviously, goes even further on this one so. For. Example with s AP HANA we were able to get about 12x, performance, improvement, by bringing more, memory capacity, within, that node to. That point I was making about, the. Less you should the database the more it is local access, the, lower overall latency it's going to be this.

Is Really where I think we. Are revolutionary. Revolutionising. Databases, and, the. Web has quite a few databases in the world so, I get, very excited about this one it's. Incredibly. Fast on restart restart, time, much, lower cost than a dram based system much, higher, capacity within. Your compute footprint, that you can manage so, we've been working with so many partners in for, DC persistent, memory and with, GCP being the first to come to market with their alpha of this I'm, again. To that point that we made at the beginning why, does Google such a great partner for Intel it's because, they bring out, technology, so quickly and they really do try and make sure that, the industry is enabled to go forward and we love we love partners, like that, so. There's a lot of public testimonials. On DC persistent, memory and the m2 instance, obviously. I say P Hana but data sticks showed, great, results, aerospike. KX and. Then just what we do within the, overall is V ecosystem, and open, source ecosystem, so Cassandra is pre-optimized 4m - we've, got images available that help you understand, how to leverage that spark, Redis. And. Sometimes. We do it in an open source fork, and then Redis. Labs picks it up three months later you, know but it's certainly an ecosystem, that is building actively, and I think incredibly, exciting, and interesting to, see how it is changing the database market so. If. Lower cost it's faster, lower, latency, than SSDs, I. Don't, know there's very as. Somebody who's been looking at this technology for over 10 years and, hoping. It'll come to market and waiting, for it to come to market every single. Day I get an email about, some, new you, know instance that's up some. New user who's had a new experience in a new market for, this so we talked a lot about databases, but, actually HPC, applications, EDA. Tools. Right. It's. Actually design, rules database is very large so there's, a lot of things that we are doing within. This space that will, be very cool, for, the market to take over I can't wait to see it all, so. AI and ml we wouldn't we wouldn't have a conversation if we, weren't talking about AI and machine, learning and specific, and, where. Are we seeing AI n ml with. Our Google, partners. And what, are we doing and so. The, Intel scalable processor Gen 2 brings, out DL boost I mentioned that earlier it. Has, a 14x performance per core improvement. On recommendation, systems, I can, give, you so many different data points and so many different partners that we've worked with on this but. Recommendation. Systems are something we talk about a lot it's about 62%, of, AI workloads, that run in the cloud are recommendation, systems. But. There's a lot more that you can do with lower precision within, this, market, so image and video CN, NS are pretty well known to run well at lower precision so, in Tate actually you see significant. Improvements, within Tait throughput. On Xeon. Processors. Natural. Language processing so. The next big slice, of. Workloads. That we see in AI in the cloud is absolutely. Natural language processing and, it, is only increasing, so, every. Time you pick up your Android, device and you speak into your phone and it goes, off and and translates. That into a search query natural. Language processing, there's. So much that is happening in this space the, models, have changed significantly the. Sparsity of the data is complex, so lots. Of interesting opportunities to, take advantage of heterogeneous, compute, I'm not going to say that CPUs. Are the answer to all things they are not but. There's certainly, really. Interesting, parts of a pipeline that, can be accelerated and also. Pre processed using CPUs, and having, that throughput inconsistency. And pre-optimized. Libraries, is really critical and generally. Analytics, right we, talk about AI and, machine learning as if it's something new but we've been doing analytics, for a very long time so. There's a lot that there that, we do naturally. On processors, to ensure that you're getting insight, from the data that you collect and, so there's a lot that is able. To be, improved. In terms of performance using, DL boost with, just, traditional analytics, light, pipelines. And, so. Just, to talk through what we're doing, there's. A series, of pre, optimized software libraries. That we are that, we provide so, there's. A VM. Tensor flow and pipe torch pre installed available. On this instance we, have a set of docker images, you know DL. Containers, for, all the popular. Frameworks available, for you to leverage and that's true both on GCE and gke so.

We're. Really trying to demystify, how. It is to work and do, AI on standard, processors and I think some of the most interesting opportunities. I've had to work with my customers, on this, is, you. Know. Summers who have rented. Capacity, there's a lot of customers, who use the public cloud and sort, of pre reserved instances, to be able to take, advantage of the. Best prices. But. They don't always operate, 24/7. So, actually, doing training, and inference, on batch. Processing, cycles, in spare, cycles when you don't have you, know a, high. Important. Workload running, is. Really where we're, seeing that, performance, even, faster than GPUs. Can be very interesting, so, in raw performance on GPUs, I mean I'm not gonna say, we have more tea flops on a GPU it's not it's. Not true but. There is kind, of the ubiquity, of being, able to run any workload, on a CPU. And so we've seen a lot of customers, take advantage, of spare. Cycles and spare capacity on, their, instances, to do more inference and training and that's really why we're trying to enable such an easy use. Case within the end-to-end, the see two instances. Okay. And the, anthos partnership, so, really. Again the anthos partnership, that we have with Google. Is about, time to value broad, ecosystem enabling. Really, a TCO, optimized, stack whether it's on pram or in the public cloud so. Google, provides, the software stack it's Google managed it's, fully, open source so, it's built on top of kubernetes, ice-t. O&K native, and. Folks. Are really, excited, about this community I mean it's it's fascinating to me especially Kay. Native add that was I. Want. To say two years ago not even in existence as. Most of these technologies. Were and now, it's the most popular, way in which you can look at a server. 'less architecture. It's. A single pane of glass cloud, management, methodology. Right it's your, solution, whether it's on your, on-prem. Footprint, or in a public cloud and you can build once and run anywhere, and again. I mentioned this earlier but you. Know I, can. Only give Google credit, for, creating. A framework that runs on every cloud whether, it's your cloud on Prem, their, cloud or their, competitors, clouds and I, think that takes, real. Hutzpah, right, real leadership to be able to and want to work in the open-source ecosystem, and be sure that they're going to out-innovate others, so. If. You're not familiar I, just, want to make sure you definitely, come away from this conference, knowing, it's. Here it's very cool it's just, the, beginning of where we go on this we're. Really excited about the work with Intel select solutions we, do a lot of verification. And validation if. You didn't know Intel. Does you, know a 696. Page platform. Design, guide for every new platform, and we, do reference, instances, for many, different areas, OCP, is one of them when we do an Intel select solution, what we've done is we've previewed, we've. Given hardware, specifications. To ODMs, and OMS, to ensure that systems are actually, reliable, and ready, to go in the ecosystem. It's. A lot of work and it's part of what Intel, brings to this partnership so. Being able to do an Intel select solution, for anthos, means, you will be able to take that software, stack and run, it on these hardware platforms, out-of-the-box. So, it's a really, cool. Partnership. If. You could hook nothing away from today I hope you have that. Ok. So. This. One is just really trying to kind of show through the Intel so we select. Solutions, recipe. And what you'll see is not. Only do we do the platform, reference, and abilities there we, actually come, out with benchmarks. Pre about, 25 pre-compiled.

Benchmarks, So you can understand, better how. Your. Cloud workloads, will run and this is not like sar 2017. I mean that's a great aggregate. Benchmark, to understand. Essentially. A relative metric. On IPC, but, we're talking TCP, we're talking, no. Max we're talking you know all the, different workloads, that correlate streams, all the different workloads that correlate, to, metrics. That actually matter for a memory latency, for, access, time for, various. Aspects, of a, system. Level performance design. Solution. They, are verified reference designs they, are you. Know also. Available for branding so, if you are interested, in as an ISP partner or marketer, MSP. Si. Coming, to market with us and. With Google then please do come talk to us because we. Are definitely willing to do partnership. And branding together and, it. Is about time. To value when. We actually talk to our customers. 43. Percent of our customers were saying that. It's the time to value, it's the time to their market. And that's, why they're looking for solutions right just, it's. A it's a painful, process to, acquire. A server, figure. Out how to configure it make sure it runs on your workloads, and actually, launch, a new service in fact, many of our customers take, four. To five quarters, to do validation, of a new service, and new platform, in their, environment, so really this program, is about accelerating. That time to value for our end users. Okay. So, who's using, Google. Cloud, Intel, instances, and why. I mean. I gave you lots of statistics, but I think it's always better to hear from our customers I would have loved to bring them all on stage but. It's. Only 50 minutes. One. Of the ones that I love in, this particular, case is our, sony partnership, so with image works rendering. As a workload this. Is one, of those spaces where for, years you know rendering. Farms, for, any of, the major studios. Any, of the major. Animation. Houses were. Massive. On-prem, footprints, this is their IP this is this is their you. Know next. Blockbuster, or, film that they want to make sure happens. They. Were able to come and take advantage for the rendering farm for, spare capacity into. The public cloud so again not all the workloads but a huge percentage, of their workloads in, the public cloud doubling. Their rendering performance using, Intel Xeon scalable, processors, using, Google Cloud instances, so, really exciting in the, space of Biomedical, 1.8. X faster than their previous generation. Moving, forward with us in IT, consulting. You, know less, time to complete 42%, lower cost. This. Is really, talking about how we're trying to optimize and, in many, of these cases it's around the AI work that we do for them so in digital media you, know really talking about 40%. Faster than before des, cartes labs some geospatial, intelligence. It's file compression right. The workloads aren't so. Complex. In this area but. File compression we were able to really work and improve and in this effort. We, didn't just come through as a hardware provider we actually also partnered, with the end-user, decart, labs to, ensure that they were getting software tuning and support from Intel and. Then, last one here is Cardinal, house and just. Incredibly. Awesome to, see again, the large mem systems right a 12 terabyte system being, able to help them. Optimize performance. And. Throughput. With, you know a much, larger, memory footprint, so. This. Is why we all I think get excited, every day to do this work is to see what, they are able to do what, all of our partners are able to do on top, of the public cloud on top of Intel.

So. How can we, get more involved with you I hope you came to this session because you wanted to learn more about how you, could partner with Intel and Google and. We. Provide. The, partner, benefit, the Google Cloud Alliance the Intel Google Cloud Alliance, so, that involves, GCP, credits, so. Enabling, resources, engineering, support as I mentioned, this could be benchmarking. And performance, solutions, to make sure what, you're offering in the cloud is something you can market or. It could be using, developer, kits and tuning your own workloads. Sales. Collaboration, I see my cells partners sitting in me sitting. In the oven right there, marketing. Exposure so, trying to make sure that your name gets out there and trying to use our name if possible to help drive, that. It's. Also about GCP, credits so. For. New workloads, so there's a kind of extra kicker to, be able to drive new workloads into the cloud extra. JCP, credits and that's. Migration. Funding so as you're, looking at something like anthos for a multi, cloud offering, working. With you on migrating. And actually. Bringing that to the public cloud, engineering. Support I will say it's best-in-class uh I. Think. They're pretty great intel, has 15,000. Software engineers and we do a ton of work in the open-source ecosystem, and in programs like this to help drive, effective. Solutions, within, on ia and then. Access to the latest technology right it's Google, Google brings the latest technology, out first and so, that's really an area where you get the opportunity to partner with a first-class. Provider. So. I hope I'll, tell you a little bit more about the Alliance sales program and the marketing programs but. I hope that you will come see actually, Pascale, do you guys want to raise your hand come see us in the booth if, you're interested in this program. So. This. Is a funded, POC, program the, objective, is really to accelerate, instances. In GCP on ia so. The end to the C to the m2 which, is all of our cascade Lake instances, in the. Public, cloud it. Also includes, our n1 instances, which is our skylake processor, the the. First, and our ultraman so, lots, of opportunity, there, it's, about, 450, K that. GCP has. Allocated. To that program that they're trying to work towards and, Intel, will fund up to 150. K in, GCP, credits to, help drive your, footprints. In GCP, on our, instances, so. It's. Very it, we've it's, through the end of the year I don't know if we'll do it next year so if you guys are interested please to talk, to us and we. Probably will but we'll see and. Really. What we're trying to do here is make sure that, you can take advantage of the public cloud and Intel. So. There's FS are there's, a. Bunch. Of marketing aspects, to this program as well so you, can request. You, know our request to you is that you you, know we'll, do a testimonial and talk about your experiences, with us and because, of that we'll be able to. Leverage. And partner and market together so, we. Actually are willing to put funds towards that marketing, so, that could be you, know up to 50 percent of your marketing activities as long, as it aligns with the Google cloud marketing, plan can, go there so it can be awareness events preference events, consideration. Or opportunity. Opportunity. Being, you know testimonials, and customer specifications, so. We've done a lot of work in this space I'll hit some, of those examples so.

You Guys can understand. Some of the partners that have come through this program and maybe, think, through how. You could, partner with us and Google, on that. So. Cloud physics I don't know if they're in the room I don't see them but. Cloud physics is a perfect example of, a, great, alliance partner so, they, provide insights into your data center infrastructure, it's really about the health of how your data center is running whether it's in the public, cloud or not and. Be. Able to improve. TCO ROI. Estimate, costs, etc so. This. Is a partner that we've worked on worked with very closely to. Ensure that they are leveraging Intel. Instances, in GCP. 3-way, apps broker, so, this is another partner that we worked with and, apps. Broker really allows you to look. Across and, have. A lot of choice in your applications. They, are the largest and oldest Google cloud only practice, in the EU and. They. Have a huge number of, intense. Experts, that, can help with migration, into, the public cloud so, really. They help they're a service, provider that helps customers move to. GCP and we've, worked very hard with them to make sure they have the best recipes, the best known configurations. Of all, of our hardware. The. Three-way data tonic partnership, is another, one and this is really about vertical solutions for AI and ml so, there are a dedicated cloud partner, and. There are 100% focused on AI and ml they, get direct. Access to Intel and Google cloud experts both. Intel, direct, support and Google direct support on this and they're, really helping enterprises, look. At how, to leverage DCP, so, they. Have a great solutions, designer team, we love to work with them we do a lot of training and, joint. Exercises, with them and this is the kind of partners that we always want to look for every, region is different. Everybody. Has different, aspects. That they bring to the table we, want to make sure that you have the best known configurations, from us and the best software support from, Google and. Various. Partner testimonials, again, I always think it's better to let them speak for themselves as we, talk through this but you, know, extreme. Cloud center is an apps broker, offering, it's, an incredible, opportunity that, we've been able to bring together and obviously Mike was sharing his experience, here. With. Cloud physics, visa, was showing sharing her experience, working in the program and then, data tonic as well so. Lots, of cool partners. Always. Looking for more please. Come talk to us. The. Real goal here with any of these programs is to accelerate our. End users, deployments. Whether, in on-prem cloud or the public cloud to make sure it works together and to make sure that, they know. How to leverage our solutions. So. Please test, drive our new instances, with, Google cloud we're, very excited about them particularly m2 and. The amp those offerings and please. Make sure to talk. To us about leveraging. The Intel cloud alliance if you're, an MSP if you're an SI if you're anywhere, in this ecosystem we. Want to be able to partner with you and we want to make sure that you're getting the, support that you have every right and capability, to to. Leverage so, please come talk to us, thank. You so much I have a little bit of time for questions, if anybody has any questions for me.

The. Lovely folks. Wearing, white t-shirts are, our, partners here in the booth so if you guys are in the room Auditorium. So. If you have any questions please grab a microphone, otherwise I probably. Won't hear you which, would be a shame I'm. Here to hear from you. Nothing. You. All know everything, you can possibly, use in DCP and how, well, it is configured to run on ia. Well. I'll take, your shyness, then as an indication that. Either. You haven't had enough coffee or. You'd rather I get off the stage so, I will just ask please do come see us in the booth we're really excited to partner with you so, thank you for coming.

2019-12-16 04:46

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