Disruptive Digital Technologies and the Secure Brand Experience

Disruptive Digital Technologies and the Secure Brand Experience

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All. Right so, thank you very much for. Coming you know I love getting out. I actually. On the road about 40 weeks a year but getting on stage kinda, adds a different, element, to it so I'm. Pat Moorhead founder. And principal, analyst, at, a research, firm called more insights, and strategy, and, to. Simplify it right we're pundits, right every. Industry has its pundits, where's the industry going what, happened where's it going in the future I like. To say that before. I founded the company I had a real job and, now. That really, annoys. My, analyst, counterparts, but the fact is, it's. Hard to have context. Without spending, maybe 20 25 years, in real, business and I, did, that before I became an analyst in product, management product, marketing, and also. Corporate. Strategy so, hopefully. At least what. My clients, in an industry, stay is that. We, get better advice and we see things coming so a. Few, fun facts about the company so first of all it's, a 20-person, company, right, and. The. Great part is that in today's day and age you don't have to be 5,000. People to. Make an impact. Personally. The most cited analyst on the planet, with. The press and that either means that I have a really big mouth or maybe I know, what I'm talking about it's probably a combination of both if if if we spent time together, and. Our, company, won. Best, small. Firm for 2016, so you, don't have to be massive. To, make an, impact and, all. Work. That in as, we go here but, let's, get to the meat and what I'm going to talk about is is. Two. Elements. That typically, don't. Aren't. Happy. Friends, and that's, security. And, disruptive. Technologies. And I, spent. A lot of time, with, companies, and researching. Markets. And, obviously. Security, is is, one of those big. Hairy, problems, that we have solve so let's. Dive right in so. First and foremost this. Is kind of my shock and awe slide okay, I'm assuming that many, of you in the audience are, in big, positions, at companies. Where. Where you, know your heads on the line and I. Often wonder, right we went through this web 1.0 right, web 1.0 was, when the internet first happened, and. The. Companies, that got taken out were media, companies, write movies. Books. Things. Like this also, travel. Agencies, right, you remember we we used to go into a travel agent and sit, down with them and give, them an idea what we wanted and then a couple days later they would come back you. Know obviously now it's instantaneous, sure, people's. Travel. Agents still do exist but but it's very very, different, one, thing I found fascinating though, is that, after the, decimation, in. In web 1.0. You, know CEOs, and boards, were, like oh I. Wasn't. Upended, by those by, those tech guys well, it's. Coming okay whether, you're in manufacturing. Agriculture. Grocery. Stores. Retail. And knowledge. Services classic. Kind. Of white collar, financial. Services, wherever you see rows. Of cubes those, are fundamentally. Going to be decimated. Without. Without. Action. Hey, I've been in industries, that have been blown, up I've been, in industries, that blew up other industries, and and, this, thing is is, real. So. What. Did we learn from that and. We. Learn a new way to run business, and it's. Very simple if, you're, asking your customers today, what they want you've failed. What. People the most successful, companies do is they predict, what their customers want in the future. What. They want how they want it how they want to deliver and. They and they deliver it it doesn't mean that doesn't mean don't talk to your customers, right we always hear the well a customer never said they wanted an iPad smartypants. I love, that but but they didn't but what they described, though were the characteristics. What. Ended up being the. IPad, which, was and I want to work anywhere, I want I want it to have LTE in, it, I wanted to have ten hours of back you know this is the stuff that I want, and. I. Think we've moved there, but we haven't moved quickly enough I also, feel like we're were. The. Most successful, businesses, they, don't just throw. A bunch of crap, out there that's not high quality and, say hey let's beta test our customers. What. They do is they. Put, products, out, they. Do rapid, prototyping, on them and they do this notion. Of fast fail where it's you, know what I don't know what I don't know I can't hire, a consultant. An analyst, because this is this is new ground to be broken there's, no research.

Report, I can get on this so nothing. Beats getting in there and doing it, and boy, industrial. Internet of Things projects. This. Works great mobility. Worked. Great and I'll get into that as well and, then. Finally, we, need to stop thinking of technology. As as, what. The other department, does right oh it's the IT guy and the CIO, every. Single, massive transition, we've seen has. Actually gone, around the IT person. Right, whether. It was mainframes, - minis minis, - pcs. Desktop. PCs the laptop, bring-your-own-device. Mobility. The, public, cloud right, the web my. Company used to have me see 1999. Oh 2000. Had. 56, different websites. In the company right and we might sit here and think oh my gosh that's so dumb but you all remember, right, you had 56, - maybe you had a hundred and fifty-six, that, ultimately, IT came, in and reeled. It in there but. The. Problem is that's the wrong thing to focus on it's. Really about what. Can i. Disrupt. With technology. And before. Everybody, gets some I rolls here okay oh it's, the detect. Disruption, guy let. Me give you this so if, you do believe that artificial, intelligence and machine learning is. Going to make an impact on you and everybody's gonna have the same machines, and, everybody's, gonna have the same robots, then, what distinguishes. Your business, it's. The intellectual, property. That the, 10,000. Years, of combined. Experience of. That, person, who. Understands. When, they go out in the field and do an inspection that. Will be sucked, into this. Tech morass. So you may not know it but you're, going to actually be a, tech, company. So. This. Was originally three slides but they said hey you can have more than ten slides here so, I made it one so. These are the things that you need to at least and whether you're in business or, whether, you're an IT. You. Need to at least have, a notion, of and, have a strategy, around that and the cool part, and. The biggest part of this talk is gonna be on mobility is the mobility hits. Everything. You, know I already talked about how artificial, intelligence. And machine learning in, that at the end of the day once, the machines, everybody. Has the same machines, and the same algorithms. It's. The. Intellectual, property, and the knowledge that you have that your workers, have whatever business that you're in, whether. It's forex. Trading whether it's gas. Exploration. It's. Taking. That knowledge, and. Mechanizing. It for the, future, bots, you may not have known this maybe you did because maybe they're not happy with the support is that Microsoft flipped, a lot. Of their support, to bots and, BOTS. Are essentially, an extension, of, machine learning that pretends, it's a person, on the other line now. This, started in China with, Baidu where, instead. Of on. Your smartphone when you're trying to make. You ask questions, of the company it's. Actually, we. Couldn't do that here in the United States so we created this notion of bots as opposed to having, a hundred thousand, people behind. A terminal. A. Our, augmented. Reality virtual, reality, and mixed reality listen, I could have put ten other things on here but, it's really simple, augmented. Reality takes. Reality. Overlays. It with something fake and. Virtual. Reality starts. With fake and overlays. It with reality. And this notion of mixed reality. Yet.

Very Similar to the Odyssey. Headset. That Samsung, brought out actually, has. Virtual. Cameras in it so you. You, can see it's it's this mix. Of of. The, two and what, it does is when, I look at it business senses, it, allows, you for the first time to. Place. Shift so let's. Say you, know I know we. Thought fifteen years ago VRML. On the web and I do my walkthrough, of the house it's gonna be great right well that. Really didn't make a difference we just, really wanted to go and see that room we wanted we were gonna buy a, million, dollar property off the internet but this. Notion of you putting on these goggles and. Virtually. Walking, through, and looking, in every nook and cranny and, seeing hey. There's, a crack in this wall does, it have some. Sort of structural. Issue oh my. Gosh, this. Thing said it had 10-foot, ceilings, but there's no way I feel like I'm trapped. And. This. Whole notion of training. We're, today. Let's, say you're training, somebody on a. Heavy piece of machinery, you, have to actually have that piece of machinery in front of you or you could do virtual. Reality and pretend. That you're doing these different things. As. Funnies that might seem Kentucky, Fried Chicken actually, is starting to use. This. For, the people who make chicken. Where, they train them how they do is they give them a set, of goggles and, hey this is how you do this we'll, see how that works out I don't know it sounds a little weird but. It, is definitely where where things are going because it allows you to place shift. IOT. Internet, of Things God what a great term I put every buzzword on this slide that. You possibly need to know and. The way that I look I look at it as the industrial, IOT, not. You. Know an LTE based SmartWatch, or something like that it's. Essentially. This, notion, that, all the stuff, that, that's out there today whether it's boilers, air. Conditioners. Will, be instrumented. And. It. Will send you information that's. Gonna be able to tell you when. It's gonna fail as opposed to sending a fix-it person out every month to. Do their rounds and, shine, the light and, see how we're doing. The. Systems actually were able to tell you when, to send, that, person out there and, finally. And I know the. Snickers and you know ha, ha ha you know we're not gonna have robots but we are actually gonna, have robots okay in five years so we're gonna look cute so we're gonna be a box in. Your hotel room to deliver you. Things. Like toothpaste and, stuff like that but. They. Are going to be there and this notion of 3d. Printing if you make anything, that's, matter right, whether it's metal, wood plastic. Something. Like that. And maybe you're already doing this today but, this, notion of not. Just designing, but actually manufacturing. You know that short runs of plastic, devices. 50,000. Units or less is actually, more economically, viable on a 3d, printer, it's. Crazy so. We. All think about this notion of oh my gosh we're all offshoring. All this manufacturing, well guess what we. Could be ensuring. Manufacturing. By doing short-run, metallic. And. Even plastic. Goods. Here and thinking. About how you can get that that advantage, is is, key out there so the. Rest of the talk I'm I'm. Gonna hit on mobile, okay, but the, cool part when, I was preparing this, was. That I I figured. Out hey wait a second, every one of these elements is inside of mobility you, have. Companies. Like, Samsung. Right, lever a DSP, and, putting in. Machine. Learning in to, the device itself they, have this thing called BIC speed it allows you to do control, everything out there. AR. And VR check, IOT, and an, autonomous. Everything. So let. Me dig, dive deep, dive into the bubble so. Analysts. And consultants, love like, 1.0. 2.0, and, 3.0 but. We're in mobile 2.0, it's, going pretty well right hey, in. Mobile 1.0, we all got smart phones okay. We, just didn't quite know what to do. With it. We're in 2.0. Now where we can actually do, something with, it the phones got really smart, right. And. Going. From left to right there's, very simple things and you're probably doing this today so, putting. A smartphone or, a notebook or a tablet and running apps like ERP, it's very simple, Iran Citrix, VMware. Or some, sort of virtualized, client, and boom you're.

In The customers house trying, to do insurance, transactions. And and. You're there and. Then it got a little bit more complex, than that where people, like Microsoft. Turned. Their, desktop. Apps into, mobile apps and. You. Know I can I actually do a lot of word on, my. Know, date and I, do. A lot of research papers right I live in the world of word and it is scared to think I scare myself sometimes. But when, I'm in an uber some, of the best best. Way to do my, work is through this, and. Then we had this, new thing where. Apps. Leverage. The new sensors, okay whether it was camera, a barometer. Things, like that ride-sharing, devices. You couldn't do without GPS, like. An uber you would be completely. Clueless. Banking. Really. Leverages, the camera, right I don't, know how many of you actually take, the picture of your cheque as opposed to go, down to the bank and and put it in there well thank, you very much. Smartphones. And, finally, Fitness, that, that leverage. Added. A few sensors like heart rate and stuff like that but but, leveraged, the gyroscopes in it to know exactly. What, movement, that. That you were using and. Then, and. Then apps came. Out that said hey I have 1, billion, people, using smartphones, wow, what can i what can I do, here that makes things interesting and then we saw social, media and whether it's Facebook. Google. Whatsapp. Things. Like that in, addition, to wallets, right if. There's. Currently one point four seven billion, smartphones. Out there, why. Carry your wallet well. If you have an hour and, a lot of drinks, I can take you through why that's not a reality. In. The US but in other countries it absolutely. Is and then. Finally. Apps. That, leverage, the, security. That comes in, mobility things, like. Telemedicine. In, addition to the wallet the. Reason, that. New. Things come to mobility, first. Is. Not. Just because it's small and it's cute and it's cuddly and you have it with you all the time, smartphones. Are actually, smartphones and tablets are actually, more secure, than, then. A lot of pcs out there not all of them because, PCs are starting to adopt those characteristics. But what, that enabled, is a is the ability to have have. The data on the device. Because. In the PC world the, last thing you wanted to do is have your data on the device because it might get stolen right. But, all. Of this required. An, incredible, amount of of, security. So. What is what. Is end-to-end security so first of all it's, really simple it's really end-to-end. You, know different vendors will. Come up and say hey this is my version of end-to-end well it. Has to be from the device and whether, it's an IOT, sensor, to a smartphone, but. All the way into the data center if you don't have a secure chain you. Are you're. Out of luck right and I can trace every single. Let's. Say that the top 10 whether it's arrived. Botnet. Or things. That have decimated, us in. The last 10. Years Equifax is a beauty right, can, trace that all to puncturing. Somewhere. In this end so it all starts with having a secure identity, and the. Way that you have to do the best way to do you don't have to but the best way is to, do it, biometrically. And have, it stacked so. Whether. It's your fingerprint. Your, iris, your. Face and by the way there are different ways to do face. Security. You don't want the 2d because I can put a picture up there and spoof it. And. You see, people, out there with the iPhone 10, even. Spoofing it but listen all security, can be spoofed it's the degree of. Difficulty. That, you go through you, know what's somebody to do come and and, put a plastic. Mold on your face and and. Do, this you know anyways. It's it's kind of funny, so. By, stacking what I mean is is you. Bring out your mobile device and it's. One piece of biometrics, to get in but. Then you need a second, or or third.

To. Get into the corporate app. Which. You. Know again I'm a big fan of what Samsung is doing in security, they, stack it even as a personal, folder so, IT. Can't, get into your stuff. And delete. It and it. Separates, IT from. All. Of the data that they don't want to have liability on like all those maybe those personal, pictures or something. Next, comes to data you have to secure the data and that's data that's sitting, right, it's. Data. That's moving, on the network or it's, data that's being transformed. And transformed, it's just a fancy way of saying a. Processors. Doing something to it and. The key here is to find, to. Make sure that you buy into an architecture, that, supports, all. Of these and whether it's in the cloud is, protecting, your software, it's protecting your firmware. It's, it's, it's important, that every, piece of the staff, is is. Secured. And believe it or not, many. Devices don't they. Don't have this and you, know I'm perplexed, that a one side of our mouth the industry industry says oh my gosh we have this epidemic, of security, and now the other side of our mouth we're not doing nearly. Enough. To. Fix it and having end and biometric, authentication. And. I know it makes, makes, I make it sound easy well it's not easy and, it's not free but but, you ultimately have to do, that and, finally. You have to secure the data center and whether that's your. Own data center or a cloud. Data center if somebody gets in they. Get you or your customers, data. Anyways. And. Hackers. Are really, really getting good right, and it's really simple what are they gonna get, into they're gonna get into the easiest thing to get into with the highest benefit and you. Know firmware, exploit, sort of like the new cool thing, in, the data center so what. Are the data center guys doing they're, implementing. They. Would kill me I have a data center practice by the way but I can say this I'm in a mobile conference, no. They're instituting, mobile like Fermor protection, inside. Of, their inside. Of their servers. Okay. So. I've. Talked about mobile, to dotto, talked. About driving. Change. As opposed to waiting for change, in your. Company's imposing. Change and then. I went into mobility, and it. Kind of a cursory, view of 2.0 but we. Can do so much more with. With. Mobility. So. First of all. We. Can extend. Productivity. So today. The. Average the, average company. Gives. You access to two devices, typically. A computer, and, a, smartphone you see a lot of people kind of hanging out with they have two smartphones one, for personal and, and. One for business. I. Believe. We're headed in a direction and. It's. Because, PC. Applications. Aren't driving compute, power we're. This. Will. Likely be the only device that you need to carry around and, you're gonna walk around and if you want a desktop all. Right you get back into the office and you you. Connected, your desktop and boom it magically, becomes desktop, with a big huge keyboard, and that big huge mouse where. You can do spreadsheets, galore, no by the way. Not. Only you saving money because there's only one device but. It's. Also more secure. Because inherently. This device is is, more secure this isn't some fantasy right there's three vendors doing this today you, have Microsoft with, continuum, that's, partnering, with HP, but they're kind.

Of Stopping it because Microsoft, kind of bailed on this whole notion. You. Have, Huawei, who just introduced. This they're not a player in the u.s. so that's not going to happen and, then Samsung, has this thing called Dex where, you, just plug, it in and I actually use Dex today and it's it's pretty cool so it's not some, fantasy, but, I have. To live kind of out there in, the future as. An analyst now. The second, is this notion of using augmented, reality, to. Give. Your customer, instant, and precise, service. And elements, that you never thought you could do it so there's. An. Elevator, company called Tyson, Krupp how, you probably see when you walk into an elevator in your company well they, also are the market share leader of. Of. In-home. Elevators, that take you up the stairs and what, they're actually doing, this isn't fantasy, right there taking microsoft, hololens and. They. Are. Coming. In and what used to be a ten step process, they. Put on the goggles they, measure. Stuff actually, the, headset measure stuff and at. The end of the session maybe, an hour later they can pop out and show the customer, a really. Really precise, bid. And. How, it will look and say, hey what do you think do, you like this and they, can actually show. This. Home, little elevator, going. Up. And give, them an idea of what its gonna look like it's, transformational. They took what. Used to be a 10-step. Month. Process, down. To about a week right, and the, thing I like about that is it's it's compressing. This time to money and making. Customers, really, happy, and leading-edge. Customers, are doing that it's something you need to be thinking about doing yourself. The, third one I talked about this before it's compressed. Time. To. Buy you. Probably remember you, know during web 1.0 they. Used to all these metrics about people. Who were stalled, in, the checkout. Right of your website, now. If they're if they're if they're stuck this long they're gonna bail right. And then Amazon comes in with this thing called one click and and, sets the bar for everybody. Which, which, really said hey this. Whole notion of I might. I might buy from somebody a product, I don't like from. A customer from a store. I don't necessarily want, because, it's just so frictionless. And, easy and this, is where I do, believe. That augmented, and virtual reality, are. Gonna transform. The way we do training, it's. Gonna transform, the way that we buy capital, goods, it's. Gonna change the way that, the. Hundreds, and millions of service, people who go out in the field.

When, They're looking at a dial and having to train something it's, fundamentally. Going to, shrink. That. Down and, I. Think. Those companies who who get in early, albeit. VR is stumbling a, little, bit because the expectations, were, monster. And and, right now what we're at is is games but here's the funny part the, people actually doing VR, AR our company's. Not. Necessarily, consumers. And. That's me makes sense right look, at look at how PC started, right PC, started, businesses. Are more willing to accept. It. Cost more money and it's not perfect. Let's say it gets 24 hours battery life you. Know cops who, have. Communicators. They, have these you know batteries, that they that, they plug in and this, is the same notion where business. Customers, just like we saw on PC I remember I had a luggable I think I was an intern I mean it was my first job I was, so cool at a compact, luggable and that, fricking thing was, 35. Pounds. Okay, that, was my laptop, but. I carried. It around not just because, I was cool and I, felt cool although it felt pretty cool because nobody else had these it's. Because it allowed, me to do spreadsheets and we're, processing so, businesses. Are willing. To. Do this an AR, and VR are gonna be big in business. And. Finally, just. When you thought right. We have some settling, of the device hierarchy. Which, is smart, watched a smartphone tablet. To. PC, to cloud, we. Are going to have these new, types, of devices that, are. Gonna are gonna shift it what's what what its gonna do is further. Accentuate. This notion of one. Device if I can have a device that starts. The smartphone, and magically. Goes into, a tablet, without too. Much of a backlash, I. Think, we're onto something and yeah the industry's tried this the industry has tried all of this stuff before but there. Are reasons why I think these things will actually be, a winner, ZTE. Just announced. I think 18 he's actually carrying, it is is, this, notion of a fold out Samsung. Showed in. Their labs about, how how they're doing this, fold out and. New. Ways of, of, manage. Again right. It's. Funny I'm actually surprised, by how many people use voice you know that fit Baidu in, China. Is the Google of the United States and do you know that 50%, of, their searches, are voice, isn't. That crazy, like, it's. Just nuts I didn't believe it right because no, analysts, believe other people's numbers unless they created, it but it was more than that I dug, into that and, then what we saw is, that. The. Chinese are more astute, with mobile they. Probably don't even have a PC, that. Than here in the United States. And it's easier, for them, to talk. Into the phone to have it do what it needs to do and do searches, than. It is to. Press. On the screen it's, an oddity I, don't. Quite know why, it got so popular but even, Google, 25%. Of searches, are with. Voice so. This. Whole notion of single, UI is going away into. This multi modal UI, which is glance. Moving. The device, typing. It in voice. Also. Contextual, awareness when, it actually the device knows what it's supposed to be doing even, though you haven't told it what to do I know it's kind of creepy but if it works typically. People will jump, on it even if it's a. Chock. Full of. Privacy. Issues. So. How, do you plan for a mobile threat I know so. First. Of all how. Do you predict, what your customers, want before. They they actually want it well, the. First thing is you, still want to talk to your customers you have to win for what they say they're, not gonna tell. You what, they want because they can't envision. It but when, you parse through the words and let's say in, your product line if you're in product line management or something go, ahead a few, if. Your customers, are already talking about what they want you've missed it your competitors, are already there so. Future. Scaping, is this notion of. Of. Transporting. Yourself maybe seven years into the future and. Taking. The technology. You. Think is gonna be available and the, inferred needs of what your customers, are telling what, they want and then you turn that into what I like to call the art, of the possible, what a great consulting, term right but.

It Truly is it's not oh here's. What we can do with, the technology it's like no no we're, gonna make this happen right. Because, we're. Really. Passionate about it and we know our customers, so. Well, that. That. You know we're putting it all on black over, here. The. Second thing is this notion of accelerated. Prototype, and iteration, and whether it's in in the physical world this, is 3d printers. The. The fast fail notion, you don't have to be Google right. Where you throw about out a bunch of stuff that doesn't work and let. It let your, consumers, fix, your beta product and. Call it a day in fact Google, Enterprise has. Stopped doing that. They. Have been working on, this. Thing called hangouts, chat for, nine months. The old google hangouts, chat is actually for the workplace and, it's there to compete with Microsoft, teams. But. It's, it's a brand new thing but what they did do is, they're. Iterating, inside of their customers, with what you would imagine like top top, 200, customers but. It's getting in there and taking. The shot getting, some small wins the. Industrial IOT five, years ago all the boards were talking about it and nobody was doing it right, now we look at to. 2017, pretty. Much every, fortune 500, company has, either, a pilot or. Is in full production on an Internet of Things. Project. And, the. Ones who are going to be the most successful, are going to start there to start small we're. Going to make some mistakes they. Find customers so we're going to be ok with that they. Iterate and they perfect, it and then they boom and they're bearing their competition, and, finally. You, don't have to do this all on your own. You. Know we're we, really recommend to, businesses, that partner. With companies who, know, your, vertical, ok, and they're never gonna know it better. Than you even though they might pretend they do they never do, but at, least they're thinking about your, vertical, and and, what you are, doing today and what you could do in. In. In, the future. Make. Future. 3.0. Investments. Today. And. I. Know this sounds crazy are, you you know you might be the business person. Get. An augmented, reality headset. Get a VR headset, pretend. Or. Not, pretend conceptualize. What you could do with your, your. Customers, how you can. Shrink. That, time, to. Money. Think. About, if. You're managing a workforce, can, I make them are they more productive, mobile. First. With. A back-end into, like desktop or are. They more productive, desktop, first and. Then extending, the mobile I really. Think and I'm, seeing that in the industry today is people want people are going mobile first, and then, figuring, out how they do everything else the on-prem right. And. Then also, pick. Pick, help. You pick a vendor by the way recommend. Partnering with three or four vendors true, partnering, not like you, know the vendor you kick around in the street or something, finally. They. Have a broad mobile, line and, security, really is is is. It the core of what they do because. And. I can't say this enough if. And. It's not a mystery, everybody, on, how to secure this stuff it's not your, IT department might, say it is that's. Wrong it's, not a mystery, we know how this is going to happen how, this is going to roll, out, partner. With somebody with the very, broad, mobile. Lines, and. And it's, a business and not a hobby okay, that.

Their Company, wins or loses, based. On mobility just, like your worse ultimately. Well. So. Folks I want to thank you and I'm going to open it up for, questions. Right. Now. Ladies. And gentlemen if you do have a question please raise your hand, and we'll be happy to run. Or phone to you. Come. On don't be bashful you agreed with every, single thing I said I know. You did. All. Right with that I'll, be around here for the next few minutes thank, you very much for attending.

2017-12-05 16:23

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