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You don't really have to do much you just copy. My methods, when, you put that thing up on Airbnb they, do all the hard work and your. Cash flow is everyday it's. Not waiting to the first in a month like my traditional, rentals, but, when they go public it's, gonna get crazy right doesn't, mean that. We still won't be able to make money will, still make Prime in most cases probably a lot more, but. That, window of opportunity, is gonna shrink because there's gonna be more and more people going. After those same places that, we basically, are, just cherry picking. They're. Gonna be going public this year. What. Does that mean, to you I'm. Gonna talk about that in a second. With. Airbnb going, public this year I don't know if any of you guys let me ask you guys a question question who, here is familiar with, wholesaling. If you're, familiar with wholesaling, type in in the, comments below, yes. Just. Type it in let. Me know if you're familiar with wholesaling. Is. Anyone. Familiar with flipping. Flipping. Homes, type. In the comments below yes, if you're if you're familiar. Ok, so. Let. Me talk to you about is, it has anyone heard that Airbnb, is going public this year. Ok. So. Here's. The thing. When. I started, doing wholesaling, back. In I. Don't. Know a year was what is about 15 20 years ago. Wholesaling. Wasn't even a term it. Wasn't even a term back then. So. So. When we were doing it. We. Were people. Didn't really understand, they. Loved the concept, the, people that we were helping then, at the time they, loved the concept, because. We were in a buyers market then, so sellers were having a difficult time moving properties, right. So I was able to come in and and just pick them up and just move and move and move it move, them right, didn't. Have a other competitors, cuz many, people didn't know how to do it and, so. But. When you talk to people that didn't really understand, wholesaling. And the kind of money we were making, on, it then twenty. Thirty. Thousand, dollars on a deal, right. That's how I worked myself out of corporate America I did thirteen deals I made I mean thirteen, I've made three hundred thousand, dollars that. Year and I. Said bye-bye to. My my, corporate, America. Handcuffs. Right, right, that my ball and chain it was a great job I was a vice president of a bank six. Figures making but. I was, stifled, right. I couldn't I got I was stifled, right. And they, were my, income. Was limited, I couldn't, I couldn't just, write my own ticket, right. So. And. They. Controlled, my, time. Right. They controlled my time so I. Dust. It off and learn, how to do some some some, go, on I went back to my old my old. Non-traditional. Strategies. Right. Of creative, real estate when I started 30 years ago, right. And I did 13, transactions. I figured out how to do the wholesaling, no one taught me it. Was just a concept that I thought that I created, myself and. Come, to find out a little later that it. Was an underground concept, that a few people throughout, the country we're doing not many of us right.

So I wasn't talking to anyone about it I was just doing as many as I could do because I was I was determined to. To. Become, financially. Free and, independent. Right. And so I did it made 300 grand wrote my letter of resignation, didn't. Never look back that was 20 years ago right. But, if you, told people you were making that kind of money on properties, you didn't own. They. Told you you must have been doing something illegal. Right. Because, many people didn't know about it today, in wholesaling. It's a it's a it's a household, term wholesaling, flipping. Properties it's a household term you see all the you, see all the things on TV all the other that, the TV shows right, flipping houses when I was doing it they were talking about locking people up because they said you must be doing something wrong they're making that kind of money and you don't even own the properties, right. Wholesaling. Airbnb. Passive, income, is the, same way today, there's. A lot of people that understand, air B&B, but. If you think about it if, I was a landlord, and I really understood how to make money on air B&B why would I be renting that house to you I'd. Do it myself right. Right. Most cases in most cases. However. Many. Landlords although. You. Know most people that are doing air B&B and making, money on air B&B they're basically, your your, basic. Mom-and-pop. Who. Have extra, space in their home and, they're, just looking to make a little extra money, they're. Not people like us that have 20, 30 40 listings, on Airbnb, which, is why I'm in the top 1% of, income earners on Airbnb, because. We're making six six, figures Plus right. Me and my students, that's how we do it and so, with that it. Affords. Us other. Opportunities. That your, basic your, basic Airbnb, hosts don't have right. Because they're not doing the kind of volume we're doing. What's. Gonna happen, when. Airbnb, goes public. When. Airbnb, goes public it's, going to raise. It's. Gonna raise, the. Consciousness and, the awareness of really, what Airbnb, is it's gonna get people to stop and start thinking about okay. I've been hearing about this Airbnb, stuff I got these guys talking about it these guys talking about it I haven't, had enough time to really go in and figure. Out you know how this thing works but, I'm hearing it all over the place now they just went public they're, spending all this money on advertising like what is it, so. You're gonna have more and more landlords. Investors. That, are gonna start, gravitating and. Wholesaler. Transfers. Right, because why is wholesaling, right now more. Of a difficult thing to do than it used to be why, because it's so saturate. And it's saturated with a bunch of newbies everybody is trying to get into real real, estate one, of the first things they do is start by wholesaling, right. And which, is fine low, cost of entry should. Be quick money. You. Don't need a lot of experience you don't need to own but. The problem is because. There's so many people out there doing it and it's saturated and, there's, so many people that have screwing, it up for. The ones that are doing it right because they're cutting their teeth they're learning and they're making their mistakes so when, they make their mistakes it puts, another little, black eye here and there on on, on, the, niche right. So now you got a lot of people that would be normally, willing, to do wholesale and do a wholesaling, deal with you. They're. Little hesitant, now when they hear it there's a lot more of that going on right. So what. Did I do as that market, started, getting. Saturated as people started hearing more and more about how much money we were making out there then, they started gravitating toward. That, right. Instead, of just your normal rentals, that's what that was a thing back then and then what do we start doing as you, know we we, were making money for a long time then we started teaching and training teaching, the training teaching the training so now a lot of those same people are using the same old tired methods that we're teaching a train in fifteen years ago ten, years ago. Right. So it's saturated. Eventually. A lot of those same folks are getting, frustrated realizing. It's not as easy as people were telling them it is and, they're gonna start gravitating toward. More and more coming over but, when they go public it's gonna get crazy right, doesn't, mean that. We still won't be able to make money will.

Still Make it probably in most cases probably a lot more, but. That, window of opportunity is gonna shrink because there's gonna be more and more people going. After those same places that we, basically, are just cherry picking so. We got a great opportunity for, the next 12 months right. Because you're gonna get you're gonna be ahead of the game, get. Ahead, of the game get. Ahead of the game right. Get started one thing I'm gonna give you guys is another, link how does that sound to you so, far does, it make sense. Okay. All right Britt all, right Brenda do. You have an out clause in, your lease that, allows you, or, the, landlord, to get out if the lease if it's not making. Enough money. Not. Necessarily. Basically. What you're gonna have is you're, gonna have. You. Know. Here's. The thing. We. Don't guess like. Which, you need to do Brenda. Is go look at my videos, there's. No guessing we're. Not guessing as to how much this property is gonna make it's. Not a guessing game like, we're, able to see real time data as to. How much this property's gonna make it's real time based, on what's. Already being made right. There right around the corner and I'm. Not talking about just one person, here one person there I'm not talking about someone that just made, if you go right on Airbnb you'll be able to see in any city or state. You-you-you. Search right, as a host any, city or state and. You'll. Be able to see how many they got a map how many Airbnb, czar are, there then, you're. Gonna be able to see how. Much they cost how, much people are charging and then. You're, also going to be able to see how, many how. Many reviews, this person, has which means how many listings, how many people they're hosting so. You're gonna be able to see that these people are hosting hundreds. And hundreds, and you, might be in an area where. There. May be you, know a few handful, of properties but you got you got a few you got the people that are doing it are hosting, hundreds, of people, right. Throughout the year. So. You know it's not a fluke if you add your place to it, you're. Gonna be able to to. Be able to because. It's not oversaturated. You're, gonna be able to start skimming. Off of there and then you're gonna be able to begin building your. Brand in a sense I'm gonna call it right begin. Building, your. Brand, of property, and people, will start you know becoming. More familiar with you and and, then you'll start getting your own following, but. It you don't really have to do much you just copy. My methods, when. You put that thing up on Airbnb they, do all the hard work here, baby does all the hard work why because. They have this. Multibillion-dollar. Algorithm. Just. Like Facebook just like Google, just like YouTube, right. Just like Instagram they have this algorithm that it's. Artificial, intelligence, they understand, who's. Doing what and, how. It's being done and who wants what their goal is to make sure your listing, gets shown gets. Booked that, their guests are happy so, that you make money so, that their that, their guests, can, continue, to. Frequent. Their, listings, right regardless. Of what city or town or country they're in right. So. So. That what, Airbnb, makes money so. That they make money too, they. Are, what. Did they say I think they made, 1.6. Billion, dollars. Last, quarter, like. This company hasn't even been around. It. Hasn't even been around for. 10 years barely, 10 years, 1.6. Billion, dollars. They're, in over a thousand. Cut um country. Boat saysay, cities a thousand, cities or something like that they're. Their, public offering, they're expecting, to do a public offering at 30 billion, dollars. So. It. Works, I'm telling, you it works right. Just, go watch the videos there's something else I want to put I want to just give you another link for. All you guys I know there's a bunch of guys that are kind of been just out there and the you know just kind of, watching. You. Know in the um. Let's. See. Just. Kind of ten behind the scenes what's going on taking, your time getting in.

I'm. Giving, you this. If. You haven't already joined, my free Facebook, group I want, you to get in and join right. Cuz it's now it's free, and it's public but it won't always be public, it's gonna go private at some point right. And so. If you're in I'm not gonna be kicking you out. And. Here's, another thing I want to give you for those that have been just kind of watching. If. You've, been watching and, you've been wait wondering. You, know if you're, on the fence about you. Know how do I get this thing started, set, up a meeting with me but. The doors are open, set it up I just gave you the, link to my calendar set, up the meeting with me I want you to set up the meeting and we'll, do a strategy, session right I'll see if discovery. Session where I see if I can help you right, and if I can just like Susan then and, if. It's a good fit then we'll, get you going get you set up I, want. You in like, the goal is. 2020. Is gonna be the year, they're. Going public they're going public. 2020. Is gonna be the year right. And and, and it's, not just the year of. You. Know the success of those that, you're, watching, no it's gonna be the year of your success, I'm. Not out there trying to add a bunch more properties. Why because. My goal is to, focus on you guys on you each. Of each and, each and every one of you like, any if you talk to any of my students my relationship, with you guys is intimate, I spend some good good, time with you you'll, see when you go watch some of those YouTube videos because I share some of that that that time that I spend with with, my students, right, and you're gonna be able to see and that time is to, do only one, thing is the, one. First. And foremost get your first property right. It's the first and foremost get your first property in the first 14 to 21 days that's. It that's first and foremost I'm not gonna be showing you all these strategies and techniques all the stuff no it's keep. It simple, get your first property and then, get, it up and running generating. Revenue right, after that's, it that's it so. That we keep it simple why so, that you don't get caught up with paralysis. Of analysis, right, the beautiful thing about real estate you got to love it is that there's so many ways you can make money but that's also the curse right. That's the curse because there's so many ways to make money you're out there trying to do this do this do this and then you're not doing anything very well.

Right. Or you. Just don't, know what you should go after and then you'd end up doing nothing the. Goal keep, it simple keep you focused, this. Simple. Steps and then the other reason why we keep it simple is why because. After, you did it the first time you. Wanna duplicate, it and do it again you, want to duplicate, it and do it again right, it's not, rocket science, just. Implement. The things that I show you exactly, the, way I show you how to do it duplicate. It. Put. The revenue in so that what so, that ultimately now, you. Can have the things that you're really looking for right, what are you what are you in this for what am I in this for I. Love. To, spend time with my wife and, kids, it's. My first ministry, right. I love to spend time I love doing, the things in the homeless ministry right sharing, the Word of God that's, those are things I enjoy doing I don't get paid for doing those things right I don't, get paid for doing that but. I don't want to be limited as to how much I can do it I love. Spending time with my students, now. I get paid for, that but not most, of the stuff I'm doing with you guys a lot of stuff that I'm sharing I don't get paid for all of that, right. So. Doing. Those things and then, spend the time you know again, in the community doing a lot of the other things traveling. I love doing, that stuff I don't I hate, being limited by how, much I can do it right. And so that's the, beauty of this what about you like, what's your big wine that's my big why right. What about you what would stopping. You from being able to do those things I already know what stopping you some of it is fear some of it is healing some, of it is the mistakes that you made guess what we said what 2019. By you're, gone that's, in the same 2019. Anymore it's 2020. But, some of it is you, just don't have the right strategies, or techniques or, you don't have someone that you could trust that can help you well, you got that now right. It's simple, enough you, don't need a ton of money to do it right you, don't need all that you, just need to. Be able to say. I'm. In, once. You're in and if you have the ability to follow simple directions then. The. Rest is is. Really, gonna be is really. Gonna be academic. Right. You're, gonna the results should be this relatively. The same, so. Let's. See what other questions we have does that make sense guys.

All. Right so listen. This. Was great I you know oh. And. If you have it again if you haven't already gone, to the YouTube channel go subscribe. Watch the videos if you haven't joined the Airbnb Empire startup. Group go, subscribe. I mean, join it and, and. If. You haven't already set, up a strategy session with me and you've already been watching, some of that stuff for a while you kind of been in the back you, know in, the background just watching, wondering what's going on like, watch. Some of the videos watch. Some of the stuff set, up the session let's. Get you going stop. Playing, right enough enough excuses, enough is enough, right. So with that in and. I'll tell you this like, my. Like. I'm. Not gonna leave you hanging I'm gonna take care of you right, I'm, gonna take care of you you know how I started, this stuff I started this stuff mentoring, my daughter that's how I started, Airbnb mentoring. Her and. We. Grew it from 0 to 21, units in nine months, you're. Gonna get the same, the. Nothing, the number, that you get from me like the rest of my students, you're, gonna get my private, number the same number that my kids call me on, now. You won't be calling me on it we text a lot on that but, our our meetings, will be all live video. A lot, of texting, and in-group stuff too but, you're gonna get that number why, because because I. Just. Like soothing when she was out at that places tell me what was going on like, I want to know I want, to know your. Success, is my success. Right. And I want to share that with everyone. Right. Because. That's. The, reason why I do this is because of your why. Right. If you if it's just a matter of all I just want to make a lot of money so I could do whatever like, it may not be a good fit but. What's your why. Right. What's your why do, you got a, elderly. Parent, or elderly, parents that are that you want to be able to help out more you. Got family, that you want to be able to help out more that, really need it but you just can't, right. You got some things going on with your own personal situation that. Man, it's it's you. Know you're. Tired of waking up or laying, up at night wondering, how. You're gonna take care of this you. Know how I'm gonna have enough money is the money running out right. What's, your big why. That's. Why I'm in it because, of your big why and if. When. We get on that Discovery call that's. What I'm gonna get into right. We're not gonna be talking about a whole bunch of Airbnb stuff, and all honesty, like. There's some questions I'm gonna be asking because, I want to know what that is I want to know and, when. I can evaluate after. We're done if I evaluate and, say hey you don't really you know I don't know if there's a good fit but here's, a way that you can you, know you could still accomplish some of the things you're looking for I'll be honest with you but if it's a good fit I'm gonna tell you and, and.

I'm, All-in, so. That's one thing you don't have to worry about I'm going right. So I hope. This was helpful, like, I jumped on again. Like I did that last time I just. Decided I want to go on go alive as you saw you only got like an hour's notice and, even, with the hours notice you, know I had this new new. Software. I was trying to test out it was. Anyway. Hopefully, by the next one I'll be able to test it out because I'd love, to be able to do the YouTube live in. And the Facebook livestream and then eventually the, Instagram, and the Twitter livestream, all together and. So we're working on that but but. But. In any case you. Know I wasn't planning to be online I just wanted to be on long enough to just say hello and give, you guys you, know a little, twenty20, you, know. Push. Right, this is January 8th, I know a bunch of you said you know I'm gonna get started with this get started with this get started with that right, a bunch of these resolutions. Right. Let's not let's, let's let's make those resolutions. Really, you, know let's let's just change our whole mindset, let's, not make it our resolution. This is our standard now alright let's make it our standard my standard, is not to, continue what I was doing in 2019. Stressing. Were in, wishing. Wondering. No let's. Let's take action alright, let's take action and. Do. It with someone that's done it and that, cares and that's. Gonna give. You everything, that, he has that's me I'll give you everything I got guys and. Gals right. Because. Your. Story is my story right. So with, that said any other questions, any other questions. Hey. I appreciate you guys, you. Know it's it's just awesome you guys are blessing. And, and. I'm, looking, forward looking forward. To, to. Meet him with you all very very soon so, make, sure you please, take. Advantage of all those things that I just sent you, and. And. As. I always always, I, like to sign off with what I. I. I. Don't take it lightly, right. I appreciate your trust. And. God, bless you.

2020-01-17 12:42

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