Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks Season 8 Episode 2 Full HD│Beat the Storm

Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks Season 8 Episode 2 Full HD│Beat the Storm

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[Music] but the tuna are scattered far and wide around all day looking for a payday to find the fish what do you need a town i don't have that the fleet battle's an angry ocean [Music] desperately searches for their first fish not the start to the season i was hoping for hold [Music] and who on strike blue gold [Music] please as the fleet plays finders keepers roster rocket is in the lead with offshore outlaw and doghouse nipping at their heels and after suffering from mechanical issues little shell is the only boat with no fish [Music] everybody's got one we got none if we catch one today you know we could be right there tied with them so we really need to just get lucky here catch a fish we're doing everything we can do honestly we're trolling the green stickers same thing we catch them on basically every year most of the boats are catching on valley here is good for hunting scattered fish you know which is sort of what we have now singles here and there up on top chasing bait that stick is good for concentrated fish when they're down under mammals feeding on bait get big big marks that's what you want so that's what i'm looking for i'm looking for the money shot that's how we're going to make up for lost time we're down but we're not out we just got to catch one right here real quick it's supposed to blow really hard just seeing it when it gets dark we're supposed to have like gale force supposed to be 160. they call it a winter hurricane or something a winter cane a big area some bad weather coming through the area for the next three or four days conditions are going to get unfetchable for us it's a countdown before the weather gets to us if we do catch one we're really gonna have to put the heat on them today's weather window three o'clock or so we're gonna have to tuck our tail if we don't catch one before then get laid early man okay you have one baby [Music] open it up [Music] [Music] so we all make money we all catch fish you know we're all in the same boat we buy things scattered all over the place the last number of years we've had basically like a little box and you just fished in that box yeah this year is different these fish are really really spread out a lot of times we'll spread out and start relaying information when you're fishing alone you're just one dot on a map and that's it we're always seeing exactly what's under our boat when you have more boats you have more help you can see if the guy stopped catching a fish you hear them talk on the radio was it ballyhoo or stickbite that's the view of the south we like a loving playing field again man nice looping turn you can't turn too quick and tangle your lines you know one more here we go again i got more marks dude mother lode let's get bit get in dude dude a lot of times it's good to mess with the rods i've been reeling in baits and they come and snatch them right out of your hands just dragging along there it is oh when you hook up to a blue fan sometimes other blue fan stick with them during the fight we call these other fish cheerleaders because it's like they're cheering from the sidelines got a decent mark come on they all come running bro they're coming here we go oh god please please please meet me damn that's a good mark baby i got a little shot there's rusted offshore the whole freak showed up right here that's why we have fish coming in like bed bugs yeah he just did something right there you can feel them getting a little jerky on the line yep wow what the hell was that [Music] [Music] [Music] get scary man it's like junior heart attack i can't take will come and we're going to be hating if we're out here bobby's flight was encouraging i just didn't feel like it was going to pan out so we we're looking on the opposite direction so many factors go into choosing where i'm going to go fishing keep watching over there i just seen a big funny splash it takes a lot of knowledge and it takes a lot of observance water clarity watercolor bait other light you know all of those factors playing you're getting where you need to be to get the bite get the mark right there you get a mark tremendous large really good mark there we boys here he comes [Music] hold on [Music] right let's go get him okay we're in it now almost two hours at some point he's gonna give up his wheel big fish buddy all right stay focused he take is lose some take some lose something but we're wearing down and getting them a little close to the boat every time you got the mono back on buzz yeah we're back in them the longer we find this to be support acting like a nicer class fish it's starting to do some invasive maneuvering getting on top going back down circling to legally harvest the blue pin it needs to be at least 73 inches yeah [Music] please don't break please don't break please don't that's all you're doing is praying the whole time please we need this we need this bobby ready yeah three hour fight still alive and kicking beast [Music] yeah yeah bobby you got to get ready bro all right we're going to switch go all right all right hurry hurry you see where he is right right which one we sticking him with all right here you go get ready dude [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right [Music] [Music] get in before [Music] there he is [Music] right there [Music] [Music] ready [Music] [Music] whew [Music] i was fishing this afternoon sporadic there ain't gonna be many coming in this afternoon i'll tell you that all right let's check it out all right this fish we had to have the weather was closing in on us it's about 15 20 foot seas i mean ugly stuff what is your weight the core is 375 dress nice let's see how it drains out beautiful see [Music] the buyer is looking for a cherry red color and loads of fat i don't see a ton of fat but this is a meat color fish beautiful beautiful tail color here as long as the core is good it's cool better be pretty we need it dennis look at that oh cherry cherry almost as good as it looks good that's cherry what can you do dennis beautiful meat color like this [Music] i'm gonna pay you nine dollars this year maybe not so much [Music] oh man i'm sorry i didn't catch you boys and boys man anyway we're just gonna get calling we're gonna go in we got bad weather coming everybody else is already inside the hunter i'm out here in about 3 000 foot of water so i just i'm gonna be left out here alone with 45 knots of wind coming not not the start to the season i was hoping for but it is what it is i'm going to set her back on the track home because that was [Music] i know that we're going to catch fish but this is really hard you're keeping me busy how was it out there we earned it well let's get her up here and check it out yeah let's do it i'm feeling good especially with this weather that's coming we got another paycheck before we forced off the water for a while [Music] we got 236 britain this looks nice your color is okay definitely you know not that dark deep cherry red but uh you can see the fat in here where it looks like a rib eye when it looks like a ribeye i know we've got fat let's look at the core wow greasy fish it's not that deep cherry red but it does have some fat and it does have some color guys this fish is going to be nine dollars a pound [Music] that's the best time [Music] this [Music] the past week the weather's been absolutely horrible the whole entire fleet's been stuck in the marina and today's the first fish of the day is going to start blowing 30 to 40 tomorrow there's a little bit of a residual swell coming in the inlet we got an outlaw right here little jimmy's and the friends in front of us we're gonna let the frenzy go out tomorrow first and kind of see what he thinks about it we're just going to be safe the good thing about a northeaster he pushes water in from our shore and a lot of times after a blow like that those specials move in and we know things are going to change so hopefully they'll change for the better there's only one way to find out get back out here now we're coming up to the farm there's some sea there i can see it's breaking it's a lot to be kind of careful going across there but we'll one of the main challenges about fishing at oregon inlet is dealing with the oregon inlet bar we get fronts in the wintertime blowing from every direction on the compass all of that creates terrible conditions offshore it's going to be a little choppy right here there we go oh boy here we go [Music] right [Music] it's a good way to die it's a great [Music] hold on hold on oh boy we got a short weather window today we got to go that time of year cold and rough the blueprint season the last few trips we fished were fishing on a break where the water went from like 62 to 66 and after it blew we didn't know where that water was going to be water's 64 here now so i'm trying to track the break you go back inside the water goes to 51 fairly quickly and there was a hard edge in there that's what we're looking for any kind of condition where there's two different water temperatures up against each other the steeper the gradient the more likely it's gonna hold faith it's in a whole fish it's gonna hold all kinds of light and that's what we're looking for we find any sign of life up here it's a good time to be some tuna around once we get some boats out here we'll have an idea where the fish are and where the changes are and hopefully get a bite where's the little shell dead last nick was my mate for years we caught a lot of fish together and i'm sure he'll get on a roll at some point but the way it's starting right now nick's not very happy remember it's not how you started [Music] now we haven't even started yet last year i guess we were the first one to have one yeah yeah i'll take 20 more please nice all right you know we got to listen to his mouth all year last year you're not right i'm gonna say karma this is common listen last year was a dreamstick year and the four before it were not so i think we're back to business as usual and we'll uh let nick the stick figure that on himself i feel like you're gonna be out this way up and out somewhere oh we need a bite [Music] sun's getting a little higher gonna warm us up here [Music] this is oh we're the slowest boat in the fleet the frenzy is gonna be about two hours to the north it might work that way but hopefully we'll come across something here shortly that looks promising and if we find something that looks promising we'll just stay in that area and work it [Music] you're good [Music] get your own rod out of the way i'm gonna go right behind you in the inside we got these two fish on here and it's kind of tough because normally i can get on the one fish and stay right on top of them but as it is now i gotta rely on the wind to keep me from blowing on top of the fish boots come on baby mark right there i don't know what that is something maybe a fish maybe two fish [Music] right here [Music] 642 [Music] these conditions making it easy there's so much to go [Music] wrong he's running faster [Music] you know two fish when it's rough it's a little difficult but right now i'm kind of letting this one go and we're trying to gain on him i want to work on that one number two it's just insurance [Music] fish is crazy and then we lose our fish and lose our [Music] chests [Music] coming up [Music] keep going [Music] oh come on we want to work on this one because we got him close he's probably 300 foot away we got the other one way up inside here dirty i wouldn't even worry about cranking on that one claus slack we'll be good oh you guys want to switch it up yeah probably getting close hey yeah come on he's doing a circle it's level swivel nice good he's big enough [Music] beautiful shot there villain awesome [Music] oh [Music] i'm that was actually the best thing that could happen that second fish you know we can only keep one a day hopefully we can get this thing in the boat get going home [Music] oh forecast tomorrow morning by 10 o'clock it's gonna be uh 47 knots so this is it right here we gotta get this one get the hell out of here it's coming up [Music] is got a good look at him he was up close a little outside of dark range hopefully we can break his soul down here shortly before it gets dark that would be nice before the wind comes on too hard we made it guys who knows how long this weather's gonna keep us yes i haven't seen you in a long time we got you another one second fish of the year yeah happy to have him after sitting to the dock for a week and a half let's check it out all right let's check it out beautiful carolina girl great day today we got our second fish and a paycheck before we got knocked off the water again see what we got here man i'm excited damn it i'm not bad for your second fish i do see some fat going into the majors here it's not concentrated i've got bacon grease we can put on there if you want no it's got enough grease you can see nice tacky meat here but you got a little bit of fat here if the core color's red on this it's going to be a good price oh look at that wow nice core beautiful solid core nice red tail color with a little bit of fat it's a nice fish great that's great what's the verdict i'm gonna pay you nine dollars today for this fish all right that's perfect all right well thanks for the fish 442 pounds nine dollars a pound that's a good day's work i'll take a 400 dresser every day they all add up [Music] sunset like this for five hours standing behind this wheel five and a half hours [Music] [Music] [Music] there you [Music] i go six hours into a fish fight i ain't never seen nothing like it we're the slowest boat out here if we want to miss tomorrow morning storm probably three o'clock tomorrow if we don't [Music] [Music] [Music] making no runs anymore [Music] this thing is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] baby [Music] [Music] sounds like everybody else is going to leave with or without a fish because the wind's coming i'm staying i just i can't go in without a fish we're going to just tough it out till morning we're behind so we really need to stay out here until the last possible second [Music] [Music] now you understand why yeah [Music] uh the forecast is supposed to be blowing 47 almost 50 knots by 10 am we got sort of a rule if it's blowing more than your boat is long you probably shouldn't be out there so i'm on a 45-foot boat so let's pivots gusting 50 probably not where you want to be it's a good rule and i don't always live by it especially when i'm behind these things are cold the valleys are cold [Music] who's so we might need to pull our valley who's gonna have everything in our options all right you ready all right closer out there release the beast got plenty of fish on the stick it's our go-to tool but you got to use what's working we're going to get them hopefully earlier than later come on baby [Music] do you think you can turn the heat on outside for us [Music] wind's coming on pretty strong here in a few hours we got to get out of here [Music] i don't know boys the fish is feeling kind of weird i don't know if he's still there [Music] [Music] [Music] we know how to catch these things we've proven it in the past caught just as many as anybody every year we're struggling this year it's just because the conditions are different and i'm hard-headed but hopefully we'll get this one to be like a fresh plate feels good to have a bite where the sun comes up later yeah it feels like last year yeah exactly now you need a break brandon don't get tired all right [Music] little shells gonna be on the board right now we got a bite hopefully we can turn this bite into a fish we shall need it [Music] i got it yeah i just want to get away from it all [Music] right ready [Music] [Music] nice damn fish damn right damn nice fish boy that's a good one here we go boys see what you got club all right boys let's get him to the dock sally all right all right [Music] let's get out of here boys we'll get jenny robinson right here [Music] hey we can be friends again i like fishing with you better when we catch yeah scotty great to see you guys everything man finally got one yeah waiting for you gotta get this thing off the boat let's do it i i was getting pretty discouraged we've been fishing corn we just hadn't been producing [Music] the stick you know it it holds its own against everybody but you got to know when to fold them put the baits out and um bamlam all right scotty what are we looking for we are looking at 484 pounds nice nice start guys let's check it out all right guys not really that bad of a fish there's not a soup a lot of fat in the stomach area in the tour yeah it's got a little bit more in the mages here so as long as this core is good guys should be all right you ready to check it out yeah let's do it absolutely [Music] nothing wrong with that no burn there that's good so what's that all translate into for this fish right here we're looking at eight bucks all right all right guys good place to start get a better one get a bigger one all of us left out the inlet at the same time yesterday and they were fishing by nine and we started fishing at 12. we got half the fishing timers to sow the crowd in these short windows huh paid [Music] yeah how long was the fight about seven and a half hours it's good workout let's see what we got yeah let's do it [Music] the second fish of the season and he was a wild one probably the hardest fish i've ever caught happy to have it what we got scotty we got 547 pounds to rest unbelievable good all right let's check this thing out let's do it man you guys this fish is looking pretty damn good it's got the fat as long as this core is good you guys will be all right and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that [Applause] that's what we want to see bottom line with this fish oh come on it's looking at thank you it hurt us it beat us down but we come out on top first fish i've never been able to have the one this big i don't everybody could take much more of it but it's gotta go we've got our spears up and everything we're like stoked about this only reason we landed this fish is because of our crew between john michael adam and me we all had a huge party ladies fishing the old swimmers keeping up with the competition offshore outlaw's giant bluefin lands them the top spot while doghouse fish and frenzy and really buggy stay competitive with two fish and little shells long-awaited first fish lifts them out of last place

2021-07-30 21:14

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