Why THIS Eyesore Replaced the Mob-Run Stardust Resort in Las Vegas?

Why THIS Eyesore Replaced the Mob-Run Stardust Resort in Las Vegas?

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Since its inception Las, Vegas has been portrayed as the epitome of opulence, and luxury while, this reputation aided, in transforming, the city into what it is today it is also negatively, impacted, Sin City when the Great Recession of 2008, hit no major city felt its devastating, effects to the extent of Las Vegas the majority of tourists could no longer afford, to spend exorbitant, amounts of money on travel especially, to places as highly priced as the strip thus, tourism and casino revenues plummeted leaving, thousands without work the recession also took a toll on multiple, developments, leading to the bulk of these projects, halting construction one, of the more notable failed strip projects was a chillon place now known as Resorts World hey everyone how's it going my name is Jonah stall and welcome to abandon explained, in today's video we'll, be taking a look into what led to the development of the strip's most recognizable, reminder of the recession, Peschel own place in order to provide you with a complete picture of what happened here we must first cover the history behind the infamous Stardust, Resort since I started this series these two topics have been requested, numerous times considering, these two establishments, directly, affected one another I thought it would be best to cover them both in one video if you do not want to learn about the history behind the Stardust skip to the time code posted on screen if you have any topics, you'd want me to cover in this series let me know down in the comments below also, if you enjoy the video at any point be sure to hit that like and subscribe button anyways, let's dive right into it during the early 1930s a small, railroad town known as Las Vegas passed a bill that forever changed the valley in 1931. Nevada Rhee legalized, gambling under, the wide-open gambling bill, the slaying the foundation, for an economy, that would transform, the sleepy little town into a world-renowned tourist destination, development, was slow at first however things picked up following the construction of the El Rancho hotel, in 1942. While this event seemed insignificant at the time the old Rancho paved the road for future developments, in Las Vegas, well many failed to realize was the opening of the El Rancho marked, the birth of the Las Vegas Strip throughout, the 1950s, Las, Vegas saw the development of a variety of casinos, that eventually became strip icons such as the mint the Flamingo and the Stardust, during, the early 1950s, Tony, can narrow conceived a plan to construct a casino in Las Vegas shortly, after recovering from an assault prior to moving to Las Vegas Tony and his wife lived in Beverly Hills California, on February 9th 1948.

While Meeting with two potential investors, for a casino project in Mexico, Tony received a knock, door after, opening the door he met a character who he assumed to be a delivery person the man handed Tony a box and uttered the words here, Camaro this is for you before shooting him in the abdominal region four times, miraculously, Tony survived the assault however his deal with the investors he met fell through after recovering, from his injuries, Tony moved his family out to Las Vegas Nevada, once settled, Tony devised a plan to construct the world's largest casino, resort the Stardust Resort and Casino after, finalizing his plans Tony purchased a 40 acre parcel, of land on the Las Vegas Strip, today this section of land is located adjacent to the Circus Circus hotel and resort following, his purchase canal ROH filed an application with, the United States security and Exchange Commission to sell stock in the property once approved Tony bought 65,000. Shares in the property for 10 cents apiece making, him the majority stockholder at, 51% he then sold the remaining stock and filed for a gaming license with the Nevada Gaming Commission, by 1955. Construction, was well underway on the project which expected, to have over 1,000. Hotel rooms up until this point construction. On the project had mainly been financed, by American, gangster Moe Dalitz, who provided Tony with three loans totaling to 4.3 million dollars, as construction. Progressed, Canal Row encountered, a major problem the Nevada Gaming Commission, refused to issue him a gaming license due to his extensive criminal history in response, to the sudden change of events tony struck a deal with investors, led by the notorious illegal, gambler from los angeles, Milton B farmer page to lease the Stardust for $500,000, per month on July, 31st, 1955. Canal, row encountered, a string of bad luck that ultimately, led to his demise within, one night he gambled away. $37,000. On a craps table at the Desert Inn casino adjusted. For inflation in, one sitting Tony managed to gamble away nearly three hundred and fifty thousand, dollars as the night went on Tony, and the dealer wound up in a heated argument over, a $25. Chip according, to the LVPD, coroner's, office canal, row suffered a massive heart attack and passed on before hitting the floor despite, the coroner statement, rumors began to circulate that someone had poisoned, Tony's drink witnesses, claimed that prior to authorities, arriving, on scene employees, removed cornero's, body from the casino witnesses, also claimed that the glass he drank from was immediately washed after his passing, despite the suspicious, details surrounding the death police never performed, an autopsy on, Tony's corpse, following, canal rose, John factor a con-artist associated. With the Chicago, Outfit purchased, the under construction resort for around four million dollars, once the purchase was finalized, factor, brought in the project's loan holder Moe Dalitz and the management team from the Desert Inn to run the resort to complete construction on, the resort the new developers, received a ten million dollar loan on July, 3rd 1958.

Tony's Vision became a reality as the Stardust, hosted their grand opening ceremony the main star of the Stardust grand opening was the Lido de Paris show at 9:00 p.m. the first topless French revue production, on the strip upon opening the Stardust, became the largest Resort on the Las Vegas Strip with the capacity, to hold over 1,000, guests the property sat on 40 acres of land with rooms arranged into six buildings named after six different planets, developers. Arranged the hotel structures, in such a way that permitted, at door parking for every guest developers. Also soundproofed, every room a luxury, provided by few casinos, at the time the luxuries afforded to guests made a stay at the Stardust one-of-a-kind, while room here only ran used six bucks a night or $50, when adjusted for inflation guests. Were provided with countless amenities, not offered anywhere else on the strip guests here had access to 36, different services, ranging from auto rentals to babysitters, the pool otherwise known as a Big Dipper pool extended, over 105. Feet and set a world record for its size, the Stardust also offered rooms with individual, temperature controls a rare luxury at the time the Stardust boasted one of the largest casino, floors on the strip spanning, 16,000, 500 square feet to put this into perspective the, largest casino floor on the strip today is at the Venetian Resort which is approximately, a hundred and thirty-eight thousand, square feet the Stardust original, casino floor could fit inside the Venetians casino eight times upon, opening the Stardust remained open 24/7. To keep up with the Las Vegas nightlife, in order to advertise the property factor knew he needed to create something completely original while, other casinos, boasted prestigious, circle drives elaborate, lawns and massive, fountains the Stardust took a different approach factor, installed, the world's largest cantilever. Sign to advertise, the resort the sign spanned 215. Feet and required an electrical, input of 3000, amps to operate this high electrical, input allowed the sign to be seen nearly three miles down the strip the sign also set a world record for its immense size shortly. After the Stardust Grand Opening the nearby Casino Royal Nevada discontinued, operations, financial, problems which plagued the project from the beginning of we forced the resort to close only four years after opening in response, to the closure the starters purchased and renovated the defunct property, the Royal Nevada was transformed, into the Stardust West which, contained the Convention Center and the high-roller suite from 1959, to 1964. This wing became exclusively. Known for housing both high rollers and the Stardust showgirls with the addition of the Royal Nevada the Stardust now had the capacity to hold 1,300, guests, during its first years of operation, the Stardust owned the only drive-in theater in Las Vegas due to the circumstances. The Stardust drive-in, became a popular hangout spots, for teens and adults the theater remained the only theater of its kind until 1965. When the Westwind drive-in, opened by 1961. The Stardust employed a concerning, amount of high-profile, criminals, a few honorable mentions, include credit manager high Goldbaum who was known under 11 different aliases, and had 14 criminal convictions, including one for assault casino, manager Johnny drew a trusted, associate of Al Capone and general, manager Morris Kleinman who served three years for tax evasion Moe, Dalitz and his team leased the property until 1965. When they became the owners of the resort from 1965. To 1970. Dalits and his team operated the Stardust International, Raceway in Spring Valley which, is part of the Las Vegas township, the Speedway hosted racing events such as the can-am and the USA sea championship. Car series world-class drivers, like Mario Andretti Bruce McLaren Mark Donohue and Jackie Stewart, competed, here during the Stardust operation, of the track in 1966. Eccentric, billionaire, Howard Hughes attempted, to purchase the Stardust for thirty point five million dollars, Hughes previously, purchased the Desert Inn for thirteen million dollars along with many other casinos, including the sands and new, frontier, his interest in the project stemmed, from its reputation as the largest resort in Las Vegas before, dollars could sell the project the Justice Department Antitrust, Division stepped, in and shot down the deal the Antitrust, Division ruled, that if Hughes acquired any more projects, on this trip he would violate the Sherman Antitrust, Act during, the late 1960s. The Stardust gave Siegfried, and Roy their first shot as headliners on the strip thanks to this the entertainers, gained popularity, in Las Vegas for their performance, with white tigers and lions the pair eventually moved their act to the Mirage selling, out every show from the first night to the last as the 60s came to an end Daleks sold the Stardust to the parven dorman corporation for an undisclosed, amount parven doorman sat on the property for five years before selling it to Allen sargent corporation, in 1974.

Alan Glick purchased the property using loans provided by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Central, States pension fund, click a previous attorney and real estate investor from San Diego received, one hundred million dollars in loans from Teamsters, central state pension fund using this money he first purchased the hacienda hotel then downtown, Fremont, hotel and finally, the Stardust if you've seen the movie casino, this story may sound familiar that is because the movie casino is based off the story of the Stardust if you substitute Stardust for tankers you know what happens next under Argent's, ownership Frank lefty, Rosenthal became, the unofficial boss of the casino despite, not having a gaming license while some dislike Rosenthal's, management, style the casinos all saw a massive spike in popularity Rosenthal's. Ability, to bring in high rollers resulted, in a sizable increase in dealer tips this alone made him a popular face on the casino floor Rosenthal's. Most memorable addition, to the Stardust was their two million dollar sports and race book the edition of this segment became the casinos most popular attraction, due to their abnormally, high betting limits nowhere else on the strip could you find a one hundred thousand dollar maximum, bed by the time competitors. On the strip limited bets between one thousand to five thousand dollars supposedly. The payphones outside the sports book were the highest-grossing in the country runners used the phones to inform out-of-state associates, about the starting, lines immediately after, they were posted, the Stardust line became the industry standard up until the book's closure while Rosenthal, made the resort an unbelievable. Amount of money he also oversaw, a table and slot skimming operation, of the Stardust this operation, led to millions of unreported revenue, being sent to the Chicago, Outfit and other crime families to, fund their illegal enterprises, inevitably. Things, came crashing, down when federal investigators. Confirmed that throughout the 1970s, Stardust. Employs skim profit, from the resort and distributed, the funds between several Midwestern mob, bosses, investigators. Alleged that millions of dollars in revenue went unaccounted, for and that the unaccounted, revenue was distributed, to criminal organizations. Before the Stardust reported their earnings towards, the end of the 1970s, Argent, corporation started to face legal issues related to the skimming operation, amidst the controversy Argent's. Told the Stardust to herb Taubman and Alan Sachs in 1979. Initially, things went well under the pair however, authorities discovered. That they to skim profits at the resort in response, the Nevada Gaming Commission, revoked their gaming licenses, and forced, them to forfeit control of the property in nineteen before the duo received a three and a half million dollar fine from the Nevada Gaming Commission, this fine set a record as the largest find ever issued by the Nevada Gaming Commission, due to the situation at hand the Commission awarded Boyd Gaming the rights to operate the day-to-day activities, at the Stardust in 1983.

A Federal grand jury indicted 15 people for conspiring to skim at least 1.6. Million dollars from the casino table games those indicted included, notorious, criminals such as the head of the Chicago Outfit, Joseph, Ayyappa Milwaukee, syndicate, boss Frank Bell story and Kansas, City Mafia chief Karl Sevilla authorities, later charged a group of Cleveland mobsters, for sharing the stolen casino profits with other criminal organizations authorities. Estimated, that the Stardust alone lost over two million dollars in federal, court Cleveland mobster Angelo Lonardo turned on his associates, and testified, against them the mobster turned informant testified, that his close friend who was the Cleveland Mafia's point man informed, him that the mobsters from Kansas, City and Milwaukee, had considerable, say in who the Teamsters pension fund issued loans to he stated these mobsters convinced, a teamster to issue a loan to Allan CLIC Sargent Corporation, lonardo also revealed at the Chicago, Milwaukee Kansas. City and Cleveland, crime families received monthly kickbacks, from the Stardust skim ranging between $40,000. To $100,000. He concluded, his testimony, by saying that the Teamster union official William presser received a $1,500. Monthly, pension from the skim before, the hearing began Kansas, City Mafia chief Karl Sabella and three others accepted a plea deal thus pleading guilty to lesser charges after. The trial the jury deliberated, for 36, hours over, a six day period before coming to a decision Chicago. Mob boss Joseph Ayyappa and four others were convicted of skimming revenue while secretly controlling the Stardust Resort in Fremont Hotel each defendant, was convicted on all eight counts each of which carried a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000, fine all four, of those convicted were over the age of 57 the oldest being Ayyappa who was 77, years old Allan Glick the man responsible, for purchasing, the Stardust and two other hotels on the strip played, a key role in convicting those involved in the skimming operation, Glick claimed in court he had no knowledge of Frank's criminal activity, prior to attending a meeting with Delbert Coleman to discuss financing, for the purchase of the Stardust and Fremont Hotel many, questioned the accuracy of this claim since Glick attended school with one of Frank's sons Glick, continued, by explaining that through the four mob family's influence, he received a loan for nearly 63, million, from the Teamsters pension fund he then used this money to purchase the Stardust and other resorts under his company argent corporation, teamster later went on to issue a second, loan declic for 25 million dollars this loan provided argent corporation, with the funding necessary to redevelop, and improve the Stardust Glick ended his testimony, by claiming his involvement in the skimming conspiracy, stemmed from his intimidation, of the crime figures prosecutors.

Acknowledged His testimony, as the truth to the jury and as a result Glick got off scot-free, controversy. Surrounding the Stardust finally laid to rest in 1985. When Boyd Gaming purchased, both the Stardust and the Fremont Hotel Boyd, gaming had a reputation for abstaining, from criminal activity leading, many to view their acquisition, of the property as a new beginning throughout, the 90s the Stardust underwent several drastic, changes being, one of the last resorts, on the strip from the 1950s. The Stardust underwent a 300, million dollar renovation to, modernize the resort in 1991. The renovation, plans included adding a new 32, story hotel tower along with two swimming pools a golf course and athletic, facilities, one, year later in 1992. Boyd replaced the Stardust famously toed a Paris show with a less established show known as enter the night well enter the night never received the same attention as Leto de Paris the show stayed with the Stardust for seven years before parting, ways in December of 1999, around, the same time developers, also replaced the futuristic, lettering on the original sign with blocky typeface, lettering, before the turn of the century Wayne Newton signed the biggest entertainment deal, in Las Vegas history in October, of 1999, newton signed a ten-year deal with the Stardust for a reported 25 million, dollars per year according to the deal he would perform exclusively at the Stardust for 40 weeks out of the year due to contractual, obligations. Newton's, ceased all performances, in the Hollywood Theater at MGM Grand following, his signing the Stardust renamed their 920. Seat theater to Wayne Newton theater in his honor the turn of the century marked the beginning of the end for the Stardust Resort while the casino retains some of its popularity they would never be as profitable as the newer mega resorts built on the strip towards the end of the 1980s, the Las Vegas Strip underwent a gradual transition due, to the steady decline in organized crime involvement. Long gone were the days of Rat Pack Vegas, as the strip shifted towards a more commercialized, and family-friendly environment.

This New chapter in Las Vegas history came to be known as the mega-resort era and kicked off in November of 1989, with the opening of Steve Wynn's Mirage Steve, Wynn's Mirage to a new standard for luxury on the strip and attracted droves of Tara as a result what followed the mirages astronomical. Success was nearly 25, years of rapid growth and financing, for projects, by the start of the 21st century the era of mega resorts was in full swing and the start of struggled to keep up in an attempt to become more competitive with the new mega resorts, the Stardust demolished four of the original two-story, buildings to make way for a plan 25 million dollar renovation renovations. Done to the resort included upgrading the public facilities, and guest rooms construction, of a new 340. Seat buffet and lastly, refurbishment, of the property's roadside sign regardless. Of these renovations the startups continue to struggle as newer resorts outshine the once iconic, resort in a last-ditch effort to save the declining resort Stardust officials brought in a magician Rick Thomas as a reformer in March of 2005, the following month in April Newton decided to end his run at the resort four and a half years early his departure hid the resort hard despite Thomas's, magic show becoming the most successful daytime. Show on the strip once Newton left the Stardust no one questioned, if the resort was going to close the question now stuck in everyone's mind was when it would close by 2004. Void officials, recognize that this Stardust closure was inevitable, in response, officials, created, a plan to potentially, redevelop, the site of the Stardust in July Boy put their plan into action and spent a hefty 1.2. Billion dollars, on purchasing, Coast casinos incorporated. This price the acquisition, provided the company with four new properties, the Sun Coast the Gold Coast the Orleans and Barbary, Coast a few months later in November Boyd purchased a 13 acre parcel, located contingent. To the Stardust for 43 million dollars, between 2004. And 2006, the company purchased several more properties, including, the land between the Stardust and the westward ho towards the end of 2006, a deal was made with Harrah's Entertainment to, trade the Barbary Coast casino, for 11 acres located adjacent to the Stardust, in total Boyd acquired 87, acres for the Stardust redevelopment. In January, of 2006. Boyd Gaming announced to the public that they would be replacing the Stardust in westward ho with a new project known as Ashkelon, place boy, described echelon as a luxurious, multi-use, complex boasting.

Five Partially, separated hotel towers with a combined guest capacity, surpassing, 5,000 people the projects out in 87, acres and was to contain 140, thousand, square foot casino floor a convention, center with close to a million square feet of space and numerous, other amenities the development, expected to become the centerpiece of the northern end of the strip with the development of echelon place buoyed hope to surpass tomorrow, and become the leader in luxury on the strip estimated, to cost four billion dollars, if completed Ashkelon place is believed to be the second most expensive hospitality. Development ever undertaken, the only project to top echelon is the Mirage and MGM, six billion dollar city center project following the announcement on November, 1st 2006. After remaining continuously, opened for 48 years, the Stardust Resort and Casino finally, closed their doors to the public once the clock struck noon the Bobbie Howard band led patrons out of the resort one final time to the tune of when the saints go marching in, after, operating for 24 hours a day seven, days a week the Stardust sat eerily quiet and empty for the first time in nearly half a century on March 13th 2007. At 2:00 in the morning the Stardust was imploded to make way for the planned construction of a chillon place the demolition ceremony included a fireworks show displaying, a 10-second, countdown to the implosion despite, only 430. Pounds of explosive, being used in the demolition the Stardust became the tallest building to be imploded on the Las Vegas Strip, almost immediately after demolition wrapped up construction teams began prepping the land for construction after the prep work was completed construction. Officially begun an echelon place during the summer of 2007. Developers. Presume the project would be completely, finished by 2010, towards, the end of 2007. The United States began to undergo an economic, recession that wreaked havoc on the tourism economy well established, casinos experienced, severe problems, relating to the recession planned projects seemingly felt the brunt of the damage on August, 1st 2008, Boyd Gaming announced that construction on edge alone would be halted for three to four quarters due to the poor economic conditions project. Officials announced that they intended on resuming construction, upon the recovery of the credit market and the Las Vegas economy, this was bad news for many Las Vegas residents, who were relying on the opening of places like a chillon place to bring jobs to the valley during the subsequent, year the recession continued, to wreak havoc on the valley Boyd Gaming took a massive hit in 2009, when the company experienced, a massive drop in their share prices and revenue the recessions effect on Boyd's revenue resulted, in the company losing millions of dollars in profit after tough deliberations. Boyd officials concluded that the best course of action was to suspend construction, on Ashkelon place until the economic conditions in Las Vegas improved, in a statement released by Boyd the company stated that while they believed in the long-term viability of Las Vegas the current economic conditions in Las Vegas would not support a project like Asheville on place the company concluded, by stating that construction would not resume anytime soon and that local should expect, to be suspended for three to five years three years after suspending, construction, Boyd gaming announced that they plan on finishing construction, at a chillon place Boyd stated this time around they were determined, to claim their spot as one of the top luxury destinations. On the Las Vegas Strip following, this announcement Clark, County granted Boyd an extension, till 2018. To finish the project plans to resume construction fell through less than a year later in 2013. When Boyd gaming's told the 87, acre site to the Malaysian gaming, company Genting, Group for, 350, million dollars, Genting, Group is a well respected gaming, powerhouse, based from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, the company owns several casinos located.

Throughout The world most noteworthy being, the Aqueduct, Racetrack Casino. In New York City which contains the world's largest slot machine floor Genting purchased the site with plans to develop a Chinese theme Resort on the 87, acres after, the acquisition of echelon, place executives. From Genting Group received an invitation to attend a local press conference, at the conference company, officials revealed their plan to construct a 21 million square-foot Chinese, theme resort named Resorts, World Las Vegas, upon, completion the project would contained four hotel towers with a combined room count of 6,500. Rooms aside from the typical shopping and dining areas, developers, revealed part of their plan included building a replica Great Wall of China a panda exhibit and a 1 million square foot Convention Center company, officials stated construction, and Resorts World would occur in four phases over the span of 24, to 36, months officials, also disclosed, that phase 1 of construction, would span 8 million square feet and include, 3,500. Hotel rooms to reduce construction costs Genting intended on corporated the structure of Ashkelon place into Resorts world to design phase 1 plan to accommodate numerous, features such as a seven and a half acre indoor waterpark a 4,000. Seat theater and a bowling alley construction, on the first phase was expected to cost around four billion dollars, in break ground in 2014. Genting officials estimated, that Resorts world would open by 2016. And allege the property was supplying nearly 12,000. Jobs to the valley residents, of Las Vegas found the announcement, of Resorts World to be a pleasant surprise, although the Great Recession began, four years earlier in 2008, Las Vegas was still experiencing, its devastating, effects from 2002, until the economic crisis unemployment in the valley had remained on a steady decline before, the recession unemployment in Las Vegas had around 4% two, years after the initial onset, of the recession unemployment in the valley skyrocketed. Upwards of 10% throughout, this period economic crisis the hospitality industry was, suffer greatly from the drastic decline in tourist spending as a result many Las Vegas residents lost their jobs and found themselves unable to find new employment with the announcement of Resorts World Las Vegas many felt that things might finally turn around for Las Vegas Resorts, World received support from several Nevada government, officials including governor, Ryan Sandoval, and Senator Harry Reid both Sandoval and Reid praised Genting Group for aiding in the recovery of the Las Vegas economy, by providing employment to thousands, of people construction got off to a rocky start as groundbreaking was delayed until May 5th 2015.

One, Year after the initially planned start date the project now expected, to be completed by mid 2018. Two years after Resorts, World was initially scheduled to open shortly. After construction broke ground construction, on the project slowed, down considerably as the months wore on work on the project appeared to be on a steady decline Genting, Group also became increasingly quiet, about the project and begun only posting construction, updates to Facebook by February of 2016, numerous, locals questioned the resort's status as barely any work had been completed with, the current pace of construction many. Doubted the project would open by 2018, in May of 2016. Genting, Group announced their plan to ramp up construction later that year assuming construction, stays on schedule the company expected the project to be complete by early 2019, Genting attributed the delays to the Malaysian currencies, depreciation. Which decreased the company's global purchasing, power along, with waiting on approval from the Nevada Gaming Commission, for a gaming license the project set in limbo for about two years as Genting Group geared up for resuming construction. In 2018. Over a decade since Boyd demolished, the Stardust to make way for a new development Construction, was finally in full swing in May of 2018, Genting posted an updated, timeline for construction on Resorts World which plays the resort's opening at the end of 2020, since Genting released the updated timeline Construction has stayed on pace with the aggressive timeline this is attributed to on-site workers, be increased six-fold since the start of 2018, towards, the end of July Genting, group representatives, informed News 3 Las Vegas that the two hotel, towers now stand 22, and 25 stories tall more, than double their initial height at the start of 2018, the representatives, also informed, news 3 that both towers will stand 60, storeys tall by the end of the year and be topped out in the fall of 2019 in order to remain on pace with the aggressive building schedule company, officials claimed that the number of workers will increase daily as construction, expands out to different areas this is good news for the vegas construction, industry since Resorts world will continually, provide more job opportunities as construction advances, as 2018, comes to an end construction at resource world continues, to keep up with the aggressive building schedule while some skeptics, believe construction, will not be completed until 2021, or later many locals remain hopeful that the project will continue to stay on track and open, on schedule the northern end of the strip has been plagued with abandoned, developments, and declining foot traffic since the initial onslaught, of the recession, the Fountainbleu Las Vegas now known as the drew cease construction, in 2008, around the same time Boyd Gaming announced construction, on Ashkelon place was suspended, like Resorts World the drew is expected, to open at the end of 2020, with both projects, being highly anticipated, many expect that they will revitalize, the northern end of the strip upon opening at this point only time will tell what becomes of the former side of the Stardust I personally, believe that when resorts world opens it will be a successful addition to the Las Vegas Strip, Genting, group appears to be studying the market as well as carefully, calculating, what to build in order to compete with the already established casinos on the strip while the strip is historically, one of the most competitive markets, out there Genting officials should have no issue competing, assuming they play their cards right with proper marketing and generous gaming promotions, Resorts, World is poised to take over and dominate the northern end of the strip if you enjoyed the video hit that like button down below this video was actually a suggestion I received from one of you on one of my latest videos if you have any suggestions, for future videos let me know down in the comments below also be sure to hit that subscribe button and that bell icon so you can stay up to date on my latest content, thank you all for watching and I'll see you next video peace.


2018-10-13 07:22

Show Video


From an outsiders POV, the north end of the Strip just seems to be cursed.

A very well put together documentary video of the Stardust's start to finish. I saw one of Wayne Newton's last shows there- his voice was toast by then but the older women still adored him ! Since moving from South Florida back in 2001, I've seen alot of implosions and construction projects take place. Lots of proposed mega resorts that never materialized. The recession was felt by the entire country but people like to point the finger at Vegas as an example of poor planning and excessive growth which is not true- Vegas is where dreams become reality and we will always be re-inventing this city- that's what makes us unique in all the world !

Excellent research and presentation

I think it is unfair that Venetian includes and counts the Palazzo square footage and evan the room count when they want to boast anout themselves. Two seperate venues, names, entrances etc.

Great video, I was a big fan of the Stardust.

Great info

Ah, don't look now but....the US economy is entering a recession. Oh, and the USA is having a trade war with China that is currently hurting China more than the US, perhaps putting a damper on Chinese tourism to the USA. So, yeah, good luck.

I really liked this, unless you have can you do Fremont Street? Though not abandon most of it after container park has sat empty in neglect with many motels and clubs closed.

it will fail

My parents met at the Stardust. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the everything happen on the property fail miserably.

Worse. They’re dead.

Aaron Scarpa are they divorced ?

It was hilarious to see when you referred to the Mirage and posted pictures of The Venetian.

Hopefully, Resort World will be finished before another economic crash hits the world and Las Vegas hard.

Too bad the Riviera could not hang on until Resorts World opened. A remodeled and upgraded Riv would have been great in that area.

Do a video on the Ponte City Apartments in South Africa.

They never should have imploded the Stardust. Greed and bad planning got them. A remodel and upgrade of the Stardust would have been great. Vegas lost a lot of great history with the Stardust. Loved the Stardust.

Ellis James - You can't keep those old buildings around forever- that like saying that the mob should still be running everything !

The gigantic tower was built in f**king '91 and also had a revamp in 2001-02.Greedy bastards!

Great casino and cheap rooms! I was there in 1992. Good fun.

Great video. I’d like to know more about the New Frontier. Keep up the good work!

The Mint wasn't a "Strip Icon." It was Downtown's tallest hotel.

Keep it upp

Sounds like Boyd lost their shirt big time.



Nicely done! I like both the pace of your videos as well the amount of detail (history) you add to the videos. Keep up the great videos.

Thank you glad to hear you like the videos!

WOW, what a great job you did with the video!

As a Vegas native, I never go down to the Strip. But I hate that you still see abandoned/unfinished projects still not complete from the I-15. The Strip will look so much better once the Fountain Blu and Resorts World is finished. From the looks of it though, I’d say 2021 until RW opens.

Seeyounxttuesday - Going down to the strip is the reason I moved here back in 2001- I love it ! The only thing that has put a damper on that is the parking fees but I've found ways around it. You're missing out on life if you don't take advantage of this city- so much great food, shows, shopping and now even parks, gardens, aquariums and SPORTS !

+Steven Martukovich They're full of

I will never understand why Vegas natives say they almost never visit the Strip. My friend says the same thing.

Hopefully Vegas gets hit by another big recession and Vegas will have no tourists.

Thanks for your research

Do you have a video on the history of the Sands Hotel?

Not yet but I’m looking into making a video on it!

What about Ivana Las Vegas?

wow stardust sounded like one hell of a hotel back in the old days and the golden days of vegas i would have loved going to the hotel but vegas today doesnt seem like a place to live in anymore due to it being difficult to get a job there

billyhatcher643 - That's. totally wrong- unemployment is way down and there are tons of good paying jobs to be had! One project alone ( MSG's the "Sphere") will employ 5 thousand. Resort's World another 10-12 thousand, etc. In the private business sector there are lots of new stores and restaurants opening every day- this city is on fire !

These vids are amazing! So interesting.

Thank you :)

I still remember the commercials for "Enter the Night". The pre cirque days..

Las Vegas! Where all sins are washed and everything you could ever want can become a reality....with a price. It is capitalism on steroids. I would bet employees and guests got treated better under mafia rule. Once the government (FBI) gets involved everybody loses and it leads to more regulation, more government.....more corruption. The irony regarding Las Vegas is that it replaced one corruption system (Mafia) with another (Government).

But the mafia took care of people unlike the govn

very informative video, hope the new casino is completed on time, the strip is getting boring we need something new!!!

This guy's videos are good; but I cannot stand his stupid f*****g voice!!!

Do a video on where to find hookers


Lol. No,this is abandoned. What ever happened to the rise of cheap hookers on vegas and why did that fail?

They'll find you if you look like a sucker.

what happened to the Olympic Garden on N. Las Vegas blvd.?

If you’d ever seen the movie Casino, you’d know how to pronounce Tangiers.

It appears Resort World is design to cater toward the Chinese customers/gamblers, like the Lucky Dragon. Hopefully, RW will have a better future than the L' Dragon.

Hopefully, before the Chinese exterior décor becomes too permanent.

From a personal standpoint, that Asia theme does not appeal to me. I wonder how long it takes before Resorts World rebrands into something new?

It's slowly turning around for Vegas, but the whole, "putting your hopes on one development" thing can blow up in a cities face really hard. Vegas isn't immune because of it's size.

Good video! Can you do sahara next?

Hopefully they won't get caught by the same trap which caught out another Asian-themed resort on the strip.

I do agree resort world will dominate the north end of the strip I am excited for it to open

Great vid. Really well done. Vegas history is *always* fun.

Great video! I learned SO much about a subject I previously had zero interest in haha.

Yayyyy!!!! Awesome xoxo Do you only do vegas stuff btw?? I was curious about the Playboy club at Palms. What was there before and what happened to the bunny tower and all the playboy stores. Is the Hefner suite still there and blah blah. What you think??

He's a Vegas local, and a kid, so his content is localized around Southern Nevada for now.

I personally think the more depressing story involves the Frontier.. like, the construction on the project didn't even begin! Seeing a video on it would be cool! Great one as always!

Great Job !!!

Not to lie, although the Stardust was a great piece of history Resorts world looks sooooo cool! Can't wait until they open Also can you do a video on the New Frontier and why it's a bunch of nothing?

We started coming to Las Vegas in 1975 at that time they were shooting a movie across from our hotel. Coming back in 1985 the place changed so much and our room was so dated we decided to vacation else where.The Rat Pack was great for the area it was small compared to today but if you could bring them back to full honor the place would buzzing sorry Las Vegas. We invested in St. Barth and still make money.

Well done!! The Stardust was a favorite. Actually attended the post-closing auction of items from the hotel and casino. The sports book was the BEST in town.

Vegas is a dust bin! Always construction to blind ya from the truth! Macau killing Vegas 12x over.

This sounds like the movie Casino.

Great historical background on the strip. Nice tie in to the Fountain Bleu. Always wondered what happened to the Stardust. I noticed in a few background a few shots of Frontier hotel. I remember when the hotel had people on strike for years. Walking the picket lines for years.

Really good job on this video. Felt really high quality.

I love this stuff


You forgot to mention the New Frontier/Last Frontier in the history of the strip! Great video though...

Los Pollos Hermanos well yes they wanted to build two but my guess is because of the recession they decided to cancel plans for building a second tower, well at least they actually managed to complete the first one

+Frozen Kebab http://www.vegastodayandtomorrow.com/the-plaza.htm

+Frozen Kebab Trump bout partial land behind the New frontier where the Trump tower is now at, I had heard they were supposed to build two towers but not sure how accurate that is

Los Pollos Hermanos The Plaza like in NYC.........if I'm not mistaken Donald Trump own/used to own this hotel in NYC and there is a Trump hotel nearby the site of the New frontier......I really should check this out

+Frozen Kebab it was supposed to be built as the Plaza like the one in NYC but when the economy fell back in 07 they canceled the project.

Los Pollos Hermanos yes! Why did the New frontier got imploded and now it's an empty land?

Great video and I really liked the historical background on the Stardust.

Thanks for suggesting the topic! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed :)

Theys was legit boss...

Fascinating content & excellent story telling!!! I would love to see the Binion story in a future video if you could please!

Have you ever tbought about doing a piece on Foxwoods Resort and Casino in CT?

Very interesting, BUT: Tan-JEERS, Pair-EE (C'mon, Man), and Harry S. Truman?

WOW, What an amazing story! Who ever knew that Jimmy Hoffa's Teamsters union was so heavily involved in the early history of Las Vegas. Really awesome video Dude!

Great history, I have been to Vegas many times, and I lot of my questions were answered today. Keep up the go work!!!

What about the solar company that was blooming until Nevada energy took them out?

Many thanks for this work, following Vegas from Sweden and would love this project to be a success. I will hit Vegas in November :-) Hope you can do a update on The Drew when it comes alive :-)

Can you do a video on the decline of fremont st? How its gone from iconic to a mess...ie..st performers...slotzilla...the disappearance of iconic figues...ie..vegas vicki..etc..thanks

Yeah, really can’t head down there anymore...Scary and really sad!

Glitter Gulch was closed and demolished approximately a year ago.

+dave smith yea but to an awkward bastardized version of a once badass boulevard

Vicki will be back.

+Yvonne S vegas vic looks sadder and lonelier than ever

+Yvonne S and the golden goose sign too. Travesty!!

+Lyle Gorch i think it sucks

+Lyle Gorch I think it closed last year.

I think it was very nice of Vegas to provide a roof and AC for all the panhandlers, homeless weirdos, and icky-icky rednecks on Fremont St.. BTW is /GlitterGulch still there?

Stellar job, Jonah !! VEGAS !!!

Wait a minute. The FBI was late to the party...again?

Thanks for posting, I love Vegas!

well done! can't wait for the next one

Pic credit: Mob. NICE


i want the binions casino histry,nothing else

kaiokendo I too would like to know what is the status of Binion's. I know the casino is open but not the hotel?

Super wordy script!! Construction of the construction.... really?

Excellent research dude, another great video. Keep up the good work.

get on with it !!!!!

5 years time : 'why did the resort world hotel collapse'. Asian money men rushing to complete a project with an unrealistic timetable? What could go wrong...

They are working at this place again.

Hey great video I smashed the like button have you heard of the underground train or trains that government use to get to Area 51 and other places I don’t mean the floods tunnels either

I haven't been in Vegas since the mid 80's so don't blame me !!

How about the failed and quietly demolished Harmon Hotel for a video topic.

running voice at the end is difficult to bear

Can you do a video on the jockey club towers and how it survived when the city center & cosmopolitan was built around the hotel and when Robbie knievel jumped from the first building to the second one live on tv on Thursday February 4 1999 on FOX

I would like to know were they haul all of the debris from the hotels that have been imploded. A video would be cool.

Maybe it is not necessarily a good thing to talk so fast that people will want you shoot you in the face. narrator SUCKS

your "robotic'" voice is too much.. make the video longer, and speak slowly....please... your content is fantastic ! there is no train to catch...

Do you ever stop to take a breath, so very annoying!

Q is anonymous. Really. Believable? It could be your mama. Garbage crypto.

Thanks! But, I'm still hoping you'll do one of these about the Harmon Hotel debacle!

It’s on my list of places to cover :) Glad to hear you enjoyed!

How can do you a video on the Stardust and not include a reference to this (1996 film "Swingers" which prominently features the Stardust)?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWSVtnG2LEU

I gambled at the Stardust 3 months before they closed. And I gambled at the Riviera too during the same trip. And remember, the movie Showgirls was about a fictional show at the Stardust.

I mean how many rooms do u really need. There no fully booked now

I've said it before. The north end is doomed

thank you for the video.nice to see about las vegas.

All this stuff will be built. Your an idiot.

You're* :)

In the picture @ 3 :11 is that Robert De Niro???

Great video. Overall, you almost always do a really good job. Pronunciations: Tangiers = Tanjeers and Lido de Paris = Lido d Paree . Dude, I'm happy to help with pronunciations as this seems to be where you always get stuck. Just message...

Eggs was Vegas......auto correct sucks

Actually, the Resorts World Complex is in full development, and Fountain Blue is now going to open as the Drew. It may take time, but. Eggs always wins.

Wow learned alot, great job on this piece!

"Tangiers" is pronounced TAN-JEERS. The "Paris" part of the world famous cabaret and burlesque show, "Lido de Paris" is pronounced PAR-EE (as in French). That's the show that put all of Vegas on the map and continues to this day at its original venue in France.

Great video buddy, kind regards Richard U.K

Subscribed. Great overview

Thank you for subbing! Glad to hear you enjoyed :)

I loved going to the stardust my last year was 2008 i went twice ,your vid states it closed b4 then my convention was in oct 08 not sure were you got your dates it was imploded later that year or the next yr our convention group moved to another boyd location in summerlin

Glick's intimidation of the crime figures. no.

Trump 2020. His vision is perfect.

I have a suggestion """ take a pill for ADD or smoke a joint """ you talk so fucking fast I just lost my buzz....

Drove by last week. Looks like it is getting taller!

By the way, I believe that only the Tropicana and Flamingo are the only two remaining OLD hotels on the strip. Tropicana opened in (1957 I think?) and the Flamingo 10 years before that. It's not in your nature to do videos on places that didn't actually end up caving in, but if you want a new type of topic, maybe you could talk about how these two places managed to stay open and operational to this day comparing them to something like the Dunes that just stood no chance. The Dunes was located in basically the same place as the Flamingo too.

If you slow the speed down to .75 it sounds like the narrator is drunk. lol

can you do Nickelodeon Studios

Best business deal ever. Sold stardust top dollar bought Treasure Island next door for half that and competitor blew himself up.

Do St. Regis next to the palazzo

So you still think there are no cartel run casinos Lol .

The hotel in the movie Casino is pronounced “Tan-jeers”. Not “Tangers”

Wow, this is an awesome video well narrated and outstanding research, very informative. Great job!

Thank you! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed :)

relax a lil bit man...good vid tho

He should've took the food and beverage job.

chines themed resort casino what kid of hell if that? I enjoy if there is an asain section in casino because it adds to the ambiance and experience, but to have an entire casino of that size in Chinese theme, that would be very depressing place to be. No one will go in that casino, you don't need market research I can tell you that now. People will not fly halfway around the world or the country to stay in some asain theme casino.

Stardust the place of MILF hookers,stiff drinks and the best damn sports book on the strip...I miss you so. As for Resort World,If it looks like shit,smells like shit,taste like shit then it must be ....

Hes wrong about a few things. The mgm is the the largest casino floor in Las Vegas. Im a Las Vegas native for over 30 years. This clown probably doesnt even live in Las Vegas.

Awesome job! Very well done. A lot of info in that time.

Interesting story. It sounds like the moment they changed the older Stardust signs out, things started going downhill. I've never been to Las Vegas, doubt I ever will. But it's fun to watch videos about.

I remember The Stardust had a AM radio station inside or next to the sports book. As a kid I lived in the desert in the middle of nowhere and before cable it was one of the few things that was on at night, I prank called these guys (before caller ID) nightly and they would flip out. In hind sight I wish I wouldve recorded it because they got so angry on air.

+thatDonOguy I grew up on Jim Healy on KMPC so always loved sports talk from a very young age, now I remember it was KDWN aka k-dawn, I think Art Bell got his start on K-dawn and also was at the Stardust as a kid with insomnia Art Bell was like my security blanket and you really can find anything on YouTube.

BTW, here's a brief excerpt I post here some years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRjzJCyxqW8

Yup, that radio station was KDWN-AM and Lee Pete use to host that show from the Stardust for a long time.There's a YT'ber named Carzy Cav who has posted his phone calls over his channel. I even recorded a full two hour show from the early 80's and posted it up on Internet Archive. R. I. P., Lete Pete!!

Good Vid

Thanks bro I appreciate it!

Lots of interesting facts, but I feel compelled to do some fact checking because your photos, in most cases, were totally wrong. Come on dude, Al Capone was dead long before the Stardust was conceived.

Unfortunately, I can’t use any picture I find in these videos. I can only use royalty free images, hence why some of the pictures are like that. Thanks for watching!

All of the Asian tourists and business travelers that used to stay at the Mandarin Oriental (now the Waldorf Astoria) will make Resorts World their lodging and gambling destination in Vegas when it opens - rest assured.

Get someone else to read the script

many other places in the world to bleed money, vegas is ok in doses

I know they have reinvent themselves but Las Vegas has no history available

Old school Vegas sounds so much more fun

You are talking too fast.

Make moar videos. Gimme gimme gimme!! Youtube has made my brain an information sponge.

talk about speed speaking FSO had enough after 9mins your next vid USE SUBS

I used to hang out in the Stardust race and sports book every day after it first open. They would write the tickets by hand any people would change the numbers. A ten dollar ticket would suddenly be a $100 dollar one. They would befriend a tourist and ask them “ if their going to cash their ticket cash mine while you’re up there. If they would get questioned the cheater would disappear. A lot and I mean a lot of altered tickets were cashed.

What you don't mention is that most of these construction workers are Chinese immigrant workers. Many of them don't even speak English.

Your photo of the Hacienda Hotel is not the original Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip C'mon brother get it together.

I can’t use some photos since they are copyrighted :( that’s why some pictures are incorrect

The El Rancho was built in 1941...

The Mint Hotel was not a Strip Icon Since it was Downtown. It no longer exists as it was taken over by Binions Horshoe Hotel and Casino....

I would love to know more about what happened to the "WET" project. It looked massive and amazing. There was going to be a water park and an indoor ski slope

The eyesore is better than a bunch wife beating, drug dealer coke heads running it, the mob is dumbest shit ever, idoits with guns and drugs, who shoot , kill, lie, steal, cheat to get what they want, every mob on the planet should be huddled in a casino , doors locked and let them eradicate each other, lmao.. DUMMYS

Thanks amazing video loved the history


I loved the Stardust

Excellent video

Taking 12-15 years to develop the Stardust property is mind-boggling! In 2008, smart management and developers could have done a major redevelopment of the Stardust in 24 months... The numbers show that tourism is declining in Las Vegas, because of corporate greed - expensive room rates, charging for every small service, resort fees, etc... Do we really need more cookie cutter hotel/casinos on The Strip?

Totally agree, now major parking fee. Being from California I would go to Vegas 3 or 4 times a year, a cheap getaway, and if I lost on the slots or tables, so what! still had a good time. Now, I go every other year, and gaming money is tied to a budget of the whole trip. Hope the great minds of Vegas know what they're doing, the next downturn of tourism could be the"mob" hit of death.

Love your videos man. I really dig the history behind the subject.

I was working on the echelon place project when it shut down. The news media knew before the workers did. We showed up to pink slips and news cameras. It was rough

Jon... another AWESOME Vegas vid. LOVE IT! keep it up brother!

VERY THOROUGHLY researched and reported!

THE NEW VEGAS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stay at Whiskey Pete's ! Unless I get compat at the 2 little mobbed places that are still there.

Moe Green started Las Vegas and Michael Corleone had him taken out so he could have his brother run it. Just joking ,this is a good video ,keep it up.If you need info about mob stuff,my Uncle and his Father ran a few Casinos ,I still get comped at 2 old Casinos. It is very interesting.

Great video, well done!

3000 Amps to run the sign? No, 3000 Watt maybe. 3000Amps could run the whole building.

Skyvue! Please do a video on skyvue!!!! I’m very curious about what happened to this project.

With all this pilfering of pension funds, I guess the pensioners are happy to get 2 bucks a month that they're probably ordered to gamble away at the casino.

Yo you spelled happened wrong in the thumbnail

Yo thank you I’ll fix that right now

Thank you for all the work you put into these videos!

The Legend Of Gutshot Tony

Great video. How about doing one on the effect (or non-effect, depending on who you believe) of the lowering water level in Lake Mead?

make a video about Freemont, thanks

Have you heard of the eyesore on i4 in Florida? I think it's been covered by other people before.

I'd kinda like to see a vid on where all these casinos were/are. A blueprint progression of this year, here were all the casinos, in February, this was sold, in April, this closed in July this was imploded and this was built in it's place, etc.

Gentings concepts looked awesome

your video on foutain bleu was very informative. Thanks bro

Glad to hear you enjoyed :)

Do one on the fountain blue!

I have made a video on the Fontainebleau! Here’s the link to that video: https://youtu.be/rRIHL5Ehhc8

i hope both the Drew and Resorts World are happening - but I think one of them will not make it unfortunately.

great video thank you

I don't understand all the negative comments on the pace of your narration of the video. I noticed nothing irregular nor hard to understand in the way the way you read your text . Great! In my opinion.

why do you put a picture of Al Capone and Lucky Luciano? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever....

I have to use royalty free images otherwise my videos cannot be viewed in the US :( I try my best to use the correct images but sometimes there isn’t a royalty free image

They should have kept the old font. The new blocky font had no style whatsoever and looked out of place with the stars. The big red letters on the new tower looked like a generic strip mall sign. Stupid move. They should have kept the 50's style and just upgrade the technology.

Why not do a update. Like on "friends of ours" in Kansas City. Your comments mention the movie "Casino". Check out the crime bosses son who went to "Harvard"? Hey wasn't that another movie, no this is for real. Now check out the yellow pages, where there is a lawyer with the same name as the crime boss(A grandson?) But then go back further to the Truman era when a wise guy was killed by a lawman on a street called Armour. Now, look it up, his elderly son, who I remember from when he owned the now "imploded" Mid-Town Liquors, at 39th and the Paseo, now "owns" a mega casino, outdoor concert venue, hotel, & etc. resort On the Kansas side of K.C..

wow, that's a great video!


A good bit probably gets recycled, but what’s left over, yeah! What he ^^ said.

Trump vision: a Saudi and Russian owned America.

Can you do a "what happened to the girls from 2 girls 1 cup" video

Thank you for the history. How about a piece on why Treasure Island got rid of the pirate show.

yes...the wonderful Stardust. 1984...eating in the buffet and a big roach came from under the table and ran across the top. It was ok...he didn't eat anything. The videos about old Vegas are outstanding!

. Scout you better watch who you’re talking to

Probably at your moms house

Yes I want to know

Were getting more tourists from the east because statistically speaking they make more money than us west coasters 300-400 a night is nothing to them and they mostly have major corporations they work for pay for their stay

My grandparents went from Indiana to Vegas every year for their vacations. They always stayed at the stardust. I also have relatives that live there and even when we would go see them in the 80s and early 90s, we always stayed at the stardust. I can remember when the mirage opened. Even as a young man back then, I felt the originality of Vegas slipping away. I really enjoy your stories on the old hotels of the strip.

Mob Vegas was the best Vegas ! Bugsy!

It will open just in time for the next recession.


Excellent historical video, I loved it!! & live here. Good day!

Your speedy voice was irritating and annoying, lengthen video , there is no fire

2007... oof!

. Scout

+Rob Fowler aww man that hurt my feelings, I give I give you win

. Scout Maybe if you had more than a third grade education and not cousins for parents / adopted your life would have worked out

+Rob Fowler no ones talking to you boy

Turn it to 1.25 and it will actually damage your brain!

Dude, the fuck's up with the speed talking? You forget to take your Ritalin or something? Slow it the fuck down.

Holy crap so much fast talking. Slow down!! This whole video is like listening to an auction.

The Stardust was a classy piece of history. Style through and through. Replaced by yet another monolithic resort. Sad. We never value our history.

Great update of Stardust Property.

talk slower man

8:40 RIP Danny Gans :(

Its pronounced "Tunn- Gieer" G as in Giant not Gun.

this resorts world is Under construction open 2020 is going up.

Koala Lampar! LOL!

The title is not a question and should not have a question mark.

Same narrator as honey badger video.

It certainly had more class.

It was actually much safer for "Joe Consumer" when the mob ran things because the mob didn't and wouldn't put up with punk-ass thieves; and the mob didn't have to go through the judicial system to deal with and get rid of punk-ass thieves.

Thank you glad to hear you enjoyed!

Glad to hear you enjoy the videos! There will be more coming out soon!

Trump vision: a Saudi and -Russian- Israeli owned America. There. Fixed it for you.

And influenced Matt Groening's Bart Simpson.

The Stardust was my favorite casino . I really miss it. :(

I stayed at Circus Circus before. The place is huge.

What became of "The Vineyard" in the Boulevard Mall ? Back in the 80's it was a great little Italian restaurant , very old Vegas clientele.

You really need to talk slower.

If you set the video playback speed to 0.25 X @9:15, the narrator sounds wasted and confused. Lol !

A ten year contract paying Wayne Newton $25 million a year? I think I see the problem.

So China is brazenly planting a beachhead in Vegas. No thanks.

The way you say the Cornero's name is really annoying. Just say it naturally, stop trying to add a little Mexican to it.

terrorism and big government monitoring in vegas has destroyed vegas to a point where nobody will ever willingly want to go spend money there ever again. The death of vegas occured at the harvest festival amd the announcement of body scanning to enter resorts

what became of the "Dales. Malls in Minnesota

Yes because when you own the land and make yourself rich and powerful you do not have the freedom to give "Your" money to others. -the government

I don't think most Americans are going to want to spend their money on China since we lost so much of business to them. I think China would have done better to stick with an American theme in America rather than a Chinese theme.

The whole city is fkn corrupt to the core.

What did Al Capone, Harry Truman, and Bobby Kennedy have to do with the Stardust? All three were pictured in this video.

Those images were used since I could not find royalty free images for everyone mentioned in the video. Thanks for checking out the video!

Loved the old mob-run Stardust, a great place to chill and gamble with- polite mob guys hangin' around. Las Vegas was a better place when they ran it, for the customer at least.

just don't win too much in a mob run casino lolz otherwise yeah I bet the atmosphere was pretty nice.....

I agree. I used to go there often.

What happened to the StarDust Roadside Sign?

It’s at the neon museum! I don’t recall how much it is to enter. However, that museum has most of the old Vegas casino signs. It’s definitely worth checking out if you haven’t!

stop and take a breath

His sped up voice is irritating. To better understand him, use video settings to slow down to .75

I find it understandable. If he did a normal voice speed, video would be 45 minutes long. Aint nobody got time for that.

The expansion of legal indian gaming casinos and internet betting throughout California has hit Las Vegas, Reno, and Lake Tahoe gaming hard. Gamblers no longer need to travel a half day or fly to Las Vegas when most population centers of California are an hour away from a native american casino or sports bets with a few clicks of the mouse. Nevada is a poor state and their philosophy result in very little environmental laws or incentives. No personal income taxes results in no interstate freeway system (unlike the other continental 48 states), inadequate police and fire, no appellate court, etc. They can't pay for much when the economy is good and they largely depend on wealthy Californians to visit as tourists.

All these mobster movies made in Hollywood portray Italians as mobsters. Funny how the Jewish run Hollywood covers up the fact that the worst of the worst in these mobster movies are all Jews. Such a blatant cover up and so many of them murdered or paid to have people killed.

Very impressive history on the Stardust, love all the little details you included!

Thank you, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the video :) Thank you for supporting the channel!

Then the recession of 2020 happens and the site shuts down again...

Interesting, but you really need to slow down. At least add a beat between sentences. It’s just exhausting listening to this.

He talks as fast as Ben Shapiro, and that is fast.

13:43 I had no clue that Valentina Matvienko was involved!


Resorts World = Lucky Dragon 2.0

A Chinese themed casino... what could possibly go wrong?

Exactly! We all know how well the Lucky Dragon is doing

Your pacing of narration is like trying to read a giant wall of text that has no paragraphs. Great information in this video, but without structure and strategic pauses (i.e. segments), it's difficult to digest and remember much of anything. This is what the other comments are referring to when they say "slow down."

+Abandoned Explained No worries. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the feedback! I’m going to be filming my VO’s in two sittings to avoid the speedy audio :) Hopefully that will help

The Drew. Echelon Place. CityCenter. Yawn... The theming made each hotel/casino a uniquely attractive destination! Fun in the illusion! Drawn into the fantasy! An “escape” to different environments! Detailed designs to entertain the eye! Grand celebrations of other countries, cities or cultures—all in one fantastic place! Now? Soaring glass structures, sure. Interior spaces that are gorgeous upon first visit, but not long after become common and uninspired. Fountains like you could find in any metropolis. Ho hum. The theming made Las Vegas as interesting for so many as thrilling as it is for children walking from one Disney-themed land to another. Watch all the cities around the country build their own soaring glass structures with gorgeous interior spaces with fountains. Why make the trip to Vegas anymore?

I lived in vegas and witnessed the stardust implosion in 2007. It was pretty crazy. You couldnt see 6 inches in front of you for about five minutes afterwards due to the black cloud of debris.

Those new buildings are supposed to be 60 stories high. Wow!

20:34 "Koala Lumpar" try again buddy

Awesome video! Thanks. Very very interesting for me to see the progression​ from the Stardust era to now.

Thank you! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the video!

Nah I actually railed a few lines before making this video lol I’m just kidding (even though it sounds like it) To prevent the speed talking, I’m going to record my longer VO’s in two sittings. Thanks for checking out the video!

When I lived in Vegas in the early 80's the Stardust was far from "Classy" In the late 80's I stayed in the old rooms....... what a dump.

R T Agreed!!!!!

Robert DeNiro’s line at the end of Casino was spot on. Everything is run by corporations now.

No kidding

In California we have an incentives that allow for some of the concrete and stone to be crushed and graded on site and then re-used in the construction of the new building. It can also be done by rented offsite machinerary at greater expense. Many building in California strive for LEED certification by using environmentally friendly measures like this. However Nevada is a poor state and their philosophy result in very little environmental laws or incentives. No personal income taxes results in no interstate freeway system (unlike the other continental 48 states), inadequate police and fire, no appellate court, etc. They can't pay for much when the economy is good and they largely depend on wealthy Californians to visit as tourists. The end result is that economy and expansion of legal indian gaming casinos and internet betting throughout California have hit Las Vegas, Reno, and Lake Tahoe gaming hard. Gamblers no longer need to travel a half day or fly to Las Vegas when most CA population centers are 1 hour away from a native american casino or sports bets with a few clicks of the mouse.

use settings at .75 speed

the underground Plaza at Dupont Circle in Washington DC would be a great video to make, and why was it abandoned

This guy sounds like a fast talking, Napoleon Dynamite's brother, Kip.

I wonder if people would have gone to visit an "Authentic 1950's casino"? It could have been marketed as "when the mobs ruled" or something like that perhaps. I think that would attract me to see something different than the normal fare on the strip.

I have less than zero interest in going to a casino themed like this.

You need to stop ending your statements with questions marks. aka upspeak. Otherwise good video.

Decline of organized crime in Vegas.....Bwahahahahahaaa!!! Yeah, right. The way you pronounce certain words in maddening!

Omg the least beleiveable thing is that they use to enforce anti trust

Performed in the "rat pack" Vegas. Really was the best, and the most fun. met and saw some of those characters too. Sure not the same now.......

New York New York is an eyesore? Have you seen Circus Circus?

5:02 The postcard shows a Corvair. It is not a myth

Thank you for pronouncing Nevada correctly ^_^ How about the decline of the resorts up in the Ozarks? What happened to your Twitter page?

Eyesore? I think it looks pretty freakin cool.

This guy doesn't know how to pronounce Tangiers

Nice. Didn’t know what I was stumbling past black out drunk last time I was in Vegas.

I have done that!!!! I luckily, didn't wake up in an alley. The security got me to my room....in a WHEELCHAIR.(MSS)

"Jenting" Every time.

+Abandoned Explained; sigh.... It's pronounced 'LEE-doh DAY PAH-+ree'. Seriously, your could read the Wikipedia page on this hotel (WITHOUT giving ACKNOWLEDGEMENT!), this ISN'T quantum mechanics, it's really not even 'foreign language', per se - it's well-known (and if YOU doubt know something,, you should ASK. It's really simple.

+Abandoned Explained; ls Vegas is the 'wine of opulence and luxury' (0:03)? To perhaps people who've watched too many cheap films, certain groups of people flush with 'new money', but, it is nothing but sleazy tackiness, now with the added bonus of being (ugh) 'family friendly', and the place for uneducated, horny college students to lose their parents money and begin working on what will end up being with them a lifetime; permanent paunch. Lose the frakkin' 'family' nonsense. Seriously, LOSE, like you hear of it happening in the woods. Nothing is more ridiculous than going into an expensive restaurant - one that DOESN'T have a drive-through window, nor did the meal get served in a bag

If Vegas was the Most expensive place on Earth ? It would still be packed . Giving away Hard earned Money to a Casino is almost a Religious experience .

I think you meant portrayed not betrayed at the beginning

You sure do talk fast...

Moe Dalitz's last name is pronounced "DAY-litz".

Moe Dalitz, Maishe Rockman, and Jackie Presser are the pieces to the puzzle you were hinting at in the early history of the Stardust. The Las Vegas Strip is a hidden child of Cleveland, Ohio; in a bunch of different ways.

wow this was like listening to flemloraps but 5 times fast lol thanks for sharing

Businesses fail because of mismanagement nothing more. A lot of times people are put into management that shouldn’t be there.

Vegas was a better place when the Mob ran it.

Yeah... Me too. And the Sahara.

Pretty sure it was 25 million for 10 years.

And Newton still ended up broke.

The tickets sold, cost more than enough to make that 3 or 4 times over.


Addressed to Blank Stare, the anti-Semitic asshole.

Fuck you, Jew-hater.

What wonderful jewish supremacy. Hypocrite.

Unless you won too much, you'd end up crippled or dead. You didn't have good health insurance back then either, so you'd endure a lifetime of pain.

Id rather take my chances with the mob than the jews that run LV now.

? It’s pretty easy to follow what he’s saying.

Mike O we already are seeing the price of consumer goods rise due to the tariffs, the real estate market is leveling off and revenue coming into the government has fallen off due to the tax cuts for the rich. The trickle down theory failed with Reagan and Bush. Don’t forget Trump has had many bankruptcies and all his income comes from real estate sales to Russians and to the Saudi’s. Plus his loans are mostly from Russia billionaires. Trump wants to deregulate like what we saw with Bush in 2007. Yes I believe we will have a recession in 2020 no matter who is in charge. The damage has already been done and it will take many years to fix. If you go to fact check dot org you will see all the lies Trump has told with his false figures and his supporters do not have a clue and are in a racist cult and believe every word he says. The man is a narcissistic fool, phony and a con man.

Only way we're going to see another recession is if the Reps lose the House and Senate and Trump doesn't get re-elected. If the liberals gain back control, we're all fucked.

2020 WILL happen and yes,it may be another BAD time for us (US)people. I predict this to happen,people. Hang on to your assets. SHTF stuff will happen. Maybe guns and ammo will be a good idea,soon. 2 years to buy.

We should learn by our history,not tear it down. The tourists dictate the flow of money.People's values do change and that's why we also will change,with the times. It seems like every ten years,values and people change a LOT!

I`m from the New York area. But I`v been here a very long time. The minute I heard they were making Atlantic City, I knew Las Vegas was doomed. But the gaming world never see`s that. They think that they`ll always be the winner. Las Vegas will never again, be the only kid on the block. A lady was on tv one night years ago, saying, why should I go to Vegas now? We`v got gaming right here on the Mississippi. And now what? Gaming all over the world. And I`v never been a drinker, gambler, or smoker. Just common sense. But then when, did a gambler....?

A great documentary full of history. I would have liked to watch it all but the narration is far too fast and clipped. So I quit before half way. Shame.

NEVER TRUST THE CHINESE to keep to ANY agreements! We have abandoned construction sites in the UK bought by the ‘ping pongs’ from China promising the world then running away on the deal! They are purely trying to acquire LAND in as many countries as possible, WHY? no one knows. But highly suspicious

Your channel is great, I think you need to look at your audience as a little smarter. I see many comments about pronunciations, just research a bit more. Haha and none with the word "wanna" like the example at the end. Hope this helps future vids bro

Rather some errors in speech than censorships. Don't be too hard on yourself!

Thank you for the feedback! I’m glad to hear you enjoy the videos :) I’ve been using this channel to figure out the pronunciation of words I’m unsure about. Obviously that channel sucks bc it does not use the proper pronunciations

Another Chinese themed hotel, Haven't they learned for other Failures SMH.

Awesome video. I grew up in Vegas in the 90s, not far from the Stardust.

Liked everything about this video except ONE thing. Why do you use upspeak. It is the speaking cadence of unprofessionals. It destroys your credibility. You are presenting interesting information. Why do you cheapen it with upspeak???

if I was Italian I would love to be in the mob. but I would be dead. that's how they roll

We have the graph made in 1987 that got Rosenthal banned hanging up on our wall at work, Showing a dip in blackjack income

You have some of the most interesting content, but you are just talking way too fast and get loud. Think of it as a nice cup of tea, sip it slow and lets certain parts just linger to get all of the flavor. If you chug it like you are doing you cant really enjoy it.

Very informative. Great presentation.

What a great way to launder money, even dummy Trump knew this, didn't you Donald?

Why are there pictures of Harry Truman and Bobby Kennedy over the casino skimming trial of the late 70s/early 80s?

Abandoned Explained Ok, cool.

I wasn’t able to find royalty free images for that section of the video :/ That’s why some of the images do not exactly match what I was saying

Very informative, though you did narrate a little fast. It would be great to see the North End get more attractions. Shame its come too late for the other Chinese Casino which closed recently. Jobs wise sounds like these resorts will help locals a lot.

"Tangers" Wat? This is how you know someone is reading someone else's essay or at least hasn't seen Casino.

It's actually a SHAME that none of the iconic Vegas hotel/casino complexes were protected as historic landmarks. Bigger and newer ain't necessarily better.

I'll be willing to BET that NONE of those planets after which the buildings were named "Uranus!"

Please don't use stupid phrases like "negatively impacted." "Impact" is not a verb; it's a noun. A synonym would be "collision." Instead, use direct, simple words that convey the meaning you seek, such as "damage" "harm" "hurt" "injure."

Hey I use to work there! We just call it Resort World. I was a Security Officer for the property. The construction is slow and on and off. Not a lot of progress.

Slow it down! I guess you're on the Las Vegas dope too. If you made this two parts, it would be a lot more entertaining and informative. GeeZ Guy!!!

Your audio sucks

A video on the Western Hotel would be interesting. You know the old Western on Freemont....

Well done, Hopefully with this and the JW Marriott opening around the same time and economy still doing well it will be an employees market as they will need to hire lots of people and other properties will have to hire to replace the ones that have left to open these new properties.

With so much editing, you hate when you overlook a simple mistake (9:48)

I can only listen to this guys voice for a couple of minutes. He sounds Gay, plus he speaks so robotic and monotone !

It's not gay - it is upspeak - first introduced as young girls lingo from the San Fernando Valley - valley girls accent which linguists now call "upspeak."

You sound like a Turd Burglar

Excellent video. One wonders if the Teamster's ever got their pensions...

Because Boyd gaming fucking BLOWS!!! My band played there 40 weeks s year for a long time. Fuck off Boyd gaming.

"Lido de Paree" is the way it is pronounced, since the 1950's. Saying "Paris" sounds like saying the "T" in Chevrolet. Otherwise good video.

I walked by that lot so many times after they demoed the old Stardust and never knew that that's what use to be there.

Nice Honda CRX @ 23:36

"The Westward Ho"— funny...

Make a episode of "FedMart", it was a supermarket chain, a very small one at the south of california " https://youtu.be/R3KMCdMKLSk " Thank you and great videos.

if they keep on it will be like cali,

Dude, nice video but you got to slow down your delivery. You speak way too fast with no breaths. Compare your delivery with that of a professional narrator. Just in terms of speed.

Most states have their own Gambling Drug and Prostitution, operations, so people no longer have to go to Las Vegas to get those things. The market has reached oversaturation. And Vegas is expensive

When they changed the font on the sign, it should have been a wake up call that morons had control and were rearranging deck chairs on the titantic

Good Job sir.

This shithole city was built and only persists on theft, corruption and vice. Now, the online gambling sports book, some owned by pro team owners, has eliminated the need for Las Vegas. Pro sports is basically pro wrestling

And the Binion's hotel rooms,despite the brown tub water. Change is the new norm.NO topless bars down town?

in a 40 week schedule that's 108,000 per show on a 6 days a week schedule...

The show was sold out every single night!!!! Wayne is a true entertainer

I know right, good for him though. He was born to be a Vegas entertainer

you say jew hater like that is a bad thing. It is only natural to hate evil.

There are no "tax cuts for the rich". That you posted that basically negates any claim you make since you are clearly either ignorant and/or partisan. The tax cuts apply to those who pay taxes. People who make money pay taxes, those who don't, don't. One more concsequence of what the throwbacks call a "progressive" tax scheme. "Trickle down" was a media term used to denigrate Reagan. Nobody who actually understands economics uses the term. Meanwhile, the economy did wonderfully under Reagan and Bush I, only having issues once Clinton had been in a couple years. Because of that and the Democrat's extremist anti-gun policies we replaced them with a Repub majority in CONgress and the economy did reasonably well again. Lastly, the Democrats took control of CONgress in '06. As a result of that, and Dem economic policies from the early 90's, we saw the economic crisis of '08. Damage WAS done. A lot of it; during the failed 0bama regime. But if we can avoid regressing this November we have a chance of continuing the march forward. Hopefully most people (obviously not you) see thru the violent hysteria of the Democrat Party fringe.

Now they nickel and dime you for parking new Vegas has no class RIP.

The graphics for this video have nothing to do with anything being said....

Vegas is a waste of a perfectly good desert.

any hookers?

Quit with the breathless monologue and make it for grown-ups!

People from Vegas could probably answer this. How much did the movie "The Hangover" help Vegas? Since it was released a year after the recession started the locals could probably have seen an impact.

It's tan-jeers, not tan-gears.

Vegas its self is a eye sore. Should be burnt to the ground and forgotten

"TANGERS"?!?! it's "tan-JEER"

I can't stand this guy's high-pitched, robotic voice.

How about a detailed video on Johnston Atoll???

while this is super interesting, your delivery is like one endless run-on sentence. Slow down. Take a breath. Itjustkeepsgoingandyoukeeptalkingendlesslywithnopausesofanykinditjustkeepsgoingandgoing

If this is built it will outsell that eyesore that is circus circus next door. But I doubt it will happen.

Vegas is a dump.

.50 well drinks.. used to sit and down rum and cokes like crazy, then go across the street at midnight and have steak and egg breakfast for 2.00

So how long have you been an alcoholic?

Stardust was an icon. Someone should build another one base on the old one.

Why do you care?

Sure:  High talent Jews took care of all of the day to day, up front grinding work ... then sent all of the profits to low class Italians.  Sure.  Check how many "Mafia" Italians are Judges, FBI agents, etc. ... then compare that with the number who are Jews.

Cities like Vegas and Phoenix shouldn't even exist to begin with, but for some reason people just want to live in some of the most inhospitable environments.

>assuming they played their cards right that's like saying assuming that you position your self right, you can go through a wood chipper unharmed

Can you do please "Top 10 Steakhouse closing" video PLEASE???? Thank you

Fantastic video, but: 'CORE-NAIR-OH'

You should share that views and sharing secrets with yah boi Cryptid bro. IJS

I got you bro! I’ll send you a Snap when I get home

Very informational

not trying to be a dick but whatever room you recorded audio in needs treatment badly

You’re so right it does lol I’m saving up to buy some sound boards. Hopefully that will help the audio quality. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the info

Very informative video. Awesome! Thx!

People that go to Las Vegas on vacation are scum.

I still have a genuine silver fork, knife, and spoon from the Stardust.

Do more Vegas videos! Luxor, Excalibur, Circus circus and treasure island pretty much de-themed everything. Sahara to SLS transition.

Changed from illegal “mob” organized crime to legal “bankster” organized crime

Very well done.....

I guess only down town has old hotels now.

Who is wayne newton?

FWIW in my opinion 1:18 of time before 'we dive into it' is boring. Less filler and more content or a shorter video.

Uggggh! As a Vegas local who had to stare at that (aptly named) eye sore for more years than I care to admit I applaud your thorough video though your optimism is naive. In my experience and observation, there's only about four entities/individuals in this state that can get a project this big up and running: Wynn, Adelson, MGM Corp and Caesars, and considering how many outsiders came to this city in the last ten + years boasting about property they were going to develop on The Strip - specifically in that immediate region - I'd say this is likely to go a similar route: construction delays followed by bankruptcy filings, followed by buy-out by one of the aforementioned Big Four -- IF they're lucky. Either way, as the county seems to have no desire to fine developers who leave eye sores like this in the resort corridor that is the economic life blood of this city and state, I'd predict projects like this will continue to liter the Strip for the foreseeable future. NOTE: On the flip side, any local living in an HOA who parks their car the wrong way gets fined immediately. Comprehensive video though - nice work.

I used to live at Budget Suites, behind the Stardust back in the summer of 2005. Pimps would put up out of town prostitutes there. Always wondered what happened to that property after the Stardust implosion. I guess it's all one big parking garage now.

Cornero!!! You had a hard time trying to say his last name the whole fucking video

It took over 17 minutes to get to the point....

Joe Rogan Americas underestimated Polymath crushed so many things you may forget one while listing them

What casino has the best poker room in Las Vegas?

Both my parents worked at the stardust, my dads been at the stratosphere since it was built.

Great narrative.

Just FYI , Del Webb's Mint Casino was on Fremont St. The Thunderbird and the Sahara were on the strip. I worked for DW in the early '70s at HQ in Phoenix. Had to drive to the Vegas office and hotels often. The Mint used to have a great buffet, but the Sahara was the queen.

I just hope Circus Circus doesn't close down. Such a cheap convenient place to stay for conventions.

Lido-de-Pareeee, not Lido-de-Paris.

I wanna see the abandoned Motorola factory in Harvard, IL.

Nice vid. These corporate shitdogs know nothing

Fill it up with hookers and use the proceeds to finish the construction

Isn't this wear they stayed in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? - "let's check into our soundproof suite!"

Hey thanks need a job. Help. Ty for the video sir. Bless you

There's no 's' in 'anyway', asshole.

You missed a lot of key details. Unqualified worker pool, high worker turnover, very bad mistakes in engineering that cost millions, very bad OSHA violations, and over 12 deaths and other serious injuries. Foreign companies cutting corners and Americans paying the price.

God almighty slow down talking. Are you on something. The worst commentary ever. Work at the car wash. Total shit mate.

Todays white collar criminals are a thousand times more dangerous to the average American than the Mafia of the 50's ever were.


At .50 speed, he sounds like an intoxicated American woman, that’s explaining the history of Vegas.

Thank you for this.


They still haven’t even done anything

Im a project developer and granted i dont do anything this large i have seen this site sit open to the elements for over 5 years. Them building on the structure thats been sitting there concerns me as its been eroded. Im sure an inspection was required to resume building but we all know how that can pan out with the dollahs. Just saying... I dont think ill be staying there. Im sure im on the end of over reacting but thats my call.

if that stardust sign was saved it would be worth a few thousand dollars

Both the signs are at the neon museum!

Why are the pictures not correct? There are pictures from the 50's and 60's in the 80's segment. Also it sort of does sound like an auction. I know you're trying to get all that info within a certain time but it's just read too fast. I've been guilty of the same problem. Great info and interesting pictures though.

Some of the pics aren’t correct bc I couldn’t find royalty free images for all the topics I mentioned in the video :/ Also, you’re 100% right. I do need to work on my VO skills. I’m going to film my VO’s in two sessions from now on. Hopefully that helps with the loud and quick audio! Thanks for the feedback and for checking out the video!

How about looking at the Boardwalk and Sahara hotels and its not many theme style hotels no more.

why are you echoing?

Then Vegas finally runs out of water and the desert reclaims the City.

I had to stop watching this because I couldn't deal with all the mispronunciations (and "accents"?). It's not hard man, Google it.

I just stayed at the treasure island last week. I had a perfect view of this lot. It didnt look like there was much going on, there was hardly anybody on the location.

that could be said for the whole strip

Las Vegas- Greed and Sleeze.

it would make more sense if you didnt mix new aerial photos with old ones....they shouldnt even be in the mix until after your history lesson, because i dont know what era Im supposed think of. and i hate all your money stock photos....thats just lazy editing.

My first ever stay in Vegas was at the Stardust. Always had a soft spot for the place.

What is the benefit to protecting them though? If nobody goes there, they just require maintenance money to keep from deteriorating. Plus none of the neighbors want an abandoned building next door. Sounds good in theory, but not in execution. If there were enough people who cared about the old places, they wouldn't close down in the first place.

I don't know what your age is, but chances are that I have sox older than you! It just so happens that I am from the San Fernando valley, was a teenager in the early 1980s, and was subjected to the Valley Girl fad. The way this speaker talks is the FARTHEST thing from Valley Girl talk!

It’s not “Tang-ers”, it’s Tan-Jeers

Just a note,most of the "Las Vegas Strip" is actually outside of Las Vegas City Limits, in unincorporated Clark County. The southern boundary, at Las Vegas Blvd, is Sahara Ave. The El Rancho occupied the south west corner. The Sahara, the south east corner. The Holy Cow, the north east corner. The Stratosphere, the north west corner, and is inside Las Vegas, proper, and the only one still there. You can confirm this by typing "Las Vegas, NV" in a Google Maps search. In the pre-internet days, we'd just go to the Auto Club (AAA), and pick up a street map of Las Vegas. City areas, were defined by color, which, I hope Google Maps will pickup on, one of these days.

Please do a history of the world trade tower in New Orleans......such a terrible loss of a great building on the Mississippi River at the end of canal Blvd

At 9:22: “Tang-ers” as in powdered juice drinkers? Tangiers (Tan-jeers) is a seaport in North Africa and a fake casino in “Casino!” It’s amazing how you do great research and deep dives on Las Vegas history but can’t be bothered to get simple name pronunciation correct! I’m beginning to wonder...are you just speaking someone else’s words or is it an organic problem? Don’t think of this as criticism (well criticism is exactly what it is!) It’s just that small incorrect details can take away from great verk...I mean work!

Hi from Lost Wages, Nevada.

can you chatter a little faster, I'm anxious to get the fuck out a here !

Charging for parking, and resort fees will crush Las Vegas in the long run!

Possibly Las Vegas was the most prominent place in the world for 50's 60's Architecture. It's a tragedy they pulled it all down. I don't understand why the buildings weren't left to stand and they simply built those other monstrosities someplace else.

Interesting trivia well researched and presented. Thanks for the time tour dude

I thought it said Stardust Raceway. Disappointed.

Super gay voice. Can't listen.

Wow! Outrageously overbuilt. These mega resorts will never be that successful. Unless you have a convention there, why in the world would anyone want to go there? It's incredibly hot, it's boring, unless you gamble. There's absolutely nothing else to do but eat and get drunk. And, gambling is practically across the street from almost everyone in the US. Just a giant money pit.

I can now see where Donald Trump took inspiration for his real estate investments and tax schemes.

Will this place smell like urine like the rest of Vegas?

You mentioned the LVPD and showed the badge of Metro. Actually Metro did not exist back then. In those days there were 2 agencies in the Las Vegas Valley, the Las Vegas Police Department and the Clark County Sheriffs Office. It was not until 1973 that the LVPD and the CCSO merged into one department to form the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Just some more Las Vegas history, but overall a great video.

the only way Sports World at the North End of the strip is going to be successful is if they merge a pedestrian travel transportation method or pedway with Encore Las Vegas.

Why is it that the comments are full of mouth-breathers who want you to slow down? Just because they can't understand anything spoken faster than a Texas drawl slower than traffic in Florida doesn't mean everyone has to accommodate them.


Slow your voice the fk down !




Abandoned Explained Gotcha! I didn’t think about the clearing for pictures. Very good info as I said, I’ll watch more.

When real gangsters set up a good time..it's a great time. When fake gangsters who hide behind badges and positions set up shop you can take the good time out of a good time. Real Gangsters have taste too.

Fast and terrible. Crazy sounding.

good shit man- good shit. liked and subbed.

Thanks bro, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the video and subbed! I appreciate the support

The place sounds like it will go broke

Thanks for this educational piece. I no longer go to Vegas. There is no longer anything there for me. Everything about it is fraudulent and fake. Besides, for gambling purposes, there are too many other nice casinos in other states. The old mobsters crack me up.

You know the mafia games? Yeah, I like it

The only thing a golden shovel should be used for is to smack an executive or politician over the head with it.

Smooth steady voice, well presented.

Sitting there playing Blackjack, doing so-so. Hair-slicked-back greasy 20-something wannabe Mafioso comes up and starts chatting me up. "Hey, there's this game called 'Baccarat' I think you'd really like."  Oh yeah? Sounds interesting. Where? "It's right over there, here, I'll show you." Been hooked ever since. Gave up Blackjack completely. This was in the early 70's at the Stardust. I remember sitting there in an Oriental-themed restaurant, sipping a drink out of a hollowed-out pineapple, thinking :This is the greatest!  I will NEVER work again.   lol   The foolishness of youth!! I'm so glad they're teaching this generation about greed and the fallacy of something-for-nothing so that the numbers are down for gamblers.

This kind of documentary style video would not suffer from a more slowed down narrator. I really appreciated the video but my heart rate and stress level increased..

This was really REALLY well put together

We saw Wayne at the Stardust in his Wayne Newton Theater. Walked out after 5 minutes of the crummy show.

We need the mob back, they wouldn't charge for parking and resort fees.

Interesting topic but the annoying speed talking commentary completely destorys it.

put the speed to .75 narrator sounds like a gay guy with a lisp....lol lol lol

wow, that's actually good news

This wa the first resort i stayed in on my first visit to Las Vegas.My second visit showed nothing more than rubble.

Saw Siegfried and Roy live at the Mirage and the show was amazing! Then the tiger attack or accident happened...

Could you do one on the absconded Paper Plants in Oregon City, Oregon?

Inevitably, developers can't keep building mega-resorts like this because of one thing, a potential lack of water. I know long time residents that have told me that the water table in Lake Mead has been below normal levels for over 20 years. And when you don't have enough water to provide for showers in every room....

And Hussein O kept the recession going for 8 years.

So crime really doesn't pay and you are better off keeping your nose clean rather than dealing with all that.

Betrayed does not mean portrayed.

The larger economy will be back in recession in 2019 so expect all these projects to get whacked again. My prediction is Genting will bail on the project before it is completed.

do what happened to the amityville horror house please :D

The Stardust was "mob run" until 1985. I assume you did the research to know that, but you just wanted to post an attention getting video name? Obviously the "eyesore" replaced the Boyd Gaming run Stardust, not the "mob run" Stardust. I don't know about others, but when I see such an "oversight", it ruins the writer's crediblity.

You don't need to put in an Italian accent to say his name numb nuts..

these upward inflections are pure cancer.

Both in Washington D.C. and Wall Street. The Mob might break your leg, but these guys can break the entire economy or U.S. Dollar or both.

micro machines guy!

Did you see the movie Casino? Cuz you mispronounced "Tangiers".

12-15 years to develop the Stardust property. The Hoover Dam took less time.

As a result of or factors contributing to....


OMG, this is the best thing.

I would love to see some pics, video and info about a place on the south strip used to be called Paradise Spa and resort. It was highend back in the day. There are still some condos out there. Allegedly movies stars and celebs would go there to get away and relax.

It used to be very affordable to visit Las Vegas. You could go to a buffet for dirt cheap. Then the big corporations came in and ruined it. The mob families were ran out of town one by one and the beauty of what was Las Vegas was lost. Used to be the mob families took care of their employees. I worked there then. It was great. We were all family and we were happy with our lives. Then the bean counters took away everything from the workers and raised the prices in Vegas so that only the wealthier people could afford it. And winning... not so much anymore. Las Vegas is a scummy place now. I moved from there and will never go back. On Edit: spelling

Racer X The group that was the go between the Mafia and legit criminals is the ADL.

WOW! 68 likes. That's a new YT comment milestone for me lol. Hope you guys got a laugh out of it :D

Hmmm... I wonder how many remains would be in the ruins of a mob-run casino...

Great vid, loved the historical context

Does eddie debartolo figure into any of this?

I hope you talk about how hairy reed was connected via the gaming commission.

Have you done El Cortez. I heard Jackie Gaughn passed away and it's changed a lot. Used to be the favorite dive of locals.

My mother was a patient there back in the 70's. I have memories of visiting her there when I was little.

Is this an audition for a job as an auctioneer? But good content though. Thanks.

It's arguable that "the Strip's most recognizable reminder of the recession" is the Fontainebleau. It's giant, unfinished, blue 60-story tower is a bit harder to miss.

Do one of the wynn

We used to stay at The Stardust . It was an ok place.

at 13:40, should be, "his intimidation by" crime figures, "not intimidation of"--their intimidation of him. Very good review of the history. Could it be The Drew (opening in 2020, apparently) will be named for Johnny Drew the casino manager and close associate of Al Capone? lol

I’m pretty sure “Tangier” is pronounced “Tanjeer.” Not “Tanjer.”

20:27 GENTING Group is prounounced with Hard G and E like it sound in burgers/ girl. so it would be GERN-TEING, (without R sound) not jen-teing

He lost me at Stardust. This place went through so many owners and issues.

Nice Video!

I have never been treated better in my life than at the Stardust. I was actually a net winner

Great video.Stayed at the Stardust many times. Was original start to march madness.. Love hidtory of Vegas. Ty for posting

I really loved the Stardust. Great location, and fun to walk around. Attended two conferences there, and the staff was SO NICE. Also right across from a CVS. I miss it! also you could go to Circus Circus and think "Wow, my hotel is GREAT!" But best staff in all of Vegas.

I miss the yelling.

I miss the yelling video... I like the progressive yelling... it's soo funny.

Actually after trying the .50 speed lol i found it easier to listen too and see the images at .25 speed!

excellent video. I watched from start to finish!

I have to be the asshole that points out the implosion sure looks like WTC 7....

Do the kahneeta resort in Oregon

How do you do this much history on the Stardust but completely leave out the labor strikes that lasted for years? They built permanent structures on the sidewalk for the strikers!

Chinese theme? hideous imho

Slow down!

This is beautiful, thank you.

I got anxiety just listening to the narrator geez! Slow down.

I don't go to Las Vegs anymore because of the Resort fees

The resort looks like two massive evil tron buildings sitting in the middle of a Chinese village

They should just make it the new Stardust. Make the sign an obnoxiously huge LED & neon lightshow of itself. The Chinese theme is just limiting potential market share. In other words the initial novelty of that theme will wear off. In 20 years from now selfie value will be higher in front of the iconic Vegas Stardust logo than the Echelon Chinese palace. Just sayin.

Did you have to go to the bathroom? Why do you SPEED TALK? I cant stand speedtalking videos like this! SLOW DOWN TO at least mach 1!

Stratosphere with the insane roller-coaster ride on top.

Do the original wet-n-wild on the Las Vegas strip.

I would like you to cover Bob Snow who built Main Street Station as they mothballed most of his antiques and abandoned what he tried to start.  They even sold his train cars. . I guess that's not really abandoned though so oh well.  Oh and that Factor you speak of is related to Max Factor aka makeup fame.  I believe its his half brother.

How can you grin?...

jesus christ everytime you said Cornero it souned like you were going to stroke out lol

Because of the Fukushima meltdowns... NETC.COM © 2014 Station ID 5:913 Las Vegas, NV, US CPM: current 161 Low 92 High 213 Average 137(CPM of Gamma in energy range 600-800keV) Last updated: 2018-11-07 09:06:00 GMT-0800 The radiation levels in Las Vegas keep rising bit by bit. Anything over 50 cpm is bad news.


The Boyz knew hospitality.

Looks like that Morris kleiman needed a chiropractor stat

That Chart at the beginning was False

12:03 Am....Canada B.c Time...If u Here we Got it good It's because WE SURE DO... XOX...

MAN, that's a lot of information... And it's "TAN-JEERS"!! Haha. Where do the MORMONS fit into the birth of the Stardust?? Well done!

try counting how many times he says"the stardust"..

Extremely informative...

Thank you. Did not know this background about Cornero. Wouldn't have missed this portion on Stardust for anything. Really learned a lot. Go! Resorts World. Your properties are needed. Too big to fail.

The Hacienda shown at 9:10 is NOT the famous Hacienda from the Strip, it's the now Hoover Dam Lodge by Lake Mead, formerly the Hacienda, and before that the Gold Strike.

I've never been to Las Vegas...and I probably will never go now after watching Fear and Lothing and reading the Lost Continent.

slow down bro

Wayne newton bankrupted the stardust

didnt another chinese resort, the Lucky Dragon i think, go really badly? no interest in going to lv again, not sure why i just watched this.

The MOB ran it better. Greedy fucks ruined Las Vegas.

I never understood why people care so much about how good the building your sleeping in looks. If some hotel/casino/resort whatever looked like trash but all the services were perfect and the rooms clean and adequate to stay in I'd choose that every single time.

Howard Hughes ruined Las Vegas. People went there to gamble and to watch wonderful entertainment and it was wonderful. The business was gambling and the owners made so much money that food was free, rooms were very very cheap, entertainment was free basically if you showed up and got a room nobody kept track of how much you gambled. They made so much money that everything else was free. And the gambling paid for every department and every employee. And then HE showed up the troll known as Howard Hughes. He decided that every Department had to be self-sufficient make its own money be profitable. He was worse than a gangster. Like he didn't have enough money. So took away the free food, took away the free entertainment, charged extra for the rooms and killed the joy. Because he never ever had enough money. My first trip there was August 1958 when my mother had her second marriage. I was 8 years old. We had a blast. Of course we had to stand on the edge you can't go into a casino when you're a child they had ropes so we would stand behind the Velvet ropes and Mom and Dad played a couple of games I don't know I think 10 minutes. And people were dressed to the nines. The man had on beautiful suits shirts and ties and shoes and they smelled wonderful. The ladies had on they're most wonderful makeup beautiful hair lovely dresses beautiful shoes everyone was so stylish and looking very very good and they smelled wonderful. The gangsters were more honorable than the businessmen who knew

What the hell is "Tangers"? It sure as hell isn't Tangiers.

See JOHN LEAR on Facebook explaining how this was all a big SHOW to extend the underground high speed rail system going to S4 & beyond

I'm sure it's been said, and I am not trying to be critical, but obviously you put a lot of time and effort into your research and script writing, but your narration makes the content hard to consume. I know you have a lot to get through, but you have to relax and speak more conversationally, as if you were telling this story to a person, rather than reading a script into a microphone. The staccatto, monotonous style made me want to turn off after seven minutes, it's just unpleasant. There is nothing wrong with your voice, and certainly, the story is compelling, but the audio sounds like a machine. A little work on your narration will lead to greater success with your channel. Love your concept and the material you have covered so far. Thanks for the video.

I know it was declining but as someone who's a big Sammy Davis Jr fan I'm sorry I never got to stay there. :-(

Jewish mobsters and Italian mobsters. Two cultures where organized crime comes naturally to them.

Please, please, please stop with the blurry frame around your videos.

The Chinese themed resort is so fucking hideous.

Man, those postcards of old Las Vegas show such a nice town, clean and new, with no illegal immigrants in sight...just fantastic...

I visited Las Vegas in 2014, it was nice but it felt very plastic and disposable. My parents used to frequent Vegas in the late 70's through the 80's and the experience was diffrent from one casino to another but in my last trip there they seemed to be all the same feeling from the restaurants, rooms and gaming floors. I don't think I will go back again.

Time stamps for titles content, no begging for subs and likes only a mention at 1:20 point....you sir are what YouTube needs. Solid content with out click bait or self promo begging, fantastic work sir!!!

...but did the Stardust have an equal amount of blueberries in every muffin?

Fuck 2006 and Fuck 2018. First 2 hotels died, now 2 creators. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED

I'm just doing a binge on your channel. Fascinating stuff. You really do the research and the results are stellar. Keep it up!

Great Harbour Cay in the Berry Islands where A-listers used to party on this private island. What an interesting place to make a video. Celebs like Dean Martin, Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks, Walter Cronkite, Za Za Gabor, Frank Sinatra, Bridget Bardot, and Jack Nicklaus had homes there. All gone now but the country club, the most luxurious in the Caribbean, and the Tamboo Club was the exclusive club to the exclusive. Enter the Bay of Five Pirates and learn about the ties to organized crime (Myer Lansky) and the connection to the Cuban revolution. We were there for over a month and explored so many interesting sites.

This video is questioning its own question?

Vegas is just a PIT . I wont go NEAR the place. may it revert back to a desert....soon.

Interesting, but holy shit you're an annoying announcer.

I get sick of listening to people who call it a recession when it was an implosion and plan by the elite One World Order agenda to steal our homes, businesses, jobs and lower our standard of living again. This guy is a stupid ass. As well as anyone who calls it a recession.

It must have been a Trump mob property.

Talking way too fast and going up and the end of the sentence. When you go UP at the end of the SENTENCE it sounds like you are asking a QUESTION. Damn

@abandoned explained..my father ran the Stardust and I was there when the Feds closed it. It was the end of an era.

You might want to do your own version of this abandoned shopping mall in Ohio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr1CWRc174o

Nice job with the video. Well written and put together. Keep up the good work.

18:35 Larry Silverstein consultant on this part

As a Vegas local with family that works construction on strip I can confirm the steady increase of construction workers on the site as well as the rolling overtime that’s being thrown out like candy. And from experience of watching projects like City Center (Aria Resort and casino/Vdara Resort/ Mandarin/ crystals mall) be thrown up at a high speed I have faith that the project will be finished fairly close to its scheduled opening date. As well as other casinos such as Wynn are starting construction on new works to compete with the Worlds Resort.

"Opulence and Luxury?" You gotta be kidding me! Las Vegas is founded on Greed and Avarice... and the result is the ultimate in tastlessness and tacky..

Mafia Vegas

Great video.... The photo of Capone and his lackeys 10:44 was a little odd given he died in 47. More then 10 year before the Stardust opened.

The guy took down my comment.must be jew homo,he sounds like one .

Maybe there’s just been too much bad shit that has went on with that property. I don’t know how many murders, if any, actually happened on the actual property from the old days, but you have to wonder how much bad shit either started or ended there. Maybe ol Mother Earth has just seen too much bad juju go on there and decided enough was enough. Like an old Native American Indian curse........sour ground type thing. Who knows. Interesting video

Great documentary. Slow tf down when talking.

The guy took down my comment.must be jew homo,he sounds like one .,since I told some unflattering truths about Vegas,in my comment ,I'm native Vegas person,so I know ,but that is also why I moved out of my hometown /Vegas ,and Nevada in general,

The guys trying to share a LOT of information

Vegas sucks . Huge tourist trap , that's all .

Why is it so hard to pronounce Cornero? Cor Nair O

Oh my god, this chick sounds like I'm about to catch crabs.

I think the real problem is the world is kinda sick of Vegas. It's tired.

Idk if yall know this but the wouldn't be a las Vegas as we know and love if not for Doc Holiday and Howard Hughes the orginal Vegas was in New Mexico and was a small town full of hotels saloons and casinos it was ment to be for the cowboys after days of work to relax Doc Holiday was a famous man who cashed in on the gold rush opening a saloon in new Mexico but it didn't happen the way they wanted the town took off but the cowboys who lived there didn't want others to come and take over so they said no and that's why they needed another place to make the dream happen and that's how was vegas in Nevada happen Nevada had no real income no real money no real reason for anybody to move there no gold no silver nothing so they made a casino than the mob go involved and seen tue potential and that was it than Howard Hughes came in he bought a whole casino cuz they wanted him to leave than he bought another and another tell he bought almost the whole strip and he never claimed what he had bought he just paid them for nothing and so when he died it gave las vegas a new life they went from having old rundown casinos and hotels to having the money to put back into the casino and make it better giving it new life when he died the casinos just went right back to the people who owned it all along so if it wasn't for Doc Holiday who cashed in on the idea of Las Vegas and the cowboys who turned them down in New Mexico and if not for the mob or Howard Hughes the truth is there wouldn't be a las Vegas the way it is no real laws no real curfew no real time you can buy any thing you can do anything if you have the money hell the have prostitutes standing next to cops on the same street like come on haha Doc Holiday Howard Hughes Law Vegas

You literally answered your own question in the title. It was mob run, thats why it was replaced with shitty government idea's of entertainment. Because you know, it was the fucking mob. Next video.

14:32 - One of the worst crimes ever committed in Las Vegas.

Crazy...all that mention of "The Mob" and organised crime in Las Vegas yet only one Italian name mentioned...the rest all Jewish...why is the world taught the Mafia was all Italian and why do movies portray organised crime bosses as mostly Italians when it was clear that there just as many if not more that were Jewish?

Having been to Vegas a lot in the 70's. I now miss the mob running the place. Crime was lower. And when I went in uniform I was always comped a room. At the Tangiers, the floor manager even remembered me after 2 years and that I had made 2nd class. Comped me a room and a bottle of champagne. Vegas today sucks.

abdominal region?


So many seedy Jewish criminals who made a fortune and got away with fraud.

Man the Vegas Metro PD has really become a shit tonne more accountable than back in the mob days. They've got a YouTube channel and they release briefings on all their OIS and they have body cam footage for almost all shootings in the last 3 or so years now. There is a thorough a video briefing on a crazy situation of officers responding to an armed robbery at a pawn shop turned hostage situation when the cops pull up and the robber is trying to get a female employee into his car. 3 body cams, and a chopper footage. The robber has two guns a Glock, and a slung up Kel-tec sub 2000. They manage to shoot the robber, and take him alive. Though a little bit of that was because the store employee knew enough about firearms to where she could hold onto the gun make sure he couldn't use it to shoot her or officers advancing, he dropped the glock and let go of her, allowing her to get out of the danger zone so the cops can shoot him. The only shoot him once, and he survives even with a gun attached to his body with a sling. Super professional and just cool to see from 4 angles.

Blah Blah Blah. Robotic voice.

Tangers? Seriously?


I dont give a shit what they build and where, but that fucker better have a Fat Tuesday inside it. I dont even know why they bother building new shit there, its all the fucking same. All the same casino game bullshit, overpriced drinks and food.

If the same amount of information was presented on television, it would have been broadcast as a six one hour weekly series with at least 50% of the time devoted to advertising. Well done!

TL;DR version: The giant, expensive Vegas casinos aren't getting the revenue anymore - and the Great Recession didn't help matters.

The one thing about the Stardust seared into my memory is seeing the fattest women in the world standing buck naked in a hotel window. Still can’t get that image out of my mind.

you don't know jack about Nevada. I suggest getting a book.

It took just over one year to build the Empire State Building in the 1930's. One year !! I get it, safety conditions and other things have changed but so have the modern tools and equipment.

Casino are for idiot people who waste money on something almost guarenteed on getting nothing in return. Shut off water and electricity to the city and let the desert reclaim it


The first place I went to in Vegas was Jack-In-The-Box, we had one in Annandale, VA years ago and boy did I miss the onion rings and tacos, thanks JITB for the memories!

At 3:28, you can see what design changes happened. It's just so BORING! The sign has been un-designed! How? Why? I don't know. The first sign was so stylized, but tastes changed for the worst. I love the old strip casinos, just because of their pure style. (Despite their racist policies.) But now, almost every casino follows the same boring traditional strip mall look. I'm certainly biased towards mid century modern, but everything is just so boring now. I personally prefer the 1950s and 60s look. I also preferred Vegas mob run, rather than run by a bunch of tasteless corporations. You're probably thinking, "But the mob though!" Listen, the mob has taste! Take a look at Miami! Miami cares about its history, so a lot of stuff is still there.

take a chill pill

Downvote for not knowing how to pronounce Tangiers and repeatedly not pronouncing simple words correctly in all your videos. It's not "Tan-GURS" it's "Tan-GHEERS." https://youtu.be/VQAmCB0iv0s?t=5 If you can't be bothered to learn how a word is pronounced I lack any confidence in your research abilities.

I hate computer voices on Youtube, but now I am not so sure anymore.

What the hell was the announcer trying to eventually say?

I’m in love with Las Vegas, and love learning it’s history. So I’m super happy I found your videos❤️❤️

Were the players and tourists treated right when the mob was involved? If they were, I wouldn’t have cared if they skimmed. Tax is just another word for theft and extortion.

There still are some less family friendly places on the Strip, right?

Oh, why did they change that sign. The redesign was so much worse.

A very interesting documentary but why talk so fast unless you had a very short time slot for a previous media slot.

It's amazing when government gets out of the way of things like, lets say, GAMBLING, how cities flourish. When government creates the moral hazard of borrowing for real estate through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and conducts unlimited money printing, you get a massive bubble and bust. We're not done from 08 yet. The Fed just reflated the bubble to epic proportions.

The way he jumps around in time from picture to picture, its hard to know what time period he's referring to.


You must be related to Brian Griffin's girlfriend.

Why a replica Great Wall of China? Make a Trump memorial Mexican Border Wall to keep undesirables out.

Is it because it was run by the mob?

If you make historical videos, please try to slow down, and make an attempt to pronounce names correctly.

sin will recycle it self.....partake all.

This guy should do a collaboration with Bright Sun Films

How did the narrator manage to speak for 26 minutes straight without taking a single breath?

@5:20 looks like custom 2-tone paint work on the blue '54 Mercury. (Sorry.....car nerd)

Just FYI, the Lido de Paris show was pronounced "PAR-EE" and the "Tangiers" Hotel in the movie CASINO was pronounced "TAN-JEERS".

good video but WAYYYY to fast!

just been to malaysia and saw the words genting everywhere in kuala lumpur. figured they were in the hotel business but didnt know they were in the gambling business too. it's kind of weird that they're doing a chinese themed resort but anything different from glass buildings is appreciated. kinda wished las vegas had a bus transit system like macau which makes it easy for ppl to go from one hotel to the next. everything's closer in vegas compared to macau but it takes forever to get to the next destination with that very limited public transit rail

Learn to edit down your content, man.

ur the only person I know that can speak faster than my wife ! :-))

great more china money wont play there anytime soon

Do the "I-4 Eyesore", outside of Orlando FL. I think there is some good egomania behind that one.

Las Vegas is a dying town people don't have to spend the traveling money or pay ridiculous resort and room fee's and jack up prices on every thing from cigarettes to water 10 dollar hamburgers. There are 10 casinos in a 20 mile radius from my house with dollar beers and 10 minute drive Vegas ain't the only game in America anymore in 10-15 years Vegas will look like Atlantic city.

LVCC will be expanding into what is currently the Gold parking lot on Convention Center Drive. Should work out well for Resorts World a long as the economy holds....

do a vid on the devils lake ski jump.

Slow down the commentary. No need to talk so fast. You can limit your wording while promoting the same idea. Otherwise, great content. I loved the STARDUST casino! I learned how to play craps there in the mid 80's! Was very sad to see it disappear and subsequent eyesore replacing it. Long walk of blank billboards for years.

The MOB ran it better. Greedy Bastards turned Vegas in to SHIT!!!

From what I understand Vegas was ironically better for families back when the boys ran it, as the locals say. They kept the seedier stuff underground and they were ardent about protecting the guests’ children (kids weren’t allowed anywhere near the bars or casino floors). Shows and rooms were cheaper...imo corporate capitalism is infinitely worse than gangsterism.

Also Wynn purchased the adjacent lot across the street to eventually build a third Wynn resort

@9:20 it's TAN-GIERS is actually pronounced 'Tan-jeer'. Like the Mediterranean coastal city. Man, you're a good researcher, but please widen your research though. It shows you know your Vegas history and that's all you know, no geographical knowledge of anything outside of there. Keep up the outstanding work!

Damn, you talk so fast that I don't remember anything you said. Weird and stupid.

FACT : They've Ruined Las Vegas with their Boring run of the Mill Square type Buildings with virtually NO theme to them at all, also gone are the Bright NEON SIGNS, that used to be the highlight of Vegas - replaced with boring LCD Type Signage or cheap Back lit type signage !!! The Good Ol' Days of Las Vegas as it used to be are  GONE !!!!!!!!!

What are you an Auctioneer ???? How the Fuck do you talk soo Fasst ????

Cool video, but seriously, talk slower and have some breaks. Its a bit hard to follow the speed.

$50 a night?! For all of that?! Yea modern living suck ass. No way regulations would allow a room like that to go so cheaply in current year.

criminal activity only surpassed by the government

Jeebus, drivel by the clueless.

Lost Wages - the name says it all. Nothing but a glitzy has-been destination for losers.

Great video. Its pronounced Tan - G - eer's not Tanger's bud. FYI, you are a bank of knowledge, its amazing how thorough you are and all the secret backstories you throw in. Hooked from start to finish. Look forward to the next one!

Hmmm and you wonder why Jimmy Hoffa disappeared. I wonder if the average American truck driver realised he owned a share of a Las Vegas casino? I'm betting not.

I actually like that you speak so fast.. .

I’m out of breath.

Thanks for your awesome reporting.

Vegas will never be the same again....

How about a video about the Las Vegas Club property which is presently a big pit, apparently to become another casino owned by the fellow that owns the D (Derek Stephens ?? sp??)

I was a dealer at the Stardust for 15 years from 1980 until 1995. The show was called Casino di Pahree, like the way a Parisian would pronounce Paris.

So if the mob ran the Stardust Resort where did the mob go? Why isn't Eliot Ness spinning in his grave? The should have open investigations and then?

Well in short, My Uncle built and ran the StarDust Hotel, and as the story goes in our family. The business took a terrible turn and the Mob decided to clean house, so to speak. They tried to kill him many times without success. However, just before it was imploded, they found his body in the back of the Hotel with bullet hole in the back of his head. It was a real shock to the family, where as he took very good care of us and many Celeb's when we visited Vegas. It was a beautiful Hotel and I'll never forget my Uncle. May he R.I.P.

Resorts world got sued by Wynn Resorts.

Golden age of Vegas was when the Mob ran things. Been to Vegas lately ? Cant listen to this dork anymore.

The way you pronounce the name is the most annoying thing I have ever heard.... in my entire life... seriously... delete this entire video

For the love of God. Say Genting with a hard G. The mispronouncation is giving my Malaysian OCD a stroke

You are a special man. Very few people could deliver a monologue like you. Your pace is lightning fast and perfect. The history captured my attention all the way through even though I'm not a gambler or a party animal! Keep up your work.

I stayed at the Stardust once.

I hate themed hotels! I prefer to stay at The Cosmopolitan or Waldorf Astoria!

I’m a Vegas native and an amateur historian of the valley and I’ve come to the conclusion Cornero was murdered. The mob had their fingers in every part of Vegas up until even recently, they had the old Clark County Sheriff’s Department in their pockets to ignore some of their shady dealings. Corruption is one of the reasons the LVMPD replaced LVPD and the CC Sheriff’s Department. Metro itself is still corrupt to some extent today. Vegas is a town built on blood, treachery, betrayal, and money don’t underestimate the snakes lurking around Vegas

So, the origin of today's Las Vegas was 4 gunshots to the gut. Color me not surprised.

Las Vegas has become a playground for the elite

Do they really need to keep adding thousands of hotel rooms or are they just cannibalizing one another?

your closed captioning is too fast

IF that's the "Future" as you call it,,,, compared to the "PAST" the way Las Vegas used to look, obviously before your time, than Yes, the Future of LV Sucks , compared to the past , and theres plenty of Las Vegas Videos on YOU TUBE showing how Grand and Stylish & Classy Vegas used to be , back in the 1950's, 1960's 1970's era !!!!

so your complaining about the future ? fact

really tangers? LOL it's tangiers = tan-jeers

It's "Lido de PAR-EE"

I supplied manpower that brought down tangible assets form the tower for the auction company. I still have my closing team badge.

Opulence and luxury? Tackiness and vulgarity is more like it.

The International was home to Elvis

Killer video!

*3000 amps.. lol

+wm c barker 'When it sucks that Bad, Yeah'. What aren't you getting about that?...i grew up there. '64-74. 4 years old - to 14 years old. it was Awesome. lots of Desert space between the Classic Hotels. you could "SEE...the damn Mountains. ( there were no mega-high-rise' Manhattan Skyline Buildings blocking the Mountain View....god damn place looks like Dubai now? ...Notice that?...Probably not in your ignorance) Miss my Old Vegas. Place is a Horror Show now... Enjoy.

Stardust was long removed from the mob the night it was imploded

The bad news is we due for another recession.

Great video.I love the history of Vegas and The Stardust was my home away from home in Vegas. Fist year there in 1980.. That whole area is mostly gone except for slots of fun and circus circus... Gone is the Stardust, Westward Ho, Riviera, Frontier, Silver City, and Silver Slipper, Desert Inn and not to mention smaller ones like the Moracco. Ty for posting. Good job.

Who else skipped to the middle of the video to see if he was yelling and was disappointed because he wasnt

FACT : NEW Las Vegas Casino The Lucky Dragon closes for good 2 years after opening , Files for Bankruptcy - Full Story :  https://www.usaonlinecasino.com/casino-news/the-lucky-dragon-closes-for-good/

Chinese theme resort ? Id go. It looks fabulous


The strip is a big place and it’s suck when it’s New Years cause you can’t go anywhere and nothing last forever, Vegas heat kill you

The US should preserve important landmarks like we do in England. They are important and irreplacable. One idea is to copy them perfectly - that has worked in Europe. Classic Americana like the Stardust are world heritage class.

you should look at Camelot theme park in england

i think that Las vegas must do weird and schitzophrenic buildings rather than modern generic crap.See the Emirates.Sands,big weird ass buildings.Now with the fountainblew,Vegas looks like a shitty emirates

The roulette ball, rolls alone on the wheel...

Eye sore? STFU! The casino will be finished in 2020 and will be dope. You want to see an eye sore...go do a video on that piece of crap Circus Circus

The royal Nevada was the east of the stardust next to the east tower not the west tower is.

Ok I typed out a full page comment then accidently hit the cancel key. I will get to the jist right now the stardust was imploded 10 years too late the ceo of boyd gaming made a huge critical error he had the chance to buy the treasure treasure the TI & instantly be on the strip in almost the same strip spot. P.S. ceo still retained his job $8.5 million in total compensation.

Very well researched and prepared presentation! Too bad the US Government cannot get their Congressional Act greased and oiled as this guy did here. Only one complaint. Why do young folks of today think they have to talk so fast? Slow-Down please!

I would never gamble this much on the future health of our economy, the rich are getting even richer and the poor (Vegas customers) are getting even poorer.

I visited Las Vegas back in November 2016 and wow was I disappointed. a lot of Las Vegas is an eye sore. Especially the downtown area much of which is run down, fenced off and grown over with grass. Lousy crappy shit hole hostels and hotels, street corner drug dealers, curb side whores, bums sleeping around the place, side walks and door ways stink like piss and that just for starters!... I wanted to move to Las Vegas at some time in the near past but I've changed my mind, Too many low lives living and moving into Las Vegas.

At the end of the day in Vegas, your fat sweaty wife laying back on the bed in your room exhausted and wanted her stink hole licked before she takes a quick nap. Thats when peeling her cunt open like a grilled cheese sandwich feels extra dirty ツ ϟϟ White Power ϟϟ

harry reid needs to drop dead

Really interesting series on Las Vegas. Subscribed and looking forward to more videos.

Who's going to be the customer base for the Chinese-themed resort in the middle of the Nevada desert? Wasn't there already a previous attempt at a Chinese resort that failed?

The problem was that when they demolished it (in 2005 ish) the rooms STILL had those same temp controls. Dump, you will be missed!

Steve Wynn fucked Las Vegas

Great video. But you talk wayyyy to fast :P

This video needs to be updated. Construction has resumed on the project and it most definitely does not look like this anymore

The first time I went to LV was in 1988 or 1989 with my friend. We stayed at the Aladdin. The downtown was incredible. It was gritty and a step back in time. It is a shame they built that canopy over the whole thing and so many of the old places closed. They call that progress.

Harry Reid was always a lying liberal democrat and pedophile.

las vegas has always been tacky and cheap looking.

i was lucky enough to have stayed at the Stardust in 1993, and, again in 2001 and it was fantastic

“Stardust” the movie is a regrettable Robert DeNiro sci-fi movie- not worth the time

430 lbs huh I think your full of bull

LV USED to be fun and affordable. Not any longer.

kids were raised on some high tech video games now a days and wont spend a dime on a clunky slot machine.

An impressive video; keep 'em coming!

Great job...

Can you speed up your talking a bit?

Well now let's hope the Resorts World Las Vegas and The Drew Las Vegas open in 2020.

It really is innovative how every time they build, its a brand new massive 30 story high rise hotel, with 3000 rooms, gaming, food courts and other amenities already found at other properties and yet they think it's a great new idea. All the while nickel and diming ever guest or visitor to death with fees, parking charges, and other add-ons.Sarcasm added.

13:41-13:45 The still shows the Russian politicians - Valentina Matvienko (head of the Federation Council) and Valery Zorkin (chairman of the Constitutional Court) - who are unlikely to be in any way connected with Stardust.

Rememer the little hotel coming in on the strip from the south, had a sign " Liquor in the front, poker in the rear". LOL I used to chuckle everytime.

I was there the last night of the Stardust. Gallagher was there and we had a blast, he went crazy with his hammer since no one would have to clean it up.

Yahuwah SOS ! MGTOW like Yahushua.

I’d rather have the mob run Vegas any day, seemed a hell of allot more affordable & fun back then. Same goes for Atlantic City .......

Hope it turns out POSITIVE for Americans...

LV was more fun before the corporations took over.

You talk too fast. I am trying to watch in the background and it's impossible to follow you without focusing hard. I got annoyed at 7:23 and left. Slow down. Use some inflection in your speech. Where's the fire?

In 1974 I convinced my ex to drive to Las Vegas, she thought it was a bunch of whore houses? When we got there she was supprised the economy was great the rooms were cheap and we lost our shirts! I would weather it would be a whore house.

You might want to update your video. The building is almost topped out, a fair portion of the glass curtain wall is going on (legal issues with Wynn over the design) and from what I understand will open in late 2020.

It's amazing that back in the days when the Mob ran Las Vegas everything operated like a finely tuned oiled engine. Back when the Mob ran the show in Las Vegas that city was the Kitty Cat's meow and the tops in vacation planning and LV was a clean glistening opulent dream world. Now look at Las Vegas!... Politicians and elected city planners cant even keep the streets and hotels clean, The streets and door ways stink like piss and defication,  curb side whores and street corner dope pushers, Bums sleeping around the place especially in the downtown area. I was in LV back in 2016 and I noticed several Motels on several blocks of the downtown area that where closed and fenced off and grown over with grass, Looked like the south side of Chicago ghettos. I drove around LV for a while and I was shocked by the decrepit rundown condition of a city the Mob seriously kept in line back in the heydays of glitter capitals clean as a whistle image, Looks like Liberace and Gary Glitter split town a long while back. Oh well, Looks like Las Vegas's glory days are over with, WHY!... Because the Mob split town a long while back too!

The original Echelon design looked kinda nice. Especially lichen the mall entrance. http://www.vegastodayandtomorrow.com/images/echelon%20rendering%20new%202.jpg Someone with deep pockets ought to build a casino/resort themed on the 'Rat-Pack' days...

Vegas sucks now.Treat us like cattle and your just money.

With all the resort fees and parking fees Las Vegas is going to do itself in.Not only that but Lake Mead is going dry and that is where Las Vegas gets all it's water from.Las Vegas will eventually go back to being a barren desert.Mother nature always wins ,she holds the winning hand.

Wow My bone it's huge

Tangier is pronounced Tan jeer, not tan gur. Plus slow down; your mouth is moving faster than the cars on the racetrack.

Poor Wayne Newton. The guy spent his entire life singing in Las Vegas the same single and only hit he ever had. The man made a career on one song he did in the 1950s as a child.

Bugsy Segal did not start the las vegas strip. The flamingo was not the first modern hotel there. In fact, he wasn't even the one that began building the Flamingo. it was being built by another developer and he sold it to Bugsy while it was being built. Never believe anything that comes out of hollywood. So much of history is always distorted.

Somebody punched him in the eye.

6:12 That photo of Caesar’s surrounded by desert!

Great work!

The days of  Las Vegas is gone for me after they tore down the stardust and frontier, I never been back

for me to go visit vegas or Nevada in general the laws would have to change. There crackdowns on the drug war has created a police state that makes illegal searches and criminal pigs asserting their authority over wannabe vacationers and incarcerating them to steal all there vacation assets and that's no longer exaggeration! My sister passed through there on her way to burning man and was illegally searched after the pig claimed they smelled marijuana. Then during the illegal search the officer claimed he found a marijuana joint under her seat. My sister is a licensed nurse who regularly has to take drug tests and I completely believe her when she said the drugs were illegally planted by the dirty pig. There is no such thing as a good cop

Make Las Vegas mob again

It's amazing that back in the days when the Mob ran Las Vegas everything operated like a finely tuned oiled engine. Back when the Mob ran the show in Las Vegas that city was the Kitty Cat's meow and the tops in vacation planning and LV was a clean glistening opulent dream world. Now look at Las Vegas!... Politicians and elected city planners cant even keep the streets and hotels clean, The streets and door ways stink like piss and defication,  curb side whores and street corner dope pushers, Bums sleeping around the place especially in the downtown area. I was in LV back in 2016 and I noticed several Motels on several blocks of the downtown area that where closed and fenced off and grown over with grass, Looked like the south side of Chicago ghettos. I drove around LV for a while and I was shocked by the decrepit rundown condition of a city the Mob seriously kept in line back in the heydays of glitter capitals clean as a whistle image and if it failed the Mob knocked some heads together. Looks like Liberace and Gary Glitter split town a long while back. Oh well, Looks like Las Vegas's glory days are over with, WHY!... Because the Mob split town a long while back too!

Good history-I think that casino's time has passed-young people can gamble on line and sports betting is now in most states. the fact is, Las Vegas has really nothing unique-except for nice winter weather. This development will just cannibalize the existing customer base.

>>FFD. -16:00

Gee, just bring the Stardust back!

By 1955 construction was well underway on a hotel with over 1000 hotel rooms, shows pictures of city center construction.

The Stardust had the best Chinese Restaurant in Vegas. The walls and trimmings were mahogany wood. The food was great.

Farmers Only Ad...how frikin stupid! The cowboy mounts the city-twit on the right side, you NEVER, EVER mount on right, only left. So, I'm not watching this video, or any with this stupida ad. Also, U call for a boycott on the TIK-TAK app. This is the #1 most annoying fckn ad, ever frikin one. Ciao!

I actually worked at Resorts World during the summer/fall of 2018 to help pay for college. Crazy to see this video pop up on my recommended. What a small world.

They treated you real nice in the 90s on the crap tables

Very interesting. Have a nice day now.

Great job....very informative and interesting work. I subscribed and look forward to future uploads.

Can you do Motel 6 Las Vegas and Holy Cow Casino???

at 5:39 My House up until about two years ago had that SAME Honeywell Heating/Cooling Adjustment box XD

The Stratosphere was gonna dominate the north end of the strip as well. And it’s a shithole. And it didn’t take long to get there either.

Farmers Only Ad...how frikin stupid! The cowboy mounts the city-twit on the right side, you NEVER, EVER mount on right, only left. So, I'm not watching this video, or any with this stupida ad. Also, I call for a boycott on the TIK-TAK app. This is the #1 most annoying fckn ad, ever frikin one. Ciao!

oh I like it when it's brand new not some old smoke encrusted building

I thought I kept hearing that hotels could seve "1300 guests" or the like. was that true, or was i 1300 guest rooms?

Construction timeline was pushed back again because the window glass was too close to the color of the Wynn tower.

They’ve started rebuilding that “eyesore “ do a update video

What if we start our own mob?

I kinda want the mob back but I don’t want to get killed.

no class any more..... just greed!!

If I was to gamble in Las Vegas it sure would not be the big Chinese casino .

Woah, seriously?! Wow!

You know I was just wondering why they never just shut it down.

iam not anti democrate,i was a yellow dog democrate for forty yrs,i walked away because the way clintonssold nafta to the unions.well for 15 yrs I never new if I would be employed next week.i watched millions of familys destroyed and ruined as greedy companys headed south for slave labor .we lived under constant stress and whileall this carnage to American workers was happening illegal immigration was exploding.they are taking our jobs ,and sending us millions of illegals taking the jobs that are left and the democrats didn't see a problem with that

Las Vegas is nothing but a tourist trap now..giant sucking sound toward your wallet

I was lucky to see old Las Vegas and this casino, IT STARTED the Sportsbook era and was HUGE! (then the International/ aka Hilton came along and they had huge book as well) Loved going there in the 70's, 80's until it closed. Old LV was the best and these bullshit casinos can't even come close on how to treat gamblers and spenders like myself and others.

My Teamster Pension built Vegas

Dude, it’s okay to pause between sentences.

The Asian inspired version looks so tacky. I really like the design that was made before the economy tanked.

Screw the strip, I prefer Fremont.

Las Vegas is tacky and ugly, wish I could see the classic old Vegas.

Stardust,Vegas went from ordinary decent criminals to the white collared criminals

Was better when the Mob ran it.

Blame the bankers for the recession - their greed cost the World's economy $trillions.......and it will happen again since nothing was done to tame their greed and lust for money.......politicians are in their pocket and so did nothing to regulate their corrupt activities.

That resort fee and parking fee is driving people away dont they see that. Plus Vegas has a major homeless beggar problem not quite as bad like San Francisco but its getting there.

Opulence & luxury? Yeah right.

please bring back las vegas of 2005 and before I hate this 21st century

gebus needs lots of money

Other scumbags just wanting a slice of the action...or else. Its always been a racket.

You should slow down the narration a little huh ?

God bless you great "men" who have grown the city. please take everything back , this place is an unorganized mess.

Great video, but, PLEASE, stop ending your sentences as questions. That continuous upward inflection is hard to listen to.

the red dragon?

Great video, but I think the Resorts World international will flop after initial interest peaks and everyone goes to see it once. Just as the Muslim themed Aladin hotel flopped so will the Communist Chinese themed Resorts International and then it will settle down under a new name. We will have to wait and see. The big fish Asian gamblers already have Macau to go to for an Asian experience. When they come to Vegas they want to experience other themed resorts.

I used to play all the Holdem Tournaments in Vegas. I became quite good at it, even made a name for myself. Next month they're flying a couple of us old-timers down, comping the entrance fees. The game is being marketed now.They need celebrity gamblers. Like everything else, they wanna pretend it's the way it used to be.

HA! Chinese skim/precursor laundry and Malay/Thai trafficking hub. As soon as people shut up about drugs and prostitution then the place will get built quick. Like Maylays actually own it. They can afford to wait. And when it's done no one will fuck with them-at least for a LONG time. Nice play so far. It's a gamble but if it works then they'll make the Italians look like Pikers.

"...the epitome of opulence and luxury" ... ? ... I think you have Las Vegas confused with Monaco.

Las Vegas exists because of Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel.

ok retard

comercial greed is killing everything , sports , music festivals , resorts , even going to the movies is an arm and leg job now, and the quality in all these things is watered down shit .

Really grown to like your channel dude. But 1 critisium and there is only one, i find i watch alot of your videos at 0.75 speed, you speak a bit fast.

my first and last night at stardust was 13 days before stardust closed. the empoyees were given commemorative "closure" shirts to be worn the last week before closure. an employee showed me his.

Can you talk any faster?

Nevada pretty much well rolled out the red carpet for the mob.... knowingly . The main reason was back then no banks would loan money to the gaming industry . So they had no choice but to look the other way. Just like the mob looked the other way when there members dealt drugs,

You know its pretty sad when the mafia used to run America better than the corporations today,

Tangers? It's Tan-jeers you fucking hillbilly. Learn how to pronounce Tangiers.



Vegas must have been great when Frank and the rat pack and Louis Prima were there. That's when I would have wanted to go; not now !!!!

I can't stand what Las Vegas has become; it is like Disney World!!!!! Why do these developers think everything has to be so big; cruise ships in particular. We would never go back to Las Vegas now nor would we go on a cruise on these behemoth ships; the thought gives me the jitters !!!!

Is there a book or website that all this info is taken from? The 1st 15 minutes is a lot of info for me to take in this early in the AM with no more than just a few cups of coffee.

you talk way to fast

Wow that's a very detailed description of the history of Las Vegas it must to take you many hours to put this together.

My first two times I stayed in Vegas was at Stardust. In 1999 and then in 2003. I got to see Wayne Newton in 2003. I have to say I felt a little sad when the Stardust got torn down. I'm a sucker for nostalgia. :( I'm not sure how the hell the older casinos like Circus Circus and Stratosphere can even think of competing with such a massive modern resort like Resorts World. Maybe that will be the start of reviving the northern end of the strip. Sadly, that will probably mean the end of the last of the old time resorts there. More destruction of nostalgia. :(

3000 amps means nothing if you don't know the voltage. Watts would've been better. Nick picking over. Excellent video. Thanks

Delivery man.... asshole

i don't need a history lesson...holy fuck.

Its pronounced Tan-Geers

You did a great job with this video!

the mob used to run the town cleaner and straighter than the cops do now. truth.

Everything about Las Vegas is fake. Beautiful but also depressing place. It sucks money and water from the rest of the country for golf courses and water fountains in the desert

why are you hollering through the whole video.....calm down buddy. I started getting an anxiety attack

I will be there at the opening of Resorts World.

Vegas was better when the mob ran it. I say boycott Vegas until parking and resort fees go away.

Seriously do you breathe? At all? Slow down. I can't take in what your saying.

I agree me too Vegas has changed to much

Hi Abandoned Explained: Wow, what an interesting video - great content, very well done! As a friendly heads up, just thought I might politely point out a few mispronunciations. Here they are: "Tangiers" - pron. "Tan-jeers" "Contiguous" - pron. "Cont-tig-U-us" "Fontainebleau" - pron. "Font-tain-blou" (The sound at the end of this word is somewhat clipped.) Many thanks for all of your dedicated, hard work! I hit the thumbs up, and am happy to be a new addition to your subscriber list. :) Salut, Quincy's Law

Who cares. Las Vegas is a shit hole.

Harry Reid is a F***in C**T

The Mint was not on the strip it was downtown next to the Horseshoe Lol (i live 5 miles from the strip). You can watching the building of the Mint on here

Your narration speed makes this stressful to listen to. Good info, but narration makes it unbearable.

can u do a video on the ground where the rock in rio festival took place.. i went to this festival in 2015 and every time im in town i wonder why they havent done anything to the grounds or done another festival there..

I hate youtubers who purport to know their subject, but don't pronounce stuff correctly. It's Lido de PARE-EE, not PARE-ISS

Great interesting video Thank you for Sharing

Can you do one about the Hawaii connection to Vegas? (The Ninth Island!) Also, The California Hotel, THE go-to place for gamblers from Hawaii? Thousands of former residents of HI have been in Vegas for decades. By the by, Hawaii and what other state have NO gambling of any type, not even a lottery? (Hint, it's for the same reason!)

4:57 ... Nice Red Chevy Corvair.

At least he's not shouting like in the lucky dragon video

The mob probably had higher moral values than the corporations that run it now.

It's a shame none of the original casinos r still around. Sounds like boys gaming would have been better off leaving the star dust there

I loved the Stardust, I stayed on the 27th floor of the tower, what a view!! Ironically I was on the closing team, to remove all salvageable items. We loaded hundreds of trucks with beds, paintings, lamps, etc, etc. I still have my closing team pass badge hanging on my wall here in Vegas.

+Linda Peavy The percentage of Mormons in Hawaii is certainly no more than 10% of the population. And a great many Mormons work in the Las Vegas gambling industry, where they're considered to be more trustworthy and are therefore valued.

+hebneh The Mormons don't like it. They have a huge amount of converts in the Pacific Island, many of whom live in Hawaii. They are entrenched in local government. There is a campus of BYU. That's why.

Utah is the other no-gambling US state. I don't see that both Hawaii and Utah don't have gambling "for the same reason", however.

already found one mistake @ 1:49... The Mint was Downtown not on the Strip it eventually became Binions ... lets not alter History or at the very least fact check yourself.

Wow...so much information given so fast! Excellent video!

Great info on the old Vegas. But man you need to slow down in the coffee. Your blazing thru reading the history.

Hey what’s the deal man you sound like your double parked and there’s a cop writing you a ticket! Just slow down you make great documentaries but slow down!!

Resorts World looks way shittier than The Echelon.. just my opinion.

I loved to come to Las Vegas back in the 70s and early 80s. The mob knew how to make it fun and affordable! And, it was classy! Now, it's just a cheap Disneyland mess of a place with low-lifes everywhere. The mob would never have tolerated what goes on on the strip now!

It's pronounced, "tan-jeers". Not "Tangers"

Excellent Video. Suggestion: Explain why Bodie WY is now a modern day ghost town.

New to your channel, you've put in a lot of research and I found it all quite entertaining, keep up the good work.

Addik Otter I’ve never been to America, but do you really think that’s true, the mob ran it better than the police do now?? I always got the impression that they got to the bad guys that the police couldn’t get,

when you said 'casino manager john drew' you showed a photo of johnny roselli, the man in the storm drain at dealey plaza november 22, 1963. when you said morris kleinman, you shower a photo of vincent 'schemer' drucci, who was killed by chicago police in 1927. aldo

You certainly have done your research!


My Dad lives in Nevada but, I'm up in NorCal. My sister Tiffany disappeared, last time she logged on facebook was (Feb. 4. 2016) she was already living on the streets in Las Vegas :( but, she'd call on the weekends asking for money and would show up to our Dad's for Thanksgiving. We haven't heard from her in almost 2 years, no contact, no calls, no texts, no visits, no trace. I've talked to the Sheriff over the phone and local hospitals, my Dad even checked the mortuary cause if she doesn't have a wallet on her with I.D. or drivers license might be filed as a "Jane Doe" :( :( :(

I'm sorry, that's terrible...

Please do the Las Vegas Club would enjoy that video.

When do you breath?

I used to work my butt off for the stardust back in 93 to 2006 I stay put till the day it was shut down. Lots of memories at the stardust, now I’m up north in Minnesota starting new life but boy I’ll would visit Vegas again it’s been a long time since I left

Stop saying Corrrnerrro.

Dude, you sound like that chick that went to band camp

I lived in Las Vegas. I would rather blow my brains out with a shotgun than go back there.

I have lived in Vegas for 35 years. I know the history of just about everything and anything to do with Vegas. This is a brilliantly put together history of the Stardust. Most of the pictures were relevant to what was being said. The information was detailed and correct. When I started watching I said to myself, "I wonder if they will mention the race track?" This is better than 99% of the documentaries produced by major players, on many levels. Nice Work!

Omitted was the payoff to Bill Bradley to stop any state from legalizing sports betting.

Do a video on the abandoned Martin tower in Bethlehem Pennsylvania check it out

Circus Circus has rooms that are so filthy the unofficial name for the resort is now "Cockroach Cockroach"

Trying to figure out which is more amusing - Jonah's sudden Italian accent when saying "Cornero" and "Civella", or the odd pronunciation of Kuala Lumpur

Leon Andrews 82-94.

+Nel What shithole are you from?

Basically, in the words America's current supreme leader, the USA is a "shithole" country. I always find it odd what kind of self image Americans have of their own country. They see themselves as pinnacles of freedom, democracy and capitalism, yet fail basically on all accounts.

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