Why Resellers Waste TONS of Time and How You Can Avoid It TRP #92 w/ @technsports (Full Episode)

Why Resellers Waste TONS of Time and How You Can Avoid It TRP #92 w/ @technsports (Full Episode)

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welcome to the resources podcast with  tekken sports and daily refinement we've   helped thousands of people save time and make  more money by improving their online stores   check out patreon.com resource podcast  for thousands of hours of full-length   ad-free podcasts and coaching calls join  our facebook group with thousands of sellers   making the transition from hobby to business see  you in the show what's up guys welcome to the   restart podcast with tech and sports and daily  refinement and today we have a special guest   isaiah isaiah is going to introduce himself  right now but tech's feeling a little bit   under the weather today so what we're going to  do is talk about why resellers waste so much time   and i'm going to give everybody every single  tip i know to get more out of your day   and before we get into that and isaiah is going  to sort of interview and hopefully expand the   subject a bit but why don't you introduce  yourself to the people who don't know you   yet um outside of the facebook group so yeah  so if you don't know me again my name is isaiah   i've been in the group since uh december of last  year and i've been reselling since october 2020   that was my first time started with shoes before  that i was selling laundry supplies in like august   of 2020 but after joining the group i was able to  greatly increase my business to the point where   now i am number five in women's athletic shoes i'm  number two in boys shoes number one in girls shoes   so for me i'm primarily a shoe seller and um  like my goal for my store is to make a store   that someone can come in buy shoes for themselves  buy shoes for their wife buy shoes for their kids   and then be able to serve all of those  demographics at the same time and you know   like like chris said earlier tech isn't feeling  his best so i am yeah december 2028 um so i'm kind   of subbing in trying to learn a little bit from  chris and tech about how to get more out of my   day because i'm at a level that i feel is good but  i want to go to a another level much beyond that   um if they can you know get me there which they  should okay i'm super excited about this episode   also a reminder you are number five in  women's shoes yep um number one in girls shoes   and you're also ranked in in boys shoes i'm number  two in boise number two employee shoes yeah like   two in boys one in girls five and baby uh and  then uh number five and women's women's athletic   okay i love this so we like to go by the  listing quality report and if you guys   are new to listening to us that's sort of our  bible because ebay tells you what they want for   you to go higher in the search algorithm so if  you take the time to learn the listing quality   report if you're in the patreon group listen to  isaiah's walk through of its about 13 minutes   and it will really educate you on exactly  what ebay wants to to rise higher in the ranks   so today i want to talk about  why restarts waste so much time   and after co-hosting this group of tech since  october 2020 i've realized most of my day is   wasted you can be a lot more productive and just  the overall theme of this call today i want people   to recognize when people are old and they're about  to pass what they wish they had more of is time   that's it everybody wants more time more time  with their loved ones the saying goes when you're   in your 20s you want to become a millionaire you  want to be successful when you're older you want   to be in your 20s with no money no just to have  that time back people would give anything people   would give anything just for another week with  their family so that's why we want more time   and i realize now after doing this now thinking  about every single second what's fastest what's   smoothest what has the least defects what has to  be replaced the least the shortest path between   two things that you want to accomplish that each  time you improve that you get more time back   so now i realize you know i guessed on  the monday call that i take 200 days off   but it's more like 300 days off because  just reselling the first 66 days of the   year i make enough for one year of bills so now  looking at that when you run your own business   you call the shots you set your own schedule your  business is open 24 7. so it's different when you   work a nine to five you only get paid nine to five  when you set up a company it works even if you're   not working when you install things like ebay or  poshmark or mercari or amazon that's the software   it works for you it finds customers for you even  when you're not working it's the marketing arm   so think about everything as traffic how to  get people to see your items and services   and how can you be more efficient with your  time so time is huge and now that i think   about everything in units of time i've got some  really amazing nuggets to share with you today   but where do you want to start all right so  i mean the biggest thing is so i joined the   morning caller like eight o'clock i wake up  at probably like 7 30 or so most of the time   a little bit earlier periodically but i'm  like up and rolling for real around 7 30   and then i joined the call at eight and that's  when the day basically starts me because i have   a beginner call at nine from not from nine to  nine thirty um my goal like however even though   i start at eight i'm not finishing my day until  like 10 p.m 11 p.m one o'clock in the morning  

which like that shouldn't happen under any  circumstances i'm listing 28 items per day right   and of course there's other things that i have  to do as well but like when i look at you and   tech like you specifically you're producing you  can produce 120 items per day every single day   and i'm producing 28. so you can do like four  times as much as i can and i'm working 17 hours   you're working eight so like how like what is what  is like on paper it looks like my day should be   you know 10 11 hours um maybe 12 hours sometimes  eight but in reality it doesn't work out that way   so like what are you doing that's making it so  that you're not you know being knocked off course   and your day actually goes as scheduled okay  so i don't know how i came to this conclusion   but some somewhere along the journey i recognize  that the way tech looks at ebay is mechanically   so what are the pieces of the puzzle that you need  to do so for photography what is photography it's   pressing down the shutter button it's staging  the items it's reducing the staging time   by having items prepped before you go to the photo  area it's making sure you have extra memory cards   in case one fails it's reducing the transfer  time to zero by plugging in an sd card versus   the literal transferring the photos through the  air through airdrop or maybe plugging in a cord   so when you think about it mechanically it reduces  the time down to whatever your mechanics are   so as an example when i did the resaw nirvana  experiment i tried to do a 1 000 a week income   in as least amount of time as possible starting  with zero i really only had an hour a day to do   that so at nine o'clock i was thinking  okay i need to take 10 sets of pictures   i need to list 10 items i need to put them away  and because the inventory system was just a box   it was just photograph these items  list and put them in the box and   i never got over 200 items in that store before  i had a full-time income and it was just three   of those boxes that i got out of the garbage just  three moving boxes that i got that held my items   and it wasn't the best system because i had to  kind of look through the big box but it wasn't   fancy and i didn't want to spend any money on  things like that so when you're just starting   you you have time but you have no money so i  didn't spend any a single penny on supplies   no rolo printer nothing i in fact even tested  going to the post office and having them scan   a label for me with the ebay qr code  so i only had an hour to do it so i   thought about it mechanically 10 sets of photos  10 listings now where people get tripped up is   the extra stuff involved and now that  i learned about this mechanical nature   i applied it to everything so this entire time  um that we were running the group my wife got   pregnant we had the baby the baby's now 15 months  old and this is how i look at it now a mom told me   this is i don't know if this is going to piss  people off for now but she said having a baby   is like running a business okay there's the  feeding time there's sleep time there's play   time these are all different departments in your  baby business and the goal is to help uh have a   self-sustaining baby at the end of this whole  18-year journey a self-sustaining baby would   be the goal but if you treat it like that and  you think about how many hours each part takes   i think it takes 12 to 14 hours to take care  of a baby there's a lot to it there's meal prep   sleep time play time the more interaction then  what you want to do is try to avoid bad habits   so if you're doing 12 to 14 hours on baby yeah and  then eight hours on ebay like how do you how could   you do both of those at the same time that's like  four hours i'll explain it to you plus because   right now this is so insane because i pay my bills  in 66 days a year just reselling income but also i   have a youtube group also i have this group and  then also i just launched the wholesale company   but we're not even really launch it but i sell  some wholesale so looking at the different   situations one thing that tech said that's  very difficult to do but it resonated which   was you have all these ships that are in the  ocean these different projects that you're running   you can't let any of them start to dip because it  brings down all of them they have to all maintain   a certain level so for me how i organize it is  in the morning we have the morning call that's   the second part of my day first day is do some  exercise then do the morning call all of my things   this is my personal hack are tied to other people  so the morning call i have to be on time i have   to knock it out at seven o'clock is my turn to  take care of the baby so from seven to eight   my job is to feed her play with her working on  walking now reading to her they said if i want her   to like reading then i need to read to her so i'm  doing that eight o'clock she goes to child care   um it's interesting looking at that because  it's almost like the child care representative   we use family care which is a family like a  lady that takes care of a few families kids   she's like an employee essentially she takes care  of the baby and the baby has a schedule so there   there's play time reading time outdoor time indoor  time time when she's talking to the other babies   all it's pretty structured right you go there  and in fact a lot of child cares they have like   whether you like it or not nap time so however  however old the kid is you have um like the baby   sleeps between 12 and 2 regardless of how old even  though that might not be ideal for the baby it's   just how the system is set up so if you did it  yourself you could cater your schedule more to the   age of your baby and that definitely affects it  but i sort of consider family care like a employee   because i'm arbitraging it takes me because  i live in california an hour and 40 minutes   to take her to and back child care even though  it's four miles away and then the um what she does   she's a set we're essentially outsourcing  a couple of her meals one of the nap times   play times and whatever then go get her come home  then at that point when i go and get her and come   home there's no more business at all i don't  have a very long business day that's why like   i'm so intense about it because there's not much  i don't have that much time to work on business i   look at other people who do not have a business  i'm sorry they don't have a baby business they   have 12 or 14 more hours in their day  because they don't have a baby business   so you need when you break down the math it's so  interesting because when you add on another baby   it doesn't become 24 to 28 hours there are things  that are condensed because you can make meals   for two babies in the same time as one there's  certain things that do literally add time to it so   i don't know yet but if we make another baby  soon i'll be able to give you guys an idea   what i think the additional time is but for me  reselling we talked about leverage in the in   the morning call i'm currently leveraging  other people's time to do my reselling   if it was just me solo i would be more realistic  about it i would say you know what 12 to 14 hours   of baby time maybe i really realistically only  have one or two hours to work on reselling a day   so that was the case and i didn't have  any leverage so i had to do it all myself   then you count that let's say seven days a  week so you have seven to 14 hours a week   maybe three or four hours of that is sourcing and  in my listing habit let's say it's between five   and ten personally i would not get upset with  that because that's all the time that i have   depending on the amount of time that you have you  need to set your expectations what people do is   they have the 7 to 14 hour window and they  expect a full-time income paid time off huge savings account but that doesn't that  doesn't come from that effort it's just a   different stage in your life because you're also  running a baby business which has a different different solution now i would say that i guess  you could and then when we talk about leverage   using other people's time there's people like  sarah blakely that she runs a billion dollar   company and has three or four kids like how is  that possible it's because she's leveraging a   thousand employees at work and every single  kind of nanny that you could have at home   all the meal prep all the laundry that's all been  leveraged to somewhere else that's how she has   more time so so let let's dig a little bit because  i'm listening i'm listening to you talk and it   reminds me of kind of how techno not with without  the baby part but it reminds me of how tech um   kind of describes the way his day looks in the  same way how's employees days look and i want to   run this theory by you and you tell me if it's if  it's accurate sure it seems as if um like my issue   isn't efficiency in task right like i can do the  listing in under five minutes i can do the photos   in a minute and 30 seconds i can clean shoes  in under five minutes to prepare pretty easily   like each of the individual attacks and for most  people like you gotta say like let me stand behind   you and you take five minutes and take a set  of photos it's hard to pull it off right so   it's not the time in the task that takes so long  and another example of this is when i was looking   at um beth in the group we were going over her  process of listening and i was looking at the um   i was looking at all of the little things she was  doing the way she transferred her photos she like   transferred photos by um taking the photos on her  phone and then using the ebay app to transfer them   over to the listing and i was like even if i gave  you a highly efficient way to transfer the photos   like it would only save you two minutes out of  the 11 minutes that it took to do this listing   so like most of the time spent during this  listing was you were not super strong with   what the item specifics were you are not super  strong with how you should structure your title   you're not super strong with how to price the  item the research was taking you too long it was   thing one is that she just wasn't an expert in the  thing that she was listing and as a result 90 of   the time 80 of the time was spent trying to figure  out what to put in these blanks that was number   one and then number two which is something that i  run into a lot is so one not enough of an expert   number two is how like when text people finish  taking photos they take their 120 sets of photos   now they're done for most of us we go all right  now i'm gonna go uh watch i'm gonna go take lunch   i'm gonna go watch a youtube video on my computer  i'm going to spend 10 minutes trying to find   a youtube video and then i'm going to eat lunch  for 45 minutes and then i'm gonna kind of dilly   dally while i'm getting ready to do the next  task right so the time between the two tasks   usually expands and expands and expands however  if text people finishes photos at 12 o'clock   by 1201 they're on listings and it sounds like  that's the exact same way how your day is set   up too when you finish baby time you're  straight to the office once you get to   the office you're straight to this task what my  stream starts you're straight to the next task   so it's like there is no expansion in time between  tasks so how exactly have you achieved that in   your business where like you're not getting pulled  in these different directions even if you are   you're allowing yourself to snap back into it  very quickly this is great i think when you   get started already people are 15 20 minutes  behind it takes some 15 or 20 minutes   to get started so for me i drink coffee while  i'm doing something right today i haven't even   had time to have lunch yet so i grabbed  one bite of a burrito during your question   so sometimes when you are when you're starting i  think people take such a long time to immediately   get into it they need to watch people do  contract work any kind of contract work   because let's say you hire someone to do a garden  or put up a fence for you or roofing or insulation   when they arrive at your house to start doing it  less than one second later they've started the   truck parks they all jump out start working on  it immediately and that's how i think tex said   most people start their day with the break with  the coffee he just wakes up and starts working   the amount already he is maybe completing your  entire day by the time you're done with coffee   because you're just immediately getting into  the emotion and when you start working on higher   leverage tasks so as an example my um worker  she's getting she just moved into a new apartment   so i told her you're greatly underestimating how  much time it takes to move you don't you think   it's only going to take you a couple of hours it's  not i don't want you to take off two or three days   of partially doing it just take up  one whole day and do the whole thing   hire a mover if you can't afford a mover get  a haul truck and do it all in one day don't do   three or four partial things because what happens  is you end up it takes you an hour to get into   moving because you're not a moving expert then  there's one or two hours of inefficiency because   you're not a professional mover so if you do  that over the course of three or four days   you're using that you that inefficiency is spread  out every day because it takes you an hour to get   started so for me if i were gonna list the  lamp it would take me an hour to get started   i don't know you don't want to list the lamp i  like it you don't want to listen and you don't   know how to listen i don't know how to listen  yeah so it would take me a second to google   it find where on the lamp i'm supposed to be  looking for the right markings maybe i do a google   image search all these extra steps versus if i was  listing a pair of shoes i could immediately start   taking the photos write the title i'd do some item  specifics if i had never heard of the shoe before   it would still only take a couple of minutes to  list because you don't have to um i don't i don't   have to take the first hour to get started so if  you have eight listings that you've never heard of   eight hours of it is just getting ready to list  that item yeah and the workers i can tell them   there is now now that finally thank god i  switched away from per piece and it's hourly   they know that all eight hours of work at work our  work when we're done doing this you're doing this   you're unboxing this then we're moving to that  you're not photographing you're listening you're   not listening you're you're sorting everything is  just i know how long it takes and i can tell them   kind of like it's almost like if there are more  tasks throughout the day i know they need a break   so i'll build that in so it's almost like on  the days that we do more things i already know   it's going to take longer because the people  each time you switch tasks you need a breather   so if you're going from what not streaming into  shipping that's a good time for them to take   lunch in between those two tasks because  they're so different we lost isaiah for   a moment hopefully he comes back um but as  far as like how i set up the employee's day   i just look at it as in and they're an extension  of me so i i inherit all their problems like if one of my workers had a  cat problem i have a cat problem   so i just look at it as in they're an extension of  me they're completing tasks there is a better way   to do it like a more advanced form of ebay i mean  delegating where they can make their own decisions   but i'm not that level of entrepreneur yet  right now the level of entrepreneur that i'm at   they just do things i don't have time for and  i think watching meet kevin really solidified   my thought and i think you know jack's listening  right now he's he's experimenting with with hiring   others and kevin said something that really struck  me he's like sometimes you hire someone for eight   hours of work for something that you can do in  30 minutes and that is like so hard that delegate   because you're like i'll just do it myself  the thing is you don't have half an hour   when you're really trying to get to a high  level you need that half an hour the half   an hour if you're if you're if you're making  500 an hour it's 250 dollars for half an hour   and that person's wage is less than 250 a day  so when he said that i finally realized wow okay   um when you start becoming worth 100 200  500 an hour you really need to think about   your time and unfortunately it doesn't  transfer over people can't do things   like you do like as an example the reason why  i'm gonna make a video coming up soon why ebay is   way better than live auction i'll tell  you why you don't have to make a game   okay like i'm very creative i've been doing  business for a long time i can make an interesting   game that somebody can bid on and make a show  that's interesting that's why i'm successful   and whatnot if i just treat it as here's one  item here's one item i would i would go bankrupt   because i wouldn't be able to get enough money per  stream you have to make it interesting that takes   time though on ebay you don't have to do that  on ebay if you do a good job describing the item good pictures good listings good item specifics  good price good shipping policy good return   policy it's fine ebay will do the lifting for  you on amazon it's even easier like you're   not even allowed to be creative on amazon it's  just what is it tell us what it is we'll do it   we don't even trust you to do it you just tell  us what you have and we'll update the quantity   and we'll even ship it for you and do the customer  service for you that's the ultimate leverage this   is why when i look at the group the most leveraged  people in the group are jack weaver with his video   game business and tech they're the most leveraged  because they use the most other people's time   other people's resources to to grow jack's running  like a 30 person business by himself essentially   because he's utilizing all the fba and all the  shipping same as tech same of all of us because   we're using the post office we're using ebay  and we use youtube for information the knowledge   that you that people have now is unbelievable  you could listen to youtube for one weekend   and and have an idea on a hundred  different categories to start in   that's how that's how free-flowing the  information is it's truly amazing um   vanessa is saying underestimated time required can  set off your whole day can set your whole day back   i agree with that i think that to fix something in  your life printer jams any of that stuff takes a   half day so now that i know that i just really  think about okay no batteries hell no has to   be plugged in because that's going to go down way  less i don't have to find batteries i think about   okay can i sell this forever can that's  why clothing has become so interesting   to me because you can sell forever shoes you  can sell forever books you can sell forever   there's always a need for that rare cool things  are fine but the value of them is so volatile and i want something that's that's more  stable that's been around forever so   antiques is actually a good business you just  need a large inventory because they're going to   be around forever it's just um it's something that  people want not need so let's say this i'm i'm 15   listing guy right i'm less than 15 items a day and  i'm listening to you right now you're explaining   how you're producing this much stuff you're  utilizing leverage by having your employees but   i don't have any employees you know it's just it's  just me by myself listing these 15 items but it's   taking me all day you know so like like how do i  um as an like how do i like taylor said prevent   that down time because here's the thing here's  the thing and this is gonna sound a little um   not not it's not as strong a heavy but like  sometimes it sucks you know what i mean like   sometimes you're i've heard people say this  all the time they just hate taking photos   they hate you know doing the listening process  when they're doing it they're falling asleep and   stuff like that right but like that this has never  been a thing that i've heard from someone at your   level i've never heard that from tech net tech has  never said like yeah when i'm listening sometimes   i just don't feel like hitting 3 14 today i'll  be sleepy and you know we're gonna we're gonna   take a nap that never happens right but for a lot  of us who are doing a lot less like we get tired   during the photos we get tired during the listings  like why is it that you're able to just to stay so   focused prevent that down time and get the 15 done  so you can do other things i think i respect time   so much now before i did not respect time i  respect time so much now because when when   you have a baby and you sleep an hour a day in the  beginning after that happens to you when you sleep   30 minutes in a day because the baby needs food  every hour and somehow it's amazing right so i   just respect time so much i know i'm not going  to get that time back so now i think i'm going to   work as hard as possible be as focused as possible  because this time is going to go away i'm going to   get interrupted someone's going to need something  um and every time you take your eye off the ball   the performance of whatever it is you were looking  at starts to drop do minutes matter minutes matter   matter like and i was realizing that today because  i'm like dude if i don't hurry up in this thrift   store today because i went sourcing um right  before this like if i don't hurry up then i'm not   gonna be able to do the things i need to do before  the podcast starts and like if you have to do the   podcast as well as the uh all hands on deck call  like you might not be done until seven so like you   need to have this stuff done now otherwise you're  gonna be in a lot of trouble like minutes really   do matter and that's what it sounds like you and  take both have in common like you care about your   minutes like give you an idea of how extreme this  is toyota measures things in one sixth of a second   to them one sixth of a second matters because  when when you when you have to build a million   cars a year that's a lot of work that needs to  get done a lot of supplies toyota factories don't   have trash cans because if they had trash  cans they would have to empty the trash can   all that they just don't there's no waste there's  no way you could produce a million of anything   with it with any kind of thing that would need  to be replaced or the exact amount of supplies   that need to build the car arrive the exact number  of everything there's no extra maybe one extra in   case something is missing but very very little  overage and that's how you you can actually   you can actually think i just think at  this point in my career and even more so   each year that goes by i respect time more and  more and more i think you know what you're you're   spending time with your family that's time away  from your business when you're with your business   that's time away from your family like you  really gotta think about how much like you say   you love your family how much unfold how much  focused time are you really giving your family   my friends is good i would say  that's so true dude because like   i'm thinking about my the way how my last two  three weeks have gone and like like i said every   day wake up at eight finish at like 12 1 o'clock  in the morning something like that all right   and then or let's say i'm finished at 10 11  o'clock i go upstairs to my wife she's asleep   right like she doesn't want to hang out with me at  11 p.m at night like she's trying to sleep so it's   just like yeah the business is important yeah but  you you can't like completely drop the ball in the   other sector either it doesn't work i have to be  better at this side in order to do what i want to   do on that side with her also your relationships  are glass yeah if you if you drop them they   don't repair your business though is a little  different your business really is like rubber   ebay will forgive you if you decide you don't want  to list for two weeks or whatever happens and you   come back and you list two you would list a  week in a row good items ebay forgives you   you cheat on your wife for two weeks you can't  come back and be like yo i'm gonna be good for   seven days she doesn't forget it's over there's  no there's no that doesn't that's not a thing   so in this um this is interesting like i heard  somebody say just be okay like you have a business   right so that's kind of a cop-out people are like  oh you know what i was at work until 11 today   because you know business is business we got to do  it here's the thing though it's not okay because   well like you had an engagement with your family  you didn't show up because you you had business   you had to pay the bills it's not really it's  not really okay you've done some damage so if   you if you want to avoid that you've got to really  really value time and then how can you say that in   the same world where i'm taking was that 17 hours  to do 28 and you're doing and 120 and eight like   how can i say that in the same way i'm sorry i was  doing business at the time but like chris is with   his family the christmas lives i hear people say  this all the time like oh i can't do it because   i care about my family too much that's not true i  spend more time with my family than you do so when   you look at the like if you really care about your  family you get your work done in a shorter amount   of time thank you for listening to the resource  podcast with tekken sports and daily refinement if   you'd like to listen to the full episode please  check us out at patreon.com slash the resource   podcast for all information all our full-length  episodes over thousands of hours of coaching   and our facebook mentorship group which is  35 dollars per month just about a dollar   a day to help you get to the next level  we appreciate you guys see you next time

2022-07-11 11:35

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