Why God is the Best Business Advisor

Why God is the Best Business Advisor

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hi welcome to the show today is our second episode of this easter project i have gathered 37 christian entrepreneurs to share that one pivotal moment when they cling to god and listen to what he had to say for their business they carried out and what kind of transformation they have experienced you will hear the behind the scenes story how she started co-creating with the lord about kingdom-driven entrepreneurs community from zero to today over half millions of people have read her devotionals and join her programs now before we go further i would like to know we have created a booklet and gather all 37 entrepreneurs their key lessons in one downloadable pdf file so if you like to have this file just go to candybottle.com forward slash easter 2021 again that's the kelly father dot com forward slash easter 2021 now let's check with shay welcome to the show shay hello kelly always good to be hanging out with you i know it's very difficult to just not prolong you know how we roll kelly our session yeah yes but uh we know shay that you inspire teach and mentor christian entrepreneurs to be laid by god in their business so that they can experience his best and have a have a greater kingdom impact for the marketplace absolutely that sounds awesome and i'm i'm part of the kde family uh but for those people they don't know you can you can share with us a little bit about how did you get to here to do such a fantastic work yeah it was a total and beautiful god interruption of my life several years ago i was in the middle of doing real estate investing and i was consulting some people in real estate as well at the time and it just ended up being like one of my friends in the real estate business said hey i met this woman i really felt like we i should connect you and and then i spoke to that woman and that woman said i really feel like i'm supposed to connect you to this person and so after a couple kind of divine connections i meet a woman named antonina gear who ends up being a co-founder of kingdom driven entrepreneur but kelly the crazy story is such a god story because here i am in the middle of doing my other business no like this kind of work was not even on my radar screen at all but when i met antonina we connected in a way that i knew it was god and i didn't know why we met specifically but i just knew that there was something to our meeting and so about a month and a half after we met i said to her we actually met today nine years ago wow and and i'd said to her you know i've been feeling like god brought us together for something really specific she goes i've been sensing that too and i said well let's pray about it and come back in a week and see what happens so we did that came back talked about some stuff it's like no it's none of those things let's pray and come back again and i just i just knew it was something and on the third round of that she says shea i have these words god gave me they're in my journal and i don't know what he wanted me to do with it i don't know anything about it really but the words are kingdom driven entrepreneur and kelly when she said that what flew out of my mouth which was the holy spirit because i had no idea what i was talking about i said that's a community it's a movement and it starts with a book and so here me and an essential stranger that just met a month and a half started praying and asking god like what is this thing you brought us together for like what is a kingdom driven entrepreneur are we kingdom driven entrepreneurs like what is this thing and so the next six months was just these two strangers who quickly became sisters um and jesus having lots of conversations about what this community movement that started with a book is and so we started writing which was just so crazy the whole thing was crazy and at the end of 2012 uh we launched kingdom driven entrepreneur i mean it's just sort of those crazy stories our operating agreement is a total joke you know it's like we had no idea what we were walking ourselves into so i was like well if you die this will happen if i die this will happen um we don't know exactly what we're doing but it's a community it's a movement it starts with a book and the lord will you know continue to explain more and we will update this document as necessary so crazy and so out of character for me to to do things like that but when god's when you have an invitation from god that is just completely undeniable you know there was just something inside of me that said even though this doesn't make a lot of sense to me even though this is completely contrary to the way i do things i just sense that that god's in this thing and i don't know what's on the other side of this thing but i just want to follow the path and see where it goes you know and that's what i mean it's been like that for years but but that's how that's how we started that's how i'm doing the work that i do today well but for those so those are people that actually don't know today uh the whole kde family maybe you can share a little bit you have a picture of today you have a picture otherwise yeah they don't know what we're talking about they just need like a two crazy woman just laughs that's true so fast forward um several years so that was 2012. now we're in 2021 uh since then gosh we've reached over a half million entrepreneurs all over the world uh through courses devotionals you know mentoring all kinds of goodness we have a great team mentors my husband just recently became the ceo last november so now i'm more advisor but still chief fire igniter i still get to teach and a mentor and i love that and so god has just really increased um our impact our influence in the space of you know doing business in partnership with god and it's just been the most wild and crazy and amazing adventure and we're not done yet i mean it's you know we're gonna be nine years old this year but there's still so much you know that god has shown us that we know is to come because i believe that this whole idea of people um christians who are in business being able to do this with god is becoming increasingly more important it's always been important but it's not just like a pleasantry of hey here's an invitation before you do business with god no this is like a hey if you're serious about you know you say that jesus is my lord and savior and you really want to have an impact if you want you know you want to embrace what it means for your assignment as a person who's a christ follower then you pretty much you need to do business this way and circumstances and situations around you will begin to dictate that you also need to do it that way as we go along so i believe it's increasingly important so having community around you who gets that being able to shift our minds and our hearts from the typical way that the world teaches us about businesses is extraordinarily important but it's also fun and it's amazing to do things with god the fact that he even cares to do this with us that we have that invitation is the best ever it really is yeah that's why i don't know where those people have been i mean they say that you know be a christian is very boring i think they are in the different right i think they're different than ours yeah yeah i think that when christianity was religious for me it was a it was boring but when i embraced the beauty of like relationship and then when i explored more of what it was like to do life with god not just hey i'm doing all these things for the glory of god and checking things off the box or whatever but no i'm doing life with god it shifted everything it's just everything and then you never want to do anything any other kind of way you know yeah exactly so things you say you know have been nine years yes um i mean i don't think it's all rainbow night yes is it like rambo all the way you know like you did enough you did not face any doubt challenges i had all of the things obstacles doubts challenges huge stretches in faith disappointments leadership challenges i i've done all the things yeah when those moments happened i know of course different things different way to do it but generally speaking how did you deal with it yeah um every single time it is lean into first of all i'd have to check if i'm believing any lies so first it's checking my mindset and you know what lens am i using here so it's really doing a self-check on my own thought process and how i'm seeing things so i'm often asking god to help me see things the way he sees them like align my thoughts and my eyes and you know my perspective with yours and so that's always that's always the first thing because i want to start there and if i'm having a hard time getting there then i've got to spend time i've got to ask god to reveal to me like what what is it that i what is it that i'm not believing that i need to be believing like i have and often times so bring me to the word on something or he'll he'll leave me to have a conversation with somebody or you know whatever that looks like sometimes it's counsel from a from a trusted friend sometimes it's something he shows me in the word sometimes it's something he shares with me while i'm walking right but i'm always going to god first because i want to see the situation i want to see the perspective from his point of view and i also want to know what's heaven's solution to the situation that i'm facing right and so that's that's my go-to every time you know it's just the way that plays out for me like might look different there's been times when the breakthrough happened when i had a in a conversation with somebody there's been times that the breakthrough happened when i was taking a shower there was this time that the break didn't happen you know in the midst of prayer or as in the word and something just pops off those pages that's like that's it right it's even been in a book i've even had solutions come and as i'm reading a book as it's not even the book's not even about the topic that i'm dealing with but god speaks to me through the pages of that book you know that's not the bible so i've had it happen all kinds of ways but the bottom line is is seeking him for his uh his perspective i want his eyes i want his ears i want his perspective his mind concerning whatever it is that i'm facing and when i have that it makes it way easier to walk it out with joy even when it's hard and i have i've had three years of seasons that of my my of the last nine years i had two and a half years that were very very challenging in the midst of those almost nine years now but in the midst of it i always had joy i always had peace even if people would look at the situation around me and think how does she have joy how does she have he's like how was she doing that it was truly because i could lean into just the goodness of god the faithfulness of god just knowing that he's got it you know as i'm working through it step by step you know do you have like one of the i'm sure there's many moments do you have like a specific moment that you can share right now say there was a moment that i had to really lean to god and listen to what he say and then shift the things around or situation around uh while maybe nicers around you or or other to all different kind of voices around you yeah so there's kind of two things that come to mind um one of them is financially so there have been there have been times within the finances where things are super tight and now i've got a whole team like i got all kinds of bills to pay right so it's not just me who i can just say i won't take a check or whatever it's like i got all kinds of bills to pay right there have been times where i didn't have what i needed but then god called for me to give is like well you're calling for me to sew but i'm like i don't have enough but i do know enough about the way god works to know that my obedience my obedience is going to be necessary the matter and i also understand the principle of reaping sowing and reaping so even though business pure business wise didn't make sense no sense pure business wise i went ahead and did it and i watched how god multiplied what i sowed and made sure every single detail was taken care of and that is not a one-time testimony that is a multiple times testimony that i have experienced that um where it's just really like leaning into the truth the kingdom principle as opposed to the worldly business principle and watching god be faithful and move in the midst of that right because i'm operating based off of his way of being in his way of doing things so i've got those things but then i also want to share this one if if i can can i share them one more sure sure okay i mean you can take another three hours it's okay [Music] don't say that to a storyteller so the other thing that comes to mind which it's not so much that we were in a position at that time that was very challenging but we had been spending like six years of just kind of growing incrementally you know just being faithful showing up and all of those things and i remember when i was um it was in the middle of writing grace over grind okay now that was my 10th book but it was actually my breakout book like but it was my 10th book right and i remember i was in the midst of writing that book and the lord said to me you're not going to write this book right now i was actually i was pregnant with my youngest daughter and he's like you're not going to write this book right now he said put it on hold and he said you're going to wait until after you've had the baby and he said to me there was something about this pregnancy that was important for the message in the book i'm thinking okay like i don't know what in the world could that be but whatever you know and so i was faithful to put aside something that i've been living out for years like i could have written the book okay i was in the midst of writing this book lord said not now not until the baby is born because there's something about this pregnancy and so i was like i'll be obedient i put the book down didn't work on it ends up fast forward i end up having a completely supernatural childbirth no pain no medication no it was just absolutely crazy but god used my childbirth story which is in the book but he used that story to not only teach me something but also to then be able to have me share a story that gave an example of what it looks like to labor work you know to labor in his rest in with his grace and favor and see how that not only impacts you but impacts the people around you and he allowed me to use that story in that book which is which we get so much feedback about just that aspect i'm sorry male or female right man can't barely relate to the childbirth thing but yet they really understand what happened you know they understand what's happening here so anyway so i waited just like the lord said waited made sure that that i was no longer pregnant had the baby that i was like oh that's what you want me to do write the book release this book he had also told me that this book that after you release this book you will be the poster child for the message in that book i don't know what that means but i'm like okay you know i will be obedient i'll wait so i waited and then after i released the book kelly that's when everything in kingdom driven entrepreneur took off like we had just been slowly slowly diligently just you know being faithful but after that book came out i mean even to this day there have been books written since and they still do not pace the sales of that book and the and and the then how far that the message of that book has gone and it increased everything with kingdom driven entrepreneur i was i barely spoken on a stage before that book came out uh now i speak quite a bit um our revenue grew by two and a half times you know a handful of months after that book came out our the the money that we were spending in advertising to to attract people to the community and all of those things we actually for a while didn't have to pay anything because we were getting a number of we were getting 10 times the leads for free you know from uh you version um then you know we put this bible reading plan in the u version and you know in the u version app with no expectation other than to fill a gap that hey there's not a whole lot of people here talking about entrepreneurship and kingdom mindset and so hey let's put this here but then god just gave us such crazy favor uh with with those plans i mean i have like eight plans but one of them one of them they sent an email about to their community another you know just tons of people another one they put in the first spot under the work category i couldn't put it there there's no seo strategy to try to to try to work you can't you can't pay for the spot there's nothing that you can do and that one little plan of all the plans i did that one little plant was like 80 and now those plants have seen over six been subscribed to over 650 000 times kelly it was god it was nothing i can't take credit for anything other than the fact that i was obedient to wait to write that book and then for the timing to work out for the person who connected me for to do the youversion thing for me to like it was just be faithful and obedient that's it and that's all i did and i did write the plans and i did submit them but he took my my little bit and he made a whole lot from it that we are still benefiting from to this day in terms of impact influence and income right and so that's that's the other story i want to share yeah i know we don't have a lot of time so i'll stop right there no it's okay well uh just yesterday or so i was uh chatting with uh uh tasha yeah and kasha i'll talk about you know i've been using now phrase ro is way better than roi that's right your return on obedience yes exactly and then now there's another testimonial for you guys right here and um you know it's since this is the easter project and we we i was late to do this well i mean did not get a lot of notification lore uh just about a week ago right put down everything that while i was preparing some something lunch and but yeah uh when passover time is really to for me personally it's always very significant time it's to really to uh you know jewish people they will really like clean up the the house and then get away the you know whatever unclean or things the basically they want to prepare their heart and the space to really can go into this new land okay so the brain suits so have this in mind right that's one of the key reasons why we're doing what we're doing here yeah and shay what is the departing wisdom to say okay now we have hear a lot so by this point that people hear a lot of story about all about obedience about really just listen to god and do what he said so but i think that stems from the intimate relationship with the lord yes that is the foundation of that's the foundation for everything i mean if we're just operating out of just well you know i'm sitting around waiting for what what guys i got to say and you know when god's got to say something i'll go do it it's like it's coming out of an improper identity and when if with intimacy with god with spending just time in his presence a time in the word just time engaging with god in the everyday you know uh from doing that that allows you to then get proper identity and then when you have proper identity and you also have a revelation of his love for you it allows you to trust him it allows you to be obedient out of love not obedient out of some weird kind of mindset around things right it allows you to say you know what i'm i'm being obedient here because i know god has my absolute best in mind he loves me and he's inviting me into his best and so i want to be faithful and i want to be obedient because i i absolutely understand as a son as a daughter as you know that this is his best you know for me as my father and when you come from that place that is a healthy place in which to move with god to hear god and to respond you know i've certainly been obedient when i before i had healthy identity with god but but that was part but it was almost like that in those beginning stages it was like he was kind of wooing me into relationship right and so i had this reverential fear of the lord that was healthy but i didn't have necessarily healthy identity but in the process of just getting to know him and getting to know me and him that intimacy foundation made everything possible after that that made it possible for me to exalt his wisdom that made no sense to me or the world around me above all else and to go and move as he is showing me right or as he is correcting me or as he is revealing to me right it allowed me to do that in a healthy way you know uh allowing having intimacy with him allows his love to cast out your fear right so then you can be courageous and you can be bold but all of this comes from intimacy so that's the foundation of everything it wasn't just the foundation for where it started for me it's the foundation of where it is now for me and it's the foundation of what it how it will forever be with me is intimacy with god and i know already that people some of people now listen link to this or watching this and say okay so i'm not too late no you're still here if you can listen to this or watch this it's not too late because obviously still here obviously it's no accident that you are listening to this or you are watching this that god is speaking to you that it is not too late and it's not too late well you should just start right i i cannot thank you enough to come in on the show and uh i just can you guys just tell we just cannot stop but by the nature of the time we have to stop because since we are now in heaven just yet so um but thank you so much for uh coming on show here and we showed you link all the goodies from kde in the show note thank you so much sister thank you love you how did you enjoy the conversation i hope that you are encouraged inspired and energized to carry out that what god has called you to do in this season can i also ask a little favor would you please make sure that you subscribe uh either podcast wise in itunes amazon music spotify pretty much everywhere you can listen to podcast too and subscribe to our youtube channel because the whole purpose of this easter project and this podcast is to put jesus back to the center of our business so if you can share this podcast with others with your fellow kingdom leaders and christian entrepreneurs we would really appreciate it thank you so much for watching please don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss another video and please share the videos with your friends so we can help more christian entrepreneurs to rise up in the marketplace

2021-04-11 00:49

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