Which Country Has The Most Secure Banks In The World 2021

Which Country Has The Most Secure Banks In The World 2021

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which country has the most secure banks in the world people feel the effects of money printing helicopter money inflation and political instability they fear higher taxes the valuation of the us dollar in euro confiscation redistribution of wealth capital export restrictions and new exit taxation they don't trust the government the world has become more insecure the question is how to protect what's yours more and more smart investors have a plan b they are moving their assets offshore outside of the country of residence here is the evidence since the kobe 19 crisis a new record number of investors moved assets insecure hands in swiss banks i will disclose surprising numbers later on in the video they are looking for a second passport a second residence or a golden visa having more flexibility and more mobility is an asset definitely since covet 19 the citizenship by investment and golden visa industry is skyrocketing smart investors are prepared for the worst case scenario i will give you a proven plan b strategy with the most secure banks in the world and the safest country for asset protection i will give you an overview on the nine most famous banking countries but only one country has the most secure banks in the world discover which country is best destination for protecting your asset get your money out of your country before your country gets your money out of you protect your money in the most secure banks in the world stay with me caputo and partners swissbankinglawyers.com hello i'm into caputo the swiss banking lawyer the founder of the boutique law firm kaputan partners and swiss banking lawyers.com the place where successful international business people find tips and solutions for better asset protection with twist banks and how to pay less tax we fight for your money offshore banking business is a red flag for some retail bankers offshore banking business means criminal activities offshore is a red flag most banks in the uk are not opening accounts for domestic uk companies if the beneficial owner is not a uk resident compliance officers have the last say in most questions that's the reality more often there is a compliance committee ruling over the business division if something goes wrong with combating money laundering the mistake was made by the committee and not by the single compliance officer that's a typical job protection and safety and strategy in big banks typical bankers have excessive fear of almost everything banks are reluctant in taking risk if possible the banks shouldn't even have clients they just cause problems this risk avoidance attitude will destroy the business let's have a closer look to some countries where a non-resident can still open an offshore bank account in an offshore com for an offshore company cyprus is a typical private banking and offshore banking jurisdiction for mainly russian clients cyprus is the prime offshore jurisdiction for russian clients cyprus has an extended double taxation treaty network first of all with the russian federation everyone remembers the banking crisis in cyprus in march 2013.

cyprus is doing a lot for attracting new investors since the crisis they launched a very attractive citizenship by investment program without effective and physical residence requirements this is the strategy to circumvent the automatic exchange of information and common reporting standard for many investors if you open a bank account with a new cyprus passport with residents in cyprus as a russian the swiss bank will send bank information to the cyprus tax authorities and not to russia that's the goal of many russian investors the citizenship by investment program also was a success story among the army of wealthy globalists or nomad capitalists buying a second passport also criminal capitalists were attracted to the program to listen to legalize the assets the european union attacked cyprus for having collected money of criminal origin the european union forced cyprus to suspend the citizenship program you may remember that deposits with laiki bank exceeding hundred thousand euro were all completely lost 47.5 of the deposits with the bank of cyprus were converted into shares of the bank a very bad deal the european union put a new technology to the test in the name of helping the bank to survive the european union legalized the confiscation of deposits since 2017 the european union has the palin legislation ready for the next financial crisis what does it mean to you the european union can legally confiscate your money to help the bank think about they will help the banks to survive with your money that's a bad thing that means red flag for smart investors most countries in the european union run out of money only switzerland liechtenstein and norway are financially not indebted all other countries are indebted when you do a research on the most secure banks for asset protection check the financial situation of the country first check the credit rating of the country before analyzing the banks credit rating inside the country first analyze the country after the banks indebted countries with budget problems are dangerous for your money here is a good example lebanon's zumbi banking sector since august 2019 clients with the banker count in lebanon lost their money it's impossible transfer money out of the country out of lebanon we have a nationality nationally regulated ponzi scheme in lebanon since august 2019 i'm receiving calls every week from investors having assets blocked in lebanon in lebanon zombie banks since august 2019 taking money out of lebanon has become mission impossible instead of becoming their money back the clients will receive shares of the lebanese zombie bank or the lebanese government will confiscate the zombie banks here is the rule number one check the credit rating of the country first before you check the credit rating of the bank which countries have three place standard and poor country credit rating switzerland has the most stable standard poor's triple a country rate uh counting credit rating since 1989 other countries with triple a standard and pools ratings are canada denmark germany liechtenstein luxembourg the netherlands norway singapore and sweden only switzerland has the most stable aaa credit rating since 1989. so cyprus has become attractive again i will tell you why despite the crisis in cyprus is very strange that substantial amounts of honey are still flowing into cyprus you know substantial amounts of onion are still flowing into cyprus you know why here is the truth the reason is there is nowhere else to gods but cyprus if you have been rejected by multiple brother banking jurisdictions you have no other option for opening a bank account try cyprus or you just give us a call we may have a better solution for you we can open corporate accounts for offshore companies owned by non-resident clients we are in a position to open corporate accounts here is the solution corporate bank accounts in bulgaria opening corporate accounts for non-resident owners is a nightmare we are opening offshore bank accounts in bulgaria for companies with non-resident owners in bulgaria it works let's assume you are living in monte carlo you have a panama company engaged in trading activities in and out transactions are very frequent usually banks do not like in and out transactions they have they don't want to do it they don't want to accept your money not with our bank we are in a position to open accounts for your trading company we have a very successful banking bulk area it's the best bank for executing transactions the bank officers offers trade finance services including letter of credit bank guarantee etc our clients have peace of mind with our solution for corporate accounts if you like this video show it to us and push the like button now if you like more information just like this subscribe to my youtube channel now if you click on the subscribe button and ring the bell you will never miss a new video do it push the subscribe button be in hong kong come will will hong kong remain a financial hub account opening in hong kong was super easy few years ago since the automatic exchange of information is taking place it's a nightmare you can try to open a corporate account in hong kong good luck good luck with the call center of the bank you have to involve chinese partners as directors having connections to china you need an attractive business plan with high turnovers for convincing the bank for bank account opening be alerted the chinese formalities can make you crazy you have no chance opening a bank account alone without the proper introduction alone it's mission impossible since the covet 19 crisis many smart investors are taking money out of hong kong they transfer their assets to switzerland just this morning i had a phone call with the hong kong investor why they don't trust the government in beijing transferring money out of china has become a very difficult task because of stringent capital export restrictions most chinese investors have a golden visa for portugal in the pocket in case of political turmoil they jump in the next airplane for portugal that's a typical plan b the first step of every plan b is moving money out to switzerland the second step is having a golden visa in the pocket in case of emergency you are in a pool position for leaving the country with the next airplane let's have a look at singapore singapore is a good jurisdiction if you do business in asia account opening for non-residents will not be easy anymore banks in singapore are very selective you need a substantial amount of money one million dollar should be the minimum deposit for singapore otherwise no chance in singapore you must be a very you must be very transparent with the bank their anti-money laundering compliance levels are mind-blowing their english skills are not the best the risk of misunderstandings will accompany you during the entire account opening process there is no free lunch in singapore singapore is adapting the automatic exchange of information and commonly reporting standard rules if you can produce strong evidence with impeccable documentation showing the original funds you may qualify for an offshore bank account there the high level or privacy and outstanding financial market infrastructure offered in switzerland also known as the swiss value chain can't be found in singapore let's talk about dubai the united arab emirates account opening in dubai can be very expensive and time consuming for a foreign company there is a lot of administration work you need a local facilitator or local sponsor to be successful with account opening in dubai not all banks are safe watch out many investors lost their money in dubai many clients made the application for permanent residence in dubai they formed a local company to circumvent the automatic exchange of information and copper and the common reporting standard you need a local company for obtaining the permanent resident permit it's possible obtaining the permanent residence permit without living in dubai permanently so you can be in dubai without living there however you have to be in dubai at least two times a year you can maintain your resident permit by traveling two times per year to dubai using a dubai as a fictitious residence for tax reasons is not a good idea it's not a good idea it's risky the tax agencies in europe are aware of the cheap tax evasion tricks with fabricated resident permits according to the last report in april 2020 the financial action task force accused dubai of being an attractive place for criminals in fact it's very easy for criminals to obscure company ownership information they obscure the information the paper trade the united arab emirates are not cooperating with international investigations a high volume of cash transactions involvement of politically exposed persons in international payments high level of corruption and the proximity to conflict regions for example iran are making dubai a wild west banking destination what does it mean to you what means wild west banking destination it's a very it's very easy to transfer money to dubai but very difficult to take money out of dubai dubai can be a money trap you have to be very careful with the choice of the right bank in dubai dubai lost his reputation and has definitely become a less attractive banking destination for honest and smart investors what about austria in austria it has become very difficult to establish a banking relationship as an unresident they are closing accounts for non-resident customers asterisk is famous for the gentle behavior of their inhabitants unfortunately that's not valid anymore for bankers let's have a look on liechtenstein liechtenstein is an excellent jurisdiction for international private banking bankers are educated and happy to serve non-resident clients however the financial market infrastructure and investment skills are not comparable with the high value chain offered by swiss banks switzerland is the first with the best banks in miami let's have a look to miami miami the new hub for tax evasion is miami the new hub for tax evasion in the usa it's very easy to open a bank account the usa are not exchanging bank information with the oecd countries there is no doubt miami is the hub for deposits with untaxed money owned by european tax torches trump created his own offshore paradise in the united states of america the newly elected president of the usa joe biden declared to close all sort of offshore loopholes so watch out what pipeline we do however in the usa all investment skills are focused on u.s companies and on the u.s dollar there is no global wealth management tradition and culture comparable to switzerland that's one of the main reasons why u.s

investors are bringing money to swiss banks we fight for your money they miss global wealth management skills in their states for some specific south american clients banking in miami may be okay banking in miami is okay if you have links to the united states for global-minded investors looking for globally diversified investments miami is not the right destination for the fine art of high-class private banking services i advise my clients to avoid international payments in u.s dollar there is no confidentiality it's very frequent that payments in u.s dollar are blocked by corresponding u.s banks often u.s banks are coming up with stupid questions misunderstandings and delays are very frequent especially if the sender of the payment has an arabic name your money can remain locked forever with caribbean banks banks in the caribbean islands are complicated they are not well capitalized account opening is very frustrating and time consuming they accept big amounts of money coming in but it will be very difficult to transfer big amounts of money out of the caribbean islands same phenomenon as in dubai easy to bring money in difficult to bring money out banking in the caribbean can be a one-way trap your money can remain locked forever there are many cheap offshore company providers and fraudsters in the caribbean i had clients who lost millions with banks in the caribbean so you have to be very careful with the selection of the right bank they invented fraudulent stories and blocked their assets many investors cannot move their money out of the corridor watch out we fight for your money if your one is clean and you should opt for the most secure banks in the world you should opt for switzerland the most secure banks in the world are definitely not in the caribbean islands be very careful with offshore company providers before opening a bank account in the caribbean you have to do your own homework first check the financial situation of the country first if you feel comfortable start your due due diligence on the banks check my video how to tell if a bank is safe the cayman islands offer an excellent jurisdiction for setting up hedge funds if you ask a hedge fund manager where the bank account of his hedge fund is located most probably the answer will be not the caribbean but the answer will be switzerland the hedge fund may be in the caribbean islands but not the money the cayman islands is a good place for your next holidays on the beach but definitely not for asset protection and international private banking services finally let's talk about the winner of our beauty contest switzerland confirmed his pool position as number one country for asset protection even more since the kobe 19 crisis the most secure banks in the world are managing beyond 9 000 billion swiss francs since the kobe 19 crisis swiss banks attracted hundreds of billions of swiss francs in new client money switzerland is the number one safe haven destination for all non-resident investors on earth according to the swiss public television eight of the biggest swiss banks attracted 86 billion in the first six months of last year 86 billion theory continental bank saw the biggest percentage rise compared to the same period last year that copay or turkish continental bank attracted 446 percent more money than the year before according to bloomberg lord anthony pemfort alone the king of excavators and billionaire recently moved six billion euro from the caribbean islands to switzerland in 2018 the total amount of assets managed by swiss banks went up by 30.8 to 7893 billion these numbers have been issued by the swiss bankers association unfortunately there are no other official numbers published swiss banks are very selective secretive therefore i made my own calculation according to my estimate the assets under estimation of swiss banks went up beyond 9 000 billion swiss franc if you agree with these numbers please confirm it and make a comment in the comment section below make a comment if you disagree please write your comment in the comment section below too i'm very wondering your your numbers if you have numbers tell us show us the world is becoming more insecure switzerland needs to save heaven for excellence offering stability and security swiss banks are world more completed they are managing between 25 and 30 of all existing officer money on the planet all these investors all these owners of 30 of all existing offshore money on the planet can not be wrong why switzerland is the best jurisdiction for asset protection since more than two thousand more than 200 years here are the reasons swiss banks are the best capitalized banks in the world we have predictable governments healthy budget strong and stable currency neutrality high legal security strong privacy protection and swiss bank secrecy highly regulated banking industry efficient client protection in case of bankruptcy securities and precious metals are not on the bank's balance sheet and an outstanding financial market infrastructure the so-called swiss value chain these are the reasons why investors such as the excavator king lord pemfort and many others are investing billions with swiss banks especially since the coming 19 crisis get your money out of the country before your country gets your money out of you don't go alone to the first interview with the bank the risk of being rejected is much higher if you are alone swiss banks like to work with somebody they trust we strongly advise you to hire an expert or a former compliance officer helping you with the opening of a swiss bank account you will reduce stress and save time and money if you want to open a bank account give us a call now on zero zero four one four four two one two four four zero four your swiss bank account is the entry ticket to the international business community how to deal with the most secure banks in the world i will give you some tips how to deal with banks good banks will make a lot of questions that's a good sign they want to know who you are and they ask for documents showing the origin of funds if a bank is not asking questions you should walk away immediately they will take your money away it's not a good sign if a bank is not asking questions the internet is full with fake banks without the banking license code banks ask questions if the bank will pose you a lot of questions you should answer immediately delay create suspicion make sure you have invoices and contracts agreements ready to show to the to show to the bank to show the legitimate origin of the funds don't try to provide false information fabricated documents or uncommon information can trigger a suspicious activity reports to the money laundering reporting office your assets can be frozen for months if not years i was competing for more than two years with the prosecutor for having legitimate funds back we fight for your money avoid transaction in u.s dollar

u.s dollar transaction may cause problems stupid questions and unjustified investigations by corresponding u.s banks can be the result where it's possible you should do swiss francs or euro transaction cash intervals with big amounts can be a problem if you plan a sensitive transaction please contact me first give me a call let's discuss the best way to prepare and secure a successful transaction give me a call now dial the above number here here is the number if you have a sensitive transaction such as call transaction commodity trading adult entertainment frequent in and out payments payments from risky countries etcetera you should consider changing the bank before your bank account are frozen you know exactly which banks we know exactly which banks are familiar and able to deal with sensitive activities remember the choice of a bank around the corner at home or a secure private bank in switzerland can make the difference between losing your assets overnight or protecting your assets for generations to come inside that information just like these cannot be found in universities in libraries and not in the internet if you like information just like these don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel now and ring the bell click the subscribe button and ring the bell by doing so you will never miss a new video if you need one of the most secure banks in the world call us now here is the number we are happy to start immediately with swiss bank account opening we will introduce you to the best swiss bank for foreigners and best in class as a manager who will grow your portfolio step by step we never lost the client our clients are happy because they make money step by step year by year with our external asset manager if you have a very confident question you would like to discuss with me only grab your mobile phone now and dial zero zero four one four four two one two four four zero four it's never too early to protect and diversify your assets by transferring a big part of your assets to switzerland get your money out of the country before your country gets your money out of you peerage and stay rich have a wonderful [Music] day [Music] you

2021-01-12 17:55

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