What You Don't Know About Me

What You Don't Know About Me

Show Video

So this video is gonna be a lot different than most of my video this channel has grown so, fast so quickly in the last year I just wanted to kind of stop and say thank, you so in this video I'm gonna share a little bit more about myself answer, some of the questions that, you use the ass in the comments section just kind of like share my life how I got to Japan how, the YouTube channel started all the questions that you guys wanted, to know that I never really answered, in my previous videos this video may be a little bit boring because it's all about me I generally, focus on topics about Japan, but I guess this is for the people that are like generally, interested, in and want to know more about me so I'm making it for you guys this is kind of my way of saying thank you so much for being a part of this channel I kind of wanted to do this video outside I. Don't really like doing videos inside, plus I feel like it's a it's a better way to show you Tokyo. And show you Japan, when I'm outside as opposed to be inside yeah so this video is gonna be done all outside, but I do apologize, for the sound if it's just terrible and I apologize and I'm sweating because it still is really really hot in Tokyo, I'm actually in the yoga park it's actually one of my favorite parts in Tokyo, some of you might already know I live in Shibuya so it's just right, next door so why not do the video here. So. Let's start with this, so as of earlier this year I'm completely, full-time. On YouTube, meaning, that I quit my consulting, job I also closed down my other, company, which was kind of like an app business so, basically I'm, full-time creating, content on YouTube now it's been quite, the transition. But, I don't regret any of it at all in fact I don't do this channel all by myself some of you already know that my Co my wife almost, who does this channel with me most of the times you don't see here because she's behind the camera but she's very much part of this channel but it is a bit kind of scary that now this, channel is, our how, to say our main source. Of revenue our, main source of income and we kinda just need to figure out how we can produce content, for you guys as, well. As kind of like earn a living, and the thing is that Michael and I really. Love, making, videos we, love going to different places trying, out new food, and it's just kind of one of the passions that we've kind. Of grown into over the last few years basically, we just need to find a way to make, it so that we can continue doing, what we love and who knows you might be starting a family down, the road so it's, kind of a bit overwhelming, but also exciting, at the same time so one of the things we're thinking was, to introduce memberships. If you guys aren't familiar with, memberships it's kind of something new on YouTube, the reason this idea came about is, actually, from you guys a lot of you just want more access so one, of the things that we were thinking of doing is providing, those, people who sign up and support the channel with memberships, access, to behind-the-scenes footage, additional.

Information, On some of my secret spots and Tokyo live chats and just in general more access, that you wouldn't get normally, in my videos probably before this video releases or shortly after this video releases we'll have memberships, set up so for those of you who want to help support the channel then those are kind of the ways to do it but I should also say for those of you oh gosh, anyway. It's getting a little bit too windy here let's try to find a place that's less, windy and for those of you who aren't able to support the channel no, worries the channel still stay the same I released the same content, every, week it's just with those of you who want to help support the channel now, the option is available and. Look. There's a festival going on at the park today. So. This is a little bit better than, the park there's less, wind less, birds of squawking, and yeah feel a little bit more comfortable for some reason oh. There's. The wind I guess. We couldn't get rid of the wind and another thing I wanted to talk about the, channel of direction, since the channel is getting larger there's, more of you guys watching, these videos I kind of wanted to stay. A little bit more focused so probably moving forward you'll see a lot more Japan. Focused. Videos, for, you used to see techies. To see let's, go into Vietnam, the Philippines Thailand. I know this channel started off as, a Japan, vlog but it wasn't that popular. Unfortunately. And the. Construction, started to shoot I guess. We got to move on to the next spot I really. Like I really like this spot too. Anyways. So I've, actually sat, at this spot before does anyone know which video I was sitting in this exact spot so just continue where we left off, one of the ideas I've. Had is, I, kind, of want to start a second, channel, to be able to share with you guys kind, of the stuff that Michael, and I are doing, on a regular basis, maybe some of the trips we go on kind of outside, of Japan less, edited, less, curated, more, real more raw, just, kind of like us living, our daily lives and having kind of our regular. Adventures as opposed to kind of a curated. Very focused, topics, on this channel I think we're gonna kind of share, them over our lives and kind of like what we're doing and who knows maybe in the future when you have a little run around they'll, also be on the channel I don't really know the name of it it could be something like Tokyo, zebra or D, Guzman's from Tokyo. I don't. Really know maybe you guys can let me know what you guys think also I don't even know if there's actually. A real, interest, in people, wanting, to see that, channel so what I'll do is I'll leave a link in the description as well as the link to that channel in a pin comment so you guys can see it and if you do get enough subscribers then. We'll start another channel if not then maybe we won't create the channel it's just a really up to you guys if you want to see it let me know so one of the questions that, I often, get.

Is How. Did you get to Japan I actually came here as, an, exchange student I was going to school in LA, at. A school, called Pepperdine, University, and my, third year of university. I decided, to apply for the Japan, exchange, program, I just kind of had a fascination. Of, Japan, the culture and especially the technology, before coming to Japan I did a semester in Florence, and I kind of got this travel, bug and I decided that it was kind of a little bit too late because usually go overseas, your. Sophomore. Year or, your junior, year you can spend your senior year and graduate in the class I didn't actually do that I was kind of late decided to go and it was already my senior year so, I ended up not being able to walk with my class but, I did decide to apply for the exchange program and I was expected, expected, I was accepted. One thing that I remember though is right, before maybe, a couple months before I was supposed. To fly to Japan I was offered an internship for a, software. Company in, Santa. Monica which is which is in LA and at, that point I was kind of torn whether or not hey I should take this job and perhaps. Kind of develop, a career out of it or should kind of I risk it and go to Japan but I thought about it for some time and I just realized that I may never get a chance to seize Japan and if I did get to see Japan maybe later on in my career after. Maybe having a house a family and all of that it, just wouldn't be the same I wanted to experience a pan when I was young kind of have that full, experience. Of Japan, so I packed my bags and I headed to Japan man when I first arrived. In Japan I was, so, excited. Everything was so interesting, everything, was so new my whole world was kind of blown, away and I just fell in love with this place but at the same time I was pretty lost but that's kind of like the magic of everything is discovering, a whole new world here and when I make my videos today I try to remember me, back in that time how, confused, I was all the things that I wanted, to know all the things that I had questions about and so when I make those videos I'm kind of talking to myself, back, in the day hopefully I can help that guy out because he wasn't so so lost so luckily my university had, change program and their sister school was actually Sofia, University but. Just here in Tokyo which was really, really convenient, I even had a homestay, family, for the first year so it, made everything really really easy I didn't have to worry about rent, I didn't have to worry about board, it was kind of all included, all I had to like really worry about was. Just my, like, living expenses, I only had about two, to three thousand dollars if I remember correctly in my bank and that, was, kind of enough I didn't really have to worry about all the different costs I was going to school and that, was enough, for, me to be able to get by initially. Though I was able to find, an English, teaching, job. Just. Like a part-time job for a couple hours a week I would teach the kids of some family friends I think at the time I was making about. $30. An hour and so then someone asked me to teach a group of kids English after school I think was about to enough hours for one session once. A week they paid me like a hundred and twenty dollars then I picked up another job teaching, English I was working a few hours a week and I was making, $300. In pocket change and that was just kind of like enough for me to get by plus by 2 to 3 thousand dollars I had saved up for the first few months in Japan I didn't really worry about cash too much as far as language goes I. Kind. Of studied a little bit right before I came to Japan but, I mean I just like kind of news I'm here to Ghana maybe, handful. Of words but it wasn't until after I went to university, I started, learning a lot more and then using it here in Japan with the homestay, family, as well as friends and well, you'll learn with the second language is you just never stop learning so in general life, was pretty good hanging, out with friends discovering. New places making. Okay money for a college student at the time obviously I was on a student, visa I initially, got a 1-year visa but, as I, like started to like, Japan. More and more I decided that you know I'm gonna figure out a way to, kind of stay out here I think it, was a good idea for me to come here as a student first to kind of figure out whether or not I liked it and I started trying to figure out a more permanent way to stay, here in Tokyo, I started, by just looking, for. Jobs I think I looked in some magazines, at the time to see if there was any jobs available and if I could recall correctly, I interviewed, with two, jobs, the first job was a miserable fail the second job I actually ended, up getting first job was for, I think a magazine for, one like an Account Manager and I, went, in there and my new I was still in college hidden, so has never had like a real professional, job before, and in high school I work for Safeway bagging, groceries but, I never had a professional, career, I remember going in to.

That Interview. And I think one of the first questions they asked me is how, do I manage my schedule I, pretty, much told him I don't. Really have a schedule, to manage, I just go to classes, and I, hang, out with my friends, I think, they were probably expecting, me to like show them like the calendar system I use or something like that but. Obviously, I didn't have that those skills at the time so that, interview didn't goes so well but, the second, interview, I went into was, for an IT firm I was a computer science and business major, and so when I went into the interview I was able to answer basic. Questions about computers. How things work say just say I got the job with IT firm they hired me on as an, associate, engineer, it was more on the systems and infrastructure, side of IT, but. I I really really, liked it has a student, in, Japan you can work I believe, I, believe 20. Hours, a week so once I got this job then I quit all the English teaching job which actually worked out really well because after. My second, year of university. ID, firm just hired, me on full-time they, sponsored. My working visa here in Japan and I, worked for them for several years I started off as an associate, engineer went to engineer and then eventually became, a project, manager and during those several years I learned a lot about, Japanese. Business, culture, it wasn't uncommon, for me to work 10 to 12 hours a day I, worked a lot of weekends, but luckily, the company I was working for had kind of more of Western culture so I did get paid the, overtime for my work which was nice there's a lot of projects, going on at the time overall it was a great experience I busted, my ass. Learned a crapload. Then, after, several, years working as a project manager, ended, up leaving that company. And then I was hired on by a software, development company in the finance industry and I, did that job for a couple years I'm also making, more, friends picked, up snowboarding.

As Young I was in my 20s I had money, and a. Snow burning it became a huge part of my life I was doing it every. Weekend. Until I, had just. A major major. Snowboarding. Accident which, kind, of changed the whole direction of, my life here in Japan but let me tell you more about that, story I'm, defining a new spot because my. Butt's getting kind of sore. So. Where was I oh yeah. Major. Major, a snowboard. Injury, basically, I ended up at the Nagano, emergency. Room I broken-down, rig I broke my hip I had an aneurysm. I crushed my long and, just like a whole. Slew, of. Injuries. I spent about a month at Nagano ICU, yeah, so pretty much I almost died just, a lot of stuff that happened I ended up having to get open-heart, surgery, which. Then led. To me losing my voice for a year so I was in and out of the hospital for I would say. Over. A year it was a pretty, intense. Experience I, just I remember. When. I first got, into the, ICU, waking. Up and I was intubated they had like tubes inside of my lungs I couldn't speak to nurses, that were above me and I, really, just wanted, to talk. And, I couldn't at the time I was like still kind of shook, and. I wanted to write down, what. I wanted to say but I couldn't read any kanji, on like a board to tell them what I wanted to say but I think I just cried and, I think I passed out but like in hindsight, I, could have probably, just, written in English because I couldn't think of anything other time so it was just a very like frustrating, and intense. To say the least the fortunate, thing was, was, that all of that hospital, care was, covered, under my health care in Japan, so I was actually quite, lucky I didn't have to end up paying a lot in fact, I did an entire video on that it's called how much I paid for Japanese, health care link is in the description, as always I think overall, the experience was, kind, of a wake-up call for me kind of realize that life. Is I could, just be over just like that and somewhere. Between staying. At the hospital, and all. The long hours that I ever worked in Japan I think it was just time for me to, do. Something on my own and the. Snowboard accident just kind of like kind of forced, me out of that routine. I ended up quitting my job I started it on my own thing and I tried a few different businesses. I had some money saved. Up from all of the work that I had done for the last several years so I was like I was okay not having a job right away I was. Sitting. In the park in fact the park that we were at earlier I was, sitting in the park with a friend and we were just talking about her previous jobs and I told him how I liked when I first came to spend I taught English it'd be cool like kay we're kind of free right now how cool would that be if we could be in the park and someone. Was able to just find, us and have a lesson meet us in the park have a lesson for an hour and then we'd be on our way we don't have to like call them or organize it or like have it like a set schedule gotten, the ball rolling, and I was thinking hey that there might be an, idea, there I thought about it a little longer and I think that day I went home and I started actually, working, on, a way to solve that problem the, most important thing for me at the time was just to. Start and when I came up with was, basically, a gps-based. Matching. Platforms, for English teachers and students. Here, in Japan you can kind of say the app as a hybrid of Airbnb. And, uber, meets, English. Teachers and students, in Japan within, I, would say a, couple weeks. To, maybe within like a few weeks I had like the, plan all fleshed, out I was interviewing, developers. And I like devoted, all of my time to, trying to build this app because I thought you know how cool would that be again to just be at the park and someone to, contact you have a lesson and then be on your way he just messes them all, through your mobile device you can turn it on you can turn it off you can have it here and Tokyo then maybe if you went to Osaka, you can do lessons there so long story short I I did, I built an app it was called a chi whanau a Kiowa meaning, English, conversation. Here in Japan now being, like now you can have a lesson so a kimono. Made, sense at the time had, a small team in Tokyo, I was. Funding it all myself, and it, was just a crazy. Learning, experience all the stuff I had. Never, done before granted, I was in software development I was doing IT infrastructure. Project, management which is nothing, like building, your own software.

Building. Your own company, starting, your own company all this was a completely, brand new hiring, was new the finance, accounting marketing. Software. Development, all of it was new, to me but all the project management skills I had in the past I learned I was able to put it into this, new project I learned a lot I would make mistakes I learned from them and then I'd fix, it the next time around he just keep on making. Changes. Every. Time around and mind you this whole time I'm funding, all of this myself so, I was taking on 100%, of, the risk probably, not the smartest business, choice but again I wanted to do everything. On my own I didn't, want to have anyone owning, any part of my dream, tell the sauce how I saw and in order to for like fund this stuff I pretty, much cut, out a lot of the. Partying, hanging, out with friends expensive. Meals I pretty much, didn't. Spend any money and the only money that I spent was. To throw back into, this business because I mean it was that important, to me I wanted. More than anything for this to succeed and in order for me to do that I knew I had to sacrifice some. Of those things I love but I think one of the coolest, feelings in, the world was. Finally, getting it published shortly. After that was having someone. Actually use, it and book. A lesson and actually. Like a payment to go through that was kind of one of the most saddest. Moment some of the important things I learned from this whole software. Development. App, business, starting my own company, was. One software. Development, is endless, it just never stops - as, much money you spend on, building. The app you're gonna have to spend way, more in marketing I think three is more than anything you're, gonna need a lot of capital, to fund, this yeah so I needed more capital and in order to do that I needed to raise funds 100 percent on my own so I wanted to kind of raise the funds on my own I didn't want to get investors, at the time unfortunately, I got offered a private, consulting, job I paid quite well it was in the finance industry and, so, I took it now I was not only building my hub company, but I also was working in finance as a consultant.

At The same time which was okay because at, this time I just needed the developers, to develop it so basically. I would just take the. Money that I was earning from, the consulting, position and I was just move, it to, that business actually, around, this time just, right after I took on the consulting, position I met Michael my wife now we hit it off right away I told. Her what I did, and one of the things was she was completely, supportive. From, the beginning I remember I had to hand out flyers, at. The park she went in and, help me hand out flyers I wasn't paying her but she came, in and helped, me so I was like wow this is actually, pretty. Cool why I guess and what do you do when someone's that supportive, I hired her full time before. That she was working in the fashion industry, as. VMD. She was working for a top international brand she liked it but I don't think she liked a manager, and I said hey why, don't you come work for me and obviously, there's just there's a lot of risk in that but I think she saw my dream how passionate. I was she became a full-time marketer. For, a chi, whanau is this for like about a year or so and then one day we. Were just talking, about YouTube, and I said hey, why not let's start and so if you ever see my. First, video. I'm riding my skateboard. Michael is behind the camera which at the time was my iPhone, we didn't really think too much of it and we just started going the, first software we used was free software, on the Mac but I movie so all of it we started with no, money at all we just decided. To start and from there started uploading content that, we like and we would read the comments, at the time there was barely any comments, but, we would read those comments and then we just kind of make changes along the way and then the channel became. What. It is now based on like your comments, all the feedback the most important thing again was just to start we just worked really, really well together and at the time I was really into Casey nice dad I think what was so attractive, with Casey for, me was. That his videos were, so. Simple, it made. It look like anyone. Could, do it but then he started trying to do it it completely failed, and we weren't doing it nearly. As well in fact we're doing horribly, but, again. You learn along the way and to be honest with you guys I'm not very much of a camera, person, in fact again, in my first video like a super shy in front of the camera hey, it's, Paulo check, out my vlog over. Time it gets better and you, learn so now we're, doing the YouTube channel, but I'm also doing the private consulting, and we're, also doing the, a car whanau business, just, super.

Super Busy and I, think this year the. Channel kind of turned a corner and just started. To really grow mainly, all because of you guys and all of your support so again, thank, you pretty much changed, our lives and I, was able to start, youtube full-time. Quit my consulting, business I shut. Down econ. One now and, now we're, just doing, YouTube, completely, if you guys have watched the channel you know that Michael and I also got married at the beginning a year what a lot of you might not know is that I. Actually, proposed. Her and recorded it on video, and uploaded it to YouTube I don't think a lot of people saw, that but it's actually an on send video it's called a private Japanese, hot spring hotel tub, you guys want to see Mirabeau some aegyo then check, out that video and what was clear to me then and what's I mean now is that this whole thing, would. Have never happened. If my Co didn't take a risk on me who would have never built this YouTube channel we needed to have that opportunity. To, work together and the fact that she saw something. In the. Dreams I, had, for a chi whanau at the time really, meant a lot and that's kind of like something that I. I. Don't. Wanna cry. Feeling. Kind of emotional, right now. Well. Anyways um let's, finish the rest of this video somewhere, else. All. Right I'm lucky to have Michael and I'm just kind of looking forward to, the, stuff we create, moving, forward for this channel for you guys and I'm, just happy she took a risk on me and decided to work and help me with my dreams and now we're creating our dreams, together which is pretty awesome and I think that pretty much answers most of the questions oh there, may be a few more questions for those of you who watch the earlier vlogs you already know that both of my parents are Filipino, I was born in the Philippines in Khe Sanh city but when I was 3 I moved to the States, first to San Francisco, and then later to the Seattle area in a little city called Redmond, maybe, not so little now growing up mostly in the, Seattle Redmond area and then I went to university in, LA and although I eat a lot of food in my videos I usually try to work out five to six times a day not. 5 5 to 6 9 that's a lot I try to work out five to six times a week it helps keep the fried chicken cut down and I guess that's pretty much it but, I think one thing I wanted. To share or I wanted to kind, of leave it all of you guys with is, what, I've learned at, least for myself the, last few years and living here in Japan if you're stuck in something that you're doing that you don't want to do you have a passion for.

Something Else, you, have a dream, that you actually. Want, to pursue I think the best thing to do is just start one of the questions. I often get. Asked, is how. Do I start this new job how do I start this new business or even how do I start a YouTube channel my, answer is to. Just start I don't worry so much about, whether or not I can or can't, do something I just start, doing it and I learn along. The way you just gotta like go and like see what happens and although hey Kyle WA now that business was never as successful. As I, wanted it to be her and I spent a lot. Of money into, it it's been a lot of time I was able to take all the stuff I learned from. That experience and, move it over to, YouTube so whatever you do even if you fail or even though it doesn't work out the, way you want it to work out just as long as you're able to learn something. Experience, it's always gonna be a positive so, with that all said thank, you so much for, joining, me on this journey so much more content, to come and if. You do have something that you're looking to do don't, worry about what's gonna happen just, art because you never know what's, gonna happen, catch, you guys in the next one.

2019-10-20 16:29

Show Video


The New Channel -  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk8Fs9fhRAZ1KAmbXcGkWjg Subscribe for more of our daily life videos.  Also, if we do it, should it be called Tokyo Zebra or de Guzmans fromTOKYO?  Btw, Tokyo Zebra is our website.  https://www.tokyozebra.com/

@Paolo fromTOKYO that sounds good to

Please please bring out the second channel! I love your videos! One fan from from Paris!!!

Paolo how did you learn Japanese? Did you know any before you came to Japan?

Hi brothers...can u make vedio about local food and local market ....rather than bento....like festival food ... Street festivalfooos


If you ever need a job other then youtube . I think a tourguide in japan would fit you perfectly.

@kajiomoi if we did that, it may be paolo and maiko's adventures

@Linda Wu good point. thanks.

@Allison Lynn for sure. Thanks for watching.

@suzycanfly Glad to hear you are interested in a 2nd channel.

@Wesley Hung Cool, Thanks.

@xGrayOut_ Thanks for the feedback

A cool name suggestion for the new channel could be paolos adventures?

I loved your vietnam videos, im using them for info when we go in june, so more travel vids would be good, you do an excellent job of showing the area.

Hey, I want to know when you are shooting on the street shop owner, do you need to ask them if you can use their image in your video or you can just use? I'm not so familiar with Japanese law, I was always afraid to shot anything when I travel to Japan, that people said shooting in the street can cause 5 years jail time, is that true?

“De Guzman’s fromTokyo” sounds good bc family is important

Thank you for sharing! It was nice to learn more about you and your life. Keep up the awesome content!

De Guzmans in Tokyo! Subscribing to your new channel. Sigh, it touched me when you teared up. Thank you for the content you share!

In my opinion, Tokyo Zebra sounds better.

tokyo zebra if you want to make it a consistent brand

Paolo fromTOKYO I would love to see vlogs! I have been watching since the regular Tokyo vlogs and I really liked those videos. I also have done a ton of suggestions from your videos when I went to Japan! I’m subscribing now! Hope you get the subs you need because I’m looking forward to more content!!

Thanks for subscribing to the 2nd channel.

Hello Mr De Guzman I just subbed your second channel, Zebra

Thank you for sharing. To be honest since I’m already a fan I will watch whatever content you put out lol but yeah I’m looking forward to like your day in the life vlogs.. those are always fun to watch.

Really enjoy your content, it's very unique. Keep up the good work! -a happy subscriber

maybe your best video yet. I would love a second channel - subbed!

Yes second channel with just you guysss!!!!! Finally

You're a hero xD

Like ur videos.. they are actually helpful for those who wanna visit Japan.. i know i did :)

When i first went to japan it was autumn 2018 (days before the flight) i saw your video that tells what you should do when you first arrived in japan. That video helped me a lot and i started to subscribe. Now we are planning to go back to japan in spring 2019 and i still watch your vlogs because it is really healpful. Please continue what you are doing. You and maiko get all these support because both of you deserve it ♥

Are you filipino?

Been following ur guide for past 2 trips. I went Tsukiji yesterday and ur photos can be seen all around!! U are famous!

I've never met you but I fee like we're very close friend.

Pls create an app for all your maps n location of stuff. I need to download your maps n google search your recommendations every time. It’s troublesome. It’d be awesome if there’s some kind of app for directions!!

Thank you for just being who you are, delivering enjoyable, easy-watching content. Personally, your channel has helped me overcome some issues by just simply being real, authentic and light-hearted.

Wow! Its amazing to hear that my vids could help you through your issues. Thanks for sharing.

Awesome guy's great video.

NISSAN GTR R34 Next video please:)

Also I think the youtube channel for daily videos is a very good idea. Look at Only in Japan, he has a 2nd channel called Only in Japan Go which also becoming popular


sound is so bad

Thank you


I’d get a patreon set up as well, since Youtube is *notorious* for screwing over content creators, but congrats on the channel fam! Can’t wait to see you reach 1 Mil ^^ Also you did the EXACT SAME THING as I did in Germany (study abroad, stay 2 years, go back to SF for a year, come back to continue degree)

Just became your 1000th sub on your 2nd account

I think its wise it keep your income segments

Hugs to Paolo and maiko from houston texas.

Absolutely love this channel and thank you so much for sharing your experience in your career. Good luck for the future!

You can walk and talk you know, use a wind socket on the mic or get a small lapel mic and just walk around the place and talk using a selfie stick for the cam.. like these non food vids.

Your videos are amazing, I wish I could support your channel more! Keep on doing what you're doing!

I don't even know who you are *Subscribe and like for good video*

Finally been waiting for a video like this

We saw a different side of Paolo today. Keep it up bud. I'm sure your channel will continuously grow larger with all the dedication you and Maiko put into it. Maybe you could start doing those livestreams too, like what you did with John Daub.

Such a genuine dude. I live your content. My window to Japan and an inspiration to accomplish my dream of settling there.

Worried about the over working hours though, lol.

I like this channel very much, maybe next time when I'm going to Japan I might ask you to be my tour guide with payment of course.

Subscribed to your 2nd channel! Really looking forward to whatever you have in store for that one, & this one too.

*pans over to field of shallow graves*

"What you don't know about me" Me: You

Love this video Paulo! My husband and I really dig your content and used your tips for our one month in Japan last year. I'm so glad you're recovering! Also shout out to Maiko, we are always stoked when she's in a video :D We love your "day in the life of" videos :)

I'm proud of how much you have been through! Started watching your video since early last year and I have always been waiting for the Saturday dose of Paolo and Food. :) And yes, since I'm one of your OG subscriber, I remember the onsen video that you proposed to Maiko. I was so touched by it. :)

Thanks for always watching OG!

Have you thought about reaching out to other youtubers based in Japan? I mostly think about people around Toky o creative

I just wanted to say thank you, I watched alot of your vids before my trip to japan, and it helps... ALOT!

So much respect. Thank you Paulo!

Very inspiring story, Paolo. The first time I visited Japan with my wife, I was in awe. I had that feeling of wanting to stay and live there. So the year after that, I came back with my wife and three daughters for our family vacation. Will definitely visit again!

Thanks for making this video, it's great to get to know more about the man behind the best ramen reviews on youtube!

I love watching all your videos, and Maiko is lovely too! I enjoy the educational content of your videos, learning Japanese with Maiko pronouncing the words. You two are a fab couple and I'd love to see day in a life videos ❤

Wow paolo... I started watching your videos, it was December 2017 while planning my 2 weeks in Japan at the end of March and beginning of April 2018. Your 2 videos about Top ramen in Shibuya have been so so useful for my trip and since there I loved the content. For me the key of your video’s quality is the passion that you and Maiko put into it

Dude you deserve all the success coming your way!

We, love your content ...keep following your dreams! We are coming back to Tokyo in November thanks in part to your content...kudos!


What an inspiration! Salamat!!

Last few minutes were very inspirational.

such a romantic love story

Why don't you make a day about Japanese defense force?Or focus on the police job for a day?

I just recently found your channel. Maybe a month ago. I personally just love Japan and I was searching for Kyoto and hey, I saw your video. You were genuine, kind and your voice wasn't like the others screaming "HEYYY, WE'RE IN KYOTO"

Discovered your channel while researching my Japan trip. Been and gone, had a fab time but I will still continue to look forward to your videos. The variety of content is what I like. I don’t think you need to stick to just Japan travel content. You should share what you are interested in travel, food, tech and your daily life as you as a couple, This makes it genuine and authentic. I prefer your style of video because it feel like you are sharing your ‘local’ perspective and opinion rather than just another video of the ‘highlights, must visit’ spots that seemed to be covered elsewhere. I see others have suggested you being a tour guide but I wonder if having a shorter “tour” version may be worth exploring e.g having a meal with Paolo/Maiko- it can just be a bowl of ramen or a few food stops, short and sweet and people get to meet you guys. There are so many choices, not likely to be repetitive and boring as tours where the guide goes to the same temple a thousand times. All the best for your channel/s.

To much editing ...... :)

Interesting video. I would have liked to know some numbers, but I guess I can understand why you kept that private. I’ll be honest, I doubt the sub thing will work.i know a few vloggers are looking for an alternative to YouTube right now as it’s slowly becoming more about the money. Personally, I think subs damage the brand as most people understand how the revenue system works on YouTube meaning subbing your channel makes you look a little greedy, especially if the only content is going to be unedited few footage from behind the scenes.

Thanks for sharing and motivation, Paolo. You are living proof that dreams can come true. Keep up the good work

Paulo we are in Japan now and will visit shibuya next week, can we meet you?

Id love to see another different channel to see your real life!

God bless you always

I stated watching it was 100k subs, now its grown to 500k subs. Congrats Sir Pao

I always thought he was gay.

Thank you for the hard work and inspiration. You and Maiko-san make a great team! Your channel is so informative and interesting even for foreigners working / living in Japan & I think that you deserve 1 Million subscribers or more.

his smile huff :D

Congrats man, bro thank YOU for your content I love your channel!!

Love this


Love your videos!

That moment when Paolo reflected on meeting Maiko (TT o TT)

hi paolo. i’ve been a follower since there were just a few us. i was actually really surprised then that you have very few followers and views when you’ve got great content, creative, and nice edits. really happy that you’re now past 500k and on the road to 1M! congrats and goodluck!

Great inspiration & emotional video!!! Keep up all the hard work Pablo, we enjoy every video. Makio thank you for all your support

I'm wondering why "a day in the life of a japanese programmer" isn't a thing yet on you channel haha

Hey Paolo! Just a suggestion, have you ever tried just chatting in Twitch? Live stroll in Tokyo like JakeNBakeLive

Ur videos are very informative!! N enjoy to watch

That’s a very nice video!

Fellow Pinoy here... I really enjoy watching your channel! Your videos are very informative.. because of your videos, we are now planning for our first trip to Japan next year! Congratulations on your new channel. I’m now subscribed!

This was a good video ❤️. I like Maiko too. And it was pretty funny/cute with your emotions and you didn’t want to cry. I also think it’s awesome how much your channel has grown. Good job on keeping down the fried chicken guts. I did wondered how you kept the weight off

I love your Japan videos... more so than other countries. Do what you enjoy!

I really want to come to Japan but I don’t like places that are overcrowded, how can I avoid the crowds? maybe this is a stupid question!

JUST DO IT haha, nice one kuya pao

Paolo, you need a haircut! Haha. Luv ya and more power to you.

Why people dislike this video? I can't understand. Btw, congrats for the success with the Channel Paolo, keep doing that ^^.


That was great! I wouldn’t have guessed that you have done all that! You still look like you’re in your mid-20s. I’m so glad there’s people like you on YouTube showing Tokyo and Japanese culture. You’re very genuine and hard-working. I wish you and Maiko the best! I’ll be sure to subscribe to that new channel! I personally love watching vlogs. Haha

You have had an amazing life, which can only get better. You and mika are amazing together , live long and prosper

I feel like I'm in a dream... I've been thinking of moving to Japan for a long time now, and naturally, I came across your channel and became very obsessed with your videos. As an entrepreneur myself, I'm always curious about career paths of big YouTubers like you, and the journey they've gone through to get to where they are now. And as SOON as I was about to ask you to make a video about your life, you uploaded this video... the timing is still freaking me out LOL Anyway, thanks for sharing your journey :)

Thanks for sharing about your life! Inspiring!

Many thanks for tells your story Paolo

Do u guys don't want to Live stream from twitch ? About how videos are made :D

My girlfriend and I stumbled over your channel when we were loosely fantasised about doing a trip to Japan. We dug through the first few videos and really got super curious about every new one coming up. Your videos and especially all the things you presented in them really gave us that final push to actually travel to Japan. And it never disappointed us since. It's always a little adventure to find the places you had shown, find some of the snacks as well and then add our own discoveries to it. We're planning on going to Japan once a year and already made friends over there, which is absolutely mind blowing to me personally - making friends on the other end of the world. I can only recommend travelling to Japan and have the experience for yourselves. It is so different from all the cliches that pop up in your head and will leave a whole lot of impressions. Just try it out.

23:45 24:00 This is probably the most personal video that you've made. Thank you for the videos that helped us viewers on how to go out and about in Japan.


Love you and Japan my guy. Great endeavour ahead.

really interesting video! in the short time you have been alive, you have done a hell of a lot! thankfully you quit snowboarding haha, wow...

I'd love to see a video about otakus (day in the life)

I’m in Tokyo right now

is there anything similar to Eikaiwa Now currently on the app store?

Thank you so much for this video Paolo. For opening up and sharing your life story. I was actually crying when watching your video. It is an eye opener and you deserve all the praise. I needed all the words and advice you just shared right now. It will be a hard road, but i will now start doing something towards the thing i want the most, because yes, life ends in a snap. THANK YOU AND MORE POWER TO YOU, MAIKO and your CHANNEL!

And more power to you. I hope you start on your path today.

thank you , great video

LOVE your channel, which I found when I was going to visit Japan for the first time in a long time. Thanks for helping me re-connect with my mom’s country. Thanks for sharing.


Yay a second channel! The more, the merrier!

For a family vlog channel - De Guzmans fromTokyo.

Paolo fromTOKYO since i am the Proud Nepalese and your regular user, i am expecting some vlogs about Nepal. Its mean a-lot for such a rising from the bottom for its tourism based economy.

Good idea. The name should be...........Tokya Mocha

@Paolo fromTOKYO subscribed already!

I have just subscribed to the new channel would love to see more every day content

Hey Paolo :) I think de Guzmans sounds way better because it is also similiar to the first channel.

Never would I've guessed you were a computer science student. What languages did you use when coding and what projects did you work on?

@Paolo fromTOKYO Sounds like a perfect name for the channel!

Great video and thank you for the inspiration! I hope I get there chance to meet you one dau when I go to Japan! So glad you started YouTube! Keep it up bro!


what?! no, not boring at all! very interesting to hear your story..and i'll definitely be checking out your new channel!

Dang, dude, you made me cry!! Love both you and Maiko...

You're so inspiring, Paolo. I'm currently studying in Japan for the semester, and I used all your videos to go everywhere in Tokyo without getting lost or confused. I feel sad that I have to leave this amazing city in December. Hoping I can study here again my senior year and maybe even study here for graduate school.

wow over 500k of subscribers good on you Paolo we've been following you from couple of years and is amazing to see this.

Yes second channel please

why did you shut down eikaiwa?

Loved the video loved the content. Thank you for that lil motivational bit towards the end, it sounds like you had an amazing ride in Tokyo! Looking forward to seeing all that you two create!!!

This was so amazing to watch. I have been a sub for almost a year and greatly enjoy your content but didn’t feel I knew much about you. Loved learning about your amazing story!

What a great life story Paolo... thanks for sharing with us.

Your shirt, I just figured it out now, it’s “Toe-kyo” lol

Maiko is the dream wife, I hope you two get to succeed even more.

good on ya mate, i think you have a solid foundation now to focus on food and travel. .. and just add in some extra stuff along the way... food porn and a little travel porn... i think thats ur best road to success...and a more Miako!!! good luck to you both always :)

PAOLO!!!! I had no idea that you grew up here in the Seattle area! You and Maiko are so cool, really respect you guys a lot. My husband and I are trying to do our own YouTube channel, and you've certainly been a large part in our inspiration. Also, go Washington State! ;) Look forward to seeing future content!

OMG! I'M AN EXCHANGE STUDENT AT SOPHIA UNIVERSITY TOO!!! I watched and subscribe your channel since this march because back then I was stated to be accepted to sophia uni as an exchange student, and your channel helps me a lot to understand more about japan, or tokyo specifically! Thank youu!! I mean it

So happy and proud of you guys!

here I am thinking that your wife is new and only joined recently. turns out she has been with you for quite a while

This video is interesting Paolo. You're not just a YouTuber, you're already an influencer. I almost cried when you got emotional on the last part. Power on!

Good luck with everything Paolo!.....very good channel! BTW.....my name is also Paolo so I'm wondering......are you from Italian origins?

YES create a second channel

Paolo you are awesome and an inspiration!

What a great guy. Such a nice couple. I’m so happy for you guys. Continued success. Stay humble and kind.

Awesome video!! So sweet to see how much you love maiko and how much you love your life together. Thanks for sharing! ❤️ from

Teach Maiko to speak in Tagalog Hehe and can you speak tagalog pa kuya Paolo?

paolo, thank you for sharing with us about your personal life story. it's pretty cool to see that your hard work paid off and thank you for your inspiration about following your dream.

Thank you for sharing. Best of luck to you and Maiko.

Thank you for taking the time to do this video. It was really nice to learn a little more about you and your life. You and your wife seem like very genuine, grounded people, that’s always nice to see. I love this channel, the videos are interesting, informative and fun to watch. I wish you and your wife continued success and look forward to being able to come along on your next adventure.

Good Job Paolo!!! You should be proud of yourself! Thank you for sharing and inspiring. Keep it up.

Awesome video! I love to hear about people's backstory and what made them start a YouTube channel, and the journey that they took along the way! Thank you for sharing your story and thank you to Maiko for believing in you and her awesome camera skills and its great to see her in front of the camera as well! Can't wait to see what happens on your next journey with your new channel! Keep it up! Salamat!

Hi I’m from Sri Lanka and I spent 01 week in Tokyo and Kyoto.thanks to your videos it was super easy..million thanks.

Thanks for sharing. Your story is inspiring. Maiko's trust and dedication in you is touching.

I went to Pepp and just saw this, thats crazy, respect... We had a Japan program, or did you just leave Pepp to go to Japan?

You should do "a Day in the life of Paolo" so we can see what your daily life looks like.

Looking forward to new channel

Tunay na PILIPINO! 100% Go Paolo and Maiko!

The last time I saw a vlog you called Maiko as gf...now wife. I know I'm late but Congrats to both of you

So...you hit on your employee? Not cool bro, you'll be hearing from HR

Awesome Vlog and thanks for sharing

You are such a chill dude bro ! Love your content !

You're a Filipino, no wonder you have similar features to South East Asians. I've always been wondering for months until this video. Salamat from Malaysia.

Love the advice at the end about having a passion. Im in a degree programme that im not passionate about thinking about stopping but im in a dilemma due to others advice that the start is difficult. Yet at the end i dont see myself in this industry after graduation.

Thanks for sharing this. I have been watching for a few months because we are planning our first trip to Japan (and our first international trip) We’ve learned a lot from your videos, but one of the things I still need help with is finding food for vegetarians (my wife and daughters are vegetarian)

Your Tokyo origin story is amazing! From university to making an app, your story is so inspiring!

PSA Stay till the end of the video guys. It’s actually a love story

Thank you for sharing. You are a class act sir. Love your channel. One day I will visit Japan and your content will have made that visit even more enjoyable.

It's guys like you that I envy so much. Sure, not all businesses will work out, but having the courage (or insanity) to take risk and JUST START something is a rare quality.

I’m all for the next channel!!! I love seeing and hearing Maiko on the videos

Paolo show mo namn pgka FILIPINO MO...MAS MARAMI PA MG SUBSCRIBE SAYO.....been here since the beginning...

Loved your videos Paolo! Continuing pushing out great video!

I love watching your videos since it's original and authentic.


Hey there Paolo! I found your channel following Only in Japan and Eric Surf 6. I can honestly say that you're probably among the most honest people online. Keep it up!!?

I hope your channel grows in the millions. You deserve it mate. Your content is so jolly and uplifting. I travel to Japan through your videos, your awsome.

Really inspiring, man.

Can you do a video on how cheating in Japan is acceptable and normalized now?

Please have Maiko do an "About Me" video too!!!

Aloha from Hawaii. I'm glad you both were able to come out to see in Hawaii but unfortunately we didnt get to meet you. I Love your awesome content and cant wait to watch you new channel. Thank you for all the amazing experiences from Japan. We definitely are thinking of going there one day soon. Thank you and take care you two=)

I'm am also amazed at what you've been through. I give you all the credit in the world to stick to your dreams. You made it happen. Outstanding!!!

This video was really excellent. I found it so interesting to see your background. Good luck with your future endeavours.

I am a software developer myself. This video made me think that I should start my own thing too. Thanks for being an inspiration!

I know I'm a late but my suggestion would be focus on your A day in a life of series since it is fresh, original and interesting and I really wanna see A day in a life of Vlogger (You). Take us subscribers behind scene of your typical vlogging day? :P

I was shocked to hear about your life story, especially the accident you had to endure. You are so strong! I'm so glad you were able to bounce back and become a person that is even better and stronger. As well, your message at the end was truly inspiring!

Paolo, You are American born Filipino. I know. When I look at you, you look like a Brazilian dude.

How do I move to Japan? If possible of course:)

Thanks for sharing more about yourself! I found it really funny... and interesting because I'm also Filipino, went on exchange in Japan (Osaka), then now I'm taking my master's in Sophia. Haha! And still kinda figuring out if I want to stay here for longer too. Wishing you all the best for you and Maiko! Maybe since there was a typhoon (and an earthquake lol) you can talk about what to do for disasters or what to watch out for? Especially since there are a growing number of foreigners in Japan and they get kinda lost as to what do. But I'm sure whatever you come up with will be really interesting!

Thank you for that open discussion on your journey to becoming a popular YouTuber in Japan. The life advice on pursuing work-life goals is an unexpected gift in this video.

Found your channel when you had some 10k subscribers. Your videos were different from the other Japan YouTubers, because you always cared to show those "hidden spots" and places only someone who's lived in the centre of Tokyo for over a decade would know about. May your channel continue to grow exponentially!

Paolo, that was very touching and it was very real. It's all about the journey bro, keep it up!

So impressed with your effort and love for your wife congrats on the move

Really inspiring! You are a nice guy! Keep up making your dreams come true!

Keep up the fantastic work and videos guys, my partner and I love your videos, they inspired most of our trip to Japan. Always looking forward to your next upload ❤️

Dude, you're from Redmond?! That's where Nintendo of America is at! As a kid, I wanted to go to their partner college Digipen, which is also out there! Man, I can't wait to be back in Tokyo at the end of the year to study abroad at Lakeland!! It's been over 4 years since I was last in Japan (was stationed in Yokosuka for 2 years) and I'm so excited!! I also do freelance video editing, so if you guys need any help, I'd be happy to lighten the load!

I knew it! I thought you looked like a Filipino, but when I heard your accent, I thought you don’t have the Filipino english accent hehe. More power to your channel! Hope I can grow my channel to as big as yours someday

Can't afford right now a membership but to support I'm gonna watch the ads and not skip them

Just happy you are watching my vids. That’s thanks enough.

Hello Paolo. Thank you for sharing your interesting story. I wish, you would have mentioned years in each step of your past life story. You have been really working hard. In my opinion, it has never been easier for any foreigner to have easy life in Japan. I wish you good luck with your future life. Please try to make videos about foreigners, living and working in Japan. Thank you.

I'm so happy I found your channel awhile back. It's been a great experience and now watching this vlog and seeing where you came from and went through. Truly amazing and inspiring. Thanks for you and your wife for the wonderful content and inspiration for me and my family to go after something we love doing!

Don't start a family. I heard in 50 years, the world is going to run out of fresh water. Turning ocean water into fresh water takes a lot of energy so it's going to speed up the end of humanity. So there's a good chance your kid is not going to die of old age.

What a completely different video this is compared to your usual ones! Really interesting and inspiring backstory. Thanks for sharing your story with us!

Never be ashamed to shed a tear or 2 Paolo you've come and experienced a lot this year especially in your growth and that's dope it shows you're freaking awesome as well as humble. I wish you and the misses the best keep up the great content guys

I think you should cover Ultra Japan (music festival) in a video once. Maybe you can vlog future festivals as its only once a year!

God damn I'm in the same boat as a solopreneuer but I need a Maiko for the support

Go ahead and provide behind the scenes and such, that's neat. But why would you paywall things such as nice secret Tokyo spots? That's part of your main content and paywalling that really sucks.

Wish you more than million subscribers you deserve it.. and i know you get there...follower from Aruba

"Michael and I" ???

Maiko (wife)

I love your channel Paolo! I actually went to some place you recommended when I went to Japan this summer. Thank you continue like this ! :)

Paulo.. your such a genuine nice person..i love your content... so many of your content ..were topics that i genuinely was interested in..that's why i subscribed.. thanks for working so hard... you are a nice person and it shows in your videos your follower from Aruba

Hope you are safe from all the typhoons Japan has been experiencing. I was there a few weeks ago on a layover in Narita and there was a typhoon coming through and after I was on my plane going back to the states I heard Japan was about to experience the biggest typhoon this year. To all in Japan , please be smart and stay safe. Prayers to the ones that died and their families. Love your video Paolo. Keep up the awesome work. Do some more days in the lives of people in Japan. Those are awesome.

Comment for algorithm, but seriously you want to try something new try the Iga Ninjas museam. I'm going back to Tokyo in 2020, but unfortunately I can't go due to time constraints. Maybe when we visit Osaka we'll take the trip over.

I heard that you get paid much better as a software engineer in california

I love your shows.. I watch every single 1 of them... Mainly cause i am very interested in japanese culture, the people and their life style...keep up the awsome work.. Wish you the best✌

Can you put English subtitle for those who are not fluent in English , thank you so much

Kudos for living the dream!

You can start doing daily vlogs?

You know what? I like this type of video, where it feels like im just having a chat one on one with you. It was like meeting you for the first time or something, when you ask someone to tell me about yourself..... if that makes sense!

Personally, I wouldn't start more than one other channel, so its easier for people to follow and focus. Keep up the hard work!

You got great positive energy!

Great life story mate all the best for you and Maiko! Keep that spirit Paolo!

Paolo, I have always enjoyed your videos. But, thank you for making this about you. I have much more respect for you and what you do. We all have our stories behind the scene that no one knows about. And, yes missed your proposal video and it was very sweet! Thank you.

Yes please ! To the second channel !

Next time I stop by Japan we should meet up Paolo!

Tokyo Zebra is a sweet name!

I thing Tokyo Zebra is better name!

I don’t know if I’ve ever commented before—But had to take a moment to say how awesome your story is!!! Thank you for sharing it. I love your channel and really enjoy learning from you about Japan and Tokyo itself. I found your channel right before visiting my daughter in Iwakuni last Spring (2019). Anyway, loved finding out you’re a fellow Washingtonian

Yo paolo you should do a video on the starbucks roastery in Meguro.


man, you made me tear up

Awesome vid Paolo! As a Japanophile, snowboarder, foodie and IT consultant myself i can relate to a lot of this ... but i certainly whish my path took me to Japan when I was young. I didnt get on the plane

Call it a vlog instead of every life video

Hi, Paolo! I don’t think I’ve ever commented on one of your videos but I appreciate all the content you post. I just got back from Tokyo on the 17th and your videos helped me out tremendously and I got the best food. My favorite being Cremia! Thank you so much, I wish you and Maiko the absolute best.

Glad you enjoyed your trip.

Daily life of student.. Please

Second channel name suggestion. . Miako from Tokyo

Also if you want to support the channel , don’t skip the ads at the beginning.

Yeah, Washington resident, nice. I'm from Lynnwood wa. Good Luck on your future endeavors. Great videos by the way.

Would love to see a video about where the everyday Japan people shop, like general goods department stores. Not the high end stores, but the normal ones. Love you videos, was great to watch before we went to japan. Great travel rips

Thanks Paulo for all the Japan Tips. Helpful and informative!

You see how many Japanese themed foreigner YouTube channels there are... I think you did something cool with the day in the life series should continue it

its really strange that the people behind you keep disappearing or is that special effects? anyway hope you make a fortune mate, well done for surviving the fall you must of been going so fast

Can you make a video about dating Japanese girls? Tips and advice? :)

Wanted to offer you lunch to say thank you back in June, messaged you but no answer!

Dear Paolo I think it would be really informative and interesting to see how you go about making this videos, i feel there is a big audience that would appreciate this kind of footage. the reason i though about this is watching you sit on the the street every few seconds "ninjas" took away people walking in the background and often replaced them with others, it got me thinking that there must be a lot of trail and error and repetition when recording the video and massive effort was put into editing it so its smooth for us viewers. As a regular viewer i think many of us would appreciate your videos even more if we knew how its done and how much effort it must take. - Matthew


KABAYAN ~ :) Could you make a video for pilipino workers ?

Great story. Very inspiring.

Beautiful Paolo

Awww Paolo!!

Could you make a video about how to start a business in Japan or get a job in programming? Thank you

Japanese History please Paolo!

Paolo where are you? Im in asakusa about to eat fluffy pancakes at benitsuru. Thank you for the recommendation. Domo arigato!


Wow Kindy wish i met a girl like your wife

You should teachers Devon eight point maybe forces? Questions? Places? I’d love to see that! I do like the idea of seeing hidden places to

This is my favorite video of you Paolo! Thanks for sharing your pre-life in japan and the beginning of your love story with Maiko.

Wow! the things you’ve been through. Love your approach to life: Build it and they will come or....enjoy the build. :)

I'm glad things are going so well. Keep it up! I would love to see 'A day in the life of a Japanese game developer / artist'. I am planning on moving to Tokyo next year to do that so it would be very useful :)

Palo how old are you ???

Paolo, are you Filipino? You look it lol. Anyways, keep up the good content coming!

Paolo, thank you for sharing with us your odyssey through the trials and tribulations of your life in Japan. I am an avid fan of your YouTube channel and used your videos as a reference on my visit to Japan earlier this summer. I wish you and your wife nothing but the best and look forward to following your next chapter.

Unbelievable... I went to Japan, stumbled upon your channel for whatever reason, and here I am... suscribed. Day in the life series is very cool. Keep it up.

Very motivating! Your videos always give me a good feeling

Q&A with you and Maiko please!!

When you got emotional talking about Maiko, it made me cry! I’m glad you both found each other. P.S. I’m from the Seattle area too!

Quick question: What are the best jobs in Japan(pay above average)

i actually used your videos to visit some spots in japan when i went there with my hubby last summer.. keep up the good work!

Amazing to know your journey! So surprised about your start up and injury, this lets us know how you interpret the world ;) keep at it!

That was so interesting! It was so cute how you teared up when taking about Maiko! Keep the great videos coming! Also, looks like you enjoyed your time in Hawaii! Aloha!

Piolo can u recommend a tour guide in Tokyo

Hey Paolo, My name is Manuel and I come from Munich / Germany. I love your videos and watch every evening before going to sleep your Tokyo guides. In April I want to visit Tokyo and I'm hoping that I can meet you there. Keep the good work. Greetings from Germany Manuel

Wow. Heard about yor accident. That really must have been a tough time. Great that you got well again and that something positive came out if that: we can enjoy your videos

I will become a member if you stop saying "kind of" in every other sentence. Great content otherwise.

Thank-you so much for opening yourself up to the whole world. Your channel is the only reason why I watch YouTube! I actually got misty eyed when you almost cried. Keep doing what you do!

thank you so much for this video

I'd just like to thank you for creating videos as when we went on holiday it helped a lot especially since we loved eating a lot. we stumbled across it like 2 years ago because we planned to go Japan back then like we'd never have tried placed like comcrepe. and now we watch every video you guys make.

You should go simple and name the second channel ‘Paolo&Maeko’

Paolo, you just made me cry at 1am! You and Maiko are blessed to have each other. Great team! Inspiring story! Wishing you both continued blessing!

Paolo you should do a day in the life of a foreign worker in japan

Paolo! Many blessings and thank you for a wonderful channel. I find your channel informative fun and I love it! Keep coming

My goodness, you've been through a lot, and you've come a long way. You've also been very determined in making a good life for yourself, and have worked very hard indeed! You're an inspiration, genuine, kind hearted guy, and very likeble too, and you deserve all the success in the world. Greetings to you and your wife from an Italian lady who's been living in London, England, for 27 years. ❤

Found your channel when I was searching for contents that are related to Japan for our upcoming trip and gotta say we love watching your videos. We binge-watched your vids ever since.

Thank you Paolo for Sharing your Journey.

Thank you Paolo.

Great video, it's nice to know about you and your Journey. I appreciate you even sharing. Keep it up and keep grinding

Hey Paolo, congrats. I sent you a DM on IG about being in Tokyo. I hope you will be kind enough to respond. Thanks.

I love this video! thank you for the content man! helped us out a lot in traveling in Tokyo!

I think we appreciate the way you present your content...so whatever you do I personally will follow all your channels. Awesome content...thank you.

So happy for you two's success! So thankful how you both gqve me all i needed to have the best, most-needed vacation of my life! I honestly could not have gotten over all of the fear of the unknown with you two!

Thanks so much for sharing your life, this is a very interesting video, you’re an awesome guy as is Maiko, you make a lovely couple!

I was at some of your favorite places lol that's cool wish I could of ran into you

Paolo, go ahead & syndicate all of your content and start pushing your content to facebook & other social media sites for more revenue. God Bless!! Mike

Oh wow we went to the same school! I got my MBA at Pepperdine.

Thank you for making such wholesome content. Much love from the PH!

Aww thank you Paolo and Maiko for this vlog

Dear Paolo, thanks! We had a magnificent time in Japan for the past 3 weeks. Also stayed in Isaribi, it was perfect!

Great Video, Thanks for insight in your life. Cheers.

It's the passion that made you successful, today. Your vlogs help me a lot when I planned coming to Japan for the first time this year. Hope to see more of your content about the country in the future. Maybe we can meet someday when I'm visiting there too.

If you continued crying I would’ve been balling my eyes out too! You deserve all the success Paolo! You inspire me.

Thank you for sharing your life story... (Btw, consider selling or even renting your app Pao :) (y) ) Cheers!

Hey Paolo. Have you thought of being a tour guide ??? Thanks

I knew it! You're a Filipino! It's good to see a kababayan excel! I really love Japan too and I really like your content and your channel! Keep it up! :)

MacBook のほうが 普及してるけど 日本はwindows の ユーザーも かなり いる 私もWindowsの ユーザーです なかなか Linux OS 安定してないので 乗り換え出来ません 現在 Ubuntu OS と 悪戦苦闘中(笑) Windows machineまだ もったいない

ちなみに わたしは Windows98se からの Windows ユーザーです

Very interesting story of your life. Glad you and Maiko found each other and can work together on what you like. I'm usually not so much into couple youtube channels but you two are so likeable. Keep that positive attitute - it's so much fun to watch you. Btw, I would prefer the name "Tokyo Zebra" for the new channel. I think it's pretty cool.

Thank you Paolo, this video and stories you told was more interesting than I thought. I subbed to the new channel and I'm looking forward to some stuff there :)

Hi Paolo & Maiko, I first watch your channel because i'm looking for food recommendation for my trip to Japan. And so, I would love to see more JAPAN travel video (other area outside of tokyo, kyoto, osaka) and also restaurant recommendation. Also, I notice that most of the filming happened during summer. Why not making videos about your favorite place / seasonal foods for each seasons? Just some input here :) And thank you for your recommendation. Keep up guys.

How about a day in a life of an animator.

Day in the life of an animator in japan?

More day in the life series plsssss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hey Paolo! I've watching your video for 3 years. Thank you for your content. I like it. Please do video about language school for foreigner in Japan like in Nihonjin no Shiranai Nihongo. Thanks

Paolo fromTOKYO I would call it de Guzman’s from Tokyo because Maiko deserves her name in bright lights, too! Lol It’s funny, I’ve been watching you for a couple years now and originally found you because I was looking for English bloggers who lived in Japan. I didn’t think I’d get invested in you personally, and yet I’m super stoked that you and Maiko found each other and have continued to grown together. Really cool to hear this insight. I still love Japan and still wanna see your other vids, too! ✌

Thank you for sharing Paolo!

Paolo, I've watched you since your early videos, don't worry I will keep supporting your channel, many others too (of course I already subbed)! And it's okay to cry sometimes, it means you have a heart and appreciate all the things you and Maiko have accomplished up until now! Cant wait for more of your Japan videos!

it's rarely to see a quality content like yours..keep it up man..

This was fascinating. Thanks for this!

My husband and I love your videos. Subscribed to your 2nd channel!!!

We love your videos, even our elementary age children! They were so helpful during our Japan adventure this past summer to Tokyo and Osaka. Keep doing what you do, you are so awesome!


Thank you so much guys for all the content and sharing your life with us! Love, from Canada (currently in Akihabara about to go crazy on shopping at Bic Camera based on your recommendations!)

Loved this video, so open and from the heart. keep doing this and I think you will gain many more fans.

Great video Paolo! Can you make a video of your lessons from your entrepreneurship and business? Great learning experience to hear from you!

Your story is a good one. When does the movie come out?

I've learned a great deal from your channel. I haven't been in Japan in two years and you channel has added to the list that keep my nostalgia appeased.

Why is hardly anyone in Japan making a sound concerning climate change (ondanka)??

It all started when u took a chance and moved to Tokyo.

Awesome video buddy!! This one was extremely satisfying to watch. I am a new subscriber, but I absolutely love your videos!! Thanks so much!!

This might be the best video yet man! I know we had alot of questions about your life but didnt want to pry so for you to share everything is truly awesome! We will always support your channels and your family. Thank you for opening the mystifying door of Japan to us and so many more!

I like this episode, thanks for sharing

you should have live streamed this

Trying to go to japan for my graduation any donation is appreciated https://www.gofundme.com/f/trip-to-japan-for-graduation

Love this! I remember finding your channel when I was looking for hotel reviews for places in Boracay. It helped me out a lot on choosing where to stay. Since then, been a fan of your content. I hope I can go to Tokyo one day and use your videos on knowing what places to go.

I'm so happy we are helping you make a living for yourself and Maiko, I live in Brazil and hope someday I can go and visit Japan

Awww you are the best. But Maiko? Maiko is a unicorn! ♥️

Yessss we need a vlog channel !!

Really liked a day in the series

I love your channel! This video was amazing! Thank you for being willing to open up to your fans! I hope and pray that your life continues to thrive!

Hearing the crows really is nostalgic and reminds me of Japan!

Dude! Finally in Japan your channel has been a life saver! Thank you!!!

Thanks Paolo. Your words are so motivating. "Life can bve over just like that." "If you stuck in something you're doing that you dont wanna do, you have a passion for something else, a dream to pursue, the best thing to do is just start ." "Just start, go and see what happen. Learn from experience."


Fan of you Paolo .. your honesty and your passion is you.. I wish you all the best and we support you and make your dreams turn real..God bless you..

How old are you? Paolo

Thank you for posting this video ^_^

Love your vids !

Omg... I sat at the same bench and ate yakisoba there...

All your spots are in Shibuya,me i live at just two minutes from it, Ebisu, you should make a video about Ebisu night life style and food

Love your videos mate. I have been to Japan twice in the last two years. Such a wonderful place to visit. Your videos were a help on what I wanted to see

Videos are great. Interesting and learn so much with reading. Keep it going!!

Much respect to you...

My boyfriend and I are currently on our first trip to Japan! Your videos helped us so much, thank you!!

Funyy I literally jus got back Tokyo. Was there 10 days hoping I saw ya recording. But cool video. You videos helped me alot

the fountain was blowing sideways. The videos are great. I've never been to Japan and I am not planning on going but I watch all of your awesome content.

Thanks a lot Paolo !!! for sharing and all your videos, Greetings from Colombia, you really inspire me to go to Japan !!! so keep going; I send a big huge hug for you and Maiko Pd. Fried Chiken Rules !!!

Hey Paolo! Thank you so much for this video! I've always been curious about how you started you YouTube channel ever since I saw your video about top 10 things to do in Shibuya. My girlfriend and I watched this video before we went to Japan and it was indeed very helpful! And my girlfriend was the one who recommened me start a channel about Korean culture and language since she knew I loved talking about it with my friends. So you are my inspiration, and motivate me to become fun and educational channel about Korea in my case! Thank you for creating such useful contents online and I wish you luck in your YouTube career now that you decided to go in full time:) P.S- I really resonated with you on the part about how you started teaching, started your own company, and being financial advisor has helped you get to where you are. I feel as most people only care about the successes but the truly important ones are the experiences that you did not necessarily succeeded but you learn from them. Just wanted to tell you

Well thank you for bringing us along for your ride!! Quality and unique content will always have you stand above the rest and that's what you're doing. Wishing you happy and fulfilling experiences and times with your beloveds. Carpe diem you two. Best regards from London : - )

wow, i now have a new found high respect for maiko, and you as well paolo. i envy that you're able to follow your passion. good for you. i subscribed i think when your channel was about 100k and now it really blew up. but i hope you'll still create the same level of content. maybe even better. but just know that you dont have to make vids because you feel you owe us or that you feel an obligation to do so. it wouldnt be fun if you'll be stressed out. just keep it up.

Your story is quite inspirational. It's always great to see people like you making big steps to fulfill their dreams. Keep following your dream Paolo!!

Your life story was truly interesting, I've never felt so happy for someone else before from just a mere video. (almost cried when you did as well) Keep it up :)

Can you please do a video on fun things to do with young kids when visiting Japan? TIA!

Watching your video, I realized how much editing Maiko is doing. Kudos to her.

Sorry to spoil. Your videos are just fine; not great. You are in luck when people see free videos. Paid channel? No way! Get another job. I know you were fired; not quit.

A day in a life of " Filipino OFW in Japan" Hugs to small and new youtubers out there, subscribe to subscribe xoxo

Thank you for the video. I enjoy watching it, and honestly, I really like the way you are talking in this video, rather than in your usual Japan-themed video because it seems more genuine and personal. Not saying that your usual videos aren't, but I can feel that you are more relax at speaking, which I like.

Hi Paolo. A lot of muslim around the world would love to travel to Japan. But the main concern of us are the food. Really hope you can do a review of halal food in Japan. Thank you very much.

Love all your vdo ❤

Where are you from ?

Does vlogging in public still feel weird? And I really like the scenery change every time you're about to say something new.

maybe you can have a channel where you review food, tech, clothing from japan and outside of USA

Hello! Thanks for the videos!

Love ur video and I'm new subscriber.

Didn't realize you lived in SF for a bit! That's cool! I'm one of the few SF natives left in the city... LOL!! Keep up the great work man!!! and yes... start that second channel!

This is a great video. It's added a layer of great respect for what you do, Paolo. That part where you got emotional about Maiko's role in all your success made me respect her as well. Kudos to both of you. I look forward to your future videos, and I wish to see you guys (despite your clearly busy schedule!) in person when I get to visit Japan soon.

Hi, Paolo - I'm going to Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka) in a few weeks with my husband, and I just want to say that I really enjoy all of the videos you've posted. They're a tremendous help, and you and Maiko are so adorable and genuine - I really feel like I'm actually prepared to visit!! Thank you for all the content. It's great and I love how excited you get about truly everything! I hope you both have a wonderful day! Can't wait for more videos!

Glad to hear more about you! I've been a follower of the channel for the last couple months as I was searching for things to prepare my bf for his first trip to Japan next year. I'd suggest a video for kaiten sushi places and maybe an info video about pharmacies in case tourists need things like cold, stomach, or pain medicine. Maybe even seasonal medications like for bug bites and sunburn. For the people who pay to join how about a weekly events calendar for markets or other things going on in Tokyo neighborhoods? Maybe even on request stuff happening in other cities. The first time I went to Tokyo I was lucky enough to run across some one off street festivals/ markets but I'm sure it would be great for travelers to be able to plan for those things that as locals you'd be more in tune to. Definitely joining the private channel! Thanks so much for all the hard work!

Your videos are so well made and just put me in a good mood! Happily subscribed!

Yes I would love a new channel for you guys

Are u Filipino?????

Just subscribed to your other channel & still waiting for Patreon to load your page. :) My husband & I actually stumbled upon your vids because we were actively searching YT for Japan content and yours is honestly one of the best out there (hence my surprise when you said it wasn't super popular). We really enjoy your DITL series and hope to see more of it featuring not just other people & their jobs but you & Maiko as well. Hopefully one day you could share a DITL of a (shoujo) mangaka. That would be so awesome!

Hey Paolo, i'm in Tokyo, wanna go eat something together with me and my wife? I have a box of Belgian chocolate that might help in convincing you!

I had always wondered more about you and your story so thank you for sharing! My friend and I just took a trip to Japan and went to a lot of places you recommended and told shop keepers that we were here cuz of paolo! Lol also my friend and I really love your reactions after you eat something yummy so we were pretending to be you after trying yummy food at Tsukiji market, then the funniest thing of all was when we saw a printed out video still of you at the shop that sells uni buns. That made our day! Thanks for all the great content, keep up the great work!

Recently started to watch your videos. Thanks for the many videos about food. Actually in Kyoto now and tried out most of the Nishiki Market Street food spots you visited. Great recommendations. Ended up stopping at a few other places as well with my wife. Making our way back to Tokyo and will be going to check out some more of your recommendations in Asakusa and Okushibu. Thanks for your suggestions and keep up the good job!

thank you, Paolo! we follow you from Brazil and we love your videos. cheers!

Cool channel , been watching your videos for a while , i wish you the best.

Yey, you're Filipino and you're from the Bay Area!!! Kinda explains being a Warriors fan. Just so excited about your plans. You are the main reason why we've already been to Tokyo twice since watching your channel. We really hope to catch you on our next visit. And whenever you're back in the Bay, hit us up, a Giants, Warriors or Niners game on us, whatever the season is! Good luck on your next adventures!

Day in the life of people and their professions is fun. I'd love to see more traditions through your view as they happen as well as when any major hurricanes or events that happen in your perspective. The shopping, trends and how it's like for foreigners to move and acclimate there. Personally I might consider taking a job there through US VA. You guys are doing great as is but I am looking forward to your future works!

You’re a very nice person, seem very hardworking and respectable, subscribed

You should make a video on top 10 Japanese trends

how about a day in the life of yakuza?

i start watching this guy about 2 years ago. now i am living in tokyo with my japanese wife and driving arround with my nissan skyline gtr.

You are really helping me plan our trip for next year... Watching you is like your just hanging out having coffee or a beer talking with us... You and your wife are so cute... I think you should think or lean toward of some type of on line travel book with a nominal fee to download... ... there are several site's that offer this, but are anywhere from 50 to 100 dollars which is to costly... Maps that can be downloaded and printed, with suggestions and a simple key would really be great for free would create interest in your a book .... I would stick with Tokyo Zebra... as well you should create a Tokyo Zebra shirt...

why not ....start a business, a real business like a ramen shop or bar...any business in which a lot of people from different walks of life goes...and document the things that happen there on your new Youtube channel

Hi Paolo and fellow viewers! Would appreciate your advise on the following: 1. I am going to Japan from the 6th of January for 1 week. Will a lot of shops still be closed due to holidays? 2. Now that Inner Tsukiji has closed, are there any other good seafood markets? I am thinking of buying and shipping fish back home. :)

Happy for you both, congrads on finding her, you are both lucky. I really hope you keep with the English Now app. Did you maybe think about crossing it with Skype/Facebook for Americans to log in and help/make money and you get a kick back? Call it a low price/low grade English lessons for Japanese, charge 9.00 an hour. Good Luck, BTW married to a Phinay wife.

That guy running in the background though (24:30)!!

Would like to see your weekly routinely, a daily vlog maybe?

Thanks for the interesting topics. Newbies here kindly sub, Thanks.

Wish you and Maiko all the best together.

Why dont you just continue with your app business and do Youtube at the same time?

we went to japan a week ago, but before that i watch almost all of your videos, your videos helped us a lot and we felt like your right beside us, keep making videos paolo! your inspirational. your channel is the most informative and organized one! thumbs up for your channel!!

Thanks for all the feedback Teresa. I'll see what I can incorporate in the memberships. Thank you for joining.

I didn't think you were Japanese. Your accent is too American and and skin tone is quite dark. Maybe Filipino.

Content suggestion: How is Japan preparing for the Olympic games

Content suggestion: Vegan and vegetarian food in Japan... How to locate it etc

I love your channel and content, but I noticed you barely touch/mention that youre a Filipino from La Union, and mostly mention your life from US.. why is that? Youre not proud? this makes me sad. - from your suscriber from La Union.

Loved this video! I quit my job and I’m trying to do yt videos while also trying to kick start my handywoman business. It’s been a journey since I quit my 9-5 economist job, and it’s been a hella slow start to my business but I’m excited. Taking it day by day. I’m so inspired by you and when I went to japan earlier this month, your videos were so helpful! Keep it up and I enjoyed this getting to know you video.

Paolo, your videos are mood boosting :-) keep up the good work

Love the channel! I would like to see more of Japan in general, like other cities, and how people live, see more of cultural stuff, maybe country side Or how immigrants live there Full support Keep it up

"Just start" That advice was really helpful and an eye-opener. Many of us overthink too much that we are too afraid to even begin our journey, making us stuck with nothing. Thank you so much, Paolo.

I found your channel as I was searching about Japan, since my husband and I are planning to go there next year. I love how thorough you are with your content and you make things informative, but easy to understand. It’s awesome to know that you have a wonderful support system in Maiko. I think it takes one person to believe in us and our dreams, in order to keep us going. I’d like to thank you and Maiko for all that you do!

So funny that you uploaded this exactly 1 month until I arrive back in Japan! I was born in the Philippines and raised between Tokyo (Fusa) and Hawaii, so I can def relate to you. Cant wait to go back home! Awesome video btw.

nice you're a pinoy. MABUHAY! So are your parents are still in Seattle?

Speaking from experience. I think proper education on customs, traditions, and etiquettes on ALL facets would be most beneficial to your viewers, as most are probably potential Japan tourists. I feel like foreigners/tourists are perceived with a bad reputation growing more by the day there. I think the whole world could learn alot about Japan(and themselves) via culture, work ethic, honor and would hate to see those great lessons/experiences become no longer viable. Thanks for all you do Paolo

I dare you to show the negative sides of japan without BS. Bet you won't although people should KNOW about these things.

Hi Paolo, I'm Sheryll from California. I love to travel. I just came back home in the US a few days ago from visiting my friends in Japan. We went to Osaka, Kyoto, Takayama, Ainokura, Shirakawago, Nagoya, Saitama and Tokyo. I did some extensive research about Japan before I went. As I was doing that, I came about your channel and you are my favorite vlogger in youtube when it comes to Japan. You were part of my trip as I kept on mentioning your name to my friend whenever we encountered something in your video...Paolo did that or Paolo said that. You were like a friend to us. I was hoping to see you in Tokyo after all it's a small, small world. It didn't happen. Probably on my next visit. Congratulations on your channel and more blessings to you and Maiko!

You've been thru a lot! Your "Day in a life" series made me subbed. Great job on everything! :D

His voice is so much like Jason's, from the Good Place

Keep up with the good content and the recommendations, I've recently traveled and enjoyed many of the pinned spots on your videos. The most I enjoyed was Kichijoji that I went there only because you mentioned it and it was on the way to the Ghibli museum and I was able to convince my mate to make a small detour and look around, we ended up spending there 2 days not having enough. I think large parts of Tokyo are left undiscovered and it is a shame because the center of the city is jam-packed with visitors having the impression the city is way over touristic- spots like Harajuku, Ueno, Shinjuku, and Asakusa are becoming too crowded and someone needs to show the tourists there is much more to see in Tokyo beyond the Yamanote circle. Please explore further spots in this amazing Metropolis, other channels are doing so across the country and you find about spots in Tohoku, Shikoku, the sea of Japan coast and this is great because over touristic places are losing their charm fairly quick and the locals are getting fed of the tourist herds, you must spread the flow in order for both sides enjoying its benefit. Stay awesome with it. Subbed.

Whoa! This is so inspiring!

hey paolo, I finally made it to japan and I planned my visit almost exclusively by watching your videos. I've dreamed for years of visiting my brother and his family in hachioji, and you were a huge help in finding fun activities even he didnt know about, and hes lived in japan for 8 years. Thank you so much for your content!

Hey Paolo, love your content, my only suggestion is possibly eliminating some of the jump cuts. I would rather hear you flub a word or two and continue your thoughts than see a jump cut ever 3-8 seconds. Visually it can be pretty painful even when they closely line up. Conversely Thank you for sharing yourself with the world and taking us with you on your many adventures (Maiko included). I'll be looking for "Toe"Kyo shirts next time we're out there. May have to grab one myself... You are a very genuine person who has put a lot of hard work into making something great! Keep pouring your heart into it!

I’m guessing you know what a Ringi is :)

Maiko....is normally a geisha apprentice?

truly inspiring!!!

Day in the life of a mangaka please

Thank you for this video. I'm a new subscriber and i enjoy your content.

Hi Paolo! I'm actually studying abroad in Spring 2020 (also at Sophia University!

hi paolo more on daily life of a...... thanks nice to know you more. suggestion daily life of pinay entertainers in japan

Good dude.. Much success

Worth Watching Love From India

I love learning more about you! hope to see more videos like this! will be subscribing to the other channel :D

Stay away from making vlogs of your daily lives. That's a relationship killer. You still need a job to fall back on as this YouTube thing won't last forever.

Aww... ☺️ #TheFeels in the end of the video.

Look at you... #MrGoGetter!

Waiting for a more on "Day in life" as well, also 10 things to do in Ikebukuro with more hidden and nice places.

Paola, i really want to say i like your videos. Please keep up your good work!

I like this video and my mind set at the start was this video isn't going to be very interesting but as I kept watching this video turned out to be very intriguing just kept me watching til the end about your experiences. the final part about just start something I must say it's admirable for anyone to take that risk. I'm too scared to take that risk of quitting my job to follow a dream using my savings to do it. It's just scary with the thought of losing your financial savings so regardless of whether one becomes successful or not as long as they try to do it the right way (e.g. if you're opening a restaurant no short cuts in getting barely edible ingredient and stick to good ingredients, doesn't have to be the best, but just standard quality that you should get). For me I'm just too scared to make that jump. I don't have the best paying job but it's certainly good by many people's standard and as a result i wouldn't want to lose this career path as financially it's good to keep rolling with it. Above is just myself though, I think it's always good people make their own decisions, some will make it and then unfortunately some won't and for the latter it's learning experience. I recently watched a video of the founder for fastbee which unfortunately didn't work out for the guy and he lost his savings etc but he took it up the chin and marched on positively as a learning experience it's admirable people take the risk to pursue dreams despite the many risks involved. For me I'm just not like that and wouldn't take risks like these that I considered too significant. But hey for anyone who thinks they will regret just try and have a real think about it then pick the decision you believe is best. Also big thank you for uploading this video and keep these videos coming, my favourite videos of yours is the day in the life series. Keep up the good work and with all these subscribers you keep going man!

I love these kinds of videos! EDIT: /cries over maiko and Paolo/

You're such sweet guy all the best luck for you and your wife

This video feels like I'm hanging out with you hahaha

Holy crap at your snowboarding injury

Somewhere in the video, your personality reminded me so much of a friend of mine. In college, I was part of a christian ministry called Chi Alpha and I met a girl (who would be my small group leader and dear friend). She had done so much for me to support me, and somewhere in the video your personality reminded me of her so much. She was a blessing to me, and I rly enjoyed your video. I'm so glad that your accident wasn't worse than it was. Bad things happening can be a wake up call in your late 20s, haha. I'm sorry to hear that happened. Anyways, your vid was a blessing to me & I'm going to try (haha) to remember you in my prayers

I like all your videos but my favorite videos are Day in the life...

This video was amazing, thank you so much for sharing your story! I also really loved your message at the end that we can still learn from our failures and create something BETTER from it. Congrats on everything!

Defiantly relatable person and we can hear your growing pains in IT / own business. Did you sell the app or are you willing to sell it? :)

Jason from the Good Place is also Filipino

Please tell us more about how the snowboard accident happened. As a snowboarder, i'm really curious.

Would really love to see more outside Tokyo.

Awww... what a journey!!

Oh paolo and maiko!!

Paolo,you living in Japan,but passport USA,why?

tell us more about u and mieko

Great that u pulled through...had no idea..you ever hear of jesse Lee PETERSON??? On YouTube...check him out.....

I'm gonna guess your ethnicity is either Filipino or Brazil native maybe

Congrats keep up your had work

You’re a great youtuber and person. I wish you continued success :)

Proud of you my Kabayan.. I hope I see you when I’m in Shibuya.. You’re an inspiration.

You will be a legend Paolo from Tokyo... Living in Tokyo for 25 years, you are great.

Hope to meet you someday! You’re an awesome kid! Do what you do best and always be happy. Love your channel! Thank you, Salamat, Arigatou for sharing your life! ;))

**we are creating our dreams together... Love!!!

Get some manga artist it be cool

I see dedication in your eyes. Really inspiring.

Such a great guy

I love your vlogs. I can’t wait until you have a little one tagging along.


thank you for making this great content!

Your videos made our trip amazing! Thank you and keep up the good work. :D

Im currently also on exchange program at Sophia University!!! ❤️❤️❤️

your brazilien - japanease ?

Paolo you are hot!

alhamdulillah, akhirnya bukan iklan tokopedia. you did a great job, your story is so inspirational, keep the good work! looking forward for your video!

I bet it was worth the trip .

Sometimes I feel like he's talking to a group of kindergartners.

19:32 a real one

Content starts at 3:24...All of its good! Thank you Paolo

That section about you and Maiko..."I don't want to cry" me either :')

Just started watching your channel, and I have to say I really admired your decision to move to Japan and it turned out so well for your life! Best of all for you Paolo!

jesus...that was fucking inspiring.... you are truly an inspiration my man.

Hey, you could start a blog too so you could have an alternative source of revenue. Since Youtube is unstable and unpredictable. A blog, on your own website could provide a more stable source of income. You could create various blogs about your Day in a life series and it would stay there, gaining you revenue long-term. You could also promote various products on your blogs like on Youtube with affiliate and also create a email list so you could keep your audience in contact.

Paolo, do a day in the life of "YOU" in Japan.

Thank you for posting an genuine video of yourself! It's nice to see the other side.

are you smiling while talking or you talk while smiling??

@paolo Hey brother nice videos and great info. some ideas? 1. Maybe do some live streaming 2. To keep with your day in the life of "blank" that is a great playlist and would keep doing it. Maybe add some rice workers/fishermen/dancers/train workers/ 3. with your mech maybe if you can Add some stickers with your logo etc etc. 4. Could start do some videos on Parts of japan. Take japan and break it up in parts and in each part of japan you show best spots to drink / eat / sleep and what makes that part cool. so you have japan broken in parts and in those parts you have each locations for anyone that visits they have a great tour. Also put the address in on the stores/bars/food locutions so people can go. 5. Could start to deep dive in skating / biking / running / swimming .. locations Love your videos Hope you become the biggest star out there.

Oh we saw the proposal -

Take away - start I’m trying to start - it takes forever

Wow awesome sharing about your work experience

Hey Paolo, I'm from Brazil (Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte). My name is Thiago, I have 30 years old, merried, and I'm a graphic designer. I loved your channel and already subscribed! Congratulations for your work. I love the "day in the life" videos xD

I have so much respect for you now Paolo~ Keep working hard and best wishes~ You are amazing~

Why to go my friend!

I feel the same way. Hahaha! Which is ok for me.

He already did !

Honestly this is one of the best videos in such a long time.. The stories behind the stories are sometimes more insightful than anything else

great work, love the content :3

19:34. She's a real one Paolo, Maiko is a diamond.

im considering going to sophia uni because its also one of my sister schools, id love to hear more about your time there!

It was really great that there was someone supporting you through the hard times. Those people are rare and lucky you got one. What you're having right now is a result of hardwork after so many years. You deserve everything. Don't stop making videos. I'm one of your fans!

Suggestion for name of 2nd channel: Milo or Mailo.... Maiko + Paulo hehhee

I hope this channel works out for the both of you!

Hi Paolo , you looks like Indonesian or Phillipines

Thank you for sharing.

I'm glad people like you exist!

Are you two doing home made sex videos??

This is truly inspirational. Keep doing your thing Paolo =).

this 25min has passed fast than i feel

Definitely want to see behind the scenes. Would be lovely to see more of a 'family life' style vlog channel from you and Maiko

You are such an inspiring person, thank you for your awesome work! :)

4:15 you were there when filming “How to eat in Japan” !

You are gay.

Damn! You are awesome!

I absolutely love your videos! It has inspired me so much about going to Tokyo. I loved it, and I got the idea to travel to Shibuya and Shinjuku in Tokyo because of you! Great job on your videos, keep it up Paolo!

The way you smile is so fucking ugly go back to ur fucking country

Hey Paolo, congrats to you, your story really resonates with me, you are a passionate, hard-working and genuine person. As someone who changed careers several times myself, your advice about learning and growing rings true. I hope it will help many other people who watch your video. Come for the Japan info, staying for your personality. subscribe

I dunno why but you remind me of Steve-O

your corporate background explains why youre so much more organized than other youtubers, your videos are documentary quality honestly, other youtubers are so messy compared to you lol

dude your story is so inspirational, i had no idea you were an engineer, finance guy, creative, snowboarder, all these crazy things all in one, im glad you found your golden path man youre a serious hustler it inspires me

Hi dude! You motivated me to continue my software dev career thanks man.

i think the two biggest pieces of value this channel delivers is the tourism information, and the anthropological research part. like some of your videos on the daily life thing are so detailed they could be taught tin a class. if you went super hard on those i think that would make take this channel even higher, it's already very dope the way it is now though you do seriously good clean content

I love your day in the life of Japanese locals. It is unique and very interesting. Theres so many channels about Japanese food and places to go which is great and all, but day in the life is much more personal of how Japan society is. Thanks man keep up the great content!

I tell myself one day I will meet you at Tokyo soon. Thailand Fans

Day in the life of a Japanese dentist please

More videos you make awesome videos of japan

Hey Paolo, just wanted to say that your story motivated me to create my first video. It's not great, but like you said - just get started. Thanks man!

Will definitely buy your merch!!!!

Very well said Pablo

Very nice. Video.

day in a life of individuals are also great thing...keep it up

Very inspiring story. Keep up the good work brother.

Cool talent, Paolo.

Great to have a supportive partner, she took the risk. I dont why? Or how things work out, which is why God is so mysterious. Lucky guy.

How did I miss this video!!!! Totally subbed to the new channel. I’d really love to see that. I enjoyed this one. Thank you for making it

There is a guy named Benjamin Travis, his wife is on Is'Judy'sLife, he is someone I think could really help you.

I Can't wait to go to Japan next year!

Are you pinoy with Spanish blood?

I desperately want to send him to the nearest dentist (sorry mate but your bottom teeth are a bit crooked)☺

Koj pua yog hmoob?

You are definitely insane if you put all your eggs in the YouTube monetisation basket. As Warren buffet says :- always have more than one source of income.

Hope to see you in the philippines. Or in japan soon ☺☺☺

Yeah to fix his bottom teeth

Maybe cos he's American from the West Coast?

Love your channel and Miko, we need more people like you in the world Pablo, nice, willing to learn and genuine. Can you share how you deal with all those nasty people please. Nasty people often abuse nice genuine people.

Congratulations, very inspirational. My best to you two guys.

Love the day in a life episodes.. great insight... good job

Bro you are one of the coolest youtuber and outside of Japan is life!! It's a hot day but I saw a guy with a black suit


keep it up!

For once the Youtube recommendations were useful. I am so glad I found this channel. Since the Olympics are on their way, will you do a video about it? Tips and tricks, what to visit in the macinity of the Olympics and such. I'm binge watching your videos right now. They're beautiful. This one is being a nice break. Lovely person. Keep it up.

the snowboard goggle tan lines LMFAOOOO

Advice..Focus on growing this current channel more..

Thank you so much for being so inspirational. I am in the exact same situation where I am trying to find something to get into that makes me happy. I thought about business and such and sometimes you just have to go for it. Thank you for that advice.

Hebat bro

Awesome video man. Way to share your story and your passion shows in your videos. Keep on grinding!!!!

You are a precious cinnamon roll. Thank you for existing. It has done my life well.

I love your content and most importantly I love your humble attitude and how you are so genuine. Wishing you continued success.

If possible a day in life of an anime would be cool as u did a manga one.

woah just seeing this video now... You lived in Redmond?? I lived in Issaquah for a couple years and worked in Redmond. It was gorgeous there

I love this guy. Super kind, honest and respectful. I’ve been to japan 1 time, I stayed for 2 weeks, it was the best trip of my entire life. I watch all of Paolos videos to remind myself of the beauty of japan. I also am jealous that he is so hardworking and genuine! I wish I could be half of a productive person!

can you say how you got hurt during snow boarding? Like how you fell and stuff?

Maiko & Paolo, love your channel. I first came across with your videos doing research before visiting Japan, and I've being following since then. This is my first ever comment in YouTube, that's how much I like it. I'm also a fan of Japan and the videos make me feel better when I'm nostalgic. Big thanks guys!

You are great man paolo.. Thanks for bringing amazing videos ..

Thanks for letting us getting to know u it was pretty interesting

I’ve admired you since I stumbled on your videos here as I was preparing for my trip to Japan. But watching this showed how much passion and love you have for your craft and for Maiko! All the best Paolo!

ngl I teared up a bit as well following along with your story you’re the realest I wish you merry christmas and happy new year

Thank you for such a genuine story

Wow, this video is really something.. I'm now working at a job that I really don't like waiting to try university making also some money and I really thought about youtube lately and I want to try seriously this time! Thanks for the video and keep it up

Day in the like series are the best. Wanted to see for anime voice actors

Your contents is awesome. Welcome anytime when you’re visiting Thailand. ✌


Hi Paolo, Good job and stay blessed!

so tell me 49ers or seaHawks?

Thank you for sharing all this!

pepperdine is such a beautiful school. i did not know you were from LA!

I hope you have the success in the business that you embark upon......you seem like a happy guy setting out on a bright new life......as life gets busier.....don't lose sight of the happiness...Paolo

Hi Paolo....myself and my wife are travelling to Japan, end Jan to mid Feb 2020...I've watched your viedos , they're great. We are doing it on a tight budget...I want to see Japan, old Japan...not the tourist Japan. We will be staying at AB&B , hiring a car for the term of the holiday...so that we can travel anywhere. Can you suggest 10 places or so to go which would let me get a feel of this beautiful country and the people. I'm intending to drive top North to bottom South, East to west......any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Your videos are much appreciated, would suggest you show costs associated with your travel, food ( which you do cover )...cost of accommodation, you've mentioned youth hostels. what a bout health care costs in japan....? thanks if you reply. Mike

You should have sold the app, or hired a CEO to run it

Ive been wanting to know your story, Paolo! Thanks for sharing your life :)

You’re awesome man. Keep up the good work

I knew it!! You're Filipino!! That s why you're passionate and sweet and resilient!

I swear I thought you got bird pooped on you @23:00 apparently you were crying. Kudos to you for all the hard work!! You're amazing!!

Love your channel but get a real income man it’s too much of a gamble but hey it’s your life, good luck.

Great to hear the whole story! You and Maiko are a great couple and compliment each other well. “How to Japan” would be a great spinoff. As a visual learner I would like to see where you are going In front of you as well as your face and what is behind you. Have you done a truck stop video? Are you going to Maiko’s parents for New Years again that’s one of my favorites.

Hey Paolo, we were just in Japan a few weeks ago. All your tips were super helpful! Looking forward to making our way back hopefully soon!

How old is Paolo????????

I thought he's Brazilian because of his name (Paolo instead of Paulo) and skin tone.

Don't cry D:

man, the more you lived in Japan, your face looks like anime

when I look at the background, and how it changes.. I realized that you really make an effort by repeating the shots too many times until get the perfection in your videos.. keep doing this bro, you're great..

Dude you're such a genuine and cool person man.

We love everything you do. You are so authentic and positive. Thank you for sharing your life. We love your work. Thank you so much! You totally rock!

So lucky having a gf from japan!

Please create more " a day in the life segments" about life in japan. You could create a series focusing on work alone that would be super interesting.

Of all the videos that I have seen on Japan! I've really enjoyed the knowledge that you have provided about the culture and day to day life in Japan! Keep hustlin!! Enjoy your channel!!

We love you man. We love you so much.

Great video Paolo keep it up.

Very interesting n insightful on ur journey to japan

thanks Paolo so much. Hope that you can publish more interesting video

thank you for sharing with us about your life experiences and genuine encouragements to start pursuing what we’ve been wanting to pursue. i always sense earnestness and authenticity in your videos, like you really have the people that you genuinely want to help out in mind when you arrange and publish a piece of work. thank you so much for sharing this more personal q&a. you are very inspiring and i wish you a great new year ahead!!

This was such a great video to watch. And really necessary for me too. The hardest thing is to 'just start' but maybe it's only hard because I overthink it. Thanks Paolo! I'm glad you kept going with your dreams and had the constant support of Maiko. Wishing you both further success x

Un énorme merci pour toutes tes vidéos ! Tu parles tellement bien anglais et nous montre tout le Japon qu'on aime voir ! Te voir manger de si bons plats me donne juste envie de prendre l'avion et de goûter à tout ça ! Je vais bientôt découvrir le Japon et j'ai vraiment hâte ! Grâce à toi ça sera encore plus facile et enrichissant ! MERCI !

Greetings from Montreal, Canada. God bless you bro!

I started crying when you started crying❤️❤️❤️❤️

Watching from Philippines. The first time I watched one of your videos, I knew right away that your a Filipino. More power to you kababayan! Happy New Year!

Hey Paolo! Thanks for the vid! love ur day in the life vids and all your vids and just want to say keep doing what you love! truly a genuine person! thanks for all the content and motivation! I’m also from the philippines and I love Japan, can’t wait to visit and maybe meet you!

I love your verve and optimism , Paolo - inspirational !

I've only recently discovered you through clicking onto a video out of curiosity and now I feel like I'm stalking you by watching so many of your videos! I'm never likely to go to Japan but feel like I've been by watching so many of your videos - I really enjoy them, great way to relax after hard day at work. Your videos are so informative and very interesting - thank you for all your hard work!

Just found your channel, and love "day in the life..", and of course all the videos with food in them! Would love to see more of "day in the life.."!

Keep up the Good Work Kabayan!!!!

I'm so glad I stumbled upon your videos (during an intense wanderlust craving and future trip planning to Kyoto on New Years!). Your story is inspirational and your way of speaking just sucks me in to all your videos--plus, you just seem like a chill guy to get a beer with! I'll definitely support any future content or endeavors you create, so I wish you all the best, and here's to 2020!

Awesome vids you seem real genuine my guess is you’re pinoy? You still visit the states? How are foreigners from the states treated overall?

That was an awesome video. Very inspiring!

I absolutely loooooove your videos. And This video might have made my eyes water.

You’re so genuine

Do more day in a life brother. You and maiko are really great on doing contents. The quality of your vids are like a tv one.

I find Paolo in bed with my wife, I will tuck him in

7:46 Boi, you look like their actual son.

Mark Lance LMAOOO

I love this guy.

Thank you for this, Paolo! Keep it up!

you should do a video about all the nessecary tips for a foreigner who wants to live in japan and doesnt know where to start,where to live ,where to find a job or any kind of important thing

its funny cause i am a generally cautious person and i really want to visit japan but i am afraid to leave and visit a country so far away and half way through the video i thought "oh well it really worked for him and nothing bad happed" and then youre like "and basically i had this accident and i almost died" and i was like damned i jinxed it

I would be interested to see a video in your “DAY IN THE LIFE” series from an international student in Japan. Or similar to you someone who is going through getting a work visa or is a foreigner working in Japan.

I love how genuine you are Paolo, I feel like I'm listening to a friend when you speak. Thanks for making you videos :) If you want a suggestion from a viewer on what extra content to create, I loved the day in the life of certain people!

If I find Paolo in bed with my wife, I will tuck him in

You are such a ray of sunshine! Love your "Day in the Life" vids which is why I subscribed. I love how you make your videos easy for people who may have questions about certain aspects of Japanese culture! Keep up the GREAT work and stay you ALWAYS

Support you!

This video is so absorbing. In my next life, I want to be just like Paolo. Except for the snowboarding part.

So inspiring! Love your way of thinking, your positivity and your energy!!!  I love Japan and watching your videos is so interesting, especially the "Day in a life of" series, I have learned a lot !!! I've arrived to London a month ago (originally from Brussels), I am passionated about food and I have been thinking about creating a Youtube channel for the past three years, your comments at the end of the video are very inspiring! Maybe I should take the plunge :D Wish you and your wife all the best for this new year!!!

Suleman Syed Have you noticed? You hardly see Paolo not smiling. Yet his smile is so genuine. It's just his nature to be good-natured. I wanna be like Paolo.

Paolo just wanted to say you're totally right. You just have to start. Too many people sit there and analyze the "what ifs" and give up. If you never start then nothing ever happens. I'm so glad you figured this out a long time ago. Honestly, it's probably the most important lesson in life.

Love from INDIA bro..

Paolo, what a real moment at the end when you are saying how grateful you are for your wife. I love this channel and I love that you shared how much she has believed in you and supported you! She is amazing, and you both are making such great content to watch, keep it up! I’m a big fan from the US

This is very interesting video, if you can make a video on starting a business in Japan It would be so great.

I teared up so hard when you talked about how maiko supported you from the beginning that's real love ❤️ supporting you from the Bronx

Thanks Real Mr. Walker! It's amazing how much you can accomplish when you do something together. Thank you for the support.

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