What You Can Learn From My Trading Weakness

What You Can Learn From My Trading Weakness

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what's up tim sykes millionaire mentor and trader here talking about something i suck at something i have none of and that word is patience leave a comment underneath this video say spell it out patience p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e let me know if you're paying attention let me know if you're studying these videos um i you know this is basically a confessional i i admit i have no patience you'll see me get in and out of a stock in a few hours maybe even in a few minutes i can't even last more than like a day i have trouble holding more than one or two stocks at a time i'm like very add i know i'm not on adderall no i'm not on any drugs i just recognize what i'm good at but i'm still trying to get better um there's gonna be a link underneath this video with trading tickers too this is tim ritani my top student he's taking 1500 of his own money turned into over 12 million dollars in a decade we're actually coming up on a decade of him being my student which is crazy and we can never forget we're going to post a big disclaimer right here the big white box that makes me look thinner thank you very much it says most traders lose most traders do not turn 1500 into 12 million and in this link below this video is a link to tim grietani's new guide called trading tickers 2. i've been watching it because he is the master of patience the way that he's made so much money is because he gives time to setups that are ideal whether it's buying a multi-day breakout he made 300 grand a few weeks ago buying nxtd on the breakout and just holding i think it was over 48 hours he took a big size i understand that like the big money doesn't happen overnight but still he had patience roland another one of my millionaire students has patience kyle williams who you're about to see in a second he just crossed over a million dollars in profits all of these students are very atypical in an industry where most traders lose and a lot of it is because they have patience on the right setups so i'm not saying just have patience on anything like oh hold and hope everything oh this is fantastic i don't have to study at all i don't have to trade no have patience on a plus setups whether you're buying a multi-day breakout in a hot sector ideally with news big volume former runner like nxtd when crypto starts to spike although it didn't hold the break out or if you're shorting maybe you know a pump and you know it's dropping for multiple days and you're just trying to capture the meat of the move as it drops when pumps collapse as they often do kyle williams amazingly patient trader long and short uh lately he just had a 30 000 plus win or actually i might have been involved over 40 000 shorting wndw as that collapsed holding it for i think two days i know he held it overnight and i was like wow that's that's impressive i would not have held it overnight i would have taken like the 30 or 40 000 profit then earlier this week which i don't think we have on camera i don't know what trade we have on camera with him but earlier this week just like a week after what we have on camera we've been traveling a lot filming a lot he had patience on alyi i mean alyi was a nice breakout from six to roughly 10. i think he held it from like six to nine making 50 over three days i was in a lyi but i was in at six out at seven in an eight out at nine i take my small gains um i'm trying to work on my patients and if you click that link again which i highly encourage you to do um if you to learn from tim grittani it is not a fun uh you know strategy to learn to be patient it's very scary um you know it's very mentally taxing you have to watch your stock very closely especially if you take big size like tim grittani and kyle williams lately have done um but there is money to be made on a strategy where you can have patience on these a plus setups and what is an a plus setup well you have to learn that too there's going to be a ton of other links underneath this video with guides video lessons books all the stuff that i teach that you can learn what is a good setup versus what is not a good setup and every single person watching this has different setups some people like multi-day breakouts some people like shorting first red days on pumps some people like dip buying morning panics you gotta try them and find what works best for you you have to think of yourself as a scientist as someone who experiments with different strategies and i encourage you to try different strategies and you'll see over time which one works best for you or which ones you know and there's also two moving targets what works best for you and what works best in the market but i'm still improving you know 20 plus years in i recognize i don't have a lot of patience on aoi should have would have could have had patience on tsnp another one of these plays i've made over a hundred grand in the past few months just dip buying it into morning panics but i haven't had patience even on my morning panics i'm not saying you have to hold overnight there's different kinds of patients even just holding a few more minutes on these volatile stocks sometimes pays off so this is kind of a confessional but i want to show you what kyle is thinking kyle is one of my newest millionaire students insane to have four students pass a million dollars in profits just last week kyle's one of them learn from how patient he is leave a comment underneath this video saying patience smash that like button and thank you for studying i will hope to help you but this is you know the right mindset to have where it's just a waiting game i'm not angry at it i'm not disappointed at it if i win i'm not like overly thrilled if i lose i'm not angry it's just a waiting game and learning from each trade and if you have the right mindset if you have the right mentality it is so useful every day becomes part of your education every win becomes useful every loss becomes useful i sold some more over the years now as we get into midday and i want to get back profits um holding i had three million so now i have 1.5 left so i sold about half

um jack you're an animal that's a lot of shares three million you're insane yeah jack had three million oh zsc but the volume is nearly 200 million so on a percentage basis it's very small if you just look at the volume of trades every minute like it nearly trades one to three million every minute at the open so it's nice but again those of you watching this at home don't take 3 million share positions or even 300 000 share positions in the beginning jack has a lot of experience he's studying his butt off for several years and now he's reaping the rewards of that preparation but this is why i say start small and size in later on as much as you want profits right away you need to get that experience and education first so that you can be properly prepared what if you have three million chairs and you have no education you just want money you're going to get annihilated nick said i was one of those idiots that bought smpw at 8-2 and sold at 8-6 sorry tim don't apologize listen everyone does their own thing you know maybe you're in on the promotion to which i would say thank you for all your efforts i just think that it's a it's a really poor risk reward scenario to dip by this thing when it's on the edge of a cliff also understand i'm thinking in terms of my own account you know where i'd probably buy two three four hundred thousand shares if you buy ten thousand shares you can get out at a moment's notice so not all two traders are created equal um i'm thinking i i always talk in terms of my own trading and i would not buy two three four five hundred thousand shares here because if and when this does decide to crash it's going to be very difficult to get out that size and guess what i have been wrong before right like this one has been holding up this one i underestimated before i underestimated into this time so i'm not gonna be right a hundred percent of the time if i'm ever wrong i'm not embarrassed you know like there's this whole like gotcha kind of thing like on the internet where it's like oh you were wrong this time gotcha so what i'm wrong a third of the time it's not the end of the world if i'm wrong though i'm able to cut my losses quickly i don't want to be wrong on a play in a position in a pattern where i'm unable to cut losses quickly that's what i would be afraid of if this does go back down to 8182 and cracks eight and then starts to crack you know seven seven seven six i might not be able to get let's say four hundred thousand shares out i might lose a penny a share which would be four grand which would be nearly all my profits today so that's what i'm thinking in terms of not if you have you know if you're paper trading try to dip by it who cares it's not even a real trade you know but if you have size you want to protect against potential disaster um enough with tim is matt or kyle looking at any other place are you guys like i am still long 20 000 tsmp i don't like it but the longer it holds over this 34 level i do think a 36 breakout has a chance so until 34 breaks i will not sell my 20 000 shares um i still have 150 000 oz sc you know which i think just broke out today the market we've been in is that o2cmrc plays tenley tend to run multiple days after the breakout so i would love to try to hold this for us today and if it holds up nicely look to swing it into monday um same thing with tsp if tsmp breaks up with 36 late day and we start pushing 37.38 i would love to add to that and swing that as well but again we have five more hours so i'm in no rush let this midday chop just kind of play around keep my positions small and uh and just react as we as we move along throughout the day matt what are you watching also watching tsmp it's holding the brake out it's not pretty like kyle said but it's holding um so watching that in the afternoon uh smpw still watching aitx looks pretty weak a moment ago but it's midday so not my favorite um m-m-m-m-e-d-f is a mushroom play breaking out sex mentioned it i like that chart a lot it's very very very nice chart so okay mme do you know i can't believe i sold it so i don't really want to be long too much because it's midday and lately midday's been pretty rough yeah i'm just trying to chill out here midday that's why i also that's why i sold half my ocsc here um because it is a good price at two tenths of a penny underneath high a day and just when it gets more liquid during the midday dips could be harsher so exactly i don't want to um freak out into any dips or anything like that and i'd rather just pack back more later in the day if it holds up or saw the rest of my but this is how we're looking at very similar plays similar patterns but we all have our own you know favorite accounts uh favorite trades favorite patterns uh we're not following each other we're not like oh jack bought this so let me buy this we're trying to perfect our own process and i can't encourage you enough to really focus on yourself it's good to see what other traders are thinking i mean this is why i think the challenge chat is so useful i mean i i didn't even see uh plyz before someone in the challenge chat brought it up or adsb which is now up 211 keeps going that's unreal um but again i'm focused on myself and i know that you know people like to uh you know trade in groups like oh let's let's do this we'll all like trade together i really don't think that's good i really think you know you should learn to be self-sufficient um and find what works best for you because just what works best for somebody else might not work best for you yeah this is this is like a challenge webinar you know we we do two to four of these live webinars per week sometimes live trading sometimes q a but this is frankly why all my top students are in the challenge because they get access to the live webinars weekly and they get access to all the archived webinars you know there's a lot of people who who are in awe of tim gratani's uh you know 1500 into 13 plus million achievement and you should be and guess what he has over six different six dozen different challenge webinars that are very uh rarely seen and it's crazy to me because again a lot of people think like something that that was done two three four five seven years ago doesn't matter that's not true um a lot of these patterns a lot of these similar plates are the same stocks as before dgly i mean every time there's been civil unrest over the past decade uh dgly has been a go-to stock so it's so important to learn from the past did you guys watch a lot of gratani's webinars yeah pretty much all of them yeah and they're fantastic montana slim just made 10 on mmedf good patience good trade i mean that's a beautiful little breakout from 350 to 380. today what does the promoters being in this live training have to do with the performance of a stock how can they directly move the stock to screw you well promoters can do whatever they want you know there's giant promoter groups out there on skype on whatsapp on discord and they specifically try to buy all in unison they specifically try to pump up stocks or they specifically try to dump stocks that is market manipulation they like trading together um you know this is why it's night and day to be real where i'm like never follow anybody's alerts and the promoters are like follow all my alerts you know so there's a right way and there's a wrong way to do it do pump and dump still work i mean almost every stock we're trading is a is a pump in some way they're being promoted on twitter they're being promoted in discord these are all the worst companies you know fundamentally speaking um so i i just expect the worst i expect that literally every promoter is in every play that i'm in and i'm like you know what's the biggest risk that's part of the reason why i'm so scared to dip by snpw or hold it for too long because it's just up the most it's been you know pumped the most if you trade overly scared it's really tough to lose big but you can lose big if you're not scared enough that's the reality of the situation you know if you have the right mindset and the right tactics i mean this is why we do these live trading webinars because most people are like wow i can't believe you sell and buy so quickly yeah that's that's what we do we protect ourselves we trade like snipers sometimes you can have patience you know jack has great patience on ocsc some people have had great patience on nmedf you choose but for me i trade like a cracked out squirrel okay like if you've ever seen a squirrel i mean they they move very quickly and that's just me being overly safe and i'm always scared like you know every time i'm in a trade i know that the promoters are sharing the trade promoters think that they're hurting me when they try to like you know dump a stock that i'm in but what they've really done is just made me a sharper trader because i'm always scared of what if because i've exposed so many freaking pumps over the years and taught so many people how the game really works promoters don't like that so they're always trying to discredit me and make me look bad which is fine you know they don't realize that i donate 100 of my trading profits to charities so even if i lose money okay the charity just gets a little less and i'll make a video lesson about my losses i can't lose being real in an industry full of fakes that's my advantage so i think that's actually a good mindset to have where you think everyone's against you you think that the promoters are going to dump on you if you're in a play that makes me extra safe if you look at my now nearly 140 000 in profits in three weeks in january if you look at every single trade i probably could have held each one an extra five or ten or twenty minutes and my profits would probably be up ten twenty thirty but so with my risk but you do not have to be in and out as quick as i am that's just me you have to find what works best for you you held aitx overnight specifically not to hold spmw this well spsm pw i totally underestimated i thought that yesterday's late day drop was the beginning of the end i was looking forward to a big panic today so yeah you can say wow tim you're so wrong this stuff is up 50 i i'm not in on the pump okay um frankly i'm shocked that it just keeps going i'm shocked that it holds up here but aitx was a solid 10 overnight winner and you know even though it's down on the day i don't care what it's doing now at 11 8 18 a.m eastern i sold you know you can go back through my trades how many seconds in did i sell my aitx i sold it at does it say the time oh it doesn't say the time oh yeah it's definitely 9 30 20. so i sold aitx 22 seconds into the open so i don't give a crap what it's doing nearly two hours later aitx was the the nice safe trade and i even sold some most of my position into the close into the strong close at 8-4 but obviously at the market open today 8-8 was better so i don't like taking excessive risks overnight serge says would tsnp be a good overnight i don't think so i think that it's over extended um it is a friday so oftentimes the the the mohs hype plays which tsmp is one can close strong on a friday and it is a multi-day breakout so it could keep going but i'm also scared because it's you know very overextended up from the real breakout at 21.22 but it is holding up nicely

2021-06-24 18:23

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