What the Hell Happened This Week? | The Daily Social Distancing Show

What the Hell Happened This Week? | The Daily Social Distancing Show

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Over. The weekend America. Surpassed, 40,000. Confirmed, coronavirus, deaths and. 750,000. Confirmed, infections, and because. Of that most. Of us have accepted, that as painful, as it is we, need to stay at home a little longer until we, can get those numbers under, control, but. It turns out there's a different group of people around the country who are saying nah, how. Can we get those numbers to, go up protests. Erupting coast to coast with calls to end stay at home orders and thousands, lining the streets of Wisconsin, rallying, cries from Washington, to Colorado, to Marilyn, fired up protesters, converging, on downtown Huntington Beach today holding up signs proclaiming, social. Distancing, equals communism, and covin 19 is alive. Of. People, crowded, in front of the governor's residence in Indiana, where's the right to tell me I can't get a haircut I can't go here I can't go there well in Texas dozens, chanted, fire found she. Seriously. Fire. Pouchy. So. Instead of fighting, the virus they. Want to get rid of the one guy whose warning us about the virus America, is lucky these same people weren't around when Paul Revere was riding into town the British are coming the, British are coming, ah I, hate the British someone, shut that guy up but, yes all around the country over the weekend protests. Popped, up demanding. An immediate end, to lock downs and let's be honest people this is both insane, and counterproductive. Because. The more you gather in groups the longer the lockdown will have to go on can, you imagine if during the AIDS crisis, mobs, of people gather to gangbang that monkey that started it all what do we want monkey. Sex where do we want it no now. These protests, have, clearly been infused, with a far-right, ideology, many. Demonstrators, wore megawhatts, they, held up anti-semitic, signs and in michigan they even waved, federate flags a clear symbol of michigan's. Proud southern, heritage but it's not just fringe right-wing groups who have been stoking the flames it's. Also mainstream. Right-wing, groups like, Fox News you. See after dr. Fauci appeared on the network and made the case for continuing, the shutdowns, Fox, News decided, to get a second, opinion from a doctor, everyone. Can trust talk-show. Host dr. Phil McGraw appearing, on Fox News blasting. The government's, response, appearing. To downplay the pandemic, look the fact of the matter is we, have people dying we have 45,000. People a year die from automobile accidents. 480,000, from cigarettes, 360,000. A year from swimming pools but we don't shut the country down for that but, yet we're doing it for this and the fallout is going to last for years because people's, lives are, being destroyed well, let me tell you something, dr. Phil your, entire argument is a bunch of horse hooey you're. 360,000. Swimming pool deaths is off by, about three hundred fifty-seven, thousand. And. Also, swimming. Pools are not, like a virus, you're.

Not Going to drown because you're dang neighbor swam, in his pool the. Worst thing you'll get is a case of FOMO now it, would be a lot easier to not take these protests, seriously, if they were just being fueled by Fox News and incident. Conspiracy, theories the. Problem is that. All of these morons, also, have the support of The Moron in chief President, Trump, is praising, stay-at-home protesters. Who are defying, social, distancing, measures the president defending. The demonstrators. After, tweeting last week that states led by democratic, governors like Michigan, hard-hit. By kovat 19 should, be liberated these, are great people they've got cabin, fever they, want to get back they. Want their life back their, life was taken away from him yes. People. Are suffering, from cabin, fever and honestly, I can't. Think of any disease right now that could be worse than that you know Trump talks about cabin fever like it's an actual illness this cabin, fever one. Of the worst outbreaks, we've ever had even. Worse than that disease, from the seventies. Disco. Fever, it. Was so hard staying. Sting, laughs I. Was. Just trying just, tell her you. Know we, almost used to Trump drumming, up outrage for his own political benefit, we used to that this is what Trump does but what. Makes what he's doing now particularly. Vile is that. On Thursday, on Thursday. He, announced, guidelines for, when states should open back up and then. He spends the rest of the weekend urging, his followers to fight back against, the same guidelines, that he released which. Is insane. It's. Like Trump as a head coach who told his team to kick a field goal but now he's on the sidelines, heckling them for doing it boo what. A bunch of losers, you share a gun for the touchdown where, would you do that why would you do that I told, you to do it but that's not the point now despite how enraging this might be I want. You to remember this the. Silver lining in all of this is that, these protesters. Are a tiny. Minority and, we, know this because recent, polls have shown that. Big majorities. Of Americans. Support. Stay-at-home, orders and in. Fact are more. Concerned, about the economy being opened up again too, soon so, the question is when. So many people appreciate. How important this fight is how. Do these people not seem to get it, well. Luckily for us Sir David Attenborough has agreed to study, these strange life forms to, help the rest of us understand. And here. We see natural selection, in its purest, form a, group. Of morons crowded, together spitting. In each other's faces as. They demand the right to get a haircut, even. For the coronavirus. This, is too easy. Ever. Since coronavirus, started, nothing. Has been the same, policing. Is not the same, relationships. Are not the same getting drunk at 10 a.m. is not the same I mean it's way less exciting, if everyone's, doing it now but there's one thing that's, remained surprisingly, constant, and that's. Been the chaos within the Trump administration, because. Where most administrations, would be galvanized, by an external, threat this. White House seems. To think of chaos as an essential. Service that, they need to keep providing and. Yesterday it, all spilled out into, the open, starting. With a bombshell, the. Scientist, in charge of the government's efforts to make, a corona, virus vaccine. Suddenly. Got, fired. With. No explanation. Now. He says it's, because he disagreed, with President, Trump about, pushing, hydrochloric. Queen as a miracle, drug right, but then some.

People Who worked with him said actually he, was fired because he wasn't good at his job and he, was working too slowly and. I'm sorry people but this is insane we're. In the middle of a pandemic and crows people are squabbling like they're on an andy cohen reunion, show and to. Make things even worse when. President Trump was asked why, the guy in charge of finding a vaccine was fired, this. Is how he responded, oh you. Just mentioned a name I never heard of him when, did this happen this happened today. The, guy says he was pushed out of a job maybe he was maybe he was and I didn't have to hear the other side I don't know who he is that's right Trump. Has never, heard of the guy in charge of finding a vaccine. And. You know what to be honest part of me is not surprised, sure would you like to meet the scientist, who's in charge of finding the vaccine a scientist. Is, gross. I'd, rather meet, Eric and here's my only question about Trump why. Does he never hear of the people who are trying to solve problems but people are trying to cause problems, hello Giuliani, yeah, some guy has the Cure in his lab I need you to get in there and do your Tasmanian. Devil thing, I. Don't understand, how Trump has never heard of the person in charge of finding the vaccine to the disease that has shut down the entire world, and, don't. Tell me it's because he's too busy I mean, the same man the same man who says he's been watching every nightly news show plus, CNN, MSNBC in. The morning Fox, News on weekend, afternoons, and even, reruns of baseball, reruns. Let me tell you something if you have time to watch reruns of baseball you have time for anything, baseball, is boring when it's happening, watching. It in reruns is like watching paint dry through, a PowerPoint, presentation and, for this next one. But. You know what maybe the vaccine guy is actually lucky that Trump doesn't know who the hell he is because. The people that Trump doesn't know they, have it even worse Robert. Redfield director. Of the CDC and guy who owns a pharmacy in every Western made, news when, he told The Washington Post that, next winter a second, wave of coronavirus. Could be even more difficult to handle because. It could coincide with flu season and the idea, of corona and flu hits in us simultaneously is. Terrifying. Because. That means we're gonna have to do double, social distancing, we're gonna wear to mosques, we've got to stay 12 feet away from people we're gonna have to watch celebrities sing imagine twice imagine. Imagine there's, no there's no TV oh. And. The president was Kilian happy with, what the CDC director said because. Right, after the article came out Trump, tried, to call backsies, the president, also trying, to walk back the head of the CDC's, warning, about a second, wave of the virus next fall claiming. It was fake news totally, misquoted, I spoke to him he said it was ridiculous. He was talking. About the flu and corona. Coming. Together at the same time bringing, Redfield to the podium to clarify I didn't, say that this was gonna be worse I said. It was gonna be more difficult and, potentially. Complicated because we'll have flu and corona virus circulated, at the same time. Okay. So, it's. Not going to get worse it's. Just going to be more difficult and complicated. If. Only there was one word that, could summarize, that general, feeling, you know I'll be honest I actually feel sorry for all of these experts who have to share the stage with Trump because. Think about their job they have to walk a fine line of giving, everyone accurate information but. Then also making sure that, don't say anything, that. Angers their boss, in. A way working, for Trump is like being married to Carol Baskin one foot wrong and. You don't know what could happen I mean we don't know what happened but we know what happened and you know the cast of this administration, would, be bad enough if it was just confined to Washington, but what makes this thing worse I'm sorry what makes it more difficult to contain, is that. The chaos is not spreading around the country because. Last week Trump. Encouraged, governor's to reopen their economies, but.

Now Now. That Georgia's Trump loving Governor Brian Kemp has done exactly what Trump is saying all. Of a sudden it's like oh snap, you on your own son, I told the governor of Georgia Brian. Kemp that I disagree. Strongly. With his. Decision, to open certain facilities, I want him to do what he thinks is right but. I disagree, with him on what. He's doing so do I agree with him no, but. I respect, him and I will let him make his decision, would. I do that no I'd keep him a little longer I want to protect people's lives you have got to be kidding me Trump, didn't just throw Brian Kemp under the bus he. Basically looked, up the bus schedule in advance told. Brian Kemp to meet him at the road at 3:15, and then guess who was driving and you know this. Is what you get when. You roll with Donald Trump these. Guys are trying so hard to, suck up to him and then. When they're fully committed, BAM. You. Can just sell you out, this. Whole Trump and and then Kemp thing it sort, of reminds me of Eminem, and Stan in fact it's almost exactly, the same as Eminem, instead. MacDonald. I just opened up my state Gary to drive I said, that she's just clowning, God how pepes you I saw, this one dude on the news said, he's opening bowling alleys cheese and now, that I think it was she. It. Was. As. Coronavirus. Continues. To sweep across America leaders. Are trying, to figure out the right balance between, keeping. People safe and, keeping. The economy moving, while. The rest of us are trying to figure out if we, can grow tomatoes by, planting, some ketchup, spoiler, alert you. Can and even though medical experts say it's still too soon to reopen the economy a number, of governors have announced that they're, ready to start easing, restrictions for. Instance in Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp has announced that businesses, like Jim's Hair, Salons and bowling, alleys are free. To reopen by, Friday yeah I'm not a governor but I'll be honest this seems like a very strange, decision you, know bowling. Alleys I feel. Like that should be the last place to reopen no. Bowling if you think about it's a sport based around sticking your fingers, into a ball that other people just stuck their fingers, into you, might as well tell people to join a competitive, sneezing, league but, while some are opening, up their state's President Trump has announced that he's shutting down the border in a 10:00 p.m. tweak last night Trump. Declared that. Due to coronavirus, he's going to sign an executive order, suspending. All, immigration. Into. The United States and, my. Only question is who, is even. Immigrating, right now I don't even like going to the grocery store, you're, telling me there's other people out there who are like hey honey I'm, gonna go to another country do you want me to grab anything for you but. This, is a big step for Trump because, remember, 2/3, of his wives have, been immigrants, so closing the immigration, system is Trump's. Version of deleting, tinder and look like most of trumps tweets we don't know how, seriously, to take this but, it. Obviously has, some people alarmed, because after all he is the, president, hashtag, not my president because they didn't accept my ballots and surprisingly, some of that alarm is even, coming from the president's, own advisers. Fox, News many, families. Here including, mine we, have au pairs, and we rely on them I go to work at 3 o'clock in the morning so I need her there and I need her in my house so that she can help me with my daughter so, many, families, rely, on child care from, other countries, these, au pairs come here work visas they have to go back to their country to get the the, visas renewed, and we've, been talking in my house about how that's gonna happen so these are all things these are questions that we have that hopefully.

The President will roll out a plan and we'll all be informed. On how this is going to affect all of our lives okay. First. Of all many, families, here, do, not have all pairs in fact. 0.03. Percent of, families in America have all pairs, yeah you're more likely to have a show on kwibi than have an au pair so look instead of trying to act like this is an everyone thing, what. She should really say is damn, this new thing Trump did is really, gonna affect me so, now I really. Care because this is what a lot of people do with President Trump they're willing to tolerate him because his actions don't affect them personally and this. Isn't unique to politics please people do this all the time I mean people people even do it with jokes yes, oh my, god Nigerians. Are funny haha, yeah Indians, Indians. Do that all the time. That is totally. Brazil, wait what did you say about Russians. But it. Was just another joke okay. I wait, for you outside, and then, we make more joke now. If President Trump goes through with this immigration, ban it'll, be yet another policy. He's pushing, through during. The corona pandemic, in fact his administration, has already shut down visa applications, they've. Paused the refugee program they've, blocked migrants, from seeking asylum and during. Corona trump's epa even, decided, to drastically, cut enforcement. Of environmental, regulations. So don't. Forget while, you're finally getting around to watching ozark, and trying to bake bread for the first time Donald, Trump he's also using coronavirus, as an opportunity, to do all the things he always wanted to do the. Only difference is when quarantine, is over and you throw away your bowl of yeast Trump's hobbies are gonna keep going for a very long time. Governor. Andrew Cuomo welcome. To the daily social distancing show pleasure to be with you I'm a big fan well thank you very much I think everyone is a big fan of yours right now because more. Than ever during this pandemic. People. Have sought out leaders, who, communicate. Effectively and seem, to know what. They're trying to do nobody has all the answers about coronavirus, but people, look for leaders who know what. They would like to do let's. Start off with New York where, does New York stand right now in terms, of the numbers and in terms of its trajectory well, the good news is, we. Have shown that we can control, the spread of the virus right, which people take. For granted now but I wasn't always so sure we could have taken all these measures, close. Down stay, home and we, could have seen that spread, continue, to go up that would have been a really frightening place, but that was a possibility. We. Showed that we can control the spread it, went up the, so-called plateau would, hit a flat spot and now we're on the downside, of the plateau. The question, is how. Fast, is, that decline, and. How. Long does it take to make the, decline. We have about 1,300 people per, day new. Diagnoses. Coming, into the system, we. Lost about, 474. People, yesterday. Which. Is a horrific, number. But it's the only good news is it's less than the previous. Numbers. Of people we lost, and the, hospitalization. Rate is coming down we have about 16,000. People in hospitals, so. The. Numbers are all on the decline and that's. The good news how, long. Does it take until that number gets to, a, small. Enough level, where you can sleep at night and not worry about it, it could be two weeks could be three weeks could be six weeks you're, balancing, the pressure of the. People who want. To and need to get back to earning, a living and also. You. Know the pressure of keeping people safe as as a leader how are you weighing these numbers, is there a point when you say the. Risk is worth taking to go outside yeah. That's. You. Put the you put the question very well and. Often. The question is more important than the answer and here.

Is One of those cases I think that is the balance the. Pressure that people are under is phenomenal. It is. Traumatic. This is traumatic for people, and that's the way I think about it you're, right the economic, pressure you have no paycheck but meanwhile, they're still sending you the bills you know there was the, the bill collector, is, an essential, worker and they're piling, up on your desk you don't know when you'll go back you don't know if you will go back you. Don't know if your job is still there if your business is still there you've, been in the house with the family for, a month it. Sounds, romantic, the first seven, days and then, it gets highly, stressful, when. You have everyone in that environment with, nothing to do when everyone has their own stresses, so it's. A people, are about to burst on one level they're under that kind of pressure on the, other hand, we. Had, 474, people died yesterday. You. Tell me how many people go outside today, and touch other people, I'll tell, you how how many people walk into a hospital three three, days from now the. Cause and effect is that tight. This. This, virus. Communicates. And transfers. That. Quickly. And that precisely. So. You think the situation like New York City where. Social. Distancing. Cannot, happen by definition nobody. Gets six. Square feet of real estate right, you, don't get six feet on a subway car or on a bus or on a sidewalk. You. Will see those numbers go up it, is an impossible. Balance. Trevor it's impossible. To. Make people, to make both sides are. Happy if you will and you. Just have to accept, that and. For me it's going to be about the data we're. Going to do testing, we're going to look at that hospitalization, rate we're going to look at that death rate and. You. Don't start, to reopen, until. You have those numbers under control so so, what is that number for you do you have that number is there a number that medical professionals. Or experts, have given to you and said this is the number that we think, activates. New, York reopening. They, won't give me the number Trevor because you're right nobody's, been here on any of these situations, what. They will say is the, number will decline, to a level, that, is basically, a low, constant. Because. You can't stop, all transmission. Of the virus right, we're never going to get down to zero so. When. You get down to the lowest level you can. That's. Your low point, because. Remember the economy's not really closed down right you still have essential workers out there your people on buses and transportation. And people in grocery, stores so, that will be some, low. Level constant. And once we hit that number. Then. You can talk about starting. To reopen so, so, we're seeing governors around, America, we're seeing leaders around the world using. Different tactics to reopen, their countries, for instance in Denmark they've, started opening up a few schools in Germany, they're getting ready to do that in Georgia, they said they're going they're going straight to bowling alleys and hairdressing, you know salons etc, do. You have an idea are you going to say to New Yorkers hey we're, gonna start with these industries, or this world week then we're going to move to this then we're gonna move to that or does it all open at once do you have an idea of what that would be no, it has to be phased in it has to be slow and building, and watch. That infection. Rate as you start to open up the valve to reopen right as you increase the flow, keep. Your eye on that infection, rate, we're. Going to have the most aggressive, testing, program, ever.

Done, Just. To monitor. That that infection, rate remember. The hospitalization. Rate is too late hospitalization, rate is people who are so, sick they went into a hospital we. Want to track the infection, rate so we watch that start, opening the flow slowly and then, basically, it's a matrix, how, essential. Is the business, and how. High-risk. Does the business pose. The. More essential, business is first and the. Lower risk, business, is first, so. Barbershops. Hair. Salons. To me they are on the end of the chain. Because, they're not that essential. People. Would argue but in the scope of things they're, not that essential, and they. Are high risk because, I want to see a person, perform, a haircut, and maintain. Socially. Social. Distancing, while they give you a haircut and I want to see the haircut, that they do after, they, did it socially, this so that, would be at the back end right and on, the front end you would just basically be. Doing. The next tranche, of essential. Services, right, what's. The next level, of essential. And. Low-risk. Essential, before we go if, you are able to help people who are going hungry because of this pandemic please. Consider. A donation to, feeding America they. Are supplying food to millions, of people in America every single day and they, could use your help because even a dollar can, help someone get a meal and. So we meet again stay safe out there wash your hands and remember, to mute your mic before, talking shit on zoom' otherwise, the other people know who you really are.

2020-04-27 02:26

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