What the Enemy Is Trying to Steal on the Trading Floors of Heaven

What the Enemy Is Trying to Steal on the Trading Floors of Heaven

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why you're going to participate tonight over the next 20 minutes what the enemy is trying to steal from you is on the trading floors of heaven so you need to have understand this is something i'm going to teach you tonight and be teaching you between now and pentecost how to be able to take back everything from the enemy's camp all that he has stolen from you you need to know in this season the enemy is trying to steal your blessings and the spiritual side of it is on the trading floors of heaven he wants to trade your blessings for cursings and let's agree right now in the comments say let's stop them this year at passover now if you're suffering division distress a lack of passion for the lord all that can be handled by putting your feet under the passover table of the lord so tonight i want to give you a prophetic word and the prophetic word is this the lord showed me that there is an emotional demonic onslaught of division that's where this whole word started oh some are asking if you want to get this cup this is a see kurt landry ministry cup you can order that go to cl kurt landry.com but anyway if uh he's wanting to separate you he's wanting you to cause division and let me explain it to you this attack is an emotional attack and that's why this is an emotional attack and that's exactly why we published our book right here seven steps to emotional healing this book is an exercise to be able to take what we call emotional intelligence to get it so that the enemy cannot use your emotion emotions to make ill-rational choices that are going to steal your promotion in this hour go ahead in the comments say the enemy's not going to steal from me in this hour so i'll just give you an example the enemy is trying to sow division not just amongst people places and things but in your soul so that you give up on god's promise so the lord's promised you happiness and what is he going to do he's going to go to the trading floor and go up no happiness discord no finances not enough to pay your bills strife not freedom controls all sorts of controls coming to liber uh uh to steal your liberty not peace but contention so he's gonna bring that wall he's gonna in your life he's gonna go into the courts of heaven and say i'm going to trade the happiness that jesus provided because the scripture says in john 10 10 that satan comes the thief to steal to kill and destroy but jesus said but i have come that you might have life more abundantly see the lord wants you to have happiness more than enough finances freedom peace joy balance fulfillment of your call confidence in him and stability and passion for the lord but the enemy wants to come down and he wants to put this wall of division okay and he wants to separate you from all of these blessings he wants to separate you your freedom with control your peace with contention your joy with quarreling your balanced life he wants to make you sick give you sickness and disease trials and tribulations the fulfillment of your life he when you start to walk in the fulfillment of your call he tries to give you depression and when your confidence start building in the lord yourself then he exposes what you're pretending to be that's why it's so important to identify your identity and the workmanship that the lord has prepared beforehand so that you can walk not as a pretender but as the genuine article as a king and a priest according to the order of melchizedek and i'm going to show you that here in just a few minutes so anyway stability always starts with the family and so you need to have your family based off biblical principles and passion passion comes when you're free from offense if you have offenses with people your passion just seems to drip out like a bucket with the hole in it and anyway and what we're going to do is we'll act on this at the end of this program today act is applied change and transform exodus 23 20-33 and those that are that's the nine blessings of passover that are in our haggadah so i want to invite you to come and join us and you can join us here let me see if i can find the uh let me find that for you um here okay i'll tell you what i'm going to have to get that later but i want you to go ahead and join us for passover let me stay online with my message here how do we diffuse on the trading floors of heaven an emotional demonic onslaught that's going to divide us from our our thoughts our souls our hope our health and our money how do we stop it the people we love and the divisions there's going to be so much division between now and pentecost in may and it doesn't need to happen and so i'm going to flip the board around and i'm going to show you how you can walk blessed and be free from the curse if you're ready go ahead and say in the comments say i'm ready okay all right now i want to back up just for a minute but if you remember back at purim during the time of purim when we were taking teaching about esther and mordecai the lord gave me a word for you and the word was this that it's time the time is that we're going to have 79 days of preparation 79 days of preparation for this new season of time okay and in this new season of time we have to prepare for the new era and the promotion okay so that's a 79 days so between purim and passover which starts this saturday night and you can watch that from my house to yours okay that will be saturday night at 6 p.m you can join us but this time of purim is where you say yes that's all it is esther said yes and then she starts to prepare herself for the call that started at purim now passover is deliverance passover is when the blood of the lamb was put on the doorpost of the children of israel's house the death angel passed by and they were able to leave with with all the provision they want free from slavery heading to the promised land and getting the instruction along the way that's what the season we're in right now we're moving into that that starts saturday night six o'clock in central and then there's after passover week there's after passover there's 49 days and it's called the counting down of the omer and in the counting down of the omer is a time of preparation for empowerment so this isn't something where you go and you celebrate passover and you get your passover box from us and your free downloads of how to follow us on the with the haggadah and everything and okay i wait a minute i said the prayers i sowed my seed and nothing happened i'm not telling you it's gonna happen on saturday night and you wake up sunday morning and boom it's happened this is a journey from the 79 day journey that's what i prophesied to you reason i'm saying this some of you have asked questions so purim is preparation passover is deliverance and shavuot pentecost is empowerment and so in this 79 days you want to be able to activate the new creation of who you are in christ jesus where old things pass away and all things become new so i'm going to walk you through this i'm going to start tonight but i'm going to do this really until we get to shavuot in may i'm going to be teaching you how to stay on track so that you can go from deliverance to empowerment to be able to answer your call that sounds good and if you're interested please in the comments please say i'm interested i'd like to follow this okay so now i'm going to explain some things to you because if you're going to start on a journey you need to know where you are first and then start from a very honest place okay hallelujah passover is what they call a divine appointment or in hebrew it's called a mohed go ahead and put that in the uh comment say i'm ready for a divine appointment my mo ed but defining moments when they happen you need to prepare yourself with a faith mindset you have to be open to a faith mindset versus a fixed mindset i'm going to say it again when a divine moment comes and that's why the enemy's fighting you so much because everything to get you worried and distracted about everything under the sun because passover's coming at sundown on saturday so here's the key how do i get a faith mindset when i think i may have some symptoms just symptoms of a fixed mindset well the first thing you have to do is take a fair evaluation of where you are now so let's walk through this together quickly okay defining moments always come and they will cry require change and i preached on this last week so they require change a fixed mindset avoids change can't take it remember we talked about it the other day boy don't even talk to me about i can't handle one more thing that's a fixed mindset when you're going into a defined moment and that's why the enemy is coming to the trading floors with emotional fatigue because he wants you to avoid the changes that need to happen but when you have a faith mindset you embrace you embrace the change so go ahead and put in the comments right now if you're watching uh on ruku you're watching on youtube go ahead and just say it to somebody if no one's there saying i'm embracing change because you cannot take the same habits and patterns and networking that you had yesterday and expect a different result tomorrow you're going to have to make some changes okay and as soon as you make changes it's going to be unfamiliar to you and so what happens there we're going to connect the dots obstacles come and when you have an obstacle the obstacle you can either say okay i've made a change but now i'm going to quit that's what a fixed mindset does it quits but when you have a faith mindset you know because you're wise and you're listening to what i'm saying to you right now you know that when you're at a divine moment and you make change obstacles will come go ahead and say it you're not making it happen they're gonna come in fact if you don't have any resistance you're probably not on the right path anyway so what do you have to do with the faith mindset you have to push through so go ahead and say in the comments that we're going to push through now i've got some scriptures that i want you to to meditate on and the first one is joshua 1 7-8 and when joshua took over the children of israel as a leader the lord said be strong and be of good courage meditate on the word of god day and night that your way might be of great success so when you have obstacles you have to meditate on the word of god but when you feel like quitting you need to go to matthew 6 and 33 and say i can't quit because the word says seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all other things will come on to me i can't quit because the word won't quit and the word became flesh and it's jesus but when you push through you go to matthew 19 and 26 and you push through and you say yeah i'm weak i'm tired the enemy's stronger than me but but nothing is impossible with god and so you just turn it over to god so you meditate on god you choose god first and guess what god will always break through for you now the next thing in a divine defining moment you have to have effort the lord blesses the works of your hand you can't just sit there and say well i'll just wait for my blessing to rain down upon me i said all the blessings i planted my seed no the lord's gonna want you to have an effort and a plan and when you have your effort effort and you're working with a fixed mindset you try something but then you feel hopeless you don't put any faith to it because you're so depressed you say no it's hopeless it won't work but tonight go ahead and say i have a faith mindset your effort will produce a pathway to god's victory success and glory go ahead i have just a few minutes left i hope this if this is helping you go ahead in the comments and say keep going kurt okay criticism criticism will come and criticism actually can be a very good thing even in a bad spirit it can be good but when you have a fixed mindset you ignore it you get bitter and you say what do they know there's always a little truth in criticism so criticism learn from the truth and make the adjustments don't be so proud that you can't receive criticism because if you're doing anything once you make the change to start walking in your defining moment you overcome obstacles you increase your effort criticism is going to come trust me because people say what happened to you you're different you know some people like you not being successful or at this one level and when you start to succeed and move into a promotion and that's what i'm teaching you over this 79 day period of time there's some people that won't like you because they liked the broken uh down defeated you they can't deal with the blessed victorious you and that's just life i'm sorry because see when you have success you're going to have other people around you because sex attracts success but the success of others and how you respond to it is very very very important have you ever noticed that successful people live in the same neighborhoods hang out together and uh and do the same things why and the reason is is because when you're successful you want to be around other people who are successful and that makes you happier you learn from them doors open through the influences and opportunity success births more success and in success when you're successful you have more favor and when you have more favor then you have more empowered dreams and visions and aspirations to be empowered by the holy spirit but when you have a fixed mindset you feel weak insecure and doubt and unbelief comes so that's where i come to now we're gonna close with this it's time to go to the trade passover is a time to trade all of this that's on the back i'm going to flip her around again how's that so what happens is we're going to trade any discord in our life at passover if we have discord for happiness okay we're gonna trade it for happiness any strife we have we're gonna tr in our finances we're gonna trade for prosperity and blessing any controlling issues things that are trying to control us what we're going to do is we're going to trade that for freedom and justice anything that is contention any contentions or lawsuits or things we're fighting with we're going to change that for peace with the lord and the joy of the lord becomes our strength and we're going to choose not to quarrel in our mind or with anybody else let's go ahead and choose it okay we're going to find balance because we're going to get a proper amount of sleep we're going to start eating better and exercising and we're going to start praying in the spirit and watch your health issues turn around the fulfillment of your call has to be a priority god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son for you to be that doctor that plumber that stay-at-home mom that preacher uh that scientist it doesn't make any difference whatever god called you to do you need to fulfill that call and you need to say guess what if i do it on my own i can fight depression but if i do it in the holy spirit i'll have no depression and eight is confidence you need to have confidence in yourself and you need to quit pretending to be something that you're not quit putting on heirs quit trying to to impress other people that you know i don't care how young or old you are that really goes nowhere and once you start stop pretending guess what you're going to have stability your family is going to start having joy and health and prosperous and guess what your passion is going to return and you won't get so easily offended now why is passover so important it's because if you apply change and transform exodus 23 20-33 it's amazing how they match up with all these things that you want so i'm going to close i've got three minutes and i'm going to close with releasing this to you and i want to invite you to come and join us let me see if i can find this okay all right hang on one second i want to show this to you so you can join us i just had this made today look at that live passover seder from our home to yours saturday march 27 6 pm central right here and i want you to invite you to our house we're literally doing it here at our home and the marcelino's will be here the ozballs it's going to be beautiful and i personally want to invite you to join us now after the fourth cup there's nine blessings that we're going to apply and what it's going to do it's going to destroy this it's going to wipe out the assignment of the enemy emotional onslaught of division is going to be erased on the trading floors in the courts of heaven in yeshua's name and we're going to start right now tonight because i don't want to mention something and leave a door open so father god we put on the full armor of god in these closing minutes we put on lord the belt of truth we prepare our feet with the gospel of jesus christ yeshua we put on the breastplate of righteousness the helmet of salvation we take the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit that quenches every fiery dart of the enemy and lord we decree and declare on the trading floor in the courts of heaven we will have happiness and this passover we will seal it with our words and our offering of the promise of exodus 23 it's a covenant act for coming to passover and participating and sowing your seed verse 20 the lord says behold i send an angel before you to keep you in all the ways and to bring you in a place that i have prepared happiness comes when you find that place go ahead and put a check say i'm coming lord and verse 22 but if you obey my voice and do all that i speak then i will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversary so every place that the enemy is trying to steal kill and destroy in your finances the lord will do battle for you amen verse 24 and you shall not bow down to other gods nor serve them nor do according to their works but you shall utterly overflow them and completely break down their sacred pillars that's what gives you freedom deliverance from all idolatry bail structures jezebel and leviathan any kind of structures like that all that control they have is erased at the passover table hallelujah okay verse 25 so you shall serve the lord your god he will bless your bread and your water and i will take sickness far away from in the midst of you so when you're going to have peace which is shalom shalom means nothing broken nothing missing and there's no contention body soul and spirit passover in the in that fourth promise takes it away okay no one shall suffer miscarriage verse 26 suffer miscarriage or barrenness in your land i will fulfill the numbers of your day when you know i know you're going to have victory and you know that everybody wins in your family you'll quit core quarreling okay number six i decree and decl i'm sorry number six i will send my fear before you and i will cause confusion amongst the people whom you come and will make your enemies turn their backs so you'll have respect and when you have respect from the enemy it's paul i know jesus i know and guess what they're going to know you too that will bring balance and that will bring health into your mind body and soul fulfillment and i will send hornets before you which shall drive out the habit canaanites and the hiddites before you if you're going to have fulfillment from your call the depression leaves when you know that the lord is battling for you go ahead in the comments say lord battle for me amen says little by little i'll drive them out before you until you have increased into your inheritance if you're gonna have confidence and not be a pretender you need to know that the the blessings that are coming that's why i gave it to 79 days the blessings that are coming they come little by little so don't become impatient and don't quit because you're making a trade on the trading floors right now in the courts of heaven say father god i'm trading that false identity for my real identity in you and the stability they shall not dwell in your land lest they unless they make you sin against me for if you serve other gods you will it will surely be a snare so you got to remove all the idolatry and the false worship out of your family and guess what that's what the lord does for you at the passover table and number nine i'm sorry well i guess that was number nine did i miss one i missed one here i decree and declare and i release your ability to perceive and receive all dominion of your inheritance this year and the lord shall make you the head and also not the tale so anyway i've run out of time here i hope this has blessed you i personally want to invite you to join us live here passover seder at our home to your home and that will be saturday uh march the 27th this saturday at 6 pm it will be a wonderful time go ahead and download the passover story if you will go to kurtlandry.com and go under uh all the events there if you lose these times and we want to thank you so much for joining us tonight if this has blessed you please like follow and share and if you want to like follow and share we sure would appreciate it help the the message and the ministry grow god bless you father god we just thank you right now that on the trading floors in heaven that tonight let it be recorded and sealed in each one of the people's books father god that we have traded in and we receive happiness finances freedom peace joy balance fulfillment confidence in ourselves and in you stability in our family and a passion from the holy spirit and lord we thank you for making a pathway for us we embrace it we receive it and we believe it and lord just like esther we say yes and just like moses we say yes lord deliver us from egypt and just like at pentecost they gathered together in one place in one accord and the fire fell and the lord empowered them for the supernatural lord empower us for the supernatural in yeshua's name amen god bless you and love you shalom

2021-03-28 09:58

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