What is Affiliate Marketing in 2019?

What is Affiliate Marketing in 2019?

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So, in this video which I'm going to try my best to keep short and concise we're. Going to talk about what, is affiliate, marketing we. Are going to cover the, affiliate. Marketing, business models. So whether high, ticket low ticket, organic. Strategies, pays strategies, and so on we, are going to talk about some of the biggest do's, and don'ts. In affiliate marketing and, some of the major mistakes, that we see in, the online business community, that I run and on the webinars that I host we're, going to talk about the. Affiliate, marketing niches, the biggest affiliate, marketing, niches. That. Typically affiliate marketers will go into and finally, we are going to talk about the most effective, steps, that you can take to actually start an affiliate marketing, of business today, so. What is affiliate, marketing, affiliate. Marketing is essentially a business model where, you are taking, charge of the front part of the business process. And another. Company is dealing with everything. Else that happens after, the initial, sale so, if you imagine say, you work to go and launch a company today right, brick-and-mortar typical. Business now. If you're setting up a company you would have to develop a product or offer a service you, would have to deal with operations. You would have to do with finance, you would have to deal with legal, you, would have to deal with customer, support you, would have to deal with absolutely. Everything, that goes on as part of running a business including. Sales. And marketing, now. What affiliate, marketing, is is essentially, you're taking, the entire business process and you. As an affiliate, ad is just dealing with the front-end bit. Sales. Marketing, or for some companies even just marketing and I'll touch on that in a sec so just front end and then, the company. That you're an affiliate, with or. Partnered, with the. Company, deals with everything, else so they develop the product they offer support they. Offer or they go through operations, they go through manufacturing production, order. Finance. Legal HR, etc, that's all dealt with by them so. Typical. Companies now this business model is basically. Built on connectivity. So. If you imagine companies, like uber or, Airbnb, or, Expedia. So. Uber. Doesn't own a single taxi, yeah is the biggest taxi company in the world, Airbnb. Doesn't. Own a single hotel yeah. It's the biggest hotel, company in the world Expedia. Same, thing planes, don't own planes biggest, travel company in the world. Now. With that in mind what's, actually happening. There to allow these businesses, to be so effective, and the. Model is connectivity. So. What all of these companies are doing is they are connecting. Buyers, potential. Buyers of products, with, people. Or businesses that can offer those products, all, they are is a bridge between the two and for making that connection they, receive a small commission, so. Affiliate. Marketing, is essentially, a very similar thing you as an affiliate or your company, as an affiliate company would. Be connecting. People who need a product or service with. That product or service and that's. It and, for, that you receive a commission, now. Traditional. Misconceptions. With affiliate marketing are, that it's very much like MLM. Or you, know you're selling to friends and family, or that, you're basically, building a business where you're trading a lot of time for money and that could not be further from the truth so, in this day and age with. Digital, marketing with online, business, we, can use systems, technology. Online, marketing, organic. Marketing, we can get lots or we can use lots of strategy, sorry to get offers. For. Products, or services, in front, of buyers at the point where they're in the market. Automatically. And without, us having to do anything to make that happen because we set up systems or, marketing, strategies, that, will enable us to serve, content. To, these people to provide them value and then. In turn if you then or if they were to click an affiliate link for example that you've put into a piece of content you would get a portion, of the revenue from that sale and often. That portion, of revenue, would be relative. To the amount. Of the business process that you are taking, charge off so, there's, lots of different affiliate, companies out there now let's talk about the different types of affiliate.

Business Model now, you can have low. Ticket. Fillie a business model which might be selling. Products on Amazon for example so, Amazon made I think it was 47, billion, dollars, worth of revenue in, 2018. From, third-party. Sellers okay. Now I doubt the exact, identification. A, can't remember the exact number but it's around that number and so. The point is that most. Of the stuff that people buy, on Amazon, are done. From sellers, like you, and me putting. Products. Listings, on Amazon, and connecting, people who want to buy that product with the actual manufacturer, of that product now. This is all well and good but the problem with low, ticket affiliate, so selling like a you, know book on Amazon or something like that is that to make any kind, of tangible, sizable, return you'd. Have to be getting a lot, of people. To, be looking at that offer and then deciding, whether to purchase, so. The. Problem, one of the problems with low ticket is that you just need a lot of volume and the, thing is with traffic, online. Typically. You can either go down the paid marketing, route or, the organic marketing. Route and again, this is a bit of a generalization, but, more, often than not building. An organic, audience, is gonna take more time and you need to put a lot more commitment, into growing. An organic audience either on like a YouTube, channel or, through. An Instagram, page or, from writing a blog and, ranking on Google there's, many different ways as well but that's just a few, and so organic, typically. Would take time and so, with with low ticket, affiliate. Going. Down the paid route is very tricky, because there's, a lot of other advertisers. Online and if, you're only making you. Know two dollars or fifty, cents or something as put an affiliate Commission for like selling a book that's. Not a lot of advertising budget, to be playing with you don't have the margins, to be able to spend money on paid advertising, which, means you've got to grow in organic audience and growing, an organic audience is going to take a lot of time to get a lot of eyeballs on that product to make it worthwhile, now. With. The paid route, typically. You might you'd be better off in my experience. Getting a high ticket, affiliate. Offers, now. You're generally not gonna see high ticket on, things. Like Amazon Associates or, things like CJ, affiliate, which is another affiliate. Basically. Program that offers that, allows businesses, to partner. With you as an affiliate. But. What you've been looking at in higher. Ticket, is companies. That sell products. Of maybe. You know several thousand, dollars and you can get affiliate, commissions of a few hundred dollars five hundred dollars, thousand. Dollars there's, one affiliate company that I'm partnered with which does up to eighty thousand, dollar commissions per. Sale so. If you think about that for a second, there is a lot, more marketing. Budget to be playing with obviously. It takes more time to nurture. And provide, value, to somebody, to enable them to make that kind of buying decision, but. That's the kind of stuff that you can learn and that's the kind of stuff that can be largely automated. And. So here's the key if, you're. Going down the low ticket route in my experience, generally organic, strategies. Are really the only way to go and that's going to take more, time okay. Which is fine if you're willing to put in the time and do the work if, you're going down the higher ticket route you, can do organic as well of course right. That's fine but, you might also look to explore the paid marketing, route and paid, marketing, typically, it's going to be quicker to build an audience doesn't, mean it's easier it, just means that is typically quicker, to, build an audience and get eyeballs on what, it is that you're creating, as an offer now. Essentially. With this in mind one of the most important. Do's and don'ts, of affiliate. Marketing or don't should I say of affiliate marketing is do. Not, recommend, products, or services, that you have not purchased or experienced, yourself that. Is very, important, because. If you're the. Whole name. Of the game here is about providing value, and helping. People move forwards helping people overcome their problems in their life, that's.

The Key we provide value, and so. If you're recommending things, that you have not experienced. Or purchased, yourself, you don't know whether it's any good. Think. About it this way would you recommend your friend goes and sees a film that you haven't even seen yourself. No. Because even Sina would. You make an recommend your friend goes and joins a gym that you've never even joined yourself, no, you wouldn't. This. Is no different, you. Know people, that you're connecting. With the, main, focus, that you have to put your attention to is providing. Value, is solving, their problems, and, so. If you're, gonna become an affiliate, for a company, and you're going to recommend a product the number one rule is make sure it's something that you know is actually any good. So. Another do and don't of affiliate marketing or again, should I say probably a don't, of affiliate marketing is that, people will typically decide right, ok I want to I want to create an affiliate business I'm gonna create an affiliate business and so. Now I'm. Gonna go and find a product let's, all go on Google, and I'll type you know how to find high ticket affiliate, offers, and then, I'm gonna you know search different high ticket affiliate, companies, and with dollar signs in my eyeballs, I'll be looking at this offer again look, look how much I Commission I could make for that one look how much money I can make for a sale there that's, that's really good that and then what they'll try and do is they'll try and build a business behind, that or start, getting, people to look at this offering and buy this offer and the. Problem with putting your, focus on the money or the quick wins or just give me an affiliate product so I can sell it and start doing affiliate marketing so I want to quit my job you. Know with that kind of mentality behind. What you're doing it's, gonna be very short-lived. The. Novelty, will wear off, very quickly believe, me, so. We've got to make sure that whatever we're, doing we. Have some, kind of passion or interest either, in the niche that we're in or. We. Are enjoying, something. Very specific about the process, or we have a bigger vision a bigger why of what type, of life we're looking to create and the impact, that we want to create and who we want to help or. Ultimately, there's something, that we're doing it for that is bigger than us kids. Family. Wife husband, and. Really. What we want to be doing is driving, towards creating, the type of future that we want to create for us and for the people that we care about and, in. That future you're, probably not going to be wanting to spend the next five years of your life just looking.

Over The internet to find products to sell to people that you don't care about you don't really want anything to do with and that you're focusing on nothing more than making the money it's, not sustainable, it's not going to last. So. Biggest. Affiliate marketing niches, and again, this isn't a you, know decisive, list there's also a lot more than this but biggest, affiliate marketing niches would, typically be. Health. And fitness, dating. And relationships. They're big ones, online. Business education, is a big one personal, development is a very big one. Also. Sports things like golf you know people would spend a lot of money on golf equipment and so on and so forth and. Really. What. You want to be thinking about is, when you're tying in, something. You're passionate about something that means something. To use something that you've got value, from let's. Say you know personal, development, event that you've been to and you've, got a massive transformational. Value out of that and so you want to help other people experience. The same thing that you did well, you might consider looking to be an affiliate for. That, personal, development seminar. Because most companies offer affiliate, partnerships. So. If, that's. What your focus is well, the. Number, one lesson. Here is that, most. Affiliate. Marketing, niches, that are, big. And, successful. Or, affiliates, have great success in those niches some affiliates, the. Most popular, niches are ones where you are solving, the biggest problems. For people so. Think about, what. Problems, do, people, have what are the biggest problems that, people have that. You would like to help solve and. Something. That means something to you is gonna. Be a much, better path to go down there's something that you don't care about anything except the money. Okay. So what. Are the biggest problems, that people are trying to solve in their life and how. Can you help them solve that and if, you can find a company, to partner with that. Does a great job of helping solve, that pop. Then. It's just a case of learning. How to drive. Traffic to an offer that you've created for that company. Okay. So let's. Talk a little bit now about how you can actually start affiliate. Marketing, and, what the most valuable. Thing that you can focus on is to allow you to take those first steps now. One thing that I've learned on my journey because I launched my first business, in September, 2016. Company, was actually incorporated, in December, 2016. But I was like sole trader before that, so. December, 2016. Was when the company was incorporated as, a private limited company that. Was primarily an affiliate, business, and, the company that I partnered, with was, an education. Platform, that I was going through to learn how to do online marketing, because. I realized, that if I learn how to do online marketing and, I learn how, to get. A message, a value, driven message, in front, of people whether, it's through video whether, it's through written content, like blog whether, it's um a paid ad in like Google paid search or Bing paid search or something like that if, I learnt that skill then. I could connect, potential. Buyers with, sellers of. The products that the buyers were looking to buy and for. That I could receive a commission. In return and I've. Realized as I was going through this, education myself I realized, that well I'm getting, so much value out of this and this, is the journey that I'm going down and I have goals and vision that I want to create and I see that this is the way I can create that vision and so I know that this is going to help a lot of people like me as well so that's how I started I found a, high, ticket affiliate, product. That, I resonated, with because I was going through the education, and seeing, how valuable it was, so. What I started was an affiliate marketing company which, is called scrapper 95 and what that does is it recommends. People to. Education. That can help them learn the skills of building an online business whether. That's affiliate, whether it's other business models like e-commerce which I talked about in this video, whether. It's like consulting, again I won't talk about that in this video so the, point is that, was what I started, with because I was going through the process myself now here's the important point, lack.

Of Information is, never. The problem if, you, don't have an online business yet, the reason that you don't have an online business is, not because, you don't know the how it's. Nothing to do with having the magic tactic, or the magic strategy. It's. Never lack of information that's the problem so for example. How. Many people. Have six pack apps right. How many people who are in fantastic shape, as, a percentage, it's. Quite small right probably, 5%. 3%. 2%, 1%. Depends. You know how, fantastic, shape will be talking and. Yeah. If I set you to, get in great shape what are the two things that you need to do what. Would you say. It's. Gonna be exercise. More and eat, healthier. All, right in some, form or another you, can have loads. Of different tactics, and strategies, of how to do those two things but we all know. Fundamentally. How, to get in great shape, you just exercise, more and you eat healthier, we all know that except. 95, percent plus of us are not in fantastic, shape, it's. Not lack of information is because we is not because we don't know how to do it we all know how and, it's. No different, in online, business if, you. Type into Google, how to start, an affiliate marketing, company. 197. Million, results, come up the. Answers, are there for, free, right. We all can find out from literally just typing a sentence, on our smart phone we can all find our answers, but, that is not why we don't succeed. Why. We don't succeed is much bigger than that to, do with what's going on in here it's, because we don't have the right mentors, we don't have the right accountability. We don't have the right vision of why we're doing it we. Can't overcome procrastination we, don't overcome our fears the, list goes on, and. So when I started, I've very, quickly realized, that, if I was gonna succeed, in this game I would. Need to find people, who, had already achieved, the result that I wanted, to achieve and, then, model them, and, if, I could do that and have, these people tell. Me like how did you succeed, and they tell me this is what I did this is the steps that I take and then you model those steps you do the same things that they did you'll get the same results, that they did, might. Take time might take changing, some things might take failing, a few times but. If you model what someone else has done to achieve a result a new, model exactly what they've done eventually, you will achieve the same as oh it's.

Not Rocket science, so. Therefore if you want to create an affiliate. Marketing, business so you want to know how to start, very. Simple, you've got to find someone who's already done it and model, them model. What they did that's. What I did that's how I started, and. Say if you're in the same space as me as I was when I first started, whereby I wanted. To get out of an unfulfilling career, I wanted, to create time freedom in my life I wanted, to be doing things that I wanted, to do instead of what my boss told me to do I wanted, to spend time with the people that I wanted to spend time with instead, of having to go work a 9 to 5 or more. Like 7 till 7 you know I was doing 60 70 hours a week, so. If those are the kind of things that are motivating. You to want to create, some change in your life to build an online business to build an affiliate marketing company, and just model someone who's already done it and just take the same steps that they took and the, first step that I took was go through an online education, that would teach me the fundamental, basics of building an online business if you want to access the same education. As well then, in the top corner, of this video you, will see a button. That you can click that, will take you through to my website, and give you access to, the same education. Platform, the same mentors, the same community, the, same accountability, groups the same training and the same everything. The same ecosystem, and environment, but I went through to. Start launching businesses, so. I now have four companies, I've, been traveling the world all across 2018. Now in 2019. I've settled down a little bit and got an apartment in London wanted. To really start to scale more businesses, more aggressively, build, a team behind me which I've started doing a lot of you you know if you're involved in my communities, that I've been building over the last year and a half or so you'll, you'll probably have already connected with some of my team so you'll know them, in Jason. My brother he works with me as well Sarah, another new member who's recently joined the team so, the point is that if you want to model and create this kind of result as well just. Model and follow somebody who's already done it that's. Why I do what I do that's why I do this content, on YouTube, that's why I've created the private entrepreneurial, network that you might end up joining you. Know not expensive. So. All of these things are resources, to help somebody get the same results through taking the same actions, if. This makes sense if the youth sounds, interesting, if it sounds, like you might want to learn how to make a start as well get. In the same environment surround. Yourself with people who have done it click, that link and that's going to give you three choices three, options right, number. One you can just join the community for yourself it's $29. 95 it comes with a 30-day, money-back guarantee, you can check it out it is literally, zero risk if it's, not for you you just click a button in their back office is one button click and it's an automatic refund, of your subscription, couldn't. Be easier number. Two if you're not really sure yet you want to find out a little bit more about how online business, works what the different models are then, you can access a free video, series their goal if goes a lot more into the basics, and the fundamentals and. How other people do make a start in affiliate, marketing or, e-commerce -, very powerful business models online right. So you can access that video series for free if you want to learn more well, number three if you're, thinking was you're watching this well he's, just trying to sell me something then, I've got something that I think might really help you as well so, out of curiosity, click. The link have, a look at the three options you can look at all three if you like see what they're about and if one of them resonates, with you there'll, be details, with details, on exactly what. You can do from there to help yourself, move forth even. If you're thinking he's just trying to sell you something I've got a free resource for you that, I think will really help alright, so thanks very much for watching this video if you've enjoyed it if you found it useful then.

Don't Forget to subscribe I, do plenty, of videos about online business, and also, about personal development mindset. For success believe. All these kind of things I love delving into what goes on in there and how that contributes. To our success, all. The results that we create in our life so if you've enjoyed this found it useful subscribe. And also comment, below if there's anything that you've learnt, any questions, you have any perspective, that you'd like to add and share I would love to hear from you thank, you very much for watching it really appreciate it and I, will speak to you in another video bye, for now.

2019-07-16 07:10

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Thank you Dan. I really enjoy watching your videos.

Great video again Dan! You definitely deserve more views than you're currently getting... I think your videos could help and resonate with a lot of people. I feel like your channel has untapped potential!

Cheers Dan, really appreciate the feedback and great that you're finding it so valuable :)

How to be successful

Hey Daylin, thanks for reaching out and great question, I've done a video around how to be successful in online business recently you may find it helpful :) You can check it out here: https://st.scrapthe9to5.com/c/how-to-start-an-online-business

Very gud

Glad you found it valuable Silvio :)

You're welcome Ashraf, glad you're finding it valuable :)

Oh my God

Hi Dan I am very grateful to have come across the self-help material you are putting out there. You are very motivating and extremely educated and informative for the short time that you have been doing what you are doing and I’m inspired by your content as I’m struggling to move forward from the group I’m in and want to move forward and find the appropriate mentor to guide me forward in my plan to start my own online business, whatever that ends up being , right now, I have no idea. But watching your content gives me the fuel to go forward and “scrap the nine to five” like you say and do it for myself and my 2 young sons. I’m a nurse so listening to you talk about linking things and piecing things together and incorporating the knowledge you already have and can provide ie health, wellbeing and lifestyle could be my way forward in some way . Thanks

Thank you

Hey Arlene, thanks for jumping out and sharing your situation at the moment, creating big changes in our life is never easy but it’s always going to be worth it. Keep going and you’ll get there for sure, it’s all about setting clear intentions, getting clear on your goals and moving towards it every day by taking action no matter what. This might give you some ideas if you looking for a mentor https://st.scrapthe9to5.com/c/how-to-find-a-mentor Ang glad you’ve been getting value too :)

Hey Arlene, thanks for sharing this, yea having mentors and community was absolutely key for me in helping me get where I am today, surrounding yourself with people who have achieved what you wanna achieve is going to get you so much further than being around people who don't understand or don't believe that it's possible.

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