What Indigenous Reparations Might Look Like In Australia

What Indigenous Reparations Might Look Like In Australia

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Reckoning. With our history, is a, white, settler responsibility. My. Pops been saying pay the rent since I was a little. If. We wanted to do this we could afford to do it. My. Name is Luke Perry Richardson I'm a descendant, of the cookie LNG and double Chi people Mun, and jelly of people of South East Queensland, and Butler mob from Fraser Island and also the Miriam people in the Torres Strait eight. Weeks ago I was asked to be a part of a documentary about reparations, in, other words paying. The rent to Indigenous Australians, eight. Weeks ago I had no idea what reparations, even meant despite. The fact that some of my mob have been calling for the rent to be paid for decades what, I do know about rent, I'm an artist and a storyteller and I rent a one-bedroom, apartment in Darlinghurst Sydney I don't, own my home yet but I'd like to one day and if I did buy in Sydney you'd, be on gadigal land yet, not a single cent will go to go to war model. Traditional. Owners don't get to profit much from their land it, was taken without payment but what if we all had to pay to, live on gadigal no. No your, Deora Murray land I'm willing to pay the rent are, you. In. 2018, a strain households, were named the wealthiest, in the whole world and a large portion of that wealth stems from assets, specifically. Property values. Australia. Is a wealthy country and a big part of that wealth has been built on Aboriginal left. I'm. Gonna take you on a journey with me to find out more about reparations, I'm going to talk to experts and I'm gonna ask Australians. Property-owning. Australians, if they're ready and willing to pay the rent this is not about handouts and it's, not just about money it's, about acknowledging this country's past like, they have done in South Africa, New, Zealand Canada. Haiti. The, US and other places reparations. Is nothing new we, just don't talk about it enough here, yeah, the. First thing I needed to do was to understand what reparations, can be so, I sat down with Andrea Durban, she is a South African human. Rights law professor, and someone, I knew would get me started on my journey there. Are a number of categories that. Really. Speak to what reparations. Are so it's an apology. Compensation. Which is usually monetary compensation. Restitution. Which is giving people back their land their language their culture. Rehabilitation, which. Is where. People have suffered physically, or emotionally and. Lastly. A guarantee, against. Repetition, of those, violations of, human rights in. Really, simple terms, reparations. Is to be sorry and to, do sorry and that, can consist, of paying monetary, compensation for. The past wrongs when, BuzzFeed asked me to work with them on this documentary, I must admit I was a little cautious but. They put me in touch with Alex Kelly a filmmaker, from Alice Springs she's. Done a lot of research and I'm hoping she can help me understand, what mainstream Australia. Thinks about paying the rent is, it possible that Australians, will be up for contributing, part of their property tax dollars to a reparation, scheme fortunately. There are people that know way more about this pay the rent stuff than I do so I asked Alex to talk to Richard Denis to find out if a property tax is the best way to fund a reparation, scheme and I caught up with Camilla Roy a woman Natalie Chrome Natalie. Comes from a legal background and has been writing about this stuff for a while. I. Think. In Australian. Politics we've seen a lot of symbolism, that.

Was, Never backed up by action that we still talk about Paul Keating's Redfern speech which was, incredible. It was pivotal we, cannot give Indigenous, Australians, up without. Giving, up many. Of our own deeply held values, much. Of our identity and indeed. Our own humanity but, there was no real, political action, after that that's made, any meaningful change and any any. Progressive. Politicians. That, try to implement, change for our benefit gets bought back by the next government, we. Apologize, for the laws and, policies of successive Parliament's. And, governments. That. Have inflicted profound, grief, suffering. And loss on these. Our fellow, Australians, we're constantly stuck, between this either-or. Argument. Between two major parties, and neither. Of them actually have long-term, strategic. Outlooks for the benefit of us because, they're. Not actually talking to us everything, is about us without us do you think it's a pipe dream that when we're, trying to you. Know trying to get here like that whole reparations, or pay the rent do you think it's a priority to put it work in Australia I think, you could work in Australia but it takes the right mindset, and I think that. Given. That, sir. Over 230, years it's been in bread crumbs am I supposed to feel grateful for, it why not shoot, for, absolutely. What we're entitled to Natalie, isn't exactly filling me with optimism here but, it's nice to know that she doesn't think reparations, is just a pipe dream and from what Richard told Alex it's not a new idea either, the idea of, paying reparations the. Idea, of. Formally. Setting, out compensation, to, groups who've been displaced. Is. Hardly. A new one and it's it's hardly a radical one but in Australia obviously, it's, it's it's been a very controversial. And I guess, that stems, back to the fact that for so long. Australians. Pretended, the, terra nullius was. That. Terra nullius was, a useful concept. In. Australia, we start, with denial and that's that's that's the most helpful place to start I think, the conversation, we need to have is should we be looking at this and if, people agree we should then we can start a conversation about how, and, after. We've done the short and after we've done the how then, we can have a conversation about how you might fund that I wanted, to ask about where you, see. This conversation. Sitting. In. The, kind of broader. National. Conversation. So you, know in terms of how you think about the, way in which nearly Buddhism, frames. Debates, in Australia, how. Do you think a conversation, about reparations, would sit in, that kind of economic climate. Unfortunately. I think the, you, know the Australians. Have been trained to believe that we're broke we're trained to believe that government. Spending on anything is inefficient and wasteful, and, a lot of people have been trained. To believe that the. Collection of taxation, revenue, is, inherently. Harmful to the economy so, yeah, I think that neoliberal. Frame of reference makes this debate, harder. Than it needs to be I've. Seen Australians, rally for our mob in the past but getting people to engage in an open debate about reparations. It's gonna be real hard when, we ask people on Facebook what they thought of a pay the rent scheme it. Was tough reading one person wrote nothing, they get enough handouts from the taxes we pay already and another person wrote I think, that we've already paid them far too much get, off your bums and work this sort of commentary is nothing new to me but.

How Do we get beyond it some, people were more supportive this user wrote my housemates and I collectively, donate, $100, a month to vacc aho as rent, for living on stolen land we'd, participate, in some kind of formal reparation, scheme as well I want, to see communities, sir I have not survived I think, that we need to. Pursue. The hardest, line and hope. That we. Get enough traction with relevant. People so that. We. Continue creating, attention, having the rest of Australia want, to join. Join. The conversation, and say you know what we did actually do wrong it's time for us to pay, the rent and how, what does that look like so do you talk about this, with, your non-indigenous friends, and and family as well. How. Would I approach that without, people, getting angry or or sad I, think if, if, you make it clear that you, know it's not about white, guilt or anything, like that you, know we're not asking people to feel guilty, about history. We're. Asking people to check. Their privilege and use it for us because, the. Government is never going to hand anything, to us without us fighting for it and we. Need allies who, want, to do right and want to be on the right side of history we. Can talk and talk and protest. All we want but it's, the. Help from the non-indigenous side, that's really vital basically, yeah exactly exactly we're, less than 3% of the population so, if it's just left up to us change. Is never going to come how do you think we would reach the majority of Australians agreeing, that, this was a necessarily. Process. To engage in no one knows look. How long it took to get same-sex, marriage up in Australia, and look how torturous, that process, was I think, we can unfortunately expect. The same might occur when we're talking about something like the. Provision, of reparations. But, I think the main thing we have to do is is take the question, back to its simple moral one the. People think what happens and the way it happens in hindsight. Was. The right thing to occur, I'm. Gonna go and talk to some. Property, owners here in Sydney and, ask. Them this question are they willing. To or ready to pay the tax I'll pay the rent sorry yeah. What. What how should I approach it if they go why would I pay for something, that happens so long I, think, I'm. In common, argument why yeah not, my phone happened all those years ago yeah that's that's the common argument I think you. Approach them by, giving them an analogy, what would you expect if, someone squatted in one of your properties and, did. So unlawfully. With the full, flagrant. Stew the lord of, the. Their own and and, the adopted country they'd, expect, to have rent. Right, so. You. Know we're not asking, for them to pay two hundred and thirty years of rent or asking them to, establish. A fund. In. Order for each community, to be able to self-govern. And. Self-sustained. Without. Having, to ask for bread crumbs off the table help, bridge that gap it yeah Africa, yeah I hope, you are managed. To make, an impact in their minds of the non-indigent that's not me, two fingers crossed, yeah you go. Someone. That's been there for me throughout all my ups and downs is my partner Elliot she's. Been hearing little bits about my journey so far but. I wanted to sit down and chat with her as one of the people closest to me to see what she thought about it all.

I, Feel. Bad not knowing about it. Well. It's not actually been spoken about right, have, you heard about reparations, before well, I actually. Kind, of hadn't, until you. Know you started, talking about it I guess I have questions about you, know who, would get the money and then who decides on you know what to do with the money yeah but, then again I don't know how it works in other places either early. Conversations, I had about reparations, people, kept coming back to overseas examples, Canada's Stolen Generations, fund and South, Africa's, Truth and Reconciliation Commission. For example you know I think what the South African experience showed me is I never and, I. Say this to many of my colleagues here, in Australia, I never in my lifetime, believed. That democracy, would come to my country South, Africa I never, believed Mandela would be released Nelson Mandela would be released from prison in my lifetime and, yet, it happened, and so while, what. You and I've been talking about can, be quite dispiriting. There's. Always that little, sense. I always have that knocks me on the head and says remember, you. Never thought that change would come to your country in your lifetime, or that, Nelson Mandela would be President, and, hey it's. Happened. Andrea. Told me that reparations, in South Africa didn't fully work but, that there is a new push to get something happening so it seems the most successful, example, people keep talking about is, New Zealand's Waitangi, tribunal, so I lined up a chat with dr. a Naru Arata the. Journey that I've had with working. On Mari riots, and with non international. Indigenous. Rights oh I see a lot of Australians, right so. This morning and we went to her going away at there it was the last day for professor, he was leaving he's had an amazing career and he he. Was working for the local tribal people at Bastion points, in Auckland for their land claim. And. Then it brought to mind the, aboriginal. Embassy, and Canberra. So. This was all happening around about the same time and the mid to late seventies, so when the tent and embassy was getting CS out which way and Sam was kind of a reaction to the land policies, of the government of the time. There, was the major occupation, at Bastion point and they're both kind of pivotal, moments, in our, shared. History and. The history of New Zealand in Australia, well you, know it was a very, strong. Movement very about self-determination. About. Political. Autonomy not just, land rights. And, that's how our movement kicked, off in New Zealand and, I think in Australia to going back to our Bastian, point right the the occupation. Of that land it was it was integral. To the is that what, I've learnt to a white tongue in tribunal, yes, yeah, that's right could you teach. Me more about that I've got a brief understanding but. How, that how did that come about yeah. Basically, just briefly what is its inquiry. A commission, of inquiry so. It's not like a court you know so you don't have, strong. Forms, of cross-examination it's. About trying. To find the truth. And. It's looking into, basically. Historical, and justices that occurred. Right. Back to 1840. When, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed but. Then in 1985. They. Gave a jurisdiction, to look all the way back to 1840. And it just opened it'll work completely, and that was the, significant.

Moment Where the. Tribunal, could look at you know land takings, that occurred in 1865. Or earlier or. In the 1970s. And. And. That, meant that we were forced to basically look at this that part of how. Our. History, right that not, other people knew about I, knew, that the Mauri were here first and land was taken their own justices. But but. These inquiries. Were into. Specific, tribal, claims to specific. Areas of land and they. Produced reports, which. Documented what happens and they, made recommendations for. Redress. So. It's yes it is see it's really important, part of our healing process. Reparations, has. Made a difference yeah definitely, yeah it's made a difference is cathartic and healing. Economically. Drive, someone, powers that self-determination you're, talking about the self discrimination, yeah move towards self-determination. There. It's. Enacted codes. Which, foster. Greater participation and. Decisions, related, to environment. A, whole. Range of different messes so it's being it's, been key I think like. Everyone would agree with that right like if you if, you if, you, google, treaty settlements, you're fun a lot of people would critique it and for good reason it's not perfect, but, I think overall, it's, unique, it's being really. Important part of healing. And honoring, and respecting, being. Justices, of the past and also. Building a base for the future. Economically. And politically I think things, to be very inclusive. At, the best of times of strains hate paying tax they, love the way of living, here they love how great, life. Is in Australia roads everything but they hate paying tax so, why would they pay. A tax that. Doesn't benefit. Them doesn't benefit their roads I think that it, benefits 3%, of the population why why would they like. I. Know. I would because I come from a minority within this country and I would pay other elsewhere, but. But. Why would a, non-indigenous. Person, you. Know that. Doesn't directly benefit, with this hey. We. Do, have a couple of friends that have, just bought places, my place really even, you. Know we watched other friends, try, to find a place that was affordable you know and they work in such as. Naturist. And other like dancers that live nearby there's, a lot of our friends are. Minorities. Already you, know yeah. That already can't get I think. If they had the money on. The other celery I think. If they could afford a house I think they wouldn't be happy to pay it when. We started making this documentary the plan was to speak with a lot of property owners around sydney, just to ask them what they thought about a pay the rent tax we're in a go agreed to talk with us so i went had a young with her at her house in rose bay sydney. When. You first bought your first property the. Idea, of paying. A voluntary. Reparations. Property. Tax, would. You have paid it back then oh. But. When i first bought my property. I'm. Just trying to think what year it may have seen it was I think it was late, 80s. And, I, was, other. Way I've always been a person who cares, about, social. Justice, so. For me the whole concept of inequality. Is a real, isn't just an, ottoman, I can't I'd get really upset about it so yes.

I Would have absolutely I, do, live in this one-bedroom apartment dying hearse don't, own it I still paying rent on my my, art artistic wage my. Artists wage with, my partner. And, you did say that you would pay a. Reparation. Property, tax I find. That the world. Is away from where we are right now with this beautiful, backyard, swimming, pool house. Compared. To my. Little square. Box over, in Darlinghurst and it's. It's. Easy to say that you. Have. The money. I guess to pay that tax what, would what would you say to people like me. A struggling artist that's well, that's why I think it there needs to be some sort of equity. Apply. To this and so and it maybe will be a percentage, or something. And it cuts in at a certain point. Which. Is which is basically how all taxes work anyway I think in Australia so I can't imagine it would just be a one-size-fits-all, sort. Of tax, but. I do think it there needs to be some sort of system where everybody feels like they're contributing it's my only point, where I think even it was a small amount I feel like everybody should should. Contribute, in some way because. Everyone. It's, the only way gonna bring the whole country together around this concept, of reparation, for First Nations people no one now said yes to our requests, to film with them in their homes one. Couple who live in Bell main told, us to support the idea but don't want to say the wrong thing how, do we start having a conversation about reparations, and pay the rent if people are too hesitant to talk I haven't, given up on Australians, I feel like I feel like you know we've we've had a few road, bumps as. A nation we haven't always you. Know we don't have a wonderful history always, and. Particularly when it comes to First Nations people but, but, I do I, do, believe that, people are, inherently good. And. If they have the, right information and, they're aware of the, issues. Then. The, people will make the right decision yeah I think what, the biggest. One. Of the things, that I've discovered is that we. Haven't had this history but we're also not owning. Up to it at this point in time we, had the we had the apology with Prime, Minister Rudd, but we haven't I think.

A Great. Example is the 26th of January, what is that and who that what what, does that mean to Australians. First Nations on non. First Nations as well so. I think. Going back to if there was ever to be a reparation, scheme there also has to be. Owning. Of history, and owning of the, wrong that was done in the past as well you know and not just not just a stolen generation, that was apologized, for I'm, still a long way from truly, understanding, how to pay the rent scheme could work in Australia but, annaroo gave me this advice within. The international. Legal system could, I make a change could I, could. I do something one person, you know what I mean oh yeah. I think I think there's a lot of I mean it's how it starts, right with just individual, choices to do something and then you you, don't do alone you join up with you know your. Friends, and colleagues and, family and then ultimately. You do you know for, your community, my personal opinion is that some kind of pay the rent scheme could work here in Australia but this is just the beginning of my journey or what I do know for sure is, that the reconnecting, relearning. And empowering. Needs, to continue so, let's keep having these conversations.

2019-02-06 14:46

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The ignorance of people in the comments is so worrying! Praying your hearts are healed and you start to open up your hearts to the fact that people are still suffering because of colonisation.

I thought that the first white people to live in Australia were prisoners sent there against their will. Maybe you should ask the british royal family to pay you, after all they were the ones in charge back then

Without white settlers you would live in a shithole. Looking at the standard of living, aborigines people should be thankful.

Maybe if they learned to code their lives would be easier?

Maybe you should protect your land better.

I don't understand why tho? like they didn't steal your personal property that you earned, they stole your ancestor's property. If 150 years ago your great-great-grandpa stole my great-great-grandpa's cattle (or something else idk), and then the cops came up to you today telling you that you owe me monetary reparation for said cattle, would that make any sense or be even slightly fair?? of course not. what happened 230 years ago was horrific and should be recognized as the crime it was, but asking for people to pay money to other people for no reason other than "you stole from my family 230 years ago" makes absolutely no sense. if I'm wrong or not getting something please tell me? to me, this just seems like bullshit.

+Glowing Gaki Damn it people this is a youtube comments section. Your valid points and well thought out responses have no place here

Steven Ratmansky the issue here is that white colonisation has led to issues that are still present today and the australian government barely recognises traditional country which creates a lot of problems with culture as land is seen as vary sacred and thats why reparations are important because its almost the same as stealing someones mother and making them their own mother while making you watch. Its pretty sick. But your argument is valid seeing as the past should stay in the past but this a current issue whether we like it or not because of the ongoing effects

​+Ferret Tamer those are very good points and I see what you're saying. I still feel like we shouldn't be punishing people for atrocities they had no part in. what happened to the Aboriginal people was horrific and there's no debating that. those crimes have completely changed the course of Aboriginal peoples and destroyed their way of life and culture. but to bring back the main conversation, how are reparations going to help? Why should a person simply receive money for having been born into an Aboriginal family? How does that right the wrongs of centuries past?

Steven Ratmansky you have a point to a degree. Actions of your ancestors shouldn’t be unfair thrown upon you. However, it comes down to the fact that your ancestors directly effected and destroyed the Aboriginal population. If this population was left with/treated as equals, life would be radically different. The theft of a single/a few cattle does not match to the theft of your entire lifestyle and then placed in a position with an inability to acquire any method of regaining your former life, with these restrictions forced upon your children and so on. Aboriginal children were even stolen from their families and abused when were placed in the white Australian population. To go back to your example with another example - to ask for civility after seeing someone punch another person in the face is one thing. But how can you ask someone to be civil after being punched, kicked, beaten to a bloody mess, almost to death?

I agree. I think all indigenous peoples deserve reparations

Batman nah

At this point I just watch BuzzFeed videos because I'm curious how much money it takes to try and gloss over a trash-fire

Lol before white you people wee literally living in the stone age and hadn't even discovered bathing yet, *BE GREATFUL FOR WHAT WHITES HAVE DONE FOR YOU!*

should every country that ever invaded another country pay reparations for things that happened over 100 years ago? should africa pay spain for the moorish occupation? should the descendants of the ottoman empire pay the european countries they conquered? more recently, should germany pay jews for the actions of the nazi party? what's done is done, quit living in the past and look to the future

+FriedFries he's obviously trolling

James H. dude your racism is showing

From your profile picture and one video, you cant be more than your early 20's, even though you sound 17. On top of that youre north american and I Highly doubt you have any formal education in australian politics, If even any education at all. so with all due respect, take a seat sir.

+NiaAtira143 I tought the romans were bathing

+NiaAtira143 haha and do you think your peasant slave descendant ass had anything to do with those literal mythological people who when arrived in Europe already arrived in a civilization more advanced than any nation today in Africa ? Haha it takes people from the continent where the average IQ is God damn 75 to talk you they wuz kangz n aliens n shieeeeeeet.

The moors taught europeans how to bathe

Reparations? LMFAO!!

NATIVE LATINOS Fuck TRUMP you bow and arrow shooting mother fucker

Fearless lol obviously you don't know what DNA is you Gypsy Spaniard

James H. You simpleton its DNA 100% Native American

Its probably +90% Spaniard.

Conquistador blood.

Be proud


bullshit lmao when will they ever get their facts right.

Yea. Theyre good at playing the victim arent they.

Learn to code


+Mandy I never said that they have no right to feel angry? I'm Jewish and I'm furious about the Holocaust, my point was that I don't think that forcing Germans nowadays to pay reparations for it would be beneficial.

Gus Fisher This. I cringe so hard when beneficiaries of colonialism act like descendants of indigenous people have no right to feel angry about what happened.

+Gus Fisher ​ Glowing Gaki those are good points and I didn't know that the effects were still relevant today. I do see the point now. how relevant are the effects nowadays? maybe if the reparations are put in place they should be repealed in x amount of time?

In other words, the privileges you as a white person were born into - the wealth your family has, and educational/employment opportunities you received - are direct consequences of the colonization and genocide of Indigenous people.

Because wealth is generational. White settlers are systematically much wealthier than Indigenous people today, in 2019, because the wealth white settlers have gained by exploiting Indigenous people and land has been passed down across generations. Meanwhile, systems of power, such as differential opportunities for schools and jobs, have perpetuated poverty in Indigenous communities across generations, up to and including today.

Get your wallet out then Batman.

+Steven Ratmansky its relevant in aboriginal people every day lives . Rural communities are experiencing third-world conditions and obesity and type 1 AND 2 diabetes is an epidemic because of the pressure to westernise and the erasure of culture means that tradition ways of hunting arent sustainable. This is just ONE of the current issues but people living in more metropolitan areas have a higher risk of mental health issues, homelessness, poor standard of living, etc. my point here is that the issues are extremely prevalent and affect the daily lives of aboriginal people. to acknowledge your question about the reparations being eventually repealed, its not about paying x amount of money and feeling like there's been an equal trade because land doesn't stop being sacred. Aboriginal people lived here for hundreds of thousands of years happily before white colonisation so an x amount of money would never be able to cover the loss anyways

Eloise Robertson idk bout that one. i love in idaho n i know a ton of people who legit think like this

Modern jounalism = compulsive lying

Fuck you buzzfeed news. Piece of shit racists, tell you what, you want money for wrongs committed before I was born? Come at me bitch I have more bullets than you have lives.

*SURVEY OF THE WEEK* _Do you think, that Buzzfeed journos should learn to code?_ YES or NO

Maybe they should learn to code

if you beg don't expect respect in return . look at blacks in america , people have no respect for them . if you go down that path, accept the consequences . people will only see this as extortion . this is coming from a black person .

Why do you have a sickle and a hammer in the middle of your bat logo batman


What a great and informational and moving video and #learntocode

Hey Buzzfeed...learn to code, bitches.

*QUESTION FOR DEMOCRATS:* Quran 4:34 allows a man to beat his wife in islam. *_Do you CONDEMN wife beating in islam?_* YES or NO

Mandy people colonised by whites still exist and are often beter off then before ,people colonised by blacks and most others don't and can't cry to get more free stuff

Steven Ratmansky considering the jewish influence in white nations do you think jews should pay reparations to whites ? i'm a slav btw?



Buzzfeed news...lol what a joke. And i dont mean the topic of this video. I just mean Buzzfeed in general. They can lick a nut

i'd sooner open my heart if they'd stop forcing us all to open our wallets for bullshit.

There different forms of divinity, you don’t have to choose a religion. So focus on your individual path and find your truth and happiness.

Ignorance? Do you emphatise with people affected from communism around the world?

+Glowing Gaki please tell us how to do it? We in Poland didnt get reparations from germany and russia. Germany dont want to pay and they change history by calling themsleves nazis not germans.

great. go down there and give them some of your money. but fuck off if you want mine for your pussy guilt.

Yeah and we in Poland expect reparations from germany and soviets. Yet we didnt get a dime

yeh great...collect your free casino money and enjoy life on the rez. we fucking conquered you. deal with it.

Guns vs. spears... doesn't seem like a fair fight

+Korki Buczek Australia's still figuring it out and most of the population is against of apathetic towards the idea of reparations. The government is ignoring pleas to change the date of Australia day from the day it was colonised (January 26) to the day Australia became a whole nation (January 1). The reason most white people don't want this is because in Australian culture public holidays are treasured and putting two important holidays together would cause an uproar from the population. I can see I'm rambling but it's an example of some of the issues that create barriers. What needs to happen is the population needs to change it's perspective to one of greed to equality and respect. That might be the change that Poland needs to see.

+don wallace I know what you're saying and I agree with you but the problem here is that Aboriginal people are still facing hardships from the actions of colonisation and white people. People are still affected by the stolen generation and there isn't equality between race no matter how you want to look at it. I agree that the past should stay in the past, but only if it's resolved.

+Glowing Gaki assuming that's the case and aboriginals are genuinely being disadvantaged purely because of who they are, the focus should be on the current issues rather than trying to take money in compensation for an ancient event from people who didn't exist when it happened

When in the history of the world other than this modern liberal progressive era has any country ever 200+ years after owning something paid reparation to the past people who lived there? You know what they did back in the day? They would just kill all the previous people and move in. I think they got it pretty good.

I know you are reading this BuzzFeed. You might aswell disable comments because people are getting red pilled by the minute and your fake news will soon meet its end. LEARN TO CODE libtards #learntocode

Likes on this comments are yes


​+Steven Ratmansky Actually yes, Germany should and does pay reparations for the Holocaust https://www.timesofisrael.com/germany-agrees-to-88-million-more-for-holocaust-survivors/

The aboriginals should just learn to code.

Just Being Me They'd be suffering even more if it weren't for colonization. It'd be pretty hard to complain over the internet from your mud-hut, wouldn't it? The entire idea of reparations is based on racism - people want me to pay them money because hundreds of years ago someone with the same skin colour did something terrible. That's the definition of racism. That's be like me demanding you buy me a new car-stereo because my last one was stolen by a black guy. Doesn't seem very fair, does it? Be grateful for what you have, because complaints like yours will only be tolerated for so long before people get fed up; you can already see a noticeable shift towards the right and more mainstream racism throughout the West. Keep bitching about us, and watch how mainstream hating you can become.

Steven Ratmansky No, you're right.

Ferret Tamer It makes no difference. Fact of the matter remains, I'm being made to pay for something I had nothing to do with based on the colour of my skin. There's one word for that: racism.

NiaAtira143 No they didn't. A quick Google search will produce dozens of results, from reputable sources, that essentially call your claim "slanderous". In other words: it's a myth. Instead, let's talk about the Barbary Slave Trade, where Europeans were forcibly taken from their shores and sold into slavery by blacks and Muslims. The American slave trade was actually a response to the Barbary slave trade. Link below. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_slavery So next time you want to complain, just remember: you started it.

Buzzfeed just makes up news, according to their news producer.

+J H but you DO have something to do with colonialism. As a white person, the wealth you were born into and systems you benefit from today are direct consequences of the genocide and enslavement of Indigenous people.

Buzzfeed is fake news. 0 credibility journalism. Liberal activism.

I think the Greeks should be paid a tax by the Turks as they took their land. I think the Mongols owe Eastern Europeans reparation money. I believe that Muslim Middle Easterners owe Europeans reparation money for taking more white slaves from Europe than were ever taken from whites in the Atlantic slave trade (which was run by Muslims) seeing that we are going back in time to bring up stupid excuses as to why I am a failure at life. Imagine all the free stuff I could get based on guilt tripping the people who predominantly didn't even have family involved? Stefan Molyneux has an excellent talk regarding Aborigines here on youtube, google his name and his talk in Perth, Western Australia.

learn to code

What being sued by children in Kentucky might look like? Hmm... 2 weeks from you last post on Youtube, I understand.

+Justyna Sukiennik Australia's still figuring it out and most of the population is against of apathetic towards the idea of reparations. The government is ignoring pleas to change the date of Australia day from the day it was colonised (January 26) to the day Australia became a whole nation (January 1). The reason most white people don't want this is because in Australian culture public holidays are treasured and putting two important holidays together would cause an uproar from the population. I can see I'm rambling but it's an example of some of the issues that create barriers. What needs to happen is the population needs to change it's perspective to one of greed to equality and respect. That might be the change that Poland needs to see.

Can we send Jussie Smollett to the penal colonies? In Australia then Australians pay him money


Do reparations like this: To pay out so many descendants of slavery could bankrupt America.Because realistically, what is a price for suffering horrifically? I really couldn't say, because the fabric of my existence were actual human lives, whites OBLITERATED! But, a Governmental constructed reparations card to purchase goods should be a reality. What ever so-called African Americans buy, the U.S. Government should pay for. Get it? We swipe a card just like credit cards, and what we bought is paid for. And only so much money should be allocated a year by each card carrier. America still has to balance their bills, but still make good on their historical horrors. Millions of our ancestors worked for generations unpaid and God only knows, what else was done to them. We rightfully should receive as descendants, what they didn't get for their contributions, sweat and tears, lives lost by the hand of, rape and living struggles and PTSD and slave masters showing no empathy. Working we will always do, but don't confuse that with what is owed from America's wrong doings.

BuzzFeed News can’t take a damn joke lmao.

Learn to code lazy fux

Fuck you, get a job like the rest of us!

*Pedophile Democrats:* _"Women have dicks and men can give birth. Now let's black face, dress up in fancy klan outfit, legalize infanticide, implement Venezuela socialism, _*_yell out fascist jew hatred,_*_ murder kids for smiling and stage some fake hate crimes."_

I think the journos at buzzfeed should really learn to code


Have you been through lore. Done apologising. How much more Australian do I need to be. 30 billion a year is not enough apparently. Go live in the bush without any of the modcons. When you are more white than black are you denying your whiteness.

God damnit I clicked on another BuzzFeed video...

And they have their own computer labs at universities that white Australians can't enter. Perfect for learning to code.

I just saw your name and I hope you do.

First done of you white Australians should remember, or find out where your ancestors came from, who they were before coming to Australia, why they were sent, and by whom. The original peoples of this country. Did not ask for your presence. When your ancestors came, they had nothing, had been kicked out of your homeland. Your ancestors STOLE, RAPED, MURDERED, AND BETRAYED HUMANITY. I imagine those were the crimes that got you thrown out of your original country. Maybe the country that sent you ancestors there in the first place should be held accountable.

Just stopped by to say good job on pushing all that collusion for 2 years you fucking losers

Everything points to yes. Or you know learn to journalists.

+James Ray Try to stop being in the middle of other people's lives and suffering. That's just like a bitch, not manly at all. Having an opinion on what has nothing to do with you, is straight bitch made. But this new world of men is just that....bitch made.

You would have to prove slave ancestry, and a special tax wpuld have to be set up and charged to people who could be proven as descendants of slave owners. Many people in America, white black brown red yellow, came well after slavery and even Jim Crow, how would it be fair to expect them to pay? And would a black person who immigrated well after slavery ended be entitled jist because he or she is black? Only stupid people support "reparations", you would have to be an idiot to think I couls even be done. Get over yourself, you're owed absolutely nothing, stop beimg a pathetic dependant bum.

+Justyna Sukiennik You don't deserve reparations. You subscribe to a jooish version of history, the fact is Poland started WW2 by trying to exterminate up to 50,000 German civilians living in Poland in the late 1930's Hitlers "invasion" wasn't an invasion, it was a rescue attempt. Stupid people think they know WW2 history when they've only listened to one side. History is written by the victors, intelligent people know this and are skeptical about taking the mainstream word as "fact" Intelligent people will look at all sides and use critical thinking to decide which information sounds more reasonable and likely. There's also mental conditioning or brainwashing that starts when you're a very young child, public education and media entertainment is all designed to subvert and manipulate. I find a good test to see how subverted one it is to deny the holocaust, regardless of their opinion on the topic, if their reaction to holocaust denial is emotional (typically anger and offence) and not a rational response and if you dont understand why holocaust denial isn't offensive to any rational person then you're definitely amongst the subverted.

Fuck them they lost. Isn't this just Darwinism in action that you liberal retards are always preaching/screeching about? Survival of the fittest and all that? Maybe they should have discovered science so they could have developed a civilization of their own, instead of believing in silly superstitions and then maybe these stone age morons wouldn't have been so easily defeated.

i always laugh when white people claim that the build the country. so you build the country that you stolen, they build a stolen land, why white people do not feel a shame? did Indigenous aboriginal australians ask you to build their land for them? so where did you got the money to build their land? is their land resources that build the country you stole canada, you stole us, you stole australia, you stole new zealand, you stole argentina, you stole brazli, EUROPE FOR THE EUROPEANS UNITED STATES?... hmmm USA FOR THE EUROPEANS TOO! AUSTRALIA?... hmmm AUSTRALIA FOR THE EUROPEANS TOO! NEW ZELAND??...hmmm NEW ZELAND FOR THE EUROPEANS TOO!! FALKLAND ISLANDS??... hmmm FALKLAND ISLANDS FOR THE EUROPEANS TOO!! CANADA AND QUEBEC REPUBLIC??... hmm BOTH COUNTRIES FOR THE EUROPEANS TOO!! so what something else you want, so you white want all the world only for you white, this is showing that white people are heartless, they don't care about anyone else but their ass The arrogance of the white is ridiculous, what have they done australia, you come in rob rape and murder the native and aborigines take their land and have the audacity to claim the land. Aborigenal People they didn´t need the whites for nothing and the same goes for the American native if i was a white person i will always feel a shame to livie in a country we stolen wrong with white people.......history just continues to show how savage, blood thirsty and twisted they are, not to mention their racial inferiority complex, if you ask me they are the most fucked up race in the history of the planet, they are responsible for the most horrific feats in history, first they nearly made the red indian race instinct with their thanks giving massacre, they went to another continent to enslave another race which led to the most inhumane treatment of a fellow human being, they were responsible for the holocaust which led to death of millions of Jews. I thank God everyday that I'm not the skin color of such a race which has led to so much blood shed, pain and unnecessary hate. Wh*te People.......Wh*te People Don't Know About Deep Real Heart Love, Otherwise You Can Ask Them About Invation, Occopy Other People's Land, Slavery, Genocide and Racism. They'll Give You Answer Happyilly.... They Love Theses Things.....no one has killed more, stolen more, raped more, than white race

Lol. 40 gallons of gasoline and they're good. High. Dead. And good

What does ciding mean?

Soros money won't last forever

Kill it with fire.

NPC Muh Media Counts True

Buzzfeed is trash.

+NPC Muh Media Counts Let the insane blooded whore talk. As if we haven't heard that twisted way of thinking. If the white cancerous savages had of left people ALONE, there would not be a problem. But you didn't so take it up the ass, white bitch that's the way it is. Whites are way over due for justice blacks are owed. Black wallstreet in Oklahoma, blacks bust there ass to have their own, whites burned black businesses down. Watch Youtube's, American Gangs: How it all began. Part 1 0f 2. Extended Version. And Wikipedia:  Mass racial violence in the United States. Whites owe their wickedness is too great. Justice wouldn't be justice if they wasn't held accountable.

"We rightfully should receive as descendants, what they didn't get...", ironically cries the same resistwat losers who despise "old money" and estates.

On the other hand, we could just laugh at your moocher ass and tell you to earn your own f-cking living like everyone else. Also remember to pay _me_ for all of my ancestors who died in their thirties and forties while colonizing the wilds of this world for you lazy crybaby b-tches. Where would your precious cars, roads, air conditioning and cellphones be without the people who died of cholera trying to tame these lands for you, b-tch? Sit your ass back down.

Buzzfeed is manipulative commie trash.

"suffering because of [colonisation]." You can't even spell the word, deluded moron. That makes you the perfect Buzzfeed brainwashing victim. Go ahead; reject a civilization that embraces you and let the commie filth weaponize you into fodder instead. I hope your village somehow figures out how to make tanks and missiles out of mud, though, because this isn't "Black Panther", simpleton.

+Glowing Gaki Life isn't fair, crybaby. Sovereignty is won by a nation's ability to defend itself. Rest assured; the commietard version of history taught to you in your commie-run public school was a carefully manufactured blend of flat-out bullsh-t and lies by omission.

They could put a big wall around their land. :D

@NPC Muh Media Counts Let the insane blooded whore talk. As if we haven't heard that twisted way of thinking. If the white cancerous savages had of left people ALONE, there would not be a problem. But you didn't so take it up the ass, white bitch that's the way it is. Whites are way over due for justice blacks are owed. Black wallstreet in Oklahoma, blacks bust there ass to have their own, whites burned black businesses down. Watch Youtube's, American Gangs: How it all began. Part 1 0f 2. Extended Version. And Wikipedia:  Mass racial violence in the United States. Whites owe their wickedness is too great. Justice wouldn't be justice if they wasn't held accountable.

@James Ray Try to stop being in the middle of other people's lives and suffering. That's just like a bitch, not manly at all. Having an opinion on what has nothing to do with you, is straight bitch made. But this new world of men is just that....bitch made.

@Glowing Gaki Life isn't fair, crybaby. Sovereignty is won by a nation's ability to defend itself. Rest assured; the commietard version of history taught to you in your commie-run public school was a carefully manufactured blend of flat-out bullsh-t and lies by omission.

@Justyna Sukiennik You don't deserve reparations. You subscribe to a jooish version of history, the fact is Poland started WW2 by trying to exterminate up to 50,000 German civilians living in Poland in the late 1930's Hitlers "invasion" wasn't an invasion, it was a rescue attempt. Stupid people think they know WW2 history when they've only listened to one side. History is written by the victors, intelligent people know this and are skeptical about taking the mainstream word as "fact" Intelligent people will look at all sides and use critical thinking to decide which information sounds more reasonable and likely. There's also mental conditioning or brainwashing that starts when you're a very young child, public education and media entertainment is all designed to subvert and manipulate. I find a good test to see how subverted one it is to deny the holocaust, regardless of their opinion on the topic, if their reaction to holocaust denial is emotional (typically anger and offence) and not a rational response and if you dont understand why holocaust denial isn't offensive to any rational person then you're definitely amongst the subverted.

@J H but you DO have something to do with colonialism. As a white person, the wealth you were born into and systems you benefit from today are direct consequences of the genocide and enslavement of Indigenous people.

@Justyna Sukiennik Australia's still figuring it out and most of the population is against of apathetic towards the idea of reparations. The government is ignoring pleas to change the date of Australia day from the day it was colonised (January 26) to the day Australia became a whole nation (January 1). The reason most white people don't want this is because in Australian culture public holidays are treasured and putting two important holidays together would cause an uproar from the population. I can see I'm rambling but it's an example of some of the issues that create barriers. What needs to happen is the population needs to change it's perspective to one of greed to equality and respect. That might be the change that Poland needs to see.

@Glowing Gaki please tell us how to do it? We in Poland didnt get reparations from germany and russia. Germany dont want to pay and they change history by calling themsleves nazis not germans.

@Steven Ratmansky its relevant in aboriginal people every day lives . Rural communities are experiencing third-world conditions and obesity and type 1 AND 2 diabetes is an epidemic because of the pressure to westernise and the erasure of culture means that tradition ways of hunting arent sustainable. This is just ONE of the current issues but people living in more metropolitan areas have a higher risk of mental health issues, homelessness, poor standard of living, etc. my point here is that the issues are extremely prevalent and affect the daily lives of aboriginal people. to acknowledge your question about the reparations being eventually repealed, its not about paying x amount of money and feeling like there's been an equal trade because land doesn't stop being sacred. Aboriginal people lived here for hundreds of thousands of years happily before white colonisation so an x amount of money would never be able to cover the loss anyways

@Gus Fisher ​ Glowing Gaki those are good points and I didn't know that the effects were still relevant today. I do see the point now. how relevant are the effects nowadays? maybe if the reparations are put in place they should be repealed in x amount of time?

@Glowing Gaki Damn it people this is a youtube comments section. Your valid points and well thought out responses have no place here

​@Ferret Tamer those are very good points and I see what you're saying. I still feel like we shouldn't be punishing people for atrocities they had no part in. what happened to the Aboriginal people was horrific and there's no debating that. those crimes have completely changed the course of Aboriginal peoples and destroyed their way of life and culture. but to bring back the main conversation, how are reparations going to help? Why should a person simply receive money for having been born into an Aboriginal family? How does that right the wrongs of centuries past?

@Glowing Gaki assuming that's the case and aboriginals are genuinely being disadvantaged purely because of who they are, the focus should be on the current issues rather than trying to take money in compensation for an ancient event from people who didn't exist when it happened

@don wallace I know what you're saying and I agree with you but the problem here is that Aboriginal people are still facing hardships from the actions of colonisation and white people. People are still affected by the stolen generation and there isn't equality between race no matter how you want to look at it. I agree that the past should stay in the past, but only if it's resolved.

@FriedFries he's obviously trolling

@NiaAtira143 I tought the romans were bathing

@NiaAtira143 haha and do you think your peasant slave descendant ass had anything to do with those literal mythological people who when arrived in Europe already arrived in a civilization more advanced than any nation today in Africa ? Haha it takes people from the continent where the average IQ is God damn 75 to talk you they wuz kangz n aliens n shieeeeeeet.

The cool part is that Australians have disarmed themselves so they can't even do anything about it.

The "rent" has been paid tenfold at least, you got the scientific method and with it a much higher standard of living. Now stop whining and get a job. No freebies for you.

Man these people would be living in huts with disease and filth if it weren't from white settlers. If Australia is expensive, then ask the Chinamen who drive up the property value, ohh wait, the Chinese would tell you to go fuck yourself. Look, these people are a net drain, their living standards have EXPONENTIALLY INCREASED as a result of colonization, and they want white people, many who suffered, say from Communist mass murder and property theft, to pay them for people settling their lands which made it on the top 10 richest nations in the world? WHAAAAT?

I see those leftist professors worked really hard here.

@Gus Fisher You don't like the settlers being there okay, stop using the scientific method then. The "rent" has been paid tenfold. No more excuses for socialism.

They got "reparations" in the form of a more advanced civilization and with the scientific method. "Rent", "reparations" whatever you want to call it, has all been paid tenfold. This is all just an excuse by people who don't want to work. No more socialism.

No one is getting reparations. No one.

Pay your rent Arse hole

Just pay your rent Arse hole

Fuck you pay your rent Arse hole

The indigenous population can kiss my ass. This applies to Aborigines, the Torres Strait Islanders, The Native Americans of the United States, Canada and Central America, hell, anywhere the established inhabitants have been conquered. This has been occurring since the beginning of time, it's not a new concept. The world, because of humans, is a dangerous place. If you can't defend what you have then you don't deserve to keep it. This is the reality of living on Earth. Deal with it.

I agree. They whine and bitch because they are allowed to. What they don't understand is that their whining and constant complaining will only be tolerated for so long.

Your an EDOMITE the wicked the Bible speaks of a bunch of liars murderers rapist and thieves. You belong in caves that's so called white pigs history. So called aboriginal people are Reubenites so we'll take what you owe us (which is blood)

OK sure, but while we are being "fair" go back to the 1500's for you guys again right? No? Hypocrites.

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