Westminster Dog Judge Ranks Top 5 Dogs • Top 5 Beatdown

Westminster Dog Judge Ranks Top 5 Dogs • Top 5 Beatdown

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[Music] this episode of top 5 beat down is sponsored by skillshare hi i'm ryan and i'm shane and welcome to top five beat down a show where we compare top fives for topics that seem completely asinine yet somehow garner strong opinions and to add some credibility to the mix we compare our top fives to that of an expert in the field today's topic is dogs and today's expert is a world accredited dog judge including judging at the world renowned westminster dog show please welcome to the void judge bill shelton good afternoon now we're going to add in more claps here thank you for coming on to the show bill you honor us with your presence it's my pleasure i'm looking forward to sharing with all of you should i refer to you as judge bill throughout the entire time no you can't just still just fine bill it's fine okay great i judged all of these dogs i created my top five based on which ones i thought were the cutest i also owned two dogs myself or my family does rather i never had dogs growing up i always wanted one my criteria is less about cuteness and more about how i feel about them for a long time i used to be very scared of them because i had a lot of dreams growing up about dogs biting my face jesus christ man i've warmed up to cats because i got one i feel the same way about cats as you do about dogs i've always had some of those visions myself now bill i'm sure you're going to have a lot to say here and i and i i love to hear it so could you please explain to us uh your background in dogs well i'm obviously as you mentioned a dog judge a world dog show and of course um our biggest show here which is westminster i also train dogs i've been involved with bill keeler who trained all the early walt disney dogs wow holy smokes yeah i'd like to say we've had a lot of experts on this show but never has the gulf between levels of expertise felt so wide by the way for those of you at home who are keeping track of how many times shane mentions cats in this episode i think the over under is set at 25. that's okay we love what we love all right let's just get into this that's amazing that's the best thing on earth all right well my number five is the bull mastiff amazing choice this narrowly missed my top five so i'm pleased to see it it's an incredible breed and of course um coming from the working group they're basically you would say a protection type dog but in many cases nothing could be further from the truth when they live with their family they're loving sweet individuals but they are guardians and originally they were bred in europe to protect the villages and what they started with is they had the mastiff and the mastiff was a guard dog in the village and they would go out and and take down the poachers to be honest with you but then they took the two breeds the mastiff and the bull mastiff and they cross spread them i realized a lot of this episode is going to be me looking up what these dogs are because i don't know anything about them but this is a beautiful looking dog it's a muscular fella i do appreciate the bulk these dogs they look like bain let's move to shane for his number five i don't know anything about dogs my number five is the dalmatian the dalmatian that's right but all i've heard from you is the anecdotes about the rotten dalmatian that's near your house that barks at you there is a rotten dalmatian near my house that barks at me but i don't run by that house anymore i've heard that in general they're quite uh rude is that true i have also heard they're aggressive i mean may i just say that any breed that you um pursue to live with your family and be a family member you need to do your research and you need to acquire a dog from someone who's done it for some time dalmatians can be the most again the most bittable trainable happy-go-lucky dogs in the world but i love the disney motion picture 101 dalmatians you put this on your list just because of that right is that what you're getting to here i really like that movie i think it's um but i also here's the thing i don't necessarily want one as a pet but when i see them out in public and they're not you know jumping up a fence causing me to scream or cuss in the middle of my run i'm always happy to see them they're they're almost like a cartoon dog they've got those funny little spots they're friends with horses they're friends with horses yeah they used to use them right bill can you talk to the right right so their purpose was they again were rather a kind of protection dog in the sense that they traveled with the coach and so they had to be respectful of horses um of course wow my list may end up just being a series of dogs that i want to know more about my number five is this is a very classic basic pick the golden retriever now i i will say that this to me is kind of like they're like the lay's potato chip yeah like everyone thinks of them when you think of like a breed when you're considering bringing a dog in your home golden retriever is in the conversation i used to have a neighbor who had a golden retriever and i loved that dog it shed a lot that i will say that it did shed a lot but the dog was super friendly super nice they trained it very well but more than anything it just was very friendly and happy this may or may not also have some reference being drawn from the film up in which doug i believe is a golden retriever and he did hide under that man's porch because he loved him absolutely i love the way they look i love their big big tennis ball noses that that they have they're just a friendly looking dog i don't know they make me happy when i look at them they're in the top 10 most popular breeds in america makes sense the reason you just described is why ability to connect with humans and they're you know they always look you right in the eye they have like a natural compassion for humans they just connect that makes sense what you're saying because it did always look me in the eye i was somewhat of an energetic misunderstood kid so that dog was always there to lend me a paw and an ear right i never was able to bounce my crazy energy off of anybody but that dog we have something in common so that that dog really did get me they and like labradors are two of the breeds that are very popular because of their intellect it's interesting to talk about how they make eye contact with you because that is something i do i want to get a dog eventually cats very much seem like they're living in their own plane of reality every now and then they kind of intersect with you but for the most part if you look at a cat and you're like hey come on up at the couch it'll just stare at you right right i think that's it for me then let's move on to your number four bill my number four is the giant schnauzer giant i'm not familiar with the giant schnauzers i'm gonna have to look i'm gonna look at a picture of the generation all right there's three sizes of the giant schnauzer the prototype is the standard schnauzer there's a miniature schnauzer and then there's the giant schnauzer it is actually a popular breed here in the states and many other parts of europe it was always considered a very tenacious guard dog you know in bavaria when they were originally developed they were developed to have these harsh wiry coats to repel the snow and to keep them warm soon enough they were bred to like to protect the beer cakes because beer was so valuable i thought that was rather unique beautiful breed a handsome breed they do require some grooming that's part of the beauty of them i love the idea that there are different sizes it just makes me laugh that there's a giant schnauzer that can walk up to a miniature schnauzer in the street and just be like hey you kind of look like me yeah i i'd like to say this about the schnauzer beautiful silhouette thank you you're so right it is just such a beautiful outline yeah do middays come in different sizes are they all giant we're all pretty big they're all giant for the midday yeah i don't know if you noticed bill but he's uh he's a giant anyways let's move to number four my number four is the borzoi now borzois arguably if my girlfriend could pick one dog to get it would probably be a borzoi i've always found them i don't want to say ghastly but they're very unique looking they are unique and it isn't interesting in the 40s and 50s when everything was avant-garde they picked a lot of borzois to be in in the photography of fashion yeah right they're tied to like art nouveau almost there you go they look like a dog of nightmares to me it looks like someone took a bunch of bones and stitched them together with taffy and then rolled it through the hair of a ghost it's kind of accurate and shaped them uniquely i saw one of these in the woods i'm running i think it's fabulous the uniqueness of all breeds and their ability to hunt wolves you'd never know jesus wolves is crazy hunting wolves is insane in those times the um tsar owned the borzoi and the only people who could own a borzoi was the tsar and if you were caught with one uh you were killed jesus christ well were you because you'd have the property of the czar that makes sense number four for me is a boxer i've only encountered one out in the wild a co-worker of mine at buzzfeed had a boxer named carter i love the way boxers look they kind of look like bull mastiffs except uh sleeker they look like they have a five o'clock shadow almost it's almost to me like someone took a pug and stretched it out and then kept the face somewhat similar because they have those funny little bulgy pug eyes which i really enjoy and as far as i know very playful that dog was very very friendly to everybody in the office and well-mannered enough to bring to an office that's the extent of my boxer knowledge just love to look at this dog i'd like to have one what could i say again you know um a working breed a guardian breed and there's a great deal of structure that goes into their head that's desirable and you mentioned the five o'clock shadow i thought that was kind of cool because they do have those pendulous kind of padded muzzle and they're supposed to now the interesting thing i think about a boxer is they use their front legs for everything when they visit you they wrap themselves around you they yes get you with their front legs i love it it's really a sweet breed and um love their people and they vibrate have you ever i mean you said you knew what i mean when you're around them they're just so happy yeah my number three choice is the pekingese they're hilarious looking interesting huh yeah these are dogs who came from chinese royalty as the legend goes from buddha himself they're the lion dog there was some kind of a story about a lion and a marmoset having creating the um pekingese interesting huh that's interesting seeing that lions are so large and these are so small though right it's it's not a fact oh okay they were discovered and they became very very expensive in the 30s and 40s people were paying outrageous prices here in america because they were so unique you know they used to have all all these heroin wars in china and someone was able to make off with one of them they're a big dog in a little package they live forever how long has their life span anywhere from 15 to 18 years these whoa oh wow i mean i've definitely seen these around some of these have sort of hairstyles where they're quite horizontal looking they look like a little cloud they look like almost like a star wars creature they too almost to the point where if i saw them like i wouldn't be a hundred percent confident that's a dog it's a yeah like you expect it to look at you and go like or something exactly my number three is and this is a little broad the poodle i know there's like specific kinds of poodles now let me tell you why my aunt and uncle growing up had two poodles named coco and tucci tuchi was a real sweet dog uh coco was very very old and he um didn't like tucci i think he might have pulled some of his teeth out at some point they fought a lot but uh individually very sweet dogs i love how sort of regal and tall they can be and i don't know how kosher this is but it seems like a lot of people breed poodles with other dogs you know you got your schnoodles your labradoodles people love all the oodles fun fact about labradoodles i read a quote from the guy who created labradoodles he said he regrets it right yeah he said that he unleashed frankenstein's monster on the world and it's his life's biggest regret i thought people really liked the labradoodles though they loved them the popularity made them grow so vastly so quickly that they got into the hands of people who were more about profit than they were about quality okay and the poodle is once again and you talked about golden retrievers those breeds are all very popular because of their intellect and they're great house pets and they're great for families it's america's darling let's move on to my number three here my number three is the basset hound now i know these dogs were originally i think they were hunting dogs yes they were i have no interest in taking a dog hunting i'm not much of a hunter unless you count looking for tacos in hell as hunting ah ryan come on and they will do that yeah right give them the scent once again i had a neighbor who had a basset hound and that thing was hilarious its face made me laugh every single time i looked at it in a good way i wasn't laughing at it you were laughing with it yeah one of the things i remember the most other than the fact that it was very very affable and friendly was the uh that it loved napkins well they like the smell of the napkin they like the smell of the napkins and i remember from that moment i was like i want that napkin eating dog they got big floppy ears which i really enjoy and they're low and kind of uh chubby which i i find very cute they're kind of like a hound dog shrunk down when they would go fox hunting and they had different sizes they had the fox sound they had the beagle etc etc well because women would go side saddle originally um hunting they bred a lower legged dog which was the basset hound so it would stay with the women and the reason for the big ears and the floppy flues the long ears actually envelop their nose to the ground i love that all of those have a very functional purpose and yet i just think it's a very funny look it's a great look all right my number two pick is the whippet whoa there are coursing hound they're a sight hound although they're very different they look a bit like a greyhound a smaller coursing hound they're really beautiful in shape they're built for speed now why are they gaining popularity they're clean dogs they're short-haired dogs they're not noisy they don't bark a lot they roll up on your couch and lay next to you hardly even know they're there oh and as i said you know being a coursing for smaller game they love to run and they can run like no one's business the puppies are so cute very popular in the dog show arena right now and have been like i said i always wanted a dog and my my mom was uh you know a wonderful mother but she was really the one who always said you know we we can't be getting a dog and my dad would always say to me you know it would be great we could get some whippets he always wanted to get us wow mark midday had all the good intel mark midday was good cop when it came to uh the dog conversation yes let's move on to your number two then shane my number two is whatever kind of collie my grandparents had they had what i'm pretty sure uh i think they were collies but they were sort of shorter than most collies but still pretty big were they schulte's shetland sheepdogs let me look that up i love for your number two you're basically treating bill like a crime scene sketch artist where you're trying to recreate a memory you know what bill i think they might have been these shetland sheepdogs yes this is a smaller version basically a herding breed they were basically like walking ottomans their names were ricky and lucy and ryan i know you had a ricky and lucy of your own my parents had two ricky and lucy's yeah they were incredibly uh kind to me as a young boy you know they didn't like jump all over you when you came over to visit but they just sort of like nudge up against you and lean against you and who's admired them yeah they kicked ass that's about as nuanced as my take on them gets shetland sheepdogs apparently it's my number two shane you really um key into america's most popular breeze are they very popular very very interesting yeah it sheds a bit i was gonna say they they were very hairy and very shady um but they're they were just their temperament was so mild and i don't know if that's just sort of their deal but they were incredibly chill dogs let's move on to my number two here my number two is the pen broke welsh corgi and i like these better than the cardigan corgis i believe thank you for corgi i just i just think they're fluffier uh i gotta say they might have the most adorable little butts that's what everyone says and you know they're low riders they ride low to the ground and they're so fluffy and unbearably cute that i could almost not handle it but i see them all the time walking around los angeles and i always think to myself i might have to get me a corgi one day because that is the cutest thing i've ever seen in my entire life i follow several corgis on instagram both famous ones but i also uh follow an account that's corgis of instagram which is uh which aggregates all the corgis of instagram and just makes it a feed that i just inject straight into my veins the ones i have interacted with are super friendly super nice i've heard that they're kind of brats but i kind of i kind of dig that i don't know if that's actually true they're just beautiful and they make me giggle and so happy when i look at them the pembroke walsh corgi is my breed that's amazing we've read some of the top winners ever in the in this country and everything you mentioned about instagram they have been for the last couple years social media is darling but they just moved into the top 10 most popular breeds in america wow i did not pick the pembroke corgi to suck up to bill i did not know all right come on i could tell by the way you spoke that you didn't um have a clue yeah let's move on to number ones here wow but before we do that let's have a word from our sponsor skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people you can take a class on video editing or photography or in my case animating with ease in after effects with instructor jake bartlett jake was really helpful about establishing the basics of animation such as graph tools there are no ads and they're always launching new premium classes and it's less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription and the first 1000 people to use the link in my description will get a free trial of skillshare premium membership and now back to top 5 beatdown in our number ones no surprise and to make the program go quicker it's the pembroke welsh corgi wow there it is baby yes i love to see it i love to see it i adore them and their development of course is primarily in the uk the the queen has had them she no longer breeds them she quit just a couple years ago i'm sure sure they're popular around the world an amazingly popular breed the secrets out like you said you see them all over la now yeah and you hardly used to even see them walking on the street they're a big dog in a little package and that's what everyone will tell you that's what they say about ryan [Laughter] let's move to shane's number one then i'm curious what shane's got my number one is gonna look spit it out it's a good number one sort of the scrappy old mutt that you'd see uh jumping off a train i i like uh when you see a dog and you're like i don't know what kind of dog that is it looks like it's just you don't quite know it's just this dog who came from somewhere and it looks almost like [ __ ] from lady in the [ __ ] or anything else you just can't quite place it i love a mutt i think that's perfect i think that's wonderful and as we were just pointing out about 95 of dogs in shelters are randomly bred and they are that they are that dog and a lot of times we had no idea who and what breed they were it didn't really matter because when we were young growing up with them they were our best buddies you know there's a lot of beautiful breeds that we've been celebrating here today but uh you know i agree we can't all fall into a one category you would think that you would talk about one of the i don't know over 200 breeds but i'm really happy that your number one is the uh you know what i'm talking about but i i bet willing to bet everyone in their life has come across a dog where their owners are like yeah we don't quite know what this one is so [ __ ] you're right you know your your pick isn't something you would type in sorry ryan go ahead i'm muting you bill was saying something no i was just going to say you know what shane you're not unlike a lot of america again probably the most popular dog in america is that dog you're you're referring to not all purebred dogs are healthy don't get me wrong because not everyone breeds them for generations for health but on a whole they're more predictable in their behavior their outcome their coat but those randomly bred dogs they have such a special place in all of our memories in our homes so yeah i think it's a great choice thank you bill um ryan i'll unmute you and you can take it away with your number one now bill you're a very nice man as evidenced by your response to what shane listed here i think you're a very diplomatic nice man good choice that's all i'm gonna say let's move to my number one here it's a it's a homer pick what i mean what am i gonna say my number one is dachshunds wiener dogs little weenies little snausages i love them so much i've had dachshunds my entire life or at least my mom has i grew up with originally a doctor named hannah who was an amazing dog loved that dog my mom had two dogs after that named ricky and lucy and those dogs lived to 20 and 19 years old they live a long time which was crazy and was uh it was it was devastating when i lost those two dogs oh i bet and now my mom has two more wiener dogs dory and mickey who actually have their own instagram account my mom made them an instagram account mickey dory doxies i'm gonna plug that right now she does really good uh really good work on the captions i just love these dogs they're super playful they're very tiny i think they're the cutest dog optically that i've seen corgis are a really close second it's like neck and neck i told my mom that i might buy a corgi instead of a wiener dog and she was very disappointed but so you know those two could flip it could be one a one b but i feel like to be loyal to the docs and breed i have to put them at number one i just love these dogs so much and every time i see one on the street i squeak oh i love them i love them too they were originally bred to go to ground in the hole in the badger hole and drag the badger out can you imagine the tenacity that they had to have to be able to do that so that's why when you look at their little mouths they have huge big teeth and that's why they're constructed in the front the way they are where their legs set underneath them and they have little short legs and they're kind of bent so they can push the dirt past their rib cage and throw it out and get further in the hole after the badger that's so crazy that's why they have really strong tails and big bases to their tails because they would grab them by the tail if they thought they you know had the badger and they would pull them and the badger out so they could uh dispatch the badger i i love them they're my childhood dog and for that they will always hold a special place in my heart and uh their great dog what what's going on back there that does it here any last words we all want to say here let's go around the table all i can really say is that we were talking about purebred dogs and about the preservation of them purposefully and with intent to create healthier happier families of dogs preserved in their original state just like your dachshund if anybody wants a purebred dog that they do their research and the most likely thing to do is to start with say a dachshund is to go to the dachshund club of america that's i think that sounds like great advice i've had a blast today i learned a lot about dogs i walked in here not knowing too much i've seen a lot of movies you know i was a big uh you know who almost made my list the old saint bernard because i love being i love him yeah yeah definitely i'm more informed now and uh if i get a dog someday well now i've got some some really tasty options bill i can't thank you enough for lending us your your vast expertise and that's my last word too just a huge thank you bill for coming on the show and adding some actual credibility now we've got some hot tips for all the black market betting we're going to be doing on the westminster dog show is there anything else you would like to plug my um breeding program's coventry pembroke welsh corgis and if you google it you'll find us and research before you buy one that does it for this episode if you guys liked our list let us know in the comments if you didn't like our list let us know in the comments i guess we'll see you next time [Music] you

2021-03-01 17:23

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