Wellness Coach Business Help // Why You Haven’t Cleared 5K per Month Yet!

Wellness Coach Business Help // Why You Haven’t Cleared 5K per Month Yet!

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what's up i'm kendra perry online business mentor for health and wellness coaches and i'm also the creator of health coach accelerator so maybe you've been in business for a few months maybe six months maybe a year maybe even a couple years but you just don't feel like you're getting any traction at all nothing's happening you're not making money and you just feel really uncomfortable with kind of the business and money situation kind of like you're wearing a wool sweater without a tank top underneath you know what i'm saying it's kind of like scratchy and it's like itchy and it's just uncomfortable right that's all you can think about so if that is you this video is for you because i'm going to show you why you might not be clearing 5k a month consistently in your business which in my opinion is really the first financial milestone that you should be going for as always i am so glad you're here and just tiny little favor before we get started make sure you hit that subscribe button and the little bell next to the subscription button so you get notified because every thursday i post new videos and tutorials to help you grow your online coaching business okay so first off i just want to say that you're not alone if you're having this experience in your new business you're just not getting traction you feel like things are not working maybe you feel like i kind of maybe i should give up maybe i should go back to my job you're not alone okay so when students come into my signature program health coach accelerator this is typically where they are they feel like they've been giving it an honest shot they've been trying they've been showing up they've been doing all the things they think didn't need to be doing but yet they're not getting the success they're not getting the clients they're not making the money and then at this point they just don't know what's what is even going to work they're like i don't even know what to try anymore because i feel like i've tried so many things but once they are inside health coach accelerator they start to learn the reasons why they're not having the success that they want to have and they usually fast track their success in that program so in this video i'm going to show you the five things that you need to take an honest and brutal and maybe painful look at if you haven't yet cleared that 5k per month consistently in your health coaching business all right so reason number one you haven't yet cleared 5k per month in your business is the messaging the messaging is off it's not clear it's confusing it's scattered and this is always where you need to start like actually don't look at anything else don't consider the rest of the steps that i'm going to go through in this business if you don't consider this one first okay and so the messaging always starts with starts with the niche statement and i'm you know i'm kind of a crazy niche person and i'm always talking about niching but the reason is that it's so important okay and as the coaching industry gets more and more competitive your messaging has to be really clear it needs to not confuse people because if people feel confused there's so many other places they can go online so many other things that could take their attention they're gonna go and you're not probably gonna get the opportunity to you know impress them again okay so let's start with the niche okay so the niche is typically it's the segment of the market of which you are targeting and when i say the market we're basically talking about everyone who is online on social media which is a lot of people right i don't know the exact numbers but i'm sure in 2021 it's way more than it was a year ago a lot of people spending more time online these days so let's say it's like four billion people so you can't talk to all five four billion people that would be impossible my language isn't gonna resonate with all four billion people right because in that four billion we have people who are probably like 12 i guess even younger kids are probably coming out of the womb with a smartphone on their hand right so you know anywhere from super super young to people who are elderly and so the way i talk right now it just really isn't going to resonate with everyone right like someone who is elderly like i don't have any way to really necessarily connect with them and same with people who are younger people who are in high school or even their early 20s like we just don't have similar values and depending on what problem i decide to help them with like i really want to get on the same level of them because when it comes to online marketing it's really just an exercise of mind reading right getting inside this person's brain and understanding their goals their values their priorities what is an increase in status for them what is a decrease in status for them what do they want what do they think their problem is right like it's just this whole mind reading game we can really only get that from actually speaking with real people so when it comes to niching every business needs a niche and every business that is successful on this planet whether it's a coaching business or a brick and mortar business has a niche there's not really anyone out there who is targeting everyone even walmart has a niche right even home depot has a niche these people these stores these businesses they all have niches okay so when it comes down to niching there are three components of a profitable niche okay person the person of whom you are helping and of whom you are speaking to and of whom you were driving your message towards there's the problem the problem that you solve for them and again this needs to be a problem that they know or think they have because if they don't know they have this problem or they don't think they have this problem even though they do you can't help them right so you need to make sure that they are aware of the problem even if they think they have something they don't necessarily have and a good example of this would be something like ibs right they've been diagnosed with ibs and so they're hyper focused on ibs but they don't know that ibs is really just a check mark of symptoms and what their bigger problem is is actually parasites or whatever right but if you say hey i help you clear your parasites you're not going to capture them because they're like i have ibs and what does that have to do with parasites right and for us the educated health coaches right the connection is obvious but we need to take our educational experience out of the messaging right otherwise they don't get it it's called techno garble right we can't use too much of our expertise from sort of our like front-facing marketing otherwise we lose them right so it needs to be a problem that they think or they know they have next is the outcome what do they truly want based on that that problem right so if the problem is ibs maybe what they want is to not their pants or not have to run out of work meetings to go to the bathroom because they have explosive diarrhea or whatever it is right so you really need to hone in on this person and what they want and where people get stuck the most or at least health coaches and you know just coaches in general is with the problem and they try to solve a problem that the person isn't aware that they have or really technically isn't a problem okay so an example of this would be you know i help women embrace self-care so they can whatever right self-care isn't really a problem right if you can envision someone going through their day-to-day life they're probably not like oh man self-care they're not like losing sleep over it maybe they are like yeah like i need some self-care sure okay but like it's not a big problem right but so you want would want to go deeper than that so in terms of something like self-care if we use self-care as an example what would be the result of never doing self-care right and like picture this woman we'll just use women as an example so they're never doing self-care they're prioritizing everyone's needs ahead of themselves and they're never taking a moment for themselves so what is that going to lead to maybe burnout maybe exhaustion right overwhelm like something like that like those are actually problems so you could actually find the problem which would in this case let's just use exhaustion like they're exhausted because they never take time for themselves they're on the go 24 7 and they're prioritizing their kids needs their husband needs their friends needs their works needs whatever right and so self-care isn't the problem that's part of the solution it's part of what you will teach them how to do once they invest in your program but it's not the problem the problem is the exhaustion so they probably don't know that they're not solution aware at this point right they're just problem where they're like i'm exhausted i'm exhausted i'm exhausted so you need to hit them with the problem that they think or they know they have so in this example you could say i help women suffering from chronic exhaustion get more energy so they can keep up with their kids have a healthy relationship and crush it at work something like that right because when it comes to the outcome you really want to think about well you know what is the problem preventing them from having that they truly want and again it needs to be connected so i hope that helps now i've talked a lot about niching on this channel so if you just go to my channel you'll see several videos on niching but if you want to make sure you avoid a lot of the niching mistakes that a lot of coaches make make sure to go to my video it's called my niche five mistakes that every coach makes and i also link to that in the description of this video if you want to check that out afterwards all right reason number two you are not hitting 5k per month in your business consistently probably has to do a lot with your online presence and i'm going to focus this on social media content because this is a big pain point for you coaches are really overwhelmed with content in general and what they should actually be posting but this is a big attraction factor for your business right most people these days your ideal clients they're on social media and they're most likely going to find you through social media which is great but if once they find you does it all connect okay so again this all come plays into this whole messaging thing like kind of think of everything we do online is the message right so if we figured out our niche we know it's specific we know it targets a person it solves an actual problem that they think or they know they have and it offers an outcome that they actually desire and want right the social media content has to connect with that message or that niche statement okay and this is typically what i see so anytime a new coach falls follows me on social media typically i will go check out their account right and i'm looking for a few different things but i'm looking for two very important things right the first thing i am looking for is do they have a clear and concise niche statement usually they don't most of the time they don't but if they do i'm like great cool the next thing i do is i look at their content and i ask myself is it relevant based on who they are saying they are helping that the content is actually relevant to that person okay so again there needs to be a strong connection point so if we're using ibs as an example you say i help women resolve ibs so they can you know ditch embarrassing bathroom moments and stop their pants let's say that's your niche statement i'm like great that's very specific and that's going to speak to the person who has ibs right but then i go look at their instagram feed again i'll just use instagram as an example this is true for any social media platform whether it's linkedin facebook pinterest whatever i go to their content and the content is all over the place they've got this post about the health benefits of orange juice and then they have they they're talking about the immune system and then they're talking about estrogen dominance and then they're talking about smoothies or something like that and yes as a health coach some whatever your expertise is like we know this is all connected we know that eating smoothies is going to be helpful for people with ibs we know that the immune system is definitely involved we know that estrogen dominance can cause digestive issues right maybe we think orange juice is like a helpful juice for nutrition for ibs yes we know that but we have to connect the dots for them we can't assume they know and they don't know that's the thing they don't know and it all seems disconnected and they don't get it right every post i see needs to be relevant to ibs or whatever your niche is i want you to connect it so if we use say you have a quote image for example and there's written caption on the creative and it's about orange juice for example i want to see how orange juice can improve your ibs or something like that or is orange juice making your ibs worse right again it's relevant and i'm like oh man i'm drinking orange juice every day is it making it worse oh my god i'm gonna actually go in and click into that post right um and so with the immune system like i wanna know like why should i care about my immune system if i have ibs don't assume that they have any knowledge because 9.9 times out of 10 they don't know anything about your topic or their problem you are the expert but if you wear your expert hat all the time you don't connect those dots to them in a really really obvious way they don't get it they don't get it okay so do an audit pause this video go to your primary social media platform that you're showing up to on look first do i have a clear and concise niche statement and then second does the content relate okay do that right now and then come back and tell me if it does in the comments does it connect yes or no because if it doesn't then this is where you need to start okay because for example if you go to my instagram or this youtube channel you're gonna see that all my content is helping you build an online coaching business pretty much all of it whether it's mindset strategy tools money like whatever it is it's all relevant right okay i hope that makes sense let's move on to number three okay so number three is you aren't leveraging social media trends and instead you're using outdated information that is no longer relevant okay social media is ever changing you really need to stay up to date with it because it changes all the time right and i'm going to use instagram as an example here because that's the primary platform that i am on and know the most about but this is going to be relevant for again linkedin facebook pinterest youtube twitter whatever right we always want to know what is working right now so if we use instagram as an example what a lot of new coaches are doing is they're focusing all their effort on the feed post so those are the static posts that have like an image maybe a view maybe a quote and then the caption right so that's kind of what's typically in the grid okay and yes that worked back in the day like when instagram first started that's what all it was was those feed posts there was nothing else but right now at the time of this recording it is february 2021 feed posts don't get the amount of engagement that they used to get they actually get the least amount of engagement out of every other post okay and so even if you write the most amazing captions use the best hashtags and have the most amazing creative it's still not going to serve you that well for most people okay and so that's sort of outdated information so you always want to be leveraging the trend right what is hot right now because when something is new so when instagram brings a new feature to their platform they don't want it to fail they want it to do well so they will reward you for using it a really good example of this is instagram reels okay so reels rolled out maybe about six months ago maybe a little bit longer but it's basically instagram's version of tik tok so they're competing with tiktok right basically the same thing okay and instagram really wants reels to take off and for that reason they are rewarding you for using them and right now at the time of this recording again if you're listening to this in like three to six months you're going to want to check to make sure this is still relevant but right now instagram is rewarding you for doing reels and so far i've been on instagram since the beginning i've never seen anything help you get in front of more new people ever before it didn't happen when igtv rolled out it didn't happen when stories rolled out um didn't happen when instagram live rolled out but it's happening right now with right now with reels so if you are trying to grow and get in front of more people but you're focusing all your time on static instagram posts that get kind of average engagement at best that might be a reason you're not growing your social media and getting in front of more people what's working right now is reals so you should literally be focusing all your time on rails right now that is personally what i'm doing right now and i'm only posting one static post to my feed per week everything else for the most part is instagram reels okay um and so again this is going to be different for every platform but again pinterest i'm just going to quickly use pinterest as an example pinterest just rolled out stories right brand new so i'm on pinterest and i'm actually utilizing pinterest stories and it's actually helping me get more impressions get more in front of more people and get more followers again because pinterest just rolled it out they wanted to succeed so they are rewarding you for using stories so whatever platform you are using go find some articles and find up-to-date trends use youtube and find what is actually working now in 2021 and review every three to four months to make sure that your strategy is still relevant all right so if this is all making sense to you so far give me a like on this video because the truth is um a lot of coaches are using social media platforms without knowing how they actually work right they're just kind of like throwing it up there with no strategy remember we always want to leverage the newest trends now that doesn't mean you need to do everything it doesn't mean you know if we're using instagram as an example that you do feed posts instagram live igtv like all of the stuff just figure out what is working right now master it and do it until you can't do it anymore or until instagram moves on to the next thing the number four reason why you are not making 5k per month consistently in your coaching business is that your marketing efforts are not consistent and truly when you are new in your business and you are not making 5k a month consistently or not even making 10k a month consistently you really should only be working on basically one of two things with the majority of your time marketing sales marketing sales marketing sales so in order for your marketing to work it needs to be incredibly consistent right you need to be doing something on a regular schedule in order for things to pay off over time and consistency is a huge issue with new coaches mostly because in the beginning you are not getting the validation right you are not getting external validation you're posting on social media you're getting low engagement you're making an instagram story and you're getting low views right you're sending emails out to your list it's not leading to more clients right that's normal right consistency is really important but you will not get that external validation initially you will get it more with time with more consistent action but it's not going to happen initially and that time period where you feel like it's kind of crickets out there and like nothing is happening varies depending on the person but it could be a few months it could be six months it could be a year or more now obviously if you're getting closer to the year or more you probably have to reevaluate your marketing strategy but patience and consistency is so so so important in any new business and it is the most lacking thing and when i'm talking about marketing what i mean by that is showing up online and so that might be showing up on instagram it might be doing regular youtube videos it might be showing up regularly on linkedin or pinterest or writing a regular blog post it might be doing a podcast episode and being consistent with that but your marketing what i want you to think of this as is basically the bridge between you and your ideal client so if you're here your ideal client's here this is the bridge okay it bridges the gap and so it's how you were getting out there getting your face in the face of your ideal client and building trust over time and i'm going to give you a really interesting piece of information trust is the number one factor in whether someone is going to choose to buy from you or not trust not price point not quality of the program okay so i believe this was written in a forbes article um and they this was some study that went on and basically they found that trust was the number one factor so people were more likely to buy based on trust than they were based on price point you know based on it being the best value or based on it being a really high quality program so trust can only be built with consistency right because if people are if you think of like people in your life if you have really flaky inconsistent people with your in your life you don't trust them you cannot build trust that way so that's why consistency is so key because consistently showing up and being there for your ideal person showing up to serve them showing up to provide them value to help solve their problems help inspire them all of that is what builds trust right so that's why marketing is so important because it builds trust right if you consistently you know do an instagram live every tuesday at 1pm for a year people are gonna get used to relying on you they're gonna know that they can hang out with you every tuesday at 1 pm and you were always there for them right so very very important you really need to be consistent in your marketing efforts and all you really want to be focusing on is getting out in front of your ideal client and inviting them onto a sales call so you can sell them all right the number five reason why you might not be hitting that 5k month consistently in your business is that the program you are offering to your ideal client is not desirable so i truly believe in 2021 moving forward the only way to really make money as an online coach is to develop a signature method okay you cannot be out there selling one-off health consults or even bunches of health you know you're like you get six sessions that is not gonna sell the coaching industry is only going to get more and more saturated and that's why your signature method is so important now what a signature method is is the combination of things that you do with the client that gets them from a to b from sick to healthy or whatever that is from problem to solution okay um and it has a unique name that resonates with with them so for example if we're using ibs as an example maybe you call it the ibs solution or the ibs fix or um whatever but it need they need to see it be like oh that's interesting and it needs to be specifically made for them right and maybe within this program you do energy work you do gut testing you deal with hormones you deal with mindset you do all these things that is the method within the container of the ibx ibs fix method so again this actually connects to the messaging that we've been we talked about at the beginning of this video we need the niche statement which is like the front facing marketing billboard think of a person driving down the highway they literally have five seconds to read it so they need to know within that five seconds that you can help them right so that's your niche statement right and then you bring them in so they hit the follow button they're like sweet this is for me hit follow they start consuming your content again the message still needs to be on point and it needs to be relevant needs to be 100 connected and related to ibs and you need to be connecting all the dots right you need to be getting inside their head you need to be talking to them like you truly understand what they are dealing with in regards to their ibs on a day-to-day moment okay day-to-day basis right the next thing you need to do is make sure that the next thing that you need to do is make sure that the solution you were offering them is relevant so niche statement sweet you're for me follow content it's for me building trust consistency right leveraging current social media trends to get in front of more people and then bam you need to offer them the solution that feels to them like it is exactly for them you built it exactly for them and because you've built the trust they believe that your method is the solution they are looking for to help them reverse their issues right now if you want more information on how to create a signature method i've made a video on this you can just search how to create a signature program for your coaching business and i'll also link to that in the description below this video alright so if you want more good tips like this make sure to download my free ultimate help biz starter kit you're going to get a sample health history a contract you're going to get my branding worksheet my niching worksheet you're going to get my instagram optimize your instagram bio cheat sheet you're going to get all kinds of things i've put so many good things into this freebie so i will link to that below this description if you want to grab it and if you like this video if you found it helpful make sure to let me know by liking it leaving me a comment subscribing or sharing it with someone who you think it will help good luck i believe in you i know you can get to those 5k months so put this video into action and make sure to shoot me a direct message on instagram kinder perry inc and say hello because i love connecting with you bye guys you

2021-03-21 01:46

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