Weekly Forex Forecast (19/04/21) EurUsd / XauUsd / 30+ Pairs

Weekly Forex Forecast (19/04/21) EurUsd / XauUsd / 30+ Pairs

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hey traders it's john fortune here this week's  weekly forex forecast we're going to run through   over 30 markets as we always do highlighting  targets in each market for the week ahead   as we go through the markets we're going to build  out a high probability watch list along the way   for next week and it's a data driven watch list  it comes from currency strengths matching the   strongest versus the weakest currencies so i  hope you're having a great weekend let's dive in   with the dxy we noted last week's video that the  total number of trending markets was down from 69   to 29 and this decline was indicative of the  markets getting choppy getting corrective and when   this happens i reduce the amount of risk i reduce  the amount of trades i take in the markets and   going into this week the markets are down further  trending markets from 29 down to 19 so what this   means is the markets are continuing to correct  and if we look at dxy we've been trading the dxy   to the upside pretty much all year although for  those of you who follow the forecast you will know   that i do have a bias to the downside on the dxy  fundamentally and i will be looking for the dxy   to roll over to the 8846 at some point and this  correction or this move to the upside rather which   we've had since the beginning of the unit dxy i  currently view just as a correction i think we   are coming down to the 8846 at some point the fact  that total number of trending markets has really   dried up and declined is a sign that the dxy may  be now rolling over because as the dxy rolls over   as it tops out the market start to get choppy  corrective and they start to turn as well so   the first thing to notice is going into next week  i will still be trading lightly as opportunities   are fewer and further between than they were  previously when we were looking at the markets   and although the dxy is currently structured to  the upside you can see we've had no breakouts   here this is still trending to the downside we  would really need to see the market breaking out   and pulling back in order to start to reaffirm  a bullish bias on the dxy start to look for   those dxy strength trades however i would not be  surprised to see this just rolling down taking   out 91 30 next week so going into next week to  cut a long story short i go into next week with   a neutral bias on the dollar a slightly bullish  to neutral bias and i would be prepared to trade   the dollar pairs on their own merits without a  strong bias in the dollar one way or the other crude oil i have been bearish on crude oil  over the last month or so and we came down   we took out one of the target set in previous  videos i believe almost to the pip and we just   started to move sideways we didn't really go  any further down last week we broke higher   and we do have a nice breakout now in crude  oil this is in line with its overall trend   so this goes down on the watch list next  week as one to watch i quite like this market   any correction in crude oil next week  will be viewed as an opportunity to look   for bullish reversals up towards the next care  resistance outside the target set at 65.42 EURUSD i've been bearish on EURUSD in previous  forecasts all the way down here and last week   we finally reversed to the upside and it does  look like we may be starting the next leg up   especially if we pull back and we start to put in  an inverse head and shoulders here what i would   like to see next week is correction in EURUSD i  am bullish i'm only looking for long positions in   this market as it's structured to the upside and  i have a neutral bias on the dollar especially if   the dollar starts to break down next week i would  be interested even more in EURUSD to the upside   what i would like to see is any pullback in this  market and notice how this just corrected and then   reversed there was no real reversal in here we're  just making higher highs and high lows higher   highs and high lows all the way to the reversal  so if you're looking for bearish breakouts for   example in this market you filter out these  reversals this reversal you don't take any trades   in this because you're waiting for the market  to reverse and it doesn't it just turns around   before you get those breaks to the downside so  very simply put the same applies going into this   week any pullback in this market is going to  be viewed as an opportunity to look for bullish   breakouts i'll be looking up towards the next care  resistance the upside in the target set at 1.2061 next is GBPUSD, GBPUSD is structured to the  downside so opposite to what we saw in EURUSD,   EURUSD structure to the upside GBPUSD to the  downside so this adds some weight to EURGBP to the   upside next week i wouldn't be surprised to EURGBP  appreciating next week outside of the dollar pairs   very simply put as this is structured to the  downside i'm only currently interested in bearish   reversals in this market down to the next care of  support to the downside the target set the 1.3620   i think what my preferred trade in GBPUSD would  be however is if we start to break lower in the   DXY next week you can see we're forming although  this is not yet confirmed so we still have to   be bearish but we're forming a potential double  bottom that would be confirmed on a break above   the 1.39180 and if we break the 1.39180 and the  dollar reverses to the downside this would give   the green light for long positions and start  to look for bullish opportunities in GBPUSD USDJPY doesn't make it on the watch list it is  structured to the upside but i think there are   probably better opportunities out there next week  and the watch list has slimmed down even more   since opportunities have dried up even more in the  markets currently i would like to see a reversal   in this market if you are looking to trade this  and i would be looking for long opportunities   up towards the next care resistance outside  the target set in this market at the 109.83

next is AUDUSD last week AUDUSD was a good market  we took out both targets and we finished the week   right at the second target taking it out almost  to the pip at the 0.7757 that was pretty much   the high of the week in this market coming to  this week this is one of the better dollar pairs   that i like we have this inverse head and  shoulders and as a result we were looking   for a breakout to the upside we have nice momentum  so any correction in this market although it   doesn't make the watch list any correction in this  market would be viewed as an opportunity to start   to look for bullish reversals up towards the next  care resistance the upside the target set at the   zero 0.7810 so i do quite like the way this market  is technically structured going into next week NZDUSD, NZDUSD is structured to the upside and  i also like this market now going into next week   we had this correction but we finished it with  a big rally to the outside so we have momentum   there's a good chance we see higher highs  in this market so any pullback in this   market next week will now be viewed as an  opportunity to look for bullish reversals   up towards the next q resistance the  outside the target set at the 0.7221 USDCHF, USDCHF is structured to the downside it  looks like we may be forming a head and shoulders   in this market so any pullback towards 0.94040  it doesn't have to come all the way back but   any pullback would be viewed as an opportunity  to look for bearish reversals in this market   down to the next care of support to the downside  in the target set at the 0.9102 USDCAD now going   into this weak dollar count does make it to the  watch list and this has been quite a corrective   market i've stayed away from this market for  the last few weeks but it now does look like we   could be set to decline and what we're seeing here  although we haven't reversed in the dxy a number   of these other markets are showing us that dxy  could very well reverse and break lower next week   so very simply put going to this week i am  focused on short positions in us dollar cad   any correction would be viewed  as the opportunity to look for   short positions down to the next key of support  to the downside in the target set the 1.2436

next is XAUUSD now XAUUSD is structured to the  upside we've started to finally break out of   this choppy sideways move we've had in gold and  we have some nice momentum so i do like XAUUSD   going into next week as well although USDCAD  is the only dollar pair to make the watch list   i like AUDUSD to the upside NZDUSD to the  upside XAUUSD to the upside and i also like   USDCHF to the downside out of the dollar pairs  so very simply put any pullback in this market   next week would be viewed as an opportunity to  look for bullish setups up towards the next care   resistance the upside the target set at the  1807.87 so as i say us dollar cad is the only   one to fully make the watch list and this is the  one i'll be focused on the most however i will be   keeping an eye on AUDUSD to the upside NZDUSD  to the upside XAUUSD to the upside as well as   USDCHF to the downside next week moving on to  the euro and the end pairs EURJPY is structured   to the upside and it does make the watch list  this week i have been bullish on this market   but the market just hasn't gone anywhere  we've just been moving sideways so this   is not a reversal i am still bullish but it's  just taking a breather it's just taking a pause   so any correction in this market once again will  be viewed as an opportunity to look for bullish   reversals up towards the next care resistance the  outside the target set the 131.17 CHFJPY structure   to the upside and on the watch list next week  similar to EURJPY it's just kind of pausing at   the moment but i do still have a bullish bias on  this market and the bullish bias from the data is   primarily coming from a weaker yen and you'll see  this theme as we go through the rest of the charts   so any correction in this market next week would  be viewed as an opportunity to look for bullish   reversals up towards the next care resistance  the upside in the target set and the 119.25   GBPJPY also on the watch list this week and  again primarily because of the end weakness   we started to break out already so very simply  put going into this week any pullback in this area   would be viewed as a great opportunity to start  to look for long positions up towards the 151.520   and if we can break through here we're going to be  looking up towards the second target at the 152.75 AUDJPY i don't really like this chart going  into next week although it does give us a bit   of information which is that the aussie is  structured to the downside against the yen   so even though the yen is weak the aussie is  actually quite weak compared to a number of the   other currencies as well so very simply put if  you are looking to trade this you should really   only be looking to the downside as it currently  stands however because of the in weakness as i   said i would not be interested in shorts what  i would prefer to see is a break above the 8448   and then i could start to look for long positions  in this market next week so personally i'll be   filtering out shorts to the downside and  i'll be looking for this to break the 8448   to start to initiate long positions and  look for bullish opportunities next week CADJPY it does make the watch list this  week and again primarily because of that   yen weakness but we're also seeing oil start  to pick up which is supporting cad somewhat   we're trending to the upside here and this is just  simply viewed as it stands as a correction so any   breakout to the upside in this market would  be viewed as an opportunity to start to look   for long positions into the next gear  resistance the upside at the 88.47

NZDJPY, NZDJPY journey is structured to  the upside we have some nice momentum so   i wouldn't be surprised to see higher highs in  this market and it does make the watch list again   theme being again weakness going into next  week that's what the data is pointing to   the overriding theme of course is that the markets  are choppy and so risks should be reduced but out   of the markets that are there the yen pairs are  looking like something to keep an arm for next   week so any correction in this market would be  viewed as an opportunity to look for bullish   reversals up towards the next care resistance  the upside in the target set and the 78.67 EURCHF, EURCHF is structured to the  downside so i'm only interested in   shorts in this market if i am trading it we're  looking for a pull back towards the 1.107 t   for a sell-off and we started to see that already  so any correction towards this level once again is   simply going to be viewed as another opportunity  to look for bearish breakouts in this market   down to the next care of supported  downside target set the 1.0956

EURNZD, EURNZD looks to be correct and i'm not  a big fan of this market going into next week   i think there are better markets out there  even the ones not on the watch list like   the AUDUSD to the upside NZDUSD to  the upside XAUUSD to the upside etc   so if you are looking to trade this and i probably  won't trade this next week i would only be focused   as it stands on bullish setups and if we start to  break to the upside that would be the indication   we start to look for long positions into the  next key of resistance the upside at the 1.6916 EURAUD now EURAUD is also getting slightly  choppy as the dollar sells off and that's   because both the euro and the aussie are two of  the primary beneficiaries of a dollar sell-off   so going into next week i think they're  probably better markets we pull back to   the 1.54 520 we highlighted so any  reversal from this area would be   viewed if you're looking to trade this market  as the opportunity to look for long positions   into the next gear resistance the upside in  the target set at one point five six eight zero EURGBP shorted this all the way down since the  beginning of the year we've been highlighting this   over and over again to the downside in the weekly  forex forecast and we have recently reversed to   the upside so looking back as well to what we  discussed EURUSD structures the upside GBPUSD   structure the downside i wouldn't be surprised  to see this head higher this week so outside of   the pairs off of the watch list this is also one  that i'll be keeping an eye on so any pullback   in this market next week would be viewed as  an opportunity to look for bullish reversals   up towards an xq resistance outside  the target set 0.8740 we're coming   quite close to the target so i would like  to see a pull back in this market deeper   first and wrapping up the euro pairs is EURCAD  we look to finish the one two three four and last   week i was looking for this fifth wave into the  1.5053 last week we did have this fifth wave but   we just missed the target by a few pips very  simply put now it looks like we finished   these five waves up i would not be surprised to  see a deeper correction see this market getting   a little bit choppy so i have two options here  either i can buy this market next week or i can   do nothing because it's currently structured to  the upside so for me i will be doing nothing in   this market almost certainly next week if you  do want to trade it however the opportunity   would still be to the upside looking for this  fifth wave to take out the target at one point   five zero five three so any breakout would  be the opportunity to look for that target GBPCHF structure to the downside does not make the  watch list any correction in this market would be   viewed next week as an opportunity to look for  bearish reversals and we have some nice momentum   in here forming a potential head and shoulders  pattern in this market any bearish reversal would   be viewed as the opportunity to look for short  positions if you're looking to trade this market   down to the next gear of support to  the downside the target set the 1.2575 now although a lot of markets were corrected and  didn't really move last week GBPAUD was a market   that did move and we took out both targets  to the downside and the second target at the   1.7745 we took out almost to the pip and that  was the low of the week last week in this market  

very simply put going into this we have  some momentum out of all of the markets   not on the watch list this is another market which  actually looks quite nice and technically we have   nice momentum we're starting to pull back  for this kind of bear flag pattern so   any correction in this market would be  viewed once again as an opportunity to look   for bearish breakouts down towards the next kev  supports the downside of target set the 1.7695 GBPCAD i still have a bearish bias on  this market this was another market   that really just didn't go anywhere  last week and not surprising because   as i've pointed out a number of times we  have very corrective markets right now   so any correction in this market once again is  simply viewed as another opportunity to look for   bearish breakouts down towards the next care of  support to the downside the target set the 1.7051   GBPNZD doesn't make the watch list but i was  bearish on this last week and i am bearish on   it again this week we took out both targets to  the downside very similar to GBPAUD and again   the second target pretty much was the low of the  week we took it out almost to the pip at the 1.917   going to this week i also like this as well as  GBPAUD to the downside and it's for the same   reasons i like those two as euro pound we have  euro dollar to the upside AUDUSD to the upside   NZDUSD to the upside but we have GBPUSD to the  downside so euro pound to the upside has a good   chance of working next week as well as pound  aussie to the downside and pound new zealand   to the downside so i like those three markets  outside of the watch list that we have this week   we also have momentum and we're starting to pull  back for this bear flag pattern again so any deep   correction is simply going to be viewed as  an opportunity to look for short positions   next week in this market down towards the next kf  supports the downside in the target set at 1.9058   aussie frank i was looking for a pullback in  this market i am bearish on this market overall   my outlook on this is either to sell it  or do nothing and i was looking for a   pull back into the 0.7157 we turned at this  level almost to the point here and so any  

deeper pull back into this level once again if  you are looking to trade this market should be   viewed as another opportunity to look for  bearish reversals down towards the next q   support to the downside the target set 0.6990  just remember compared to the yen pairs as   well aussie was showing a bit of weakness so  this may be something to think about next week aussie cad now last week aussie cad took out his  target to the upside at 0.9702 so think about this   we have the australian dollar showing weakness  against the yen whereas the canadian dollar is   structured to the upside against the yen and yet  when we come and look at aussie cad aussie caddy   structure to the upside taking out its targets  to the upside so what does this tell us it just   underscores the fact that the markets are very  very correct at the moment they're very very   choppy there is a lack of direction across  the board and as i said previously this is   likely because if we're seeing the dollar  topping out this is likely because of that   so going into next week it just underscores the  fact that we really need to go in with a capital   preservation mindset until we start to see the  markets finding direction again that's when we   want to start allocating more capital it's  not just about knowing what markets to trade   it's knowing when to trade more and when to trade  less or even in some cases we're not traded at all   so very simply put going into next week  the market is structured to the upside   and we're starting to form this kind of  ball flag pattern we have some momentum   so if you are looking to trade this market any  correction would be viewed as an opportunity   to look for bullish reversals up towards the  next care resistance the upside and the 0.9787 aussie new zealand like a number of the markets  didn't really do anything last week just kind of   chopped and grinded to the downside it actually  took out previous lows and started to reverse so   going into this week this is not  on the watch list i think they're   probably better markets out there  but if you are looking to trade this   i can only either short this or do  nothing so any pullback to the 1.08520  

would be viewed as the opportunity if you're  looking to trade this market to start to look   for short positions down to the next gear supports  the downside the target set the six 1.0768 new zealand cad new zealand card is structured  to the upside going into this week comes off the   watch list we have some momentum i would not be  surprised if we see high highs in this market but   i think again there are probably better markets  out there next week we started to correct already   so any deep correction would be viewed if you are  looking to trade this market as an opportunity to   look for bullish reversals up towards the  next care resistance outside the target set 0.9040 new zealand frank structure to the  downside still but you can see with your eyes   another market which is just kind of moving  sideways really lacking direction we pull back   to the 0.6601 which highlighted previously and we  started to bounce so if you are looking to trade   this any retest of this area would be another  great opportunity to look for short positions   down to the next care of  support to the downside 0.6441

and last but not least we have cad frank for  those who follow the forecast you'll know cad   frank was a really nice market to the upside in  q1 we traded this and week after week this was   moving to the upside when we had lots of trending  markets paid very handsomely in q1 and then the   market started to dry up and we started to reverse  somewhat so going into next week i'm either short   or doing nothing in this market i think there are  probably better opportunities but any correction   in this market next week would be viewed if you're  looking to trade it as an opportunity to look   for bearish breakouts down towards the next care  support to downside the target set and the 0.7274 so that is it for me for this week guys i do  go into next week with a capital preservation   approach and those are the markets there that  i'm looking at on my watch list primarily   i do quite like dollar week trades as well next  week although we haven't fully reversed in the   dollar just yet but if we start to break low  in the dxy dollar we trade certainly something   i'll be interested in and also pound weakness  could be a theme next week as we discussed as   it's one of the few currencies structured to the  downside against the us dollar so as always i hope   you enjoyed this video and if you did please  let me know by liking sharing and subscribing   a big thanks to everybody who does that on a  regular basis and a big thank you to everybody   who has subscribed to the channel so far and all  of you who comment on a regular basis as well with   really good comments and questions with that said  i want to wish you all a fantastic weekend and i   want to wish you all the best in your trading next  week take care and don't forget to trade safely you

2021-04-20 02:43

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