Weekly Forex Forecast (15/02/21) EurUsd / XauUsd / 30+ Pairs

Weekly Forex Forecast (15/02/21) EurUsd / XauUsd / 30+ Pairs

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hey traders it's john fortune here with a  brand new weekly forex forecast we're going   to start off with the us dollar index DXY  before running through a number of markets   as always be sure to watch the  video through to the end as we   will be highlighting ones to watch for the  coming week as we go through the markets   so starting with the us dollar index DXY in  previous videos i highlighted the fact this   near-term move to the upside looks to be a  corrective fourth wave and i am looking for   the market to roll over down to the 88.46 in the  near term we have not yet broken the 90.050 which   makes this near-term secondary trend counter-trend  move or corrective fourth weight still intact and   although we have that weakness from the outside  day that we highlighted in last week's video from   a key of resistance we have not yet fully reversed  so going into this week i still maintain a neutral   bias on the dxy and it just simply means that  unless or until we break the 90.05 at which point   i'll be looking to initiate shorts down to the  88.460 but all the while we stay above the 90.05   i will consider this market neutral and i will be  looking at trading the us dollar pairs on their   own merits so how the pairs are structured without  a strong bias in the dollar one way or the other   and i'll also be looking to limit my trades in the  dollar pairs until we can break below the 90.050   and that means therefore that i will be once again  as we have been for a number of weeks primarily   focused next week on opportunities outside of  the dollar pairs next is crude oil now last week   we highlighted this market as one to watch to the  upside and we did come up and take out the targets   at 57.40 going into this week crude oil is still  structured to the upside in line with the overall  

primary trend it makes this one to watch once  again going into next week we are quite close to   the next target to the upside so i'd like to see a  correction in this market first any correction in   this market is going to be viewed next week as  another opportunity to look for bullish setups   i'm going to be looking up towards the next care  resistance the upside the target set and the 60.64   next is EurUsd last week we were looking for a  pullback towards 1.215.70 and we did have a nice   pullback in this market we noted that this is a  secondary trend to the downside it's corrective   a larger corrective move so any short positions  in this market are slightly higher risk than   some of the other markets we're going to look at  but if you are looking at trading this market i   would prefer bearish setups bearish reversals in  this market for the opportunity to look for short   positions down towards the next kf supports  the downside the target set at the 1.1895   next is GbpUsd now last week we noted GbpUsd had  started to reverse to the downside and this was   counter to its overall trend which is why we did  not mark this as one to watch makes it slightly   higher risk and last week we did reverse back  to the upside in line with the primary trend so   GbpUsd is once again going to be one to  watch going into next week any correction   in this market is simply going to be viewed  as an opportunity to look for bullish setups   i'm going to be looking up towards the next  care resistance the outside the target set   at the 1.3893 you can see that as GbpUsd structure  to the upside and EurUsd structure to the downside   this does set up a potential synthetic  hedge play next week if that's what you   want to do and we cover that in the  free gmt course the link is in the   description below for anybody who wants  to learn more about synthetic hedging   next is UsdJpy last week we're sitting in  this area and we're looking for a correction   to pull back towards the 103.64 and we did get  this and we started to break out to the upside   any correction once again would simply be viewed  as another opportunity for anybody trading this   market to look for bullish setups and i'd be  looking up towards the next key of resistance   the upside the target set at the 105.78 just bear  in mind this is a secondary trend this is not in  

line with the overall trend of this market so any  long positions in this market should be considered   slightly higher risk than maybe some of the other  pairs that we're going to look at today next is   AudUsd now last week we noted that Audusd was in a  near-term downtrend which was a secondary trend so   the risk of reversal was higher and we did break  to the upside we reversed in this market last week   and this may be the start of the next bigger  leg up in AudUsd if we start to roll over in   the dxy down towards the 8850 area roughly this  could be as it were the first wave in this market   so any correction back down towards the  76310 would be viewed as an opportunity   to look for potential breakout to the upside  in this market next week and i'm going to be   looking first of all up towards the next  key of residency outside the target set   0.7812 and if we get to through here going  to booking up towards target two zero point   seven nine one six and of course as a  result of this near-term reversal to   the upside in line with the primary trend this  is going to go down as one to watch next week   next is NzdUsd now we noted last week that despite  the fact we had dollar strength recently NzdUsd   managed to maintain its structure to the upside  and so if the dollar does start to roll over next   week i wouldn't be surprised to see NzdUsd  outperforming because as we said last week   if NzdUsd isn't going down when the dxy is strong  where do you think NzdUsd is going to go when the   dxy is weak so this certainly goes down again as  one to watch despite the fact we've pretty much   moved sideways in the last couple of weeks any  correction deeper correction towards the 0.7157   is going to be viewed as an opportunity to  look for bullish breakouts in this market   up towards an xq resistance outside the target  set 0.7322 next is UsdChf now notice in UsdChf how   we had a momentum rally to the upside followed by  momentum to the downside this kind of up and down   is what you see in ranging markets in markets  which lack direction and this is because of the   lack of direction in the dxy so i think there  are better markets out there next week than   UsdChf but if you are trading this any continued  correction towards 0.88670 would be viewed as an  

opportunity to look for bullish setups and  we'd be looking up towards the previous high   as a more conservative target and on to the next  care resistance outside the target set 0.9088   next is UsdCad now UsdCad cad is structured to the  downside this week it started to roll over in line   with its overall trend to the downside this is  interesting because although we have a neutral   bias in the dxy the ones to watch this week are  GbpUsd to the upside AudUsd to the upside NzdUsd   to the upside and UsdCad to the downside those  are the dollar pairs which are down as one to   watch and all of those are showing dollar weakness  so this could be an indication that we will start   to break low in the dxy next week we'll have to  see but certainly next week any correction towards   the 1.28210 would be viewed as an opportunity  in this market to look for bearish reversals   and i'll be looking down towards the next k of  support to downside the target set at the 1.2537  

next we have gold XauUsd last week we highlighted  gold XauUsd in quite a bit of detail and showed   that 1764.75 could be the end of a much larger  abc this area and we highlighted the fact that   any pullback towards the 1845.89 should be really  viewed as an opportunity to look for shorts in   this market we have started to break lower so for  anybody not already in gold XauUsd any correction   once again towards this key of resistance  would provide another opportunity to look for   bearish reversals down towards the next kf support  to the downside the target set at the 1764.75   and to wrap up the dollar pairs we're going  to finish by looking at silver XagUsd we   don't normally look at silver XagUsd but we're  going to look at it this week as a bonus chart   we don't normally look at it because there's quite  a bit of market manipulation in silver XagUsd but   we are looking at this week and it is one to  watch because of a specific setup that seems   to be appearing in silver XagUsd we have broken  out of an inverse head and shoulders pattern in   silver XagUsd we broke out with momentum and  then we had a bigger sell-off to come back   and re-test the breakout point of this pattern  we have now started to break higher once again   in this market and this is just simply a higher  low so as it stands the uptrend in this market is   intact and it looks to be just beginning so this  is certainly one to watch going into next week   the near term target is 29.82 but this previous  high if we start to break above this we could see   some strong momentum coming into silver XagUsd so  this is also something you could consider holding   a position for a lot longer than just a single  week i certainly will be looking to hold this   if we can break above the previous high  with momentum i'll be looking to hold it   for a number of weeks at least i  won't be looking to take my profits   next week next is EurJpy now EurJpy is structured  to the upside in line with its primary trend it   makes this one to watch going into next week any  correction back towards the one two six twenty   eight is going to be viewed as an opportunity  to look for bullish reversals in this market up   towards the next key of resistance the outside the  target set at the one 127.96 next is ChfJpy last   week we started the week in this area and we're  looking for a pull back into the 117.63 we did  

have this and now we're sitting right at this  area this market is quite choppy it's not down   as one to watch next week this means it's not  very high up on the watch list however if you   are looking to trade this this would be the area  to start to look for bearish reversals and i'll   be looking down towards the next key of support  to the downside in the target set at the 116.40   next is pound yen now in previous videos we've  been highlighting this market consistently as one   to watch and we've been taking out target after  target to the upside last week we had this down as   one to watch and we came very close to achieving  the target of the 145.71 if anybody not already   involved because we're very close to the targets  what you'd have to see now is any correction   towards the 143.15 before we take out these  targets would be viewed as another opportunity   to get involved with this market to the upside  up towards the target set from last week first   of all the 145.71 and then on to the second key of  resistance the upside in target two at the 146.73   next is AudJpy now AudJpy was another market that  performed really nicely which we highlighted is   one to watch last week we stopped just shy  of the target so for anybody who didn't take   advantage of this last week you would need to  see a pullback now in this market because we're   too close to the target any pullback would provide  another opportunity to look for bullish reversals   up towards last week's target at 81.57 which  we're looking to be taking out this week   and then on to the second key of resistance  the upside and target two at the 82.60  

next is cad yen now last week we highlighted this  is one to watch and we took out the targets at   the 8265. going into this week CadJpy is down as  one to watch once again and we see the canadian   dollar catching a bid from a stronger crude oil  price any correction back towards the 82.22 will   be viewed as an opportunity next week to look  for bullish reversals in this market up towards   the next q resistance the outside the target set  at the 83.11 and if we get to break through here   up towards the next key of resistance  the upside and target 2 the 84 84.12   next is NzdJpy now last week we came  very close to the target of the 76.16   this is once again this week highlighted as one to  watch because it is now trending to the upside in   line with its overall trend any deeper correction  in this market is simply going to be viewed as   an opportunity to look for bullish reversals up  towards an xq resistance outside the target set   76.16 and if we can break through here up  towards target two and seventy six point  

seven seven next is EurChf we highlighted this as  one to watch last week to the upside and we did   take out the targets at the one point zero eight  three eighty very simply put going into this week   this is once again one to watch and it is in line  with its primary trend to the upside we've already   corrected towards the 1.07650 so this is now a  great opportunity in this market to start to look   for bullish reversals if we start to break  out to the upside we're going to be looking   at initiating longs up towards the next key of  resistance the upside and target set and 1.0871   next is EurNzd now EurNzd is structured to the  downside overall and we're looking last week   for a pullback before further declines to the  downside we have started correct which is great   and this is one to watch going into next week  any deeper correction the deeper the better   as we get better wrist reward setups to the  target the deeper we pull back but any deeper   correction is simply going to be viewed as an  opportunity to look for bearish reversals in   this market down towards the next key of support  to the downside of the target set at the 1.6619   next we have EurAud now last week Euraud rolled  over in line with its primary trend to the   downside and this is something we noted in last  week's video that was probably likely to happen   based on where we were sitting when we started the  week going into this week therefore this market   becomes one to watch and we're starting to see  commodity currencies outperforming some of the   g10 pairs which is what you would expect to see  with a weaker dollar with the dollar weakening so   i wouldn't be surprised to see the dollar rolling  over next week to the downside we are making lower   lows in this market so any correction in EurAud  is simply going to be viewed as an opportunity   to look for bearish breakouts are going to be  looking down towards the next kf supports the   downside the target set the 1.5580 and if we  break through here we're going to be looking  

down towards target two at the one point five four  four four next is EurGbp now EurGbp has been one   of the best if not the best performing currency  of 2021 so far and i have been short i am short   and i've been shorting and also highlighting  as much as possible this market to the downside   we are still making lower lows and last week was  simply another opportunity to short this market   for anybody not involved in this currency pair to  the downside already this is once again as it has   been for a while now one to watch very high up on  the watch list any deeper correction away from the   target is simply going to be viewed once again as  another opportunity to look for bearish breakouts   down towards the next care of supported outside  the target set zero point eight seven two six and   ultimately i think there's a very very good chance  we come down to the second career of support to   the downside and target two at the zero point  eight six eight two next is EurCad now EurCad   is trending to the downside and this is benefiting  from the recent rally in crude oil we are looking   further declines to the downside and i can see  here already we're starting to flag this pullback   is a great opportunity we also have somewhat of  a double top pattern here breaking down below the   midpoint here this is now a great opportunity to  start to look for bearish setups in this market   i'm going to be looking down towards the next key  of support to the downside and the target set at   the 1.5246 and again this market is one to watch  for next week next is GbpChf now this is another   market that has been on the watch list and one to  watch for a number of weeks and performing really   really well taking out the targets last week we're  looking for a correction away from the 1.24260   and that was the opportunity to start to look  for bullish reversals a breakout to the upside   we have started to break to the upside so any  correction once again in this market is simply   going to be viewed as another opportunity to  position to the long side up towards the one point   two four six two six and if we break through here  we're going to be looking up towards the second   key of resistance the outside and target two  at with 1.2529 one to watch again next week

next is GbpAud now last week GbpAud  started to roll over to the downside   in line with his primary trend so this does  go on the watch list although i think there   are better opportunities out there next week  any correction towards the 1.7980 is going   to be viewed as a potential opportunity to  look for bearish reversals in this market   down towards the next kf supports the  downside the target set at the 1.7747   next is pound cad now pound cad is down as one  to watch next week because it is an oval trend   to the upside but just bear in mind the canadian  dollar is catching a bid from crude oil so there   may be better markets to trade even though this  is down as one to watch out of all of the markets   down as one to watch there are likely to be better  opportunities next week however i do favor long   positions in GbpCad and any correction in this  market is simply viewed as an opportunity to look   for bullish reversals up towards the next care  resistance the upside in the target set the 1.7665  

next is GbpNzd now GbpNzd is structured to the  upside in line with its primary trend making this   one to watch next week any correction back towards  the 1.90510 will be viewed as an opportunity to   look for bullish setups and bullish reversals  in this market if we start to break out to the   upside i will be looking up towards the next kia  resistance outside the target set the 1.9316 and   through here i'll be looking up towards the  second target to the upside at the 1.9480   again for very similar reasons to pound cad i do  think there are better markets outside of GbpNzd   trade next week next is AudChf now AudChf is  structured to the upside in line with its primary   trend making this one to watch next week we also  had that breakout to the upside in AudUsd last   week showing some near-term strengths coming into  aussie so this certainly would be one to keep an   eye on for next week any correction away from the  next key of resistance is going to be viewed as an   opportunity to start to look for bullish setups in  this market if we start to break out to the upside   i'm going to be looking up towards the next key  of resistance the outside the target set 0.6952   and if we get to break through here we're  going to be looking up to target two   the zero point seven zero four one next is AudCad  now AudCad is also down as one to watch next week   and notice how many markets are down next week as  one to watch this is because we had a 50 increase   from the week before in the number of markets that  have started to revert in line with their overall   trends this is a good indication that we may start  to see some bigger moves coming into the market   and it also makes me think again we could see  that reversal to the downside in the dxy next week   so in AudCad any correction back down towards  the 0.97410 will be viewed as an opportunity   to look for bullish breakouts up towards the  next care resistance upside the target set the   zero 0.9908 next is AudNzd now AudNzd is  structured to the downside in a secondary  

trend so this is not marked as one to watch  next week not high up on the watch list   but if you are looking to trade this  any break to the downside in this market   should be viewed as the next opportunity  to look for bearish setups in this market   down towards the next key of support to  the downside the target set at the 1.0570   next is NzdCad now i don't really like NzdCad  because of how choppy this market is it is not   very high up on the watch list last week we  highlighted the key of resistance at 0.920.90   for a selloff down towards 0.9132 we did get  this kind of price action so anybody who is   interested in trading this and again i think  there are much better opportunities out there   any correction towards 0.92090 again would  be viewed as the opportunity to look for  

bearish reversals down towards the next care  supports the downside the target set at 0.9132   next is NzdChf now this market is structured to  the upside in line with its primary trend and   i prefer this compared to NzdCad for example  we've already started to correct down towards   the 0.63670 and this is just simply viewed as  an opportunity to look for bullish breakouts   i'm going to be looking if we start to break out  to the upside at initiating longs up towards the   next key resistance the outside the target set and  0.6504 and last but not least we have CadChf now   CadChf is structured to the upside in line with  its primary trend and it also has some support   from stronger crude oil prices feeding through to  the canadian dollar we started to correct which is   great because this is what we want to see if we're  entering in the direction of the overall trend any   deep correction in this market is simply viewed  as an opportunity to look for bullish reversals   first of all up towards the next care resistance  the upside the target set at the zero point seven   zero six five and a break through here we'll see  it's going up to the second key of resistance to   the upside and target two at the zero point seven  one three three so that is it for me for this week   guys as always i hope you enjoyed this video and  if you did please let me know by liking sharing   and subscribing a big thanks to everybody who  does that on a regular basis and a big thank you   to everybody who has subscribed to the channel so  far and also everybody who comments on the channel   on a regular basis as well i want to wish you all  a fantastic trading week and i want to wish you   all a nice weekend the only thing left to say  is take care and don't forget to trade safely

2021-02-15 07:42

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