Weekly Forex Forecast (08/02/21) EurUsd / XauUsd / 30+ Pairs

Weekly Forex Forecast (08/02/21) EurUsd / XauUsd / 30+ Pairs

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hey traders it's john fortune here this week's  weekly forex forecast we're going to start off   with the dollar index DXY as we always do be sure  as always to watch the video all the way through   to the end because we will be highlighting ones  to watch for next week as we run through all of   the markets this morning starting with us dollar  index DXY last week and for the last couple of   weeks we've noted that this market has been in the  near-term uptrend it's structured to the upside   in what looks to be a fourth wave before another  leg down at some point in this market we did take   out both targets to the upside at the 91.01 and  the 91.49 last week and we sold off quite hard   this was actually an engulfing candle an outside  day in the daily chart from a key resistance of   91.49 so very simply put going into this week  the near-term uptrend is still intact this   what looks to be a corrective wave currently in  the bigger picture is still intact and it is still   technically bullish but we are sitting at a key  resistance of the 91.49 and we did have quite a   hard sell-off from here so going into next week  i am going to have a bullish to neutral bias on   the dollar DXY it means that generally speaking  i will be looking to trade the dollar pairs as   they are structured without a very strong bias  in the dollar DXY one way or the other because   we could start to reverse lower from here but  at the same time the uptrend is still intact so   any shorts could be slightly premature it  also means as we've looked at in previous   videos and has actually played out very nicely  is that there are likely once again to be better   opportunities outside of the dollar DXY pairs  going into next week just as there have been   in the previous weeks and that will once  again be something which is high up on my   agenda next week is looking outside the dollar  DXY pairs for those potential opportunities   next we have crude oil now last week we noted that  this market was in a secondary trend of correction   counter to the overall primary trend and we  have now broken to the upside in this market   making this one to watch going into next week  any correction back down towards the 53 210   is going to be viewed as an opportunity to look  for bullish reversals up towards the next care   resistance the outside the target set at the  57.40 although we're quite close to this now   so we'd need to pull back to get some good risk  to reward and if we break through here we're   going to be looking up towards the next care of  resistance the upside and target 2 at the 60.64   next we have euro dollar EURUSD now last week we  were looking further declines to the downside in   this market and we did take out the target to the  1.2012 very simply put we've started to correct  

already so any deep correction would be viewed  as an opportunity to look for bearish reversals   in this market down towards the next care of  support to the downside the target set the 1.1895   next is GBPUSD now GBPUSD is structured to  the downside going into next week however this   is counter to the overall trend as we've been  looking at in previous videos i don't like this   setup that much i don't think i will personally  be looking short GBPUSD but if you are looking to   trade GBPUSD it is technically structured to the  downside and a breakout and a bearish reversal in   this area is what i would need to see if i were  trading this down towards the next key of support   to the downside and the target set at the 1.3479 i  do personally think there are better opportunities   out there next week than GBPUSD next is USDJPY now  last week we're looking further advances to the   upside in this market and we took out the 105.03  and also the second target at the 105.66 which   represented the entire move in this market last  week going into this week therefore i am still   looking for advances to the upside in this market  and we are falling in line with a new potentially   developing primary trend to the upside so it  does make this one to watch going into next week   since we're very close to the target and  there's not much risk to reward opportunity here   any deeper correction would be required next week  towards the 103.64 and this would be viewed as an  

opportunity to look for bullish reversals and if  we start to break out to the upside in this market   we're going to be looking at initiated longs up  towards key resistance the upside in the target   set at the 105.78 and if we can break through  here we're going to be looking up towards target 2   the 106.09 next is AUDUSD now last week we were  looking for further declines to the downside and   we did come down take out the target set at 0.7573  almost to the pip and that was the move for last   week in this asset going into this week the market  is still structured to the downside so i would   favor short positions in this market but just bear  in mind this is a secondary trend so just like we   looked at in crude oil last week you have that  risk when you're shorting for example this asset   of the market reversing in line with the primary  trend at some point this is why we haven't marked   this as one to watch but any deeper correction  towards the 0.77390 would be viewed as a potential   opportunity to look for reversals to the downside  in this market and we'd be looking down towards   the next key of support to the downside the target  set at the 0.7451 next we have NZDUSD now NZDUSD  

is structured to the upside in line with its  primary trend making this one to watch going into   next week we didn't really go anywhere last week  we just kind of corrected sideways but this is   interesting because if we have a strong us dollar  and the NZDUSD doesn't really decline against it   what is going to happen if we have a weaker u.s  dollar DXY we're going to see some strength some   decent strength coming into this market so  this is certainly on my radar next week as   one to watch any correction once again back down  towards the 0.71180 which we've already tested   would simply be viewed as another opportunity  to look for bullish reversals we're going to be   looking up towards the next key of resistance  the upside in the target set and the 0.7322   next is us dollar swiss franc now USDCHF reversed  the upside last week this was actually a market i   did like the look of to the downside but we never  broke low we never broke out of this kind of   counter and move there was a key of resistance up  here we just kind of trended to the upside and at   the beginning of the last week we started to break  higher so we didn't have any bearish reversals   in this market but i did like the look of this we  instead broke to the upside which is a breakout of   what looked to be an inverse head and shoulders  although it is still very much like the us dollar   index DXY itself is it is still counter to the  overall trend the overall trend is still to the   downside but for the time being we are structured  to the upside in this market and any pullback   towards 0.88670 would be viewed as an opportunity  to start to look for bullish reversals in this   market and i'll be looking up towards the next q  resistance outside the target set the zero point   nine zero eight eight next is USDCAD now USDCAD is  structured to the upside but notice how corrective   this market has been and this is because of what's  happening in the dollar index DXY and it's why a   number of the dollar pairs are not down as ones  to watch for next week including this one but it   is still structured to the upside so for anybody  trading this market i would be looking preferably   for bullish setups any pullback towards the  1.26470 would be viewed as the opportunity   to look for bullish reversals up towards the next  care resistance upside the target set the 1.2951  

next we have gold XAUUSD now last week we were  looking for potential breakout to the upside   in gold XAUUSD and i highlighted gold XAUUSD in  the youtube community tab and also on twitter   and we were looking for a confirmed break above  the 1875 which never came and you can see if we   look at the bigger picture this was a failure  of a smaller inverse head and shoulders within   the right shoulder of a larger inverse head and  shoulders and since this has failed it looks like   we are now heading for further lows in this market  we are technically structured to the downside so   i would be focused on bearish setups this week  and it looks like we may have the makings of one   two three four five waves down followed by three  waves up of a b wave and then a c wave so our next   major target to the downside is the end of that  initial five waves down which is the 1764.75 so   very simply put going into this week we've already  started to correct and any deep correction will   be viewed next week as a potential opportunity  to look for bearish setups in this market down   towards the next key support downside the target  set the 1764.75 next is EURJPY now EURJPY is   structured to the upside in line with its overall  primary trend making this one to watch this week   this was also on our radar as one to watch last  week we were looking for a pullback towards the   125.960 before a rally to the upside we did have a  nice pull back towards this area and we did break   out towards the end of last week so very simply  put any correction once again towards the 125.96  

is simply going to be viewed as an opportunity  to look for bullish setups in this market   up towards the next care resistance the  upside in the target set at the 127.96   next is CHFJPY now CHFJPY is currently structured  to the downside but this is against the overall   primary trend in this market this market is  very corrective and i think there are going   to be better opportunities out there than this  pair next week if you are looking to trade this   however we're starting to pull back towards the  117.63 and this would be viewed as the opportunity   to start to look for bearish reversals in this  market down towards key support to the downside   the target set at the 116 point of 40. next  is GBPJPY now last week we highlighted this   as one to watch and we did come up and take out  the target set at the 144.560. this market is   still in a full-blown uptrend in line with its  primary trend this makes this one to watch again   going into this we can certainly want to keep an  eye on any correction back down towards 143.15  

is going to be viewed once again as an opportunity  to look for bullish reversals in this market   up towards the next care of resistance  outside the target set and the 145.71   next is AUDJPY now last week i highlighted this  as a market to watch to the upside and we did take   out the target to the pip at the 80.90 this market  is trending to the upside in line with its primary   trend making this one to watch once again next  week we have some nice momentum in this market   as well so any correction back down towards the  7983 is simply going to be viewed once again as   an opportunity to look for bullish setups in this  market and if we start to break out to the upside   we're going to be looking up towards the next q  resistance the upside the target set the 81.57   next is CADJPY now last week we highlighted this  as one to watch to the upside and we had a really   nice move and we stopped just shy of the target by  a couple of pips so very simply put this is one to   watch again going into this week as it is trending  to the upside in line with the bigger picture   any correction back down towards the 81 24  and of course we'll be looking for this to   finish the move from last week but any correction  back down towards the 81 24 will be viewed once   again as an opportunity to look for bullish  breakouts and we're going to be looking up   towards the next key area of resistance  the upside the target set at the 82.65  

and if we get a break through here especially if  it takes out this target first and then pulls back   we're going to be looking up towards the next key  resistance the upside and target 2 at the 83.11   next is NZDJPY now last week we highlighted this  as one to watch to the upside and like a number   of the ones we highlighted last week this market  outperformed we had a really nice rally coming   into the 76 16 we stopped just shy of it so we'll  be looking for this move from last week to finish   but any correction back towards the 7438 will be  viewed as simply another opportunity to look for   bullish breakouts in this market as this is  once again one to watch going into this week   and we're going to be looking up towards  the next key of resistance the upside and   the target set from last week at 76.16 and  once we've gone through here we're going   to be looking up towards the second key of  resistance the upside and target 2 and 76.77   next we have EURCHF now EURCHF was another market  we highlighted last week as one to watch to the   upside and we had a really nice rally to the  upside we stopped just shy of the target set   at the 1.0838 so we will be looking for this move  from last week to complete any pullback towards   the 1.07650 will be viewed once again simply  as an opportunity to look for bullish breakouts   up towards last week's target if we haven't  already taken it out the 1.08 to 380 and if  

we can get a break through here we're going to be  looking up towards the next key of resistance the   upside target 2 with 1.08 so EURCHF is once  again one to watch going into this week next   is EURNZD now this was a market we highlighted  as one to watch for further declines last week   we did come down take out both targets to 1.67 270  and the 1.66650 i am looking for the declines in   this market once again this week and this does  go down once again as one to watch we started   to correct so any deep correction will simply  be viewed as an opportunity to again look for   bearish reversals in this market if we start to  get bearish setups in this market we're going to   be looking down towards the next k supports the  downside of the target set the 1.6619 and through   here we're going to be looking down towards  the second target to the downside at the 1.6527   next we have EURAUD now EURAUD is structured to  the upside and this near-term uptrend is actually   counter to the overall bigger picture the primary  trend which is to the downside in order to start   to look for shorts in the direction the primary  trend we would have to break the 1.56740 first   which we haven't done but it does look like we're  probably going to come and break this next week   as it stands however because this is  technically structured to the upside   although i personally think there are better  opportunities than EURAUD long positions next week   anyone who is looking to trade this currently as  it stands should be really looking for bullish   breakouts to the upside up towards the next  gear resistance to the upside in the target set   at the 1.6023 again just to reiterate long  EURAUD positions are going to be very low  

down on my list next week and i would not  be surprised to see this break the 1.56740   which would then mean i would only be interested  in looking for short positions which would be   in line with the primary trend but that only  comes with a break below the 1.56740 next week   next we have euro pound now EURGBP really is the  gift that keeps on giving it is in an overall   bear market and i have two fundamental long-term  positions on this from a couple of months back   which we put out on twitter before they happened  we highlighted them and also in the youtube   community tab on this channel and since then  we've also just been shorting this you can see   this is once again one to watch going into this  week because we are selling off in line with the   overall primary trend so any correction in EURGBP  next week should be viewed simply as another   opportunity to look for bearish reversals in this  market down towards the next care of support to   the outside the target set and the 0.8726 and  if we get a break through here down towards the  

second gear of support to the downside and target  2 0.8682 next is EURCAD now EURCAD is structured   to the downside in line with its primary trend  making this one to watch going into next week   any correction back towards the 1.55 180 is going  to be viewed as an opportunity to look for bearish   reversals down towards the next care of support  to the downside the target set and the one point   five two four six next is GBPCHF now last  week we highlighted this as one to watch   to the upside and we did come up and take  out the target set last week at the one point   two three two seventy pound frank is still  structured to the upside in line with its primary   trend making this one to watch again next week  any correction back down towards the 1.21 320 is   going to be viewed as another opportunity to look  for bullish reversals in this market up towards   the next care of resistance outside the target  set the 1.2426 and on a breakthrough here we're   going to be looking up towards the second target  to the upside at the one point two five two nine   next is GBPAUD now GBPAUD is structured to the  upside although it is not in a full-blown uptrend   i do only favor long positions in this  market therefore next week and any correction   towards the 1.7616 is simply going to be  viewed as a potential opportunity to look for  

bullish reversals up towards next care resistance  the upside in the target set with 1.8166 next we   have pound cad now last week we highlighted this  as one to watch to the upside we want to see a   correction towards the 1.7290 before a reversal  back towards the 1.7665 we did have a really nice   rally after a correction in this market so very  simply put for anybody not involved from last week   any correction once again towards the 1.7299 is  simply going to be viewed as another opportunity   as this is once again one to watch next week  another opportunity to look for bullish reversals   up towards the next care resistance the upside and  the target highlighted from last week the 1.7665   next we have GBPNZD now GBPNZD is pretty choppy  and personally speaking i don't like this pair   that much going into next week it's going to be  very very low down on my list and i pretty much   expect not to trade this market until next  week we have traded into for anybody who   wants to trade this market we traded into the  1.91070 and we are structured to the downside   so if you really wanted to trade this market this  would be the area to start to look for potential   bearish setups in this market down towards the  next care of support to the downside the target   set at 1.8837 once again i think there are going  to be better opportunities outside of GBPNZD next  

week next we have AUDCHF now AUDCHF was in a  secondary trend a corrective mode but it broke   out to the upside last week and this actually  makes this one to watch we are starting to trend   in line with the bigger picture in line with the  primary trend in this market so any correction   next week in this market is going to be viewed as  an opportunity to look for bullish breakouts up   towards the next care of resistance the outside  the target set at the 0.6952 and a breakthrough   here will see us looking up towards the  second target to the upside the 0.7041   next is AUDCAD now last week we highlighted the  fact this market was in a secondary trend to the   downside and we're still in this corrective  secondary trend to the downside we took out   the target last week 0.97520 the secondary trend  is still intact so i do still favor only short   positions in this market but just bear in mind  trades in secondary trends are always riskier   than trades in the direction of primary trends  any deeper correction for anybody who does want   to trade this market next week would be viewed  as an opportunity to look for bearish reversals   in this market down towards the next care of  support to the downside the target set 0.9694   next is AUDNZD now AUDNZD destruction to  the downside but this is not in line with   its primary trend we highlighted last week it  looked like the primary trend was going to come   to an end and it did we do have this kind of bear  flag set up so anybody interested in trading this   this would be the opportunity to start to  look for bearish reversals in this market   down towards the next care of support to  the downside the target set at the 1.0512  

next is NZDCAD now NZDCAD pretty much went  nowhere last week and it's been very corrective   i don't really like the price action too much  in this market this is kind of lower down on   my watch list next week i would really  like to see a break above the 0.9 to 380   so we can start to look for long positions again  but for anybody who does want to trade this   any pullback into the 0.92090 would be viewed  as the opportunity to look for bearish setups   down towards the next kf supports the  downside the target set the 0.9132   and through here we'll be looking down  towards the second target to the downside   at 0.9067 next we have NZDCHF now last week  we highlighted this as a market to watch to   the upside and we took out both targets at the  0.64390 and 0.64620 going into this week this   market is still one to watch as it is trending in  line with its primary trend we are very close to   the next target so any correction in this market  is going to be viewed as a bullish opportunity   next week to look for bullish breakouts to the  upside we're going to be looking up towards the   next care of resistance outside the target set  at 0.6504 and on a breakthrough here we're going  

to be looking up towards the second target to  the upside the 0.6551 and last but not least we   have CADCHF now CADCHF has been choppy over the  last few months but we have had a nice rally to   the upside and this is putting the market back in  line with its primary trend so this does go down   next week as one to watch we're quite close to the  next target so we would need to see a correction   and any correction in this market would be viewed  as an opportunity next week to look for bullish   reversals we're going to be looking up towards the  next care resistance the outside the target set   0.7065 and if we get a break through here or if we  take out the target first over here we're going to   be looking up towards the second key of resistance  to the upside and target 2 the 0.7133 so that is   it from me for this week guys as always i hope  you enjoyed this video and if you did please let   me know by liking sharing and subscribing a big  thanks to everybody who does that on a regular   basis and a big thank to everybody who comments  on the channel and everybody who has subscribed   to the channel so far i want to wish you all a  nice weekend and i want to wish you all the best   in your trading next week the only thing left to  say is take care and don't forget to trade safely

2021-02-07 19:26

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