We're Talkin' A Bunch of Sheet...Metal Fabrication | BANKS BUILT Ep 27

We're Talkin' A Bunch of Sheet...Metal Fabrication | BANKS BUILT Ep 27

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after working late nights and weekends  the boys finish up last minute prep work   and send lockjaw to empire fabrication  for sheet metal work built protected by   AMSOIL with support from roadster shop and Nitto square yeah just bring it over to the  left the smidge okay straighten it out all right we cranked on it last  night uh finally into today   into the day it's on the trailer  let's get this thing out of here   let's get on the road is this is it safe  to drive on no sleep i don't think so so all right it's going it's good that's perfect all right guys how's it going  man what'd you bring me today   all right lockjaw's here uh  we got it in it's in the shop   finally out of our shop and now it's yours  great all right let's open this hood here all right so start front to back yeah front  to back let's just go all right so what do we   got going on here with this stuff what is this  so what we put in here we didn't build headers   yet I'm designing those in cad right now okay so  in order to get you an idea of where all that's   going to land and build them in one night  yeah yeah and we had one night to do this   so to give you some space  claims so you can build the tubs   that is our keep out zone for headers all right  so I can only go to that or right before that yep   exactly and i have one on each side here so  that should set you up and uh all right and then   can tell by the way we opened the hood this is  all so these starfish looking pieces those are   the final pieces but as far as these hinges go  uh-huh it's all mock-up and um it's going to be   redesigned so this is only single shear so we're  getting a lot of wobble and these are just plasma   where are you going to put your you said you're  putting springs in this right yeah we're going   to add a spring so yeah these holes here are going  to be mounting points and then spring's going to   go down this lower hole is going to be a brace and  the spring's going to be somewhere down here okay   just because when we run the sheet metal down yeah  i need to make so like like in this in this zone   like here is where I'm going to put it okay  all right then and then uh the intakes do you   guys have anything from mocking up of the  intakes right now we do i think they're in   one of our cars they drove here in so this flange  is the same as that one over there that was our   cutting jig okay so we did is those two bolts  or locating pins we drilled the same holes over   here so this 14 gauge flange is going to meet  up and that cut line is the same profile as   this flange here so ultimately we're gonna have  a piece of five inch uh tubing here that goes to   the headlight and we're gonna have the velocity  stack so it's gonna be a real short piece here   and this is where the filter drops in so it'll  it'll tuck up and in there but we just didn't   have time and that clears the tires yeah  barely yeah there's there's a gap in there   at full turn um and and I don't know if you've  seen it yet but we switched from the 66 grille   that this thing had into a 60 grill with a  dual headlight dual headlights yeah yeah so   we're taking the inner headlight out and there's  going to be a five inch tube right here okay that   meets up with a radiused entry in that headlight  all right so um and then your this will be the   filter here and that's going to go in through here  then yeah filter filter flange sits right on this   so then also in this area now here the top this is  all cleared open open now all right perfect yep so   before when it was rear entry right we switched  the supercharger around so that was all going   to be everything was going to come up around the  floor yeah so now much simpler it's a single bend   piece of five inch that's going to dive down  into where this filter is going to be okay but   it's all off because it doesn't clear the hood  yeah it doesn't clear that well the supercharger   doesn't clear the hood oh it's going to the front  of the supercharger and and into the bed the bends   will sweep the hood the hood's getting cut then  it's getting cut all right it'll end between the   uh the center point so this doubler is going to  end up getting cut and we can rework that to add   stiffness back but there's like a there's like a  little spot right here that needs a notch based on   where I've got it what I've seen in cad so far and  the supercharger doesn't stick past this flange it   does not no we've got you know maybe an inch air  gap if not a little bit all right so it looks to   me right yeah right it looks to me like you'll be  able to do just a flat firewall across this thing   all right and we've got the bracket for the brakes  mocked up that's ready to be on the firewall plane   it's already bolted into two other flush and it's  flushed there's some adjustment under the dash   okay back if we need to tweak it a little bit  all right so it's not welded it's bolted in   so the whole thing's just bolted in i don't i  don't think we've welded anything to this truck   actually anything that is like tapping everything  so far is bolted into this truck okay perfect   um like these so you saw these when we we had this  core support sitting out here floating in space   with just the two lower bolts it was just it was  we knew it was too movable right it's widely so   we made these braces um so these are they clear  the tires at full droop uh so you can use them   you cannot use them so the spread that we have  we put the inner fenders back in at full droop   measure is this the cut that's going to be on top  is that the final cut this is the piece yeah this   is the fight all of this is final geometry  all right because it would be cool to match   this on this yeah yeah and I'm probably going to  do something on this as well that that mimics the   geometry that's on the supercharger okay this is  kind of roughed in at the moment and then we're   going to have a vibrant HD clamp here and a five  inch tubing single bend down into the filter well   all right uh and then these so when we're laid out  we have a real small air gap between this bottom   lip and the tire so here why don't we air it out  right now okay yeah i don't have enough weight jay   uh what are you guys doing for wiring mil-spec  we're we're actually talking through that this   morning we were thinking we do we have the mil  specs yes they are in a box in here so we have   three what uh three mil spec connectors okay 18  wire or the 32 or whatever i think they're 32's   they're they're in a box in here we can dig them  out uh and then we've got uh the ac bolts yeah   so over here will be mil-spec and ac bulkhead and  then over there we've got you want the wiring over   there or behind the motor let's see to get into  those military bulkheads I'm not sure how tight   of a radius we can do depending on your pin i  think this is an 18 pin this is no this is a   motor harness this was chassis harness and so we  heat shrunk the wraps on them to get so you need   three inches yeah so if we do it on the back which  this is the one i put on the starlet that's going   to SEMA this year we just recessed the back wall  back three inches off of the motor so that can go   in that's where it is on the starlit you guys  hide it right behind and then your ac bulkhead   depending on you went with the four way so  normally what I've done before depending on   how the tub is I'll do the straight four and we  can run the straight four and it's hidden behind   the tub and then your lines run on the inside of  the panel right and then your two lines go forward   and then the other two lines you could do another  just to get the two bulkhead and we can put that   down here and then just the two lines are going  back to the pump yeah and the pump's mounted on   there where it's going to be okay yeah so it's  either we do the four or we can do the vertical   the straight inline one I say we hide it yeah  and then hide them and just run the lines on the   inside of the tub yeah back here as long as like  i said if we bring the tub to where the exhaust is   and maybe just cut it right short of it uh with  the turn radius what is let's turn the wheel I   don't know if we're going to be able to with it  sitting on that uh trim all the way towards me   it won't mess you up too much but we do have a  accessory cooler mounting that's going to live   underneath this cooling package and mount to the  bottom of the frame rails oh and have a duct tape   cooler and power steering cooler and ducting  built in around it but there is one thing   because that the valence that's down here it  kind of it kind of dives under the core support   and if we can just make that flush  with the bottom of the core support   it'll force all the air coming through the front  through the it's totally we'll have to close the   hood to see it well we're gonna have to pull the  intake off for that just put it right there ready so we got right up in here so this section of  valence here that dives under the yeah core   support if we just make it flush with the bottom  of the core support okay we're gonna we're gonna   grab air underneath here to go through the so just  cut it here and then just make a new piece yeah it   can be flushed it can be flush with all this stuff  you can just okay it can come right across there   or whatever it needs to do yeah all right that's  not this one yeah this stuff will have to trim out   for the air box right here and it's going to pop  through roughly I think here through the headlight   okay the the latch we should have taken the latch  out with the latch it crashes into the condenser   fins that's gonna come out but we brought we  brought the Mercedes latches for the rear oh okay so we took a quick look at it and we were thinking  about coming off perhaps so this is rubbing here   yeah right here would probably be perfect  right that's what we were thinking just   having it slightly inboard off of the uh  supports there yeah so if that's going to be   here or this way that is probably going to be  somewhere right into this which would be good   to pocket it ideally right into that guy yeah  and then just make this long ways and just go   where that's going to fit perfect in that  pocket yeah that's what we were thinking   that'd be perfect okay so when are you coming back  to cut all this stuff out or do i got to do it all   it was going to happen at 3am last year it  was it was supposed to happen this week but   it's been it's been a long week i  think we have uh the bezel for this   no all right so now we'll just do a nice clean  circle to what that is yeah well so i think we   can pull this we're gonna make some longer a  longer shaft in here and i think we'll pull the   pull the column back up a little bit maybe so  that the end of the column is flush we haven't we   have a mount on the inside there if the firewall  goes to here though yeah then it's going to be   like an empty pocket yeah it'd be like recessed  this would need to come to the very end of the   of like the firewall this needs to be at the end  of the firewall unless you have like a trim ring   or something on it yeah i mean we could put a  trim ring on it right now if you look if you   look in here at the dash the taper on the  column is right oh right yeah right there   okay this needs to get angled more because it's  a little bit past this and we're going to be   mounting on this seam here this bead comes out  that step comes out yeah you can you can tweak   that thing under the dash okay are you guys using  any of like the vic grill on the front of the hood   does any air need to go through that still running  the air through the grill and the hood does come   through the radiator all right it would be nice  to have that so if we do anything there still   keep it open so the air travels through yeah i  would i would think that and we pulled out the   turn signal buckets late last night because that  new overall shape for the top of the core support   will slightly crash into the buckets buckets  so we're just going to run some low profiles   we're having a couple issues last night but we've  got a couple more pieces designed that when this   core support gets cut out it's pieces that come  back in and follow this shape and then we'll cap   over the top of it so that all the strength goes  back into the course okay same with the bottom too   great so don't make anything on the core support  until those are yeah we can send we can send   those over to you yeah might need just you can get  away with just like a minor notch just to get it   to suck up in but we can take care of the rest of  doing the overlay and and building it back up okay   just the way the air box is set it'll need it'll  need a bit of i think right about in here just   to get it to suck up yeah just in this area here  right just a little bit it comes through like that   okay all right so this is a big Allison it's  a big boy right there yeah that was a big cut   the seat comes to what where does the seat come  bench seat buckets we are looking for it's like   i guess you could call it a hybrid we don't have  it yet though yeah we don't have it but i think   that was the thought of kind of a hybrid of the  two because we're going to need some serious   tunneling in here all right speed sensor  I'll fire out does it come uh i will get   that over to you because it's uh on my desk  and then yeah lines are over there yep okay   so we need the just cut offs and pops in to see  like how far out they come yep we'll need those   and i think that's pretty much it for  this yeah driveshaft we're gonna run is uh   right now it's looking like it's going to  be a qa one three and a quarter carbon fiber   okay you need to trim this more or is this all  should be good it was a fairly minimal cut okay   um that's three 750 on a 3200 drive shaft okay  so it's not a whole lot of air gap there and here   how much uh vibration do you think  you're going to get out of this thing   the uh amounts are pretty pretty stiff yeah okay  so like normal we'll put like we'll do like a   half inch of clearance just because some of these  transmissions are getting up there in size yeah   okay so if i gave you guys a half inch  clearance all the way around of everything   and then we came back here and just dropped  it down right behind this and came down just   minimal around this that way whatever the seat  is here yeah it doesn't interfere too much then   yeah yeah and we're doing a drive-by wire okay  so you can put the pedal where you're gonna   do wherever um so we'll have a few things we'll  have the vintage air under the dash we'll have our   ECM our TCM I need to make sure i get my tetanus  shut that's why it's called lockjaw I know jeez   that's a nice hole yeah what's your time frame  guys see you later two weeks about two weeks two   weeks all right put them yeah so you guys  want to take care of the holes on the roof   yeah all right and there's like this side  has a couple like this guy right here   i don't know if there's anything on that side yeah  all right so well it looks pretty clean under here yeah this doesn't look too bad yeah just in the  floor right here where it started going through   okay well i got my hands full for a  while before i even get the bed so   you want to get you want to see the new grill we  saw it in the video i mean we can take care of   the tubing add the tubing to the air boxes and do  anything that's grilled to air box related if it   comes to it we can take care of that but yeah air  box will be pretty in yeah air boxes are built now   uh we might need you've got all this bitchin metal  shaping equipment around here so we might need a   hand forming some of the compound curves okay  pieces so all of our bends were just slip rolled   so the pieces we left were there  what is this getting made out of 14 gauge 16. 16 gauge yeah you want me to shape 16  gauge no you can shape whatever you want in there   yeah this was a terrible decision just make it  out of aluminum we might yeah nothing's all right   i mean if we make it out of aluminum i could  shape 3003 and we could just dome those bottoms   and the tops or whatever needs to be taped  and then just weld them in yeah yeah we made   that like two nights ago everything's  been a flurry here so okay yeah I mean   because right now as what i have i can't do  the engine bay but I could do the firewall the   transmission tunnel uh and the drive shaft tunnel  and so that's that's as high as it needs to be   how much is that exact cutout for the drive shaft  with the truck laid out that is from uh or is that   sitting on the drive shaft with the truck laid  out that's got some clearance in it the what i did   on this was i did all this in cad we don't have  we're trying to get a slip shaft for this Allison   this qa1 does not do a slip shaft in the  drive shaft oh they have to have a slip yoke   all right uh so this thing is straight piped  right wait no you're coming exhausted yeah we're   doing four into one headers all right so and  we're we're gonna squirt under the body mount   so that is gonna go under the body all the way  across on outside of the frame outside of the   frame the thought is to have a v-banded straight  section so if we want to put in a straight   through muffler or just have a straight pipe  depending on yeah because compared to a normal   Duramax diesel that's turbocharged with a  straight pipe all the way to the back this   thing is going to have no turbo to muffle it  it's supercharged yeah so straight pipe is   going to really leak it's going to be uh get  your attention the early testing of our super   turbo engine before we added the two turbos was  it was a supercharger that was the five liter or   was it for the i can't remember it had zoomies  on it and that shook the whole warehouse okay   then uh you might have already mentioned but  the fiat is basically everything but idlers and   tensioners because those are all inboard of our  pieces yeah the fiat just has the alternator and   the ac compressor and the power steering pump uh  in place uh and we're probably gonna end up with a   power steering reservoir  fabricated this thing right here it comes with it has a plastic one  factory but it's it's not the most uh   aesthetically pleasing shall we say  all right there's a charge air cooler   in the intake manifold that's  going to have rear exit lines to it so i sink it three inches  behind the motor for the plug   is that going to be enough for those fittings  too I'll tell you what I'll do is I'll   early next week I'll draw up all the fittings in  cad and make print something that you can glue   onto the back of the manifold all right  I'll have a laundry list next week yeah all right well this hood's coming off first so   it's yeah once you pull off those just four nuts  two guys can get it yeah perfect all right so   timeline on this thing we're pretty busy so  we're gonna have to really bust it out i mean   i have a lot of stuff going on right now yeah  I can kind of show you what we got going on   yeah the shop looks pretty full i know Erik's  going to geek out on this I'm going to geek out   on it can you go over some of the metal  working tools you have machinery here   well we can start with this one since we're right  here yeah all right I don't even notice this one   oh man this is getting good make sure to like  and subscribe so you don't miss the next episode   of banks built and all our other  entertaining and educational content

2021-07-24 16:17

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