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all right guys welcome back to another  warframe video uh this video is actually   going to be catered towards trade chat and  the whole trading system and how that works   because my last warframe video i spoke about the  mods and how the mods worked in the game and i   had mentioned that my next warframe video would be  dedicated to explaining trading and how that works   and that was like eight months ago but anyways  we are back and in this video we are gonna ex   i'm gonna explain how it works to you guys okay  so if you're on pc this is how it's gonna look   you can drag it around do whatever you can do this  on console too um but you can also expand this   i don't know why you would want to do that but  you can if you want to okay so there are actually   three like tabs you can click on when you first  start the game as you get into like plans and   other things uh and alliances and stuff this  will actually expand uh the first one is q a   basically you can just ask anything um  for example i will type in how much is i don't know um ash prime i'll just ask that and if you're  asking for things you can trade for in the   q a tab this kickbot will actually respond to  you to just ask that in the trading tab which   is this one right here but for this tab you can  ask any question like where do i farms a certain   thing here i'll type this in where do i get uh  sevagoth which is this warframe i'm playing as and if you ask a general question like where do i farm  a certain thing there will be an instant response   it it'll tell you like for example mines says  several goth components blueprint uh they can be   found in void storms near pluto neptune blah blah  blah that sort of thing uh you can also ask like   um i don't know is anyone wanting to join  my squad or something that type of thing   so that's what the q and a tab is then  you have recruiting now recruiting is   basically like if you're hosting a match  if you want to do eidolon hunting which are   like kind of they're kind of like boss battles  if you want to join a squad you can just type in   uh want to join like want to join you  know blah blah blah something like that   this guy says anyone need help with a mission  you know there's always going to be people   who are willing to help you out especially  since you're going to be a newer player   right off the bat you're looking at all the stuff  and you are very confused like you're like what   the heck is lynn's this is satacron like what  in the world is that uh so before we get into   those specific details there are three main  things you're really looking for in trade chat   so we're gonna go from right not right from left  to right the light green text this is the username   of the player also this goes for console and  pc you can always you can hover over anything   the first thing it will show the name of the  player and then the second thing you look at is   wtb that stands for want to buy it'll also say  it can also say wts which stands for want to sell   these are the main two things you will see so  hollow sword god wants to buy relics for necros   prime the nami skyla prime you know all these  prime parts and warframes so the things you're   looking for for example this is one to sell one to  buy uh those are the main two things you will see   there's also a third thing which it  will say want to trade so it'll say wtt   like this uh you you'll see it like this or it  can also be it'll also say w ttf which stands for   one to trade four uh sometimes they might put it  as one to trade for like that or just with the f   um so you're gonna see you want to buy one to  sell or want to trade slash one want to trade   four i'm going to demonstrate right quick so i'm  going to show you guys right quick uh okay see   if i'm looking to buy auger secrets so what  you do is you're going to type in want to buy then you're going to put auger secrets now you can put it like this but the thing is what  you really want to do is you want to hype you want   to not hyperlink but you want to link what you're  trying to buy or sell so the way you do this a lot   of people don't well not a lot of people a lot  of newer players have no idea how to do this   okay so you want to type in a left bracket and  then all your secrets and then right bracket   that's how you link things in the game now if you  see whenever you start typing it'll show you like   it'll autofill for you so if you type in  auger it'll show you like all the auger mods   um but this is actually only for pc i don't  believe it's for i'm trying to think i don't   think xbox xbox has this but i know for a fact  playstation doesn't have this because that's where   my main account is but uh this autofill stuff is  only for pc players so you got all your secrets boom you got all your secrets right here now  from here you can either leave it like it is you   can say uh want to buy august secrets or you can  also type in how much you're trying to buy it for   so i'm going to actually leave a link in the  description to a website you can check out   it actually has a list of like every single  mod price and item price in the game um   because they vary like a lot so from the top of my  head i know that august secrets actually sells for   around like 10 to 15 plat so i'm gonna put in i'm  gonna get blank as is i'm gonna scroll down here   so this is where i am this is my  name i want to buy all your secrets   uh there's gonna be some people who are  gonna message me right here they'll pop up   uh so we're gonna wait for them if you  know how much you're trying to buy it for   you could type in wanna buy august secrets i  keep putting seacrest auger secrets you can put   10 plat you can spell it out like platinum spelled  the wrong platinum or you just leave it as p   or p l you know it's up to you really okay so  it's been a few seconds and we have not got a   response yet but if you look down here in the  uh lower right hand corner of this of the square   it'll show you like a timer uh basically what  happens is once you put anything in the chat   you will have like a 60 second timer before  you can uh put something else in there so   we're gonna type this in again we  have a 120 second timer holy crap uh they have like this so people like like  fill this entire thing up because they can   it'll be pretty chaotic if you can just  spam in here but they don't have it like   that for some reason nobody wants to freaking  message me so this is kind of foiling my plans   okay so we're gonna try something else  we're gonna put want to buy uh let's try primed continuity okay so if you check  this out prime continuity right here   we're gonna type this in hit enter prime  continuity from the top of my head i think   prime continuity sells for like 30 platinum  unranked say you're looking for prime chamber   you can click on this it'll show you exactly  what it is up here it'll actually show you if you   already have a certain mod so i'm going to type in  continuity because i know that's a mod that i have enter so i'm going to show you right quick if  you go to the mods it says i have continuity   say if you're looking to buy this mod if you click  on it like if someone's trying to sell this in   here you can click on it and it'll show you if  you own that specific thing already for example   i have one continuity mod and right here it  says i have one owned if i type in put this   up here if i type in intensify intensify is a mod  that i know i have hit this i have two of these if you go back to the mods arsenal thing i have  two intensify mods right here so okay say if   you're trying to sell intensify uh and there's  a potential buyer if you don't have it linked   sometimes they're not gonna bother to  see if they don't already have that mod   you know what i'm saying so you  always want to link things in the game   because it makes you know the  quality of life much better okay we're going to try this one more  time we're going to type in want to buy   let me see let's try an easier mod something  someone might have uh let's try rage   rage is a fairly common mod i think so  rage converts forty percent of damage on   health to energy this is pretty nice uh if you  check this out right quick i'm gonna show you oh god it scared me okay so if you heard from the noise  uh you just got a message   so these two guys right here their names  are blinking so what you do you click on it and it'll show you who is messaging  you and this guy just says hi 20.   so i had said that i wanted to buy rage i didn't  give a specific price so 20 plat that's okay   because it's not really that common i think  i'm not sure where you even find that mod   um but this guy says i got  much okay i'll ask him how much so i just asked him how much we're gonna  go over to this guy this guy says tim platt   that's not too bad crush the potato he says i  can sell you rage i'm gonna ask him how much now i don't think i even have tim  platt okay i actually dropped him flat   we're not gonna buy anything i'm  just showing you guys for example um   now say if you get a million messages and  you just want to get rid of everything   what you can do is you can oh wow this guy  was suffering five flat that's pretty good   um what you're gonna do is if you're on  pc you right click on any of these names   uh yeah the other click on  the names so click on the name   and hit close tab which is it's going to  close uh the specific one you clicked on   so you can close this tab or you can click on  any of these names and then click close all and   it'll just get rid of all of them um that's  something you guys should definitely know   because if you don't get rid of your tabs  it'll be chaotic and kind of confusing so if you guys are still kind  of confused on certain things   you can always just leave a  comment this guy just invited me i'm not gonna accept that anyways there's also one more thing that i want to  mention okay so now we were actually in a dojo   and for this i want to show you guys exactly  how you trade once you meet the person so what   you do is if also this also goes for if you're  at meru's bazaar you can also go there to trade   for things if you don't have a dojo or anything  like that but basically what you do is you would   hit q if you're on pc for this if you're on  console i think you just hit like the up arrow   up on the d-pad so what you do is you open  this option up then you hit setup shop   then from here you can click on one of these  six boxes it doesn't matter to be honest   it doesn't matter what box you click on so you  click on the box and you can choose from two   things to sell fun fact i didn't know this  until like maybe two or three years after   i first started playing warframe but basically  once you first start the game you actually have   i believe they give you 50 platinum to start  with i'm not 100 sure but i believe is 50   platinum platinum is the main currency  in the game to buy things from the shops   or you could trade for platinum so essentially  what happens once you start the game with platinum   you can't trade for this you can't  trade this platinum because it's   considered like free platinum essentially  this also goes for console users because   say if you're on playstation and you  have playstation plus if you get like   a free playstation plus bundle that has platinum  included that is platinum that you cannot trade   uh the only way that you can trade for platinum is  if you actually like if you're selling something   so if you sell rage for example and someone wants  to give you like 10 flat for it you put rage here   uh and then down here is where the other person  stuff is it'll look just like this uh so if you're   if you're buying they're not buying if you're  selling rage and someone wants to buy it for you   uh from you they'll put 10 flat here you hit  accept then the trade will go through and then   if you sold it for 10 flat this will show up as  10 plat and that is platinum that you can trade   for because it's not free you trade it for it  if that makes sense from here if you're trying   to sell something you can sell a mod or an item so  items are everything that isn't a mod so since i'm   only mr5 i have like nothing um but for example  i can click on six i can click up to six things   so if i want to sell like these  relics or something i'll get one so if it offer this is what i will  be selling to the person or trading   so say if you're selling auger message for let's  say 10 platinum you're gonna put the you're gonna   put the mod here or in any box rather and then  the second person will have their boxes down here   and one of their boxes will have 10 plat  in it one more thing i forgot to mention um   you can't trade anything until your mastery rank  2 uh but by then you probably won't even realize   like you probably won't be trading anything  once you're that low level anyways but   uh just to let you guys know you  you can't actually trade until your   mr2 are higher and another thing where  this says trades remaining i have five   this scales off of your mastery rank level  so if your mastery rank 10 this you will   have 10 trades remaining and if you use all five  trades like if you trade with a person five times   this will go down and then you'll have to wait  like what is it like 12 hours or something before   you can trade again it might be 24 hours i'm not  sure so if you're looking to buy a certain mod   a certain prime mod for example and someone  says prime point blank let's say 50 platinum   if you see this you always want to message  them and ask if this is unranked or max rank   because the fact that this is plat or 50 platinum  tells you nothing this could be unranked or it   could be halfway ranked it could be ranked three  times or it could be max rank you never know   you have to ask so if someone says want to sell  primed point blank um they could also put like r0   or r10 that means rank 10 or most of  the time they'll just say unranked then they'll put like 50 plat then you know it's  on rank for sure because you know they said it's   unranked so always keep that in mind because  you don't want to end up meeting the person then   they'll be like yo it's not even max ranked then  next thing you know you blew 50 platinum and then   you don't even have the credits or endo to max  it out so you always want to make sure and ask uh one other thing that i also forgot to  mention you're probably wondering how do   i even message people all you do is you go to the  name click on their name and then you'll hit talk   uh if you have a dojo and you want  to sell or buy something from someone   and they have the thing you're wanting to  buy you click on a name then you hit invite   uh and yeah that's pretty much it but  yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video   um don't forget to leave a like comment and  subscribe and i will see you guys next time peace you

2022-03-29 19:49

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