Wandavision Episode 7 Marvel TOP 10 Breakdown and Ending Explained

Wandavision Episode 7 Marvel TOP 10 Breakdown and Ending Explained

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Welcome back everyone this is going to be my  Wandavision episode 7 video welcome to the   agatha show so obviously there were a bunch of  big reveals but they also raised a bunch of big   questions they didn't completely answer everything  but there were a ton of easter eggs so much stuff   that we have to break down so many wtf moments if  you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe to   get all the episodes i'm doing videos for all  the marvel disney plus series this year falcon   and winter soldier is going to be up next right  after Wandavision ends but careful for spoilers if   you haven't seen the episode yet because they do  reveal a bunch of really big information i'll just   start at the beginning and then we'll work our way  through the episode shot by shot as we talk about   big reveals wtf moments and easter eggs and what  i think is really going on with agatha harkness   welcome to the show agatha harkness they basically  confirmed my agatha harkness theory i think after   they announced the series i think my first  theory for who katherine hahn was playing   way back last year was act of the harkness just  because she was so connected to scarlet witch in   the comics but the real question is is who is she  working for so i'll talk about that later in the   video because it is implied that she is serving  a greater master she's kind of like a version   of kaiselius who was surfing dormammu but who is  ak at the harkness serving i did a trailer video   talking about all the nightmare easter eggs on the  show so far and how it seems like they're implying   he might play a role in this so i'll link that  at the end of this people got weird when i posted   that too i think they didn't realize that marvel  had dropped a trailer and they thought that i was   doing an episode video early because it was for  episode 7. no that was not a spoiler that was a   trailer video that marvel posted on their channel  generally anything that marvel releases before   episodes come out are not considered spoilers  because they want that information to be public   but the episode starts with that big modern  family parody cold open scene of scarlet   witch waking up the next day after having changed  everything to the 2010s the twins of the same ages   uncle pietro is nowhere to be found no quicksilver  anywhere to be found seemingly when she changed   everything she dismissed him the way she dismisses  people when she changes everything overnight   we find out what's happening with him in  the post-credits scene or mid-credit scene   it wouldn't be a marvel event if there wasn't  a mid-credit scene so if you turn the episode   off after it hit the credits you missed a pretty  big reveal don't worry i'll talk about that in a   second and what i think is going on with this  character because that does answer a bunch of   big questions about what's going on with him i  love some of the details as they start showing   you how things are glitching out billy and tommy  are playing video games they have the gamecube   controllers but when things glitch out they  go back to the atari controllers the uno cards   the twins are a little bit like vision in that  they can't be controlled completely by scarlet   witch and they have this understanding of the way  things work in the hex that other people do not   there are a lot of good billion timing moments in  the episode but they're really only in the first   part of the episode you notice vision's pillowcase  has hexes all over it like the shape of the hex   that they're in right now but also wanda's paisley  pillow seems like it's a pair of eyes staring down   on her which i think is good foreshadowing for the  reveal at the end of the episode that people have   been watching her this whole time agatha harkness  has been watching her this whole time along with   whoever she's been serving whichever greater  marvel cosmic villain if you go back and you watch   a lot of the older episodes too anytime you see  people being weird watching her in the background   retroactively now we can go back and watch those  and say oh they were clearly trying to foreshadow   this big reveal that she was being watched this  whole time billy also tells her that his head   starts hurting it's noisy because this is a very  big professor x x-men easter egg his powers are   getting more and more powerful and he's starting  to pick up the thoughts of other people in town   i think this is all just developing his character  i don't know if they're going to turn them into   teenagers by the end of the show or if they're  going to wait to recast them with older versions   to when they show up in future marvel projects i  think they're going to stay mostly with the young   versions for the rest of the episodes because of  the way they're probably going to end the series   i think they're going to be going for the classic  comic book easter eggs where she has to say   goodbye to them temporarily but then they find a  workaround and they're able to keep the children   alive for future cameos when they're adults for  young avengers stuff i feel like they completely   nailed the modern family parody in this cold open  scene elizabeth olsen is doing an amazing version   of the mom from modern family like she pulls the  covers back and reveals that she's still wearing   the scarlet witch outfit from the halloween  costume then for about the first 10 minutes   of the episode they still play it modern family  where she comes down she kind of tries to avoid   them she's wearing her pajamas like i'm going  to stay in my pajamas for the rest of the day if   possible then they do the big joke with the milk  and things start glitching out around you they   don't completely explain why they're glitching out  but it's tied to scarlet witch's mental state and   the fact that she's slowly breaking down there  are several references to her going crazy in the   episode going cuckoo for coco puffs as agatha  harkness says it's all part of the house of m   storyline that they're adapting her slowly losing  her mind there is a bit of a funny easter egg   for all the sword stuff that was happening in the  episode like you have the circus on the outskirts   of town that didn't wind up being as big of a  plot point as i expected it to be they played   it mostly for just a one-off joke but when she  grabs the cereal you notice that there's a clown   on the front of the box which is just a reference  to the circus then as they keep doing the milk   carton joke with it switching between different  versions you notice that there's a missing kid ad   on the back so i think this is going to be bigger  in the finale and it sounds like some easter eggs   that we've seen from the set of spider-man 3 about  quote-unquote missing children so it sounds like   they're laying seeds for stuff that they're going  to spill into doctor strange 2 and spider-man 3.   this could be the beginning of a much larger  storyline that they're laying track work for   and i know a lot of you were hoping that because  they were doing the modern family parody were   also in the 2010s they would do a parody of the  office tv show that's basically what the new intro   was the new version of the theme song even sounded  like the theme song from the office but you notice   that all the different logos and labels just have  wanda all over it we're all wanda so they keep   making all these references making you think that  the hex is all about wanda revolving around her   which i think is just set up for the payoff of  the act of the hardness reveal where we find out   that it's actually been active the harkness that  everything has been revolving around this whole   time like wanda is not the center of the universe  don't worry i'll talk about the commercial too   because i think the nexus commercial is also a big  part of act of the harkness's plan then we jump   back to the sword base and tyler hayward they're  set up eight miles outside of town obviously there   isn't a whole lot going on with him during the  episode they just want to set up the idea that   he's got some big ploy that he's going to burn  westview to the ground so to speak to try and   get vision back and we do get confirmation on his  plan to turn vision into a new weapon but we also   find out that there's no tv signal coming back  out so basically no more tv show being broadcast   at this point then because his storyline is all  about vision they jumped to vision waking up in   the field right where he went down in episode six  right outside the old sword base which has been   turned into the circus all the sword agents are  in character of circus performers including darcy   who they reveal is the escape artist which is a  bit of a funny reference to her literally trying   to escape the hex once vision wakes her up so to  speak but they played for comedy and you remember   that kat dennings has been on sitcoms a lot so  she's actually a pro at doing this kind of parody   i do love some of the jokes that they have between  them like she thinks that vision is trying to pick   her up eventually she finally says yes like okay  fine i'll go on a date with you but i'm ordering   the lobster then they sort of continue the modern  family parody of the episode with the way they   film things they do all the cut to's with them  talking directly to camera they drive off in   the funnel cake truck after she clocks the strong  man and then she basically narrates the story of   the mcu what happened during avengers infinity  war so wait a minute wanda killed me why would   she do that well because you asked her to to save  the universe well technically half of the universe   i love the way they keep doubling down on it too  did it work well it worked for a minute till the   villain rewound time and killed you himself  but don't worry they got there in the end just   a couple extra steps to get there though but the  whole idea here is that vision is starting to come   back around on wanda like he was really pissed  off at her and then they have all these jokes   about her creating barriers to slow him down so  that he won't get home faster but he is starting   to understand how she feels the pain that she  felt having to watch him die twice so i think   it's all in service of the big act of the hardness  payoff revealing that she's kind of the villain of   the series right now and they're all going to  have to unite together against her eventually   like right now they're all kind of fighting  amongst themselves but they need to come together   like even monica rambeau had to fight wanda  briefly for a second but they'll have to work   together to defeat agatha harkness then we watch  scarlet witch slowly have a full-blown mental   breakdown in front of the twins she opens the door  without saying anything with her powers agatha   harkness walks in on cue then she greets her now  i'm kind of thinking because agatha the hardness   was pulling the strings from afar that act of  the harkness was mind controlling scarlet witch   a little bit at least on a low level she would  just implant the idea in scarlet witch's head   and then she would think that she wanted something  and then use that as a cue to just barge right in   the funny thing though about her offering to  babysit she's like i really did bite a kid once   now i'm thinking she really did do that that's  not just a wtf joke because they play her is so   sinister when they do the reveal at the end of  the episode but then as she takes the twins away   scarlet witch tries to chill for just a hot  second until everything starts flipping out   and glitching all over the place around her so the  important thing to remember is that wanda is still   technically controlling things inside the hex but  she's kind of being emceed on the dl by akatha   harkness so i think the reason why active harkness  is magic is purple is so that you can tell who is   using their powers at any given time so when you  see the red energy it's scarlet witch doing things   when you see purple energy exactly the hardness  doing things but then outside town monica rambeau   and jimmy wu get darcy's email about project  cataract they learn all about what hayward was   doing with vision it basically confirms all of  our theories i think we all suspected that he   was trying to turn vision into a weapon and that  was what was happening when scarlet witch came to   rescue his body not necessarily steal it probably  rescue it and obviously i think they're trying to   imply that it has something to do with the powers  of the hex and her magic reanimating his dead body   because at the end of the episode even darcy  when they're talking about it like what am i now   what's going on they're not able to answer the  question of why he's not able to leave the hex   fully they haven't explained that question yet and  i think the reveal is is that he's secretly still   dead and he's more of like a puppet that she's  animating like i've been making the weekend of   bernie's jokes but it really is a weekend to  bernie situation that's also why she probably   doesn't want her children to leave the hex either  because she's worried that they'll either break   down or they'll die outside of her power but they  also do the reveal of who that secret engineer was   that monica rambeau kept talking about and it's a  bit of a letdown it's actually major goodner who   is not a comic book character i couldn't find any  marvel references to that name she just seems like   a totally new character they created for the tv  show they played it like a really big thing they   hyped it up big time so i'm a little disappointed  but it's not that big a deal i knew it was not   going to be some big fantastic four moment they're  not going to do that kind of a reveal on the tv   show like this i was really holding out hope for  adam brashear the blue marvel but there's always a   chance they could introduce him in captain marvel  2 or one of the other mcu movies the big thing   here though is that they put her in that space  suit and they send her back in in that craft but   she finds out that she just has to push her way  back in and part of the reason why she can do that   probably has to do with her already being modified  her dna being mutated quote unquote so to speak   making more x-men references by the hex itself  when she pushes through they basically show you   what is a version of her comic book origin story  she sort of separates out into all the different   versions that you've seen from the different  eras she starts hearing flashback voices from her   mother dialogue from the captain marvel movie of  captain marvel speaking to her all these different   voices speaking to her as she's basically getting  a version of her comic book powers when she comes   out she's crackling with blue energy and she's  wearing a version of her white comic book costume   the thing here though is that when she comes  out you see her eyes crackling with blue energy   and she seemingly sees more of the electromagnetic  spectrum like she can see magic and things flowing   around all over the place the artificial construct  of the hex itself the nature like she's seeing the   matrix the way that neo sees the matrix in  those movies i think that's an easter egg   for her spectrum powers like the electromagnetic  spectrum but she's had a bunch of different comic   book names so i feel like they're just going for a  combination of easter eggs for all those different   versions of her comic book character so she's  been spectrum she's been a version of photon she   was even a version of captain marvel before carol  danvers became captain marvel i'll talk more about   her powers in a second because they kind of break  up the reveals through the episode but you do see   her kind of use her powers at least on a low level  but she doesn't understand how they work yet but   clearly she has her abilities one of the funniest  moments though like after the stork comes back   from episode three even the story comes back is  when she starts talking to the phantom person the   phantom voice off of camera like she talks about  how she's losing control she doesn't understand   why she's not able to do what she wants to do then  this mysterious voice off of camera says do you   think maybe this is what you deserve and it's so  meta because i think it's obviously set up for the   big reveal of back of the harness like you see her  literally sitting in the director's chair which is   more of a metaphor than a literal thing because  technically nobody else is inside the room with   her when this is happening so the voice that she's  speaking to is kind of like a magical voice that's   manifested by the hex the hex is generating this  sort of hollow like simulation for her but it's   agatha the hardness that's pulling the strings so  it's kind of like act of the harkness is the one   that's speaking to her saying that i just love  the way they play it though and then they go   to the commercial and obviously it's a parody for  antidepressants they talk about feeling depressed   and then prescribe this nexus drug so to speak but  i think the idea is the nexus is a place like you   talk about nexuses of the multiverse nexuses in  space and time the ad talks about it anchoring you   to your reality or any reality that you want to  go to so clearly it's a big multiverse easter egg   like we're talking about full-blown doctor  strange too multiverse of madness stuff here they   even mention a doctor prescribing things which i  think is just another reference to doctor strange   so even though they raise more questions than  they answer i think they're just trying to lay the   track work for explaining how the multiverse as a  concept is tied to what's happening with the hex   as well as what ag of the harkness is doing  and maybe the people that she's working with or   working for i'll talk about that in a second too  because they imply some really heavy cosmic stuff   at the end of the episode i do love some of the  jokes that they lay in there too obviously there's   a bunch of big wtf reveals but they talk about the  side effects feeling your feelings seizing your   truth also causes more depression and when they  talk about the doctor clearing you to move on with   your life i think either that's a reference for  doctor strange showing up in the finale clearing   wanda so to speak to move on with her life because  everything that's happened so far they also lay   in the joke about the world not revolving around  you which is more setup for the ag of the hardness   reveal because technically the world of the  hex has kind of been revolving around her this   whole time then we go back to agatha hardness's  house with the twins and they sort of sit down i   love the way that the twins play with her just a  little bit like billy says i like it here because   you're quiet on the inside now that's just his  powers slowly starting to manifest because he   can't read her thoughts because we learned  that she has power just like doctor strange   she's a sorceress so she can block herself or  protect herself from people reading her thoughts   but you look around her house and all the scenes  especially when she's speaking to camera look at   some of the patterns on her furniture they remind  you of some of the patterns that show up during   the doctor strange movie obviously just more  foreshadowing that they pay off at the end of   the episode but also just in general her entire  house looks like it was decorated by a witch   she also references her husband ralph again we  haven't heard about ralph in a while part of me   wants to believe that ralph is going to wind up  being the bigger marvel cosmic villain that she's   serving like if we're talking about kaiselius  dormammu references who is it that she is really   serving that we have a couple more funny moments  with darcy and vision and him going through the   rest of his backstory trying to re-learn  about what happened to him so you're saying   that i started out as jarvis this artificial  intelligence and then my body was created by   ultron for the purposes of genocide what am i  supposed to be now and obviously she doesn't have   any answers for him like i i don't know they also  had that joke about evan peters quicksilver too   what was going on with the false version of pietro  and she's also like i have no idea same thing with   scarlet witch when the twins ask her what was the  deal with uncle pietro she's like you know what   i don't have all the answers that's just the  writers of the show letting us know we're   not going to reveal everything probably until the  finale but i think based on the post-credit scene   or the mid-credit scene we have a lot more clues  about what's really happening with this character   clearly in league with agatha harkness so  i'll talk more about him in a second too   monica rambeau has her big confrontation with  scarlet witch trying to tell her the truth   about what's happening with hayward and vision  and sword you have to stop him or he's going to   burn the x to the ground and make you seem like  it was all your fault and you're the villain   when she says maybe i am the villain that's just  a reference to comic book scarlet witch sort of   going off the rails we haven't quite got there yet  because clearly agatha harkness comes to take her   away before monica can talk her down but they do  have that moment where she just briefly uses her   powers without kind of realizing what's going on  they even have that full-blown gunslinger standoff   moment where she's like come at me bro that feels  like they're going to pay that off in the finale   like you'll actually see monica rambeau really  use her powers but after agatha the hardness takes   scarlet witch back to her house she kind of starts  looking around realizing that something's not   quite right everything just gets really creepy she  notices the uneaten sandwiches and drinks where   are the boys oh they're in the basement playing  the creepiest basement you've ever been into   you are definitely not going to get tortured down  there it was pretty clear that agatha harkness   said that they were playing in the basement just  so that scarlet witch would go to the basement   where she could get her alone to mind control her  again but did you actually wonder what did she do   with the twins the other clue i think for what's  going on with agatha the hardness is when she's   sitting down there too she looks at the tv you see  a children's show playing but in the children's   show you see a bunch of creatures dancing like  this one eye creature a bunch of other big looking   monsters it's meant to be their parody of yo gabba  gabba which is an actual television show in real   life those might represent the people that agatha  harness is working for the cosmic marvel villains   like when she does go down into the basement  and starts walking around inside out of the   harnesses lair you see all these emblems embedded  in the ceiling which probably represent different   big marvel cosmic villains that she serves  maybe it's a version of the marvel elder gods   that gets into characters like catholic but we  also have characters like nightmare mephisto   the other marvel fearlords she could be working  for then there's a very powerful looking book of   dark magic it looks like something right out of  doctor strange's sanctum this is more the doctor   strange two multiverse of madness connection like  you're talking about doctor strange level magic   like she comes in and reveals herself you didn't  think you were the only magic user in town did you   i've seen a couple theories about what that book  might be though a lot of people wondering if it's   a version of the darkhold i don't think it is  i think it's another book but it's meant to be   just as ancient and just as bad and powerful  as the darkhold you also notice when she walks   in and reveals herself there's a carving of a  devil face and the pillar right behind her that   doesn't necessarily mean she's serving mephisto  it seems like she's serving a number of different   older marvel gods or marvel cosmic villains like  we're talking dormammu shumagoroth just think big   evil doctor strange villains then they just end  the episode with her mind controlling scarlet   witch again and then playing the real version of  the intro like the agatha version of the intro as   if we've been secretly watching the agatha show  this whole time which is a bit of a twist on the   intro for this episode which had wanda's name all  over it making you believe that it was all about   her when really it's been about agatha this whole  time they play through the decades they reveal   that she was behind pretty much every big wtf  twist every moment even behind the false version   of quicksilver so they are sort of positioning  agatha harkness as the main villain of Wandavision   right now but it seems like she is working  for more powerful characters catherine hahn's   performance as agatha harkness so far on the show  has been amazing she's done a great job of just   bouncing back and forth between all the different  iterations of her character that she needed to be   for any given episode like if she needed to  be more comedic or the nosy neighbor persona   then the turn to full-blown agatha harkness when  she revealed herself as a sorceress like oh no   i am the danger here i think it's pretty clear  that they're hyping up a full-blown wizard battle   between scarlet witch and act at the harkness in  the finale i can't wait to see what that looks   like the closest thing we've really gotten to  that so far has been an avengers infinity war   where you have thanos going at doctor strange with  both of their full powers and a couple infinity   stones but i think this is why they've been  hyping up how powerful scarlet witch really is   so that when they pay this often whatever their  big final battle winds up being it just looks   spectacular then hopefully you stay for the  credits because this is a marvel event they   finally have a big credit scene and it's monica  rambeau trying to enter agatha harkness's basement   seeing all this purple magic radiating out  like she's in the middle of casting this spell   but she gets caught by evan peters character who's  wearing this weird tie-dye shirt who says snoopers   going to snoop then you only see the reaction  on monica's face and her eyes sort of glaze   over with purple energy making it seem like evan  peters character also has magical abilities just   like agatha harknesses like wherever she gets  her magic from whichever big marvel villain he   also gets it from that place too so this doesn't  confirm who he is but they did go very far during   the episode to say that he was not their uncle  so he's not meant to be mcu quicksilver he does   look mysteriously like peter maximoff from  the fox marvel universe in the x-men movies   so i know people are wondering if there's going  to be a multiverse twist with this character   that's also still possible but it does seem  like he is a magic user working with agatha   harkness so you just have to remember to work  that into what your theory is but everybody post   all your theories in the comments below now who  do you think evan peter's character is playing   i don't think that he's playing mephisto i don't  think he's playing nightmare i think it's somebody   a little bit smaller than that but it'll probably  wind up being a bit of a marvel easter egg   marvel will start revealing more about what was  actually going on during the episode two so i'll   be doing more bonus videos this week for some of  the bigger wtf moments and plot points leave all   your big questions in the comments below and if  you did spot any really big easter eggs that i   didn't mention in the video just write them below  in the comments we got two more episodes left and   paul bettany said that the special cameo scene  that he was hyping up earlier has not happened yet   kind of confirming our theory that it's probably  going to happen in the finale so leave all your   theories about that too but everyone click here  for my brand new Wandavision nightmare video   sort of breaking down all the nightmare easter  eggs and click here for all my other Wandavision   episode videos thank you so much for watching  everyone stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!

2021-02-21 01:27

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