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[Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] another vlog today i'm gonna be sharing a little bit of my entrepreneurial you know items with you guys because i just received a package which is right over there on my island from amazon and i'm gonna share it with you guys because i know i'm gonna y'all need to know if you're trying to get into this entrepreneurship life i i got this um gvm great video maker like it's the lighting i just recently i just all right i got this i had to charge it i got this from this package from amazon your package over there so i charged it and it's full i wanted to wait and show you guys how it works and y'all look at the line look at the lighting y'all perfect so good it's super bright you can tell how bright it is extremely bright so um i have two of those lights look at that over there i have to watch those lights and i needed to get the battery so i can just move it around without plugging the car to the wall so as you guys can tell the battery comes in this there is a power extra battery the lighting oh so much so um it comes in these two boxes so i need to get more since i got two of the legs those sliders are expensive i think the two was 150 dollars or they're about another batteries the two sets is like something this box fifty dollars i'm gonna link it down below excuse me y'all so it's 100 extra power battery like so so i already took them out of the box charged them because i wanted to you know show you guys how it you know powers its super duper bright and next thing that i got let me show you this one my amazon package amazon box so i'm gonna show my address yes i ordered a bunch of stuff close the door so i did another bunch of stuff this is a this one is a trash can with lid for kitchen actually never used to use it don't use trashcan this year for over a year now all right you guys so i just figured figure out where this is gonna go so this is gonna go here and i'm gonna push it in here so let's figure it out like so and [Music] trash so it came with a with a trash bag oh it's super long a little trash that's a struggle y'all this is a 2.4 uh leaf pad so i need a little bit of a little trash bag that opens up [Music] so you can open up like this all right all right y'all so this is what this looks like and i don't know um you want to open it up like so put your trash and close it and that's easy and then when you're done you just take this out so i love this it matches with my cabinets of course it matches with the cabinet that's why i love it so i'm going to link everything down below of course so the battery comes with this charger it uses a usb a longer it has a longer cord and it has a shorter one your shutter one in case you maybe you want to go on a trip you just tuck it back in in like so and then you can take this off and uh go about today so easy so the next thing that i got let's see what's in here um i think i'm missing a package i'm missing it oh oh i forgot to show you guys this i think this one is if you want to just it has adhesive you take it out and then press it on the wall and put it i don't like this but i'm gonna keep it for the trash can you just press it on the wall and then it sits you know we need to hang on the trash it's adhesive but i figured i'm just saying that it fell out so it's gonna fall if you get it and try it and it works for you that's good but i'm not going to use this i like that it has the out of the hangar thing which is very sturdy and uh yeah so let's try and see what's in this pocket oh i'm super excited you guys also um here we have my demo printer this is a four inch camera um level printers for my label for when i want to do on the ship um others so and i think this was a hundred dollars or let's see how much this costs you bro i'm gonna link it down below anyways all right so the printer is all right so the printer was 199 100.99 and oh i love it yes this is what it looks like y'all [Music] so this is what the printer looks like already has the label in there and um i'm excited for this this journey so this demo printer comes with um usb of course charger and yeah and it comes with all of this in it so i love it so portable is white i chose this color because i didn't want to just choose the pink one i should have bought the pink one because of course my polymers are gonna be pink in color excuse my tummy and this big plant i've lost a lot of weight you know your girl is now skinny daddy so the next thing i got i'm missing i'm missing an item y'all um it was delivered that means i have to go back to the packages and check this so this one is the oh that's heavy i ordered uh um what is this what is this all right so this is a a scale a shipping scale for me to wait my you know packages before i actually send it out uh it looks like so the color is blue oh what what do you like for blue i ordered for silver yo i ordered for silver and essentially grow blue why though don't matter so it looks like so it's big i wanted this big one because i read a lot of reviews about the smaller ones so i did something that was extremely accurate like very very accurate when i measure my items to ship because when you don't measure them currently you're gonna have to pay extra when you get to the uh ups fedex or uspso camera is overheating again okay all right so that's it you guys for my amazon little haul i'm gonna link everything down below so you guys that's it um i'm actually missing an item not really really i'm not gonna say i'm actually missing an item because um it said it was delivered they're gonna put it in this in the box as well but it's not in the box so i have to go back to the package room um and shake so yeah i have um let me see what to watch on the tv uh so yeah guys it hasn't been easy i'm actually setting up my website but i sell you guys from the live so this is the battery let me take it out so you guys can see but first i'm gonna switch the light off yo see 99 and i was aiming for you guys all this time and it's still 99 sure yeah i see that so i'm gonna switch it up and then take up the battery oh let me just leave it there i don't know should i leave it i think you know let me just leave it there so this is how you put it it has its openings right here so i'm just gonna put that now you can use this without the battery this can actually work without the battery you just have to use the card and plug it to the wall which is where you which is what you're gonna be going through i just needed this um cali bible i don't even pronouncing them currently she actually put a lot of girls onto this aliyah's face has it karana has it i had mine before kara had hers uh yeah so i haven't just been vlogging for a while you guys because this luncheon is taking a whole lot of my energy like it's taking my time i want it to be perfect you know a little bit yeah i'm a big girl and we capitalize a little bit on that change okay we like that things to come out looking that is good okay if not too i'm not gonna use the word perfect so yeah that's it um let me see where you're growing it's gonna eat for dinner because it's late at night you guys sweat lighting because i'm still gonna stay here i need to change this smelling still i'm checking the pressure and okay i bought some uh shrimp wrap so i'm just gonna microwave the shrimp shrimp wrap and eat it for dinner and i'll talk to you guys later you guys um when i'm setting up my website i'm going to show you maybe just a little bit of it snippet like a little bit of when you know i've been working on my website alone so for my website i actually subscribed for a year over i think the twenty nine dollars package that's what i went for and um i did a year with 300 something dollars for a year and what else what else what else and then you have to buy your domain for my domain it's it's from eleven dollars up mine is fourteen dollars um i don't know why i thought it was gonna be 11 so basically i just bought it 350 dollars instead of your website so i'll catch up with you guys later on tomorrow i'm going to be looking on my website after now i look crazy this week without makeup yeah [Music] that's not fun so you guys i just got back from running errands oh it's delighting i look crazy you guys but okay [Music] so i'm trying to book an appointment with a a hey brother so i can get my hair done i actually want to do braids i haven't done braids in the past um three years or so yeah so yeah that's what i i got going on you guys look up my breakout is gone y'all so i'm gonna look forward to just this little piece right here excuse my nails y'all um so it's just i'm gonna look for a way to clear this class yo my hand looks dry all right y'all so um that's just it i just came back from um the store i actually went to zara here at linux and i actually went to get some groceries because your girl is trying to eat okay i'm trying to eat healthy tell me why i went to grocer um scrub kroger to get me a relaxer because i like relaxing my natural hair at home i got everything in the house so i like to do my natural hair in the house like relax retouch relax put relaxer in my hair in the house i've been doing this way back since when i was in nigeria i actually prefer doing my relaxer putting laser in my head at home by myself so because i have a very sensitive um scalp so i hardly go to the salon to get it done because i don't want to fight with nobody okay so i'm just gonna do a quick a little haul another clothing haul so you guys we have a zara clothing haul coming soon uh i'm gonna film that tomorrow because i don't want to put on makeup on my face look at how that face is glowing okay we're glowing y'all no more uh i look crazy with this um fringe without makeup but we're just gonna manage just gonna manage okay all right let me show you guys um my little grocery i got me some flowers my friend got me some flowers and i'm gonna um add this white one because why not what a pink so we're gonna do that and um let me just do a quick grocery haul so you guys can this is gonna be like and i got my wastewater on you guys in case y'all [Music] we don't give up we're straining every day every day because my birthday is next month um actually all right okay so this is gonna be a weekend vlog because today is friday in real time and you grow all right let me show you guys this so this is actually the relaxer i use i use olive oil relaxer for my hair and recently i just want to try you guys know i love me some woody scent some food scent some strong scent so i actually got this um so i do take some tea but like i'm spraying this so i'm about to dump this tea so the spray will get into it it actually smells good right [Music] please smells so good yeah so i'm gonna show you guys this before um putting my i haven't gotten this before so i got this smoked salmon dip from kroger and i got me some tilapia fillet fish now i got this ground turkey for when i want to do um tacos and yeah so i'll tell you guys about this is the egg room freshener that i use from kroger this a week brush i've been saving your girl and it always smells so good but the bad thing is it doesn't last too long it doesn't last long i got the other one that um i'm going to show you guys the one that i used that one hold on hold on all right [Music] yeah see this one i use this one and it smells so good and it's more expensive you guys can see it's coming up i think it's almost ah let me see [Music] all right y'all so this is the air freshener the egg that i use i leave it i have it in my bedroom and i have it in my living room it's actually out yeah i think it's out i need to repeal that and this ones are the plugins so these are the plugins that i usually plug in in my bathroom my entrance my doorway i have plugins there i have it there have two plugins in my bedroom in my bathroom if i didn't mention it so i don't know actually this actually smells good smells good yeah smells good you guys know i do not play with my scent [Music] so yeah okay so i got me some of course cherry less for what i want to do jesus that's some bell peppers in here i'm gonna put that in the fridge fridge can't talk anymore and i'm going to throw this one out oh my god like we keep wasting food let me see if it's expired yes it's five so i need to throw that out i forgot to buy eggs y'all if you don't you know me you know i'm not like pressing y'all i actually buy eggs and leave it to expire in the prison in the fridge and threw it out i just threw out like so like i think i just threw out a whole pack of eggs the other day and that's so sad so i got this um canola oil spray for when i'm you know throwing something in the pan you know some veggies and fish yes i need that so i got me crab dip got me some crappy and i got of course some salmon dip i want to make my fish and i got me some shrimps y'all got some shrimps yeah so for i got me some lobster um cake and i got another one is that lobster yeah lobster and i got me some crab cakes let me show y'all what that looks like oh what is how many plates is it so i hope yeah this is made today still fresh yeah it's gonna expire september i have to consume it before september 1st this 29 is gonna expand the 29th of august so i actually went there to buy air freshener and relaxer for my hair and came out with all of it i spent 120 dollars y'all know i didn't forget my favorite one 19 crimes i love this one i there's this one that um the one with snoop dogg the one with snook dog actually i haven't tried that one yet but uh people are saying it's a little bit sweet i don't know if it's sweet none of these wines are sweet but this one isn't sweetened it isn't dry it's just there perfect perfect okay perfect so yeah i'm gonna make myself something to eat and um [Music] pour myself a little bit of glass of wine because today is friday i was actually watching who was i watching the line let's see [Music] oh tulum vlog i'm going to sit down and watch that who uploaded today tyra let's see i think uh i think i think cara uploaded y'all yeah she did uh danny alexia schemes that [ __ ] happened my face in less than 15 minutes that's cara so okay guys let's uh let me put my relaxer in the bathroom [Music] okay all right y'all so guess what y'all i'm gonna teach y'all something real fast instead of replacing this so i just emptied one of this into this bottle y'all see and um instead of just buying a separate like you can always use any sense you like and um yeah that's a great hack here and i'm gonna turn it on like so and you guys are gonna see fragrance come out yes yes it smells so good so i'm gonna go keep it where i normally just place it over there let me see if you guys can see me [Music] amazing smells amazing in here though okay so now let's go make our breakfast okay open y'all so i'm gonna switch over to my new tripod where you guys are gonna watch me over the top let me show you guys the tripod so this is a tripod y'all and it is so durable so study so i'm gonna use this and i'm gonna you guys are gonna watch me just do my thing so fast because i have to put this in a hover and i'm gonna use this um baking plate that i got from kroger i think it was thirty dollars or twenty five dollars let me try that i'm gonna wash my hands real fast let me put my apron on because i got a cooking app on y'all so chef creamy joy is in the kitchen y'all so let it pick this up actually i have to bring out all of this so i'm going to push this a little bit backwards so and turn this a little bit like so yeah you got it and yeah i'm going to put my camera and you can turn here it's like a ball let me show you all the ball you can turn it anywhere you want and we have a cooking book i have an amazon um video coming up so i'll show you guys this so you guys can get it it has a lot of nice meals fast stay fried 30 minutes and 30 minute kind of meals for you to prepare um so i'm gonna take off this camera from here and i'm gonna put it right here so we can get to cooking [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right y'all so my food is ready y'all and my flowers look at my flowers so cute you guys what's that one they all taste so good yeah so good so i was just testing so i'm gonna make me a smoothie real fast to go with this i'm going to show you guys what i'm using to make my smoothie okay [Music] oh this is so good yummy so good you guys [Music] you guys need to get the smoothie mixer from kroger it heats differently like using the mixes and the smoothie and it's organic guys it tastes so good tastes so good not a smoothie head but this is hitting y'all it's hidden hey y'all hey guys happy sunday y'alls so um i just oh what's the yellow lighting in here y'all so you guys i actually just got ready to head outside i'm gonna show you guys my feet when i actually get out the door but when i'm in here you guys know about it you know i'm about to put on my perfume um i don't know i'm kind of like enjoying the matte matte lippy a lot lately because it just stays on when you go outside you know have a lot to drink and all of that and still and there so then my lip is here so for fragrance i actually just wanna wear strong scent all right so for my fragrance today to spray my purpose on my lips like why don't so i'm going to be wearing my delina exclusive for today's fragrance and i'm going to layer it of course [Music] the cumin is almost gone oh my guys my daily networking is almost outside no okay so since i want something a little bit strong i'm gonna wear this one right here the food uh mfk good satin mood if you love good scents you're gonna love this just smells amazing though oh it smells so good smells so good so good i mean okay so and when i get back y'all i think i'm gonna do a czar haul so what i'm wearing i'm actually wearing a whole zara feature guys all right you guys so here is my fake y'all yeah this is what a girl is looking like today i don't know if i need to switch out because or i should just you know since it's casual just got it cross body like so like you guys so tell me why i actually went to the restaurant to i just left the restaurant because it's not over you guys where you guys i was rushing to so um the fresh to other restaurant i was heading to isn't open you guys it's closed on on sundays and saturdays and i didn't i was supposed to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you guys so i just came to this thai restaurant the name is thai and sushi restaurant so i'm gonna be having some sushi [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] bye

2021-10-19 14:04

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