Virtual Live Chat with Digital Business Owner Lovelyn Miranda

Virtual Live Chat with Digital Business Owner Lovelyn Miranda

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okay um hello okay that's sweet for some viewers and then  we're gonna start um my glasses is misty hi everyone grace nagal here um good evening good  evening in canada good morning in the philippines   um wherever you are watching this broadcast  i hope everyone is having a great day   to those who do not know me yet i'm grace nagal  i own these spades and it has been a while since   my last um live interview a lot has changed and  as a busy mom with my growing kids and at work   now back to school again and  i have more time doing this um   i would like to know where you are tuning in  from please let me know comment down below   i would like to know how global we are i will  be doing some shout out in between questions so   if you would like to shout out um just write  it down in the comment below your name and   your comment will pop up in my screen  tonight i am very lucky and i feel privileged   um to have an interview with a successful  digital business owner here in canada   despite her busy schedule with her three kids  she is able to manage her time in between   her online business and with the three kids she  just had a baby the baby is uh actually just a   month old three days ago and um yeah she's so  busy congratulations mars she's my uh kumari um   her son is my godson um disclaimer the purpose  of this interview is to show everyone that   working in an online space is for uh for  everyone no matter what your age race or gender   profession and wherever you are in the world  because this is a global legit business um   and also as an entrepreneur you don't have to go  live like what we are doing we are just doing this   to promote our business this uh there are other  options you can promote your business um tonight   my guest is one of the many selfless people i've  known in this community of digital entrepreneur   who is willing to help everyone she  is successful in her online business   friend and follower friends and  followers let's hear your story   here is loveland mars welcome and thank you  so much for saying yes to this live interview   here she goes hi marsh hi thank you  so much technical difficulties earlier yeah that's part of working uh in online like  you experienced some technical uh problem   so thank you for having me tonight  or this day hello to all our viewers   award thank you for tuning in and those who will  cut us later thank you so much for your time yeah would you like to introduce yourself sorry  i'm gonna struggling here with my lives yeah   this is part of of uh working online sometimes  you struggle sometimes we experience difficulties   but we are entrepreneurs so we are so  problem would you like to introduce yourself   who you are and what are you doing your  family and everything yes for sure hi   my name is lavlin gustinera mom of three kids  i am currently living here in manitoba canada   i am originally from philippines i  moved here in canada six years ago   back home i was a teacher but then when  i moved here during my first year of   of staying here in canada i work as a production  staff so you know when you work in in that kind   of industry you do heavy lifting and my shift  that time is always in the evening and during   that time i have a daughter already so it's hard  for me to always bring her to the daycare and then   going home late and the kids like you know you  cannot take care well so i decided to to try the   healthcare industry because i'm looking for a  flexible time so i tried i go back to school and   study the online the healthcare aid but then  uh when i tried to apply as a healthcare aid   again it's uh it's hard for me to find  next small hours because sometimes you   work in the evening you work in shifts so  i can't do that because i have a daughter   i need to bring her to school and pick her up so  it's so hard and then uh eventually i i work in   one of the organizations here in manitoba as the  next support direct support worker and now i am   in my matlab enjoying my time with my little one  so that's a few things about me congratulations yeah okay um i think we should dive into the  questions i only have five questions so i know   you are busy um and i hope work later so we should  destroy it um what made you decide this is for you   um the online business um is there anybody  who inspired you to do the business   oh yeah definitely there is a person behind this  like thanks to my mentor and coach ducelle for   introducing me this business uh i decided that  this business is for me when i saw her success   like i saw her enjoying her time with her with  her son she quit her job and while providing um   providing for her family so i said i want to be  like that i want i want to be a stay-home mom   and and provide also for my kids so that's the  main reason you know as a mom our biggest uh why   in doing things is our children right so yeah  so that's why i'm doing this business until now   it's because of my kids i want to be with them  all the time and that's that's good um same here   and i don't know if she is watching i can't  say yes hi called this hell yeah hi lucille   i think she is she said she will be watching  um okay i will go to number two when you join   what were you looking for did it  ever occur to you that you will make   it this far did you have any face did you face  any challenges during this during this business   and how did you overcome them them yeah uh when  i joined as i said a while ago i want a flexible   time to work around with my busy schedule with  my kids so um it was not an easy thing because   as you know i was a teacher before and i don't  have any background about the business so for sure   i have difficulties like even the other uh like  you know pioneer in the business they do uh   uh they do experience problem too so  how important to me that i am just   uh beginners you know so but uh that that that  doesn't um stop me in doing this business i   i experience a lot of difficulties but you know  i consider them as my stepping stone or as my   as a challenge to you know to improve myself and  to achieve my goal the first thing i do when i i   experience difficulties um i pray to god for  guidance because i know that's the best thing   and also in this business uh we have an amazing  community that always help us they are always   willing to to help us especially to those who  are beginners just like before and i'm so blessed   that i have also a very supportive um you know  mentor and a coach shout out again to resell yeah   yeah so yeah that's how i do it like every time  i experience difficulties i don't give up like   you know no matter what happen i will continue  i always remind myself why i joined the business   what do i want why is it uh i joined the in this  business in the first place so that's what keeps   me going yeah yeah um and look at us we're  growing um now it's 95 000 already and just   in just five years when i joined there were only   there was only 32 000 um i want to read  what are the comments here okay yeah how do i do that okay um there are nuts hi to warning albert alberto  that's happened right yeah yeah i'm so happy for   both of you thank you um coach lissel is watching  yeah watching her thank you morris for watching   and who else judy is watching also from uh  steinbach that's one of our business partner   and rc hello guys watching from let's get up  he was he is in vancouver right rc yes hi bro   thanks for watching thank you for the support and  uh maybe mayday and i will have enough we have   upcoming live interview hi maddie good morning  to you i know it's good morning in jakarta she is   in jakarta and there you go are you watching live  from bc canada i think this guy is still sleeping   look at this going and marlin alberto right from  toronto hello my ever supported mentor oh she's   your mentee thank you successful business forever  grateful i know it's not an accident that i met   you through this business congratulations on  your business we can all be successful in this   thank you thank you ate thank you for watching  congratulations to both of you well done thank you   um so i would go to my question number three do  you think this business is for everyone can you   share some breakthrough results and miracle  bro miracles brought to you by this business   my old question yeah definitely this is for  everyone you know especially to those who are   hungry for change for a change and willing to  to achieve their goals they have a big dream   this is for you like you don't have to be a  tech savvy you don't have to know everything   like you own your own time you can be your own  boss like you can run your business anywhere   even just like me a busy mom you can run your  business like i i just had a baby but still i   got results so that's how amazing this business  is because we have a very um a very proven a very   good um marketing system that helps us run this  business 24 7 and also you can run this business   worldwide so whenever you are you can do it and  you can bring this along with you it's a handy   business so long you have this access in the  internet so i know this is for everyone you can   you can check this out guys and see  if this is the one you're looking for   everyone that is coachable do not  complain in every difficulties that they   are experiencing because because difficulties  is part of it but you know we have an amazing   system that you we have training that you can go  through um there are lots of mentors and coaches   and yeah the community is very supportive to  each and everyone um i will be going to my   question number four when people are asking  you what kind of business you do online   how do you respond or how do you tell them um  we have that stigma about online business that   when you tell them most people responses were  negative they would say oh that's a scrum you know   and it's not we're in canada we pay taxes come on  how can that be a scam that's right that's right   like you know uh sometimes you cannot blame  those people having this negative thoughts   because like you know there are lots of scammers  but uh as we know now that during the pandemic   online is a new it's the new trend now so it helps  us a lot during this time so uh all you have to   do is find a legitimate business just like us  here in canada we receive a t4a every end of the   of the year so we are registered so that's why  we are doing this kind of like uh platforms uh   interviews just to introduce our business because  we're showing them that we are real person we are   legitimate so i always tell them that if they ask  me about the business i always tell them that it's   better for you guys to watch the free webinar it  is free like you don't have to spend anything like   all you need to do is sign it sign up in our  website and watch the 90 minute webinar that's all   and you will learn uh the business flow that like  the business model so if you think this is for you   then go on to the next uh the next step but if  you think that it's not it's not the right time   maybe uh you're looking for something else then  at least you tried you know so i always tell them   that yeah visit my website so that's it go to your  website my website is there yeah yeah our website   and one two more um this business is worldwide  like you know we already help thousands of people   to realize their dreams like you know we see  some people they quit their job even though they   are doctors there are nurses no no for example  she's a nurse and she quit her job after just um   i think it's a few two months or three months  after she's been in the business and she quit   and she stayed home she's being home with her  son and uh while running the successful business   i can't believe how much he's learning i hope  that one day i could be earning that month too   let me see if there's another um new  comments here oh they said i'm so happy   i'm so happy for both of you congratulations  thank you mars for the support our ever supportive   kumari and codes um good morning ladies watching  from melbourne australia australia that's helia   see how global we are australia and mayday is  in jakarta oh and i want to shout out to my speaking english group 24 7. hi guys if you  guys are watching this right now or later   because i know in the other part of the world  it's still night time they are sleeping um hello   they asked me to shut down and oh it's morning again i'm so happy  for both of you i'm very knowledgeable   see thank you thank you and i admire your passion  doing your business mars yeah yeah okay so   um i will be going to my question number five  you have in in this business for two years now   what advice can you give to those who want  to start but cannot make up their mind yet   because i know i have some mentees um they sign  up but they can't decide yet they didn't even   made the coaching call yet so if she is watching  this i was talking to her last night convincing   her to do the coaching call um i know she is  busy but it would be great if if she do the   coaching call it will enlighten her more so what  are your do you have any advice for the newcomers   yes of course for the newcomers i say don't  be afraid to take the first step like you know   uh don't let your fear to to all to be your  obstacle to achieve your goals like you   don't have to know everything before you  start the business we have the community   like this community is so amazing they will  help you all the way to build your business   like you just reach out to them and wanting more  you will be assigned with the mentoring codes that   they will guide you throughout so also we have  this marketing system that help us to run this   business there's power of automation so you don't  have to be physically present all the time so   don't be afraid that you don't have time anymore  if you start this business or or you can't do this   your time now you can do it in between you can  bring it all the way you want to go so this is so   nice uh this is a very good opportunity for us  to learn and earn yeah so if you are willing to   learn you know uh definitely you will  know how to do it and you will earn   and in the future you will say thank you that i  did this yeah i'm thankful um we have this amazing   system and training that you have to go through  before you start the business because i know some   people are asking how did you guys start so what  we do here is if you are willing to sign uh to   start your own business you will be you will need  to sign up with your name and email it's either   my website uh or lavlin's website you just need  to sign in with your name and email address   and then we will send you the link to get into  um the webinar it is the 90 minutes webinar it's   free you don't need to pay anything but after  that um it's up to you if you will continue   with the next step to be an online business owner  um yeah i hope that we brought you guys some ideas   or something to think about if you want to start  your own on the online business do you have any   and end up mars that yeah i would like also to  invite everyone that we have a live a webinar   every tuesday and thursday 5 pm pst you can kill  your time zone you guys are open and see what   we are doing and this is only like grace said  that this is only 90 minutes so check out guys   this might be a future for you and your family  and yeah that's it thank you for tuning in god   bless everyone thank you mars again for your time  thank you for this interview um i know it's been   a while since the last time that i interviewed  and um the cluster the last time that i i did   the interview hey what happened to the interview  this and that and i was so surprised because my   previous interviews some people are watching  and they are reaching out what happened yeah   yeah i'm gonna start doing this again i have  a line up of uh interviews i talked to other   successful business owner that that i'm going  to interview again so thank you mars thank you   so much i know you asked me um my bless everyone  thank you thank you for tuning in bye god bless

2021-09-13 07:18

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