Using Insider Trading to Evaluate Stocks in Today's Market | Today's Market

Using Insider Trading to Evaluate Stocks in Today's Market | Today's Market

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[Music] hey everybody it is good to be here today um my name is brent moores and we're going to be talking about today's market today and we're going to be taking a peek at the week ahead and see what's going on in that week ahead as well as a few other things i'm glad you've all joined us here um el diego vijay woodsman bebek cedric glenn ricardo i'm glad you're here and i'm also glad that connie is here in the chat she's always a huge help to me and by the way you can always follow jin quay glad you're here as well by the way you can always follow me on twitter you can see that on the screen at b moore's underscore tda you can also follow connie on twitter if you like uh her twitter address is or twitter handle i guess is the proper terminology is at c-h-i-l-l underscore t-d-a right so let's go and go through the introductory stuff that we need to just remember that the content today is intended for educational purposes only and informational purposes only it's not investment advice nor is it a recommendation of any security strategy or account type options are not suitable for all investors is a special risk inherent to options trading may expose investors potentially rapid and substantial losses let's see short options can be assigned at any time up to expiration regardless of the indium in the money amount and just realize you're not going to get early assignment on paper money that's different than in your real platform so just be aware of that and uh let's see what else we're not gonna be talking well maybe we'll mention this futures and futures options trading involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors paper money application is for educational purposes only risk uh successful virtual trading during one time period does not guarantee successful investing of actual funds during a later time period as market conditions change continuously stop loss orders do not guarantee execution at or near activation price all investing involves risk including risk of loss and while we're going to discuss technical analysis in our webcast today other approaches including fundamental analysis may assert very different views please no soliciting no photography no recording so here's what we're talking about today uh you know in a lot of my classes i'll do a kind of a brief market review but in this class we take a little bit of a deeper dive into that market review and the reason for that is this is that's this class this class is today's market so we're going to go to a market review today fairly in depth and then i do want to talk talk about a special topic as well and that is insider trading you know i get asked about that occasionally and i want to show you some resources there to maybe help you as you're trying to do as you're trying to trade and then maybe we'll do a practice trade there at the end you know we just closed out we closed the books on july so to speak everybody and all in all it was uh a pretty good month for larger cap stocks the s p 500 was up 2.3 percent i believe in july the nasdaq was up 2.8 percent in july and the dow was up one and a quarter percent in july so good good month you know it's some we had some ups and downs there along the way now you'll notice i left out what i just said the russell 2000 which is small caps because they were actually down for the month about three and a half percent or so uh and so just realize that not everything always goes up at the same time but that's kind of what we went through in july but let's take a look at some charts here and hopefully that will help us out this is the snp 500 if you've been with me over the past few weeks you'll notice i really haven't changed much on my chart i pretty much have had this channel up for a long time and you can see lately the midline in the channel has acted as resistance the lower line in the channel is acted as support now in the larger channel we have a different upper line but that midline since this point has been more of an area where you know people have felt it's going up far enough fast enough we're going to take some profits that's kind of the mentality i think people have there's nothing magical about that line it just seems to be a rate of increase that people are comfortable with and when it pulls back uh to the lower line it appears that people have the attitude of hey you know it's sold off enough it's maybe cheap enough it's uh it's time to jump at it back in so that's no guarantee of the future but that is what has uh that is what has occurred there and you can see how we've been up well let's look at the nasdaq here okay here's the nasdaq and you can see i don't have that channel line on there because i couldn't draw the channel line in any sort of a neat measure like i did on the s p 500 when you're drawing channels or you're drawing support lines or resistance lines you you got to work with what it gives you and if the channel doesn't make sense on a particular chart don't try and draw a channel on the chart and that's what i would say about this nasdaq here chart right here now we could draw a shorter term channel probably going from low there low there low there let's try let's try that come on there we go and do that now that's a much steeper line and generally the steeper the line you draw on a channel probably it's probably not going to last as long but to this point it's holding and probably not coincidentally um we have a moving average here about the same line that 20 day moving average on my charts here i'm showing you i have a 20 day and a 50 day moving average sometimes it uses one for support and not the other in fact if we go back to the spx let's do that for a second you can see when it's really dipped down it's used this 50-day moving average as a support and it you know it kind of briefly went bit down below there but for the most part that's been a pretty good support level on that all right i want to welcome all the the late comers here not that you're that late at this point but uh glad you've joined us here so let's look at the russell 2000 because this you know i mentioned for july the russell 2000 or the small caps have been down and you can see that right here um they have uh we've mostly a sideways channel here on this and [Music] resistance support small caps are continuing to underperform that will change at some point but regardless of where they're doing large cap or small cap let's do this let's go to um let's go to sectors and see what's been do what has done well today in today's market and then look back a little bit farther we'll look at a one month change here so let's go here and look at what has done well and not so well today here's materials this is the material in fact i'm going to change my graph so that on the right side we don't have this scale there i'm going to make it a percentage scale maybe that'll help us view it a little bit and you can see the big red candle today let me zoom in just a little bit you can see the big red candle today on that that's a pretty bearish candle by the way that's what we call a bearish engulfing candle [Music] and the thing with bearish engulfing kennels is they occur after you had a big a move up and you're looking for perhaps a sell-off a consolidation a retracement of some sort and that's what we have right now now i don't know exactly where the market's going to go tomorrow but from a pure candle technical standpoint that's probably a relatively bearish sign that's on materials that's the biggest loser of the day here down over one percent today and you can see there's some others uh industrials has been down today energy has been down and most most sectors are down today there's been a few that have eeked out gains including utilities now we get a little bit of a mix here because utilities which is typically considered more of a defensive type sector which when we say defensive we don't mean like defense stocks aerospace type defense contractors we mean stocks that tend to hold up pretty well when the market's doing poorly and uh as opposed to stocks that are more um that don't that tend to do very well when the market's doing well but fall further when the market does poorly those would be more cyclical type stocks so utilities is outperformed and you can see they've had a nice run lately but it's not all that way consumer discretionary isn't a defensive sector typically we wouldn't consider that yet it actually performed fairly well today too so it's kind of a mixed bag you kind of have to take sector by sector consumer staples which is more of a defensive type sector was down a little bit today so it's hard to make vast generalizations on this chart here over the past month and here's a one month return column utilities has done well health care real estate communications information technology information technology isn't a defensive sector you normally want to consider it and that's done really well along with utilities it's a mixed bag isn't it so if you want to view you can view sector by sector but you just need to kind of keep up to date with the sectors so those are the sectors and how they're doing on the market right now uh and you can do individual technical analysis on any of these so for example on industrials which i have chart up right now how would we view that from a technical standpoint well i'd probably take a a line we'll maybe do a price support level down here and what about here probably a support level there excuse me a resistance level up here and kind of in a channel between those and you can do that for any of these and if you're new to technical analysis and want some practice on that let me just recommend a a webcast for you and that webcast occurs at mondays at 11 o'clock eastern time by it's taught by mr cameron may and it's called getting started with technical analysis so check that out it's also archived so if you're not around it monday at 11 eastern time it's not a big deal because you can always pick up the recordings on that let's look at some other areas of the market though okay here's here's some others that let's let's just look at uh what about international we've seen what the us has been doing what about emerging markets here's emerging markets and you can see they had a huge run up this is a nine month chart by the oops let me just get out of here and do that okay let me get rid of that line that was an inadvertent line there i drew i'm going to remove [Music] i don't know why won't that let me remove drawing there we go you can see we had a huge run up up to february but it's done fairly poorly since and those july numbers beginning in july to end of july emerging markets are down okay now we can also look if we're looking internationally as more developed markets and you can see developed markets are faring a little better of late than emerging markets so what's the difference emerging markets are economies that just aren't as developed as as a lot of economies so a company like a company a country like china you'd consider more emerging because it's growing at such a rapid rate india would be more of an emerging market even though they're large it's not that doesn't necessarily mean what the size of the size of the country is those are the two you know two biggest by population countries in the world right there yet you'd consider them more emerging markets whereas a small country can be a developed market um you know switzerland is a smaller country population wise but you'd consider that a developed market us's developed market canada has developed marketplace a lot of europe has developed markets western europe in particular and those would fall more in this area and if you're interested in those indexes by the way just for the future mxea and mxef are the ones i just looked at so just trying to give you a broader view of the market as well what about gold how's gold doing here's what i would do from a technical standpoint on this gold chart i would do this i'd probably say we've got it doing this thing right now right can you see where i'm where i'm getting this from and it's going to break out to the bullish side um or the bearish side i don't know which it's going to break out of but i'll tell you what one approach that traders do is if it br if it breaks out to one side it'll be more bullish in other words if it breaks up to the more bullish side they'll be more bullish if it breaks out to the more bearish side they'll be more bearish okay um now does that always work no sometimes it you know it it defies your expectations and goes against you but um that's just i just want to give you the idea that that's that's a way of doing now if you say oh this looks interesting i want to buy gold i have a gold future here and just realize there are risks and educate yourself on futures uh there if you're going to do that but that's one way to do it another way to do it is look etfs are a way to do it or mutual funds are a way to do it uh there you go and you could also go into the individual stock level there's gold miners out there that you could buy all right um and so there you go that's uh that you know that's gold what else should we look at here oil oil actually dropped today and why did it drop i think what most people are attributing that drop to is um that guy can go let me get out of this percentage chart again here most people are attributing this drop right here to kind of a con contraction of china the chinese economy had some slower than expected i don't know if that's the right wording on that uh growth and um and that's that impacts worldwide demand which impacts oil so it's kind of a battle right now uh expanding economy but people are worried about the delta you know variant of covet and how that's going to affect things and and in this case the chinese market can affect things as well so there's a few things now let's check out one more you know this i don't actually i never this is an old watch list i used that i created a long time ago and when i created it there wasn't really such a thing or there wasn't it wasn't very prominent crypto wasn't very prominent but i i've started to include that in my market analysis just because there's enough popularity in it right now it's not a recommendation by any means but just just realize you know you could consider this another asset class and and crypto well we saw that pattern earlier didn't we on a different stock kind of a bearish engulfing pattern which after you've had a move up is generally perceived to be more of a bearish candle but again who knows what's going to happen with this but today bitcoin pulled back down below the 40 000 uh dollar level let's just look at a couple more okay here's uh the vix um and the vix is up back to just a little bit below 20. a little concern going back up in the market a little more uncertainty in the market it's not a hugely high level but compared to where we were down in the 15 level that's a you know 20 percent higher or so than that um and there we go that's uh you know so that's the vix and if the market sells off significantly um then then we'd expect the vix to go up there's one big stock that i'm aware of that had earnings today there's i'm sure there's others i mean i know there's others but let's look after hours on simon property you may be going some of you may not have ever heard of simon property group and again when i talk about individuals symbols it's not a recommendation of these symbols but it's an example and it's an important company because this i think i may be wrong on this but it may be the largest reit out there it's a real estate investment trust and um if it's not the largest it's certainly i think in the top three definitely and um so it's a big it's a big company let's see what earnings is doing they just came out after hours here so let's see what we got here and you can see the volatility after hours crazy how it moves um so we closed around 126 and a half 1 26 30. uh right now after hours we're

trading about 130 now i've seen him swing from huge gains like this after hours to the next morning where it's actually down but um you know it seems to be a fairly positive sign for this particular company okay now let's move forward because i don't want to run out of time and i want to get to some some important stuff here i want to look at the calendar i'm on research and ideas on the td ameritrade website i went down to calendar and let's scroll down the big economic report for the day i think the biggest one is this ism manufacturing index uh you can see consensus 60.7 actual 59.5 not a huge miss but a miss nonetheless and so that is um you know that's something just to be uh it that may be partially responsible for a less than stellar performance in the markets today if we scroll down on the page though we can see coming up for the week i don't want economic let me do all events here for a sec let me scroll down and you can see simon property was today uh but if we go down there's some bigger names and i'm not going to go through the charts on all these just for times sake um eli lilly alibaba amgen so some biotech type guys uh cvs you're familiar with some of these are you're familiar with general motors those are the bigger names coming out this way week i think moderna who if you didn't know before the pandemic uh came out i think everybody's heard of moderna at this point aig uh duke energy berkshire uh is coming out with earnings so if you're in any of those stocks or interested in trading in any of those stocks you may be you know that may be of interest to you you can also go to the market watch tab calendar on the thinkorswim platform to see a list of potential stocks there okay let's see let's go let me just mention one more thing before we go to a kind of a special topic i wanted to talk about and that is this on here i have some bonds if you look here's a 30-year bond you can see that has been climbing up there's dem uh there uh there's demand for bonds there's demand for bonds even though interest rates are really low right i was i went to the bank on i think it was friday and they had a little sheet with their rates for certificate of deposits out there just out of curiosity i was looking at what they were paying also they had a five year cd and it was paying under one percent for five years on that and i'm not trying to pick on cds and you know there's pros and cons to any of these investments i'm just trying to point out if you're trying to reduce risk and go to something like a cd interest rates are low and that's true for uh that's true for treasuries as well by the way so if i go to tnx you're you're gonna see this is not the bond price this is the yield we're down today to one point what one seven one point one seven well right up there one point one seven four percent all right so uh that and that is probably not generally good for financial institutions last thing before we go to looking at insider trading activity if you go to the analyze tab click on economic data you can go to the home page if you go to interest rates here on the left and go down to interest rate spreads the top result is a 10-year two-year and i'm going to zoom in this is what we call the yield curve let me zoom in a little more this is the yield curve when the yield curve is rising generally it helps financials when it's declining generally it hurts financials all right and so that's uh lately that that's not great for financials but who knows where it's going to go going forward okay now there's a lot of different ways of looking at the market everyone you guys all know that um let me go to let me go back to the uh the td ameritrade website and if i just bring up a company i'm going to pull up coke just because it comes to mind you'll notice i use this as an example quite often if you watch my webcast um it's not a recommendation of coke it's just an example because there's good things and bad things about it and and but it's a big company and everybody knows it um and i drink too much of their their soda um but what if you bring up the stock profile on a web page and you're looking so now we're kind of switching our transition we're trying to transitioning from kind of what's happened in the market um to let how do we if you want to invest in the market what are ways to evaluate stocks there's different ways to do so but one way is if you pull it up on the td ameritrade website there's the different tabs here if you click on analyst reports okay and i'm going to scroll down and we've talked about analyst reports in this class before i'm not going to do that but that's a common way that people uh try and give themselves maybe a double check on stocks that they may be investing in i know the analysts aren't perfect in what they do and sometimes they're wrong no doubt but sometimes it's kind of nice to have another pair of eyes perhaps i'm sorry just a way of different information or give you another a kind of objective parameter to use as you're trying to narrow down a list of stocks there so uh so often we'll look at analyst reports but on this analyst reports page if you go down here where it says well actually we're going to go here to this c full report in a second but let me just point out one uh there's a vickers report typically i don't know if all stocks have vickers report but most of the bigger stocks companies have a bigger vickers report this one's different than these others mostly these others are kind of typical analyst reports which are great but um you know some of them are market edge is more of a technical analysis most of these are more fundamentally or admit driven or a mix but vickers is dedicated to insider trading now i'm not going to go there right now i'd like you to just try that out yourself basically it's going to give you a history of you know of a detailed history of insider trading but we don't need to go there for what i'm going to show you here right now but you can just click on it and you can see that's a little that's the little symbol for a pdf there but if you click on see full report right up here it's going to open up another window i'm going to open that up and you can see insider activity sold but we're not going to stop there we're going to click here on detailed analysis and we can see corporate insider activity and so here's a graph and this blue line is just the stock price okay um this line the this kind of histogram looking thing these bars are showing it kind of covers it up uh but buys are the ones that are above the this we'll call this a zero line right here uh and cells are below that and you can see we have more below than above and it's a net a net transaction in more towards the sell side and you can see that now if you scroll down and by the way this goes back over the past year if you scroll down to this area you can see specific activity now one thing i would suggest is this it says informative only or all this gives you all activity and it kind of breaks it down to informative versus uninformative what is informative versus uninformative so basically what informative is it's just a discretionary transaction that is not related to a routine action and i'm just reading a definition here by the way on this let me just read it read it to you here because i i'll probably stumble over my words as i try to say it if i don't read this a discretionary transaction that is not related to a routine action such as an options exercise or payment of stock so let me give you an example let's say you are [Music] you are an executive and they just grant you a bunch of shares of stock and you sell those that grant that's not generally perceived to be like a really negative thing for the company or options exercise well there's a tax consequence if you exercise options and so you can so when if people exercise options and they end up with the stock typically they'll sell the stock we don't consider that to be a very informative thing so do they call that uninformative cell but informative cells if i click on this or informative buys are ones where it's more at their discretion whether they just want to buy or sell now there's kind of two philosophies on on this page that we're looking at that we're going to look at one is you could just say hey any informative buyer informative cell we're just going to kind of count the cells against it and count the buys for it nothing wrong with that absolutely another attitude and one that uh you know i've talked to people about a lot over the years and that is insider buys are probably more meaningful than insider cells insider cells are more prevalent frankly when you look at different reports different companies and you use the tools i'm going to show you i'm showing you here right now you're going to find you're going to find it easier to find sells than buys probably and the reason is this let's say you're an executive at a company and a lot of executives get a lot of stock it's a big part of their compensation well it just from a pure diversification standpoint of your net worth it probably doesn't make sense to have 90 of your net worth wrapped up in one stock even if that's a company you own or that you are ceo of or cfo of or or a board member of it probably doesn't make sense to have a huge part of your net worth remain in that one stock so often they will sell and i wouldn't necessarily call that you know say that's a black mark on the company or anything like that whereas if you're going out with an informative buy that probably is a good sign for a company so a lot of people say well informative buys are much more meaningful than informative cells okay so i'm hoping you kind of understand the distinction there on that um and so uh so t so t with that information we can analyze this as well and right now i mean this isn't by any means this is not a super bullish uh look at the company and just like i say with analysts ratings we want to just look at this you're going to look at other things as well too but as we just look at this this has been fairly negative and it kind of gives you a little cheat sheet there just says negative there but let's run a search here okay let's run a search a scan i guess is the proper term on the td ameritrade website and i'm going to go to research and ideas and i'm going to just click on stocks and i'm going to create a screen and let's do a screen okay so i'm going to do the same thing that i do every week when i whenever i run a scan is i'm going to go to exchange and i'm going to take off the over-the-counter one so i'm going to just click on uh the ones that are exchange traded all right and i'm going to combine this scan right here and you can add in whatever you want and remember this is not this scan is not meant to say you guys should do this scan and just go buy the stocks or anything that is not the goal of this the goal is to show you different things but we've just been talking about ratings so i'm going to go to buy sell ratings and throw in some ratings here more buys than cells and i'm going to cfra stars i'm going to go four and five stars here on that okay and i'm going to do one more just to narrow down our results i'm going to do a technical scan i don't always do in fact most of the time i don't do technical scans right here but i'm going to and i'm going to do a money flow index which is just an indicator and i'm going to say it goes above the 50-day this is just an indicator that i kind of went through these fairly quickly let me get to this in one sec exchange we just wanted an exchange buy sell ratings more analysts buying than selling okay or rate it as a buy than sellers not they're not personally buying or selling that that probably came out wrong but rating it as a buy then a cell uh cfr star cfra is a third party we make no guarantees but there are fairly prominent analysts out there and so they rate have a five five star rating scale we just did four and five and then finally money flow index is a technical indicator that combines both price action and volume and generally buying on higher volume is good uh selling on higher volume is selling off on higher volumes are bad and it's a little mixed if you have lower volumes there but that's that's the gist of that indicator there okay and i'm going to view these 14 matches and here we go we're going to come up and i'm just going to go through let's just go through some until we find something so i what i'm going to do is just so i don't have to go back and forth too much i'm just going to jot down with my pin here uh the first we'll say 4 here and i'll if i need to i'll go back and look at others so we'll go alphabetical a airbnb so here's what i'm going to do a b in b we we know that this is fairly high regarded by the analysts we know that it's having some more buying lately with that money flow but we don't know anything about the insider trading at this point well let's check it out so i'm going to go to analyst reports right here and we're going to just kind of do the double checkereo here on analyst reports and see what it says see full report and uh a cell generally generally selling off we'll look at the detailed analysis fairly negative in terms of the cells and as i mentioned before if you want to go more in depth into this you can go down to the insider activity go to informative alt only and look at that okay so that's that's this is an extra check here um now as you if you've done scans screens before on the website one thing you know is you can't have it all right if you're if you start throwing in parameter after parameter after parameter you're going to come up with no stocks that you know there's no perfect stocks out there that are going to meet everything so in this case we did a fairly limited um limited view on things but keep in mind what i said earlier you're going to find more sales and buys i believe as you look out there in terms of insider trading so if you are too restrictive in your search and you come up with two or three stocks there's probably a pretty good chance they're all going to be sell cells here so we'll see hopefully that's not the case here for us um we'll we'll do a bunch and and uh go and and so let's go back to analyst reports we're on a b now this was the second alliance bernstein and we're gonna go down to um see full report it's a little hidden there see full report pops up on another screen there for me and insider activated so there's no insider activity available okay so that's that's neither good nor bad it's just what it is and by the way that's not um [Music] you know it's not that doesn't mean it's necessarily a super ill liquid stock or anything but that's just how it is okay we're gonna go to the third one on my list is a company that i think a lot of you know archer daniels midland uh we're gonna go to analyst report we're already on analyst supports click on see full report and i'm hoping in the next two or three we get one of these insider activity okay so all this is fairly good i mean we have the analyst ratings good and investor sentiments need fairly popular let's go to detailed analysis and take a look and we're going to go to informative only and you can see it's a little bit mixed but all in all it's considered to be fairly positive on that so by using this research tool we can we can take it to to there okay let's go to uh you know let's take a look and and let me go back to normal charts and let's pull it up and you know you we can do these things and if you're a technician then you probably want to check out the technicals on this on archer daniels midland were past earnings were above the 20 day but i will tell you a lot of traders will look at this a lot of technicians will look at this and go this is not in an uptrend at this point now it looks like the tide may be shifting here by going above that 20 day but a lot of technicians would say i'm going to wait on this you can add it to a watch list over here if you want and recheck it we could also just put an alert on it and say hey look i'm going to believe you know the analysts look good the insider uh the insider trading looks good but i'm going to wait until this crosses the 50 50 day moving average or whatever your technical stand technical criterion is that you want it to match before you buy can we do that can we put a buy or let's do an alert if it crosses and then we'll reevaluate at that point yeah you to create an alert you can just right click on the screen click on create alert and we're going to do [Music] i'm going to go up here to price and i'm just going to go to study and i'm going to edit it's going to throw in here this simple moving average i'm going to delete that and i'm going to add a condition i'm going to say if we want if the price crosses above the 50 day to be alerted so i'm just going to say the price does it have mark doesn't have mark but that's okay i'm just going to say the closing price crosses above study i'm going to do a simple moving average and i don't want a 9 day moving average i'm going to make this a 50-day moving average let's scroll down and it'll notify when it does that okay so we'll save that we'll click on ok and archer daniels midland there we go we're going to create that alert and now we have an alert and we should be able to see under alerts there we go um cross closes above currently it's false in other words it doesn't meet that condition currently and that'll that'll send us an alert there and you know what just i guess kind of sum up you know sometimes you do a fundamental scan or something like that and you come up and it looks great you know things you like how they look no matter what parameter whether you're using insider trading or value ratios or growth rates growth parameters or whatever but it's not quite ready for it technically for what you want technically well that's what we did right here we we found something that in our example at least looks good in terms of the example and but we're not from a technical standpoint i think a lot of technical traders would not approach that somewhat um but it'd be that's a fairly you know early shift in things if you're waiting for the trend to change but we can just put an alert and re-evaluate at that point all right let's see what we got here and the way to do that you know practices practice by going to your paper or well practice on paper money of course but also practice on um you know the td ameritrade website there's a lot of good information on the td ameritrade website okay a lot of td ameritrade um the on a lot of good info on the td ameritrade website so you're going to forget where it is i do i do sometimes so the more you use it the better it will uh it will be the more accessible it would be so check out look at your portfolio look at the insider trading on it now i'm not saying go sell all your stocks if the insider trading looks poor but just get used to that section today what we do we went through a market review and we talked about insider trading where to access it maybe how to evaluate it a little bit and then we didn't actually place the practice trade but we put an alert on instead so that potentially we can place that practice trade in the future now i would encourage you if you liked the session click subscribe click like at the bottom of the page there and um i want to thank connie for being here with me and and just remember though that the content today was intended for educational informational purposes only it was not investment advice uh nor was it a recommendation of a security strategy or account type um let's see futures and futures options trading can involve substantial risk and not is not suitable for all investors paper money application is for educational purposes only successful virtual trading during one time period does not guarantee successful investing of actual funds during a later time period as market conditions change continuously stop loss orders do not guarantee execution at or near an activation price pass performance performance of any security or strategy does not guarantee future results or success all investing involves risk including risk of loss while this webcast discussed technical analysis other approaches including fundamental analysis may serve very different views please no soliciting no photography no recording and you know uh everybody thanks for joining me this week that was today's market for this week hope you have a wonderful week and we will all see you all same time next week bye bye everybody [Music] [Music]

2021-08-07 23:40

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