US Senate Session - August 27, 2018

US Senate Session - August 27, 2018

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Live coverage now from the Senate floor here on c-span to. The. Senate will come to order the, chaplain, dr. Barry black will lead the Senate in prayer. Let. Us pray. Eternal. Lord God you. Have. Been our dwelling place. Throughout. All generations. Providing. Us with every. Good and. Splendid. Gift. Today. We, thank you, for. The gift of Senator. John. Sidney. McCain. We. Are grateful, for his, sacrificial, willingness, to. Take. The road less traveled. To. Rise above. Partisanship. To. Provide a Profile. In Courage and. To. Give his life in service. To. You and, country. Lord. We, praise you for, his awareness. That. Humanity. Is wrapped, in a, blanket of mutuality. So. We should not ask for, Whom, the Bell. Tolls. Comfort. His. Beloved. Cindy, and all. His loved ones. Brain. Solace, to, the multitudes, who. Mourn his, death. May. His, consequential. Patriotic. And. Heroic. Legacy. Challenge. Us all. To. Leave the, world. Better. Than we. Found it. We. Pray in. Your sovereign. Name. Amen. Please. Join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag I. Pledge. Allegiance to, the flag of, the United. States of America, and. To the Republic for, which it stands one nation under, God, indivisible. With. Liberty and, justice for. All. The. Clerk will read a communication to, the Senate why should in DC August 27, mm 18 to, the Senate under the provisions of rule 1 paragraph 3 of the standing rules of the Senate I hereby appoint the Honorable Joni Ernst a senator from the state of Iowa, to perform the duties of the chair sine orangie hatch president, pro tempore. Madam. President the, majority, leader. On. Saturday, evening, a great. Loss, echoed. Throughout. Our country. Six. Decades of patriotic, service. Came. To an end. We've. Suspected, for some time that we'd, bid farewell, to our colleague, the. Senior senator from Arizona. John. McCain. John. Took full advantage of, the months, since. His diagnosis. His. Hard work continued. But. Happy, reminiscing. Fond, farewells, final. Reflections, and time. With. Family, actually. Came to the fore I. Was. Privileged to spend a small share. Of that time with John. We. Shot on his back porch in Sedona, under. The desert sky. Replaying. Old times. John. Did things his, way these, last monks. For. His colleagues here the time confirmed, the sad but, obvious truth. The. Senate won't be the same without John. McCain I, think. It's fair to say the passion, that John, brought to his work was. Unsurpassed. In this body, in. More, than 30 years as the senator he never, failed to marshal. A razor-sharp. Wit. A, big. Heart and, of. Course a fiery spirit. When. John saw an issue the same way you did you. Knew you just found your most stalwart. Ally. You. Would thank, your, lucky stars because. When. You found yourself on the other side of that table as I. Think all of us learned you. Were in for a different kind of unforgettable, experience. Either. Way. Serving. Alongside John, was. Never a dull affair I. Found. Myself on, both sides of that table over the years. John. And I stood shoulder to shoulder some of the most important, issues to each of us and we, also. Disagreed, entirely, on huge, subjects, that. Help define each, of our careers. John. Treated everyday every. Issue with, the intensity, and seriousness, that the, legislative, process deserves. He. Would fight like mad to bring the country closer to his vision of. The, common good. But. When the day's disputes, were over. That. Very same man was one of our most powerful reminders. That so much more unites us than. Divides us. That. We should be able to differ completely. On policy, and stay united in love, of. Our country. And. John himself wants to put it we, have nothing to fear from each other we're, arguing over the means to better secure our freedom and support. The general welfare, but. It should remain an argument among friends, who share an unshakable.

Belief In, our great cause and the. Goodness of each, other. Sean. And I sure had those, fights and we. Sure had that friendship. I'm. Just glad we never found ourselves in, opposite. Dugouts. You. See John and I spent years as neighbors in the Russell building often. When softball, season rolled around our officers would take the field together as one United, my. Team we called it. Now. As a, seriously. Wounded war hero and, a. Childhood polio survivor, I'd have to say John and I didn't exactly have the makings of an elite DoublePlay, duo. I. Took. The mountain once or twice but I admit we. Mostly offered, moral, support. Moral. Support, really. That's what John, McCain gave this body, in. This country. For. So long. His. Memory will continue, to give it, because. While John proudly served with us as the senator for Arizona. He. Was America's, hero all along, just. This month Congress. Finalized. A major bill for. Our all-volunteer armed, forces that we named after John. This. Might seem like a small detail but really it. Was a fitting capstone, for a, career so thoroughly defined, by service, in and then. Service, for, the. Ranks of those who wear our nation's, uniform. Generations. Of McCain's have served with distinction in our. Great Navy. As. John described, his Scottish heritage in one memoir, the. McCain's. Were, bred, to. Fight and, fight. They, have one. By one McCain's have entered the Academy's, gates in Annapolis, one. By one they marched past a centuries-old, battle, flag bearing, the phrase don't. Give up the ship. But. While honorable, service was in his DNA, the. John's story was. Never simple. At. Annapolis as he'd come to explain with some relish, his. Major distinctives. Were mostly, the weakness of his grades and the. Length of his disciplinary. Record. The. First miracle in John's military, career was the fact that he somehow made it through school. But. He prevailed and, bigger. Tests, soon. Came. He. Stared death in the face aboard, the USS, Forrestal. And, again. When he was shot down and dragged, and battered, and broken into, the hands of our nation's, enemies. Five. And a half hellish, years in, captivity. Merciless. Beatings, for. The uniform, he'd worn and the values he. Would not renounce. That. Stubborn. Rebellious. Streak, won. From a stumbling block to a. Saving, grace. Stubborn. Virtues. Sustained, John. He. Declined early release and solitary with his solidarity. With his brothers, he. Never gave. Up the ship. We. All know this story but while John didn't shot from sharing his experiences.

He. Insisted, he, was no hero. And no, saint he. Measured his life in simpler terms when. Asked after this about diagnosis. Last year I'd like to be remembered. Here's. What he said. He. Served his country and. Not. Always right, made. A lot of mistakes. Made. A lot of errors. But. Served his country and, I. Hope could add. Honorably. He'll. Certainly get that wish. For. Many the, service and sacrifice, that John rendered overseas, would have been more than enough. More. Than a lifetime already. But. Somehow John McCain was convinced, that he still owed his country more in. 1983. He arrived in Congress, John. Knew exactly, what it meant to swear, to support and, defend the, Constitution. Of the United States. When. He was sworn in here in the Senate four years later he was no stranger to pledging, to protect the Constitution, from enemies, foreign. And domestic. The. Following years brought legislative, accomplishments. To be sure, but. While John's constituents. Were lucky to have him as their senator from Arizona. John. Also remembered, our, title say United. States, Senator. He. Worked across the aisle on the Select Committee on Pio wmia. Affairs, his. Work helped, heal the wounds of war and, normalized. Relations, with. Vietnam. He. Led congressional, delegations, and overseas, travel, that were famously, as grueling. As. Grueling. As they, were educational. John. Was seemingly immune, to jet lag and. He. Was never more excited, than when he had an opportunity to share American, values abroad. And, of. Course he was singularly devoted. To the men and women of, our, armed forces, from. Countless, visits. With deployed units in Iraq and Afghanistan. To. His committee meetings right here in this body, John. Honored their sacrifices. In a way that. Only he could. He. Never forgot that but notwithstanding the, grandeur, of our military, might and technical, prowess, our. Armed services are made up of people of. Our, constituents. Of, volunteers. Of the. Brave. John's. Favorite novel, was Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls I. Suspect. We'll hear it quoted quite a bit in. The, days ahead the, lead, character, is an American, expat, named Robert Jordan, who risk everything in, the. Spanish Civil War, he's. A little bit brash. Maybe. A little hot-headed in. Fact. He's, a dynamite, specialist. Whose, specialty. Literally. Is, blowing, things up and, he. Goes down fighting right down to the books final. Pages. I'm. Sure some of us some, of us can imagine why John might. Identify with, this guy I. Recently. Rediscovered, something, John wrote a few years ago about this book he. Noted that his favorite, literary hero wasn't, some contrived, caricature. Of a hero from central casting, the. Book is full of complexities. The. Character, has to face all of the messiness of life. And war. His. Idealism, is. Challenged. But. He realizes the, imperfections. Of this world don't mean the concept, of sacrifice, is outdated.

They. Don't make love of cause, or country, into something, quaint, or. Naive. They. Only make patriotism, service, and hope that much more noble and necessary. It. Takes one kind of heroism to undergo, unimaginable. Pain and suffering as a Pio W. But. Then persist, and loyalty. It. Takes another kind of heroism to sustain, that passion, for, decades. More. To. Withstand the slings and arrows of politics. The, compromises, the, disappointments. The. Defeats and, yet. Consider, it a joy. And an honor to. Serve. If. You have either. Kind of heroism. John, mccain had, both. Fortunately. All that intensity, came paired. With their world-class sense, of humor. As. We, all know john really. Hated to lose. The. Line he used after, his presidential, campaigns, still. Makes me live. Someone. With us i was. Coping with defeat, and. Gentleman say actually i'm sleeping. Like a baby. Wake. Up every two hours and cry. Seriously. It's hard to describe this larger-than-life. Figure, without lapsing, into. What sounds, like, cliches. We've. All heard our whole lives about. The importance, of patriotism. And, self-sacrifice. But. We cannot take that culture, of commitment, for granted. Because. Just like our nation's security, and our. American, liberty the. Very notion that, some causes, really are greater, than, ourselves. Only. Survives because, servicemembers. And statesmen, like John, McCain will fight and even. Die to. Defend it. The. Bond between John, and his, country, was. So deep. But. Of course other, bonds, ran. Deeper, still. While. John's colleagues, grieve our own loss we also send, our love and support to those who know. Him even better, those. Who call this man their husband, their son their father and. Grandfather. We. Stand with Sean's loving, wife Cindy. We. Stand with Doug Andy. Sydney. Megan. Jacques Jimmy, and, Bridget. We. Stand with his mother, Roberto. And, with. All John's devoted, friends and loyal staff. Thank. You for lending him to us, longer. Than, we had a ride, thank. You for supporting, him while. He supported, us, so. John, mccain has fought his last battles. And. Cast. His final votes. But. The nation he loved is, still not done with him yet. This. Week will be dedicated, to remembering him. On. Friday he. Will on state here in the Capitol like other American, heroes before him as. The. Days turned, to weeks I know we'll all eager. To come together and. Collaborate. On ways we can continue, to honor his, memory. Generation. After generation of, Americans, will hear about the cocky pilot. Who. Barely scraped, through Annapolis. But. Then defended our nation in the skies. Witnessed. To our highest values, even, through terrible torture. Captured. The country's imagination. Through the national, campaign that spotlighted. Many. Of our highest values, and, became. So integral, to the United States Senate where our nation airs and advanced. Advances. It's great debates. America. Will miss her. Devoted, son. Her. Stalwart, champion. Her. Elder, statesman. I. Will. Miss one, of the very finest, gentlemen with whom I've. Had the honor to, serve. But. We will not forget him I. Considered. Our privilege, to return some small share of the love that John poured out for.

This Country. It. Is our honor as Americans, to say of the late great John, Sidney, McCain the third what. We pray he has already heard from his, creator. Well. Done, good. And faithful servant. Well. Done you. Fought the good fight. You. Finished the race. You. Kept the faith and. You. Never, gave. Up the, ship. Adam president, the, Democratic, leader, on. Saturday, August, 25th. 2018. Nine. Years, to the day since, the death of his friend senator. Kennedy our friend. And colleague Senator, John s McCain passed, away. Knowing. His prognosis, prepared. Us for the inevitable, but. It has not softened, the blow. We. Feel a great and inexpressible. Loss I know. I do. But. I also feel lucky that I was able to call this great man a friend. Today. I'd like to share a few reflections. Unorganized. And incomplete, though they may be I. Suspect. I'll have more to say about Senator, McCain with. The benefit, of a few days time. Senator. McCain and I didn't get along very well at first he, was, close to my mentor, in the Senate Ted Kennedy, but, not so with me I never. Served with Senator McCain on any committee, well. You get to know other senators, up close, before. Our friendship, my, closest, brush was him with him was over a comment, he made during a debate on defense policy, where. He said that Long Island was quote. Regrettably. Part of the United States I. Blasted. John's pejorative. Which of course, prompted. Him to reply from the Senate floor, quote. I'm, sorry, there's at least one, of my colleagues that can't take a joke I, apologize. If I offended him, and hope. That someday he, will have a sense of humor, like. Many. I was, a victim of Senator. McCain's acerbic, wit. Now. Things began to defrost, when. We work together during, the gang of 14 to. Avoid a change in the Senate rules during the Bush administration and. A. Real tight, and lasting. Friendship, emerged, from. Our collaboration on. Immigration, reform. We. Worked in close quarters, for nearly a year, hour. After, hour hour day, after day week after week. Fine-tuning. The only piece of major immigration reform. Passed this chamber in decades, we. Visited the southern border together to. Assess the gaps in our security, up close, we. Were doing what the Senate was supposed to do. Grappling. With the biggest challenges. Working. In a bipartisan, way to find solutions. Overcoming. Obstacles that. Have so long bedeviled, immigration, reform and continue. To stymie progress, today, we. Couldn't have done it without John, McCain in. Recent. Days many have reflected, on his presidential, campaigns, and his, military service, rightly, so, but. He was also a natural, legislator. Able. To seek common ground. Since. Where, to go knew. When to give a little new one not, two, he. Had deep principled, but. He also knew, how to craft a product, that. Could actually pass, and the. Bill did in the, Senate with large numbers, of supporters, from, both parties, had. We passed immigration, reform then had the house done what the Senate did under John's leadership, it, wouldn't be quarreling, about immigration, now and. Our country would be a better stronger, and more, unified, place. We. Became so close over, that year that John. McCain started. Treating my staff like they were his own and me. The same, we. Spoke so frequently, I knew. John McCain's, cell number by heart and, I, mistakenly, repeated, it during an interview, when reporter, asked me how close we were. They.

Had To edit it out to, protect John's privacy, I, can. Truly say that the. Time we spent offering. And passing, immigration reform. Were. Some of the proudest, days in politics, for me, and the rest of the gang of eight in no. Small part because. The success, was. Shared with, one. Great leader, one great legislative. Leader John. McCain. You. Know he was so many things to so many people, a fierce. Friend to those who were lucky enough to have earned his friendship, you had to earn his friendship. A real. Thorn in the side of those who are in dis scorn many. Know that. He. Was an unofficial ambassador for. The United States a, comfort. To our allies an, unabashed. Champion, for Western values, he. Was unafraid to take on presidents, he. Was unafraid to take on his own party, he. Was equally parts funny and furious. Foul-mouthed. And statesman like he. Could put the temper, in, temperament. He. Was a brave and honest man he. Was a patriot. He. Was all those things throughout. His life usually, more than one at once until. His, very last, days. Remarking. On the character, of America, Senator. McCain said that we live in a quote big, boisterous. Brawling, intemperate, Restless, striving. Daring. Brave good and magnificent. Country. Truer. Words could. Not be said about the, man himself, big. Boisterous. Brawling, intemperate, restless. Striving. Daring. Brave, good, and, magnificent. As. You. Go through life you, meet truly, you. Meet a few, truly, great people. John. McCain was one of them his. Dedication, to his country, and to. The men and women who serve and protect it was unsurpassed. Even. In his last weeks, he was calling me every few days to make sure that our Defense Authorization bill, was done and done, right not. For him not for his glory because, he cared about the. Men and women who serve in our armed forces so, deeply. His. Life is a story of American, heroism. Personified. But. Maybe most of all, he. Was. A truth teller. Perhaps, it's a reflection of our politics, that. A man can be so well regarded for simply, telling the truth as he. Saw it, or. Maybe. Recognising, the demands and failings, of our politics, it's more a reflection on the man that. For decades a public. Life, could. Not warp or dim his fidelity, to. The unvarnished, truth. I. Will. Miss him dearly in, the. Past year of his illness, during. Moments of doubt about. The direction of our country I found. Myself thinking about, what John McCain would do or. What he would say, if. He were here. Truth. Be told there. Is nothing that I could say that could possibly, add or detract from, Senator. McCain's illustrious, career, there's. Nothing any of us have done that compares, to the sacrifice, he made in a cellblock half, a world away and half. A lifetime ago a. Sacrifice. He made over. And over again. For. The country he loved and the. Principles, he, advanced. So. That generations, will study his example, I propose we rename, the Russell Senate office building. One. Of only three Senate office buildings after John McCain, it. Would be a fitting tribute to a man who considered, his service here in the Senate, headquartered. In the Russell building where his beloved Armed Services, Committee also resides, the. Most significant, of his, distinguished, career. The. Man whose name II would replace Senator, Richard Russell a, towering. Figure in the Senate of his day, was. Nonetheless an, avowed opponent, of civil rights in. The architect, of the southern filibuster. That long delayed, its passage. It's. Time that we, recognize, that as times change. Civil. War heroes. So. I'll be introducing a resolution with senator flake to. Change the name of the Russell building to the McCain Building I hope. My. Colleagues will co-sponsor. And support. The resolution. But. It need not be the only way we honor to Senator McCain. We. Can honor him by trying. To carry out the principles, he lived by, we. Can try as he. Did to. Put country before party. We. Can try as, he always did, to. Speak truth to, power. And, we. Can try as. He summoned, us to try to, restore. The Senate to. Its rightful, place, in. Our national, political life. Up. Until the very end. John. McCain still believed the Senate was capable of solving our country's, greatest challenges. He. Believed that our arcane, rules and procedures, designed. To frustrate one-party. Rule were. An antidote, to the polarization of, our politics, at. The very least he. Believed in the Senate's ability, to, make progress. To. Set aside for, a moment our party affiliations. Political. Interests, and personal. Ambitions, in. The service of a larger cause.

Because. That's what, he did and for. All his cynicism. He. Still believed the Senate could reach that higher calling. Deep. In the middle of his, final, speech on. The Senate floor, were. These words quote, I, hope. We can again rely on humility, or, need. To cooperate on. Our. Dependence, on each other, learn. How to trust each other again and by. Doing so, better. Serve the people who. Elected, us. If. We are to truly honor the, life in. The service of John. McCain. Let. Us do that. Let, us, do. That I, yield. The floor. I. Also. Madame president, john mccain put. Out a few final words. Today. I think some, of his staffers, put, them out i'd. Like to read just two paragraphs, of that and then, ask unanimous consent, that they be put in the record i. Have. Often observed mccain, wrote that. I'm the luckiest, person on earth i feel. That way even now as i, prepare for the end of my life I have. Loved my life all. Of it I've. Had experience, adventures, and friendships, enough. For 10 satisfying. Lives and I, am so thankful, like. Most people I have. Regrets. But. I would not trade trade, a day of my life in, good. Times or bad times for the best of anyone. Elses and finally. He concluded. With. This. Do. Not despair, of, our present, difficulties, but. Believe always, in the, promise and greatness of America, because. Nothing, is inevitable here. Americans. Never quit, we. Never surrender. We. Never hide from history we. Make history. Farewell. Fellow Americans. God. Bless you god. Bless america. They'll be honored without objection. Under. The previous order the leadership time is reserved. Morning. Business is closed. Under. The previous order the Senate will proceed to executive session to resume consideration of, the following nomination, which the, clerk will report. Nomination. Department, of Health and Human Services Lynn, a Johnson, of Colorado, to be an assistant secretary, for family support. Senator. From Maine Madam. President I. Ask unanimous, consent. To, speak as, if in morning business. Without. Objection. Madam, President, the. United, States Senate. Indeed. Our entire. Nation, is. Mourning, the loss of a. Great leader. An. American. Patriot. Our. Colleague. And friend. Senator. John McCain. Madam. President I, first. Met, John. McCain, when I was a young, staffer. In, senator. Bill Cohen's, office and, John. Was serving, as the, Navy's, liaison. Officer. As. A, fellow, senator, for the past 21, years I. Knew. Him as, a trusted. Colleague a, courageous. Legislator. And a, close friend. John. Was a true, American. Hero who. Devoted, his, life to. Serving. His country. Courage. And, character. Were. The hallmarks of. His military, service. As well. As his work in Congress, in. The Senate, he. Was a, consequential. Leader on the. Most critical. Issues. Facing, our country. John. McCain, was, one of our Congress's. Most respected. Voices for. A strong, national, defense and. For. Good government. His. Word, was, as much as bond in Washington. As it. Was to, his brothers, in arms' in Vietnam. Madam. President I'd, like to share with my colleagues a, story that. I believe. Demonstrates. The essential. Character, of John. McCain. In. November. 2010. John. Was part, of a congressional. Delegation. On, its, way to a security. Conference, in Nova Scotia. Bad. Weather, caused. Their flight to be diverted, to Bangor, Maine where. I live, i, shortly. Received. A phone call to come to the airport and, I. Went and welcomed John, and my. Colleagues, on their unplanned. Visit. As, it, happened. The. Troop greeters, of, Maine were. At the, airport, at the same, time, this. Legendary. Group of, citizens. Has, greeted more than. 1.5. Million. Service. Members either. Leaving. To, go overseas or, returning. Home. Since. 2003. Never. Missing. A single. Flight, even, in bad weather or the middle of the night and the. Presiding. Officer. I believe who. Also has served her country so, well senator, Ernst was. One of those who was greeted, by the, troop, greeters, in Bangor, Maine. Rather. Than, fly, out, when. The weather cleared. John. The. Others, in, the delegation. Agreed. To, stay, and, join. Me. With. The long line, of these. Patriotic. Troop, greeters, to. Await, the arrival, of the. Airplanes, and, I. Remember. When I told John, that. There. Was a plane that would be arriving, shortly and, then there was another one, in a couple of hours he, said of course we'll stay, well. Madam. President you, can imagine having, gone through the, gauntlet of, Mainers. Greeting. And welcoming. The troops back home, hugging. Them cheering. Them giving, them cell phones thanking.

Them For their service, that. All of the sudden the troops realized, that they've just shaken, hands with John. McCain, the, legendary. John, McCain, who, was so popular, with. Servicemembers. And I. Saw, them literally. Do, a double, take when the first group went by shook. His hand and then. Turned around and, said to each other wasn't, that John. McCain who. Just took her hands, they, then came back and, of course posed for, pictures and. Chatted. With him and held. Up the rest of the line who, are very eager, to see John, I. Will. Never forget. How. Thrilled, these, troops, were to. Be greeted, when. They were first, setting, foot back, on American. Soil, by. A true, American. Hero John. McCain. Someone. Who, had served, our. Country. With, such courage, and. Character. By. The end of the day John. Had, spent three, hours, greeting. Two plane, loads, of, soldiers. He. Loved, greeting. Them and posing, for pictures, it. Was such a heartwarming. Unexpected. Event, and a, very special. Moment. And it. Not only gladdened. The hearts, of the troops but. Also of, the troop greeters, who, were thrilled, to, have, their, hero with them. It. Was vintage, John. McCain, that, he. Stayed, even. After. The weather had, cleared, and greeted. Each and, every. One of those. Truths. John. McCain. Did what. He thought was right. Regardless. Of, the, political consequences. He. Had, absolutely. No, entry. In scoring. Partisan. Political points. On the, Senate, floor he. Welcomed. Him with listen. To good ideas whether. They came from the democratic. Or the Republican side. Of the aisle well. He was always open, to new evidence. Good. Ideas. And was, capable of changing, his mind he, was. Unshakable. When he was convinced. Of the. Appropriateness. Of, a course of action. John. Was impatient. He wanted, to get on with solving. The, problems, facing, our, country, he, had, no, use for. The, political, games that. Sadly. Far, too often are played. In, the, Senate. One. Up an overlooked, aspect. Of John. Was his love for the environment I, once. Visited him. At his, beloved, ranch in Sedona, and, I was surprised. When he took me all over, the property, pointing. Out Birds. Naming. Them and clearly. Taking, such, delight, in the, wildlife. Until. That moment I, did not know of his. Interest, in love for, nature. Later. On I accompanied. John on a trip he organized, to the Arctic, to, see the permafrost, melting. And to, meet with Native, Alaskans. We, also traveled, to Antarctica, where. We spent four days, meeting, with scientists. Who told us of the impact. Of global, warming. He. Took me on so, many, trips, and broadened, my horizons. Four. Times we, went to Afghanistan, four. Times to Iraq, we. Went to Yemen, we. Went to Libya and met with Colonel Qaddafi. Before, he, was overthrown in. John. Taught, me so, much. On these trips. The. Principles. That guided, John's, lives are. Best, summed up by his own words, from. His beautiful. Autobiography. Faith, of my father's, he. Said. Glory. Belongs to, the act of being constant. To, something, greater, than. Yourself, to. A cause, to. Your principles. To, the people on whom you rely, and who, rely, on you, in return. John. McCain. Was. A statesman. And, a. Dear friend who was, devoted. To a cause greater, than. Himself and. That. Cause. Was. The United, States of. America. It. Has been, an honor. To, serve alongside, him. For. Nearly 21. Years in the United, States Senate. Although. He, will be deeply missed by, all of, us he, leaves behind an. Extraordinary. Legacy. That. Will inspire. Americans. For generations to. Come. Thank. You madam president. Senator. From Georgia. Madam. President yesterday was a difficult day for me. And. Before I get into that day let me recognize the senator from Oklahoma from, I. Thank. The senator, from Georgia I, ask unanimous consent that, at the conclusion of, the remarks from, the distinguished. Senator from Georgia that, I'd be recognized, for such time as I shall consume, without. Objection. Madam. President yesterday was a difficult day for me I'm. 74, years old I was. Born in 1944. Like. Many Americans. My. Youth was during the Vietnam era, my. Prom with my youth was the Vietnam era in. Fact my, senior year in college I, got a graduate. And diploma and a draft notice the same day they. Were put in the same book, everybody.

Was Going or everybody was being, called up for the draft there. Was a lottery, but so many people were eligible that almost everybody in my age group would, have been drafted if they didn't join the service I. Joined. I joined the National Guard which. I'm very proud of it still a guardsman, to this day. But. It also gave me the chance to serve, my country in a way that would not put me as much risk to go to vietnam as it would if I was drafted, but. I constantly did that because I wanted everything I could to stay here and get married a few months, later to my wife Diane. But. I was of the age to be drafted and. I made the decision to find a way to serve, it would. Not put me in a position of being drafted where I lost control, and I was able to do it a lot of people work but a lot of your work and, I know that the. Ones that could know it the ones that couldn't know it and the, president, knows what I'm talking about being. Guardsman herself I. Lost. My best friend in Vietnam, Jackson Elliot cox the third. Waynesboro. Georgia Liberty County bird. Dog capital of the world Jack. And I graduated from college together and Jack went off for, a weekend and came back in told. Us all he had joined the Marine Corps was going to OCS and was gonna go to Vietnam and fight the bad guys we. All said Jack don't volunteer. To do that. You. Can get killed. He. Said know how to do it it's a great country I've had a great life from. The University of Georgia and wonderful, mom and dad good, friends like y'all I want. To go to OCS and be an officer the Marine Corps he did, two. Years later he was shot in the 11th month of a 13 month stand. In Vietnam, by. Sniper. Ellis. Crumbly, the spear, Court judge in Georgia years later Pierre, Howard the Democratic. Lieutenant. Governor of Georgia and myself we. Were the three best friends the four amigos if you will, we. Went to 55. 89, Liberty, Street in Waynesboro, and spent, three nights and four days with Emily, and Jack. Jack's. Dad and mom when. They brought in the Marine Corps brought the body bag at, Laden's stayed in their dining room we. Had awakened, service for we we, stood guard. We. Cried we talked about the good times we talked about the bad times, but. We felt sorry for ourselves because, the life that had meant so much to all of us was gone. But. Jack felt a calling for the country, he. Did a great service for the country and I'm proud of it and I'm proud to have been as freighted friend I, tried. To do what I could but never in the category of a John McCain or Jack, Cox.

Though, A lot of people my age that didn't do as much, as they probably could have or might have done, in. Private time time had second thoughts about it too because if he had not more we're so tough I had. Friends coming back who had to dress in blue, jeans and khakis, when they got off the, troop. Train, from wherever. They were to Atlanta because the people that would get to cost it on the street they. Were in their uniform during that era you know today we go to the airport and our we have troops come through that are gonna fly back for duty somewhere, and they, get standing ovations, they people give up their seats to let them sit there one, like that in the 60s and 70s one. Like that at all, in. Fact the people who were risking, their life and in many cases 58,000. Of them did risk, did give their life for. All of us we. Were making fun of them as a nation. It, was terrible, messed up our politics, missed. Our country most, of our people missed. Everybody else but America is a great country. And. As much as the what I'm telling you it's tragic to me and I apologize, to everybody that I didn't do everything I should have done but. I think all of us owe each other our commitment to say you know we're never gonna let America get that way again, America's. Gonna always be like it was on 9/11 or. Nine 12 2001. We. All put American flags in our cars we all sang. The national anthem we all did, the Pledge of Allegiance after, we'd been attacked we, rallied in for a few months we were the most patriotic nation, in the world we. Ought to be that way every single day because. Every single day there are those just like those firemen and emergency, medical people in 9/11. There, are those in the. Vietnam War who, signed, up who fought. Risked. Their life in. Some cases died like John McCain like, my brother-in-law, rocky Davison, my wife's, brother who. Flew to Navy AFA, for reconnaissance planes in Vietnam one, of the most decorated pilots, of the Navy during that era people. Like him were great am I gonna fall in love. My. Father-in-law flew, reconnaissance in, the world war two in. The Pacific did. Everything he could to help the country during a difficult time there's so many feel that did that in. Our country we owe them all a debt of gratitude and a debt of thanks but. We need to all remember we're all Americans. We. Owe those who saved us as a country kept. Our freedom when we were about to lose it fought, for us risk their lives and died for us we, only times like this Tooele live ate them to. The appropriate place in history and that's what I'm trying to do with John McCain today I want to elevate John. John. Was better than me and I know it. John. Was the best of my generation. John. McCain was and is a great human being I don't. Know what's gonna be said in the next few days about John McCain by whomever it should be said I don't, know what's going to be done but. Anybody who when, you weigh. Tarnishes. The reputation. Of John McCain, deserves. A whipping. Because. Most of the ones who would do. The wrong thing about John McCain didn't, have the guts to do the right thing when, was their turn we. Need to remember that so. I would say to the President, or the anybody. In the world, it's. Time to pause and say this was a great man he. Gave everything for us we. Owe him nothing less, than the, respect that he earned, and. That's. What I intend to give John. In. Return for what he gave me, John. Took me to Kosovo 20. Years ago when. Clinton said we're gonna send some people over to verify, the the.

Crime, Sites. They. Ethnic. Cleansing went. To Pristina with John, went. To Montenegro. Went. To the world, security conference in Munich, a few, years after that got. To sit with vide nerve Putin that saw. John McCain talk to Vladimir Putin like they were next-door neighbors but. Also like they were Dutch uncle's I was. So proud to be in a country that had a guy like John McCain who could break the ice with the, toughest, of. Our adversaries, and speak, up it was pride for America, and call, them down when they need to be called in. Yeah. John I had some problems too, Mitch. McConnell did me the worst favor. Of my lifetime when he made me the chairman of the Ethics Committee that's. A hard job and. Nobody likes the person who shared that history because they're scared of you, but. I got their thesis committee job at a time when John McCain was put on the special committee for the ethics committee decided, what to do on using airplanes. During. Campaign, events, as candidates. Or. For our packs. John. Had access to a plane which gave him an exemption, from the rules that we pass made. It tough his head because he'd have to worry about the cause and effect, but. John took, a second, to understand the problems of normal legislature, he might not have had access to a private plane would have and the, end John took. His circumstances. And his abilities, to have a private plane and applied. It to the changes that we made to see to it everybody's being treated fair. John. Had done to just expect things to be good for John he expected me to be good for everybody he. Always did that and I always learned a lot from him, the. Other thing I learned was how to cuss, now. Let me tell you John, McCain can do a lot of things because it's one of the best things he ever did he. Was a consummate, customer, and. He knew how to do it to have emphasis. Added that's. Where the papers always say when they put those pound. Marks and things like that after some statement gentlemen Inhofe. Makes or I make. But. John, Key and. I were working on a deal I was chairman I am chairman of the Veterans Committee he's. Chairing with Sharon Armed Services Committee we. Had a huge veterans, bill we had to come together and meet my me in the minds on in terms of health care, john, was late to the meeting he came in the meeting pulled the door behind and slammed it and for. Ten minutes laid the best cousin on me their. Votes of the room I ever heard he, said now I got time to put up with this anymore y'all just listen to what I got to say and tell me what you're gonna do. That's. A tough way to do business but John, sometimes new to get us all to think, yes. All to talk. If. You timid eight you enough. So.

You'd Fight him for what you believed in you, get a better piece of legislation and. If he just let you pass or, if he intimidate, you to death, John. Knew exactly what. He had the capability, of doing and he knew exactly when to apply that. Intimidation. And the thanks and the grace you did, at the right time every single time, do. We agree all the time no, but. I know I'm a better person, my. Country is a better country and. The world is a better place because of John McCain, the. Next three or four days as we go through and we run into kids that we know or relatives. Or my own children that I'll be with this. Coming Sunday in the mountains, we're. Gonna have a little meeting about John McCain, just. To make sure they know I know that they, know what. I know about. A great American hero because. I want them when their have kids in their. 40s like my kids are in their 40s today they'll. Remember on Veterans, Day on, Memorial, Day on all, other days, the. John McCain's of the world and those that will come after, John, who. Put their life and their future and their fortune on the line for. The greatest country in the, world the. United States of America and. I yield back my time and note. The absent for. Madam. President senator. From Oklahoma. Did, you put us in a quorum prior, to the Senate. Is not in a quorum call all right that's good I can't think of anything more difficult than, to. Speak. After the last two speakers. Of. Course I've known them for a long time they're two totally different, opposite. People, you. Have Susan, Collins is a, well-recognized. Moderate. She's. One who. Understands. And is a great appreciation for, the environment, not. The kind of person that you. Would associate, with a, tough guy like John McCain. That's. Gone out there and has done things that other, people haven't done they just talked about and. Then you hear the, statement, from the senator, from Georgia. It's. Just you. Know I was thinking about that I'm a few, years older than he is and we, have a lot of things in common I was we're talking. About it being drafted, you. Know I was drafted, I always. Remember I was actually. I was enrolled just many many years ago I was, gonna be at the University, of Mexico in Mexico City in, the international. Program, and. So I was. At that time at, the University, of Colorado and. I. Did. All of my. All. Of my finals, and all that early so I get back in time to go down to to. Down. To Mexico, and so. I got back to Tulsa where I'm from and. I, got. A letter from a very person, a very important person that the President of the United States and. I thought how nice of Eisenhower. To remember me, and. It. Was my draft notice and. So that changed my life but. It changed my life in a way that was the, it. Is, the greatest single, experience, that I've ever had and, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today if, I had not for that the. Discipline, that comes with being, in the military and then. We always have they're always hero. That you deal with, and. We are dealing with a hero and we deal with, Senator. McCain you know. I've often said, that I think Timothy. When he wrote second. Timothy 4:7. Had. John. McCain, in mind when he said I bought, the good fight. I have finished the. Race I have. Kept, the faith that's, exactly, what he what, he did. Kind. Of a mean guy you know a lot of people didn't like John McCain he, wasn't the most lovable, person to be around, but. He was a fighter never shied. Away from a good. Fight he was passionate, for the causes that he believed in I strongly. Advocate for human. Rights and democratic values. Sitting. Up for oppressed people around the world you, know that was a soft side of John McCain that a lot of people don't know that but. He was a fighter but, not just a fighter he was a fighter for the people of Arizona you, know after he got back from the, time that he spent. In. Prison. He got, back to Arizona, and and. He started fighting again. He. Did that for 36, years after. His, incarceration. He. Was shaped by his own military service. And that of his father and grandfather it's, been said several times, statements. About his father and grandfather I have, done some studying, on them and that, is really the. What. Formed. John, McCain he. Had both of them were were Admirals, in the Navy and in. His natural that he was going to be in the Navy of course he was in. During the his, leadership, in the Senate Armed Services Committee, he.

Continually, Focused, on impact, now those of intervention, the occupier of the chair right now has. Served on the Armed, Services Committee, with, Senator McCain and she. Knows as I. Know and anybody else who's served. With him that. He was always for the underdog always, for the troopers, out in the field and, I think that the, senator from Maine, articulated. That very well of the people that that, he had compassion, for we'd, always take care of the soldier and the sailor and the air the Marines he. In. He articulated, this by, the way and one of his books. The, the. Faith of my father's he was talking about his father, his grandfather and. This is no quote and this says it better than any of the rest of us could say it he, said an officer, obligations. To, enlisted, men are, the most solemn of all an officer. Must not confirm, to confer. His responsibilities. On the men under his command they. Are his, alone, he does not put his men in jeopardy for, any purpose that the country has not required they serve he, does not risk their lives and welfare, for his sake but only, to, answer the shared duty they're. Called to answer that's Senator McCain he. Looked after and those. Individuals. Who were in. Under. His under. His command, he was a ferocious opponent. Yeah, but the key thing about Senator, McCain is he was willing to take on those tough debates with you it become more and more rare, in this chamber we don't see him like we used to the, John who had relished, the debate earning, respect in. Admiration, of everyone yeah I can remember there's, so many areas because, of all the years that we serve together not. Just in the Senate, Armed Services Committee, but, also and that his time in the house and my time in the house and, we had differences of opinion and, I think I'm a little bit stubborn sometimes too, and I remember, one was a commissary, issue I mean, that got pretty violent, before was over and we, took on each other the. The brac issue he wanted to have another background in this last defense, authorization bill, and I, didn't, want one because, I thought anything. We shouldn't be doing and it's closing down. Missions. Right now that we may be needing as who are rebuilding, so, we had an honest different opinion, I remember, in 2003. That, was back when everyone is jumping on this whole global warming thing and, that, was going to be everyone's ticket to the White House and, I remember when John they. Had the, the. The McCain Lieberman, bill and. Remember, that, lasted, three days of, debate three, days of debate and I had hardly any senators, come down on my side of the, issue but, we won anyway, and after. That was over and that was one that John had his heart in he. Killer to me said good. Job you and I lost and that was it, no. Hard feelings and that's. The kind of person that John McCain. Is. One that we will never. Forget. I. Remember. A lot of people look at Oklahoma and I think it's always been a been. A. Republican. State it wasn't, it, wasn't until, after, well after 1994. In 1994. I ran. For the United States Senate now, it was kind of interesting, because it, was a Democrat state I had this guy that was kind of the darling in the Democrat Party that, was my opponent and I thought and nobody would come out and help the only three senators, came out and helped. Me during that race and they were senator Grassley, senator Bob Dole and John, McCain now. John McCain came out and and. And, in, and. I always remember, this because. We. Had a lot of things that we had, in common but, I hardly knew the guy but he came out not, just once it came out twice but, the first time he came out because, he has a background in aviation I have a background in aviation and, I. Remember. I, had, a nice, air-conditioned. Twin-engine. Plane but, I lost an engine the night before so.

I Had to find my kids plane but it was a very hot it's, it's called a a. Little. Grumman tiger and, it doesn't have any air conditioning it was, in the 90s that got close to a hundred that day and, we started out and I mean I wrote down the different places we went first. Went to Oklahoma City and, we include, a Shawnee where, he visited the Vietnam. Memorial at. That time then, we flew it a lot in Lawton happens to be with Homa Fort Sill which, is the number one area, in the whole world for, artillery and, we. Did, our thing there all the time he was campaigning, for me guy who couldn't, win they went from there to, two. Altos Altus, Air Force Base that. Was one that was is. Still, actually one of the real top, training, bases. And, we now. Train c-17s. Kc-135s. In fact a lot, of it due. To John and some of us on the committee. Were. Flying the, we'll. Be flying the. Kc-46. And. Of course this, is long before that but, anyway we. Worked. And ended, up with in. Bartlesville, and, then hosting, a dinner a fundraiser, for me with the NRA who, is there now I know. That he I, guess wanted to spend more time in that plane because he came back two weeks later and we also did the same thing now there, was no reason for him to do that because. We hardly knew each other when it started we got to know each other a lot better up there and all that heat but, he nevertheless. He. Was there and you always remember people who helped, you and nobody else would. So. You say, a lot of things about John McCain you've, heard him on the floor you're going to hear more the. Hero the Patriot, but. What's the never in dispute, is John, McCain he was a fighter above all and was deeply. Loyal to his country his family his, constituents. And, he was a patriot and always faithful, we. All know that patriotism, and loyalty to, your countries isn't. Based on your words you have to live it and of course he did that everyday as. A young, naval. Officer following. His family's, footsteps. His father and his grandfather. John. Kept, a faith he, graduated, from the Naval Academy he. Was kind, of interesting he never talked about being the, outstanding student, and all that in fact he used to say I was I was fifth in the class he, fifth in the bottom and that. He. Became a naval aviator it would, deployed during the Vietnam War, he flew 23, missions, and then it was shot down in enemy. Territory. And. And, and. And. We all know the story we, know that he kept his faith and we know that he. Repeating. The five years in the North Vietnamese I, actually remember. Going there and seeing the conditions, under which he, was he. Was during that period of time and. Here's. The guy who had the opportunity because his both, his father and grandfather were were, Admirals he had the opportunity if, he wanted to to bail out and. He didn't do it he. Just wanted to be there he didn't want to have any special kind of a treatment so. That was John and after the maybe. John kept his faith but I continued to serve his country this time as a congressman then a senator and ultimately the chairman, of the Armed Services Committee he, also kept, the faith on causes, he believed that were just not, wavering, from under. Political pressure. Now. We all breathe, because, John has finished his race here. On earth and on his own terms, and surrounded. By his friends. And is loving the, family. John. Served his country faithfully, for 60 years we owe him a great debt for that service this week we, will mourn him and we honor him and we'll be celebrating the, truly remarkable life, of an American hero so. We all have our John, McCain story at a time when. We, were moved by his stubbornness, his courage his passion, sometimes, all three at the same time I look, forward to hearing these stories in tributes.

From My good friends we all grieve, for Cindy in the family and, they'll. Continue to be in our prayers, and lastly I do, believe. Not as I thought about it that, that's. What Timothy had in mind when he wrote I have, fought the good fight I, have finished the, race and I, have kept, the faith so, we say thank. You John McCain. Are, you at the floor. Suggest. The absence of a quorum clerk. Will call the roll, mr.. Alexander. You. So. We're waiting for senators, to come back to the floor you may have heard several of the tributes, to the late Senator, John McCain who of course passed away this past Saturday. We, we, expect many more tributes, throughout, the week here on the, Senate floor and we will have them for, you live on c-span too in. About ten minutes we expect the Senate to consider, the nomination of Lynn Johnson to be assistant Health and Human Services the. Assistant, Health and Human Services Secretary for, family support we, expect a vote to limit debate on that nomination, and advance it that, vote set for 5:30 live. Coverage continuing, here on c-span to of the US Senate. Mr.. President, senator. From Arizona. Mr.. President, until. The very end, or. The Senators in a quorum call. Mr.. President I ask unanimous consent, that the quorum call be dispensed, with without, objection, senator from Arizona mr., president. Until. The very end he, served his country. Until. The very end, and. Service. To John McCain meant living, something. Unique. In. All the history of the world. Living. In service to something unique. The. American, idea. Eve. Pluribus, unum. From. Many one, it. Might seem like a quaint message, from, a more idealistic, time, when, compared, to the brutal and determined. Divisions, of our time, but. It was an idea that defined, John McCain's life. In. It and through, his service, he. Defied characterization. Frustrated. The tired conventions. Of the way party, loyalists, are supposed to behave. Acted. Against, his own political interests, time and time again in. A way that from our vantage point today is nothing short of inspiring. And he. Recognized, that, democracy, was hard, but. That living in bondage to tyranny, was far harder. We. Talk a lot in this chamber about freedom. No. One in this city and few in American history, knew. As much or, as vividly. About. The price of freedom, as John McCain. Our. Words are too often cheap, and, eminently. Forgettable. But. John McCain paid, our freight with his body and with his soul. To. Our shame, he. Lived long enough to have to take to the Senate floor to inveigh. Against, the ranked tribalism. That we have fallen into lately. He. Knew that. Giving in to our worst impulses. To. Score Pyrrhic political, victories was. As easy as it was danger. And, was. And is, a tangible, threat due, to American democracy, the. Democracy, that he gave every bit of his life to. If. I may with, your indulgence. Read. From Senator McCain's last speech from this room on. July. 25th, 2017. Burying. The fresh wounds, from his last battle, Senator. McCain stood in this chamber. Thinking. Of himself. Are. Not seeking not of himself but of his country he exhorted, inspired. Pleaded, and congealed, all of us to.

Shake To. Our senses, reject. The prevailing, ugliness, that sees the Capitol, one. Last time he, was standing alone to do what was right in. A, sure sign of just how desperate, he was he. Even appealed to our decency, and to, our reason. Qualities. That seem to have long fled, Washington. That. Day last summer he, said in part quote, we. Are the, servants, of a great nation a nation. Conceived, in Liberty and dedicated to, the proposition that, all men were created equal. More. People have lived free and prosperous lives, here, than, in any other nation. We. Have acquired, unprecedented. Wealth and power because, of our governing, principles, and because. Our government, defended. Those principles. He. Went on America. Has made a greater contribution. Than. Any other nation to the international, order that has liberated, more people from tyranny and poverty than, ever before, in history. We. Have been the greatest example, and the greatest supporter, and the greatest defender, of that order, we. Aren't afraid, we. Don't covet other people's land or wealth we. Don't hide behind walls. We. Breach them we. Are a blessing, to humanity, he. Continued, what. Greater cause could we hope to serve than helping America, helping. Keep America the, strong aspiring. Inspirational. Beacon, of Liberty and defender, of the dignity, of all human beings. And their, right to freedom, and equal justice. That. Is the cause that binds us and it. Is so much more powerful and, worthy than. The small differences. That. Divide us. Unquote. Until. The very end he served his country. Mr. president and. Now as we consider the life of this man in, stark. Relief -. What now passes, for our politics, he. Continues, to serve as a. Beacon, to who we are and who we can be when. We are at our best. If. John McCain can. Forgive, the, North Vietnamese torturers. We. Can at least forgive, each other. But. That gesture, of Senator McCain's was not merely a gesture of conciliation for. Conciliation sake. It. Was reflective, of a worldview that. Saw. The humanity. Even in his enemies of. A. Sometimes. Unfathomable. Decency. That. Could overcome most. Any difficulty, and a. Deep dedication to. Another American, idea, the. Idea that, character, is destiny. And. To. The eternally, optimistic American. Preference, for tomorrow over yesterday. Now. I don't know whether, or not Senator, McCain whether. Or not John. Subscribed. To the great man or great, woman theory, of history. The. Notion that the story of humanity, is written by the actions, and choices of great individuals I don't. Know if he believed it or not, but. I do know this he. Lived it I know. This because it. Was my great, honor of a lifetime to. Serve in this body with, Senator, McCain as the. Other senator, from, Arizona. Now. Long before that privilege was accorded, me by the people of my state I, was. John McCain's constituent, and. When. The necessity, presented, itself to point up, examples. For my daughter and my four sons of lives. Lived, with, ansible and purpose. Of role. Models I had. To look no further than. My own senator. Now. I have, a pretty good idea, that. Such approbation, would be mocked most loudly by John McCain himself I, imagine. He would have some choice and colorful, language in response, to the outpouring of love. And tributes, since, he has left us. We. Know that like all of us the, senator was not perfect, in fact. If you're interested, in an inventory of his failings. McCain. Himself was the most eager to provide it. But. As a former aide of his said in the past few days, McCain. Wasn't perfect but. He perfectly, loved his country. Mr.. President words. Are a poor measure of any life, must. Much less the life the. Size of John McCain's, and the. Swath he cut on this earth. But. Yet we must try, we. Must we may never see his like again and so. For the sake of the country he loved we owe it to his memory to. Try to be more like him, so. That when the season of mourning is over. That. We don't merely dispense, with our earnest tributes and go, right back to our finality. Because. The poverty of our words notwithstanding. We. Have lately wasted, a lot of words in this town, doing. And being everything. That John McCain was not. We. Would do well to allow this moment to affect us in ways reflected.

Not Merely in our words but. In our deeds. We. Would do well to reflect, on John McCain's example, today and. Ask. Ourselves if, we, are living up to it or even, coming close. We. Would do well to honor, him by emulating. His example. We. Of course. Will. Never have his extraordinary. Comic, timing, he. Ripped me without mercy and, with. Only a little exaggeration, that the, only way I got, elected to anything was. Because of my hundreds, of siblings, and, of cousins I. Would. Have laughed harder, if there wasn't some truth in it. We. Will never possess, his grace in both victory, and defeat. We. Will never have his. Servant's heart. Nor. His power and clarity. About. The daily effort, that worth freedom requires. John, mccain knew firsthand the. Epic global, struggle for freedom and. So. He was freedom's greatest champion, in the United States Senate, he. Also knew that history, is not a straight line and that the, ghosts, of the great ideological. Struggle, of the 20th century, are still here. Haunting. The 21st, as. He. Recently told Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic there's. Always a Putin's somewhere, in the world and you're. Meant to oppose, him with. All the skills God gave you. So. As, we say goodbye to John McCain, let. Us take up his banner. His. Was always the good fight. We. Are fortunate to have known him best in Arizona. But. He was bigger than any one state. He. Always belonged to America, and to the world and. Now. He belongs, to the ages. Farewell. Senator. Farewell. John I. Yield. The floor. Mr.. President senator, from Tennessee president. I ask unanimous consent the mandatory quorum. Call be waived is. There objection. Without. Objection. The. Clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture cloture. Motion. We the. Undersigned Senators. In accordance with, the provisions of, rule 22 of, the standing rules of the Senate, do, hereby move to bring to a close debate on, the nomination, of lynn a johnson. Of colorado. To be assistant. Secretary, for family, support Department, of Health and Human Services signed. By 17 senators. By, Unanimous, Consent the, mandatory quorum. Call has been waived the, question is is it the sense of the Senate that debate on the nomination, of Lynn a Johnson. Of Colorado, to be the assistant secretary, for family support Department. Of Health and Human Services shall. Be brought to a close the. Yeas and nays are mandatory under, the rule the. Clerk will call the roll mr.. Alexander. Miss. Baldwin. Mr.. Barasa. Mr.. Bennett. Mr.. Blumenthal. Mr.. Blunt. Mr.. Bowker. Mr.. Bozeman. Mr.. Brown. Mr.. Burr. This, can twelve. Mrs.. Capital. Mr.. Cardin. Mr.. Carper. Mr.. Casey. Mr.. Cassidy. Miss. Collins. Mr.. Coons. Mr.. Corker. Mr.. Cornyn. Miss, Cortez mast Oh. Mr.. Cotton. Mr.. Crepe Oh. Mr.. Cruz. Mr.. Danes. Mr.. Donnelly. I. Was. Duckworth. Mr., Durban. Mr.. NZ. Mrs.. Ernst. Mrs.. Feinstein. Mrs.. Fisher. Mr.. Flake. Mr.. Gardner. Mrs.. Gillibrand. Mr.. Graham. Mr.. Grassley. Miss. Harris. This. Hasson. Mr.. Hatch. Mr.. Heinrich. Miss. I can. Mr.. Heller. Mr.. Ono. Mr.. Hoeven. Mrs.. Hyde Smith. Strain. Hoff. Mr.. Isaacson. Mr., Johnson. Mr.. Jones. Mr.. King. Mr.. Kennedy. Mr.. King. Miss. Clove achar. Mr.. Lankford mr.. Lahey. Mr.. Lee. Mr.. Manchin. Mr.. Markey. Mrs.. McCaskill. Mr.. McConnell. Mr.. Menendez. Mr.. Merkley. Mr.. Moran I. Miss. Murkowski. Mr.. Murphy. This. Is Marie. Mr.. Nelson. Mr.. Paul. Mr.. Purdue. Mr.. Peters. Mr.. Portman. Mr., Reid. Mr.. Rash. Mr.. Roberts. Mr.. Round. Mr.. Rubio. Mr.. Sanders. Mr.. Says. Mr.. Schat's. Mr.. Schumer. Mr.. Scott. Mrs.. Shaheen. Mr.. Shelby. Mr.. Smith. Miss. Stabenow. Mr.. Sullivan. Mr.. Tester. Mr.. It Dan. Mr.. Tillis. Mr.. Timmy. Mr. Udall. Mr.. Van Hollen. Mr.. Warner. Miss. Warren. Mr.. Whitehouse. Mr.. Wicker. Mr.. White. Mr.. Jung. Senator. Is voting, in the affirmative. Alexander. Baldwin. Cantwell. Collins. Corker. Cotton. Ernst. Flake. Grassley. Hassan. Hike. Camp, hyde-smith. Isaacson's. Johnson. King. Kennedy. King. Langford. McCaskill. Moran. Paul. Purdue. Roberts. Rounds. SAS. Scott. Tillis. Wyden. Young. Mr.. Danes I. Senators. Voting in, the negative. Blumenthal. Booker. Cardin. Coons. Harris. Heinrich. Read. Shots. Udall. White. House. Strand. Off mr., Inhofe I. Mr.. Tester, mr. tester, i.

Mr.. Burr mr., burr i. Mr.. Menendez, mr., Menendez, No. Mrs.. Gillibrand mrs.. Gillibrand. No. Mr.. Casey, mr.. Casey I. Mr.. Murphy mr. Murphy I. Mr.. Bozeman mr., Bozeman, aye, mr.. Lee mr.. Lee. Hi. Mr., Peters mr., Peters no mr.. Donnelly, mr. Donnelly, aye. Mrs.. Shaheen mrs., Shaheen, I. Sir Rubio, mr. Rubio I. Mr. Timmy mr., Jimmy I. Transy. Mr.. NZ I. Mr.. Bennett mr. Bennett aye. Mr.. Heller mr., Heller I. Miss. Chuck worth miss Chuck worth no. Mr., wicker mr.. Wicker I. Mr.. Barrasso, mr. Barroso i. Mrs.. Fisher mrs., fisher, i, mr.. Shelby. Mr., Shelby I. Mr. Sanders Mr, Sanders, no. Mrs.. Caputo mrs., Caputo. Aye mr.. Nelson, mr. Nelson. Aye. Mr.. Hatch mr., hatch I mr., Brown mr., Brown. No. Miss. Warren, miss Warren. No. Miss, Stabenow, miss Stabenow. No. Mr.. Durban, mr. Durban, no. Mr.. Cornyn, mr. Cornyn, aye. Mr.. Warner, mr. Warner. No. Mr.. Gardner, mr. Gardner, I. Mr.. Blunt. Mr.. Blunt hi. Mr. Schumer, mr., Schumer, no. Mr.. Van Hollen mr., Van Hollen no. Mr., McConnell, mr., McConnell, I. Mr.. Thin mr., thin aye. Mr.. Portman mr., Portman, aye. Mr.. Markey mr. markey No. Mr.. Sullivan mr., Sullivan. I miss. Cortez, Masto, miss Cortez masked Oh No. Mr.. Hoeven Mr Hovind I. Miss. Smith Miss. Smith, No. Mr.. Merkley mr., Merkley No. Mrs., Feinstein mrs.. Feinstein No. You. It's. Clove a charm is clove a char no. Mr. rich mr. rich I. Of. All senators voted any, senator wish to change their vote on this. Vote the yeas are 60, the, nays are 28 the motions agreed to. Sanford. Ohio, Thank. You mr. president, this. Week of course we remember an honor our colleague, an, American, Hero John McCain, he. Embodied, our most cherished values of, service and sacrifice, he, understood, the principles, that make our country great one. Of those principles, as. We know our four, is our First Amendment protections. For, a free and independent press something. I always admired, about, Senat

2018-08-30 10:06

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