University Challenge - S51E03 - London Business School v Hertford, Oxford

University Challenge - S51E03 - London Business School v Hertford, Oxford

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APPLAUSE University Challenge. Asking the questions, Jeremy Paxman. Hello.

While the most successful teams in this competition will make numerous appearances over several months before one of them lifts the trophy, others will appear only once before leaving us. We're about to meet two more teams determined to avoid being among the latter. The London Business School has made only one previous appearance on this series, and that was in 2006. It was founded in 1964 and became part of the federal University of London the following year. It's a postgraduate institution offering subjects such as accounting, economics, finance and management science, and its main campus is an elegant building, designed by John Nash, at Sussex Place, next to Regent's Park.

Notable alumni include the politicians David Davis and Justine Greening, the co-founder of Lonely Planet, Tony Wheeler, and the former CEO of the NSPCC, Dame Mary Marsh. Representing around 2,000 postgraduate students and with an average age of 28, let's meet the London Business School team. Hello, I'm John Butterworth.

I'm from Bristol and I'm studying for a master's in business administration. Hi, I'm Frederick Ruess. I'm from Germany and Switzerland and I'm studying for an MBA. And their captain. Hi. My name is Fraser Maddox. I'm from Dunbar in Scotland. I'm studying for an MBA.

Hi. I'm Malia Valenzuela. I'm from Lima, Peru, and I'm also studying for an MBA. APPLAUSE Now, playing against them are the team from Hertford College, Oxford. There's been a college or hall on the Hertford site since the 13th century, and alumni of its predecessor institutions include John Donne and William Tyndale. It was refounded in the 19th century, with notable buildings by Sir Thomas Jackson, including Hertford Bridge, reminiscent of the Bridge of Sighs. Alumni since then have included the writer Evelyn Waugh, who described a very similar college in Brideshead Revisited, the broadcasters Fiona Bruce, Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Natasha Kaplinsky, and the former Home Secretary and hoofer Jacqui Smith.

Representing around 600 students, and with an average age of 25, let's meet the Hertford team. Hi. I'm Matt Hitchens. I'm from south London and I'm studying philosophy.

Hi. I'm Bridget Donaldson. I'm from Morpeth in Northumberland and I'm studying for a master's in engineering. And this is their captain. Hi. I'm Matthew Lloyd. I'm from Barnes in south-west London and I'm doing a PhD in physiology. Hi. I'm Lucy Oswald. I'm from central London

and I'm studying for a doctorate in astrophysics. APPLAUSE OK, the rules are the same as ever. Starter questions are worth 10 points and they're solo efforts.

Bonuses are worth 15. You can confer on those. Right, fingers on the buzzers. Here's your first starter for ten. In a speech at the University of Washington, which the US president referred to the Cold War as "a long twilight struggle"? The same year saw the construction of the Berlin Wall and the next, the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Kennedy. Kennedy is correct. John F Kennedy. Your set of bonuses this time on words popularised in the 19th century. Born in 1772, which Romantic poet has been credited with the first use of the words "actualise", "intensify" and "narcissism", and with coining the phrase "suspension of disbelief"? Um... Shall I just go for something? Sure, yeah. Yeah. Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Well, that is correct. Well done. Nice. "Boredom", "flummox" and "rampage" are among the words popularised by which author, born in 1812? 1812. Um...

Is that... It's probably... Is that late for Dickens? A little late, I would say. Yeah. Yeah. Who else have we got? Um... Just go for Dickens. Dickens. It was Charles Dickens, yes.

And finally, the portmanteau words "chortle", "galumph" and "mimsy" are among those created by which author, born in 1832? It's Lewis Carroll, right? It's Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll is correct. Well done. Right, 10 points for this. What colour links all of these - a notional substance that would remain after the consumption of all matter on Earth by self-replicating nanobots, the common name of the goose Anser anser... Grey.

Grey is correct, yes. Your set of bonuses this time on scientists. Each surname is also the profession or title of a pilgrim in the Canterbury Tales. Along with Harold Urey, which US chemist gives his name to a ground-breaking experiment of 1952, investigating the formation of life on Earth? Oh, it's Miller. Miller-Urey hypothesis. Nominate Butterworth. Miller. Miller is correct.

Awarded the Royal Medal in 2010, which British physicist is regarded as one of the founders of the field of quantum optics? Ooh. Um... I can't remember... What was the... I mean, there's like boson... There's Higgs, isn't there? Yeah. But that's not really optics. That's not optics. Mm-hm.

Go for Higgs, I guess. Higgs. No, it's Peter Knight. Which British chemist and X-ray crystallographer is noted for her images that establish the double helix structure of DNA? It's Watson. There's Watson, Crick, Rosalind Franklin and... But, like, which one's American and which one's... Of Watson and Crick? Um, Rosalind Franklin. Cos it was her, right?

Yeah, it's Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin. But then I think Crick is English, because it's the Crick Institute. So Crick? I'd go Crick. Crick.

No, it was Rosalind Franklin. The clue was the Canterbury Tales, of course. 10 points for this. What term can mean, in mathematics, a point at which a given function is undefined, in astrophysics, the infinitely dense point at the centre of a black hole? Singularity. Singularity is correct, yes.

You get three bonuses on European rulers. Known as "the Great" because he preferred to expand his lands by diplomacy rather than war, Casimir III of Poland was a contemporary of which king who led England into the Hundred Years' War? Hundred Years' War, is that...? The father of the Black Prince, but I can't remember... It's not Richard the Lionheart, that's the Crusades. Um... One of the Edwards, maybe. Yeah.

I thought it was one of the Richards. I think a Richard, but I don't know which one. OK. Richard I. No, it's Edward III. Yeah, it was. Sorry. Secondly, a victor over the Teutonic Knights at the Battle of Tannenberg, Vytautas the Great ruled which country from 1392 to 1430? Over the Teutonic Knights, so, I don't know, Prussia, maybe. Yes, could be.

Vytautas, though. I don't know. Is it more Eastern? Could be. Could be, like... ..Lithuania. Lithuania is correct. Known as "the Great", which Russian monarch ruled from 1762 to 1796? It must be Peter the Great, mustn't it? Yeah. 1796 - is that Peter or Catherine? I think it's too... Oh, I don't know, actually.

I think it might be Catherine, actually. Up to you. Catherine the Great. It is Catherine the Great, yes.

Peter the Great, of course, was earlier. Right, we're going to take a picture round now. For your picture starter, you're going to see the national emblem of a current sovereign state. For 10 points, name the country.

Vietnam. Vietnam is correct, yes. Vietnam's national emblem is in a style developed by the Soviet Union as a deliberate departure from conventional heraldry, and now widely used by states with current or previous Marxist-Leninist governments. Your bonuses are three more present-day national emblems in this style. I want you to name the country in each case, please.

Firstly, this European country, a former Soviet Socialist Republic. Belarus. The green and the red. Yeah. Or not Bulgaria? Or it could be Bulgaria. Could be Bulgaria. Actually, no, the shape of the country is more Bulgaria, I think. No. Um... Yeah, I think... Bulgaria. I'd go with that.

Yeah. Bulgaria. No, it's Belarus. Secondly, this Asian country, currently a one-party socialist state. Nepal? No. No. Isn't that...Myanmar?

No? Yeah, it does look like Myanmar. Myanmar. The big kind of pagoda, no? Nominate Ruess. Myanmar. No, that's Laos.

And finally, this African country. The emblem reflects the modern nation's socialist beginnings. Machine gun. It's either Mozambique or Angola. I'd say Mozambique, I think.

Mozambique. Yeah? Because of the water as well. Mozambique? Yeah. Yeah. Mozambique.

It is Mozambique, yes. Well done. Right, 10 points for this. I need two names here.

They're anagrams of each other. One is the upper valley of the river that flows through Durham and Sunderland. The other is the second smallest of the United States by land area. Tyne and, um... Sorry.

Anyone want to buzz from LBS? It's Weardale and Delaware. Right, 10 points for this. Comprising about one part per million by volume of the Earth's atmosphere, what element takes its name from the fact that it was discovered in 1898, hidden in a sample of argon? Argon, but...

Nope. Krypton. Krypton is correct, yes. Your bonuses are on computer programming languages. Commonly used in artificial intelligence, what programming language is also the name of a genus of large non-venomous snakes? Python. Yeah. Python. Python is correct.

Noted for its use of parentheses, the name of what programming language can also mean a speech disorder involving the mis-articulation of sibilance? Lisp. Lisp. Lisp is correct. Used for many web applications, the name of what programming language is also that of reddish varieties of the mineral corundum? I think they use Java. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Yeah. Shall we try it? Yeah. Java.

No, it's Ruby. 10 points for this. A leading figure in Southern African literature, the Lesotho-born author Thomas Mofolo is best known for a 1925 novel concerning which historical figure? The early-19th-century founder of the Zulu empire. Shaka Zulu.

Shaka is correct. Your bonuses are on US national monuments. In each case, name the state that is the location of the following. Firstly, Martin Luther King Junior National Historical Park. The site includes the church where both King and his father were pastors. It's got to be Alabama, doesn't it? OK. Alabama.

No, it's Georgia. Second, the first national monument dedicated to an African-American, the boyhood home of the agricultural scientist George Washington Carver, near Diamond, close to the borders of Kansas and Oklahoma. Kansas and Oklahoma.

What else is near there? Missouri? Go for it. Yeah. Missouri. It is Missouri, yes. And finally, the Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument, which includes the 16th Street Baptist Church and Kelly Ingram Park. So this will Alabama. Yeah. Alabama.

Alabama is correct. 10 points for this. In June 1950, Maurice Herzog led a French expedition to the highest point of which Himalayan massif, thereby achieving the first ascent of a peak above 8,000 metres? The circuit trek of this massif is one of the best known in Nepal. Annapurna.

Annapurna is correct. So you get the set of bonuses, there, on medicine. Caused by a slow-growing bacteria, Hansen's disease is also known by what name, used, for example, in the King James Bible? The King James Bible. Leprosy is in the Bible. Yeah, that could work. Leprosy.

Leprosy is correct, yes. Who discovered the leading method of treating Hansen's disease used until the 1940s? Following her death in 1916 at the age of 24, her college president attempted to claim full credit for the development. Gosh. Don't know.

I don't have anything for that. Don't know. Pass. That was Alice Ball. And finally, the nine-banded species of what American mammal is a host of naturally acquired bacteria that can cause Hansen's disease? Could be a... Was it a mammal? Yeah. A mammal... Nine-banded... Armadillo, maybe. Yeah, I think it might be.

Armadillo. Armadillo is correct. Well done. We're going to take a music round. For your music starter, you'll hear a piece of popular music from the 1990s. Ten points if you can name the artist. ELECTRONIC MUSIC PLAYS Fatboy Slim.

Fatboy Slim - Norman Cook - is correct, yes. So you get the music bonuses. That was Right Here, Right Now, which samples Angela Bassett speaking in the film Strange Days.

Your music bonuses are three more songs from the '90s that incorporate film dialogue. Five points for each group you can name. Firstly, this band. The sample is from The Wild Angels.

SAMPLE: We want to be free... Primal Scream. do what we want to do. Primal Scream? And we want to get loaded and we want to have a good time. And that's what we're going to do. Primal scream. Primal Scream is correct.

Secondly, this group, the sample combines dialogue from two kung fu films. SAMPLE: A game of chess is like a sword fight. SWORD WHOOSHES Isn't that a rap group? You must think first, before you move. Toad style is immensely strong and immune to nearly any weapon.

When it's properly used, it's almost invincible. Wu Tang Clan? Wu Tang Clan. Wu Tang Clan is correct. Finally, this band. The sample is from 1984. SAMPLE: I hate purity. Hate goodness.

I don't want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone corrupt. ROCK MUSIC PLAYS Could be, like, early Green Day. Stone Roses? The Smiths, maybe? No, it's not the Smiths.

THEY CONFER Try Stone Roses. No idea? Dave Garda. Dave Garda. No, that's the Manic Street Preachers. Right, 10 points for this.

Born in 1845, which German mathematician gives his name to the theorem that states, for any set A, the cardinal number of A is less than the cardinal number of the power set of A? Goedel. No. Anyone want to buzz from Hertford? Gauss. No, it's Cantor.

10 points for this. What term is in everyday use, related to philosophical speculation, but was applied derogatively by Samuel Johnson to 17th-century poets such as John Donne...? Metaphysician or metaphysics. Metaphysical poets is correct, yes. So you get a set of bonuses now on an economic principle.

Which Ancient Greek playwright contrasts full-bodied coins that are never used with mean brass coins that pass hand to hand in his comedy The Frogs? That sounds like Aristophanes, doesn't it? Yeah. Aristophanes. It is Aristophanes. "Bad money drives out good" is an aphorism often credited to which English merchant, a financial agent of Elizabeth I? Oh, gosh. It's not Essex, is it? I don't know.

Go for it. Have we got anything? I can't think. Essex. No, it's Gresham. Oh. Sir Thomas Gresham, as in Gresham's Law. Better known for his theory of heliocentrism, who had earlier expounded the bad money principle in a 1526 treatise on coinage? Kepler? I was going to say Copernicus was the... Oh, Copernicus. the centre, originally. Oh, yeah.

Yeah, that's right. OK, Copernicus. Copernicus is correct. 10 points for this.

New Amsterdam and Linden are two of the larger towns of which Commonwealth country? The latter is situated on the Demerara River, about 100km south of the capital. Guyana. Guyana is correct, yes. These bonuses are on lakes in Latin America. At an altitude of more than 1,500 metres and surrounded by volcanoes, Lake Atitlan is a popular tourist attraction in which Central American country? Mexico? Yeah.

I think it must be based on the height... Yeah. Mexico. No, it's Guatemala. Dried up since 2015, partly as a result of climate change, Lake Poopo in the Altiplano was historically the second largest lake of which country? Is that Bolivia? Don't know. Not sure.

Bolivia. Bolivia is correct. Shared by Argentina and Chile, Cami, or Fagnano, is a large lake on the largest island of which archipelago? So, Tierra del Fuego. Tierra del Fuego. Yeah. Tierra del Fuego. Correct. 10 points for this. What animal is depicted in the monumental steel and marble sculpture Maman, created by the French-born artist Louise Bourgeois? A spider.

Spider is correct, yes. Your bonuses are on Australian birds. What is the common name of the Dacelo gigas, a large brown kingfisher that is the bird emblem of New South Wales? A kookaburra. Hm? Maybe a kookaburra. Nominate Butterworth. Kookaburra.

Kookaburra is correct, yes, the laughing kookaburra. The brolga, known binomial as Grus rubicunda, is the bird emblem of Queensland and the only member of what long-legged family of birds that is native to Australia? Emu? Emu. Emu? Yeah. Emu. No, it's the crane. Appearing on the state flag, what specific bird is the emblem of Western Australia? Ostrich? I feel like they have ostriches in Australia.

No, because... No, I don't think it is. What do you think? Not sure. Not sure? Not sure, yep. Go... Go ostrich. Ostrich. Ostrich? No. It's the black swan. Right, we're going to take another picture round now. For your picture starter, you're going to see a painting.

10 points if you can name the artist. Gentileschi. No.

Titian. No, it's by Caravaggio, in fact, but we'll take the picture bonuses in a moment or two. And in the meantime, here's a starter question.

In which of Shakespeare's comedies does Leonato use the expression "merry war" to describe the skirmish of wit between his niece Beatrice and Benedick? Much Ado About Nothing. That is correct, yes. So you get the picture bonuses. And we follow on from Caravaggio's Medusa, believed to be a self-portrait, with three paintings of women and snakes.

Name the artist in each case. First. What kind of period is that? It's... Might be... Is it Mannerist? Don't know. Wasn't it...?

I don't know if it's... Have we got anything? No. Um... Rubens. It is Rubens, yes. Well done. Secondly, this Italian artist.

Hm. That might be Titian. Yeah, it's worth a try. Titian. It's Guido Reni.

And finally. Klimt. Yeah, that looks like Klimt. Klimt.

It is very distinctive, yes. Born in 1843, Emily Warren Roebling helped oversee the completion of the construction of what major feat of 19th-century engineering spanning the East River in New York? Brooklyn Bridge. Brooklyn Bridge is correct, yes. These bonuses are on fabrics. With a name derived from the Persian for milk and sugar, what fabric has a surface of puckered and flat sections, typically in a striped pattern? It could be seersucker. Seersucker? Yeah, or slubbed, but like...

Seersucker. Seersucker? Seersucker. Seersucker is correct.

What thick, hardwearing twilled cloth with a short nap has a name that can also mean pompous or pretentious language? I use that language so much. It's not, like, moleskin or calico, or... Short nap.

I think... Like, felt or velvet? Or... Velvet, maybe. Velvet. Velvet. No, it's fustian.

Poplin, a strong fabric in a plain weave, is believed to have been named in reference to the 14th-century popes in exile in which French city? The Vichy popes, I think it is. No, it's Vichy France. It begins with an A. Angers? THEY CONFER Amiens? No, but maybe... Try Amiens. Nominate Ruess. Amiens.

No, it's Avignon. 10 points for this. Quote, "Playing it is like having sex with ghosts." This observation by the US musician Robert Schwimmer refers to what musical instrument, named after a Russian engineer and played without physical contact? The theremin. Theremin is correct. Right, we're going to get a set of bonuses for you now on poisons in the novels of Agatha Christie.

Which poison was used in the Mysterious Affair At Styles? It's an alkaloid derived from the seeds of the tree Nux vomica, and easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Alkaloid poisons... I just haven't poisoned that many people recently. Ricin, or something like that? Cyanide. Cyanide? Ricin? Ricin. Come on, let's have it, please. Ricin? No, it's strychnine.

Which nitrogen group element is used as a curry ingredient in the 1957 novel 4.50 From Paddington? Is it arsenic? Arsenic? Arsenic? Curry ingredient, did he say? Yeah, but it's used as a curry ingredient. I don't think it's commonly used as a curry ingredient! RIPPLE OF LAUGHTER Yeah, arsenic. Arsenic? Yeah, sure. Arsenic.

Arsenic is correct. Which poison is used in And Then There Were None and A Pocket Full Of Rye, in the title of a novel of 1945? It is described as sparkling. Sparkling. Sparkling... The only other poison I can think of is cyanide. Go for it. Cyanide. Cyanide is correct, yes.

Right another starter question. What plural noun appears in the names of football clubs based in Coatbridge, Nailsworth, Birkenhead and Doncaster? Rovers. Rovers is correct, yes. These bonuses are on battles. The ridge known as Senlac Hill is generally accepted as the location of what decisive battle? Senlac Hill, it doesn't mean much to me. No. Oh, actually, is that the Boudicca one? But what's the battle called? Erm... Come on.

Battle of Watling Street. No, it's Hastings. Oh... Early in his reign, which king of Scotland defeated an English army at Loudoun Hill, in Ayrshire? Loudoun Hill... I think it could be Robert the Bruce. Go for it. Robert the Bruce. Correct.

Finally, the Battle of Vinegar Hill was followed by an act that abolished the parliament of what country? Is that England? But as in the English...? That's my guess. Yeah, OK. England. No, it was Ireland. The English parliament's never been abolished, though many have tried! 10 points for this. What is the surname of the family described as an upper middle...

GONG CRASHES APPLAUSE And at the gong, London Business School have 100. Hertford, Oxford, though, have 180. Hertford College, terrific score. Some very lucky interventions, I thought, on your part. If they were guesses, they were very inspired guesses. Thank you. You did really, really well. Congratulations.

London Business School, thank you very much for joining us and taking part. I hope you can join us next time. But until then, it's goodbye from London Business School... ALL: Goodbye. It's goodbye from Hertford College, Oxford...

ALL: Goodbye. And it's goodbye from me. Goodbye. APPLAUSE

2021-07-27 20:04

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