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Do not all be very welcome to this channel this time we have a totally profitable strategy as you can see in the graph and we are going to show how it works we are going to teach you in this short time that I have left I have been traveling and I have not been able to upload content to the channel we have also been in some trading conferences in some places and we have not been able to upload content to the channel but hey in a time that we have left we are going to bring you this new strategy to see if some of you adapt to it you can enter the Forest markets and making money are said and presumed by many professional traders and they say that there is no perfect strategy but I dare to contradict them and from my experience I want to inform you of what perfect strategy if it exists let's say 98 percent could work any strategy if we practice it and we perfect it for our benefit, a strategy consists of a way for us to counteract r the forest markets, well I am going to make this strategy very brief because of time, we are these days in more mass operations together with other professional traders and therefore we are going to make it as short as possible to bring you this strategy so that you analyze and for you to possibly self-create at home on your computers because you already have these indicators it is simply to create the strategy I have sent you not the strategy but the indicators it is necessary that you are perfection every day your own strategy for your own benefit remember that we are the counterpart of the market manipulation and are a counterpart of the owners of the currencies we go hand in hand with the institutional trades to get money from the market to the stock market and thus We can have a profit counteracting the manipulation well and the strategy works like this, let's first inform you what it indicates Doors we use for this strategy, as you can see the graph for sure, it is very, very noticeable in the way the graph looks and in the way we can make an analysis and see that this strategy is very clear, it could not be clearer. That's why I say perfect strategy if it exists and I dare to contradict anyone if it exists, it is simply that it requires time, it requires logic, it requires a lot of psychology and it requires a lot of dedication to the graph, well we have the volume indicator here which is very important and that gives us some of the volume indicator we have here it gives us some entry points to the market either downward or upward and as I tell you if anyone is interested in this strategy or any indicator in the description You can write us about the video and we will gladly send it to you for a very comfortable price. Remember that the purchase of indicators or strategies is not an expense, it is an investment. As we offer you, it is much cheaper to practice a strategy that involves doing some courses that are worth 300 to 1,000 dollars of trading and that in the end this does not give us some results that we want well, we are going to start first with the first indicator I am going to explain that it is the volume indicator that is included in this strategy and that it works in the following way I have already explained it before but we are going to do a brief review every time this candle appears that we are here is a possible entry to the market and it is a possible movement as we are seeing it here, it is a movement that gives us an indication or a signal that there is going to be a movement in the market and that is why we see here in this candle and in this wick the moment we are remember that we are an hour here working with this strategy we see here in this part that a candle appeared with more or less we are going to go we are going to say more or less by this To put it that way, to put it some seven thousand six hundred contracts in this oat now after this candle comes out it is a signal the market is going to go in a trend we do not know down or up this indicator shows us that institutional trades have just finished enter the market that something is going to happen in the market so we are alert and here the giant white arrow did appear and the small yellow arrow appeared that has a meaning and I am going to tell you what the big arrow means, well, so now we understand that the volume indicator gave us a signal that next in the first five candles there will be a change in trend to a change in the market either downward or upward and is the When you are on the alert to launch your operations, okay, we leave the volume indicator here and now we are going to explain the trade what we are going to do with each indicator or what is what which is s the function of each indicator in this strategy well let's start with the largest one here we are going to configure the indicator well we are going to configure it in the following way we are going to leave the indicator for those who already send it to those who already have it In meta trader 4 and put this indicator at 3 out of 5, I simply changed the color here to a purple to pink color here it is called magenta and only increase here to the second line, that is the configuration of this volume indicator and here we have it now we go with the second indicated the second indicator that is the master indicator this is one of more trend of 660 linear white and close periods and here is this displacement of 20 periods so however we are going to leave it at zero so that you know how the list was configured, so we are going to record in 0 660 linear periods and we are going to leave it like that so that this strategy remains the same for you if you are perfecting your strategy This and he wants to perfect this strategy, he is going to leave it the same as I give it to him well placed, so we have a greater tendency that is the one that is going to show us and they give us information on the direction of the market.

The second indicator is this circumference that you see here this circumference you see the market as a line in this way in style also as a dependency so what that line is going to do to us is that it is going to delineate us, we are going to see several graphs you analyze that the strategy is issued to all the currencies that we have here in the forest market here we have the entire poor market as I am showing it all the currencies you have the strategy only we hope that there will be an entry for us to enter well then what they do what this indicator does, which is called let's see what this indicator is called, it is called edge a new indicator that points to us It delineates the market trend, we are going to put the smallest one that you can see how it looks very good and it gives us very clear information about what the market has done and what the market is going to be, so it is simply a guideline. a good indicator that will help us to make a decision to go into operation so I am going to send you this indicator too if you don't have it if you have it good just take action and organize this strategy now We go with the yellow arrow this is the professional rice indicator, most of them have it, they have acquired it, we are going to configure it now so that you can match this strategy well, we have 115 periods, this indicator is at 115 periods, it is the way it is configured if you They do not want to acquire it, not what they want to acquire, on the other hand, which is called professional savings 5.1 and it is an indicator that practically does not repeat, simply the only thing is that it repeats 0 2% which means that suddenly you have a transfer of more or less from 4 to 5 candles but from there it does not move to go anywhere else ready then we have this this indicator configured here as follows so that it is the same for you of 115 periods and here I remove the alert but if you want to leave the alert from here at this point you are going to set it to true here between leave it and down here we are going to leave it at 50 in 7 well we are going to leave that at 50 It is the way how it would be better by default, simply here it is at 115 and voila, we would leave it like that and that way we would stay in the configuration of this yellow indicator, it will be like this in periods of 115 so that you on that trajectory we can have a type of average trend that would be like this for us to be able that by giving us the rebound we can enter the market well already having the yellow arrow configured we are going to configure the arrow we have the blah arrow here nca from here to here here we have the white arrow that indicates a trend as I already told you we are not going to operate through the arrows we are going to operate in another way that I am going to tell you not to disconnect from this video and just pay attention well. configured

this giant white arrow that is the same indicator, another professional simply creates for you to fit this way, first we configure this, that is, we enter here and configure this indicator up to here to 115 and we give the configuration here up to 50 we give it to accept And we leave it there the color does not matter, you can place the color you want now as we take the white arrow now we are going to give it again in the same indicator since that is where we are going to make the changes we are going to see this indicator to what period it is configured is set to 500 so this is to give us a bigger trend so that we can work on the path from white to white in favor of yellows. As payment of the yellow arrows I do not know if you are understanding me so that way the indicator will come out for you so that to make it the same is that we are going to double click here we place 500 and the rest we leave it well I here I left it without sound and here at 50 so we are going to leave it at 50 and remember that the yellow one we are going to give to 100 to change it to 100 for one for one thing and I am going to explain why and I had forgotten I want something to be well configured for this strategy, here we are going to leave it like this for the simple reason that we want it to stay a little higher than the white arrow because if we give it to 50 we want it to be cold, we have the arrows configured This gap will set a trend for us, a broader type of trend for us to be able to operate in favor of the yellow ones or, let's say, in favor of the rebound always when a white arrow appears, we will operate higher when a white arrow appears downwards. to trade down here we have an arrow inclination to the top that is an up arrow we will be operating up a white arrow down when you do not exit we will be operating down we are going to do the practice we are just configuring The indicators there is another indicator that you see here in two colors of red and blue, you can also change it to the color you want, but this indicator is the most important of this strategy because, in this indicator, it is the one that acts as a trigger. It is the one that is going to give us the signal to enter the market, we are going to enlarge it so that you know it and here we have a currency that you notice a little more here we have even some operations because we were in the operation we are going to put this here or better We are going to place this we are going to leave this we have here now the indicator in the middle that we have here, which is the trigger, is the one that is going to tell us when not to We are going to turn well let's open it this this this indicator is called this xp an indicator that is called has a name of xp and it has two colors and 2 as you can see here I am showing the trigger indicator that has two colors, one blue and the other Red if you want, you can change that color if you already have all these indicators because I have sent a lot of indicators to you but have them saved so that you simply put together this strategy and if you don't have it, as I already told you in the description of the video you can order these indicators well let's now execute the strategy I'm going to tell you where we entered and where we left well as you can see the strategy is very easy something so easy could not do we need if a capital more or less than 10 dollars onwards up to 30 thousand dollars well the capital the capital adaptable to your capital capacity, that is, the capital that you have, it does not matter if the capital is large or is small the only thing that changes in the operations that must be made much smaller as I already told you if you have a capital of 100 dollars a standard account we are going to operate simply at 2 and one only at that value only if we have a micro account we are simply going to operate at 0 10 cents if you have a micro account, let's not go beyond 10 cents with 10 centered, we will earn enough to carry a 10 dollar account from 20 to 50 to 100 dollars and be able to increase our capital is well, now we are going to execute this strategy, the first thing we are going to take into account well possibly the volume we are going to see the volume as it is here there is a movement and here the two arrows appeared is a good sign good where we entered and where we come from we have here the very nice very simple line strategy this strategy for sure could be was that you can could operate in the long term and in the short term how you operate in the long term term simply at the moment we are going to put it simon in the long term of the following we are going to wait for the white arrow to appear and for the yellow arrow to appear in the same favor and with the blue color we are going to make our first entry that we would make our first entry in this sector here we would make our first upward entry because because the volume indicator tells us that there is fear, here it is, we are checking the movement that the candles started in addition to genes, that is, demand could rise, the white arrow appeared, which is the trend to the greatest and the small arrow appeared that gives us a good sign that we can trade up the final part for us to enter is that it gave us the entry it gave us entry here when the blue color appeared and the blue color appears we immediately entered without fear of the blue color here we entered our first operation then gave us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 10 hours that they bring in favor that is 10 candles that are 10 hours uso others here when the red color started to come out we closed operating heard the red color appears we closed we closed operating and we can obtain this profit short but if you are as I say operating long term simply what we are going to do is the next thing we are going to ignore this red candle and here when the blue came out we are going to counterattack with another operation now we are going here we are going here and we see the d the indicator of points that is very important and is that every time the market is low that this indicator of points is Trend indicator because I have also indicated trends of points when the market is going down and it goes back up, that is, it was going to be a setback in this part, it makes a retreat up to here but here towards the continuity of the market then immediately after they are presented here these wicks and again break upwards and the blue color appears we enter with another operation and again here are some wicks and we can enter With another operation, that is, this is a silver mine that we have here with this strategy, here we go up again, we have a good sign is that here at these highs the yellow has not yet appeared at the moment we are going to let the market continue here we have our operations that the market continues each time this circular indicator touches us on xp sorry that this indicator is called border when we touch the border indicator we are going to launch another operation here we would launch another operation the yellow has not yet appeared That means that we can continue to operate still and then here it reappeared we were again touched here in this part we launched another operation until the yellow one arrives when the yellow one arrives we simply close all these operations as the yellow one did not arrive we are going to close our operations all the operations that we have done and how you can see the we closed all in profit we closed all in profit well not only did the yellow arrow come out, the white one did not come out so that means that the market is going to be a setback to meet again with the yellow one and it is going to continue up is that what is not we have to have us gave us the yellow arrow as I say the yellow arrow is a kind of trend which helps us simply to know the trend and are executing entries with this flag xp to blue sea and red then walked here and We wait for the yellow one and here we close all these operations if they are operating long if we are operating short we simply close here in this part when when when we enter here and when the red guest retracement appears why does it mark a retracement that there is going to be and effectively here it is said a setback we closed operations here and we hope that it will touch us again here at the edges the edge indicator will touch us that the border and we enter here again and we close when the red appears that we enter here when it touches the border and when the blue line appears and we close again here when the red appears here again it touched us again here we enter and close here When the top edge touches us, every time it touches the top edge, we can also close operations, we may want you to be in a moment, do not leave the channel of this video so quickly and pay close attention because this strategy is important every time that it touches the edge of us and it turns up and that it has the color blue we can be launching galarza operations every time it touches the edge we can also close them if we are operating short and if we are operating long we can leave it long we can operate with more very small operations now here there is a retracement but the white one did not come out the white one is higher so we can simply ignore these operations tions are down because we would be operating against the trend and you see here that the yellow trend gives us an upward trend so if you want to trade down I will inform you that the best one does not do it then we have an upward trend again new yellow on the rise and we have here the volume indicator that entered that three institutional ones entered here here we can see the wicks and we can see the volume indicator that is giving us a good signal so here we simply wait for the blue one and enter here or enter more or less around here we cannot enter here on the border because we have appeared the area we enter here and then we close here short we re-enter here that almost tried to touch the border we are on an existing date we can do all the operations that we want one Once it touches the edge then we enter here in this part we enter let's say that the market runs up and we can close the operation and then not here s touched again with the blue another half up and we can put it back another operation here because we are in blue the blue means this is an entrance to here we entered when we touched the blue indicator and it went back up because we are looking for the white arrow and we are looking for the other yellow arrow and this is when the market arrived here we closed all these operations that we had done here and closed here and we wait for a new downward operation we simply have the major arrow here we have here the volume indicator that is us giving a good signal that there are people who entered with at least 7,000 or 10,000 to 12,000 contracts down and here he gives us a signal of the downward trend arrow and also gives us the yellow indicator that he is the one that me others are also giving another signal we here what we expect in the red one and here is the voice when the red one comes out we without fear we go in to wash here we go in to wash we go to be closing short in my case I would close short I would enter here again when the red appears again, that is, we may be closing we enter here in the red one we close here we enter here with the red one that is downward a downward signal and we close here we would be talking when the blue appears and so on we will be entering here in the red and closing down here or if we can let it ignore the closings that is a matter of each trailer ignore the closure and let the market continue until we meet the other date that appears to us when the other date appears to us we close all operations here in this case we would close these operations that we did here here in this yellow arrow and we would wait again for it to appear we are going to place it here we would wait again the yellow arrow that appears here in this part or in some place of these to operate down looking for the white arrow we are going to look for the arrow a white, what is it that we are waiting for and so we would have a guide with the sport so we already have all the indicators and I have already taught you how we operate with this strategy I hope it has served you in this case we have here the white arrow we have a downward entry signal with this yellow arrow all the red ones down we enter here again with all of them we enter here every time the red appears and here we are closing operations we enter here in this red we do not enter with the arrow signal but with the red signal we enter here here here and we wait for the market to move down and we will be taking profits here on this yellow arrow here there is a good entry to the upside all around the edges but we could Ignore and we better operate in favor of the line of the white arrow that is indicating that there will be a white arrow at the bottom and here we have it we have a tendency It is very long here all the way down here and we can take advantage of the market every time the bearish yellow arrows appear by operating the red parts the red parts you see the strategy very clear we can get good results from trading good results from these markets well I think that to finish here we have a burst of operations these operations we take it with the following criterion is that we have here the indicated one the white arrow that indicates a large upward rebound we have here the yellow arrow that also indicates this a rebound to the Rise now we have an operating signal here, and here it took more or less like 20 hours until the blue appeared and it gives us an upward entry signal here we are going to enter and we are going to be entering here on the rise until that the yellow arrow appears above us to shuffle the yellow arrow we rest that it would be around here it would be let's say that around here we close all s these operations and we hope we hope to attract the up arrow again we hope that it goes down and when the yellow arrow comes out again here for saying something we start operating up until we give up until we wait for the white one to give us is the simple way that We have here well this has been everything for today and I hope you have understood how you see here we have a burst of lots we are simply going to wait there for the white one to appear to be able to take all the profits well this has been all for today and I hope that you have understood this strategy and that you can create it at home. Very good afternoon and very good evening to all of you.

2021-07-04 20:41

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