Uma Hagenguth, COO of APPICS | The Future of Blockchain Technology in Social Media | ICO Review 2018

Uma Hagenguth, COO of APPICS | The Future of Blockchain Technology in Social Media | ICO Review 2018

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All. Right so here we are with, co-founder. And CEO, Oh, uma of the ethics team thank, you so much for taking the time to join us this evening. So. Can you can you tell us a little bit about the ICO what, your. Your business is and and how you're creating, that on the black chain. Sure. So. Applix. Is a what. We call next-gen. Board based social media app that lets you monetize, the, time and creativity you spend on social media, I'm, not gonna go into too much detail of like I think the technical things because a lot of people are already familiar with cement. Which is, the. First blogging, site that, was that, was, announced. And launched, in May 2016. Connected. To an underlying blockchain. Called Steam. When. We found out about this my team and I when we found out about this project that for us was like the spark that inspired, us to. To, really really. Take this seriously a, lot. Of people are familiar with already. The mechanism, of turning likes into currency but. What makes us really because, we're one of the first SMT. Smart media tokens, it's gonna launch once. Technology, is Allen which is happening this year. Yeah. We're planning on publicly launching, in q3, this year basically. What the epics app is all about is. Giving. Users the ability to earn without having to understand any of their underlying technology, so to. Make it very user friendly it's. It's sort of like an Instagram, but where you earned, and then we have content. Being filtered very differently. Than you see on any other platform. Including, steam it because. Our moderators, are actually, influencers. Who already have, knowledge, in their particular category, and so. That's how we are going to structure in moderate Khan's and that's just one of the features that really differentiates, us from all the other platforms that's, really cool, with. Regards, to. Just. Kind of revamping. The whole social. Media business model I think when I watched you guys is video, that's one of the things I was drawn to right away as almost you're like creating, a platform to, give the value. To the, people to the users, and not you, know a shareholder. Is on on Wall Street and things like that can you can you speak to a little bit to the process, of you know starting. A business and, really. Keeping that in mind kind of staying at the ground floor creating, value for the consumer and how you guys are, able to do that with your protocol. Sure. So, basically. Prior, to, ethics, we, had a marketing, agency so my background, is literally. That I got lucky, because, I have good I had a mentor from an early age on to be also the co-founder of epics he's the CEO Tom Winchester, he's, a Bitcoin pioneer, and he's been in space since like 2011, it was it was a daily thing for me to do to like check the claim market cap but, then on the other side we were still so much in the in, the mainstream space, because we had a marketing, agency actually, in Germany and then, we had you know on the other side blockchain. Technology, this tool that basically, allows you to to. Do things that weren't possible before, like for example. Turning. Likes into currency or giving giving, posts, value and then redistributing. That to the users and so. And. Like I said in 2016. When steam came out it was kind of like the perfect match right now we have a blockchain, that, is made for the social media space where you. Already mechanism. It's integrated. And all we have to do is build on top of that and bring in our expertise, and yeah. Create our concept, bring our vision to life so, specifically. Would content, creation, what. Do you guys what's, vision, for building. Out epics and and you, know kind staying, true to the, creators. And not you. Know the advertisers. Or the economy or at a monetary, incentive you, know what's your plan to accommodate scalability. And growth um yes. So, what. We're all about is really, giving, the, users or at the empowerment, of the users so. That. Means that they can, decide the, direction of the content, how, the pants, or payouts are going to happen and then this, is why I also, mentioned, the categories, because I think it's so crucial in today's so, median landscape, to, half of the way where content, gets filtered and moderated in like a in like a meaningful.

Way We're just gonna set that to no so we're gonna start with 15 categories, we'll, have a charitable one as well like it giving back category that's gonna be static and then, there's. Gonna be people who are knowledgeable in, the space who, can and. Will actually delegate, to opens to them so that. Is one, of the ways, and my favorite, one where, it's all about, community. Building the. User is not from us so. Yeah. And I think that's also how, it menus page food to yourself right is when you, let. The people who, are in a, certain field decide. On what conjugates, seen can. You speak to a little, bit to you know to steam it platform building on that. Protocol. And kind of that motivation, to build, out their their, their. Capabilities. Yeah. Um, so, first of all the schema community. Is amazing. We like I've never experienced, such a supportive. Community online. Even. When you just blog there like it's amazing how support if they really are and then. I was speaking actually at steam fest one and two and Amsterdam and Lisbon where, the community comes like they all gathered together and then the steam and ink team is there as well so we get to meet you know the. Founders, the developers. And so we, did develop some, close relationships, and we we. Started, talking also to the developers what was possible, what we could do and then and. We actually started working on our concept, before SMT. Was was announced, but. When it was that, was like an amazing opportunity for us to get. In because it's that's really what we ever want it right is to have in technology, that's cooking, and then we can build on top of that and so what they did was basically. Decide. They wanted to focus. More on the, steam blockchain. Rather. Than the, steam accom which doesn't mean they don't care about, steam it they do but. It's about like scale. About scaling, the Steam Mop chain and protein. You can do because now people like my team we can come in be, bringing our expertise, and we just yeah, build on top of this amazing technology and so for. That right now we're actually working on a couple of initiatives that are going to emphasize, that I, can't. I'm, not sure if I'm officially about to say what. It is exactly but, we are working on something that is going to be really huge. And for, the name basically. What's. Happening. In the development and research nice. Nice, nice that you. Could, keep it under covers but now. Just. Just going through your website I see you, know a plethora. Of, active. Influencers. And and you, know acting. And music, can. You speak to how you're, bringing, those players, to the black chain and crossing. That bridge with them as well. Technology. We. Common. So. Right now we are at a phase where we're done like a global tour so I was speaking out a lot of crypt events but then are a lot one of the last steps was actually in LA spoke, to so, many incredible, celebrities. Influencers. Who have a voice and, we. Really, want them to be able to to. Share, a message that's so important, right like there, is an alternative, if you want, to have one there is no hope to earning more, to, gaining. More power in a network where where. You are actually there's one of the like the source of the revenue for the company and so. Received. Amazing feedback and, everything for us has been mainly through relationships, just because, we're such a transparent well. Networked, team, and. Yeah. So a lot has just, been coming from that I mean I always say we even started, with around. Like 20 people like that you've seen the promo video like, they just started working, on this vision together with us you're. Not it was like before we. Ico. Because, everyone was just so passionate about this vision and so that's, the kind of feedback we've received from, from, a lot of people like wish I could give, you the names now like that we've been speaking to again there's a lot going on right now we are, we're. Getting. Partnerships, together and all of that but there's, gonna be announcement very soon so do. You do you have. You been able to see. A big benefit with having, the experience, in marketing in, you know those connects, and clientele, to Megan. Making this transition easier for, for the project and for the team.

Yeah. 100%. With. That kind of background with. Ethics and we're just bringing in all of our like creativity everything, we have our tools, our network and I. Think that's one of the things that makes us like so so unique and special is, because in, the crypto space there are not a lot of teams I would say that, bring in both like the they combine the two because I always say like I've met so many genius, people at these conferences, amazing. Ideas. But, then when it comes to the execution. They're so focused on the technology that the marketing the branding, that these important aspects you, know really launch and make this successful. They. They are not there and so these key ingredients we do have in this way I always say team, is super, important, and you know we have that yeah. That's awesome that's what I that's what I speak to a lot is is not so much you, know that the economic sort, of coin or the token or the protocol, or you know all that coders stuff because I've been today the, customer, never really sees that what they see isn't, what's in front of them the platform the, vision, the energy, you, know the message, you. Know so I think, that's very. Essential. And in having a successful ICO and that's what I noticed what you guys right away is like I connect it to it. If. It's okay with you I'll be able to play one. Of the videos that you. Guys just. Posted, yesterday at the cardi B video that, was a pretty, cool that. Was pretty cool. I, didn't. See you in there you didn't you didn't make a cameo what's, going on I can make you upset funny funny guy which state of state money put into the Paseo obstacle, area cardi bigbang offset, who, kisses mo'fucker Scott God who take your bitch as the party guard that's it your bits in the party God who that be dad's Martian, God who they don't pick in the purse God who got the freaks in the trucks fried and downs go ahead like a bitch in a bitch and bitch bitch will wanna be caught it but I'm MJ moonwalking. The bitch who walk into your clique I'm moving walking in the city with. This. Bitch I put them up and Bronx I keep the pump in the trunk. Picture your bed to jump Chuck may leave your bitch in a slump your bitch want party will cut cut. Here body and revoir eclipse dummies, all over my buddy shiny all over my buddy quite a guys yeah. I mean that's my team they're still in LA right now setting up our office so I went straight like back I'm in London right now for. The global blockchain Expo where I'm speaking at tomorrow, thousand. Ten and ten crypto, investors show for, promos team and so yeah, we're, just like everywhere. But um yeah I mean teams they're doing an amazing Bob and yeah. I love the video as well so that's pretty cool like you said you're in London now you're going somewhere else to, speak all over the world essentially is, that something, that's new, to you since, starting. In cryptocurrency or marketing, yeah it is it is pretty new speaking about this entire crypto thing. Even. Though I have, been in the space like, I said, 2013, 14 15 ongoing I've been doing a lot of research and. Yeah. Now it's getting better I mean it started really in like, even spreading the word and Hamburg, we had meet up meet like small meetups, events. In. Hamburg, and Berlin and Potsdam and all these like places, and. Now just to see how the space is kind, of evolving, and there's more and more people gathering together I think tomorrow blockchain, like, Expo and, London, I think that's gonna be huge as well no, I love, love, to see how much is happening in the space and they love to connect with like-minded people. What. I yeah, I do want to mention is right now we are, super. Focused, on just writing the word about X because. It, is. Not so much like for example people, are like oh you're you know promoting, the ICO, but, I'm mainly really, just promoting the message of the epics it's. Something, that that it sells itself, it's not it's not a hard to. Sell, something that I, always. Tell believe here in social media you're using your, phone every single day like you're on Instagram then. APICS. Is just something you would you would naturally love, and you would download and be a part of and so, all we have to do is really take take, care of that. Everything else is working smoothly that we have a team, that operates, well the. Technology side is working and the marketing side so like. Bridging, both of them coming, together there and then delivering. The product that's awesome I guess. I guess with being you, know a, woman. Co-founders, startup young visionary, you know what's your, vision for the future what, I always like say.

- It, doesn't really matter like who you are in this kind of age that we live in it doesn't matter your, your your, gender, doesn't, matter your age you know all, these things that, you, know before or something where you go. To a job and you'd apply and you. Know there's, people looking at I mean it's in general it's gotten a lot better but now with, this. Amazing age that we live in where you can literally, create things. From. Scratch and, you, just you, know data people together, there. Are no real barriers, so the only barriers, that are really, in your head and. So all. These mind blocks that people have but. In, reality I don't really think like, I don't see myself. In a position where, I'm like, mine, or I have a lot more like. To prove or things like that you know what I mean like maybe I do it like in my, subconscious, mind I do have thoughts like feelings like that but in, general, I would always say it, just. Just focus, you know to be focused on on. What. You're building on what your mission is on what you want to do and. Everything else like comes together so I've never really experienced, um any. Like bad really really bad situations. Like that where it's like okay I'm a born entrepreneur and, I'm different. But at the same time what I'm saying is also do, use it like if you are woman watching. Space or then, take space like I always say bring in feminine, aspects, and you can do that as a man as well we. Just talked about it branding, marketing like, these are like kind of feminine aspects. That, are very. Very, important, in, such, a like tech and male-dominated. Industry, yeah. What I've learned, my girlfriend sees in the astrology, and so I'm a Pisces so I'm pretty fluid, and have. A lot of characteristics. That pull from like emotion, and you know, essence. And state of being right, and so. You, know I think it's, very very important, especially when you go somewheres, they to you, know one of these black tank conferences. And. The. Room is just full, of one. Type of person it's easy to kind of get lost in that in, that person but I think what you guys are doing is bringing a different point of view and ultimately. I think that can be a major advantage. Because, nobody, essentially, nobody sees the world the way that you, see it um and, and winter with your founding, team and all of those creative. Spirits. You're bringing together to you. Know redefine. What. Can be on the, blockchain and I think that's pretty cool so salute. To youth you, know on that. Process. Right. Now. So. The, first round is going to be the presale, investors, that, are also going to be able to test out the app and. Then we're bringing in more and more people to. Really, test out the bugs them all out and then afterwards. Have. A more openly testament, where there's the schema community, a lot of listen my, name is Bo you. Can sign up. On. Our homepage you can sign up for it you can send us an email on epics com we, can also do, is actually, participate, in our bounty program. Which. Is you all you have to do is to go in I see Odin epochs calm and then there is you. Generate, your address like a link and. Then whenever you share something or you post or you like something that you actually get stakes which are later on gonna be epic. Stoke ins that are going to be your, wallet so, pretty. It's. A pretty good initiative, for people who are not sure if they want to invest or even if you are an investor um yeah, you might you might still want to do this because I. Guess. One. Of the question I know my community members would have especially, here in the states with Facebook.

And Google you know having the Terms, of Service and, the privacy and, the big court. Sessions, on that can, you speak a little bit to how. Consumer. Privacy your, accounting. For that and maybe learning from some of the mistakes that these big, technology, companies have have made previously. Yes. So of, course like a big concern especially, when, it comes to block chain is always privacy, right I mean everything's, on the blockchain and it's transparent. So. One of the things I can say is we do a lot with like user with. With the UI for example, that. Where we do, want to give the users a kind of privacy where not. All of your transaction, history or, not your action, history is gonna be shown on. Your profile. So. That opportunity, really dig deep in order to you, know find. Whatever they want and then. Again it also like this this conflicting, topic of like privacy and then having, blockchain. Technology, as a tool. My. Take on it is that. Like. If you, want full control and ownership of, what you post and what you do then. That, comes you know with, having. For, example being able to to. Have everything, transparent so. Well. What I mean by that is not that you have to completely, of course everything, has to be shown it's, more of a saying, like where where, you are where, you know that your data is not is not like locked in where you give it to to a company, or like you do with other with traditional social media right your data, is owned by these companies but, now. So. Whatever you want to choose, to put on there that is your choice the, data goes in the blockchain and so it's it's not that. I think the beautiful thing about it is that nobody owns it and so that's the beauty of blockchain, and yeah. That's, that's. What I love about it actually that's. Awesome that's awesome well you know again, I thank you and your team for, not. Only taking the time to speak with me and my community today but you know really for it does yet, effort and passion that you all are bringing, all. Too often I. Kind. Of weed out those, that I allow. To speak, directly to my community and you, know a lot of it is just, you know one guy with a website, and a white paper and he goes and raises a hundred million dollars I don't think that necessarily helps. The. Crypto sphere right but. When you have a group of visionaries, like what you guys have been able to do, looking. To correct the problems, that the technocrats, have created, and implement. A new, innovative, procedure. That. Gives power back to the people I think that's very very. Amazing. So. You, know anything you need from me down the road just let me know I, will, be here and I look forward to meeting you one day hopefully at one of these big conferences. You. Know and wish you the best of luck on your journey as well. Thank. You appreciate. And. Like we see this as sort. Of the, same thing that happened with the internet right like the transitioning, you. Like you can see Matt off a lot of companies are jumping, on this like Bitcoin, thing in this Bitcoin life are, those, who are right now in the process of creating, real. Products. With, real teams behind them and, that. Don't really put the emphasis so much on watching, but rather on the company or what they're delivering, and so, I think that's what we're doing why we really stand out in the space and. That's. What we're that's what we're also doing but then again we're so focusing, the product, and everything else just comes you know, absolutely. Awesome. Well thank you again for, joining. Us they always do the best of luck and your venture and you know safe travels, have fun and you, know hold it down over there in London -. Thank. You thank you. You.

2018-04-21 20:40

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APPICS Crypto Links for ICO Review:

love Steemit and will check out Appics. thx

Black Mirror episode about social media .

What a great

really nice Video

Bam invested yesterday, happy to see BK the BOSS covering this. Might have to buy me some more lol

Thanks for the 411 bro..

pretty lady btw !

Aye Monty, focus on getting the paper pimpin. Lost in the sauce

Very cool! Sounds like a great powerful new project like the name Appics very smart. Thanks for sharing. I was checking out the page before and the group is on fire.

For sure!

Our personal attention is being tokenized and monetized...we get paid to be social!

if you gonna do something for free - might as well switch it up and get paid!

So much love for this project 100%

Very goog

And very interesting!

Great project, Uma!

I agree 100%

Thank you!

awesome - thanks for your support!

Thank you!!!

thank you!

That makes two of us!

Appreciate the support Krypto!

lol lost in the sauce!

You're welcome!

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