Turning Scarcity into Abundance – 2019 AT&T Business Summit

Turning Scarcity into Abundance – 2019 AT&T Business Summit

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Thank. You Kate. Thank. You Kate good. Morning everybody. Glad. Everybody's awake. Let's. Dive in I've 45, minutes I want to share with you what I think is, a. View, that for. Me makes me excited, to wake up in the morning, we. Are living, during. One of the most extraordinary, times, ever in human history I don't think there's a more exciting time ever to be alive it's a time when. Every one of us if. We stop and think about it have access, to the tools to, change the world, there's, never been a time where individuals. Have, access to more information more. Bandwidth, more. Capital, more, computational. Power and, really. The ability to find, a problem and solve a problem and that creates. For an extraordinary. Vision of the future, it's. Also true. That I think none of us really, understand, how fast the world is changing, and, for. A lot of people that's scary, but. If you have a sense of where the. Trends are, going if you understand, the, dynamics of, where technologies. Are converging, it's. Really an extraordinary. Period of opportunity, so. Let's. Dive in, this. Is the situation, today we have faster. Cheaper computers, that are the oxygen, in the room the foundation, or the growth, medium upon which all these other exponential, technologies, are growing, computation. Sensors, networks AI robotics, 3d printing synthetic biology, augmented, virtual, reality, blockchain. All these technologies, are getting faster and faster as our, computational. Speeds are accelerating. And it used to be that if you were running, a company in any one of these or if, you're an entrepreneur building. A tech on any one of these that was enough but. Today it isn't it's really the combination of two three or four of these that, are creating these converging. New, business models, that is really where the excitement, is where the action is where in fact. For. Me the greatest wealth is gonna be created and, I, think about the notion that we're gonna create more wealth in the next 10 years then. We have the entire past. Century. We're. Also gonna transform, every, industry, every, business, and I. Think that's inherent. In the fact that, that. Technology, is accelerating we're seeing all of these forces. Accelerating. The rate at which technology, is accelerating it's no longer just, increasing. Slowly, its, increasing. At a rate that is not really. Possible. For our brains to understand, see, the challenges, our brains 100 billion neurons in our brains 100 trillion synaptic. Connections, that make up everything, we've ever known and, and, learned. Our, brains, evolved. On the savannahs, of Africa hundreds. Of thousands, and millions of, years ago and our, brains evolved, for that situation that was a situation where everything was local. And linear nothing. Affected you that was not within the day's walk nothing, changed, you. Know century, to century millennium.

To Milleniums our brains are local, and linear pattern. Recognition, machines but. Today the world is anything but that right today the world is global, and exponential, something, happens in India, or China it, you, know you hear about it seconds, later computers, in about a microseconds. Later things. Are not changing century to century or decade to decade they're changing year to year and month to month and. So. If you. Were to graph it looks like this is redlined it's all of us it's, our shareholders, it's our board members it's our kids. We, have not had a hardware, software upgrade, in two million years since. The prefrontal cortex came. Into existence, but. The technology, that you're, building, that you're investing, in that you're using is here. Right all of these technologies, are doubling, on 12 to 24 months centers and the difference between us linear. Thinkers, and this. Exponential, tech is either, disruptive, stress or, opportunity. Depending on your point of view and, so. Let's, look at a few, examples in. My second, book bold I talked about and open up with the story of Kodak and it's, an important story so, Kodak. In 1996. At the top of it right. 28 billion dollar market cap 140,000. Employees what most people don't know what I didn't know before I did the research was. That it was 21 years earlier, when a guy named Steven Sasson in Kodak's labs had come up with a digital camera you know, the first digital camera about the size of a small toaster. Took. Point zero 1 megapixel images, in black and white on a tape drive and when Stephen walks into the boardroom of Kodak and goes here, it is the future of Kodak of course, what happens they, say you're kidding me that's a toy for kids where Kodak we make beautiful. High-resolution. Images, and then. There was the killer where, they said besides we're in the paper and chemicals, business and I. Would posit that Kodak was not in paper and chemicals business their mission, from, George Eastman was to preserve people's, memories, and they. Didn't hop on the first mover advantage they have they didn't hop on the new technology, to enable that massively. Transformative, purpose and a, few decades later Kodak. Was bankrupt in the same year another company, who's, in the business, of preserving people's, memories, a company, called Instagram, gets acquired by Facebook for a billion dollars, with. 13, employees and. People. Laughed at that acquisition prices, and what a waste of money right and well today it's. Worth a hundred billion dollars on their balance sheet and. This. Is what it looks like when, a linear. Technology, hops, off a cliff that yellow. Line is is film, and we see this massive. Uptake. As you jump on to an exponential. Tech right. We see one point six trillion. Happy, pics a couple, years ago. Here's. Another example you, guys all remember a blockbuster, right. So. To. Two. Parts of the story the first is when, Reed Hastings starts, Netflix. In 1999. We see this linear. Growth period, when, these, DVDs, are going out via mail and then. Netflix. Hops onto a. Broadband. Exponential. Tech and when, you hop on such an exponential, growth curve you see this right. From 2 billion 250 billion dollars over eight years now. The. Challenge, is that, Netflix. In late. 2008. For, the second time chose. Not to buy. I'm, sorry blockbuster, for the second time in 2008, chose not to buy Netflix and when. You go back to the earnings call in that moment in time this. Is what you hear she. At Netflix, is not even on the radar screen in terms of competition, I mean. How much more wrong could you be, and. The. Challenge, is when, as a. CEO as, an executive, and a company you. Defend. Your position, versus questioning, your position, and don't hop on to the next technology, to. Be able to deliver your purpose, to your consumers, it's. Deadly. So. What. We're seeing is this how fast can things change you've seen these numbers want to put them on one chart for you here's, all the retail companies back in 2006. Down at the bottom is that small. Little online book, retailer called. Amazon, at 17 billion and if you'd gone to these CEOs and say listen this company's, going to eat your lunch they, would laugh right. But ten years later the. Numbers are dramatic. - ninety percent - seventy percent plus, three thousand percent and now Amazon, is bouncing, between 800. Billion and a trillion. What. We're seeing is a time, where, we're going from I've got, an idea, -.

I Run, a billion dollar company faster. Than any time ever in human history so, my friend Chad Hurley starts, youtube on his credit cards and sells, it to Google for 1.65. Billion dollars 18 months later right. There's no way to explain goober and lifto attitude. Antennae. To Avis or Hertz right. And why, didn't all the hotel companies, in the world come, up with air B&B, part. Of the challenge is going to be what, questions, are you asking did anyone at Hilton, or Hyatt and it kind of will ever ask the question hey, how do we double the number of rooms we have without spending a dollar of capex, we'll, talk about the fact that it's the questions, you ask as an, executive, and a leader that are far more important, than what you know, so. Check. Out this I charge on the far left is 2011. Each, of these logos. Are unicorns, a billion dollar startups, on the, far right as 2015. And all want you to see here is the, frequency, at which billion, dollar startups, are emerging. And it's. Not that, any of these companies or executives, are smarter, than any of us here in the room it's, that they are able to experiment, and try. Crazy. Ideas, more, frequently, than, being inside the context, of a large organization, so. Let. Me share something I think is one of the most important ideas I've ever learned which is the day before something, is truly a breakthrough it's. A crazy idea, right. If it, was not a crazy idea the day before it wouldn't be a breakthrough would be an expected, linear. Improvement. So, I asked where inside organizations are, you trying crazy ideas, are you hearing crazy didn't say let's run the experiment, let's look at the data. So. What, we're seeing right now is. Exponential. Growth and I ask the question what does it feel like you know all of us are linear thinkers, I have two eight-year-old, boys I talked to them about this you know 30, linear steps 1 2 3 4 5 I'm thirty meters away I'm midway. Through the first part of this audience if. I. Go 30 exponential. Steps again. What the brain is not wired for write. A simple doubling, 1 2 4 8 16 32 in, 30 doublings, I'm not 30 meters away I'm a billion, meters away put. Differently I've gone there on a plan at 26, times and that's, difference between us linear, thinkers and the growth of our technology, exponentially, is what, is disrupting. Companies. Over, and over again. So. Of course all, of. This today is riding. On top of Moore's Law here is Gordon Moore in 1965. He publishes a very famous paper he, says for the last seven years we've been seeing the number of transistors, on a piece of silicon roughly, double. Every. 12 to 18 months and it's likely to continue its continued, for 50 years and we've given it the name of Moore's. Law and, would give you a visualization, of what that looks like right. This 1958. Was the first integrated circuit here's two transistors, about. A centimeter size each fast. Forward to Intel's first commercial, product in, 1971. About. $1 per trans, 2,300. Transistors, now, let's fast forward to their top-of-the-line today, the core, i9 seven, billion transistors, less, than a millionth of a penny each right, and this, is a twenty seven billion fold price performance increase, and it's. This kind of massive. You. Know, transformation. Of computational. Power that, is driven today's explosion, of tech but. It's hard to think about what's 27, billion fold better, let me give you another visualization. Of what this looks like back. In 1956. This was a five megabyte, hard drive and if. You happen to have your cargo, airline you can move it from office to office 120,000. Dollars shipping. Not included. Now. We notice when this happened, right now. This is 25, times more memory, for. A thousand. Times cheaper 128. Megabytes for 99, bucks but. Did we notice when this happened, right, when nine years later right, on schedule it's. A thousand. Times more memory for the same price and, of. Course it's, not stopping. Here right now it's a terabyte, for, something that you can lose in your pocket my. Co-founder. Of single, our University Ray Kurzweil and I are advisors investors, and the company whose mission, it is you. Know using, nanotechnology, to put Google's, data centers on the sugar cube right, this is not slowing.

Down And, so. This, 10 trillion full, improvement. Is not something that we as as individuals. Really grok we can't think. Exponentially, what we can do is reset, this is now possible this is now possible this is now possible, so. This. Is computation. Over time over a hundred and ten years from Ray's book The Singularity is near and if. You, continue, this forward, what you get is the following by. 2023. Four. Years from now the average thousand. Dollars is now buying you the computational, power of the, human brain 10 to the 16 cycles per second and 25. Years later now $1,000. Is buying. You the computational. Power of the, entire human race right. Now your kids homework gets really, easy. So, I think about this I think about the notion that whatever were digitizing, and all of us here are in the business of digitizing, products, and services, enters. A period of slow deceptive, growth right that first digital cameras point 0 1 then point 0 2 then point 0 4 megapixels. It all, looked like zero and then. All of a sudden 30 doublings, later, the. Film cameras, gone it's disrupting. And, ultimately. What we see is dematerialization. De monetization, and democratization, and I would say that every one of us here in the room is in, this business let, me slow this down this. Is, dematerialization. That. The fact that 20 years later all of these things fit in your pocket they're ones and zeros, and the. Cost, of replication, is marginally, zero the cost of transmission, is marginally, zero and as. You D materialize, your de monetizing. New products and services are getting cheaper and more available and, at, the, same time we're. Democratizing. Right, being able to no longer serve just, your city just your town just your nation you, can serve the world. So. I think. About the fact that technology, is, taking. What used to be scarce and making. An abundant, itsu as the story of my first book and it, was a realization that hey what do we think of is truly scarce and. Aren't. Isn't. This all changing. Let, me give you one. Of my favorite examples. There. Is a company, that a friend of mine runs in the Bay Area called, the diamond foundry, now. De, Beers and, every, jewelry company would have you believe that diamonds are extraordinarily scarce, and of course natural diamonds have. Some level of scarcity, but. The, diamond foundry is a machine about the size of a refrigerator in one end comes water methane, and, electricity. Out the other end comes perfect diamonds, three, carats four carats five carats, how big would you like it seven eight nine carats, would. You like imperfections, in it you can add that would you like some color no problem. Now. I want to show you what a true diamond ring looks like, coming. Off of their machines. Right. So we're heading towards a world all of a sudden that things were preconceived. As scarce. Are becoming. Abundant, it was not too long ago. High-bandwidth. Communications, was something that was massively, expensive remember when I my internet bills for. Broadband. Back in 2000, from Akamai, were like you know my single one expense, today. It's, you know millions, of fold cheaper, and the, benefit is that everybody. Gets to build businesses, on top of that so. What would you think of as scarce, energy. Water health care learning you. Know time, money, resource, expertise. Energies, not we used to go kill wells on the ocean, to get whale oil to light our nights then, we ravaged mountainsides, for coal then we drilled kilometres, under the ocean floor for oil today. We're living in a world that's bathed in 6000, times more energy from the Sun than we consume as a species and the. Price per kilowatt hour of solar is plummeting. Right. We'll talk about some, of these. Let's. Start with of course what we're here to talk about which is communications. We're heading towards a world where everyone, everywhere. Is always, connected at low cost right. 5g. 80 that's. The enabler, it's the, kudzu growing, around the planet always, on always connected a hundred times faster at the, same time what we're seeing is an explosion, of global satellite networks, that. Are going. To be deploying, around.

The Planet to give me coverage in the Himalayas, the Gobi Desert but. The implications. Are the important part right in 2017. Half, the world was connected, 3.8, billion people in the, next five to, seven years we're, about to connect every single human on the planet not, like I came online at 9600. Baud right we're connecting, four billion new minds at gigabit. Connection, speeds with, access to quantum computing on the cloud if they want with accessed ability to spin up a thousand. Processor, cores on the, cloud with the ability to to, manufacture. On the cloud these. Four billion minds are all going to want everything delivered, to them digitally, on their, mobile devices, finance. Insurance healthcare. Education, all of these things, and. So what, are these four billion new minds going to want, what. Are they going to create more than you desire they, represent, 10 of trillions, of dollars flowing. Into the global economy and for. Me these four billion Minds that are about to come online they're all entrepreneurs, in, the past to survive in the, future to create and solve problems I think, that this, inflection, of global, connectivity. Connecting. Those minds, to the cloud is going, to create a massive, uptick in the rate of innovation. And. It's. Not just everybody. Right it's everything being, connected my friends at Cisco talked about 20 billion connected devices next, year a trillion sensors, let's. Go to 2030, with a half a trillion to connected devices and 100 trillion sensors, you. Know we're seeing this. Estimate. Of six trillion dollars, for, IOT by 2025. So. What I find interesting though is this. We're. About to head to a world, where. Everything, is being sensed. All the, time everywhere. Hundreds. And thousands. Of satellites in orbit millions, of drones in the atmosphere, every, autonomous, car generating, 750. Megabits of data per second as it's going down the road, augmented. Reality you know you're magically, for hololens glass is looking, forward and seeing things in millimeter. Resolution. We're. Heading towards a world where you're, going to be able to know anything, you want anytime you want anywhere, you want you can ask any question. So. Imagine, if you would that if you're the fashion business in the future you want to know hey, what, is the average spectral.

Color Of a man's blazer on Madison Avenue you, can ask that question, and the, sensors, are there to image it and your AI is there to to, process it and give you that answer and then say hey there's a correlate, with any kind of an advertising, campaign in the, last 30 days so. I would pause it as I teach my kids and I'm in the boardrooms, and companies I'm saying it's more important the questions, you ask not. What you know because we're heading towards a world in which. We had this trillion, sensor economy, where. You can start to get answers, to crazy, questions, and drive. New business models that were not possible, before. All. Right let's talk about transportation so, something I'm very excited, about is the future. Transportation. Of, course this is the first autonomous, Prius. That, Sebastian. Thrun at Google built Larry Sergey and Eric and and. The. Question is how fast autonomous, car is gonna change our lives when. They're going to come in and transform, how we, live and where we work well. There's a great analogy, if we go back to the past, century. This, is the Year 1904. And if, you looked in the streets of New York there's. About 10% there, two cars in the photograph here about, a 10% penetration, of bespoke, expensive. Automobiles, if you. Fast forward just 13, years from. 1904, to 1917. This. Is what it looks like the horse and buggy is gone, right. And now. Interestingly. Enough. 1904. If you read what it was like back in the early 1900s, New, York City's streets, stank, from horse manure and her urine that was the pollutant, of that transportation, day, and then, this technology, called cars came along and displaced, that pollutant so. The question is when. Are we gonna see in how fast might we see the transition, from, driven. Human. Driven cars to autonomous, cars well this is how fast the transition, occurred in 1908. The first mass production, car called the Model T came online, by. 1912. There, were more cars than horse and buggies it was fast then something is 10 times cheaper ten times better ten, times easier people. Switch so. Of course we're seeing. Massive. Investments. By a multitude, of different companies from way Mowatt and Tesla. And cruise into autonomous. Cars and the. Future, in my mind of an autonomous car looks like this we're sitting at breakfast, with your kids or your wife or your husband and you. Get up and you walk towards the front door to go and go, to your meeting you're. AI. Knows, your schedule it sees you walking to the front door it's had two autonomous cars circling the, block as you open the door one, pulls in front of you you. Have your aura ring, sleep data and your, AI knows you, didn't sleep well last night so it pulled a car up with a bed in the back right the, world is becoming automaticall, for you it's automatic, and magical, it's responding, to your needs before you know you need, and. Now of course because you've sold your car some time ago you can convert your garage, into the spare bedroom, your, driveway, into rose garden whatever you want but more importantly, it's transforming. How and where, we live and work we're, seeing massive investments, going on in China just came back there with the government is investing in cities, and autonomous car programs, to, really drive the data collection. But it's not just autonomous, cars we're, seeing it's also flying cars right. We're seeing about, almost, a hundred startups. In the, Evi, tall electric vertical takeoff and landing we're seeing the majors from Airbus, and. Bell which change name from Bell Helicopter, to Bell and Boeing. And Embree. Air and you. Know about a billion, dollars a year going, into these. Vertical, takeoff and landing capabilities and. Ubers. Uber, elevate, program is going to be in testing, here, in Dallas, and in LA in 2021, operations. Hopefully in 2023. But, all of a sudden it unlocks, the value of real estate I live, in Santa Monica where, the real estate value is really expensive you. Know ten miles that way by the crow flying is Topanga Canyon I can buy three times the house but. It can be an hour-and-a-half drive but. There's lots of room to land one of these vehicles so we're gonna see a transformation, with, virtual. Reality augmented, reality flying. Cars you, know autonomous. Cars in the entire real estate marketplace, the insurance marketplace, a lot of changes, coming.

Another. Big area is of course meta trends of human, robot collaboration. Let's. Take a look at where robotics, are today this is a a friend's, company Boston. Dynamics. This. Is the Atlas robot, and what, we're seeing here is you, know amazing. Capability. Marc. Raybert has been building better, and better robots, but what's really transforming. This is not the machine, it's. Machine. Learning, it's the ability for the robot to be driven by. Effectively. Neural. Nets that mimic. How the human, gets long that, was 2018, here, is 2019. This is Atlas, with. Some new tricks. And of course this is owned by masses. On that south bank Japan. Is going to need robots, for its elderly population. It's, gonna need robots for manufacturing. Robots for taking care of people robots. To you, know really. Displace. A missing workforce. Saddam. So. This comes out of Google, brain and this, is a. Demonstration. Of, what, machine, learning and neural nets look like actively, so each one of these robots is making. An attempt to go and pick something up and every. Time it fails, it says okay that doesn't, work every time it succeeds, it reinforces. A neural pathway, to. Learn. Better, now the beautiful thing about this is as those, robots, are linked together every. Time one robot, learns they all learn it's as if you know you were back in eighth grade algebra and, the kid in the front row learned algebra first, and all of a sudden the entire class, knows algebra, right. So this is what we're you. Know what we're gonna see is that, literally. It's not just teaching, one. Robot. One autonomous, car at a time it's teaching, the entire operating, system that's, supporting, every, single, flying, vehicle, driving vehicle, out there and of, course. AI. And. I'm sure you've, spoken at length I, love this quote from sundar, the CEO of Google artificial, intelligence, could have more, profound implications, for humanity electricity, or fire and I believe that is true, I. Want. To share with you one video that I think is one of the most telling videos, and I share it with every audience because it's important, so deep, mind one, of alphabets. Companies. When a google's company's, backed, about two years ago beat. Lisa Dahl in the. Game of Go it was predicted, that go, would be won in the late 2020s, it was won a decade, earlier by. A a I and, I, want you to listen so alphago, was the name of their AI that, won, against Lisa Dahl three. Games four. Games to one and I think gave them that game so it didn't seem too threatening, personally. And. Listen. To what their, new AI called, alphago, zero is able. To do and how it does it really important let's, play that video. When. We played against Lisa doll we actually had a system, that had been trained on human, data on all of the millions of games that have been played by, human, experts, we. Eventually. Found a new algorithm a much more elegant approach to, the whole system instead of learning from human data at learned from its own games and that, became a project, which we called alpha zero zero. Meaning having zero humanoids in the loop the. Next stage was to make it more general so. That it could play any two-player, game not, just go but, things like chess and shogi. Which is Japanese chess and in fact any kind of two-player perfect, formation game, what. We discovered was that actually, this, exceeded, all of our expectations. Alpha. Zero could start in the morning playing completely randomly and then, by team be superhuman. Level by dinner it would be the strongest chess, entity there's ever been after. About eight or nine hours it was strong enough to be able to go out and defeat stockfish the incumbent, world champion, a program, which was vastly, stronger than deep blue their program which had previously defeated, Kasparov. Learning. Without any human data learning, by playing within the rules against, itself that every time it elevated, it played against itself so the question, is what. Else is gameplay. The. Insurance, market the investment. Market the real estate market, where are we gonna see AI coming. In now the advantage. Here that we have as humans is in. Collaboration, with AI right. Whenever you play an AI against, a human the AI may win in a lot of these games when, you play an AI and a human and team against.

An AI the, team wins I. Love. This example I think this came out of Columbia to AI program, called la geeks and what they did is they trained this program to review, agreements. Contracts, and so they took a contract that had a number of flaws in it known flaws and they. Gave it to the AI and said analyze his contract, and they, gave it to a team of analyze. His contract, and here are the results. The. Humans took 92 minutes and got 85%, accuracy, the, AI took 26, 26. Seconds and got 94%. Accuracy. Let's. Talk about augmented. Intelligence, one of the most important, things that a nation, or a company, can do is increase the intelligence, of its, workforce, there's. Nothing, more important, by. 2021, AI augmentation. Is a three trillion, dollar, and a six billion dollar. Productivity. Savings. So. We. All remember, Jarvis from Ironman. Jarvis. Is that AI. Augmented. Reality combination. That, is able, to provide. Ironman, just in time information. Literally. Answer, questions, integrate, information and, deliver it to your, visual cortex just. At the moment that you need it and of course we're seeing amazing. Investments. Going on, with. Microsoft. And magically, my friends and magiclip are doing an amazing job. Apple. Google all of these companies and the. Question is how. Is this going to transform the world right. For me it's about future. Training, is not necessarily. Going. Through four years of medical school and eight years of internship. And residency it's. Being able to be given the information you need at the moment you need it just in time and it's going to be the flexibility. Of the ability of the person to learn as they. Need so. Here's. Another example of, human machine augmentation, I run the XPrize foundation we've launched about 200 million dollars in X prizes, launching. Another 200 million dollars in competitions, this is an X Prize we launched funded. By All Nippon Airways it's. Called the Avatar XPrize. We ask teams to build a robotic avatar, that you as a human can, occupy I want you imagine, in the future where I'm not here in Dallas I'm back home in Santa Monica and my pajamas, it because it's you, know it's 6 a.m. in the morning there and I. Have. Got a, magically. Ped set on I've got a a. A. Augmented. Bodysuit, and as I walk, around that. Avatar walks around as I see through its eyes to you you, see me I feel like I'm here and you feel like I'm here and for. Us this is going to be the early days of, disaster. Relief and health assistance, we, have over a hundred companies, registered working. On this competition, from, 15 countries and, its, ability. Of not, only. Democratizing. But de localizing. Ourselves. And. The. Ultimate, augmentation. Of intelligence, is happening, here so. We're, seeing again about, a billion, dollars a year going, into connecting, the neocortex, of your, head, and, your brain to. The cloud so Colonel, won't know if any of you saw the the. Webinar. Done by Elon, from neural link back about two. Months ago or so open-water. Facebook. Google all of these companies so, it turns out that our hundred billion neurons in, our brain we, can't grow any more brain tissue right. We are we, are basically, landlocked. By the birth canal and our, brain played a trick a few, million years ago of getting these neural folds, to increase the amount of neural. Cortex in our brain but that's ended, but, just the same way that my my. My phone here goes out to the ATT Cloud to the edge of the cloud to. Process. Complex information, and, brings back the answer to my phone that's. What we're gonna be doing with the brain so. The. Prediction, that neural. Link had they said there in primates, right now they're going to be in human testing by the end of 2020, their, projection. Is going to be a two gigabit connection, speed from the you, know the motor and sensory cortex of, the brain out, to the cloud. Initially. For people with cervical fractures, who are locked in who can't sense or control anything but, this is just the beginning right. This. Was a Time magazine cover. My. Friend Ray Kurzweil, has a set, of predictions, he's made he's got in being, an 87, percent accuracy, rate if you google, it on Wikipedia and this prediction, for when we're going to create high bandwidth, connections, between the neocortex, and the, cloud is, 20:35. So. The question, is what, happens, to our society, into our world when, my you know my broadband, 18t, connection, is not just from my device, it's, from my brain I think. Things are gonna change in an interesting fashion, all. Right the last subject I want to cover here is an.

Important. Meta trend I think for all of us which. Is that we're heading towards a world in which, we're. Gonna double the human lifespan again. So. It used to be that as humans, a hundred, thousand years ago we. Would go into puberty at age 13 and by the time we were 13, we were having a child and by. The time we were 26, our kid was having a kid and in. That moment in time before. There was McDonald's, in the whole food when when food was scarce, the worst thing you could do for the perpetuation of the species was. To take food out of your grandchildren's, mouth so. As we look at it we see that in fact the human body was never truly designed, to live past age 30. But. We've, changed that and. My. Mission is how do we make a hundred years old than you 60 and there. Are billions of dollars per, year going into extending. The healthy human lifespan. Healthcare, today is really secure right. But we're heading towards, a future. Of healthcare now, three of the companies I've, started. The. Companies I'm investing, supporting, there's, about, 600, or so longevity, companies a different, stage of financing. Out there let's, talk a little bit about what, they're doing and how they're gonna transform, our lives because. At the end of the day, having. A population of, individuals. That are growing healthier, and living. Longer is going, to affect every, single business here so. One. Of the companies, that. I'll share with you is called human. Longevity and, their product, is called the health nucleus you, go for three hours and you're digitized, your, entire genome, all 3.2, billion letters are a sequenced, your, microbiome, your metabolomic. Metabolites. Full, body MRI brain. Vasculature. Brain, MRI. Coronary CT lung, CT, 150. Gigabytes, of data in three. Hours, downloaded. About you and then. That is of course fed, into the machine, learning data mining, database now here's the challenge. This. Is more data than any human, physician could ever understand, and. All. Of us are optimists, thinking about how we're. Doing, but. The reality, is every single person is always, developing cancers we are developing cancers, all the, time our. Immune system is there to knock them out in the very beginning and when the immune system fails, that's when we develop a cancer so. Here, are the results this used to be $25,000. A visit it's, now about six, thousand dollars a visit or though it's de monetizing. And this is from the first 1,200, patients now these, were all wealthy, individuals, who can afford a $25,000. Visit here, are the numbers 2%. Of those individuals, 2 out of 100 had a cancer, high grade cancer didn't know about - had a brain, or it a or tech aneurysm, that know about alright three and a half percent had a significant, cardiac, condition, they didn't know about we're.

All Optimists, right I'm a pilot I fly a couple of airplanes when I get in my plane I don't. Take. Off until I know everything, is you. Know green, and ready to go for most, of us we have no true, idea what's going in inside our bodies right, so the bottom result here was that 14.4%. Of, these individuals, had, life-saving. Findings, coming out of this exam and so. We're heading towards a world where, medicine. Was retroactive. And the only time you. Went, to the hospital is when you had that problem, and guess. What that problem didn't start that morning it's been going on for months or years but we're gonna transform, medicine into a proactive, personalized. And predictive, where, you catch disease, at stage, zero when. It's the most solvable. Here's. Another area that's going on it turns out that if you look at that chart right. This is age along the bottom and this is stem, cell populations. We exhaust, our stem cells and our stem cells are our, regenerative. Engine of our body it's what goes. And fixes. Broken. Tissues, neural. Connective. Musculature. Whatever, it might be but. If you see we exhaust our stem cell populations. By, the time we're into our early, to mid-30s so, there are a number of companies today focused, on how do we replenish, your. Stem cell populations. One, company that that. I love is using, placental, derived stem cells right placentas are the 3d, printers that manufacture. The. Baby, here's. Another. Company, as a friend of mine Martine Rothblatt she. Runs a four billion dollar pharma. Company in the space of lungs. And she, is working on 3d. Printing lungs, so this is cartilage. 3d, printed into a lung. Scaffolding. That is then put into a stem cell bath to regrow, the ovl eye for. The lung. You. Can see a close-up there. It. Turns out that our cells, in our body can, replicate 50, times it's called the hayflick limit at the end of 50 replications. Three. Things happen number one they should die to, make room for new cells to come or number, two sometimes they turn into cancers, because. They lose their limitations.

And Replication, and a, lot of times they become senile. Cells they hang out and they. Just put out inflammatory. Factors, so. There are a number of companies this is one called unity Biosciences. It was backed by Jeff, Bezos in which. They're, discovering, these, syn oolitic medicines, medicines, that will go and find, the senile cells in your body and kill, them and make, room, for new cells to grow and what. We're seeing at least in animal models in some human testing right now is a 30%. Increase in lifespan. This. Is another friend, this is Osman Kumar from, a company called Sami, Med in San Diego it's a twelve billion dollar private, company you've never heard about and their. Technology, is called the wint pathway, W and T pathway cell to cell communication and, what. They have in phase 1 phase 2 phase 3 clinical trials, is nothing, short of miraculous, it's, what gives, them a twelve billion dollar valuation as a private company without, revenues. As a, company, they, have a hold on. Stopping. Eight different, cancers, and deadness tracks Alzheimer's. Getting. Rid of wrinkles regrowing, hair it. Is extraordinary. I'll. Close. On on. This book. Called, lifespan, that's just came out from a friend of mine David Sinclair who heads. Longevity. At Harvard's one of the best books I've read in the last decade, if you're looking for a great book lifespan, is amazing. David. Has put. Forward what he considers, the, information. Theory, of aging, that. In fact there is a part, of our genome called the sirtuin, system that has two functions one, part is it has to regulate, what genes are on in your body the, other part is it corrects. DNA. Damage and as we age the. The. Nad. That powers that system is reduced and the sirtuin, system becomes less, effective so we can no longer regulate and repair, at the same time and that's. What he believes and is showing right now is.

Why. We age. David. Takes the position I agree with him that aging, is a disease and, that we, can not only slow, aging or stop aging he believes we can reverse aging, so. I want you to imagine the, following I want you to imagine that in the next 10 to 20 years we're. Gonna add another, 10 to 20 years unto your lifespan how. Does that change the way you think and by, the way during, these 10, or 20 years technology, doesn't stop we're. Seeing this massive, increase in how. AI and, quantum computing and sensors, and networks and CRISPR and gene therapy and CRISPR caste and all of those things are going to transform, our ability, to understand, why, whales, and sharks and turtles can live four or five hundred seven hundred years and why we don't, so. I would posit that we. Are truly, living in, an extraordinary time. I'll. End on these few thoughts a negative mindset will never give you a positive, life I'll. Remind. You what I said in the beginning that we are living, during. The most extraordinary time ever in human history as I, teach at singularity University and, abundance 360 the world's biggest problems, with world's biggest business, opportunities, want. To become a billionaire help a billion people that's, the world we're living in we're, living in a time that, is extraordinary, and. I'll close, by saying don't blink it's, moving, fast. Thank. You if you'd, like a copy these slides you can just send a email, to keynote at Diamandis, my server will send them to you I wish, you an amazing amazing. Event here thank you to AT&T for having me have, a blessed day. Thanks. For watching for, more videos from AT&T business, click, Subscribe.

2019-12-10 13:53

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