Turn Your Creative Talents Into A Successful Business (With Trey Anthony)

Turn Your Creative Talents Into A Successful Business (With Trey Anthony)

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we've all got messes in our lives so many of my struggles have become what my business now is and that became my passion and when i started to tune into my own truth that's when things started to happen it's like the pathway began to unfold with so much more ease you are watching the shemes business show with me carrie green i'm the founder of the female entrepreneur association and the author of the best-selling book she means business and every single week i'm going to be talking with you about how you can turn your ideas into a wildly successful business and actually live the life of your dreams you can do this and i'm so excited to show you how so let's get started hello everyone i i am it's funny i literally just hit record and the construction noise starts up again great um anyway we're gonna do this episode because i'm so excited i am joined by trey anthony and she is so amazing and i'm so excited to have you here trey welcome to the podcast thank you and thank you for having me i'm excited to be here thank you so much i lit i feel like i just want to sit here and just listen to your story um but and you're i was watching your um tedx talk and literally have written down so many things that i wanted to say like so many things you said in your tedx which were just so amazing um but for everyone listening i just kind of maybe want to shape how this episode i think is going to go like firstly obviously talking about your story but secondly i think this episode is going to be so amazing and empowering for anyone who really um you know just wants to dream bigger think outside of get themselves out of the box kind of like what you're talking about tedx which we can talk about um and just how anyone with like ideas and that you know creatives and people who you know create amazing things are how they can turn that into a business and multiple streams of revenue and actually create a successful happy fulfilled life doing something they actually love which i just think is so i think it isn't so important for everyone and that's what this this podcast is all about is empowering people to do that so i'm excited to have you on and really talk about your story i also made a list of all the amazing things that you've done sold out hit play which has grossed millions and broke box office records practically around the world adapted for tv and you became the first african canadian woman to create write and produce a primetime tv show on a major canadian network which is bloody amazing are you written for oprah winfrey network mindscape amongst others um you're such a sought after speaker you are also big big this is a big one author of the new book black girl in love with herself amazing i love that title um and i'm excited to talk to you about the book that is it's out already isn't it yes it just came out um last week tuesday so it's a rabbit on amazon wherever just get it just buy it i keep telling people buy the damn book so you have just achieved so many amazing things and um oh there's just so much i want to talk about but let's firstly just kind of rewind and just dive into your story because it's so inspiring and also you're so funny as well obviously like with you the comedic side but i just love it so let's i'm just gonna let you talk i'm gonna hand the mic to you tell us about your story and like where this all started for you like how have you managed to achieve so many incredible things and also how have you found the courage to speak up and use your voice in such a powerful way um which i just think is so important especially into like today um so how where's that all come from how did it all start for me it really came from necessity um from um i was one of those people i had a grandmother who was amazing and always encouraged me my grandmother was really one of my biggest um cheering squads and she always just thought like i was amazing at everything so i was lucky that i had her as kind of like my um hype man i would say right woman and um i had this notion from the get-go that i always wanted to be an actor that was the first thing that i was like oh i want to be an actor and i was under the impression that if you were talented and you worked really hard that you would get all of these amazing jobs and people be knocking down your door and so i ended up going and doing a course at the american drama um american academy of dramatic arts in new york and then i also got an internship at the chris rock show wow and i came back from new york to canada with this you know i really kind of had this like oh look at me man i'm the kind of that's kind of how i thought and i was like i'm gonna come back to canada i'm gonna get all these amazing jobs and everyone's gonna be like who's that girl right and i got back to canada and i got this um amazing top agent and the first audition they sent me on was crackhead number one and then after that i got girl on welfare number two and then i got baby mama number three and i was just like what is going on here and i was getting all of these stereotypical roles and i remember one day coming home crying to my grandmother and i said oh my god they don't see me and i hate this and i said they keep giving me all of these crappy roles and all of these roles are crap and my grandmother turned around and this is her at all times she was like well if they're writing your crap then why don't you write your own damn that crap how i became a writer i never intended to become a writer i was as i said out of necessity and i wrote what was my first play called the kink in my hair and it was supposed to be this one woman show which would showcase all of my talents and i would be doing all of these different roles and stuff like that and i decided to have just like a very small showcase where i could invite some audience members to hear what the um actual play was about and i could take notes so i invited six of my unemployed friends who were also tired of all those stereotypical roles and we had about probably about 50 people in the audience and after that people were just like oh my god this is amazing we love the actors we thought it was so great and blah blah blah and then i realized everyone was like you gotta keep those actors and i realized that i didn't have a role for myself because i have put all of the actors to play this and i decided then because some of the feedback that i got from everybody they were like it was so funny i mean it was so serious and it was so good but we missed some of your comedy like we know you to be quite comedic sometimes and i decided then to write the role for myself which would be the role of novellettes who was this woman who basically ran this hair salon where all of these women went to and that became my first show and we entered it into the fringe festival um which is like an independent theater festival for um theatergo um for theater producers and it's a lot of creatives enter it and it became this overnight hit um it became this word of mouth we broke box office sales and it became the highest grossing play at the french festival wow and from there it got picked up by theater past mirai which is one of our big regional theaters and that then also sold out its entire run and then we got picked up by theater um by murphish productions which is canada's biggest commercial theater producers and they produce stuff like um the lion king hairspray and we got into a 2000 seat theater wow and from there it just kind of snowballed into a lot of like it became this tv show and during all of this time i still was doing a lot of stuff like um people ask me um and i know you talk about the business side of it during this time i was asked to do a ted talk and i was just like oh my god i'm not a speaker i don't have anything to say and they were like we just want you to talk about your experience of like what it was like in your journey and so i was like okay so i did this ted talk that ended up going viral which was get out of your box and from there i got a speaking agent two speaking agents approached me from that and they were like you could be a speaker and i was like what i was like okay and so i began speaking and then from speaking people then asked me oh would you like to do workshops could you do a workshop on this and and i just really i think if there's anything that i've learned is when you are authentic and you stand in your truth of what's important like everything in what i have created has always been rooted in me as a black woman walking through this world and then of course then there's the other layers that i have as a queer woman and then as a woman who grew up working class as a woman who grew up with my grandmother and um my mother having me at age 17. so all of those things shape my experience and i always say to people because people always say how is it that you are able to then just come out of that niche audience and become so mainstream and i always say i think when you come from a place of truth and authenticity it then transcends race class and sexuality and gender because people will find themselves in your truth and that's always been something that i've always stood in of like i'm gonna talk from this as my experience and and and do all of the things that people may find shameful like and talk about like even in my book i talk about being diagnosed with depression and me being so scared to go public with that as someone who's such a public figure and everybody thinking i was this powerhouse dynamite person who was doing all of these things and one of my friends who then said you have depression but you seem to have all your together and i said i do but i still have depression and that was something that i was scared about talking about and it was only when i went public with that i got all of these emails and and people asking me to come and speak about it because they were like you are just so public about it and was just so raw and transparent about your experience and the shame and stigma around it and i find any time you feel you're the only person in something people will relate to that and you will find that you're not alone and people will respond to your truth so that's kind of how i've always built my career around things that i have felt that i was the only one wrestling with like even in the book um black girl in love with herself i talk about some of the shame and stigma i had around money and even the whole fact of even when i was making six figures i still came from this kind of shame around growing up working class and thinking i was going to lose all this money and then finding myself in a relationship that made me feel very trapped and not secure because my partner at that time made nearly three times more money than i did and then that i gave away a lot of my power and i made my partner take over all of the financial responsibility of the house that left me very much with no power at all and i talked about that in the book and i have so many people again who wrote me and said oh my god i feel the same way my husband is the one who runs our entire household i feel so helpless and you talking about the shame around money and you not feeling good enough even though everyone sees you as the successful person there's still that little girl in you who's like i'm not worthy of this right and i think all of us have moments in our lives when we're like i'm not worthy or you get up one day you wake up and you're like whose life is this i don't recognize it and i actually don't want to be living this life right yeah and i want to make changes so that's kind of where i always come from and that's my passion is not to just um talk but also empower people and i always say i make my mess my message and so whatever my mess is that's my message and i'm gonna give you my message so i work out the mess and then i'm like okay this is how i worked out my mess now i'm gonna give you the message oh my gosh that is like the most powerful sentence i think that is so empowering for people to hear because we've all got messes in our lives and like i know for myself like so many of my struggles have become what my business now is and that became my passion and when i started to tune into my own truth that's when things just started to happen it's like the pathway began to unfold with so much more ease and so often we resist it and i think a couple of things one of the things i found really interested when you did your tedx talk was that you said that it's like you're waiting for the call i actually wrote it down because i just thought it was so powerful and you said um uh waiting for the call i wanted like uh waiting for the call like you're wanting um you're waiting to participate in your own life and i thought that is so powerful because so many of us are just waiting to participate in our own lives and then we have so many excuses when we finally get that call we get that hit of like okay this is it and then we're like oh no no no like all the excuses and i really related that because that was me like i sat on on these ideas and dreams i had for years and years and years and like going in all these circles not answering the call and i think so many of us do this and we don't give ourselves permission um we struggle to find that courage within to to go for it by i just love listening to you because it you make it seem like in a way simple it's simple like we don't have to over complicate this we can have our truth and and that's enough and i think so many people i i don't know just i don't know we make it more complicated but i suppose the biggest thing is like having the courage to answer back to pick up the call to to go for it do you have any like tips or just even stories around like how you've really found that courage to to really speak your truth yeah i think um like you said for me um and and and don't get me wrong in this because people always like oh you just make it happen and i say i make it happen but don't don't believe that i'm not scared as i'm making it happen right like there are times i'm shaking i'm literally shaking and going i cannot do this right but for me it's always been about quieting that voice that says you can't do this or you're gonna fail and then i'm always like but what if it's even bigger and better than i thought and i want to take that risk and there are times when i've taken that risk and i've landed flat on my face but there are so many times i've taken that risk and it's been bigger and better than i ever could imagine and i always say to people anytime that you quote unquote fail is not a failure it's you just now knowing okay how can i now do this differently you know i talk about a lot of the times when i produced a lot of my own work i went to so many theater companies at times saying that i wanted to um even after the success of the kink in my hair you would think that i could go to any single theater company in the world now and say oh here's my new play that didn't happen and i'd written a play called how black mothers say i love you and it was all about the immigration experience of what has happened to a lot of women in the uk and canada who came over as domestic workers from jamaica and left their children behind and then came to either canada the uk or the us and this was a story that was also my grandmother's story and my mother's story and i went around and i shopped it around to so many theater companies and the coded word that i got was oh it's too niche right so basically i always know when they say it's too niche they mean it's too black right that our mainstream audience is not going to relate to it right and i was like okay all right fine and i decided then i was going to produce it myself and i found my producing partner karis who's this little um i should say little because she's at least six feet and i'm like barely five feet tall charis and i started to work together for the first time she's this welsh woman white woman producing this black play and both of us got together was like okay let's do this and she's like okay i believe in this work and you can pay me after because i just believe it's going to work and we went usually when you um produce a season and produce a play in a season it's three weeks we didn't have enough money to do for three weeks so we did ten days i put in my own money karis just put in her dreams and hopes and was just like pay me after um when we were looking at the budget we realized that we didn't have enough money to direct it and i said to her well i've never directed before but i think i can okay right and so i said well at least that will save us a couple of thousands if i direct it and i directed it myself and karis and i were out there handing out flyers and we put it um we put it up in the theater pay for it ourselves we ran it for 10 days and the second day we it ran it sold out the entire run wow we then extended it and then after that the play got picked up into like three or four different seasons of different theater um theaters came for it it now is being made into a feature film and um we're now making it adapting it into a tv show as well and i always think back if i had listened to everybody who told me no none of these things would be happening right yeah and i was nervous because it was a it was my own money that i put into it but i think a lot of times we are always waiting for people to invest in us and we need to invest in ourselves and take the chances and sometimes it's not as grand as we want it to be of course i would have loved to have had my play in three weeks running or in a big huge theater but i did it in a smaller theater i did it for a short a run and then it happens but a lot of us always want our dreams to be perfect before we actually execute them yeah and i'm a believer and you start where you can and you make it happen so even if it's in your damn living room and you invite your grandmother and your cousin and your cousin invites her best friend you you started right yeah that's how i look at it yeah you've got to start yeah and a lot of us just don't start because we're like it's not how we envisioned it to be so true so unbelievably true do you have a are you really intentional about the kind of life you want to live or like because you just seem like you're just so intentional that like that's not gonna be how i live my life like i'm not okay with like not just trying this out not going for it and i feel like people who have that kind of attitude definitely have a higher intention of like the way they envision their life going and i found for myself that why when i got more intentional about the kind of life i wanted to live it shift it shifted my ability to be able to take that little step and that next little step and that next little step and then the pathway unfolds and it's just listening to you it sounds like time and time again that's what you're doing and i don't know do you are you so you are really intentional definitely and i love the word intentional because that's how i live my life and the biggest thing that i've always said about me is i get very quiet i get really quiet and then i just always say this prayer and i always say god guide my next steps and tell me what to do i'm not sure but i just have this belief that you are going to guide my next steps and i've always been in and at the risk of sounding woohoo i do believe that all of us have this inner guidance but a lot of times we don't listen to it and so i get really quiet and sometimes i clearly hear the message clearly hear the message and say trey do this you know and this is what you need to do next or call this person or send this email but i think a lot of times we get so busy with our lives right and and the busyness of it makes us then really tune out of what the message is of what we're supposed to be doing and i don't think i'm any different than anybody else i just believe though i actually have this belief that god in the universe has my back and they are going to tell me exactly what i'm supposed to do yeah and so that is what i always say like i write it down then i pray on it then i ask for some guidance and you'd be surprised at how many angels are around you trying to make stuff happen for you if you just listen right and so that is what i have i have this inner knowing that i'm going to be okay and not even just okay that it's going to be great if i just take my time to listen and know that i'm on the right track because i believe all of us are put on this earth to do something amazing with our lives right and maybe it's not to produce hit plays or maybe it's not to write hitbox or whatever but as long as what you're doing makes you happy right and and if you feel this is what your purpose is then this is what it is right but a lot of us just don't believe that we are supposed to be living a life of intention and purpose and that is what i believe that i want to live a really great life i really do believe that yeah and so for me i go about that every single day of how i never want to ever wake up and go oh this was okay yeah this was okay yeah yeah i'm okay i i wanna and of course you have okay days but i don't wanna have an okay life yeah that's the difference right i just love everything you've said and i i just echo it all and every like i literally do everything that you've said in the sense of i ask for guidance and i don't assume i assume that the answers are all out there and they're finding their way to me and i have to open myself up to receive that receive the inspired ideas and the support and i like when i get stuck i ask for the right support to show up in the right way to help guide me along the way and i trust that somehow it's going to arrive and um and and and really tuning in and listening i think like what you said i think so often we're so busy that we can't hear ourselves and we disconnect from our our truth and like this is something that i proactively work on and i i always say because i'm often just doing these solo episodes by myself rambling on all this kind of stuff so i'm really happy that i finally got someone on i can talk to about this but um you know i i just talk about how how much the inner work it makes the difference so often people think when it comes to business and success that it's all about strategy and marketing and the how-to and while that stuff is important i really think that 80 of it if not more comes down to like what is going on on the inside um where are our intentions at what are we making ourselves available for um what you know are we truly listening to ourselves and listening to that voice within us that keeps like saying things or are we just resisting it and for me doing that work has has led me to the breakthroughs and enabled me to create the success that i have and just listening to you it just it just makes me think yes like this is for real and i just i just you know when you just want everyone on the planet to realize this that that's theirs too that we all have this panel within within us that we can all tap into and i just yeah i just i just want everyone to recognize it and that's what i'm just i'm so excited that you're here sharing the story it's so powerful and um yeah sharing about you know in your book and sharing all these stories i want to talk more about your book but i also do want to talk about in your tedx talk you had this really funny story um it was when you started talking about um dreaming beyond your circumstances which i think is really powerful and you talked about how your grandma decided that she wanted to become a rapper in her late 70s will you just share this story because it's bloody brilliant and i really think that it goes to show like quite a number of points so i'd would you be able to share this with us oh yes i definitely will so my grandmother's always had um and may she rest in peace um she's always been this huge fan of mine like i talked about and she was always encouraging me to do things and so after coming to my place and sitting in the front row for so many years one day she came to me and she said oh trey grandma has a dream as well and i was like okay grandma and she was like grandma wants to be a rapper and i was like okay right and as i said in the talk i would like to say that i encouraged my grandmother but i did it you know i looked at her and i was like grandma you know you ain't drake you and jay-z and i was like and i also think your time has passed right like you're 70-something years old this isn't the time to reinvent yourself right and my grandmother didn't listen and my grandmother then went and she went into the studio and she wrote her own song and if there's um i there's clips in my ted talk where i show her in the studio with her headphones on and then my grandmother um brought maybe about 20 cds at the time and she went and started selling them in the barber shop and hair salons and then she went down you guys will know this because when i talked about this in canada people didn't know she went down to the tricia show which was this popular talk show in england and she went to the security guard and said oh i'm here to see trisha and i want your to hear about my cd and the security card kind of went okay it doesn't kind of work like that like you just don't come because i'm here to see trisha but he took the cd and for whatever reason i don't know what it was he went and listened to it and he was so inspired by my grandmother he actually gave it to the producers at trisha and trisha invited my grandmother to come in and talk about her her cd and not only that she invited my grandmother to come and give advice to people on her show and my grandmother became this little sensation um and then she got invited by cpc radio in canada which is one of our biggest national radio stations to talk about her life she also then got a couple of stories and newspapers and everything and she was just so excited and so happy that you know her cd was selling she also got this national arts award while people were learning about her and during this time my grandmother got diagnosed with um stomach cancer and she was taking chemo and as some of you guys know when you're taking chemo and radiation she was getting really ill and really sick and not doing well at all and she decided to stop and we all knew if she stopped that she would die and i i went to my grandmother and i was like grandma come on man you gotta take the chemo you gotta take the chemo right you gotta live and she turned around and she said you know what trey she goes i've lived my life i have lived my dream she said all of you thought i couldn't be a rapper and i did it and said you know and i lived the best life i could so if god said to me it's your time i'd say god i'm ready and i always remember that and as i said in the talk i said i hope that when i come to the end of my life you know if this is my last second my last minute my last hour that i can turn around i could say god i'm ready because i lived my life and that was the biggest lesson that my grandmother ever gave me was that it's never too late to dream and live your life and be able to just look up at the heavens and say i'm ready because i did everything that i was supposed to do yeah and that is how i live my life every day of always remembering that i want to be able to say i did it all and i did it with a level of grace i did it with a level of um integrity a level of kindness and the level of trying to leave the world in a better place than when i showed up and and how i try and move through the world it's uh it's so amazing and i think again like coming back to intentions like it just totally shapes a life when you have that level of intention about the way you want to live your life the way you want to show up the kind of person that you want to be and again like we all have the power to make those decisions about ourselves but so often we don't think we do have that power we think that we're defined by certain things and i think it's such a powerful story and i just i loved it it's just it's so inspiring you know again even show it you can do anything at any age you can go for it still um there aren't that you know i think it's i think it's just really powerful um so i know you've talked a little bit about your book already but i wanted to talk more about it because it is out now and i just think that um like it's a really important time for this book to be out um so can you tell us more about the book and um and and like who it's for and like why everyone should go and buy it because i think everyone should go and buy it yeah for sure the book is called black girl in love with herself and it is a book on how to live your best damn life i am to live the life that you truly deserve um it's funny when i first wrote the book um i had a lot of friends who were not black who were like drake can i buy the book i buy this book and i was like yes you can't buy this book of course it's written through the lens of me as a black woman and telling my story about um how i came to the journey of self-love and hitting my rock bottom when i first um got the book deal and i proposed the book to hay house it was supposed to be a book about manifesting your dream partner and how to be in a wonderful and healthy relationship and how i had manifested this great love in my life and i've written everything down and all of a sudden my partner she walked into my life and i was like oh there you are and she was like yes here i am and we were like oh let's be together and let's live wonderful right and that's what i thought i had and five months before the book was due to the editor of this wonderful book on how to manifest a great love and live your best life my partner sent me a text at yeah text and said to me um i don't want to do this anymore but i got a book all about our great love and i i can laugh about it now but really and truly it was one of the worst moments of my life not only had my partner ended our relationship via text or five-year relationship via text i had a two-week-old baby that we had just adopted oh wow and my life was in shambles and i called up the editor of hay house and i said i can't write this book how can i write this book when i miss the tsunami that was hitting my own damn life like what was happening that i did not know that my whole relationship would have blown up in my face and i went through such heartbreak and such and that was also when i got diagnosed with depression i was devastated i had 10 days to leave our apartment um i was homeless i basically went because and i want to say homeless in quotes because i did have the money in the resources if i wanted to find an apartment i could have but i was in such campbells and i had no energy that i moved back home with my mom because i just didn't know where to start and i called up the editor and i said okay i may not be able to write this book but this is the book that i can write i'm going to write a book called what to basically do when you are on the bathroom floor and you no longer recognize your life and how the hell do you get back up that's the book i'm gonna write and that's what became a black girl in love with herself it was a lesson in everything that i'd learnt of how to get back up but also learning how did i get to that place how did i miss all of the red flags because i was so invested in being this perfect couple being this power couple and also being at the age i talk about this in the book where i was in my 40s and i didn't want to start again with somebody else and so i chose not i chose to ignore all of the signs that this wasn't as perfect because i wanted to because i didn't want to start again with somebody and be like what's your favorite color i didn't care i don't want to do that at my age yeah and i talk about that how as women sometimes we stay in things because we don't want to start all over we stain things because we want someone to write a couple goals under our instagram page we stay in things because we have children and with somebody we stay in things because our families think we got it all together and we stay in things because we don't want to be quote unquote lonely yeah but sometimes you could be lonely in a damn relationship that's very true right and so that's what this book is about it's about how us as women can get back up but also look at what things that we learned as children that made us stay in things which may not be serving our best for us and that's what this book is all about it's absolutely sounds like the most incredible book and i'm so excited to read it myself just i feel like you know people it's gonna empower and inspire so many people to i just feel like they can actually do it like do this like i think sometimes when we see other people opening up and being vulnerable about what they've been through it helps us to recognize we're not alone and we can get out the other side and on the other side it can be amazing and and incredible um so yeah what an inspiring book i'm i'm so excited and i feel like i mean if this episode has been anything to go by i feel like everyone needs to go and read your book because it's just you're such an inspirational person you're so empowering it just honestly i just love everything that just you're saying it's just it's just the best it's oh thank you thank you so much thank you it's it's real as well it's you know it's something that we've we've all got this inside of us and i think that's the the biggest part of it all it you know we can all choose to take on a mindset more like the mindset that you have and to live our best lives and to get to the end of it and to be like i've done it like i did all i could i i lived my best life and that is literally life changing in itself um so yeah i'm so excited i'm going to leave the link for everyone to go and buy a book um thank you yeah i just i think it's really inspiring um and i just yeah i'm just so grateful that you came and chatted with me today i literally feel like i could sit here and chat to you for ages i just want to hear more of your story and just more because it just like it just i don't know it's like fueling me it's making me feel like yes this is like it's just so empowering um but um thank you thank you so much i really really appreciate it and i'm excited for to watch what you do next and all the incredible things with like the tv stuff when's that gonna start coming out well we're hoping as soon as we get a big tv deal it will all be coming out right now we're in the development process and so we're developing it and so we're hoping how black mothers say i love you will come out and get picked up by some network really soon so putting it out into the universe you guys pray on it yeah that is so exciting i'm sure it will all come um to fruition as soon as the universe is ready for me definitely definitely will um where is the best place that people can go and connect with you i'll leave all the links but yes sure i'm on instagram under black girl in love i'm also on facebook under trey anthony t-r-e-y anthony i'm on twitter but i'm not as good on twitter i have to admit um you want to interact with me instagram is the best place and facebook but i'm working on twitter and you can also go to my website treyanthony.com and it has everything all tray on there as well amazing and your tedx is on there as well i'll leave that in the links as well yes and my tedx is there as well and we also have a um if you email me admin treyanthony.com we also have this um live your best damn life campaign um online resource where i meet with women once a week in this community we discuss the book i give tips and videos and everything and that's under the mighty network um and that's under black goal and love as well so okay that's the community that we just support women and they come and talk about their dreams and i give you guys goals and intentions and everything and i'm up close and personal it's kind of like my only fans page but i just don't pick up my clothes but i love that and i i think it's gonna be so empowering because i feel like you know the more that people can see what's possible and um and and see like what other people are achieving and doing the more people are gonna realize that they could do that too like i remember wanting to be an actress when i was growing up and the only reason i actually wanted to be an actor was because they were the only people i saw on like magazine covers and in interviews where they were just actors and i was like well this is what success looks like so that must be i should be an actor i was absolutely awful acting like cannot act to save my life um but it's because there weren't any other role models there were like people like creating things and you know putting their creations and ideas and you know coming up with businesses that wasn't out that wasn't there i just think it's so important that everyone has role models and that everyone can see what's possible and um yeah so that community sounds incredible and very empowering so um trey you've been amazing to talk to thank you so much i appreciate it i appreciate it thank you thank you um and thank you all so much for listening and i will see you next week for another episode of the shemes business show bye everyone i hope you loved this week's episode of the she means business show if you want more help and support to build a wildly successful business then join hundreds of thousands of women and become an fea insider you'll get access to some of our amazing freebies to our bonuses to our giveaways to so much good stuff head over to femaleentrepreneurassociation.com forward slash insider to get all of the goodness and i will see you next week for another episode of the she means business show

2021-02-19 05:10

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