Trump hosts a 'Great American Comeback' event in Minnesota

Trump hosts a 'Great American Comeback' event in Minnesota

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Hello everybody, hello duluth. Hello, duluth. Oh thank you. 34, days from now we're going to win minnesota. We're going to go. And win four more beautiful, years in the white house and do more than anybody's, ever done before from the white house. We're looking to set records, i. Really enjoyed. Last night's debate with sleepy, joe. I brought those hats out here because minnesota's, a little on the windy side. And like a genius i sent them all out and i'm getting blown to pieces, and that's fine. That's okay i love it i love you to have whatever we have we have it together then i can tell you. The verdict is in and they say that. We, we, all of us won big last night. And i don't know did you hear about this. In the history, of cable, television, had the highest, ratings of any show in the history of cable television. And. It had the second, highest, ratings, of overall, television. In the history, of television. Does anybody know what was first like mash, or something i guess. No they had the final episode, of mesh. And uh i don't know what was first does anybody, know, but we were second, in the history, of all of television. But the biggest, ratings, in the history of cable television, it's an honor. Last night i did what the corrupt, media has refused, to do i held joe biden accountable, for his 47, years of lies. 47. Years of betrayal. And 47. Years of failure, i held joe accountable, for shipping your jobs and dreams abroad. And for bowing, to the, violent, mob at home can you imagine these people the way they take over these democrat, cities i don't even believe it. The whole nation, saw the truth did you see last night. Name one. I said. Sleepy joe name, one. Law enforcement. Group, that supports, you and then chris wallace says. Don't do that that's not, can you believe this guy i was debating, two people last. Night. I was debating, two people last night joe biden. Is too weak to lead this country. You know biden, lost badly when his supporters, are saying he should cancel the rest of the debates, now i understand he's cancelling, the debates let's see what happens i think that's not going to be a good move. I don't think that's going to be a good move on the television, with those ratings they're never going to let them cancel you don't know television, like. What are they going to do you know someday we're not going to be doing this anymore. What are they going to do without trump what are they going to know those poor people look at all of them whoa. That's a lot of people. What are they going to. Do. What are they gonna do when in, eight. Twelve, maybe sixteen, years i said let's hang it up let's say. 16, more years. But what he's doing is what you do when you lose so let's see what he does i don't think he's going to get out. And i've got news for joe. If you ever became, president, you have to deal with some of the toughest, people in the world. And chris wallace, is very very easy by comparison. I will tell you i know him all. I know of all. Liberal, media is upset. That i took the fight to biden. And exposed, his very dangerous. Agenda. Oh there's a beauty here we go. Here we go. There's another beauty out there go home to mom. Go. Home tomorrow. These are the same media outlets, cheering, violent, demonstrations. In the streets cnn. The new york times. They think rioting, is. Just, okay, just do whatever you. Want. You can do whatever you want you don't have to wear a mask you just riot, 25, 000 people standing on each other's face. Do whatever you want can you go to church no can you go to restaurants, no, can you do anything no but you can riot that's okay. Arson's, okay but challenging, sleepy, joe is totally off limits. Uh so disappointed. In fox. I'm not just. Running against joe biden i'm running against the corrupt far left media, socialists. And communists. In the democrat, party. And the special, interests, who've made a living bleeding, our country dry and that's what's happened for too long.

We've Turned it around but don't forget when they turned it around i had to fight other things like, a fake, impeachment. I had to fight a lot of things that are not like that wasn't in the, agenda. Never forget and we fought it very well and frankly we had great support from the republican, party. Except for one person but listen. We had great support. Never forget. They are coming after me because i am fighting for you and that's. True. This is a choice election. Our opponents. Put, america, last, i, put, america, first and that's what i've been doing for three and a half years. Our opponents, want to erase borders. I will defend, our borders. You see what's going on in our southern border by the way that wall, 350. Miles, already. Gonna be finished very soon. They don't talk about the wall anymore fellas what's going on they don't talk about it they used to talk about it every day he's not going to get his financing. But when you're a real estate developer, you always get financing, this was, this was like easy. He's not going to get his financing, then we got our finances, they don't talk about it anymore we're up to 300, almost 360. Miles we're doing about 10 miles, a week. And uh and yeah mexico, is paying for it you do know that right they keep saying. There's going to be a border charge, at the border. For the trucks and cars and it won't even have to be a lot there's so many cars and trucks going through. But mexico, is paying for it they've been great they have, 27. 000 soldiers, right now on our border and we appreciate, it we appreciate, the president, of mexico. Our opponents, will send your jobs. To china, i will keep your jobs in america, our opponents. Want to erase our nation's, core values. And i want to defend, preserve, our nation's, historic, values. Our opponents, stand with rioters, i stand with the heroes, of law. Enforcement. Did you see last night i said, say the words, to law enforcement don't even say good or bad. Sleepy joe say, law, enforcement. He goes no i'd rather not, say law enforcement, sleepy joe. Law enforcement, was safety. No no, no just law enforcement. They tell me that all the time too please, just say, law enforcement, with safety sir no, it's just law enforcement, it's very simple it's a very simple term. Not with safety unsafety, i mean. It's law. Enforcement, he wouldn't say it right then i said, name, one group in the entire, nation. I've got minnesota. Now i've got everybody. Name one group. In the entire, nation, from law enforcement, that's supporting you well well well ella. Think chris wallace, okay let's go to the next question he's in trouble. He's in trouble let me protect him for fox. Joe biden, says antifa. Is just an idea. Well ideas, don't assault, cops. And they don't burn down buildings, antifa. Is a domestic. Terrorist, organization. I proudly, received, the endorsement, of the fraternal, order of police. The national, association. Of police organizations. The national, troopers, coalition. The international. Union of police, associations. And law enforcement, organizations. And departments, in florida. Ohio. North carolina. Colorado. Arizona. Nevada. Wisconsin. Pennsylvania. Michigan. Miss. Minnesota. Good. I was getting i was getting worried. Texas. New york's finest, they've never done it before, they came in new york's finest these are great people they could solve that problem in two minutes all they want, is their authority, back it's been taken away from them horribly. New york's finest, never, endorsed. A candidate, for president, before and they're great people. They can do it new jersey, illinois, and many many more.

I Won't bore you but i could go on all night i just said joe give me one please. He was joking he was i'll tell you he got saved. Joe biden is saying. He owns the socialism. And extremism. And his party that he owns it he is. You know it's not his party. It's not joe's, party. That's a you got crazy bernie you have aoc, plus three. You got all these crazy people these maniacs, you have the green new how about the green new deal he disavowed, it. Then he said no i agree with it i said you know it's a hundred trillion dollars that's more money than this country can make. In the next hundred years if everything's perfect, it's so crazy. It's. He wants to rebuild, every building in the building, take it down and rebuild, every building let's say does that include the empire statement let's take it down and rebuild, it. These people are crazy. No more cows, no more airplanes. No more nothing. Biden, even vowed to eliminate, our tax cuts. That means you'll take away your, child tax credits. Because i gave you child tax credits thousand. Thousand, dollars a child. He wants to take away, what i gave you, and revoke, our historic, tax relief. Right to the middle class it went. Joe biden also refused, to answer questions, about packing. The supreme court don't you love the supreme court i mean how good how good is amy. How good is it. How good is. Amy. You know her professor, at notre dame, one of the most highly respected. Phil let's see. Fill that seat you better believe it. How good is she. So her professor, one of her professors, one of the most highly, respected. Legal scholars. In the country. Said. Been teaching for a long time. Said she is the finest singer she was first in her class graduated, first of the class he said, she is the finest. Student, he's ever had. Of all the students the thousands, of students, she's the single, best. Student, that he's ever had now he's saying you know she ought to run for president, instead of joe he was like last in his class, sheeter. Can you imagine. This is a big difference. I don't know how do you like amy for the supreme court yes. If he gets elected, the hard left will appoint, radical, justices. Who will terminate, the second amendment no more guns, no more good. As you all saw biden also refused, to explain. Why his son hunter was paid 3.5. Billion. Protected, by chris. By the wife of the former mayor of moscow. And they talk about me with russia i have nothing to do with russia. And took out 1.5. Billion dollars, from china he manages, makes millions of dollars a year right, then he got the 183. Right, 183. 000, a month would anybody like that job. You don't have a job. You're not employed. You get thrown out of the military, for unfortunate. Reasons. Your father becomes vice president, and you get hired for a hundred and eighty three thousand dollars a month with i think a three million dollar upfront payment, i think they could have had them for less. Would anybody, take that job and he knows nothing about energy what do you know about energy well that's not my thing no that's okay. I mean could you imagine if i did it how about, when sleepy, joe said, you're not getting the one billion, dollars unless you get rid of the prosecutor. When you get rid of the prosecutor. We'll send you the money. They got rid of the prosecutor. He said now the money comes i mean can you imagine if i said that. Unbelievable. And the press doesn't want to talk about it and chris wallace said well we we don't want to discuss that oh really chris. Oh it's so sad i'll tell you it's so hypocritical. So sad this is a matter of. National, security, and economic, security. The bidens, got rich while american, workers, got robbed. How can you deal with china if you take out three and a half billion dollars and make all sorts of money how can you do it, a critical issue in this election you saw what i did with china.

Billions, And billions, a year they pay us i gave a lot of it to the farmers, 28 billion dollars. A critical, issue because they were targeted, by china a critical issue in this election. Is the future, of the, minnesota. Iron. Range. That's why i'm here. This was just supposed to be a little get together and then they said sir we got thousands, of people want to show up i don't know, i don't know how many are involved this was supposed to be an iron range get together. But it turns out big you know biden has 20 30 people that's got those. Circles. Today he had a little bit more like 30 or 40 but they were too close together i sent him a note to joe. They were too close 34, people right next to each other. And yet he complained about our rally right our rallies. Now it's an honor that so many people showed up because this was going to be a little quickie just to say congratulations. Because obama, closed the iron range, and i opened it and a. Man. A man came up to me a tough man. A man who, a worker a construction, worker. Real worker. And he looked at me. This is two years ago he said sir. You've given us back our life. And he was crying. And i said when was the last time you cried he said i can't remember i said you never cried, when you were a little baby. You never cried this is not a crier, this guy was tough as hell, he said sir. He took our, life away. And let me tell you about joe. Joe will reinstitute. That ban in two minutes if we lucy you better vote for me minnesota, really i mean honestly. He said you gave, you gave our lives, back a lot of lives thousands, of jobs. And they closed, it up as vice president, joe, biden wiped. Out. He wiped out so much, and that includes, what he wiped out. In the great, state, of minnesota, and we're not going to let it happen anymore, we're not going to let it happen anymore. Thousands. And thousands, of workers, we're not going to let it happen anymore they were all laid off and now they're all back. And by the way they say what the hell do i know about iron ore but i've, put a lot of steel and a lot of iron over the years, but you know they say it's the greatest, iron ore anywhere in the world and you should have it. After i put tariffs, on foreign steel. The iron rage came roaring back, but the biggest thing i did was knock out his executive, order. I've knocked out so much of the things that, he did. He can't. Can't like me too much i would say he doesn't like me too much hey did you see what happened with the fbi today, they caught them, cold. Comey, either has the worst memory in history did you see i don't remember, that. Did you spy, on, president, trump's campaign, i don't remember that. Did you go for a, coup. Did you go for a coup uh. I don't i don't remember honorable. I'll tell you we caught him cold it's about time, that something, happens, okay it's about time, that something happens it's enough. We got plenty of information, on these crooks. A bunch of crooks. Think like that's never happened in the history of our country, and it's about time that something happens. We rescinded, the federal, withdrawal. In superior, national. Forest you'll know all about that, you people especially, to restore, mineral, exploration. For the iron ore miners, in minnesota. Well we've done for minnesota. I lose minnesota, i'm never coming back i don't care. I'm never coming back. We protected, iron range workers. From frivolous, lawsuits, that was a big deal right the frivolous, lawsuits, we started construction. On the soo lock. To get iron ore. To market, very quickly so not only did we open it we get it to market. We fixed the locks. Because you couldn't even get it out those things were so old and broken now they're. Going to be very shortly in perfect shape i opened up, permitting, for, copper. Nickel mining, anybody, involved. Oh. It sounded a little far out but a lot of people doing that. And i strongly, support the replacement. Of the decaying. Line, three. We're going to replace, it it's all done. It's all done. All of this is why, nine democrat, mayors, of cities, in the iron range. Have endorsed, me over sleepy, joe, biden. Are they here. I don't know if they're here tonight, these people are fantastic, look at these great congressmen. Where are. They. We had a ceremony, a month ago where i introduced, every one of them you know i'm not introducing, you again it's freezing out here. But i want to thank you you're great people great, mayors, and i appreciate the support very much he's the democrats, have voted for. I want to vote for trump, that endorsed, me fully. We've done a good job over there everything in good shape right, good, thank you very much it's a great honor. If joe gets in the radical, left will shut down. The iron range, forever it's going to be gone they're not going to be able to open it again not easy to open a thing like that not easy a lot more difficult, than people would think earlier today.

I Took another historic, step for your state when i signed an executive, order provided, billions of dollars to jumpstart, production, of critical. And other minerals, which will create, countless, jobs and are so important. For our country. Minerals. I will always protect. The state, of minnesota, i will do that it's been very good to me. We almost, want it we almost want it, one more speech. I had a choice. Do i do michigan, which we won, do i do i should have done them both. One more speech we lost by very little, think of that though has it been won by a republican, i don't get that because the democrats, have done such a lousy, pathetic, job, hasn't been won since. 1972.. Reagan lost it it was the only steady loss remember, so we're going to change that we've got to change it, who's going to do what we've done for you. Right. Another massive, issue for minnesota, is the election. Of, joe biden's, plan. To inundate, your state with a historic. Flood. Of refugees. Biden and crazy bernie sanders. Have, agreed on a manifesto, did you see last night i didn't agree i didn't agree after the show they said oh actually he did oh great they fact checked, they found out he made a mistake slight mistake, it's the worst thing you've ever seen. But they, pledged, a 700. Increase, in refugees. 700. Congratulations. Minnesota. Congratulations. Now. And what about omar. Where she gets caught, harvesting. What the hell is going on i hope your u.s attorney, is involved, what, what is going on with omar. I've been reading these reports, for two years about how corrupt, and crooked she is. Let's get with it let's get with it. I mean frankly, harvesting's, terrible but it's the least of the things that she has done, how to help then she tells us how to run our country can you believe it. How the hell did minnesota. Elect her. What the hell is wrong with you people. Right. What the hell happened. These guys in the stand up, are you are you a big fan of omar, i don't think so stand up look at this guy it looks like, nobody's, going to fight him. I don't think you're a big fan of omar, right. No she's been crooked for a long time this is the least seven. It's time. And you know what aoc, also it's time. It's time, you take a look at what they the corruption, the disgusting, corruption. 700. Increase, refugees. Coming from the most dangerous, places, in the world including, yemen. Syria. And your favorite country somalia. Right you love somalia. This guy loves somalia. Biden will turn minnesota, into a refugee, camp and he said that, overwhelming. Public resources, overcrowding. Schools. And inundating, your hospitals. You know that it's already there it's a disgrace, what they've done to your state it's just it's absolutely, it's a disgrace.

Again. Biden has even pledged to terminate, our travel ban. On jihadist. Regions, opening, the floodgates. To radical. Islamic, terrorism, remember i used to talk about it all the time i got a ban remember they said you'd never be able to get a ban. And then i lost at the lower court, i lost at the court of appeals. And they said he lost he lost in houston's, then i wanted the supreme court they didn't even report it. And they still say he lost on the travel ban. He lost he lost, but they are talking about the first two courts they forget to say that at the supreme court, these are the most dishonest. It's hard to believe actually but look at all those cameras it's a lot. They love it, i love every time i'm getting ready you know they've gotten very good at this every time i'm getting ready to hit them the lights just go off you know those red lights. My administration. Is keeping terrorist, extremists, and criminals, out of our country. And we're keeping them the hell out of minnesota. And we've ended the refugee. Influx. Into your state you're one of the most hard-hit, states for whatever reason. We've ended it you know that right do you know that does anybody know this. Does anybody, know this i don't think they tell you about it but you know they talk about, the suburbs, women in the suburbs. I ended a regulation. That nobody would have done. This brings. Public housing, low-income, housing, into the suburbs and by the way just so we can get this right. 30. Of the people, in the suburbs. Are low-income, people. 30. Of the people in the suburbs, are minorities. And so we're ruining this american dream for everybody but he's got. A plan, it's the worst thing you've ever seen having to do with zoning. They zone you out, they build low-income, housing next to your house. It's crazy, and then i hear, i'm not doing well in the suburbs. I'm not doing well in the suburbs, are you people crazy. Are you crazy. I just explained this no i just explained. Thank you, no it's crazy. And they came to me, great people, ben carson a lot of great people and they came to me and they said, sir what are we just amended.

I Said no really i want it out i want it over i want it ended, well it'd be a lot easier to amend it i said no i want it over it's not right it's killing your suburbs, and it is it's killing your suburbs. And then they say, women in the suburbs, don't, like. President, trump i don't think so that happened last summer. Remember. That happened. Remember last time. They said he will not do well with women. He will not do well with women. He will not do well with women these were the idiots. On election, night four years ago he will not do this will be a very short night for donald trump at the time. This will be a very short then at the end they said he did really well with women it was sort of weird. Anyway, we did well with. Everybody. Actually, and we're going to do even better now we have more, enthusiasm, look at this crowd this was supposed to be, a few people. This was supposed to be. This was supposed to be just a little celebration. I said oh good a little celebration, i figured a couple of hundred people like, sleepy, joe gets in his best day. I said how many people about ten thousand sir i said. In just three and a half years. We've secured, america's, border rebuilt. Awesome power. Of the u.s military. Obliterated. The isis, caliphate. Fixed our disastrous. Trade deals and they were a disaster. And brought jobs, back home to america. And back home, to, minnesota. We brought a lot of jobs back. Last year before the play came in from china you had the best year you've ever had, the year before that you had the best year you've ever had until the following, year. And we're doing it again we're building it up rapidly, china came up they gave us the plague it's no good we're never going to forget that i did a trade deal the ink wasn't even dry. And they let that happen we're never going to forget it we built. The greatest economy, in the history of the world and now we are quickly doing it again.

We've Added a historic. 10.6. Million jobs in the last four months that's a record. The likes, of which, has never even been close to being challenged. To fight the china virus. We launched the largest, national, mobilization. Since world war ii, we pioneered, life-saving. Therapies. Reducing, the fatality, rate 85. Since april think of that meaning you go to the hospital. And you got a lot better chance i'll tell you what i spoke to. A gentleman today from pfizer i speak to all of these guys these are great people. And they're coming up with things that are phenomenal. Regeneroned. We are, coming up with things that are phenomenal, including. Therapeutics. With therapies. It's, incredible, what's happening you'll be seeing it you'll be seeing it very and by the way with biden. It would have been years before you came up with any of this stuff years it would have been years, he complains you didn't knock fast enough and yet he's all over the place calling me xenophobic, because i closed the border okay how do you figure that one. This guy. Just a. He's just another politician. 47, years he hasn't done a damn thing. But now he's gone. But now he's going to. I haven't done anything in 47, years but now i'm going to. Europe is almost a 50. Greater excess, mortality, rate than the united states you don't hear that. Through operation, warp speed we will develop, and distribute. A vaccine, in record time it's going to be very very soon. And before the end of the year maybe sooner than that, on november, 3rd minnesota, will decide, whether, we end this pandemic. Defeat the virus, in return to record prosperity. Either way we're returning, either way. We're going to have the vaccine. We're rounding the turn. Well whether we allow joe biden to kill the recovery, you know he wants a shutdown, this guy says let's shut it down. A lot of death caused by shutdown. Depression. Death. Drugs. Alcoholism. Horrendous. Family, fights horrendous. Family, fuzz. And he wants to destroy, those suburbs, by. Abolishing. Single-family. Zoning all of these things are just a horrible thing he what he wants to do and i think he's going to do it because he's not smart enough to understand, that, the other side. Has big problems you know we did something great we're the greatest economy, in history. And we had to close it down because we lost millions, of lives. And now we're opening it up and we're doing it at a level like nobody's, ever seen before and it's a great thing, and we're going to be back in business very soon except for some democrats.

And They'll all open up. They're going to all open up right after november, 3rd they'll announce, we'd like to uh tell you that we're all opening up november, 4th. Did you see the one group, they said we're opening up yeah right after the election, i think we'll open oh that's great these are terrible, people. Because they're more interested, in politics, than they are in the, lives of people. They want to confiscate. Your guns. And indoctrinate, your children there's poisonous. Anti-american. Rhetoric, and lies. To combat. The toxic, left when you see this that toxic. Left-wing, propaganda. In our schools, we are launching, a new pro-american. Lesson plan for students called the. 1776. Commission. We will teach. Our children the truth about america, that we are the most exceptional. Nation. On the face of the earth that's what i want them to hear. We are joined tonight, by some real, warriors. Friends of mine they fight with they take, they they just win they know how to win i'm telling you you have some great ones. And they really are they're great people, the, impeachment, hoax they fought it's so great these are real warriors, i call them warriors, representatives. Tom. Emmer. Jim, hagedorn. And pete, starbuck, great. Hockey. And i'll tell you we have some incredible. Congressional. Candidates, that we're going to work because we've got to get nancy, pelosi, the hell out of there and we're very. We have some candidates. Tyler, kristner, where's tyler. Thank you tyler great job, i hear great things tyler. A man with the greatest name in politics. Lacey. Johnson. Great guy. Great guy. And somebody that's going to help us a lot along with, tyler, lacy. Michelle. Fishbach, thank you michelle. We're going to be working with you. And they all have my total endorsement, you know that okay. The next u.s senator. From minnesota. Is a man who was born for this position, unlike your current senator who nobody knows who the hell she. Who is she. I said who is she is she in the senate. Jason. Lewis. Thank you jason, great job you're doing, we got to get jason in got to get them all in, rnc, co-chairman. Tommy hicks. Tommy hicks. Thank you tommy. And, mike lindell he makes more pillows this. Guy. Thank you mike, he goes to a lot of my rallies he likes israeli. And we like him. Here as well tonight, is 96. Year old world war ii veteran. Dr, john. Rings, read. Whoa, look at you. Whoa. You look great john. Wow. You look good handsome. Thank you john. Thank you very much it's an honor john. After years of rebuilding, other nations, we are finally rebuilding, our nation. In, 2017. I signed. A very historic. Executive, order, making it difficult. And really just looking at what. Government. Policy, has to, do, in order to, buy american, and hire american you ever see biden he's got to sign buy a market i said he got it from me i've been doing this for a long time. He, copies, my campaign, copies, our, plans these copies, a lot like you haven't heard that before. He invested, 2.5. Trillion dollars, in the military we put 2.5. Trillion in. We have the best. Weapons. All made in the usa, we have the greatest, weaponry, we've ever had no country. No country. Has ever come close to the kind of firepower, we have hopefully. Hope to god we never have to use it, we have. Firepower. And weapons, and the republicans, did it because they're democrats, so we have to have that otherwise. We're going to be at the mercy of other countries, we have the greatest, firepower, the greatest weapons, in the history of the world, hope to god that we never have to use them. And we launched, a. New branch. Of the u.s, armed forces. First since. The air force in 75. Years, it's called the space force that's a big deal.

We Killed the founder and leader of isis, al-baghdadi. Gone. We took out the world's number one terrorist. And the murder. Of so many american, troops and plenty of other troops. Kasim. Salamani. Is no longer with. Us. I went through from the last administration's. Total disaster. The iran, nuclear, deal. Okay. Obama gave him 150. Billion. That was bad but he gave 1.8. Billion in cash how the hell do you do that, what does 1.8, billion in cash look like they must have looked at that they said man, plane loads of cash. I kept my promise, recognized. The true capital, of israel, and opened the american, embassy, in. Jerusalem. I also, recognize. Israeli, sovereignty, over the golan, heights and instead of. Endless, wars, we are forging, peace in the middle. East. And i was nominated, for three nobel prizes, and not one, i didn't get one stolen. I didn't get one so. I have to tell you because they refused to ride it when obama, got his. Nobel prize they didn't i mean it was the biggest story i've ever seen right. And he didn't even know why he got it he got it like immediately, upon taking office what a difference. But i told my first lady i told her first lady. Darling you're going to be so proud of me tonight, we're going to watch television. And you're not going to believe how big this goes what happened what happened. Darling i won the, i was nominated, for the nobel, peace prize. For israel. Right. Bahrain. United. Arab emirates. And then again. Again. I was nominated. Again. For serbia, kosovo. All different, then i was nominated. A third time but i said first time, second time i was a little bit. Yeah i know. I love you too. But i said to our first lady. Watch, this tonight, darling. It's going to be. And i turned to lester, holt number two show. I turned to lester, hall. And they covered one stories, about rain. Another, was about. The environment. Another was about something else another was a bad hit on me. Another was something else, so now we're through with about half of it now they went to the longest commercial, i've ever seen. Not supposed to you know when you report the fake news you're not supposed to get free airtime from the u.s government, right does anybody know what that means. And then they went on to the second half. Again and again and again she looked at me darling i don't think they're going to cover this i said it's impossible. It's, a nomination. For the nobel, peace award it's impossible, guess what it ended we got nothing. Then three days later we got nothing. And on the third time. The third time i said let's not even watch we're not gonna get it. These people are sick. But i did more in 47. Months than sleepy, joe biden did in 47. Years. And now he's pushing, the most far left platform, in history. The biden plan would destroy, social security, and destroy, protections. For people. With pre-existing. Conditions. Give free federal, health care to all illegal, aliens, bankrupting. Medicare. Well you know it's going to happen they're going to pour into our country, when you hear that they're going to come in, they're very smart very sophisticated, you'd be surprised. Banned school, choice. And ban all charter schools no more charter schools no more school choice well we're making a lot of progress. In a second term i will provide, school choice to every parent, in america. A vote for republicans. Is a vote for safe communities. Great jobs. And a limitless, future. For all americans. And in conclusion. Over the next four years. We will make america, into the manufacturing.

Superpower, Of the world. And we will end. Our reliance. On china. Once and for all did you see what he said last night. About manufacturing. Well obama said we're not going to ever have manufacturing, again you need a magic wand last night you said we're doing manufacturing, no no, they gave up in manufacturing. I have, almost, 700. 000, manufacturing. Jobs i said how can you lose. These bad news. They lie. We will make our, medical supplies, right here in the united, states. We will hire, more police. Increased, penalties, on assaults. And we will ban deadly, sanctuary. Cities. We will uphold. Religious, liberty. Free speech, and the right, to keep, and bear arms. We will strike down terrorists. Who threaten our citizens. And we will keep out. We will keep people out of our country. Thank you. But we will keep out of these ridiculous. Endless, wars in countries, that you've never heard of and you never will hear of it's ridiculous. And we're bringing them all home you see that, we will maintain, america's, unrivaled, military, might, and we will ensure, peace, through, strength that's what we. Have. We're all over the world we're in places. Nobody ever heard of before. We will end surprise, medical billing. Require, price transparency. I've already signed it can you believe it kicks in on january, 1st can you imagine that this clown gets in. And they'll say you got price transparency. What's that, that'll have such an impact it kicks in i said to my people do you think you could have kicked it in a little bit earlier. I'd further reduce health insurance, premiums. And the cost of prescription. Drugs which we're going to be bringing down massively, because of favored nations. We will strongly, protect. Medicare, and social, security, and we will always, protect. Those incredible, people, as i said with. Pre-existing. Conditions. America, will land the first woman on the moon, and the united, states will be the first nation to land, an astronaut. On mars and it will be soon. You have to see nasa. Has become again the greatest. Space center in the world you had to see what it looked like when i took over it was terrible. We will stop the radical, indoctrination. Of our students. And restore, patriotic. Education. To our. Schools. We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history. And always, respect, our great, american, flag. And we will live by the timeless, words of our national. Motto. In god we trust. For years you had a president. Who apologized. For america, now you have a president. Who is standing, up for america, and standing, up for the great, people, of minnesota. Thank you. But if we don't win i'm never calling you great again. So get your friends get your family. Get your neighbors. And get your co-workers. And get out and vote we gotta win, we gotta. Win. Early voting has already begun. Don't wait please go out and vote. Did you see in new york today. A hundred. Thousand, fraudulent. Ballots. They sent out a hundred, thousand, ballots.

Wrong Names wrong addresses. Wrong envelopes, other than that they did quite well. Thank you in a hundred thousand so you know what their solution. That's okay we'll send out another hundred thousand i said, really, what's gonna happen to the first hundred thousand who's gonna vote them. This is crazy what's going on this is crazy. From saint paul. To saint cloud. From minneapolis. To. Minnetonka. And from, rochester. To right here in duluth, i like to live. This great state was pioneered. By men and women. Who braved the wilderness. And. The winters, to build a better life, for themselves. And for their families they were truly brave. Brilliant, incredible, people. They were tough. And they were strong. They didn't have a lot of money. They didn't have a lot of luxury. But they had grit, they had faith, and they had each other. They were miners, and lumberjacks. Fishermen, and farmers. Shipbuilders. And shopkeepers. But they all had one thing in common. They love their families, they love their country, and they loved, their. God. Proud citizens, like you helped build this country. And together, we are taking back our country. We are returning. Power. To you, the american, people. With your help. Your devotion, and your drive. We are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting. And we are going to keep on, winning. Winning. Winning. It's true it's we're going to keep on winning you know minnesota, maybe i'll just do it real soon because we need jason, jason. Jason's, going to come jason lewis going to be your senator. You're going to win so much you know that one right you've heard you should do it or not. But this beautiful, crescendo, of a speech and now i have to, ruin it with the story with, jason, but let's do it anyway. But we're going to win so much. Because minnesota. Before i came around was not doing too well, okay was not doing too well then you had your best years ever. But we're going to win so much. And you're going to go and see your great senator. Jason lewis he's going to say, and you're going to see emma, and you're going to see all of it. And you're going to say mr senator please go see the president, we're winning too much we can't stand it sir. Minnesota, we're not used to winning this much it's too much sir. Please, go see. Well i don't want to do that please, senator go see the president. We're winning too much we cannot stand it for years we've done poorly before he came along, now we're doing so well and we're growing now stronger than ever before, we, don't want to win so much mr senator. So your senator's, going to come in hi jason how you doing sir. Minnesota, is winning too much we have to stop it. I said what are you talking about sir we have to stop but it's just too much winning we have to stop it i say jason let me tell you, i know the people of minnesota. And they love winning, they're going to keep winning, we're going to win, we're going to win so much, we're going to keep on winning, and you're going to have the greatest, year that you've ever had next year and the year after, and that's where it's heading so i just want to thank you and jason, i'm sorry, i will not follow your wish. Thank you very much. But we're. We are we're one movement. We're one family. We're one beautiful, people and one glorious. Nation, under god. And together. With the incredible. People of minnesota. We will make america, wealthy, again. We will make, america. Strong, again. We will make, america. Proud, again. We will make, america. Safe, again. And we, will make, america.

2020-10-05 06:31

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