Trump, Dr. Fauci participate in roundtable at American Red Cross HQ

Trump, Dr. Fauci participate in roundtable at American Red Cross HQ

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Of. Plasma. Plasma, so important, therapies. These therapies, transfuse. Powerful, antibodies. From the blood of recovered, patients, to help treat. Those battling, the. Current infection. That we, all know so well. Plasma, is one of the more. Delicate, ways of, doing things it's had tremendous. Response, so far we've had. And it's an effort to accelerate. To really accelerate, new therapies, and, further, reduce. Mortality. We've been able to. Show some tremendous, things. If you notice today. It was covered very well a lot of countries, where. They thought they were doing well they're not doing well at all it had explosions. Explosions. Unfortunately. We're joined by, secretary, of health and human services. Who's doing a terrific, job alex, azar. Alex hi alex. Fda. Commissioner, stephen, hahn. Hi steve. Surgeon, general. Jerome, adams. And i hope your wife is, okay, jerome, i know she had a. Uh. A little difficulty, but i'm sure she's going to be fine right. Please give him our regards, thank you jerome. Dr francis. Collins, who everyone, knows. Francis, thank you very much. Nih. And dr anthony, fauci. Anthony, hi. And deborah, where's deborah, deborah. Hi deborah. Good job. Everybody's. Everybody's, doing a good job. Everybody's, working very hard. I want to also, uh thank to the ceo. Ceo, of american, red cross somebody who's done. Outstanding, work i've known about it for a long time, gail. Mcgovern, thank you gail it's down really an outstanding, job too. Ceo, of america's, blood centers. Kate. Frey. Thank you, very much. Ceo, of, csl, limited, paul. Perot. Paul thank you very much, great job. And ceo, of labcorp. Adam. Schechter, thank you adam very much. We've taken bold actions to give americans. Access, to, plasma. Therapies. The fda, made the treatment available, to patients, with life-threatening. Infections. Beginning. In march. We provided, 48, million dollars to the mayo clinic to support their expanded, access, program for plasma. We're providing, up to 270. Million dollars, to the red cross, and america's. Blood sentiments, for the collection, of up to 360. 000. Units of plasma. My administration. Is partnering, with commercial, labs. Insurers. And health care providers, to encourage, those. Who have had the virus, to donate. Plasma, so if you've had the virus. If you donate it would be, a terrific, thing. We really need donations, of the plasma. To those that have had the virus. You've gotten through it. And i guess that means you have something very special there right yeah. So we would appreciate, that it would help a lot of people. We're grateful, to, labcorp. For offering, free antibody. Testing. To identify, people. Who can donate, and labcorp, has really been fantastic, in a lot of ways, in other words also. As a result, of these initiatives. We've already, treated nearly 50, 000 patients, with plasma. Roughly, 2 million americans, have, fully recovered, from the virus. This afternoon, i'm asking these citizens, to go to the. It's. And volunteered, to donate, plasma. As soon as she can. We have a lot of people that would, heal, would get better as soon as you can please. In addition, i'm once again urging all americans, to. Protect the elderly, socially, distanced, wear a mass. When you cannot avoid, the. Crowded, places, and if you can you have to avoid crowded places, it just seems like. So many things are taking place in crowded, places, we don't want that. And always wash your hands wash your hands as often as you can. Together we'll defeat the virus, we'll defeat the invisible. Enemy. I want to thank the american red cross i've been a, fan of. The red cross for a long time as you know and uh we appreciate the great work that you do thank you very much jeff. And now i'd like to uh, ask, gail to say a few words please, thank you, mr president, thank you so much, for joining us today, and for, shining a light on the critical need for, convalescent. Plasma. I'm honored to be seated here with these distinguished.

Top, Medical, experts. Who are striving, to help us deal with this terrible, pandemic. And i am so grateful. That the american, red cross. Can actually, play a role in the treatment, of covet 19.. We're helping to collect units of convalescent. Plasma. Which i've been told is showing promising, results. And, it's treating, coded, patients. We've shipped over 24. 000, units. So far. And, i am in awe, of our donors, who are donating, convalescent. Plasma. They struggled through this disease. They came through the back end. They have precious, antibodies. And, hospitals, are transfusing. Their plasma. Into patients, that are struggling, mightily with the disease, themselves. And, it's a testament, to the generosity. Of the american, public. These donors, have recovered, from a debilitating. Disease. And they're willing to lend an arm to. Help somebody, they probably will never even have the opportunity, to meet. And in fact, blood donors, in general, are just so generous. They are helping, save, someone's, life. And they do it without question, and it's just an amazing, amazing, thing. Americans. Always step up. Whether, it's a pandemic, or a hurricane. And, it's, a privilege, to be able to see the generosity. Of the american, public, over, and over again. Whether they're volunteering. Donating, blood. Or, even providing, us with financial, donations. So on behalf, of the entire, american, red cross i want to extend, a heartfelt. Thank you. To the people that, actually, recovered, from, covet 19. And are giving this remarkable. Gift of life. To help them recover, as well. And right now the demand, for convalescent. Plasma. Is. Exceeding. Our collections. So we really do need people to come out and donate. In fact over the past month. The number of orders, doubled, from our hospital. So, please please please i know i speak on behalf of kate as well. Consider. Donating. Plasma. If you've had covid, because you're going to do a wonderful, thing it's easy. It doesn't take a lot of time.

And I can tell you that when you donate blood you leave our blood center, you feel so great. You just feel so great about yourself. Because you just saved someone's life and not a lot of people can make that claim. So thank you again mr president, we really appreciate. The. Shout out for convalescent. Plasma, thank you. Great job. Doing something very special, thank you thank you alex, please. Well mr president, thank you so much for. Leading. The effort now to get people to donate convalescent, plasma. This is going to be a major national, initiative. In the in the months ahead. And i want to thank the red cross, and i want to thank america's, blood banks. For, the work that they're doing to. Bring our donors, in, and to get this plasma. For the, for the tens of thousands, of people that have already, donated, plasma, thank you for what you've done you are literally saving lives. And. We need hundreds of thousands more to please come forward. If you've, been infected and recovered, please go to And. Reach out to your american red cross, outlet, or your local bloodbath. And please be a donor. We. We now have more than 48, 000 patients that have received, convalescent, plasma. Thanks to, the work of american, researchers. And physicians. The fda. Hhs's. Offices, as the secretary for preparedness, and response. And groups like the red cross and our blood banks. This effort is just one piece of what the president is leading towards bringing therapeutics. To, the market. So we have remdessamir. We have steroids, for lung and lung injury. And now, we bring convalescent, plasma, to people. We've invested, more than 1.7. Billion dollars, through our operation, warp speed which is the president's, initiative, to get vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. To the american people in record time. In when it comes to therapeutics, warp speed, means weeks. Not months. Earlier, this month, through operation, warp speed we announced a 450. Million, dollar agreement with regeneron, to support their promising, monoclonal. Antibody, cocktail. What makes ows. So bold is that we've now paid to begin, making, doses, of this regeneron, product before it receives fda authorization. Or approval. And that means that if and only if this drug meets fda's gold standard for safety and effectiveness, we'll have tens of, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of doses to distribute to american patients, right away. As soon as this fall and that's what today's about also. Ensuring, that even as the fda reviews the data, on convalescent, plasma. We have plenty of supply. We have access, for people, it also enables, us to, develop new therapies, such as hyperimmune, globulin, which is the, the distilled, purified, version of our convalescent, plasma, so. Thanks to everyone who's donated. And thank you mr president for this national, call to action. To donate. Uh and thanks to all of our future, donors, thank you mr president thank you very much, appreciate, it. Dr collins. Thank you mr president. And good afternoon, everyone it's wonderful to be in this beautiful, space, and thanks very much, gail and everybody at red cross for hosting us here. While we try to make it clear, what a remarkable, gift americans, have been giving. By donating, plasma. If they've recovered, from cobit 19. Because that has the potential, to help lots of people. Your own human body is a wonderful little, biotechnology. Factory, even if you might not think about it that way. Your immune system, is ready to take on, whatever, kind of pathogen, happens to wander in, to your environment, and potentially, threaten you, and we know this is a particularly.

Impressive, Virus for what it can do. And yet most of us, thank god once exposed to this, do figure out how to recover from it because that immune system kicks into gear. And makes those antibodies. That then allow. The virus, to lose the battle and you to win. And now having done so, you're in a position, to be able to donate. Your biotechnology. Product, which is your plasma. To somebody, else. Who's just now, getting sick with this disease, and you have a chance to help them, if their own factory hasn't quite kicked in. Americans, are amazing. In the way in which people have been doing this is truly inspiring. Americans, seem to believe, that biblical, verse, to whom much, has been given much will be required. To whom coronavirus. Has been given and they've recovered, apparently. They have recognized. That they have something else that they can do to help the next person. And that is inspiring, and we're here to encourage. More and more people, to see that there's something, practical. And important, they can do, at the time of this global pandemic. You already heard though from. The comments, made by the secretary. That this is part, of a remarkable. Menu of therapeutics. Treatments, that are being developed, against coronavirus. And this, particular, one, also opens the door. To other kinds of immune therapy. The monoclonal, antibodies. That were mentioned. Where money has now been devoted, to, scaling, that up with a company called regeneron. Is basically, to take the, part of the convalescent. Plasma, that we think is the most potent, and figure out how to turn that into a purified, product, not quite there, to so, show yet whether that works but that is, also a very promising, approach. And there are a couple of trials. Antibodies, from other companies. That are on the launching, pad starting as soon as tomorrow. So all of this fits together. With what the trump administration. Has been doing, through operation, warm speed, to literally, bring all hands on deck from the public sector from the private sector. Nobody worrying too much about who's going to get the credit, let's just move this forward and save lives, all of the americans, who've been donating their plasma. Are a big part of that team, so thanks it's wonderful to be part of this event. Thank you, appreciate, it very. Much. Thank you mr president for having this important event today. America's, blood centers, is the national, trade association. For independent, community, blood centers. Our members are responsible. For over 60 percent of the nation's blood supply, and have been at the forefront. Of homeless, and plasma collections, in the us over the past four months. There are more than 60, independent, community, blood centers as well as hospital, blood banks, operating, hundreds, of donation, facilities. Taking part in the effort to collect convalescent, plasma. To ensure this product gets to every patient, in every hospital, across the country. We're excited to announce that today that as of this week. Independent, community, blood centers. Have distributed, more than 100. 000, doses. Of cova 19 convalescent, plasma to patients, in need. Every blood center small, medium, and large. Across, the country, has mobilized, to do their part in this effort. Of course we are not slowing or stopping, down in any kind of way we are indeed. Mobilizing, to do even more, and we are projecting, that we will double our current number of doses. By the end of august. This unprecedented. Response, by community blood centers, demonstrates, their commitment to meeting patient need, wherever, it is. America's, blood centers and its members will continue, to collaborate, with the administration. Federal, agencies, and all stakeholder, partners. To ensure, and advance, the safe collection, and distribution, of convalescent, plasma. Now the single most important thing to our ability to do more in distributing, convalescent, plasma is having donors. And so this event is so important in terms of our ability, to educate the american public and encourage them to donate. I would say that when you make a donation, appointment, and appointments, are critical, here at your local blood center. Uh, you'll go through a process, the whole, appointment, takes about 90 minutes, and it's a safe and easy way, to help your fellow americans. And so, we are following all blood centers are following social distancing, protocols, they've. Implemented, infection, disease. Uh protocols, as well so this is a very safe, and easy way to help others.

So Thank you again for having this event and we look forward to being part of this effort, thank you very much, appreciate, it. Tony, and deb. Thank you very much mr president for supporting, this very important, program. Um, when we talk about. Um. What is going on in this country in the challenge of this we often say. That there's something where we are all in together. And we all have to pull together. An important part of the process. Of being. In it together, and pulled together. Is helping each other. You know i can think of nothing. More. Manifesting. The. And this is something that i think is part of the american, spirit. And we should be proud of it and we should show it so it's a very important, thing it's an important, part. Of the entire, response. To this outbreak. I want to mention. That. Uh, when we do something like, give. Convalescent. Plasma. It's important to understand. As several of us have mentioned. That it is an important part of the spectrum. Of interventions. And response. We have, good therapies, and we'll get better therapies, for people. With advanced, disease. We have the dexamethasone. For people. And now we're talking about another important, part of intervention. It's the intervention. Early, in infection. To prevent, people from needing. To go to the hospital. And that's really what convalescent, plasma, is because. The mechanism. Of it, is directed. Against. The virus. It's taking. The machinery, that france has spoken about that the body makes. To get a protein. To block the virus and that's exactly. What this is all about. Now it's, also important. To point out that this could be a proof of concept. Because when anybody's. Work it tells you a few things. It'll tell you, that when you have a vaccine. And you induce, anybody. It could work. And this is the good news. That's juxtaposed. To what happened a couple of days ago. When we went into the phase three trial, for a vaccine. Some of you may heard, may have heard me say. That i was cautiously, optimistic. The word that i use, often. That we will be successful. With a vaccine. One of the reasons, is that in the phase one study. The vaccine-induced. Response, that was comparable. If not better. Than what we see in convalescent. Plasma. So here's where the work of vaccine. Essentially, merges. With the work we're doing now with convalescent. Class. That's the reason why we think it's so important. And why it's so important. For people to donate, thank you, thank you very much. Thank you mr president, and thank you for lending your voice. To the days important, caught action. And really making the two critical points of what we're calling every american, to do, thank you for noting how important it. Is. And from avoiding, crowded, places. Where they may not be able to social distance, or wear a mask and we know what we're talking about, parties and bars.

Thank You for also really, calling to action for those who have recovered. To donate, life-saving, plasma, to others and i think, these two pieces together. Knitted together, to stop the spread of the virus, and mass social distancing, and avoid it in crowded, spaces, either indoors, and afterwards and protecting, the water and. And at the same time calling for action to increase, our therapeutic. Abilities, to treat more patients. Thank you, thank you very much please. Thank you. Mr, president, having me today and thank you for this national, call to action, uh we think it's very important. At lapcorp, our employees, have been working, seven days a week three shifts a day to try to perform as many tests as fast as we possibly, can to see who has the virus. I'm proud to say that today, we can do 180. 000 tests per day and we can turn those tests around in one day for priority, patients. And two to three days for all other patients, and i want to thank, uh dr, hahn admiral gerard. Secretary. For all of their help, to ensure that we have what we need to get. These tests turned around even faster. And we're going to continue to build capacity. At the same time, we realize that there's more than adequate can do. And since the beginning. We, were part of a coalition. Called the fight is in us. And it's a group of companies that came together to try to encourage, people that have had the disease in the past. To give plasma. To accelerate. That. We're going to announce in the next several days, that we will have three high affinity, antibody, tests available. For anybody, through their physician. Where if they're going into routine blood work the physician, could just add on an antibody, test, we will run it, and the only thing that we ask, is that the patient, has antibodies. That they please consider. To donate plasma. Which is where they're here thank you very much appreciate, it. Dr holland. Please. You mr president, uh. Based upon your, call to action, fda, has responded, to remove any unnecessary. Barriers, to these. Uh the speeding of medical products during this pandemic. I want to thank the american red cross and american blood centers for the, collaboration. That we've had in the development, of the complex, plasma, program. As the president, and sick phase are mentioned, in march. Fda began working with our colleagues, to develop this program. The mayo clinic, has initiated, what's called an expanded, access, program. Which has really allowed physicians, around the country, to order convalescent. Plasma, as an early treatment. For patients. A number of clinical trials beyond the extended, access program, are taking place.

We're Encouraged, by the data and we've seen that this is a safe treatment. And we're encouraged, by the early, promising data that we've seen, and as the president mentioned we're studying these data to determine. Ultimately, the safety, and efficacy, of this product. In the meantime. We know that. Doctors, are writing these orders to patients who are hospitalized. Need this so the call to action to donate. Is so important. And even if at the end of the day convalescent, plasma, doesn't turn out to be the treatment we think it might be, remember. That your donations, still count with the american, blood centers in the american red cross, they can truly, save lives. And just to put another point on the therapeutics, development. Fda, is now overseeing, over 200. Clinical trials, of therapies. That the great american, biomedical, research enterprises. Put forward. And more than 400. Are in the planning stages. So we have a tremendous, pipeline, of therapies for copenhagen. It's been an unbelievable. Private and public partnership. And mr president thank you for your leadership. Stephen could you give a few words, on the speed with which we're. Getting the vaccines, out and approved hopefully, approved, and, finalized. And where we are with, phase, one two and three. Yes sir. Um. We have, a, number of companies, that have come forward with vaccine, candidates. Some of those are in operation, warp speed and i want to emphasize, the fact that fda. Has a very bright line drawn between its actions, and operation, warp speed. We are the independent, regulator, and as the president said we'll, ultimately, be calling the balls and strikes with respect, to the safety and efficacy, of a vaccine. We have six, team candidates, that have come to fda, we've given them the safe to proceed into clinical trials. Two are currently, in the latest. Phase of trust called phase three they started this week, another one is planning to go into phase three in august. And then an additional, three are in other phases of the clinical development. Four additional, vaccines, have come to us and we expect to allow them to go forward fairly soon. And then there are a number of 50-plus. Vaccines. That have come in house for the. Pre-application. Process. I, think we can all agree that. This has been sort of a remarkable. Effort from when the, virus was first identified. At the. Nih, the sequence was made, to the initiation, of the first clinical trial. Niid. Spending a lot of time. Getting that to that point, it really is record speed. But also. Your directions, to president, we aren't cutting corners with respect to the development. And we will not be cutting corners with respect to the assessment, of the safety and efficiency the next time, you're literally. Many many months, and even. Years. Of approval, so we, really appreciate, the fda, and please let us, let everyone know how we feel all of us thank you. Great job, jerome, please. Thank you mr president, i really appreciate you being here today. The theme of this national, call to action is, we're in this, together. And, when i think about. All of us being in this together. I think about an iconic. American, image. Roadie the riveter. Rosie the riveter. Became. A part. Of our history. Because we were at war. People were scared. People felt helpless. But the american, spirit is all about people coming together. Coming together. To defeat. A common enemy. And, we have a common enemy now. It's coveted 19. But we also have tools, that everyone, can bring to bear. To really, help us overcome. This enemy. One of those is, convalescent, plasma. One thing i want to add, to the discussion, that hasn't been brought up yet is that the average, age, of donation, of blood and plasma, is over the age of 60.. So to the young people out there. We've got some work to do the seniors are showing us up. We need everyone, to do their part, because we're all in this together. I also want to foot stop something that, dr burks. Mentioned. And dr fausch mentioned there's a spectrum.

That We have here, of treatments. That are, way downstream. Treatments that are midstream. And then preventative, measures that we can all take, because we're all in this together. And. Mr president i want to thank you for emphasizing, the three w's. Number one. Wash your hands. Number two. Watch your distance. Number three. Wear a mask. I was in miami, just a few weeks ago and i promised him i would tell you this i was in trump country. And they told me to deliver you a message mr president. They told me to tell you you look badass, in a face mask. I promised him i would tell you that miami. I told the president, he looks badass, on facebook. We are all in this together. Give blood. Give plasma. Save a life. We'll get through this america. Thank you john thank you. Please. Thank you mr president for having me here today. And, really, to join the partners, that are here together, to. Join our mission of combating. This disease, with our, particular, expertise. And technologies. I also want to thank you for, your leadership. I think that. No one has seen this in the world it takes resolve, and it takes effort, and you've shown that. Uh both with your leadership, but also with the founding of operation, warp speed, so thank you for that. I also want to thank you for your outstanding, team that we're working with. Great people. Who really have done a fantastic. Job. And for proactively. Engaging. The private sector. To combat, code 19.. Uh i am paul perot i'm the ceo, of csl, limited. Uh our legacy, in fighting infectious, disease goes back to. 1901. With emma von barren who was the first nobel, prize winner in medicine. Who, actually, utilized. Plasma. As a means, to fighting off, dip theory. So our history is long in this space. Since then csl, has been committed, to innovating. And developing. Therapies, for rare and serious diseases, that's our business. We currently have several, r d programs. That are fighting, for copit19. Including, vaccines. Monoclonal, antibodies. And plasma, therapies. We are one of the world's largest, collectors, of the, plasma. I'm here today representing, all the manufacturers. Of hyper reviews. Including, the kovig. I-19. Plasma, alliance. Which is really an unprecedented. Partnership, of world leading plasma, companies. Who have joined together, to help develop, a plasma, therapy. To treat coca-19. And i have to say that the help from the ftc. Was, important, as well because we're typically, competitors. And this is really a combination. Of all of these companies, working, together. The plasma, donated, by people who have fought off code 19, as you've already heard has precious, antibiotics. Really, important, antibodies, to fight off this disease. These antibodies. Can be isolated. And then they can be converted, into what we term a hyperimmune. Plasma, therapy. That in theory. Could, be used to treat, active, coping 19, infections, it builds on the concept, of plasma, transfusion.

But The product is more like a standard, medicine. This is an important, approach. And is well established. In treating other infectious, diseases, like rabies. Or tetanus. Working jointly with the nih. The major plasma. Manufacturers. Have designed a clinical trial. That will be enrolling, individuals, in the month of. August. And if the data from this. Supports, our hypothesis. We could be in a position, to submit the hyper immune therapy. To. Dr hum. For, an immune therapy. Against. Cohen 19, by the end of this year. But we need plasma. And we need plasma, donors. So, we need them wherever, they are we need them to donate, blood we need them to donate, plasma. And we also need plasma, in general, because plasma, is used to treat other rare diseases. So this call to action. That we're in this together. The fight is in us we have to work together. And this call to action to donate plasma, and help us fight against covet 19. Is really, an important, step, in making this happen so we thank you for bringing us together. And thank you gail for hosting us. And i hope you'll be able to do it even before the end of the year, and maybe substantially. Before that, from what i'm hearing okay thank you very much thank you would anybody have any questions, of these very brilliant, people. Having to do with plasma. Antibodies. Any. Questions. What is the current projection. Going forward what should we expect in the next couple of months. Perhaps. Tony you want to. Discuss. You know as many as we possibly, can. Really because if you look at it. We almost, will not, have. Enough. So really an unlimited, amount that really is, as many as we possibly, can get in the hundreds of thousands. Are you going to recommend, that americans. Wear goggles, as well as face masks, to defend against the virus. Is that going to become a new cdc, recommendation. Well i can tell you i only heard of goggles, for the first time about, one hour ago. And i'm. Here. Through my tour through the united, states, in 14, states, across, the country, where the president, sent me to make sure that we were, combating, the virus, well on the ground. Um, tennessee. Has created. Teachers. Special teacher paths to ensure that every teacher has a face mask. A, face shield. Gloves. And hand sanitizers. And i think we're trying to bring these best practices. Back to ensure, that, teachers feel safe in the classroom. In the same way that doctors and nurses, feel safe in the hospitals, to decrease their exposure. I think when you look at miami, by the way or, florida, in particular. It looks like, things are getting much better arizona, getting much better. Heading down heading in the right direction. Some other areas getting much better could be. Catching on unfortunately, in a couple of areas we don't know quite yet but we'll be able to report that soon but, some very big progress, being made in some of the states that, two weeks ago looked like they were going to be, quite bad. It's a great progress, man all right any other questions. Tom howell washington times um. Are you concerned at all about the lag time it takes to get a test back, we've heard reports a week or more um gentlemen from labcorp talked about that a little bit, uh what's. What's going on there has it been improvement.

So We're getting mostly. Now, we're ordering as many of the immediate, tests which is five minutes to 15, minutes even. A little bit. Less in some cases than five minutes but we're trying to get, those tests we have, pretty close to 50. I call them short-term, tests but we're up to about 50. Which is amazing. Uh the other tests, while good, you have to send them. Then they have to do the work and then to send them back so the process, takes long just in terms of delivery. Uh we really, are liking the short-term, tests where you find out immediately, whether or not you have a problem, and. That's what we're striving, for but we're already up to approximately. 50. Is that correct. I think with the new, antigen, tests that are available now to nursing homes that will really help our turnaround, times to get them out more specifically. But you have charged, us to get that turnaround, time, down across the board and we're working with fda, to make pooling available. The reason labcorp, has been able to decrease, their turnaround, time so remarkably. As they moved to pooling, several weeks ago, that's dramatically. Increasing, our throughput, throughout the country and so we really need to call on all the laboratories. To learn from labcorp. And others that are doing pooling like abroad, and lab core to really increase our turnaround, times um decrease, our turnaround, time so we know that it's possible that we can decrease it by at least 50. If all of our laboratories, move to pooling, so sir we're doing as you said and we're going to decrease those turnaround times good thank you and how is labcorp, doing about turn around. Yeah so right now. Mr president for priority, patients those in hospitals, or those in nursing homes, and hot spots, within one day we can turn them right. For everybody, else across the country. We turn those around in two to three days on average, and. Uh we can do 180. 000 of those tests per day and we're still increasing, capacity. And as dr burke said we're going to be doing pooling, and multiple other things so we will continue to work hard so then for nursing homes, one day, and.

Something More than that for everyone else but three days looks like it's a. Pretty good, target, yeah well on average two to three days so we shoot for two to three days so we can get it to two days, that's really, you know that's very good we'd be, happy with those numbers, and. Numbers that we are happy with and we use a certain test around here that goes very quickly. And it's, just been recently, developed so, we've done. An amazing, job everybody, at this table has done really an amazing job in coming up with testing, and testing that works, steve go ahead. One issue that has come up is once you do have a. Vaccine. How do you properly. Distribute, it. How do you get it out quickly. When we have the vaccine, we have the military, all lined up, and the military. Is going to be doing it. In a very, powerful, manner. These are people that don't usually do vaccines, they do soldiers, and they do lots of other things that frankly are, more difficult, but we have uh, our general. And uh logistically. He's all set. Tony do you want to say something about that, that is correct, um. As the vaccine rolls out we'll be getting them distributed. And as. You probably have heard we are going to make sure that we do it in an equitable, way. And it's representative. Of the populations. Who need it the most. And we have the tip the standard, way, that we determine, that. With the acip. Working with the cdc, but dr. Uh, collins, and dr redfield, have put together, with the national academy, of medicine. A. Group that will fortify, that decision-making. Process. So that we're making sure that we're very fair. And equitable. In getting the vaccine distributed, properly. And i think i could have francis, say that, tremendous, progress, has been made on the vaccine, beyond, anything, that we would have thought. If you go back six months uh what do you think, uh it is just. Frankly, quite astounding, mr president, i've been at a night for 27, years and director for 11, and i've seen some amazing things happen. But the way in which the whole research community, public and private. Uh philanthropies. Everybody has come together to work on this not worrying about who gets the credit. Trying to figure out how to strip away anything that's going to slow things down. And i think all of us. Motivated, by the fact that this is, the most serious, problem we've encountered, in our professional, lifetimes. Even a day, uh matters, and so that's why a lot of people look kind of sleepy because, we're all working, 24, 7., trying to make sure, that nothing, uh possibly. Slows this process down yeah the vaccines, this week is a big week as you just heard, having two phase three trials, started in the very same day, this past monday. And uh, based upon very impressive, phase one data, showing that people who got that, in the phase one trials, developed these high levels of, neutralizing, antibodies, that should be very predictive. Of protection, but you don't know, until you actually run the trial. In those 30 000 people, by the way you heard earlier about, Which is the place you can go to, to find out how you can donate plasma. There's another thing you can do if you go to that website, which is to sign up to say you're interested in a vaccine, trial, and we need people to volunteer, for that as well because we're gonna with these four or five, uh trials coming along very quickly each of which needs 30, 000, volunteers. That's a lot of people. And we need them, and francis, we're working, very well with other countries. We are indeed, and science has always been international, and it certainly, is right now and we work with our colleagues, in europe and the uk, and asia. In a way that i think, represents. The best of the best, and again everybody recognizes. We're all in this together. Across the whole planet. Okay thank you very much everybody, thank you thank you. Thank. You.

2020-08-02 22:19

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