Trump announces new travel restrictions in coronavirus briefing

Trump announces new travel restrictions in coronavirus briefing

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Thank. You very much I. Had. A very good telephone, conversation. Extremely. Good with Senator Schumer a little while ago we're. Working on various, elements, of the deal and the. Democrats, are very much wanting. Something to happen and the Republicans, likewise are very much wanting something to happen and. I think it will I spoke, with at length with Mitch. McConnell and. This. Tremendous spirit, to get something done so we'll see what happens but my conversation. Was very good with Senator. Schumer I thank. You all for joining us, and I'd like to begin by providing. An update on what, we are doing to minimize the impact of the, Chinese. Virus on our nation's students. With. Many schools closed, due to the virus the Department, of Education, will not enforce. Standardized. Testing, requirements. Very importantly, for. Students, in elementary through high school. For. The current year, they've. Been through a lot they've, been going back and forth schools. Open schools not open it's been a little. Standardized. Testing. And you know it's, we're. Not going to be enforcing. That so I think you can let the people know I think. Probably, a lot of the students, would be extremely happy some probably not, the. Ones that work hard maybe not but it's, one of those things. Unfortunate. Very unfortunate, circumstance, we've also, temporarily, waived all interest. On federally, held student, loans, they'll. Be very happy to hear that and. I've, instructed them, to take that action immediately and, today secretary, divorces, directed, federal lenders, to allow borrowers, to suspend. Their student loans and, loan. Payments, without. Penalty, for, at least the next 60 days and if we need more we'll extend, that period, of time, borrowers. Should contact. Their lenders, but. We've given them very strong instructions. So we've. Temporarily. Waived all interest, one federally, held student, loans that's. A big thing that's gonna make a lot of students very happy and. We have more to come when student loans more good news for the students but we'll do that at a different time. This. Morning the Treasury Department, also announced, that we're moving tax, day from April 15th, to July 15th, so we're we're. Moving it out to July 15th. So. That people will have time and people will be able to, hopefully. By that time we'll have people. Getting back to their lives. Families. And businesses, will have this extra, time to file with no interest or penalties, we're getting. Rid of interest and penalties. However. If you have refunds, or credits you, would like to claim you may still file in other words you can file early if you are. Owed money by the IRS, other. Than that we're. Moving it all the way out to July 15th, no, interest no penalties, your. New date will be July 15th, today. Our team will also provide, an update on our continued effort to prevent the transmission, of, viruses America's. Borders, and I. Watched. What's. Been happening in California, with governor, Newsom and this. Morning with Governor Cuomo and I, applaud, them they're taking very strong bold steps and I applaud them and, we're. All working together we're working very closely together including, those, two governors but I would, say based on the call the media was there or I think, we can say that with. Respect to virtually, every governor, in that call I think every governor, we. Had almost all of them if, not all of them and, I.

Would Say that you. Could see for yourselves at the level, of, respect. And. Esprit. De corps working, together was, extraordinary. There was no, nobody, angry nobody upset. We. Were able to help them and that's, what we're all about we want to hell. We're, doing things that a lot of people wouldn't be able to do but. The relationship, with governors and States is I think, very, extraordinary especially under, the, circumstances. Where this just came upon us. We're. Working with Canada, and Mexico to prevent, the spread of the virus across, North America very, closely you heard what we did yesterday with Canada, and. The. Secretary, of State, Pompeyo, will be making a statement in a little while having to do with Mexico. And, the border and. She had likewise, Chad willful likewise, to be making a statement there's, a joint comprehensive, effort in collaboration. With our neighbors. The. Measure. And. All of those measures that. We're putting in place will, protect the health of all. Three nations. And reduce the incentive, for a mass global, migration that. Would badly deplete the healthcare resources, needed for, our people, and. So, we are working very closely with Mexico, very. Very closely with. With. Canada. The. Relationships, never been better we're all working for the same toward. The same goal, our. Nation's top health care officials are extremely, concerned about the great public health consequences. Of mass uncontrolled. Cross-border. Movement, and. That, would be mostly. And even, beyond but mostly during, this. Global. Pandemic, every. Week our border agents, encounter, thousands, of unscreened, unvetted. And unauthorized entries. From, dozens. Of countries and, we've had this problem, for. Decades, for. Decades you know the story but now it's, with. The national emergencies, and all of the other things that we've declared we. Can actually do something about it would take it a very strong hold. Of that and we, have before but this is now at a level that nobody's. Ever approached, in. Normal times these massive, flows place of s burden, on our health care system, but. During a global pandemic they, threatened, to create a perfect, storm that. Would spread, the infection to, our border, agents, migrants, and. To the, public at large left. Unchecked, this, would cripple our immigration. System, overwhelm. Our health care system, and severely, damaged our national security we're, not going to let that happen so. We. Have a lot of information and, they'll be discussing, that in a moment to confront these public health, degrees, the Centers for Disease Control, and Prevention.

Has Decided, to, exercise its, authority under the title, 42 of the, u.s. code to give customers a border protection the. Tools it needs to, prevent the transmission of the, virus coming. Through both, the northern and the southern borders. So we're treating the borders equally, the. Northern border and the southern border it's being treated they're, both being treated equally, a lot of people say that, they're not treated equally well they are as. We did with Canada, we're also working with Mexico, to implement, new rules at. Our ports, of entry to suspend, non-essential. Travel, these. New rules and procedures, will not, impede lawful, trade and commerce, furthermore. Mexico, is taking action to secure, our own southern border and suspend, air travel, from. Europe so we're, coordinating. Very closely the, air travel going to Mexico, and then trying to come in to the United States the. Actions, were taking together with our North, American partners. Will save countless lives. At. The conclusion, of my remarks secretary. Azar secretary, Pompeo. Secretary. Wolf. We're. Going to be. Also, taking, some questions with, Tony. And Debra who you've gotten to know very well. But. They'll be. Discussing. Certain, things and I think you'll find them of great interest, we're. Going to be providing, tremendous, amounts. Of detail over the coming days but a lot of it will be provided, right now if you'd like to find out about it, there's. Been a week of. Resolute. Action, tremendous, action tremendous. Relationships. Have developed, with people that frankly didn't, get along people that didn't like each other they're now working, together and, maybe. Even in some cases learning. About each other and liking each other it's nice thing I invoked. The defense production, act, and. Last night we, put it into gear, we. Move the National. Response. Coordination. Center. To the highest level, of activity, I mean if you if you take a look at what we did. The. Level, of activation. Has been increased. To a grade. One level which is the highest level, we're. Providing, historic. Support, to small businesses, and to the states the states need support. Normally. They do this themselves because. Of the magnitude. Of it the federal government, has gotten very much involved in terms, of getting the equipment they need so. We're helping them it's it's. A responsibility, they have but we are. Helping, the, states a lot, that's. Why the governors I think in every case have been, impressed. And very nice we enacted, legislation guaranteeing. Paid sick leave for, workers.

At No cost to employers and I. Think it's very important, so they get, paid. Sick leave at no, cost to employers. We're. Accelerating the, use of new drug treatments, were advancing. Legislation, to give direct payments, to hard-working families. Throughout. Our country Americans, from all walks of life are rallying together to feed the unseen, enemy, strike. In our nation in, times. Of struggle we see the true greatness of the American, character that we are saying that a lot of people are talking about it. We're. In a hundred and forty-one countries, from what they're telling me and. Some. Of those countries are really working in, a unified manner and they're working very unified, with us almost, I, could say the good, number of them doctors. And nurses are working, nonstop to heal the sick. Citizens. And churches, are delivering. Meals to, the needy, truckers. Are making the long haul to keep shelves, stopped we've. Been dealing with the big. Store, and the big chains Walmart, they've been fantastic and, others they've. All been fantastic. We've. Made it much easier for them to stock in. Terms of travel and travel restrictions were, lifting. Restrictions, so they can get their trucks on time you're. Seeing very few empty shelves and, yet. The amount of volume that they're doing is unprecedented because, people want to have, what. They have to have what they feel they have to have and they're also buying in slightly, smaller, quantities, which is good. Because. We're. Not going anywhere we're gonna be here so. I want to thank all of those very, great companies, for working so well Americans, from every walk of life are coming together, and. Thanks to the spirit of our people we, will win this war we are we're winning and we're going to win this war. America. Will triumph, and America will rise higher than, ever before, we'll be stronger than ever before, and we've learned a lot we've. Learned a lot we've. Learned a lot about, relying. On other countries and. I. Can say that I think in both a very good and a very bad way some. Good things came out of it and some not-so-good, things came out of it so. I'd like to move now to invite our team to provide information, on, the new measures, to prevent, viral. Spread at our borders and I'll start by asking. Secretary. Of State Pompeyo. To speak he's doing a fantastic job, and, like everyone else he's been working very very long and very very hard and he's doing the other, more. Normal. Jobs, of a great, Secretary, of State but he, got he, got tied into this like everybody else and he's been really doing a fantastic job, Mike please. Thank. You mr. president before. I address. The. Efforts that we've been engaged in to push back against the Chinese virus I want to assure the American people that, as president Trump just said your State Department your, entire. National security team is staying, focused on the other diplomatic, challenges around the world those, include reducing. Risk to America from Afghanistan, holding. The Iranian regime accountable, for its Mayan activity, and our counterterrorism efforts, against Isis remain a priority, for our team our. Number-one priority, across. Those mission sets remains the protection, of the American people, the, president our team are very, focused on it I'll. Take this mo to to thank my, team State Department team who was working long hours all around the world to, take care of Americans, who. Are stuck, in places around the world I'll talk about that more in just a minute you've, all seen dr., Burks with me state Department officials is doing great work but I want to I want to give a shout out to all of the State Department team. Here in Washington, and around the world that are working overtime, to. Help us push back against, this pandemic. Under. The president's leadership this, week we've taken two important steps first as, president Trump announced on Wednesday the United States and Canada jointly, agreed to. Restrict all non-essential, traffic across our border this. Decision goes into effect tonight at midnight the. Restrictions, will be reviewed after 30 days and. They exclude traffic and movement across the border for work or other essential, reasons, we're grateful to have such, an outstanding friend, to the north who has committed as we are to defeating this virus, I also. Want an ounce today that, the United States and Mexico have.

Agreed To restrict, non-essential. Travel across, our shared, border both. Our countries know the importance, of. Working together to limit the spread of the virus to ensure the commerce. That supports our economy continues to keep flowing here. To the United States is glad, to have a friend whose working side, by side us in the fight. Secretary. Wolf. Will talk a little bit more about, the details of how we're working alongside, our partner in Mexico, to, keep our southern border safe and secure, as well on. Another note yesterday, the State Department issued a level-4. Of global travel advisory, this. Means that all. International. Travel. US citizens, should be avoided, in. Countries, for commercial departure, options, remain available u.s.. Citizens, who reside in the United States should arrange for immediate return to, the United States unless they're prepared to remain abroad, for an extended, time if. You choose to travel internationally your travel funds may well be severely, disrupted. And. Finally I want to talk about the disinformation that people, are saying well, then Twitter around the world some of it coming from government some of it coming from other individuals, just. Urge everyone as they're seeing information, information. That at one time suggested, somehow this virus emanated, from the United States Army this. Information. About lock downs that are taking place, every. American. Indeed people all around the world should ensure that where they turn to for information, as, a reliable, source and not, a bad actor trying to create, and flow information. That they know is wrong this. Is a tough, fight the American people were tougher our, diplomatic, teams are working around the clock to help them keep safe, both home and abroad and we're showing once again the. Global leadership, that America has always delivered it's, been great to see countries around the world well rally behind what President Trump and our team are doing thank, you thank you thank, you very much we'll. Take questions right, after this. Well. Let me start off by thanking the president and the vice president, for their continued, leadership and, commitment for protecting the American people during this crisis, early, on the, president, again, took unprecedented, actions, to restrict travel from areas, affected with, the coronavirus and to date DHS, has screened over 200,000. Individuals coming, back from those affected, countries this, has have been an immense undertaking but. One that the men and women of DHS, have, successfully, accomplished, today's. Announcement, is yet another example of the extraordinary steps, the administration is taking to ensure the safety of the American public, before. I comment on the CDC order that I'm sure secretary azar will later elaborate, on let. Me first address the progress, as Secretary. Pompeo and others have. Made with, our Canadian and Mexican partners, regarding cross-border. Travel as. We continue to evaluate common-sense, measures, that reduce risk, and prevent further spread it, only makes sense. We have looked to look, at the measures that our neighbors to the north and south are undertaking, and, so we've been working closely with those partners since the earliest days of this, virus and the outbreak and again, as the president said. Earlier this week in Saturday Pompeii we've reached an agreement agreement, with both Canada and Mexico, to limit, till Lymon. Non-essential. Travel across, our land borders. Let. Me be clear that neither of these agreements with Canada or Mexico applies. To lawful, trade or commerce, essential. Commercial activities, will not be impacted we, will continue, to maintain a strong and secure economic supply, chain across. Our borders a few. Examples of a central Travel include but certainly are not limited to individuals, traveling for medical purposes to. Attend educational institutions. For. Emergency, response public health services and individuals. Engaged in lawful cross-border. Trades. As. The secretary said, the agreements with both Canada and Mexico will. Go into effect on, Saturday.

March 21st, furthermore. We're also working collaboratively with, Canada and Mexico to take decisive joint. Action, regarding. Individuals, seeking. Entry between our ports of entry the. CDC order directs. The Department to suspend, the introduction, of all, individuals. Seeking to enter the u.s. without proper, travel. Documentation. That's. For both the northern and southern border, the. CDC, director has determined, that the introduction, and spread of the corona virus and the, department's, border patrol stations and. Detention, facilities, presents, a serious danger to migrants are frontline agents, and. Officers and the American people so. It's important to note that the department, currently apprehends. Foreign, nationals, from over 120, different countries around the world the. Vast majority of those having coronavirus. Cases, many. Of these individuals arrive, with little or, no identity. Travel or medical documentation, making, public health. Risk determinations. All but impossible. It's. Also too important to note that the outbreak on our southern border would likely increase the strain on health. Systems and our border communities, taking away important, and life-saving, resources, from American, citizens, tonight. Again, at midnight we. Will execute the CDC order by, returning, individuals, arriving, without documentation, to Canada Mexico, as, well as a number of other countries without delay, so. Again, CBP. Is positioned, to execute these measures as we, continue to keep our borders secure and safe before. I conclude let me just wrap, up by thanking the brave men and women of DHS. Specifically. CBP, and, across the government for the work that they do day in and day out to keep the American people safe from. The coronavirus, the, department has a number of frontline officers that, have been tested, positive, as well as others who are self quarantine and. That I am doing everything that I can to, protect these Patriots, as they continue, to defend our homeland during. This crisis, thank. You. Today's. Announcement, is just the latest in a long line of bold, decisive actions, the president has taken to protect Americans, from the corona virus, spreading, across, our borders, in, January, within two weeks of China's, notifying, w-h-o. About the virus and with, only 45. Cases. In China we, began screening travelers, from Wuhan then. Over time as the Africa vault the president restricted, travel from China Iran. And Europe, our. Health experts, say that these measures have been truly effective, at slowing the viruses, spread to our shores just. Think about this, Italy. And the United States both saw their first travel, related case of coronavirus. Around the exact same, time the, last week of January, and yet. We have. Had precious time to continue our work around vaccines. Therapeutics. And other preparations. While. Italy, has, tragically. Been overwhelmed, with critical patients, for several weeks now, the. President, today is taking action to slow the spread of infectious, disease via, our border, under. Section 362. Of the Public Health Service Act the. CDC, is suspending, the entry of certain persons, into, the United States because. Of the public health threat that their entry into the United States represents. This. Order applies to persons coming from Mexico and Canada. Who, are seeking to enter the country illegally and, who would normally be held in a congregate, setting, like a Customs and Border Protection station. It. Does not apply to u.s. citizens or lawful, permanent. Residents, during. This pandemic a number, of health challenges, arise when illegal immigrants, arrive at our northern and southern borders and are, taken into immigration custody. We're. Talking about significant. Numbers, of illegal, immigrants, from. This past October, through February. DHS. Has processed more than, 21,000. Inadmissible, aliens at the northern border and, more than 150 1,000 inadmissible. Aliens at the southern border. CBP. Facilities, were never designed to hold large numbers of people and to protect agents. And migrants, from infection, during a pandemic nor, to treat them for, a novel, virus if large numbers are infected, when, held at border facilities, these migrants, were spreading the virus to other migrants, to CBP, agents and, border health care workers and even, the United States population as, a whole in, such. Circumstances. The kind of social distancing, measures the CDC, and the president, have recommended, are simply.

Not Possible, on top, of that any resources. That we are using to reduce the risk of infection among, CBP, agents health. Care workers and migrants. In these facilities are drawing. On American. An American health, care system that is already fighting, the, corona virus pandemic, that's. Why the president, and his administration are, taking these important, steps to keep Americans, and our. Immigration, system safe, from these health risks as part of our whole, of government approach to, combating the, corona virus thank you mr. president for the work that you've been doing throughout this crisis, to, slow the spread of the corona virus, and to keep our country safe thank you. Mr.. President so. We continue, to review the data very carefully from around the globe as I know many of you are we. Continue, to see signs. That again. Individuals. Under 20, 19, and under may have severe. Disease but. Majority, and, all have recovered, to date we. Still see that same trend, and frankly, from Italy. We're seeing a very another, concerning. Trend that. The mortality and, mail seems, to be twice in every age group of females, this. Should alert all of us to continue our vigilance. To protect, our. Americans. That are in nursing homes. This. Requires all of the community when you see the sacrifices. That many Americans, have made the sacrifices, that the service industry, has made to. Close their restaurants. Close their bars and so that the spread is discontinued. And then, you really understand, how all of Americans, must make the same sacrifice. We. Continue, to ask you to follow the presidential, guidelines, of, no, groups coming together of, more than 10 that, if anyone in the household, is sick that, everyone, quarantines. In the household, together and that, we continue to focus on, those who have the most vulnerability. To this illness now. To the moms and dads out there that have children with, immunodeficiencies. Or other medical, conditions, we, don't know the, level of risk and I know you will also protect them in the same way there just is not enough numbers, at this time to, really tell them if, they're at additional, risk are not in the same way that, adults are I don't. Have any new data I can see the look on your face is saying is she's seeing something new I don't have any new data but I think it's important, for us to be as honest, with the American people, as we can and when, we don't have data be very clear that we don't know, finally. No. One is immune I sometimes, hear, people on, radio, or others talking about I'm immune to the virus. We, don't know if the contagion, levels are difference in age groups but we know it's highly contagious to everyone, do, not interpret, mild, or moderate disease as, lack of contagion. Or that you're a mu immune, you just happen to have a better, immune system, and, the ability to fight the virus in a way that maybe older, people or people with existing, medical conditions can't. And that's, why it's very important, at this moment that. All of you carry that message about. The sacrifices, that many have made, particularly. Our service providers and our frontline health care workers, they, making, that sacrifice every.

Day So that every American we, can move through this well but. We need every American following. The presidential guidelines, thank you thank, you very much. Thank. You very much mr. president I just want to underscore a couple of things that I've said a few times to, this group you. May recall that just a week. Ago or so I said the, two pillars the two elements, of our capability. To contain. The infection and, the and the surge, of infections, in this country rely, on two things keeping. Infections. From coming from without in we've. Been very successful in, doing that with, China and with Europe now, we have the northern, and southern Borden issues there's a fundamental, public. Health reason, for, doing that because, we cannot be preventing. People from coming in from one area when they can actually go, into the other so, that's an important, reason understand. That there's a public health reason, for, doing that the, second thing I think is really important, is what. Happened in New York today what Governor Cuomo mentioned, about an hour ago some, rather strong. Issues. That have been addressed with his recommendations. Not recommendations. Essentially. Orders, now, we. Have a group, of. Recommendations. And guidelines that, are applicable to the entire country. You, know them we've been over, them yet. There are places region. States cities, in this country that, are being, stressed, much, much more than the country as a whole, clearly, one of them was Washington, another, one was California. Gunnarsson, made some very important, difficult. Decisions, today, Governor. Cuomo did the same thing and I want to say i strongly, support. What, he's doing and one, thing as a new, york for myself for those of you who haven't figured out from my accent that i'm from new york as, in new york I know what New Yorkers can do we're, tough I was, in New York City on September 11th. 2001.

And I, know what, the New Yorkers can do so please cooperate, with, your governor cooperate, with your mayor it's very important, thank you thank you very much. Thank, You mr. president. The. White House coronavirus, task force met, this morning we continue at the president's, direction to bring the full resources, not just of the federal government but in full partnership with our state governments. Businesses. Around America, and a partnership with the American. People. To respond to the threat of the corona virus and. I know I can speak on behalf of the president, with confidence, when I say how inspired, we are. By. The way the, American people and, American businesses. Are coming, together to, help, defeat, this, virus, in our country. Millions. Of Americans, are putting into practice, the. President's, 15-day. Guidelines, and we encourage, everyone even. Those that are not in areas, with significant, outbreak to. Review these guidelines, over, the next week, and more and put them into practice and you'll continue to do your part later. Today we'll be talking with manufacturers, around the country and president. I continue, to be inspired by, the way American industry, is stepping, forward we have businesses, around the country that are literally volunteering. To retrofit, plants. To. Help us meet the needs of our health care workers and, our health care system in confronting, the, coronavirus. As, the president mentioned yesterday, following, his decision, to put FEMA in the lead the emergency, declaration, we. Actually met with all the nation's governors from, the FEMA National, Response Coordination, Center. The. President and I our entire team at the federal level couldn't be more grateful. For, the efforts, of all of our governors in implementing. The, guidance, that is being issued not, only from our task force but also in. Taking, strong measures, in. Their own communities, to protect their citizens we. Want to urge every American, to heed your local authorities, listen. To their guidance, and and also. Do your part to, slow the spread we. Reiterated. To, all of the governor's that, the, president, by putting FEMA in the lead will continue, to implement a plan that is locally, executed. State, managed, and federally. Supported that. Puts the health of America, first we. Have received a report today as president mentioned, on. Our legislative. Team on Capitol, Hill we're working with Republicans and Democrats at, this, very, hour to, pass an economic. Recovery package, that. The president described. And, we hope to see the Congress act on that early, next week, on the subject of supplies we continue to make steady progress on, testing. Thanks. To the president's, involvement, of commercial, labs the public and private partnership, more. And more Americans, are being tested every, single day and tomorrow. Admiral Gua and FEMA, will update, the American public on the status of testing, and our, support, of state-based, testing, efforts that are literally expanding. By. The hour on the, subject of medical supplies we.

Continue, At the president's, direction to pursue every means, to expand, the supply of personal. Protective, equipment for, the. Extraordinary, and, courageous, health care workers that are ministering, to the needs of people, impacted. By the corona virus we, have a policy of procuring, allocating. As well as conserving. The, resources, that we have in our system and, now. That the president, worked, with the Congress to make industrial. Masks, fully available for. Hospitals, to be able to purchase to be able to use as protective. Equipment, we're. More, encouraged, than ever about. The availability, of those, important. In 95, mass to, our health care facilities, and over this weekend we'll. Be announcing a major procurement, from the federal government. N95, masks, as well. We're, also encouraged. That we're finding new alternatives, to increase the supply of, ventilators. We've. Mentioned that we have a federal stockpile. Some. 20,000. Ventilators, on on, standby, but, that doesn't count the tens of thousands, of ventilators, that are in our healthcare system around the country but, the president, has challenged, us to work to free, up other. Ventilators. From other sources around the country and there. Are two different ways that we're doing that number one in. Our recent discussion, with. Anesthesiologist. We've literally identified, tens of thousands. Of, existing. Ventilators. That can, be retrofitted, and converted. To be ventilators, for people struggling with the coronavirus, but, also on. The president's, behalf on behalf of all of our task force we want to continue to urge every American, and every American hospital, and healthcare facility, to postpone. Any. Elective. Medical. Procedures. This, will free up bed space free. Up hospital, capacity. For, people that are struggling with the coronavirus, and it'll. Also free up equipment, that our health care workers, need it. Is inspiring, that we continue to receive reports of businesses around America are donating, and ninety five mass. To their local hospitals, businesses, large and small or donating, hundreds in some cases millions. Of him ninety five mess and I, know I know how grateful the president, is and we all are and, let me close by saying as, all of our experts have said many times while, the. Threat of serious illness, to the average American, from the corona virus remains, low, every. American, can do your part to. Reduce the, burden on your, health on your family, the, burden on our healthcare system, and especially the, threat to the most vulnerable among, us, by, putting into practice. The president's, 15, days, to slow the. Spread and as, the president, said at the outset of his remarks, I know, that millions of Americans are doing that just, now and the greatness of the American, character is, shining forth, thank. You Mike thank you very much. Okay. Thank. You. Had. A call Senator Schumer he says you've now agreed, to invoke the defense production act to actually make those medical supplies that hospitals, say for, in severe shortage so two questions is that what you're doing now it. Is I did it yesterday, we, invoked it I think, the day before we signed it the evening of the day before, and. Invoked. It yesterday we have a lot of people working very hard to do ventilators, and various other things yes using it now to tell this we are using. For. Certain things, that we need including. Including. Some, of the very important. Emergency, I would say ventilators, probably, more masks, to.

A Large extent we have millions of masks, which are coming and which. Will be distributed, to the states the states are. Having a hard time getting them so we were. Using the act the act is very good. For things like this we have millions of masks, that we've ordered they, will be here, soon we're having them shipped, directly, to States. You. Were signing this but not invoking it this is what you said yesterday and you would only do so in a worst-case scenario so, we know. We. We, need no, it's no different other than we need certain, equipment that the states are unable to get by themselves, so, we're invoking, it to use the powers of the federal government to help the states get, things that they need like the masks like the ventilators, yesterday. More consideration. To a national, lockdown, and keep people no I don't think so. Essentially. You've done that in California. You've done that in New York those are really two hot beds as it probably, the two hottest of them all in terms of hot spots I. Don't, think so because you go out to the Midwest you go out to other locations, and. They're. Watching it on television but they don't have the same problems, they don't have by aunt by any means the same problem. New, York California Miami. The, governor is doing an excellent job governor. DeSantis. In. Florida. We. Have some pretty hot spots in Florida too but, we're a general. And the state of Washington of, course but that was largely if you look at it it was one nursing home that had problems. Like you wouldn't believe, so, now we're working with the governor's and I don't think you'll I don't think we'll ever find that. We'll, have to see what the results are at the end of 14, days let's say well know, by the 15th day to see what we do but. I'm certainly honored, by, the way the American. People are, working. Because it's work it's, work not to work this is the first time this has ever happened and, we're, working out a tremendous financial package, for them so, they don't work who. Ever heard of this usually you work out a financial package to get people working we're. Asking people not to work the. Social distancing, that new term that's become probably, the hottest term there is so. No. I'm very honored, by the way the American people are. Taking. This image so seriously, yes Jeff a. Question, for you and a question for dr. factory if I could. There's been some concern among Democrats, on Capitol Hill, that the phase three fiscal stimulus has waited too much in favor of corporations, and not enough in terms of individuals, what. Did your conversations. With Senator Schumer yield on that for though I think that really all of that is being discussed right now we talked about as.

An Example buy back stock buybacks, I don't want to have stock, buybacks, I don't want people spending I don't, want some executives, saying we're gonna buy 200,000. Shares of stock I want that money, to be used for the workers and also for, the company to keep the company going. But. Not for buybacks, I would I, mean I haven't spoken to a lot, of the Republicans. Or Democrats owner. We discussed it and I I don't like buybacks. I didn't like them the first time are, you, suggesting. We're, discussing that with discussing many things on the same page from Saturday we're not so far away that's a we're not very we're not very far away, and to dr. Khatri if I could dr., Kashi was. Explained yesterday there has been some promise with hydroxychloroquine. This, potential therapy, for people who are infected with chronic virus is, there any evidence to suggest that, as with malaria it might be used as a prophylaxis, against, Cobra - no the answer is no, and and the the evidence that you're talking about John is anecdotal, evidence so, as the Commissioner. Of FDA and the president mentioned yesterday we're. Trying to strike a balance, between, making. Something with a potential. Of an, of an effect to. The American people available at the same time that we do it under, the auspices, of a protocol, that would give us information to. Determine if it's truly safe and truly effective, but, the information, that you're referring to specifically, is anecdotal it was not done in a controlled clinical trial, so you really can't make any definitive statement, about it. Without. Seeing. Too much I'm probably. More of a fan of that then maybe. Than, anybody but. I'm a big fan and we'll see what happens and we, all understand, what the doctor, said is a hundred percent correct it's early but we've. You. Know I've seen things that are impressive. And we'll see we're gonna know soon we're, gonna know soon and including. Safety but you know when. You get that safety this has been prescribed. For many years for, people to. Combat. Malaria which, was a big problem and it's very effective it's a strong it's, a strong drug so, we'll see effective. Against disarms it was very, it was as I understand, that I is. That a correct statement it was fairly, effective when SARS, John. You've got to be careful when you say fairly effective it was never done in a clinical trial that compared it to anything, it, was given to individuals, and felt that maybe it works. Too. Well that's the point whenever you do a clinical, trial you do standard, of care versus. Standard of care plus the agent you're evaluating that's, the reason why we showed back, in Ebola why, particular. Interventions. Worked. About. The possible therapies yesterday. Mr. president you said they, were for quote immediate, delivery immediate, we heard what an ordering yes we have. Millions. Of units ordered. Bear. Is one of the companies as you know big company very big very great. Company. Millions. Of units are ordered and we're going to see what happens we're going to be talking. To the, governor's about it and the FDA is working on it right now the. Advantages, that it has been prescribed, for a totally different problem, but, it has been described for many years and everybody, knows the levels of. The. Negatives, and the positives but. I will say that I, am, a. Man. That comes from a very positive school, when it comes to in particular one, of these, drugs and we'll see how it works out Peter I'm not I'm not saying it will but I think that.

People. May be surprised by the way that would be a game changer but. We're gonna know very soon but but, we have ordered, millions. Of units it's, being ordered but from Bayer and there is another couple, of companies also that. That. Do it, there. Is no magic, drug for coronavirus, right now which you would agree I. Think. We only a little, sorry, I physically. Maybe. And maybe not maybe there is maybe there isn't we have to see we're gonna know, is. It possible that your impulse to put a positive spin on things, maybe, giving Americans a false set. Okay, so I think that I, think, it's, gotta. Look. It, may work and it may not work and. I agree with the doctor what he said may work may not work I feel. Good about it it's all it is just a feeling all right you know I'm smart. Guy I feel, good about it and what you see you're gonna see soon enough and we, have certainly some very big samples, of people have you look at the people you have a lot of people that are in big trouble and this. Is not a drug that obviously, I. Think, I can speak, for a lot of it from a lot of experience because it's been out there for over 20, years so. It's not a drug that you have a huge amount of danger with it's not like a brand new drug, that's been just created, that may have an unbelievable. Monumental, effect like kill you. We're, gonna know very soon and I can tell you the FDA is working very hard to get it out right, now in terms, of malaria, if you want it you can have a prescription you, get a prescription and by the way and it's very effective it works I, have. A feeling, you may and I'm not being overly optimistic or. Pessimistic I, sure. As hell think we ought to give it a try I mean, there's been some interesting things happened, and some good very good things, let's. See what happens we have nothing to lose you know the expression, what. The hell do you have to lose okay. Scared. Though I guess nearly, 200, dead. 14,000. You're sick millions, as you witness who, are scared right now way to say to Americans, we're watching you right now you're, scared I say. That you're a terrible reporter, that's what I say. I think. It's a very nasty question, and I think it's a very bad signal, that you're putting out to the American people the, American people. Are looking for answers and they're looking for hope and, you're doing sensationalism. And the. Same with NBC, and Comcast. I don't I don't, quote Comcast, I click Comcast, let me just have for whom you work let, me just say something that's. Really, bad, reporting. And you want to get back to report a good set of sensationalism. Let's, see if it works it might and it might not I happen. To feel good about it but who knows I've, been right a lot let's. See what happens John connected back to the science and the logistics. The. Units that were ordered are they for clinical trials are they for distribution to the general patient population, we are going, to as I understand, it we, are going to be taking, samples in New York Governor Cuomo, very, much is interested. In this drug and. They are going to work on, it also after, they get a certain approval, we're waiting for one final approval from the FDA we'll see what happens, but. We'll use it on people that are not. Doing great or, even, at the beginning of not feeling learned fallen under then John what do we have to lose so, this way John it's been out there for so long we, hear good things let's, see maybe it works and maybe it doesn't just. They gave the application, here so that would be under sort of a modified compassionate. Access we're, doing that I guess and that's that's what it's called you know yes. To. Follow up on what the president is saying should Americans, have hope in this drug right now and sir I would, like to follow up on Peters question here, could you please issue. Address. Americans, in this country who are scared, right now this is a very valid concern.

People, Have really. Isn't that much of a difference in many respects with what we're saying the, president, feels optimistic, about something his feeling, about it what I'm saying is that it might it, might be effective, I'm not saying that it isn't it, might be effective, but as a scientist. As we're, getting it out there we, need to do it in a way as while, we are making it available for people who, might want the, hope that it might work, you're also collecting. Data. That will ultimately show, that. It is truly effective. And safe, under the conditions, of covert. 19, so, there really isn't different it's just a question of how one feels about it believe. It's not safe well. Certainly. As a drug, any, drug John has some toxicities. The decades, of experience, that we have with this drug indicate. That, the toxicities, are rare and they, are in many respects, reversible, well we don't know is when you put it in the context, of another disease whether. It's safe, fundamentally. I think it probably is gonna be safe but, I like to prove things first so it really is a question of not a lot of difference it's the hope that will work versus. Proving that it will work so I don't see big difference this year. To. Do their jobs your message, my. Message to the American people is that there. Is a very low incidence, of death, you understand, that and, we're. Gonna come through this stronger than ever before if. You get it if you happen to get it. It. Is highly, unlikely it's, looking like it's getting to a number that's much smaller than people originally, thought in, terms of the ultimate. The. Ultimate problem which would be death, my. Message. To the American people is number one you've done an incredible, job incredible. What you've gone through spin. And crit wasn't their fault wasn't. Their fault it wasn't the fault of a hundred and forty other countries, where, this has happened and. There, is tremendous hope and I think we're going to come out stronger. Better, bigger. In, every way I think we're going to be a better country than we were before we learned a lot we. Learned on reliance. Who to rely on who not to rely on but. Our country, our. Country has been incredible, the way they pull together including, the fact that I just spoke to Senator Schumer, we had a wonderful conversation we. Both want to get to a good solution. But. It's been it, really for me watching and seeing people that, weren't speaking getting, along well, because.

We All have one common aim, and that's to get rid of this invisible enemy get rid of it fast, and then, go back to the kind of economy that we had and maybe, even better. Worried. About how long it'll take we're, gonna be. Focused. A big focus and including, my conversation. With both Mitch, and with Chuck a big. Focus of that conversation, with small businesses, because they are really the engine, behind our country more so than the big ones they, are the engine behind, our country. Are. You concerned about members, of Congress that may have used information they learned on updates to, sell stocks and profit off this I'm not aware of it I saw, some names I'm not oh I know all of them I know. Everyone. Mentioned, dianne, feinstein i guess and, a, couple, of others i don't know, too much about what, it's about but, i find them to all be very honorable, people that's all i know i think and they said they did nothing wrong i find. Them the whole group very, honorable, people yeah please. The. Whole group would include richard burr the head of the intelligence committee and it also would include senator. Kelly Lafleur, and so, the question is whether or not they should be investigated. For that behavior but it also includes, dianne feinstein, a democrat, you didn't mention her name why didn't you mention her name and, i think she's a very honorable person, by the way so i'm not say but you know it's interesting that you mentioned two people but you don't mention one that, happens to be a Democrat. Because. I have to look at it possibly. But i find them to be honorable people yes. You see yourself as a wartime president right now leading, the country through this pandemic that were experiencing, do you really think you know going off on Peter, going, off on a network as appropriate, in the country is going through something like I do because I think Peter, is. You. Know I dealt with Peter for a long time and, I. Think Peter is not. A good journalist, when it comes to fairness. I. Think the, country has to understand, that, there is indeed whether we like it or not and some of the people in this room won't like it. There's a lot of really, great news and great journalism and there's a lot of fake news out there and. I hear it all and I see it all and I understand, it all because I'm in the midst of it so when somebody writes a story there's, a story on television and, I. Know it's false I know it's fake and, when they say they have 15, sources, have said and I know there's no sources there's no sources they just making it up I know that and I call Peter I call Peter F but I call other people out too and you, know this is time to come together but. Coming together is, much harder, when. We have dishonest. Journalists. It's, a very important, profession that you're in it's a profession, that I think is incredible. I cherish, it but, when people are dishonest they, truly do hurt our country. Almost. Two months ago why did you say. If. You could have known earlier. And. Also you have been calling. I, can, speak for myself but I have a very good relationship with. China, and with President, Xi I have, great respect for President Xi I consider him to be a friend of mine it's, unfortunate. That this got out of control it came from China got out of control some. People are upset I know I. Know President. Xi. He. Loves China he. Respects, the United States and I, have to say I respect, China greatly, and I respect President, Xi. I. Never, like stock buybacks, from their standpoint when. We, did a, big. Tax cut and, when they took the money and did, buybacks, that's, not building a hangar that's not buying aircraft, that's not doing the kind of things that I want them to do and we're. Now talking about, buybacks. We. Didn't think we would have had to restrict it because we thought they would have known better but. They didn't know better in some kid not in all cases obviously, some, people did an incredible, job they built plants all over the country I mean you'd see what's happened I mean we were doing until this invisible. Enemy appeared. We. Were I mean we never had an economy like this but there, was some companies, that used that money to buy back stock, driving. Up the price of the stock artificially. In many cases, I don't, like that I don't like it and as far as whether or not we'll have that allow them when we give them money because we have to keep these, great companies in business.

Because, Of the workers frankly. For, the most part because of the workers the workers are my number one concern but. The way we take care of the workers is we have to keep the but he's going I am, fine with restricting. Buybacks in fact I would I would. Demand. That there be no stock, buybacks, I don't want them taking hundreds, of millions of dollars and buying. Back their stock because, that does nothing yep. Secretary. Of State buffaio is extremely, busy so if you have any question, for him right now could you do that because you, know what I'd like to do I'd like to him to go back to the State Department, or as they call it the deep State Department, you, don't mind I'd, like to have him go back and do, his job so does anybody have any questions. On. Work travel, you, need to find that this all works with anyone with the work visa can still cross the border can you define the. Measures you're taking it's a great question we'll. We're working with very real concern about h-2a, visa particular, agricultural worker need, to get across we're gonna make sure that we do everything we can to keep, that part of our economic. Lifeblood working, between our two countries DHS. And the State Department will work together we. Want to make sure and keep commerce between Canada, the United States and Mexico alive functional. And prepared. For the day that this economy bounces back like we expected, it well. Mr.. Secretary, the, Mexican, government has not announced any travel, ban on Europe. Word. Have, you been you talked with them as to when they're gonna do this and what it is that they're telling you and then a second, question they, also are telling, us I'm said, in a press conference this morning that they will not take back any, non, Mexican. Citizen. Any other third parties, will have to we don't know what will happen to that so can you address what will happen to those third. Country. Immigrants, that you are saying that will not be allowed to enter the US and Mexico saying, that they will not be allowed to stay in Mexico either, or sent back from the US I'll. Take the first one in the chat I'll give you the second one with respect to travel into Mexico from outside I spoke with foreign minister abroad a couple of times about this I'm very confident we're gonna get to a really good place that protects, the Mexican people and the American people from those who might be travelling into places where we've got, designations. The Schengen zone from, China, so, that they're not coming in to Mexico and then coming into the United States I'm very confident we'll do that we'll make that announcement shortly. Together. As. We implement, the, cdc's order again. We're gonna take a number of individuals that cross the border illegally, and. Repatriate, them or remove them quickly back to Mexico back, to the northern triangle and, back to any, other country, so we're gonna do that in a rapid fashion we'll continue to work with Mexico, to, make sure that Mexican nationals go back as well as other populations, sending. What a mile inspector what a mile or Cubans back to Cuba what would you do those third countries, that are not Mexicans, so, we're doing all of the above we're, gonna be sending it again individuals, back to Mexico individuals, back to the northern triangle countries, Cuba Haiti, all the we again 122. Different, nations that. We see - analogies, that come across that border we'll be sending them back individually. To their countries, but also with working, with Mexico to send additional populations. Back there as well. Stupid, you know when you said before, you said.

They're. Non Mexicans, going to Mexico we are not sending them to Mexico we're sending them back to their, own countries not to mix it why would Mexico take people that are from Mexico we're, sending them back in, the, case of Guatemala Honduras. El. Salvador, a, lot of other countries they go back to the country from where they came okay and Mike, please. The, issue of disinformation, is there any particular locus. For this disinformation or is it diffuse it's. Pretty diffused unfortunately. But. We've certainly seen it come from places like China and Russia and Iran where, there are coordinated, efforts to, disparage. What, America is doing in an activity to have, to do all the things that President Trump has set in motion here other, than what you're doing this morning what are you doing to fight back things. Lots of work one of the things one make sure is the American people go to trusted sources for their information but we've made clear we've spoken to these countries directly that we. Don't that they need to knock it off that we don't approve of it and then, there are a handful of other things were engaged in to make, sure that the right information is out there and accurate information is given, this this idea, of. Transparency, and accurate information is very important, how we protect American. People from something like this ever, happening, again. People. To be coming to trusted sources of information does, it undermine you at all when the president stands up here and the attacks news outlets, calling us. Have. A question these. Volunteers, have all have the sort of Peace Corps military. Americans. Who find themselves stranded, in places where there are no longer flights to get back to the United States what efforts are being made to help them appreciate that question so we're. Doing lots of things we've, had a couple places in particular Peru, and Morocco I think we've had the first two, maybe three now flights out of Morocco, what, we're gonna work to get people back we're urging individuals. When they can't get back on their own they traveled, they're on their own when they can get back they're on their own they ought to try it to do that but. We are we have a team stood up at the State Department the, repatriation task, force that, is working each of these instances so we've heard from individuals. Members of Congress we're. Trying to get Americans, back from these places where air travel has been disrupted now and we will get that done over time we'll get it done successfully. We. Don't know the full scale of it yet but we think we have the largest number identified. And we're working if there are those who are watching that are someplace and you can get up you can go on the State Department website you can log in to get, step gov and, go step and login, and we'll we'll track it and we'll try to get everybody back - how. Long are these border restrictions likely. To last on the south and north borders well. As long as we need to do it to protect the American people from the rest I couldn't. Tell you how long it's going to watch we have you have you determined whether Iran, is responsible. For that rocket attack last week. So. Maybe, we shouldn't show you so. Let me just let me just get back to you on the answer to that and, what we get, what. We can say what we can say with certainty is we've, made clear all along that, the Iraqi Shia militias, are, fun to trained equipped, by, the Iranians, and we've urged the Iranian not to do that we've told the Iranians that they will be held responsible for, those attacks when they threaten American. Lives. The. Peace Corps volunteer that are in 60 plus countries had they'd all been returned, you know I don't know if they're all back or not yet I know that they were directed, to come back I know that most of them Rebecca couldn't type if we have all of them back in and sanitary secretary Gasper is not here but to get the tests. To the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were, you able to give us a progress report on the status of that if they're already able to get tests I don't know the answer to that I know we have State Department officials to who are concerned, want to make sure we get them tests our team as well we're working on that we've had significant. Success on, that to date there are a few places we've not been able to get them but we will we'll get them there how. Exactly are you gonna get those Americans back and do many plans to get the military involved, in that we, can use all the tools we can these, first efforts are combined, commercial, private, flights, that. Will fly in bring them back bring them back to a destination, here in the United States so we'll do that there are some that will travel back other, ways as well and we've worked with the Department of Defense to say where there are is space available we'll be able to bring them back on those flights as well it's, the old government effort to make sure we get them back again they're gonna help us every place they can secretary.

That's Where I've talked about a couple times, pushed. On or on again he's reconsideration. Relaxing. Sanctions, on Iran during the first part. That's. A question, the. Whole world should know that humanitarian, assistance into Iran is wide open it's, not sanctioned, we, offered. To provide assistance to the Iranians as well I talked with dr. Ted Rose from the World Health Organization, about this we're, doing everything we can to facilitate both, the humanitarian assistance, moving, in and to make sure the financial transactions. Connect to that can take place as well there is no sanction on medicines, going to run there's, no sanctions on humanitarian, assistance going into the country they've got a terrible problem there and we, want that humanitarian, medical healthcare, assistance, to get to the people of Iran sanctions. Themselves. We. Are, working to, do, all the things we've had in place for the first three years here to, deliver security. For the American people they know the end, all. Right they know the answer arrest the leaders they, know the answer to your question. Work, with the president for three years now I know how much he values the people that, work on my team I know when I was the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, how much he valued the work we did I know that he watches our. Team dr. Brooks all the team that's working to, push back against, this virus to keep America safe I know how much he values them. The. CDC picked up but there were some sort of virus happening in wool on the corona virus happening in new home as early as December when. Did the CDC, start letting, other agencies, know that there was something in China happening that this piranha virus was happening and then when did the whole government approach pastor. To happen, so. I let the CDC, or the. Factories. Are pleased yeah, yeah. So so, we were alerted by, some discussions, that dr. Redfield the director of the CDC had with, Chinese colleagues on January 3rd it's. Since, been known, that there may have been cases, in December, not that we were alerted in December. There's. Been some discussion about China, and what they knew and when they knew it and I've, been very critical we, need. To know immediately, the world is entitled to know the Chinese, government to know of this risk to the world and, that puts a special obligation, to make sure that data that data gets to our scientists, our professionals, this, is not about retribution. This. Matters going forward we're know we're gonna live, exercise. Here to, get this right we we. Need to make sure that even today the datasets that are available to every country including, datasets. That are available to the Chinese Communist Party are made available to the whole world it's, a it's an imperative to keep people safe we. Talked about the absence of datasets not being able to make judgments about what to do this is absolute, or this transparency. This real-time information sharing isn't to visit about political, games or retribution, it's, about keeping people, safe and, so when you see a. Lyonne information, flowing from the Chinese Communist Party to, the technical, people who we wanted to get into China, immediately to assist in this every. Moment, of delay connected, to being able to identify this, risk vector the risk vectors creates. Risk to the people, all around the world and so this is why it's, not about blaming, someone for this this is about moving forward to make sure that we continue to have the information we need to do our jobs mr.. Secretary, what what, message do you think it sends to other countries, when you have the present United States lashing, out at reporters. I've. Had my frustration, with reporters, too all, I ask, when I talked to the media is that you listen to what we say and report, it accurately, and, it's frustrating it's, frustrating when you see when you see what you see that doesn't happen it's, enormous ly frustrating, we have a responsibility, to tell the American people the truth and those, who are reporting, on what it is we're doing and saying have an equal responsibility, to report accurately. Many. Things that the State Department reported. Wildly, and accurately on, multiple. Occasions and I have spoken, to those reporters, about. It each and every ti

2020-03-26 03:46

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