Trigger Terbaik Untuk Entry dalam Market Forex || The Best Trigger For Order in Forex Market

Trigger Terbaik Untuk Entry dalam Market Forex || The Best Trigger For Order in Forex Market

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More choices is your own business. You can test and practice it. The point is, always use risk management well Second, trigger is the reason of our order *Intro* First, it's correction in running candle Second, it's changing color candle when the previous candle is long and no rejection. Usually, when the trend is long and red, suddenly it's green Then, we can use this as trigger to order Buy after it. It will be more valid when it's in the SNR area it's changing color candle when the previous candle is long and no rejection. Look when the candle is long, without rejection. Suddenly, the color changes. Look at this top The candles line up. It means that Buyer is dominant

Then, the last 3 candles are green For example, there is green candle at the end. It doesn't have rejection Many rejections doesn't mean the rejection is long. If the rejection is small, it doesn't have impact. We call it small if it's compared to the body When it doesn't have rejection, suddenly, the color changes to be red. So, we can use it as trigger to take order here. We order Sell.

That's about our trigger Limit the loss 500 Pips above it Sorry, it's not in the Daily time frame. This is H1. We can apply the say in the large time frame. Large time frame is 5.000 Just multiply it with 5.000 Or it's ok if it's in the psychology level The closest target is in the previous psychology level Is it enough for our target? If we're in the daily time frame, at least, we get 1.000 Pips profit. If we're in H1, we get 100 Pips

Reading candle has same technique. We can apply it in any time frames. The point is you know the technique Pay attention when the candle is long Logically, this candle structure starts to rise If we focus on candle pattern, this is Marubozu candle pattern Then, we are sure that after this, it will rise again. Because, besides Marubozu, it's breakout Turns out, it doesn't break out. It's rejected again. When the previous candle is long and no rejection, suddenly the next candle changes the color, we can use it as trigger. When it finished, we order Sell here Because this is long candle, we take the target a half of this That's about the second trigger Third, it's 2 long rejections. They will be more valid when they're in the SNR area

How's the size? If we compare the wick to body, they must be balance. If the candle is long like this, it doesn't mean that it's long. Because the wick is short What I mean by long rejection is the body is small and the wick length is 3x longer than the body.

Or the candle is long but the wick is also longer than the body. That's ok. Long rejection indicates strong rejection Here's the example There is long rejection in the SNR area There is long rejection.. Compare it to the body 2 rejections are enough to be used as trigger. After that, we order Sell there. Even though it's green Especially, it's in the psychology level How if we order Sell but the market rises? We limit our loss. If it's in H1, we limit it 500 Pips for maximum

If it's in D1, we limit it 5.000 Pips for maximum. or in this psychology level. That's ok. The most important thing is we limit the loss, not letting the loss runs. Long rejections are almost valid rather than small rejections If we're in H1 time frame, it's also same.

If there are 2 long rejections in H1, it could be a trigger. The wick length compared to the body size This one has long rejection. There are 2 long rejections At least, we can use them as the trigger When the trigger show up, at least we can utilize it to take order. We don't analyze it for broker importance. But, what we read is the biggest possibility when the trigger show up Then, we can utilize it to order and take profit there We adjust the target. after we reached it, we close it.

We don't care whether the next candle will continue to rise. It means, that's our sustenance. Don't regret it. Otherwise, after we closed it, the down movement is long. We don't care about it That's about 21 long rejections. We can test it later Fourth, 2 confirmed candles If there is down trend and there are 2 green candles These 2 green candles can be used as trigger This is long red candle in the Support area These are green We can order Buy there Here's the example When it rises, then.. there are 2 red candles or they go down.. This one.

When it rise, our basic could be psychology level or rejection and there is changing color candle It's confirmed by the next candle This position is in the trend. Not in the flat area There is dominant direction. It rises. There is bump on top then the color starts to change. It's confirmed by 1 candle. Then, we order Sell on the next candle Why do we only take it small? Because it's same like our trading style. We can't get more Pips for the target.

We won't get that opportunity After we got profit but we don't reach the target, it could be minus back Except if that numbers is for long-term. That's ok. Long-term trading But, we don't use low time frame. At least, we use D1 Low time frame isn't suitable for long-term trading Long-term is using D1 or W1 will be more valid. If we do long-term trading, the way we do it is easy With the same trigger, when it goes down, it starts to be confirmed (the color changes) Then, there is also confirmation candle There is changing color candle and confirmation candle. Then, we take order here.

This goes down. Just let it move.. It's just temporary Maybe we don't get much loss. At least, our risk is 5.000 or it's around the psychology level The way to do it is same But, the result is different. At least, the profit target is at here At least, we get it around 3.500. It depends on our risk amount

If we risk it 1.000, take the profit at least 1.000 or we use 1:1 Risk and Reward Ratio We may use 1:2, but we take a long time to get profit Well, that's all about the material. You can practice it later From these 4 triggers, we can try 100 transactions for each transaction. Then, you'll find the plus and minus later

I think that's all. If you have question, you may ask. - "Good afternoon, Mr. Wijaya" - Good afternoon. Yes, please. "If I use M1 and M5 time frames, do we use the same trigger?" - It's same. - "Do we use the triggers that we learned?" Yes, sir It can be used for all time frames. I'll give you the example. What time frame do you want to try? "M5, please?" We try to see the low time frame. Even though M5 isn't too valid but we use the same trigger and technique We try to pay attention to the structure. We look at the closest structure which we can test

Well, now, it's like this. The structure goes down but the color starts to change there There are rejection and changing color candle Pay attention to the left side! There is psychology level There is psychology level here If the green candle is formed, we order Buy on the next candle The basic is 2 confirmed candles. It goes down in the psychology level - changed to be green - confirmed by green candle - we order Buy If it breaks out, we take Sell position It means that we use breakout as the trigger The fifth is breakout When breakout candle finished, we can order without waiting for the time We can take order directly. We don't need to wait for it.

If it breaks out later, we take Sell position. But, don't take the same target like in the large time frame If we're in the H1 time frame, our target is 100 Pips, we only reach 50-60 Pips in M15. In M5, we reach 20-30 Pips The point is the trigger and technique are same. We just need to adjust the profit target. Any more question? - "Good afternoon, sir" - Good afternoon, Mr. Roby "For the latest breakout, don't we wait for the candle until it runs out?" The candle must finish. It can't be running. After the candle finished, we can take order.

But, the breakout must be valid. Valid means.. the candle must be thick. Here's the example The candle must be like this The candle finish. The candle changes. If the candle is running long like this, we don't enter it. Don't take order first. Except the candle finish and change to the next candle You need to learn in drawing the psychology level line. There are many rejections at the left side. It has benefit From the amount of rejections If the rejections are little, we see the body Because the rejections are not too much, we take the area which is touched a lot.

This one is touched a lot If the candle rises, we test it here. If it breaks out there, you can take Buy position. You can prove it. I'll give you the example in this level; 1762 If it breaks out, we take Buy position If it breaks out, the candle finished. "Even though it's like that, it's passed" The top is Buyer and the bottom is Seller - "I mean, the wick" - It can't. It must be body. "Now, when it's 62, it's the wick" Yes, I mean.. when it rises and breakout, it must be like this It must be higher from 1762 and it must be thick If the candle is like this, it's not breakout Do you understand? "So, it has short wick, isn't it?" Yes. The body candle is long and the wick is short It always repeat No. color isn't too important. The most important thing is the rejection

The most important thing is the wick 2 long rejections without seeing the body colors For example, if we see this, it has long rejection There is long rejection here There is long rejection here The bottom It's no problem if the color are different There is long rejection in the Support, it has chance to rise again. At least, when we take Buy position, there is rise opportunity. Although there is correction, it's still reasonable because it's still in the bottom psychology level Pay attention when it goes down It goes down for a while, after that, it rises again. Especially if red candle is eaten by green candle, we focus on Buy. We see the long rejection.. It's in the psychology level - "I'm sorry Mr. Wijaya, I was late joining the class" - That's ok, no problem.. "If the trend is up and there is down movement, is it correction?" Yes, when it goes down, we call it as correction "After it pass the resistance or before it?" Running correction is like this.. Pay attention to current running candle

When it goes down, then it rises, it's correction. It's correction when the candle is running. It's different from retracement correction If it's retracement correction, it's in the 50% area. But, if it's running candle correction, when it goes down, it has wick.

Because it could go back down later "I want to ask, sir" "How do we know that the candle will be correction?" No. When the candle goes down, there is up rejection. That's what we called as correction At first, it went down thickly. Here's the example.. At first, it went down thickly. When it decreases, we call it as correction It's a correction from Sell "When we order Buy, must it be right?" That's why if we take correction in running candle, we can't use low time frame.

Because low time frame is too small and there are many fake rejection candles I always said that if you take position in the running condition, take it in the H1 time frame (minimum) If you use M5 or M1, don't take position in the correction. We look at the previous candle movement. If there are many rejections, we focus on Buy If it's in H1, we call it correction Pay attention to this green candle. It resists This green candle resists, we see it in H1 later There is correction at H1 It's like this when it's in H1 It went down in H1 but it was rejected to up. That's correction. For example, the candle is long like this. We utilize the rise correction, not go down. Because it's 1 direction If we want to take 1 direction, we wait for the rise correction There is correction movement here There is rise movement a lil bit like this. We call it as correction

We take Sell position because there is rise correction If the candle is like this and we take Sell position, it's so dangerous If we take position in the low time frame, we can't utilize the correction If we're in the low time frame, we use the candle structure We look at what candle that is eaten.. I've told you In the low time frame, we see that there is psychology level here. I've explained this Then, the rejections start to show up What we see is rejection, 2 confirmed candles.. in the low time frame

Not correction "Is this in the Resistance? How about the Support point?" This is Support The resistance is at above "I'm sorry.. This is Support. Where is the Resistance?" The Resistance is here. There are many rejections here. The closest is here We wait for it.. We take the area which has many rejections If it breaks the psychology level, it has rise potential Breakout means.. It must rise above it in the form of volume and the candle finished So, we must know where we'll take it. We take the psychology level in the area which has many rejections

There are many rejections here and don't forget that there are many rejections too here This is the nearest Then, where is another psychology level? It's here How it could be like that? We must know how to determine it. There is rejection here Then, there is also rejection here So, this is the next psychology level This is the next Resistance. You can test it later. You must test what I explained. You learn to see where's the price In the 1763 price if it starts to rise When it breaks the first psychology level out, it has chance to rise When it breaks the second psychology level out, it has chance to rise again. Any more question? 500 Pips means 50 points "50 points" I count in the 5 digits broker, we measure how much the numbers. I use it as the main movement I mean, the basic is still Euro Look at the right side How many the digits there? If it's 4 digits, just divide it with 10. If I mention 1.000 Pips, it's 100.

We still focus on EUR/USD for the basic. How many digits after the comma? If it's 4 digits and I mention 1.000 Pips (in 4 digits), it's 100 Pips. If you use the same digits and I mention 1.000 Pips, it's also 1.000 Pips in your broker.

Which one do you mean? Which is at the bottom? "Yes, the last" Yes, that's long rejection. That's correct. It can be seen there. Actually, it's not only that. It was formed from the previous All of these are rejections This is the top So, when it's here, it has chance to rise But, in this level, it doesn't pass Then, it goes back down. That's how to test it It hasn't had rise potential because it didn't breakout Any more question? Pay attention when it goes down, it forms a new psychology level at the bottom I've told you that there is psychology level here. This one. When the closest form a new psychology level, we use the most bottom Use this as the newest psychology level. At 1761.xx

You can prove if it breaks out, it will go back down If it doesn't break out like the previous, it has chance that it will be rejected again Until there is the dominant. Until one of them breaks out The pattern is same if you do trading in the low time frame How to read the candle is same. It can be used for any platforms. Just see the rejection, compare it to the previous candle, then we determine the direction. If it's like this, the direction still goes down, there are many rejections at the bottom There is strong bump But, in general, it will still go down Any more question? The steps are also same if we use it in the low time frame If it goes down again, there is psychology level We test it. If it breaks out, close to 1760 area, don't follow Sell!

Because it really close Even though it breaks the previous psychology level, but if it close to that area, don't. But, it's ok if it's still far. If the market goes down again, we limit it here Will it be strong? But, the potential can be seen There is no more strong psychology level under it The more the rejections are, the stronger the bump is I give you the example. There is strong bump here

There are many rejections on this top when it breaks this top psychology level, we focus on Buy Especially if it's strong like this It's also same like the bottom. There is psychology level which has many rejections here If it breaks out, it will tend to go down even though there are many rejections at this bottom It breaks out. It tends to go down. But, when it starts to be long and have rejection, we must be careful. There is also bump at the left side.

If there is long bump here, we must be careful although it breaks out. It has chance to bounce back We also do the same steps in any time frames Well, I think that's all for the explanation. You can practice it later At least you practice what I explained, to test the validity. At least you try 100x transactions for each trigger Not in a day. But we use 1 trigger in 100 transactions (minimum) to test it whether it suits for our trading system or no. If not, we leave it. We look for another trigger

I'm sure there will be trigger which suits on our character Thank you everyone. I hope it can be useful. We'll continue the class tomorrow If you have free time tonight, you may join night class. So that you can improve your knowledge At least, you can test what I explained Thank you. Good morning and bye! "Do we use the same link for tonight?" I'll share the link to the group, later. Thank you. Good afternoon!

2021-10-03 03:56

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