Trading Studio

Trading Studio

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what are you doing hey scott how's it  going thanks man uh jamie how are you buddy doing pretty good over here andy it's kind  of a well we had a little bit of a down draft   today but how dare the market try to go down no  that's true yeah in any case there's some decent   opportunity out there but uh hello everyone all  right thank you jamie and yes hi everyone welcome   to the trading studio my name is andy and that's  jamie and scott and we'll be taking you through   the next 45-50 minutes here and hopefully  uh giving you some great insight to help you   with your trading whether that be day trading or  swing trading whatever it may be but let's dive   in before we do let's go over the disclaimer  real quick okay we are a content publisher uh   jamie and i used to be stockbrokers uh for  a short time for me i'm not sure how about   you jamie but uh anyway we no longer carry our  license so anything that you hear from us today   or see should not be construed as investment  advice that's not what we're trying to do we   are just providing uh education for you and if you  are looking for some uh advice in that arena you   want to look for somebody who holds a license like  a registered advisor or a stock broker excuse me   all right the agenda for today we're gonna  have the market recap yeah with a little   another little uh funky down trend uh only  to be kind of bought out at lowe's never   never really got positive uh nowhere near  it so we'll talk about the market recap   holly recap i thought it was a very impressive  day sometimes when there's only a few amount of   alerts uh it doesn't get the uh you know the  same accolades as uh one might that had maybe   10 to 15 alerts and just a banner day but boy  i thought it was very impressive uh four nice   shorts in there jamie will talk about those uh uh  and then i i think it's important uh because i've   like you know i've been trading for 25 you know  plus years and jamie's been right there with me   uh we know what it can be like here uh starting  in mid-july going pretty much through august   so i want to kind of maybe help you out on  things to focus on on the next six weeks because   at least we have earnings seasons okay so um  trading is difficult if you're if you're a typical   day trader and you look for the you know action  in the small caps we haven't really been seeing it   lately and plus we're just getting a lot of funky  rotation right now uh i'll give some examples of   what i'm talking about and uh uh but i think if  you focus on the stocks that are are in play uh   and we're going to talk about using the earnings  channel i think the new format is really nice so   i'm going to kind of break down that tell you what  to look for uh and then also a nice little options   uh volume uh scanner i actually barry has a good  one i barred from him and uh we're gonna show you   how you can kind of use that especially during  earnings seasons because a lot of times uh well   i'll talk about that when i get to it i don't take  up too much the just going over the agenda here   price alerts game another tough week guys so i  know it's tough when all uh a lot of close friends   long time traders i know are having a difficult  time uh and i see a lot of you guys who have been   trading for a while also you know just having  a good time hard time you know with the price   alerts uh i'm not saying you're trading those but  uh i just know uh it's it's difficult out there so   uh before we move on to the action let's talk a  little bit about the five-star support education   and training here okay uh there's a lot of  new people in here so i just want to kind of   show them that we do provide a lot of resources  for you to get help with the software especially   with the new channel bar layout you're going to  instantly find some really good channels that can   help you you know focus on stocks of interest  without knowing anything about the software   but eventually you're going to want to  dig into it start building your own alerts   that's where we come in as far as these webinars  go every monday through thursday at 5 eastern time   we do encourage interactions so feel free  to ask any questions we'll get to them   we do have content to present but we'll  get to them you know as quick as we can   also the traders room can be a great little  resource to ask questions barry encourages it   he might not broadcast it a lot but he tells us  all the time anybody has a question need to see   something send them in uh of course first couple  of hours is maybe spent majority of that time   trading but after that you know it gets kind of  slow and he'll be open up to some some questions   for sure uh and then the support webinar down at  the bottom here i'll move over to the next slide   this is our daily support session we take  over barry's live stream for an hour at 12   eastern time every day monday through friday  and uh and we just open it up for questions   okay uh i know them i do i do the one on tomorrow  and friday and i don't know if everybody has all   their questions answered by them because it mostly  ends up being stock talk you know uh during the   friday support session but i do get some i do  definitely get get a few but uh but please take   advantage of it this is what it was made for okay  for you guys to come in ask questions about the   software and that's uh if you're in barry's  uh uh youtube channel uh live stream okay   you'll just stay in there and i'll take it over  tomorrow or whatever day you're in there if you're   not just come to trade ideas dot com forward  slash live that'll get you directly into the uh   into the live stream all right i'll save this last  next one for scott on the way out and let's pull   up the market recap see what coins doing here  nothing i don't know why that alerts going off   and let me try to pull my spy chart up here and you know and the big picture thing you know  it really didn't hardly move the needle at all   okay but at the same time you know once again  it got a little got a little hairy this morning   if you will trying to break that fast line  uh it seems like we get you know so few down   moves that when you do get a little move like we  got the day it seems so scary but uh once again   the uh buyers came in pushed it back up not not  closing near highs nor anywhere near uh where   we went out yesterday so all in all the spies did  finish down you know all close to a half a percent   but nothing nothing major there was more weakness  in the queues uh they were definitely taking a   break today down point eight percent but they did  put in a bottoming tail and it's also closed uh   above their fast line so we'll see what to make of  this come tomorrow but uh iwm finally did put in   uh a tail after two days of closing pretty much  near lowe's uh put in a tail but once again also   finished down so all all the major indices uh  closing down today i'm not well i'll look real   quick and of course except uh the diamonds but i  really don't pay a whole lot of attention to that   with only 30 stocks making that up uh so jamie  you know a little like you said a little downdraft   don't you dare try to sell off and that's kind  of what happened today in the uh in the spies uh   but uh you know bouncing back closing above  all the moving averages again so no harm no   foul we'll have to see what happens tomorrow  yeah nice little doji on the daily there to yep   uh to finish things off yeah uh well if you  don't have anything but you know what that   means mandy probably all-time highs by the close  tomorrow it could be i'll tell you it could be   just tell me tell me now tell me now what what's  going to move it though exactly exactly because i   want to jump in now all right buddy well if you  want to take it over and talk about some of the   uh really nice shorting done by the holly ai today  absolutely i'm trying to grab the screen let me   know when you can see got it all right perfect  okay so here we go with the ai wrap up here um not   a whole lot of trades but uh some good performance  nonetheless if we just kind of focus over here at   the trade count one from 1.0 2.0 dishing out two  signals as well and neo getting two so everybody   got a little bit of a piece today uh grail just  spitting that one but uh all finishing green if   we look at the totals over here these numbers are  based around 100 shares per trade but the numbers   that you'll be seeing right here i believe i had  mine set on 50 today but let's just confirm that   just for some real world experimentation all  right so you can see limiting risk to 50 bucks and   these numbers are reflective of that however i  know that most people are used to seeing things in   well risk of 100 but i don't think that's really  the the big deal here we're just going to leave it   on 50 because lo and behold andy something  that we have not seen in a very long time   there's actually a trade with some spread between  conservative profit and moderate profit today   as we can see in trade um so let's  take a look at that one first all right here we have the original short sale  signal up here right at the 1171 mark got some   pretty good action right off the bat um this  one did give a little bit of an opportunity   here at the orange arrow excuse me are you are you  still doing your uh 100 uh on loss right as i was   i just covered that i had it on 50 but i tell  you what since everybody's used to seeing yeah   i think so yeah that uh i'm gonna go ahead and  flip it back plus it just looks more impressive okay presto that should have  adjusted but let me give it a reset well it's weird it's adjusting in the uh  it's down here it's interesting let me   see did i make an error there okay  maybe i should hit apply and save   and yes i see it adjusting down here but well  andy went all out yeah yeah when all of us fails   let's give it one of these real quick see if  we can uh make it work like it's supposed to okay so you know if it's not adjusted  it just needed a little stick there   okay there you go so now these numbers are  reflective of risking 100 per trade okay so still   you know on a percentage basis it's going to be  the same spread between conservative and moderate   but now we can take a look at the  trade so handsome spread there   to the tune of about 4x between conservative  and moderate typical when we see a profit save   exit from the ai as we all know the ai's strong  point are the statistically weighted entries   not so brilliant on the exits but that's where the  man and the machine do the best work right so note   the shaded area right here and note where the ai  closed the trade right at the kind of the right   before the biggest move of the day right before  we got this big red candle here um but nonetheless   kind of a stretched out especially with this  second or third candle here wicking up to the top   there not the prettiest consolidation area more  like a little wedge coming down here but look what   happens once we do break that opening range break  could attacked on a few more shares at this 10 17   10 15 level for a release down to the 950 level  not the hugest move but on a percentage basis   on a 10 stock um not that bad okay ironically  as soon as the ai closed the trade out we did   come down here and tickle the profit target but  the trade was already closed out and profit save   so pretty clean trade didn't really have to suffer  uh you know didn't even get into the red there so   just a nice clean trade on the cln n i can tell  you this pretty small market cap on this so   depending on where you trade it might have  been shortable might have not been now inmb   posting a little bit better gain and conservative  because guess what we had a profit target hit   always like to see that and even holding into  the close would have been just a smidge higher   uh about three bucks there so you know you would  have had to really peg this one at the very bottom   to get more than what you see here in moderate  profit or you know conservative for that matter   but this one presenting a lot tamer of a couple  of different points here where we could have added   to the position you know since this trade came  fairly quickly um 8 42 12 minutes into the open   with a nice early short signal up here we had one  two three we had about an hour uh on the opening   range break here which would have been a nice  clean place to add to the position once we took   this little leg down to the 23 area we had a nice  long consolidation period there of most of the   trading day and then we had another break right  here for what we could have as a second adding   ad position here so really a lot of opportunity to  leverage the i n m b trade once again one of the   smaller market caps this one only had a 9 million  share float as you can see down here and uh about   330 on the market cap so depending on where  you traded might have been shortable maybe not   the two larger cap shorts worked as well  just not near as much of a percentage   uh move you know apache uh apa corporation here  um that's not the yeah that is crude petroleum   yeah okay so apa bigger market cap bigger  float shortable just about anywhere   but once again a nice early entry here now  this one we did have to be patient took a   couple of excursions back up to the flat area  if you're operating in say moderate profit mode   but once again holly flatting the trade let's see  there's my shaded area just took a while to pop   back in so as you can see the ai closes the trade  out way up here for a flat as it gets a little   antsy but then boy missed the biggest move of the  day as it cycled back down and finally did what   we hoped it would do all we had to do is just be  patient sit tight let that hard stop do its work   an ad opportunity here a little stretched  out little energy burn here which kind of   gives you pause sometimes but hey a range  break is a range break so right about here   we did have the opportunity to add to the  position um right about that 1850 level   what do we bottom out at 1829 so a little little  less juice on the table as we saw from the other   ads only about 30 cents in there but on a  large cap stock like that not too shabby   the last short was this one which wasn't  too bad at all either one two three four   as we can see from the entry time over here  almost an hour into the market nice clean entry   nice clean movement after the entry at 29.60  and once again a little consolidation area   right about here using candle bodies we could  have added to that position around the 29 level   we had not even quite another 50 cents in there  as well if we're strictly paying by the rules use   the bottom of that wick but once you see a range  like this develop a lot of times just a personal   preference uh this one worked well for an add-on  opportunity here in this area um and that's pretty   much it andy some just solid short plays which  is something that we haven't seen in a while and   the fact that all four of these turned out pretty  well quite impressive and of course no big secret   the one long failed right and check out  the aggressive profit here once again   trade arounds how do they react around the stop  area well this one you know there was no guesswork   here as soon as we you know got through this  candle here well below and just off to the races   in the opposite direction matter of fact once you  see something like this on a stop out and you see   this thing setting up you know it didn't go up on  statistical viability so when it sets up like this   sometimes it's worth taking a poke to the downside   um but did i do that today no i didn't i just  stuck with the short trades and made a little   bit of money that was good enough for me today  good good yeah that's uh i thought it was very   impressive because i knew how difficult the  day was and uh for holly to spit out only   five trades and four of them be winners and a  couple of them some pretty good winners here so   yeah that's a that's an impressive day by holly  yep exactly so that's about it for holly today   solid performance and uh in a slightly down  market so let me kick it back over to you okay all right so yeah mike was brought up a good uh  point talking about the solars i love i love place   solars i've been playing solar's my whole life and  i've done fairly fairly well with them over the   years and but boy it's been it's been difficult  and this is so typical of this market you know   just like this this run for example you know  just uh looks like a nice trend break right here   reversal on some decent volume uh coming in uh if  you know this is what about a month ago i mean it   looks like it was just off to the races next thing  you know two weeks later this thing is back down   to where it broke off and we're seeing stuff like  this all the time and it wouldn't be surprised   uh surprised me to see you know this thing back  up over 55 here in the next couple of days it's   just kind of the rotating action that we get and  it's it's pretty annoying actually if you ask me   uh jks is one that i think  uh i definitely have on my uh watch list and and marked up because it is  exhibiting very good strength uh because   it's still above like the other ones all above its  moving averages but look at this action yesterday   yesterday it sells off closes on low down 10  today after you know 20 minutes and the market's   open it's already made up and and then some  of that 10 that it lost yesterday so just some   really you know crazy action the solars are crazy  anyway but this that's really disturbing but uh   uh anyway i i yes i do like this jks i do  have a uh an alert if it gets above it but uh   you know this kind of gets back to what's  happening right now in the market you know you had   the big boys holding up everything and then they  showed weakness today and apple uh it did bounce   so amazon was showing weakness uh it never really  did bounce closing below it's uh uh moving uh   i'm sorry it's uh 10 period moving average  uh facebook uh was showing some weakness   today breaking below it's 10 and 20 now so uh  google i think was holding up that's all right   but but anyway if these guys aren't moving you  know money is going to be flowing into something   and the big leader today was okay you know the  regional banks which the chart looks like crap so   uh it's it is difficult no matter what  style of trading that you're doing   and if anybody tells you it's not they're probably  trading weekly or monthly charts um but and i the   what i wanted to talk about today is especially if  you are a short-term trader maybe especially a day   trader you need to focus on something the next six  weeks i would say you got two weeks left in july   and then another you know august can be very  slow and it really can be slow all the way   you know past past labor day but but anyway  we one thing that we do have is we're getting   right into the teeth of earning season this week  was the first week you had a few financials uh   uh to report along with uh you know alcoa some  of the ones that report early but it's going to   start picking up you know next week so you  want to go where the action is all right   and especially if the small caps you know are in  play seeing a lot of head fakes on the small caps   i looked at so many examples today i'm not going  to show you but what i mean is these quick moves   up for maybe you know 30 to 45 minutes and then  just get hammered and see that's not uncommon   this time of year especially if the iwm is you  know under pressure which it has been lately   uh so you may have to take your you know adapt  change your game plan and i think one of the   better ways to do it is to focus on the action  okay and that's going to be earnings coming up so   if you go to new and pull up the dot channel bar  i'm not going to do it because i forgot i already   had it open down here but if you clicked on that  and then you clicked into earnings you would get   this doc right here which i think is  really a nice little layout for you   easy to read is a nice little top list that  tells you which is you know the biggest gainers   up for the day uh and the ones that are  down for today you know uh off of earnings   look at the cidm at the very top this was up here  pretty much all day now i know it's a 1.49 stock   but look at this move today that it had i mean  nice little of course a little head fake there   pulled back but then look at this move off this  fast line and very nice percentage gain had you   been playing this when you would had some you  know focusing on something that had earnings   relative volume was over 25 that's huge relative  volume and that's the kind of stuff you know you   want to you want to try to focus on during  this slow period this low time of year   uh not probably not a whole lot of good  examples in here today because the earnings   are thin and i will tell you this and  this is something that you can always   change and make your own doc because  currently right now i have this set up to   show earnings from negative 0.75 so this is going  to also show you earnings from yesterday morning   and of course it's going to show you earnings  from last night or after hours yesterday and   it's also going to show you earnings for this  morning some people may want to come in when   it starts getting really busy and just take  this and all you got to do is just put negative   0.25 and that way you'll only see earnings from  yesterday after the close in earnings this morning  

okay i'm going to leave it as it  sits right now but you can definitely   because here's the beauty about these things  you can change them and do whatever you want   to and just save this just resave it under you  know your own uh on your own cloud names call   it my earnings or something like that iron  whatever whatever you want to call it but   these are you know like i said any  like any channel they're customizable   let me just cancel i don't know what i'm doing  there uh so what do you have you have a nice   little top list to show you one's on top and then  all of a sudden you have a nice little trade idea   ernie's watcher now this is nothing but a high  low ticker okay and it will definitely have the one of these days i'm going to have this already  open when when i come in here but you're going   to be able to see uh the earnings date right here  so you can see if they do if you do want to avoid   stocks that had it yesterday morning but a lot  of times what will happen guys is they will not   have i've seen this before they may sell off uh  for whatever reason just to screw people around   uh and then the next day they may take off i  see it all the time so you might want to keep   that setting like it is uh just like this pmc was  you know yesterday morning and it's hitting highs   again today uh but it does have an earnings date  so you can quickly look over here and see when   the earnings were okay like this one was yesterday  after the close this one was uh this morning 0.25   so some good stuff there uh i really do  believe guys it's it's important i know   i keep re reiterating this uh instead of just you  know opening up your default layout and trying to   find opportunity that may not be anywhere on any  of your windows i can promise you there's going to   be action in in this during earnings season so  just go this is a like i said it's a real good   layout you can pull it open just keep it minimized  and pull it up every now and then see what   you know uh see what you can catch this uh uh  see what was it today something was just pretty   much ugly all day if you like short and i think  it was ctos was just uh kind of a did bounce   at the close there but you know for the first  couple hours of the day just kept bleeding down   all right so another thing to watch and most  of you probably have this window but i will   i did change it up again a little bit okay  so it's going to be different than barry's   if you click in the berries configuration he  had it set for one dollar to 25 i know a lot   of people in the room they like to play you know  low price stocks but i wanted to make mine three   to three hundred dollars because uh you can get  some great moves off of some of these you know   plays uh during earnings season that uh even if  they are high priced can still you know still have   five to you know ten percent move at times so uh  you don't want to yeah for me personally yeah i   i don't want to uh avoid a stock just because of  the price but it's okay if you do some people do   so you can always take this and change it make it  what you want but just basically an option scanner   looking for option volume today has to be at least  300 percent that's basically three times normal   three times normal it's daily average okay so  this is not like a relative volume where it's   looking at the certain time during the day it's  looking at option volume today versus what it   normally does in a day so if it's already  it's two hours three hours into the open   and it's already coming through here you know  it's doing some a lot of options guys and also   has to have a minimum option volume today of at  least 2 000 contracts so a nice little alert uh i   think barry said not a whole lot of things were  coming i'm gonna have to rename this so uh you   guys don't confuse it with berries so i'm going to  uh give it the dr moving higher let's just call it uh unusual volume today let's call it version 2. okay and i will  drop this into the chat window now so if you   if you have something like this up along with  the earnings uh layout you're gonna find some   opportunity it's gonna be out there okay and  because it's going i got a feeling it's going   to be really tricky here the next the next six  weeks so you would do want to focus on stuff   that is moving so let me go and share this  with you now drop it into the chat window so let's call it options and there you go excuse me let me  get a drink of water here real quick all right so let's take a look at the  difficulty we're finding with these price alerts   recently and i think this is like five out of the  last six weeks guys it's it's it's been it's been   tough and you can see here these are the ones from  last week okay and look at all these i mean we had   one winner and it was point two percent actually  we had one here for two percent i take that back   from gary r gary you are the big winner with two  percent gainer uh i hate like i said keep driving   this home guys but this tells me you know okay  because i've done this when the market was really   good and we had some some banner winners sometimes  three to five you know each time and we're just we   haven't been seeing that over the last uh six  weeks so it is it is difficult we are going   to play again but i think maybe some of you maybe  should consider a short play uh there seems to be   a lot of downward moving in stocks even though  the major averages are holding up i'm seeing   a lot of deterioration so uh maybe one of some  of you guys want to uh play the short side but never andy never okay i never  he's not gonna that's fine no if   it's not your if it's not your style there's  nothing wrong with that i will say this if   you do if you're not a short seller you have  to you have to be real careful when you're   you know when you get to a down tape when do  you when you when you play the long side uh   but uh let's uh let's clear these out  so i don't get them confused first there we go let me delete these and if you're  new here here's what we're going to do okay   we're going to call out a stock you just give  me a stock and a price and that's going to be   the price alert we set if you don't put short in  there i'm gonna assume it's a long okay so just   don't you don't have to pay longer if it's if you  want to be along just give me the stock and the   price alert that you want me to set and i will set  them uh but if you do want it to be a short please   notify that hey this is this is a short and i will  uh uh i just quick out of the gates here with stks   we may have a small field today guys uh our  attendance starting in mid-july till about uh   through august it seems it seems to go down a  little bit we understand it's summertime people   on vacation people getting out of the house  early and going to the pool or lake or whatever   okay so ajah wants stks at 9 16. oh  i like that bottoming tail that's uh  

that is make sure it's not  printing there i don't think it is   that's a bottoming tail there so  maybe you may have something there ajax all right uh short we got a short here  from here all right i like it let's see   and he is going to go it's definitely a weak  chart there okay and he is uh under 45.95   okay let me go to the daily  here i get it good good dad 45.95 for cheer dave fontaine yeah tough week dave i agree he's  long he's low and steady long target above 253 definitely a horse that one is nice looking chart 253 even okay take that back did you get the bx long there andy no email bx  long okay bx long 102 is that 50 102 and 50. yes

uh let's see gdx ben reynolds buy  above 35. you know what i'm liking   i'm in newmont uh been in it for a while  uh so i hope you're right on this one   i can't get neumann to do a thing though basically  flat in it but it just won't do anything for me   it's like my only position i nailed it  okay gdx uh been real i like that one ben   all right let's see s t i miss something s t  e i believe so yeah okay and that is uh 2 11. quit that 211 even and that is uh not sure how to say it so i'm  not gonna butcher it and just   put it in there unless jamie wants to help me out yeah you're doing fine okay   yeah he would or he or she would get really  tickled if i tried to announce that uh etsy at 185 yeah okay kind of a doji  there i i see you're thinking and that is rob are betty sue ibm long at 142. we'll see any they  helped us out there i think it's just i think god

g-a-g g-a-j god dodge okay yeah  thank you guys i appreciate that i actually think i would have nailed it but  i just in case i didn't i didn't want him mike c coming in it's with skyworks at 190 oh it's printing that  so i'm gonna go 195 for you 196. if you get beat by penny i'll give it to you uh let's see here so i think that's awesome did we get the ibm  i did i got ibm for betty sue uh i got uh boy i think that's it uh i'll give you a 10 second  countdown for anybody who wants to get in the last   minute okay i'll wait david no problem and david  i'm sorry i did get your email buddy i'm sorry i   hadn't uh had time to get back to you on that  uh uh i'll get i'll definitely get back to you we just had one of our guys on vacation  and i got i got behind on my emails i o v a uh short at 22 45 okay well  another another short i like that no we don't need stops yeah we don't need stops  but uh uh it's good that you you you're doing   that in your head if you're playing these things  you know you definitely want to uh journal them   uh even if you're paper trading it stops uh all  right that looks like it's going to be about it uh   guys uh kind of a kind of a slow day today it's  like it's a summer time we may be cutting it   off early i tell what i will do if somebody  wants me to look at a chart or two i'll be   happy to do that if not let me go ahead and share  these but if you guys want to think of a chart   uh for me to look at uh me and jamie  eyeball talk about we can do that   let me share these while you guys are  thinking we got 10 players that's good price alerts and here you go good luck to all i think you got  some pretty good ones in there   uh i can get it in there i just won't  i won't be able to share it but i can   definitely get it in there for you  daniel uh let's go with uh biggie b and he wants it oh just look at you're talking  about looking at a chart okay i didn't know if you   wanted to put a price alert uh i like the volume  today okay you had almost three relative volume   no earnings i don't know it looks like to  me maybe some news came out during midday   uh you do have kind of a downtrend right here  that it kind of ran into and couldn't get through   you kind of uh kind of in a downtrend uh  you know if it can get back above this high tomorrow you know get back above maybe this  high going back to see what is that 446 so   maybe get above the 450 range you know it  may want to attack that five dollar range   other than that you know i think uh you know  it's not bad looks like it may be putting   in a nice little rounding bottom there okay  uh but like to see it take out today's high   preferably pretty soon but uh you know  today's high and then that 450 range   yeah and it may uh maybe off to a nice  little trench uh trend change there tdd uh trade desk yeah it you know it's holding on  it looks like it's holding on the 200-day moving   average you know it did kind of break to the  downside of this range it had been in for several   long so what i would like to see is it to bounce  pretty quick because if it can't reclaim that you   know 20 there's not a lot to keep this thing keep  it from going down here to the 50 okay so what i   mean by that you don't have any support until you  get down here to around 66 dollars so boy i would   want this to bounce tomorrow if i were in it uh  otherwise i'd probably cut it at today's lows   but if it can get back above today's  highs and take take out that 10 period   moving average you can see there it had a hard  time the last few days so i'd like to see that   so then daniel says no no news just social media  buzz and around the short float okay well that   you know yeah that can definitely  move a stock that's for sure all right let's see if uh anybody else if  not i guess i'm just gonna go ahead and uh   like i said it's kind of uh kind of getting  getting around that mundane kind of kind of   part of the year uh where things can kind  of just slow to a crawl yeah but anyway   so guys that's it you know uh yeah thank you mike  c appreciate it we're gonna go ahead and just uh   call it early today i'll break scotty and you  guys hold on he will be offering you a discount   yeah thank you um on the way out uh if you don't  already have the favorite strategy indicators   ebook grab it it's free and it's written by  our director of software development it's got   some great ideas in there for you to adopt and  some links that you can add into your layouts   cut a podcast should be getting back into  releases soon but do check out the archives   we have some excellent interviews we released  earlier this year if you just add us as a   subscription you'll pick up the next new one  automatically and you can download the archives   we've got a new product if you're not quite  ready to get a full trade idea subscription   go ahead and try out the strength alerts  newsletter it's better than the turn of   the week because you get five 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2021-07-22 12:02

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