Trading on a Small Account!

Trading on a Small Account!

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all right everybody check it out  got approval from e-trade finally   check it out we're approved for futures trading  let me switch over to a different color yeah   here you are guys for those that want to follow  along in the small account we finally got approved   for futures trading you know i actually had to  spend it over an hour on the phone yesterday   because you know their chat isn't you know  they don't they don't even support you on   chat because i heard that the industry and all  the big brokerage firms are so slammed they're   just slammed there's so many people sign up  for accounts because you know you got 25 of the   workforce that's not working right they don't want  to wear masks they don't want to get the kovid jab   okay and this is this is not a video  about politics i'm just saying you know   there's a lot of people that aren't working the  traditional jobs so a lot of people signed up for   brokerage accounts because they want to trade so  e-trade obviously being one of the more notable   uh brokerage firms here in the united states of  america you know i read they're so slammed that   they don't have enough customer support so the  chats down they don't even support you on chat   they don't support you on email that i could find  the only way i could get a hold of them was by by   phone i had to stay on the phone for an hour over  an hour yesterday like an hour and ten minutes and   they finally uh you know i finally got put through  in the in the queue and waited there you know   and i talked to a guy and he basically  kind of just making sure that you know   everything was in in order and then he said  it'll take one to two days to be approved for   the futures account okay it already was approved  for the equities main brokerage account but   this is a futures account that's linked to the  equities account all right so i just talked to   him yesterday and it was already approved in less  than 24 hours that's really really awesome so it   looks like with the thousand dollars let me switch  over to the other screen so anyway this is an   email you're gonna get an email like this okay the  reason i'm showing everybody who wants to follow   along on the small account the e-trade account  is because i want you to understand you can do   this right you just watch how i did it right i  put a thousand dollars into the in the open up   an account with e-trade immediately linked to my  bank account started immediately by transferring   um a thousand dollars the same time i i signed up  right and to be clear when you sign up for e-trade   okay or whatever broker you're going to use but  since i'm using e-trade if you want to follow   along you know you sign up for e-trade sign up  for your brokerage account and sign up for the   futures account at the same time okay and you  got to answer a bunch of questions in there   fine you answer the questions okay and then you  make a deposit in this case i deposit a thousand   dollars remember i said i think yesterday the day  before we wanted to see whether or not a thousand   dollars was gonna be enough to trade futures  well the guy yesterday was on the phone he said   he's seen people trade with less like on uh on  some of the futures options i think he mentioned   okay which i don't really trade  the options on futures that often   okay but he said yeah he says  it shouldn't be a problem   so the so you'll get it you'll get a message  in your e-trade messaging system in the queue   online when you log in but you also get this  email you see in front of you okay all right   let me switch over and i'll show you show you  something else on the e-trade account itself   right so over here on the this is called power  e-trade upper left-hand corner okay when you you   can launch that when you log into e-trade you  just click on trading and one of them will be   power e-trade okay there's a couple ways to trade  okay you know i don't really like this trading   platform anywhere near as much as i like the td  ameritrade but for now you know since i'm just   getting started fine it'll do okay but check it  out in the middle of the screen see this futures   so you get your you got your  main brokerage account up here   and that's everywhere right you see it  there there there i think you see it up here   okay but in the middle of the screen what  you're gonna do is you click on trade and you'll get this you get this  pop-up okay you get this entire pop-up right here you'll notice it's futures  well the reason it's futures is because   i typed in wheat xw is uh e-mini wheat  futures and z1 is for december 2021 okay   that's cool well look look guys buying power  a thousand dollars now yesterday this was zero   you know see how it says account value zero so  i had zero yesterday so guess what they approved   it awesome so that's really really cool now if you  didn't if you didn't watch my video yesterday i'll   put a link in the description you can watch it but  i think it was yesterday's video i talked about   and in the past i talked about once we get this  account going then what we're going to trade most   likely is either either going to be currency  futures well you know what we'll just call it fx for foreign exchange but we're not trading  foreign exchange directly we're trading the   futures on foreign exchange okay so that's  that foreign exchange futures or the other one   would be the grains okay and the reason  why is because the initial margin is   very reasonable right so we either trade fx  futures or grains futures there's one or two   others that may could be traded but these are  the two most likely candidates you know because   of the low initial margin because remember we only  have a thousand bucks or you only got a thousand   dollars to do this okay so for those are going to  follow along you know a lot of you like oh i don't   trade futures i only trade equities i only trade  the spider or whatever that's p y well guess what   okay now you got no excuse not to get into  futures because it looks like each way is gonna   allow us to trade futures on a thousand bucks  now i don't know that i haven't confirmed it   okay so what i'm gonna do tonight just for all  you guys and gals okay just for you some those   uh people watching my youtube channel subscribers  everybody that's coming to watch what i'm gonna   do is i'm gonna make a trade one one contract  trade tonight for the e-mini right now i think   the the cme group is their margin nice five is 415  bucks for one contract that's the initial margin   okay so that's how much we gotta have in that  account and since we have a thousand we should be   in theory should be using only about whatever four  tenths or forty percent of this buying power okay   so i'm gonna see if the trade goes through  i'll probably just take the trade and then   just go turn right around and sell it you know  or close the position open the position close   position i'll take a hit on the commission  but for you people i'm gonna do it okay   i just want to make sure and confirm and  make sure we can actually do a trade okay so and the only thing i could  think of at the moment that   we could possibly trade is the aussie  dollar the e micro aussie dollar okay and there's a possibility to trade the e micro  euro dollar but i don't really like trading the   euro dollar it's a little bit too i don't like  it cycles okay but the e the e mini wheat those   cycles look really good now we may not take a  trade right away because i'm kind of waiting   to see what that cycle is going to do but the  cycles look really good they look they look   really reliable okay so that's where i'm headed  so for you guys and gals that want to follow along   okay if you you might already have a brokerage  account somewhere else okay they may not allow   you to trade on a thousand dollars a lot of  them i know td ameritrade i think you have to   have and things may have changed but i've had  the big account for quite quite a few years   now but when i signed up years ago i think you  had to have 2500 2 000 or 2500 to trade futures   now you know i don't know what it is nowadays  but on each way it looks like you can do it   for a thousand or less all right so if you're  interested and you want to follow along on e-trade   you'll wait till after tonight well i can confirm  whether or not we can trade the futures okay   and then for you that want to get into  futures i'll put the three-part series   in the link i mean in the description below this  video go watch the three-part series okay it's   worth it take your time watch it it'll help you  understand futures and then if you want you can   open up an e-trade account move a thousand bucks  for maybe from your current brokerage account or   your bank or whatever and get the e-trade account  up and running okay for the futures account   and you can start trading futures on the on the  cheap guys again don't do it until i confirm   tonight that we can actually trade with a thousand  dollars or less okay so i'll confirm that probably   in tomorrow's video if i confirm that then the  next step is i'll probably probably be over the   weekend because i'm slammed i got a lot of things  going on but i'll confirm over the weekend that i   can get the streaming going and try to figure  out how to get all the streaming working okay   and uh and then we'll we'll fire up a video  and i'll tell you guys when i'm gonna do my   first streaming okay so that's coming that's  coming probably in a week or less we're gonna   be doing our first live stream i don't think  it's gonna be a big deal but i'll you know   come on to the e-trade if we have a trade  available on on like something like the e-mini   wheat then i'll just place a trade you know for  those who want to follow you can follow it okay   you know it'll be it'll be pretty cool because  i know a lot of people who have small accounts   are going to be very interested in following  this i think it's going to be really awesome   okay so stay tuned for that look out  for the announcement on that okay   getting pretty excited myself right trading  trading the small account getting excited okay   let's switch over to see what happened in the  marketplace today and did i have a profit or   loss okay so give me a second i'll switch over  to that right so okay we're over here on the   e-mini s p 500 futures upper left-hand corner  here that's es these are the december contracts   now you know i know a lot of you know this but  for new viewers i normally trade the e-micro   which would be mes which the continuous contracts  are are really just the december contracts okay   all right so let's take a look at  this maybe i'll get these candlesticks   i guess we'll keep it on these candlesticks  that's fine all right but i would like to get   rid of this i think this is the open interest  line let's get rid of that open interest   see ya all right so what happened here today  well you know here's this range guys 28 28   and a quarter now yesterday i said today would  be a red day okay i admit i was wrong last two   days guys i'm the first to admit completely  wrong all right i said it wrong had a guy   a couple trolls come on my channel yesterday  they're like you three out of four wrong you know   just quit you need to just like you know just you  know stab yourself slit your wrist you know kind   of stuff they didn't say that but you know i'm uh  i'm elaborating right oh that was pretty funny i'm   like i'm like really here we go you know i mean  all this time in here guys from from somewhere   just like back up to here through almost all of  this down i was probably like 80 i think it was   even higher than 80 eighty percent of the time i i  didn't really do the exact days but eighty percent   of my trades were profitable trades probably  higher like 85. okay maybe even 90. like nine   out of 10 trades those profitable i did have a big  now somebody mentioned that i didn't mean that i   didn't um i didn't uh tell you all about a trade  ad going on i thought i did guys if i did not   then you know forgive me but i did have a 4k  loss i think that's the trade somebody was   asking about i had a short side trade and yes  i took a big hit it was a 4k loss yes it sucks   but it happened if there was another one  guys and i didn't show you my apologies   okay i've been super busy maybe one of the trades  got you know got by and i just didn't share with   everybody okay so if that happened my mistake okay  but today and i'll show my profit loss in the end   of this video okay anyway today's range 28 and a  quarter okay um you know last night actually for   like half the night late i was up to  like one or two o'clock in the morning   and i was up about 200 bucks i kept it kind  of small i just had a few contracts going on   and i was up just not quite 200 you  know it was like a i can't remember   what it was like 168 bucks or something  i was up kind of small little profit okay   and uh and i got really tired around two  o'clock two a.m so i went to bed and i had   an oco order there right if you don't know what  oc order is that means one cancels the other   one council you can check that out so i had a  stop-loss on one side and i had a uh you know a   limit or on the other side but i had set my clock  for 6am yeah i went to bed like just before 2am i   went to bed i got up at 6am so you guys you know  when you're when you're doing all the things i'm   doing which by the way i also run a business  well i'll talk maybe i'll talk about that but   i only got a few hours of sleep and got up and  i noticed that the the the uh the position was   working against me a little bit so i just closed  it okay so i'll show you that profit loss at the   end of this video but anyway so it was actually  trading down last night for for half the night   and today was kind of small and for a while  you know i thought we were going to get one   of those uh evening stars because it was  looking you know right around like 11 a.m   my time it was looking looking kind of evening  starts but it finished fairly strong here so   this is definitely not an evening star um you  know we'll just see we'll just see what happens   i still think we're going to get a cycle on  the 24th or either that'll be friday the 22nd   okay sorry about that looking like a bunch  of z's either the 22nd or the 25th because   because the 24th is a sunday okay so i'm not sure  when this cycle is going to end and i'm still not   convinced that we had a cycle low over here okay  so i'm waiting to see what's going to happen   um honestly guys and gals you know i've been  i was wrong these two days big time right here   so i'm really reluctant to say anything you know  i don't know what tomorrow's gonna do here's the   thing i really thought today if we were gonna  have a green day i thought it would just go to   all-time new highs i'm like if you're gonna have a  green day i thought it was just gonna bust through   and just you know go up to whatever you know go  to 45 75 or something you know i thought we'd   get up in there but it didn't it hit this big old  resistance boy this mouse is giving me a hard time   it just hit this resistance at like uh 45 32  and that's it it just stalled you know there's   obviously a massive you know trend line right  there a horizontal trend line right and you   know the money flow is just coming to a screeching  halt because you know guys these are free markets   right nobody they're not being manipulated no  not at all uh cough cough right that's why i   just happen to come right up before the the  all-time high and put on the brakes yeah okay   anyway um so we'll see what happens you know i i  honestly don't know what's gonna happen i really   thought today if it was gonna stay green i thought  i would just break the ultimate new high so i'm   just gonna i haven't really traded much i've  been very patient last these last like three days   two or three days in here i've been very  patient because you can see we've got   down here to stoich i mean the big daddy  you can see how elevated this is you know   we're at 404 which we're not in the nosebleed  section of the bleachers yet if this gets up to   i know this big daddy forecast forecast uh uh  really well i think it's up into 430 plus area   guys then we can say nosebleed okay then we'll  really be keeping an eye on it but we're not there   it is elevated now what does  stand out to me is how massive   this momentum is huge momentum and it's  very elevated right now 86 and 75 86   on the fast line and 75 in a  slow line that's elevated guys   that that right there is as elevated as it was  over here and even over here that's very elevated   okay so you know i'm not gonna say tomorrow's  a down day because you know how y'all i'm bat   a thousand last two days on call getting wrong  calls on that okay um let's look at the vix now   somebody commented about not understanding why  the vix went from 16 to 19 or something like that   that's because guys the vix spike is just  because we moved to the november contract   not because of more volatility okay so if you  don't know the every month the vix expires and   all forward-looking contracts in other words  we were at october you know yesterday was   october contract and it expired yesterday okay  so today we started the november contracts for   for the vix down here for the vix okay so  so the the october was trading around 16   and november was trading around 19. okay  so when it switches over just to make it  

just jump straight up to 19. that's why you're  seeing this spike here it's not because there's   real volatility spikes just because of change  of contracts okay everybody understand that   go look at december contracts guys you can go  look at the december vix contracts i think it's   if you want to know what that is i think it's  forward slash v x december is going to be z if   i remember right 21 okay if you look at that  i guarantee it's going to be even higher than   19 bucks would be it probably trading like a  21 or 22 or something i haven't looked at it   okay so that's how it works all forward-looking  fix contracts are going to be trading higher   than the older contracts okay so don't let this  startle you like oh my gosh there's been a big   jump what's going on the analysis is wrong your  analysis stinks dude yeah last two days it does   yeah i'll tell you what guys and i mean this  sincerely if any of you can find a youtube   channel that gets every single and first of all  the requirement is they have to tell you every day   and forecast the market every day i don't want  to hear any nonsense about generic they don't   oh we only look at the long term we don't go  day to day i don't want to hear that okay i'm   not saying those are bad channels i'm just saying  that it's easy to forecast way out in the future   you know because you never no one's ever  going to call you on it six months later   right because everybody forgot all right  but when you're doing day-to-day analysis   that's the hardest now analysis  guys hands down the hardest   okay and that's why i get the trolls because  no one's gonna get right 100 of the time   okay like i said from here to here i was i got  it right probably 85 to 90 of the time admittedly   in these last few days right here i've been way  wrong it happens but anyway like i was gonna say   if anybody can show me a channel on youtube that  gets it right every day and i don't you're just   sometimes or they're these guys are really good no  no no i want to know they get it right every time   and you have profitable trades every day on  their recommendations actually i don't give   recommendations i'm not a financial advisor i  just share my educational opinion here okay but   that's the requirement okay just talking to all  your trolls out there that's a requirement show   me a youtube channel they get to write every day  and you trade based on their videos and you make   money every day based on those videos i'll be the  first to subscribe and i mean that sincerely i'll   go subscribe right now and i'll trade like you  do and i'll be a millionaire in a month okay   and that's my response to all the trolls so there  you go trolls i know they'll still troll me that's   okay trolls are welcome too unless they get nasty  then i delete their comments and if you don't like   it oh well that's too bad move on to some other  channel i just know that right now we have really   super high momentum and at some point this  thing's going to roll over just like we had   there just like we had there at some point it's  going to roll over does that mean we're going   to have some massive crash heck i don't know i  really honestly don't know but it will roll over   and that's the confirmation i'm looking for i  think one of my subscribers kind of had a bad day   and i won't mention any names for those who had  some bad trades you know i feel for you i really   do you know what don't quit don't give up like i  said i had my 4k loss i think it was last week of   the week before i had my 4k loss okay i think i  guys i don't remember what i made in here i maybe   made 12k you know i don't really know i didn't  track every single penny maybe it was 10k i think   i made 10 or 12k in this area gave back about a  third of it yeah it hurts it stinks but i've made   more than i've lost and you know and overall  i'm a happy camper i've been playing it cool   last few days like i said okay i'm waiting for  confirmation not because i have a short side bias   just because this thing looks like it's a  balloon about to pop and today you know with this   hesitation bumping up against the all-time high  you know we're like almost got up to it but didn't   i'm in a wait and see mode guys i'm just waiting  to see because i think something's gonna give   here i just don't know when okay guys i'm  sorry you know it's i don't know why uh   td ameritrade like already cleared out my profit  loss for the day i don't know what they're doing   you know sometimes brokers you know anyway i had  a small loss here guys it was about um i think   because i had a little i had a you can see i had  25 contracts i traded between last night and today   i think i if i remember right guys it was about  137 negative okay something like that i don't know   why they cleared this out i don't i have no idea  they usually don't clear this out until midnight   i don't know what they're doing anyway it was  137 loss guys i was up about 168 or close to 200   and then at 6 a.m i think it was 7 a.m i closed  it out i was down like 168 and then i made one   little small trade for like five contracts and got  some of it back so there you go 137 negative guys   um you know whatever small little stop-loss day it  wasn't a big day um and there you go so i promise   keep my i kept my promise okay i get my promise  i'm showing my i'm showing my profit loss for the   day this is only one of the few trades i've made  in the last few days i haven't really been doing   a lot of trading okay um and let me mention one  other thing i actually have a small business where   um i'm in texas and here in texas you know  i might have an opportunity to actually   refine some crude oil you gotta love texas guys  we're this is very business friendly uh state   okay no personal income tax very business-friendly  i love it here i was born here and i love it here   okay anyway i might have an  opportunity to to refine some crude oil   okay and i'll finish up the video with this so  what it's for those that may be interested i   think i might launch another youtube channel if  i do i'll let you know for those that want to   follow along on small business you can okay and  i'll when i get that going i'll announce it but   um basically i'd be refining crude oil uh probably  into three primary products this kind of products   you'd go to your gas station you would buy one  would be obviously gasoline okay the the other   the big one would be probably the biggest one be  diesel and there might be some kerosene in there   those are the three big distilled or refined  products that we would get out of crude okay   so it'd be a very small operation but i'm  looking into it i'm getting some equipment in   looking forward to that when that happens guys and  gals for those that are interested i'll announce   it and you can click on the link and go to the new  youtube channel and subscribe there if you want to   follow along and see how small businesses operate  okay so some of you guys and gals i know you're   not just as interested in trading but you're also  interested in maybe profiting in small businesses   that'll be a great opportunity for you small  entrepreneurs they may want to follow along with   that okay so look forward to that i'll announce  it when it comes out okay now that finally ends   the video for the day boy there's a lot going on  in my life right don't forget to subscribe really   appreciate it give me a thumbs up appreciate  that too don't forget to click that little   bell be notified of all of those we put them  out talk to you all real soon again next time

2021-10-21 19:40

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