Top 12 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS FASTER

Top 12 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS FASTER

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when you take back your power to own the things that you can control and take radical responsibility for your life and your business it will be a game changer okay so in today's video we are talking about the top habits of successful entrepreneurs now this is always a really sexy fun topic to discuss because i feel like we are inundated as entrepreneurs in the online space with like the million dollar morning routine and this two-hour morning routine or hack that i have in order to be most productive so i really wanted to take some time and reflect on my own journey on all of the hundreds of clients that i've served and peers in this space um and as well as asking some people in this space what are the habits that they are truly doing not just for show you know on instagram and social media but what are the habits that they are truly doing that are having the most impact on their success so i've boiled it down for you guys we've got 12 of them to go through and i'm really excited before we dive into the 12 habits here of successful entrepreneurs if you are loving these videos and learning about elevating your own journey in your own business i would so appreciate it if you would like give me a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel here and i would also love to know in the comments below what are any habits that you are currently doing or that you have heard of that are really really um impactful for driving success outside of the ones that we've listed here because i'm always loving to hear y'all's opinions on all the topics we discuss so without further ado let's dive in okay so before we dive into number one one little thing that i want to mention here is when we're talking about success right that is a very vague word that's a very big word so success is not a number in all honesty success is subjective to you and what that really means and looks like to you in your life and your business so take that into consideration but as we're looking at all these different habits i really wanted to reflect on you know those leaders the people that rise to the top in their industry so again it's not reflective of any certain benchmark you know in growing a business um but those that like get stuff done get the things that they want to get done and really rise to the top so with that being said the first habit of successful entrepreneurs is planning ahead and using a calendar now this one might seem really simple and obvious but it is truly a habit that you need to develop within your own life and your own business in order to be able to continue achieving you know these high benchmarks um and this is something that whether you identify as an organized person or not as a planner or not it's something that we need to change at the identity level and really make a part of your life you cannot remember all the things that you need to do it weighs so much and mental energy is really what i want to highlight here with some of this is that you are really sacrificing what you could be using your mental energy for within your business within your life with achieving those goals with strategizing with dreaming like any of those things when you are not organized when you're constantly having to chase after things when you um are relying on remembering oh what was i supposed to do today where is i supposed to be right and i think this is really really difficult for a lot of people getting into their own business because you've never had to be fully responsible for like everything across the board from the back end organization to the front end of just where am i supposed to be who am i supposed to be talking to so having a system in place for organization and more importantly your calendar your planner your daily to do's all of that type of stuff is absolutely crucial for success now i will admit i am definitely like type a love me some organization i always have like i literally when i was writing this video i was like i feel like in middle school and in elementary school i was that kid with like the color-coded planner and like always had my homework done on time but despite any of that uh y'all i could not run my business without my daily to-do's and my calendars and all of these things being in sync and like top-notch organized it is it is how i am able to be so productive to plan ahead and to run an entire team right so if you're curious about a little bit more of this i have a video all about how i plan my weekly schedule and month as an entrepreneur that's super super helpful that you can watch here and then i also have another video specifically about how i use click up in my business because click up is a big part of how i stay organized like this so you can watch that video here as well so before moving on to point number two two like some points that i want to highlight about organization and calendar is you need to figure out a system that works for you right so it's not always about right or wrong but you really need to figure out something to relieve that mental energy so when you have all those scattered thoughts throughout the day where do they go how do we revisit them and what do we do with them and then the next thing on top of having a schedule and a calendar an organization is that you need to understand and have priorities in your life again seems very obvious seems like something you've probably heard before but this is one of the biggest downfalls that i see of other entrepreneurs who are not achieving what they want to achieve is that you don't have clear priorities and you're trying to do everything and so it stays really scattered and this is one huge benefit of having a calendar and a schedule and knowing exactly what you need to be doing habit number two is having very very clear intentions and goals so successful people they don't know all the answers they don't have it all figured out and when they start going they definitely don't know how they're going to get there um and the thing to remember about your vision and your goals is that it can change in fact it's 100 going to change whether you think it's going to or not um so that's not really what it's about it's about knowing what you want and driving 100 towards that goal rather than staying scattered and chasing after someone else's dream and while we never intend to do that you can get really lost doing that and that might not that might be a huge contributing factor to why you're not moving forward one million miles an hour towards what you want so successful people know what they want and they go get it right like it is no question it is clear because they have those super super clear intentions and goals for where they're headed and then when new insight comes they change the goal and they go in that new direction right but they are always going one million percent their life is always very very aligned around those goals and intentions habit number three is self-discipline so when it boils down to it successful people have the discipline to get stuff done like they are willing to do whatever it takes and they have the self-discipline which is most important rather than needing to rely on any external circumstances or other people in order to get done what they need to get done and i think this is not talked about quite as much as much in this space because it's kind of like a hard truth but it's truly one of the most determining factors of your success is are you willing to do the things that other people are not willing to do and do you have the discipline to sit down and get it done that is going to absolutely change the game for you when you can hold in on this and i understand this is easier said than done one reason this is so difficult is because a lot of people most people in fact choose comfort over growth they choose comfort over discomfort and when you are having to force yourself to be disciplined to do the things that you want to do when you don't feel like it when you don't feel like showing up it's uncomfortable to do the things that you are afraid to do or that are risky but that you just know need to get done right it's uncomfortable and so you really have to make sure this even goes back to the last point what are your goals what are your vision what are you willing to do in order to get where you want to go part of this kind of means being resourceful this is a really key trait of successful people is you can't wait for anything to be ideal you can't wait for someone to present an opportunity for you or hand something to you when you don't know something you got to get resourceful right that's kind of that unstoppable energy combined with that discipline of i need to get this done i'm going to get this done if i don't know how to do it i'm going to be resourceful right and the last thing that i want to highlight about this uh habit of discipline is that all of the people that you see you know at the top or you know wherever it is that you look up to ask success it has cost them something hugely to get to where they are and this boils it back into discipline because it is going to cost you something that's the harsh truth of it to do to discipline yourself and to sacrifice other things in order to put all of your energy towards what you want and so that's really where it comes back to knowing what am i willing to sacrifice what am i willing to do in order to get where i want and then honing in to that self-discipline to do it habit number four is taking action consistently so i kind of combined two habits in one here because it really is this habit of just taking action period and then the habit of also just being consistent um that really come into play together but as you guys know if you've heard any of my other videos my instagram stories anything like that i am huge huge huge on execution and action because even when we don't have it all figured out that is going to be the thing full proof that will always move you forward you might have to keep pivoting back and forth here to get where you want but 99 of the time thinking more after like just that first 24 hours of thinking through a decision thinking more isn't gonna get you anywhere it's either gonna land you into overthinking or overwhelm or anything like that and so especially when in entrepreneurship when you are running a business you're never going to have all the answers you're never going to be able to see exactly how it's going to play out but the only thing you can do and the thing that you have to do in order to see success in order to move forward is take action and it's not just one action right it is truly making this a habit in your life of every day taking action consistently the thing to note about this is that no one is an overnight success and i know we know that but really really know that because a lot of people they get excited they've got an idea they're like yes okay i'm gonna do this and they sprint towards success but then when things are not quite turning out the way that they wanted it to right they let fear and they let the pressure crumble them um and it's and that's where the consistency piece comes in that's where the action piece comes in is you've got to have endurance you've got to have persistence in order to get to where you see that success marker at and this is something that i hear from every single successful client and entrepreneur and peer in this space that this is just a non-negotiable and it really is a habit it's a mental state of every single day making sure that that is something that you are doing habit number five is confidence and this comes out in a lot of different ways but successful people have confidence and they exude it and they even practice and work on it every single day so this even boils back into mindset and making sure that you have this unshakable core that you are truly like this cannot be faked confident in yourself and what you do and every day you are moving forward and you are stepping into that confidence even when again it doesn't feel like it it's a conscious decision and action to step into your confidence and to work on whatever needs to be worked on again this is really a lot of personal development stuff that dips into to business here but that is going that's going to make you successful because every successful person has that confidence that just exudes right it's part of what magnetizes people to them and it's also what will help you when the fear pops in when um you approach failure when you have to take those big risks risks the confidence is the thing that is going to help you do that and so we really have to hone into that and make that a consistent practice and thing that we're paying attention attention to in our lives habit number six is to be continuously learning so this is something i love anyways so i'm very glad that this happens to be something that impacts your success so hugely but successful entrepreneurs continuously learn there is never a point where you stop learning where you are just complacent with the knowledge and the perspectives that you have and so whether this is hiring a mentor you know buying a course going to a uh you know virtual retreat or training learning a new way of approaching something like for me i invested in an nlp certification the other year all of this has been hugely beneficial not just to the direct correlation of my services and literally what i provide my services and products but truly just to me and to each individual you know successful person out there in how you operate how you run your own business and when you stop learning that is when you stay stagnant that is when you and your business stop growing habit number seven is having the willingness to be vulnerable and be exposed um so this is important because in entrepreneurship or really to achieve success in anything even as a professional athlete like you could take this across the board you have to be willing to take massive risks if you're going to stand out if you're going to achieve you know these big big dreams and so you have to have this willingness to put put your neck out there right to do the things that other people are not willing to do and part of that's going to mean failure part of that's going to mean being super super vulnerable and being really really uncomfortable and it's never just once right this really is a habit because it's something that you just have to do again and again and again and on a part of being willing to be vulnerable and put yourself out there this also means questioning who you are and every fiber of your being really as far as like what you believe what you stand for because that's going to evolve and change the more new perspectives that you learn and the more risks that you take and the more that you see that you are capable of and so if you ever stay stuck in the beliefs in the current state of which you believe that will absolutely be something that deters you from reaching your goals habit number eight and this one is one of my personal favorites but again something that i've seen across the board with many entrepreneurs is learning to balance emotion versus action um and again this is a daily thing so what i mean by this is you have to be able to separate the two things you have to be able to separate the emotion in the moment from the action that you are taking and i get people asking me in particular all the time how do you get so much done in a week how do you get so much done in a day and it really boils down to being even beyond the little strategy pieces here and there of what am i doing it boils down to the fact that i do not let my emotions dictate my actions so in the moment my emotions might be feeling um you know like i don't want to do it or um you know sad or something like that but the actions and the logical decisions that i make to determine what i actually do are not based solely on the emotion so this kind of comes back to even that self-discipline piece that i motivate myself simply because in the moment regardless of how i feel i know what needs to get done to help me achieve my goals and so this is something that i've heard from a lot of different entrepreneurs as well is that you really have to make sure you're able to separate the emotion from the action and you can take the emotion into consideration because there are absolutely points in times when we need to like listen to our body when we need to rest or you know do all these things but they cannot dictate your actions always habit number nine is that exercise is a priority so for all of these successful entrepreneurs this one was like across the board from everyone that i see and have talked to that exercise is a priority in their life and it's something we've definitely heard i mean we all know exercise is like important and nutrition and whatnot but quite literally of course y'all know i like look up the science behind everything to for me to like feel motivated by it um and i have always loved exercising i was a personal trainer for five years all that but what exercise does is quite literally it improves your brain function um it makes you more creative and it literally makes you feel more energized um in fact i used to have a much better habit of doing this that anytime in university when i was feeling sluggish or down or you know struggling with my studies i immediately stopped whatever i was doing no matter how tired i was and i went to the gym and like i was 10 times more productive and felt 10 times better even in the moment though that it was super hard so habit number 10 is taking responsibility radical responsibility here where you understand that you are responsible for your success you are responsible and you are the only one responsible for your results and when we really take back our power despite this is the key word here despite any external circumstances or what other people are doing even sometimes that we can't control it when you take back your power to own the things that you can control and take radical responsibility for your life and your business it will be a game changer not only mentally from a mindset perspective but quite literally from a results perspective of achieving your dreams and success the other part of taking responsibility is not needing accountability so this one really goes back to self-discipline as well but take accountability that no matter what insight or you know mentorship or any of this stuff that i can add that can be beneficial you cannot rely on accountability you need to rely on what you can do and again taking that responsibility that you are responsible for the results and the actions that you take to move forward habit number 11 we've got two more here for you guys so habit number 11 is delaying instant gratification and i think this kind of intertwines itself with really being pers persistent but i like looking at it from this perspective of delaying instant gratification because it's something that i see so so often especially with new entrepreneurs they get into the space they're energized they're excited to dive in but it dwindles really really fast especially when they feel like they're going through the motions and not seeing the results and you can in fact be doing the right actions and be going through all the right motions and still not be seeing results and it doesn't mean that you need to change or stop what you're doing there are so many points in building a business in in entrepreneurship and pursuing anything where you just have to be persistent you just have to keep going and it's delaying that instant gratification that we often expect and of course would like to have um to know that it is coming to know that the results will get there and so it's great to be ambitious it's great to you know want all of these these things but we also have to balance that with a little bit of patience and consistency to keep going um and really make sure that we know what we're doing and that we're confident in ourself that the actions we're doing they are gonna they are gonna yield results and you really have to be able to lean into that and to delay that instant gratification that we're oftentimes looking for okay the last habit is financial responsibility so this comes out in quite a few different ways when you are an entrepreneur when you are managing a business but this is a habit that is really key and it's often not talked about it's often not like as sexy as you know having a morning routine or all this stuff but it is crucial to you achieving your goals and to you reaching success so what i mean by this is um most entrepreneurs most successful people that you're looking at they have multiple streams of income and so this kind of ties into the money piece here and that you are being super smart you are knowing all of your numbers and that you even if this is having an airbnb and a business like totally unrelated things um but eventually so it doesn't have to be from day one but eventually you are diversifying your income in multiple ways now this comes back though to that financial responsibility piece of actually knowing your numbers being on top of your numbers even when it's not fun the taxes the income the expenses the profit the amount of times that i talk to clients and entrepreneurs and they have no clue what their profit margins are how much their expenses were that month anything like that i literally have a heart attack every single time because this is so important for you to achieving your goals and to being able to make the best decisions possible to be able to move you forward so if you're curious espec specifically how i track income and expenses um for entrepreneurs you can check out this video here um where i actually walk you through my entire tracker and system for doing that to make this super super easy and replicable for you but this is something regardless of that video in that tracker there that you need to get on top of literally yesterday and it is absolutely going to impact your success so i hope you guys are really excited about identifying some of these key areas in your life and in your business that you can work on that are going to have such an impact um to reaching your goals and success and i kind of want to boil this down too because we obviously covered a lot of different things but ultimately success and and being a successful entrepreneur is going to boil down to pushing the boundaries of what you think pushing the boundaries of what you're capable of pushing the boundaries of what you are comfortable with and being okay to put yourself out there and try and fail and really question everything that you do everything that you believe in order to become the best version of yourself in order to create the business that is most aligned with your goals and vision now i'd love to hear from you guys like i mentioned at the beginning of the video if you if you have any other habits that you have seen that have really had a huge impact on your life and your business that we didn't cover here today drop up in the comments below i love seeing maybe i can add an updated list for all of us to look at um of a blog post of all these different ideas and i'll continue to add the ones that you guys described below thank you so much for watching my channel and my video as always you guys can check out some of these other videos here whichever direction that they are on all things entrepreneurship business marketing and digital nomad lifestyle

2021-04-24 07:22

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