To Be in the past English Only Conversations

To Be in the past English Only Conversations

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Was. Your day good, no. It, wasn't, good how. Was your day how. Was it it. Was great. What's, the class boring. No. It wasn't boring, how. Was the class it, was interesting. How. Was the movie, it. Was funny. Yes. It was. How, was your weekend it was fun, my. Weekend, was fun. Were, you sick yesterday, no. I wasn't, sick, how. Were you I, was. Tired. Why. Were you tired, I was. Tired because I ran a lot. Were, you tired no, I, wasn't tired. How, were you I was. Mad, why. Were you mad I was. Mad because I was hungry. You. Were. You nervous. Yes. I was I was. Nervous, why. Were you why. Were you nervous I was. Nervous because, of the test. Were, you at the park no. I wasn't, at the park where. Were you I was, at the store, why. Were you at the store, I was. At the store because I needed some food. Were. You at the theater, no. I wasn't I was. At the park why. Were you there I, was. There because I wanted to play basketball. Oh. Was, your day good. You. No. It, wasn't, good. How was your day. You. How, was it. You. It, was great. You. What's, the class boring. You. No, it wasn't boring. You. How, was the class. You. It was, interesting. You. That. Was the movie. You. It, was funny. Yes, it was. You. Was, your weekend. You. It, was fun. You. My, weekend, was fun. You. Were. You sick yesterday. No. I wasn't. Sick. You. How. Were you. You. I was. Tired. You. I were, you tired. You. I was. Tired because I ran a lot. You. Oh. Were, you tired. You. No I wasn't tired. You. How. Were you. You. I was. Mad. You. Why. Were you mad. You. I was, mad because I was hungry. You. Were, you nervous. You. Yes, I was. You. I was. Nervous. You. Why, were you. You. Why, were you nervous. You. I was, nervous because of the test. You. Were, you at the park. You. No, I wasn't, at the park. Where. Were you. You. I was. At the store. You. Why, were you at the store. You. I was. At the store because I needed some food. You. Were, you at the theater. You. Oh I, wasn't. You. I was, at the park. You. Why, were you there. You. I was, there because I wanted to play basketball. You. What, is the weather good. How, was the weather. It. Was, cloudy. It, was, foggy. It. Was, windy. It, was, snowy. It. Was raining. It. Was cool. It, was called. It, was cold. It was, high. It, was sunny. It, was beautiful. Was. The, sweater. Expensive. Was. A sweater expensive, no it. Wasn't. Expensive. No. It wasn't expensive. Wasn't expensive this. Was not expensive. This. Sweater. Wasn't. Expensive. This. Sweater was an expense that, wasn't. Expensive. That. Was an expense that sweater. Wasn't. Expensive. That. Sweater wasn't, expensive. How, much. Was. It. How, much was it. How, much. Was. The. Sweater. How, much was the sweater. How much, was. This. How, much was this. How, much, was, this, sweater, how. Much was the sweater. How, much. Was. That. How. Much was that. How, much. Was. That, sweater. How. Much was that sweater, it was. $2.00. It. Was $2.00. The, sweater. Was. $2.00. The sweater was $2.00. This, was. $2.00. This, was $2.00. This, sweater. Was. $2.00. This sweater was $2.00. That was. $2.00. That. Was $2.00. That, sweater. Was. $2.00. That. Sweater was $2.00. The. Pants. Cheap. Or, the pants chief. No they weren't cheap no, they were not cheap. These weren't cheap no. These were not cheap, these, pants weren't cheap these. Pants, were not cheap how much. Were. They. How, much were they. Were. The, hand how. Much were the pants. How, much, were. Those. For those. How, much. Were. These, pants. How. Much were these pants. How, much. Were. These. How. Much were these. They. Were. Very. Expensive. They. Were very expensive, the pants. Were, very. Expensive. The pants were very expensive. These. Were. Very, expensive. These. Were very expensive. These pants. Were. Very. Expensive. These pants were very expensive. Those. Pants. Were. Very. Expensive. Those. Pants were very expensive. Those were. Very, expensive. Those. Were very expensive. Was, he sad, was. He sad. Oh. He. Wasn't sad. No. He wasn't sad. Oh he. Wasn't, no. He was not. How. Was he how was he. He. Was mad. He. Was mad. Why. Was, he, mad. Why was he mad. It. Was mad because he, was hungry. He was mad because he was hungry. Was. She's, sick was. She sick. No. She wasn't, sick. No. She was, not sick. A was, she how, was she. She. Was nervous she, was nervous. Why. Was she nervous. Why. Was she nervous. She. Was nervous because, she, had a test, she. Was nervous because she had a test were, they, happy, were. They happy. No they weren't happy, no. They were not, happy. No they weren't no. They, were not. How. Were they how, were they. They. Were tired. They were tired. Why. Were they tired. Why. Were they tired. They. Were tired, because they played a lot they. Were tired because they played a lot were, they busy, were, they busy. No. They weren't busy, no. They, were not busy. How. Were they how, were they. They. Were excited. They were excited. Why. Were they excited. Why were. They excited. They, were excited. For the movie they, were excited, for the movie, were. You, mad were, you guys mad. No. We, weren't mad, no, we were not mad. No. We, weren't, no. We were not. How, were you how, are you guys. We. Were in a hurry we.

Were In a hurry. Why. Were you in a hurry why. Were you guys in a hurry. We, were in a hurry because, we had to go to work, we, were in a hurry because we had to go to work were, you frustrated. Were, you guys frustrated. Oh we. Weren't, frustrated. No, we were not frustrated. No. We weren't no. We weren't. How. Word you how, were you guys. We. Were, relaxed. We. Were relaxed. Why were you relaxed. Why, were you guys relaxed. We. Were relaxed. Because today, was the last day of class we. Were relaxed, because today was the last day of classes. Were, you born, in eighteen, hundred. Were. You born in 1800. No I wasn't. No. I wasn't, I. Wasn't. Born, in 1800. When. Were you born. When. Were you born I. Was. Born in, 1932. I. Was. Born in 1932. Where, were you born. Where. Were you born I. Was. Born in Florida, I. Was. Born in Florida. Which. Part. In. Miami. In. Miami. Was. She, born in Mexico. Was. She born in Mexico. No. She wasn't. No. She wasn't. She. Wasn't born, in Mexico. She. Wasn't born in Mexico. Where was she born. Where. Was she born. She. Was born in Costa Rica. She. Was born in Costa Rica. When. Was she born. When. Was she born. She. Was born three months ago. She. Was born three months ago. Were. They born here. Were. They born here. No. They weren't. No. They weren't. They. Weren't born, here. They. Weren't born here. Where. Were they born. Where. Were they born. They. Were born, in Chile. They. Were born in Chile. When. Were they born. When. Were they born. They. Were born April. 3rd. 2014.

2019-05-11 13:31

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You’re the best English teacher! en playa del carmen cancun....veo tus video...y te verdad..son excelentes me los pierdo...gracias en verdad

Continue frequently jared we miss you a lot

Para mi canal mepueden Depositar a esta cuentas. ..0812448199 al nombre de pedro Luis soto. Quetal sile gusto mi videos ... El Banco popular

Luis soto de que video de que cuenta hocea tu vas a cobrar por la clace de ingles ho que se te va a depositar

De que hablas cual video

Super maestro....

Gracias por el video es muy importante para mi!!!!

Buenos días Jared Hendricks aquí Jesús Mota Puente desde República Dominicana.

lindo curso gracias por ayudarnos a aprender inglés

Buenos dias comienso el dia con mi clase de ingles gracias por el video es muy importante para mi

Hola Hendricks! Cómo estás, me gustan mucho tus clases, gracias saludos desde Coahuila México!!

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