Tips in Overcoming Fear in Business | Oh No NOT another Goal Setting book featuring Steve Westwood

Tips in Overcoming Fear in Business | Oh No NOT another Goal Setting book featuring Steve Westwood

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hello everyone and welcome back to radio tony  everyday business i'm your host tony lotus   and i have another amazing guest to speak to today  but before i tell you about the gorgeous steve   i'm going to tell you a little bit about him  so steve westwood is a successful copywriter   and a coach and he has been that for a number of  years and he has a book called oh no not another   goal setting book which i might add is a fantastic  name for a book steve i thought that we'd start   by doing a reading of an excerpt of the book and  then we're going to talk about all the wonderful   things that steve does in his business so he's  the expert from the book i can remember when i   went to las vegas for the first time a couple of  years ago i had pre-booked myself to jump from the   stratosphere hotel some 252 meters oh my god i had  looked forward to it for months and as the day got   closer my mind was experiencing fear i was so high  up that i couldn't distinguish individual people   this was when fear really crept in  i distinctly remember saying in an   unnervingly calm voice oh i don't think i  can do this and stepped back now here i had   two options head back go down the elevator to  relative safety or continue on my path and jump   that's when the guy who secured my harness to  the rig said something that i'd take with me   whenever i take on something that drives  thoughts of i can't do this just one step oh no not another goal setting book came about  as i was researching for delivering a workshop   i realized that there was so much information  out there and not enough guidance to achieve your   goals and dreams this book gives you the tools and  knowledge you need to set yourself up for success   unlike many other goal setting books this one is  all about you your mindset and the ways to change   your thinking to make sure you succeed learn how  to deal with your negative emotions self-doubt   worry fear and break through the barriers that we  have in place about ourselves when setting goals   good evening steve it's good morning for you  welcome to the show i'm so delighted to have   you here i know that it's quite early in the  morning for you it really is a jump oh that   jump was phenomenal honestly it was one of the  best experiences i ever had i'm so happy that i   went through with it and he was right it literally  is just a step like as if you're walking down the   stairs it's not like you've got to jump off the  building it's but it was a phenomenal experience i have actually been skydiving twice so i when  i read that paragraph i'm like oh my god i know   how steve felt in that moment because that you  you're in the plane you go up and that moment   just before you're about to free fall is the  most terrifying moment of your life and then bang   you're free falling and it's amazing and you  get to the bottom and it's like you it just is   exuberant as the way that i've described it it's  just like oh my god can i do that again yet i know   that when i get to the top again it's going to  be like what am i doing what the hell am i doing   exactly that is it you just hit the nail on the  head it's the fear the fear comes from the unknown   it's what we place on ourselves because we don't  know what it's going to be like even the second   time around it's still there because we don't  know what it's going to be like um second time   yeah so i've done skydives before but none  of it when i've done the skydives i've always   been to somebody who knows what  they're doing so exactly exactly this was just me um yeah and when the guy  just grabbed me because he was like look me   in the eyes some made eye contact and he goes  it's not a leap of faith it's just one step   like walking down the stairs just take  that one step and i literally walked   to the edge didn't look down and just  took that step and it was great it was um i'll send you the video it's um taken  from the ground so you just give us back i can when you're saying about just stepping and  just take that one step my stomach is actually   feeling that feeling you know that dropping  feeling it's like quite incredible that the brain   can associate it with that isn't it the way the  mind works is just extraordinary it really is   yeah fear that we have in our brain is our  protective mechanism the problem is that sometimes   that protection is just a thought and that's  what fear is isn't it steve it's just a thought   exactly so the way that i think of fear  is it's something that we evolved into   many many thousands of years ago in  order to keep us alive we now no longer   need it so it's not things to keep us alive  that we fear it's things that take us away   from our comfort and you're right it is  just a thought because our emotions are   it are evoked by our thoughts and once you  understand that it is actually a thought   that's making you feel a certain way you can do  so much more than just give into it yeah yeah yeah   i um i was reading through your bio and i'm like  i'm so excited to talk about this stuff and i want   to get on to all the other wonderful things that  you do but that concept of fear because i think   that outside of skydiving and doing  a few risky things business for me   has been scary and fearful and i've had to do  lots of work around being scared of showing up   and trying to do something outside of what  i normally do steve i wanted to talk to you   about um your coaching and are they some of  the concepts that blow through your coaching   helping people in business around their fears  that is it exactly so obviously we had um   we've had a strange 18 months we'll put it that  way and a lot of people have been experiencing   fear and starting their own business through  that fear and then because there's a lot of help quoting quotes online about how to start a  business it's confused a lot of people so they   don't want to take that next step they're not  ready to push and yeah as you read out in that   um excerpt the thing that motivated my book was  i actually delivered a workshop on goal setting   and i'll be honest my initial thought was well  everybody knows how to set goals surely you know   it's natural but yes it is natural to me but that  doesn't mean it's natural to everybody for a start   so that was you know making assumptions on my  part and uh when i was when i was delivering   the workshop i realized quite quickly that  people don't know how to set goals because   they don't know what it is that they want  and they don't know what it is that they   want because they're experiencing fears and all of  the restrictions that we place on ourselves um and   so as part of coaching for business you  have to dive into that and you have to   be able to have a trusting relationship with the  well i have to have interesting relationship with   the person that i'm coaching because they have  to be able to be in a safe space in order to   think about the way that they are  thinking and think about the way that they   are limiting themselves because of these thoughts  yes yes and it is about limiting yourself because   if we look at humans as um capable of anything  really if we put our minds to it those thoughts   are things that stop us from reaching the  goals all the things that we want aren't they   exactly and if you look at all of the great  people the fantastic people the confident people   the people who are yeah famous they're  only famous because they've learned   how to deal with that fear and actually  take those steps to achieving their goals   and just because you're not in that  space yet doesn't mean that you're   not capable of achieving the greatness that you  want to achieve in life you've just got to learn   how to deal with those emotions yeah and it's not  different for anyone is it if you're a human being   then you're going to have limiting thoughts  fears self-doubt all the time it's kind of it's   very normal to feel that way but when they stop  you from living life with purpose and passion   that's when you need to do something about it  isn't it is that why people come to you steve   a lot of people are coming to me because they  are seeking something new and because they're   seeking something new they don't know there's  a misunderstanding with how to go about it so   they seek me out to help them guide them through  that misunderstanding that's how i would word it   um but you're right there are people who feel  trapped in their own lives and they're feeling   trapped in their own life because fear is stopping  them from taking any steps towards achieving goals   there are people out there who are afraid to  dream for that very same reason the fear has   their ability to do and yeah i don't  know about you but i found that quite sad   oh definitely i'm i'm a massive  dreamer i have a huge imagination   um and i i wouldn't know what life would  be like without that ability to dream but   i've had a conversation with my husband and said  you know what you dream about what what do you   want in life and he's like i don't dream there's  nothing i want to have at all and i'm like oh wow yeah and i'm sure that you've encountered  people like that as well steve   i do i said without knocking anybody there  are certain types of people out there who   want to dream they want to be able to  think of a better future for themselves   and then they talk a good talk but then they don't  actually take action and that's what goal setting   is goal setting isn't just talking about it it's  taking action and it's that inaction that is making them believe that just like your husband  for example where he's got everything he needs   and everything he ever wants  it's that in action that   what are you doing yes yeah i agree  steve love you to pits love you honey   dave i'm wondering like in the uk you guys  have had a torrid time with the whole covered   scenario you know it's wrecked havoc across the  world i'm wondering has covered and being locked   down caused people to start thinking about their  life and has that made them start to seek out   experienced coaches like yourself to help them try  and navigate their way through what they may or   may want in life and business okay so if we look  at from a statistical point of view first of all   yeah um i can't remember the exact  numbers but whenever there is a global   issue being a pandemic being an economic crisis   there is a certain level of fear people are afraid  that they are not going to be able to continue   living the life the way that they do they're  afraid that they're going to lose their jobs   lose their houses lose their you know their basic  survival needs are not going to be matched yeah   um so what this does is it kind of jump starts  the um entrepreneurship and business owner yeah   economy conversation and what i have  seen a lot of um in my spaces is that   people are looking for coaches people are looking  to turn to more experienced people absolutely and it just makes sense that you would look  for somebody who has got the experience   who can provide you the results to help  guide you through it because you're gonna   there's two ways to learn you can either learn  through making mistakes which is costly as in it   takes time to develop or you can learn through  somebody else's experience so yeah i am seeing   a massive massive shift especially online  of yeah not only people offering courses in   coaching a lot of the times combined as well it's  it's not like one or the other anymore it's both   but then i'm also seeing a huge huge increase  in the number of people who are trying to   access those services and it's all started i've always had coaches i've always had coaches so  i am a huge fan of what you do i think that you um   in this life to live your best life and i know  that other people have insight and awareness   into a whole range of things that i may or may not  be aware of or i may be aware of and i just can't   figure out a way around it so i know the value  of coaches and coaching in my own life and in my   business so so both spectrums the other thing i i  wanted to add too is when you embark on a business   journey or entrepreneurship journey there's the  component about the person that you have to become   to be successful in that business or you you  can't start a business and be the same person   and be successful you have to  grow part of being in business   causes you to grow there's so many things in a  business um sense that you need to take on that ah   either cause you angst fear uh sometimes anger all  sorts of things and you want to know how to deal   with that like if you've never had to deal with  a cranky customer before because you've never   been in that situation then a coach is the best  one to help you work out how to do that if you're   absolutely petrified of say doing live interviews  or talking to people that you don't know   a coach is the best one to help you  steve aren't you like that must be the   cornerstone of what you do as some of those  basic business fears that a lot of us have   it is it's so my background is in marketing  it's actually in copywriting like you said so   it's the marketing and advertising writing words  for businesses i actually refer to myself now as   a professional business writer because there's a  lot of confusion over what copywriting actually is   um and you're right i actually have coaches  myself and i have a leadership coach to help   me become more assertive and to help me become  more um understand myself better i don't know   if you've ever heard of the gallups um  oh what is it called the stretch finder oh i have it i think tell me more  okay so the uh gallup strengthsfinder   is something that i've recently  done and it gives you your 34   yeah basically yeah and i didn't realize  what all of my strengths were and i'm only   focusing on the top five so my first two are  known as an achiever so that's somebody who   likes to achieve things it's somebody who likes  to help other people achieve things and then the   second one is a maximizer uh so that is basically  somebody who will take something and make it big   like i won't the fourth one is futuristic so  that's the dreamer and me looking to the future   finding comfort in the future and finding comfort  in setting myself goals um and i am always in my   own head thinking of daydreaming about the future  dreaming about what i'm going to do um and then my   fifth strength is positivity so that's where  i have a positive influence on other people   um and what i find quite interesting  about my personality today four different   categories with this one you've got influencing  speaker how you make other people feel hard   then you've got relationship building so  that's obviously when you're making some   strong connections with people and then you've  got strategic thinking so that's obviously how you   absorb and analyze information  that informs better decisions   i'm even across the board for my top five i  have all four of those pretty cool yeah which   i apparently is more rather than i thought because  um yeah and what else makes it more right predict   that only one in 33 million people have the exact  same attributes inside of each of those categories   wow cool so you're actually a very  good coach because of that balance   correct it's true that what basically what  it tells me um yeah it also explains quite   a lot about the way i work because i don't just  you people obviously work in different ways now   depending on which area of my business we're  focusing on i will work differently but ultimately   i will basically information gather first then  i will for lack of a better term drafted up   then i will look back at the draft  then i will compare the drafts to some of the things that are out there and then  i'll complete the draft and then that's the final   version i send off that's the basics of it and  i do that with coaching and copyright um yeah   but yeah i just found it absolutely  fascinating that i now understand   why i do things the way i  do and why i get energized i was gonna say steve part of that whole journey  is about self-awareness and understanding not just   your strengths but but also your weaknesses  because what that means in business is that   eventually you'll be able to outsource those  weaknesses or things that you don't like doing   and you can focus on doing the things that you are  good at because that's why you're brought into the   world you're brought into the world to share those  strengths with the rest of the world that's why   you're here essentially and those strengths  can be in all manner of things like anything   really um see you started out as a copywriter  and um you are known as a business copywriter   i'm just curious what are the differences  between copywriting in terms of everyday   copywriting and business copywriting is it because  with business copywriting you have to be able to   articulate short sharp conveyance of a product  or a service is that my correct understanding   i want to say yes and no basically whether it's  uh business to customer business to community   or business to business it's copywriting is  essentially the same thing not you know everybody   doesn't have that type of time where they want  to um have to consume a lot of information before   they even understand what you do not everybody has  the time to try and figure out what it is that you   do you need to express it directly uh whether that  be on your website whether it be in brochures but   the reason why i focus more on the b2b space is  because i personally find it more interesting um   in the b2c space we end up writing a lot  of product descriptions and they tend to be   you know like fashion items or accessories or  holidays you know i i've done it i kind of enjoyed   it but it's not where i want to be and that's  the only reason why i do business to business um but ultimately it's the same thing even  business to business i'm not selling yeah   my clients uh products or services   to a business i'm actually selling it to an  individual a person within that business and   that's where a lot of people go wrong with their  copywriting they tend to focus more on either   we because we're so professional or they focus  on selling to a business and not an individual   um so to help people get a better understanding  into marketing and to help people get a better   understanding into copywriting i actually have  started a youtube channel and in that youtube   channel i know i wasn't going to but then i was  like it would help though like more people yeah   yeah it's pretty fun yeah it is like get over  there you know well i've got there's a lot to   learn it is a lot to learn i've got three videos  out so far the first video there's no editing done   whatsoever it's just me talking and talking and  talking my second video there is editing but my   head's jumping around from this where i'm reading  my notes to this and this and this and this and   this where i'm trying to chop it my third one i've  actually been practicing reading my notes looking   at the camera and then smiling and then talking  yeah then finish talking and then look down   done well done i um this is a special passion  of mine because um when i started in my business   and um the first part of my business  i just used to stream audio live so   um online radio was where i started so there was  no need for video and that's quite i spent the   first six months being physically stick before  i got behind the microphone but i kept doing it   and kept doing it and kept doing it until i didn't  feel so bad anymore and i did that for 12 months   and then i started to venture into video land and  i went through the whole i feel sick i don't want   to do this again and then i'm like oh just get  over yourself and now i can do it relatively easy   without too many nerves but every now and then  when i've got some interviews coming up that the   person is quite um famous or has a big following  i still get nervous but i just that's about that   mindset that's about going no you're okay you're  meant to show up as your imperfect authentic self   just do what you do and so steve you've  got it covered mate it's all gonna be good   no it is and i should be fair i have to like take  my hat up to you and give you a round of applause   because doing live is completely different  to what i'm doing anything could happen live   um and when it does when i edit  the videos i'm not gonna lie um yeah i can understand why  you'd be nervous streaming live   yeah it is a bit nerve-wracking like you know  guests not showing up um power going out technical   issues zoom dropping out microphones switching  off like i think i've had just about anything from   uh thunderstorms to uh floods to  like all manner of things happening   while i've been live streaming and it used  to just make me absolutely petrified sick   worrying about what was going to happen but  again you just keep doing it just go deep   breaths it's okay nobody's perfect keep going  that sort of thing and you sort of start to   and it's allowed me to enjoy conversations like  i'm having with you like i can jump on and go oh   my god i'm talking to steve i'm so happy and  this is pre-recorded obviously because i'm   to fit in and have you here on the show but that's  the beauty of it like had i stopped when i felt   fearful then i would never have got to experience  the joy of being able to talk to so many people   across the planet and i obviously enjoy doing  that and i love talking about what people do   because no one can replicate steve and there'll  be someone listening who goes oh my god i need   to work with steve i need to talk to steve i need  steve to get to write my copywriting i need steve   to coach me like that's my purpose my purpose  is connect all the people that steve needs to   work with to steve simple but it took me 50 odd  years to work that out just between you and me   oh no thank you for sharing that um no i get  exactly what you mean though like had you stopped   it's just like had i decided not to jump off the  stratosphere observing i'd always be wondering oh   what if that experience could have been good  and then i'd have to deal with that side of   things i'd rather deal with the positive i'd  rather be elated and laughing um much better   i can kind of see where you're coming from with  the it's taking you some time to decide on what   it is that you want to do because you have to try  it first and you have to see it through properly   first you can't just try it for one day and then  like not for me and it's like an evolution like   i all i did was write a book and i'm gonna  get back to your book in a minute all i did   was write a book i had no plan for where that was  going but obviously the universe had a very clear   plan for me and it had to drag me kicking and  screaming all along the way and the year that   i wrote the book was the year that i was going  to say yes to things that i was terrified of   again had i not decided to do that i  wouldn't be doing this and i wouldn't   have that joy of passion and purpose in my life  so that it's just and again if i hadn't had   people uh supporting me and saying no  you can do this no you can do this yes   it's gonna be okay yes it's gonna be scary yes  you're gonna feel sick like i wouldn't have done   it you know so that's where coaches come in so  i understand very much understand why you do   what you do um the about the book tell me  about writing the book i know it started   with the workshop but tell me about writing the  book because writing a book is also a scary thing   isn't it it is it's definitely a different  style of writing to what i'm used to um yeah   so what i did was i spent months where  every day i was dictating to google docs um and it was just from some ideas out there not  only that though i was also consuming a lot   of information because i wanted to make sure that  you had everything you needed within this one book   um just to just to you know actually  take that first step because once you   take that first step the second one  follows easier and it snowballs um   so i was listening to a lot of podcasts  i wasn't just listening to business   uh podcast i was listening to live coaching  podcasts i was listening to psychology podcasts um   i was doing psychological research i was actually  looking at academic papers and drawing yes well it's about understanding to me i love  psychology psychology is one of those topics where   yeah me too and there's always  something new to learn great never-ending never-ending source  of learning it is isn't it   it really is but also whilst writing  it i was learning a lot about myself because i was looking at how i set  goals and there's two tasks in that and   one of the tasks is the one that i naturally  do yes um it's one that i've always done and   basically i i'll give it away i'll tell you now  what i do when i'm setting goals is i think of the   far future i think of my 10 year vision and then  from that i sit as if i'm on a talk show talking   about how i achieved it and i work backwards from  there so my 10 year vision is that i'm living in a   a big house with a floor piano and a  pool let's say that's my 10-year vision   that's awesome exactly awesome but then  i'm sitting on this talk show in my head   explaining how i got there what  steps i took but i do it in reverse   and what i find is actually i've got all the  answers there's not really a lot that i need to   research i may need to research like some  of the my new details but ultimately i've   got my path laid out in front of me then  what i do because i've written it down is   i take those steps i start i do  i start off with that first step and then move on um yeah and that's how i've  always done goal setting it's why i have my master   of research in social sciences it's why i've got  my teaching i'm actually a qualified teacher um   oh yeah yeah so so teacher copywriter coach  author what a great progression   well to be fair so i've been a copywriter now  for longer than i want to say but for a decade it kept me just like what you  were saying it took me yeah seven years of copywriting on the  side to realize it's actually boring yes yes so while i'm copywriting i'm using  that as a way to get myself through university   so i've got my uh bachelor's i've got my  master's and then went on and ended the pgce   um yeah teacher qualification i then started  teaching i'm still copywriting on the side and   i'm getting burnt out i'm getting tired and i'm  like yeah i've got something missing here like   i it's just not connecting and i was  talking to my partner one night about   it and i was like i need to leave i need  to i just can't teach anymore like it's   not for me i just knew that so i was talk  to my partner about it and he goes well what is it you want to do and i was like  well i don't know and then i was talking   about the fact that you know i'd always done  copywriting alongside everything that i've done   and he was like well do you not think that  maybe the copywriting is where you want to be   yeah i know sometimes we're so slow aren't  we okay and i was just like thinking i was   just like you know i never even thought of  it because it's always just been this happy   psychic that i've been doing where i get to  meet new people and i get to write you know   two of my favorite things to do in the world i  now do it full-time and i couldn't be happier   absolutely see that's the thing about external  um thoughts on like if your partner hadn't said   to you what about the copywriting it  may never have occurred to you and and   i mean look at you now you've got a whole business  built around copywriting and coaching and i'm sure   there's going to be more books there's going to  be more books steve there are going to be more   books so i actually got planned then an entire  series and it's not just based on goal setting it   there's going to be some based around marketing  some based around copywriting some are based   around my experience in working internationally  with different businesses yeah yes because i don't   know because we can do that now yeah exactly  work with i'm in australia steve's in the uk   i just got a call recently to um  someone in the in the u.s like there's   there's actually nothing stopping us now  with the technology that we have you can   work from your home office and create  an international business and enjoy life   exactly and that's the other thing is you don't  even need to work from a home office depending on   your business of course i don't i can work  from anywhere i go um i just take my small   laptop with me as opposed to my big laptop um and  off you go yeah how great is that unfortunately   like we've already discussed twice now over the  last 18 months that's not been able to happen but i know i know covert the great leveler of  20 20 20 21 20 20 and on into the future i   oh fear hope not no but me too it's given people a lot to think about and  it's giving people that time to decide what's   important to them because i am seeing a lot  more people who are becoming more family   oriented i'm seeing people who are no longer um  living to work they work to live yeah which has   always been my mantra i've never i've never lived  to work i've worked to live um yes and absolutely   yeah it's just one of those things that i  i feel life's too short in that respect oh   definitely definitely yeah steve we're down  to the last few minutes of the interview and   i want people to know how they can find you where  they can find you and also the book now remember   people i will have these links underneath the  description of this interview when it goes out   but steve tell us how can people find you  okay so the first place you can find me is   my website which is sbw um the  next place you can find me is either on linkedin   or instagram sbw copywriting or you  can find me on youtube again either   or spw copywriting you will find me um i think  i've got a pink background on that one so fantastic and steve you don't mind people  directly connecting with you and asking questions   about what you do whether they've got a coaching  question or a copywriting question either is fine   for you yeah new year is fine for me get in touch  you can contact me at stephen   um yeah and if you're in the uk you can ring  me my number is available online you'll find it fantastic now steve just before  we finish and round off this um   interview your copywriting your favorite part of  copywriting is actually the business to business   copywriting so for businesses wanting to write  about their services or product yeah yeah so it's   um offering those products or services to other  businesses that's the business the business space and you're right it is my favorite  kind and that's because it can get   quite meaty it can get very very easy i don't  want to use the word juicy because that kind   of implies it's got something but it's not it is  juicy like to me anyway um yeah but what i like   about it is that i'm on a personal mission as far  as the term professional goes because i i can see   that there is a change in culture around the word  professional um and it no longer means jargon it   no no longer means buzzwords it's all to do with  being people-centered and speaking to people   through written word as if they're humans and it's  fantastic to see yeah yeah um i remember reading   um recently a document that was talking about um  copywriting and uh making sure you incorporate um   have seo consideration around your copywriting  and i'm like oh my goodness that just sounds   too complicated to me but i'm sure you understand  what that means yes so search engine optimization   is basically where you get the keywords that  people would usually use to search for you and yeah you sprinkle it throughout your  web copy so anything on your website   do that there's other things as well that  you have to do to be an seo optimized but um yeah ultimately that that's challenging um  is that challenging steve can it be difficult   to incorporate the those keywords in in  the script well yeah what you have to do   is um you have to incorporate it naturally so  it flows because yeah it's not like it was 10   years ago 10 years ago you had what people were  calling keyword stuffing which is where any of   the key terms that people were searching for  they would just throw them into the website and   yeah any old house it didn't really matter  i've known it where people have put it onto   their website and then changed the color to  the same as the background so the keywords   themselves are hidden that's known as keyword  stuffing and i don't say google will be right   yeah it's it's bad though keyword stuffing is  bad um google doesn't penalize you for it but   you don't get the rewards that you would  normally get um what you do get rewarded   for is if your content is aimed at people  so people can read it and understand it   and interact with it uh the one thing i do  always say is remember that your website is a part of your communication it's how you  communicate to the world in written form   um so you've got many different types of the  communication there's obviously the face to face   then you've got um email and you've got social  media your website and it helps to build that   credibility as well if you can be seen online  because the first thing people are going to do   is they're going to google who you are yes yeah  yeah so it helps if you've got things coming up   that show who you are yeah um definitely  but then if those things come up and help   persuade people to buy from you then isn't that  better yes and that's absolutely absolutely steve it has been an absolute  delight talking to you today um so   please make sure you connect with steve westwood   from spw copywriting um steve thank you so much  for being on radio tony everyday business today   i look forward to chatting to you again and  that my friends is your lot for this week recording stuff that was fantastic we've got lots of really  good content in there and um it usually takes   me about a month before i get to ordered it put  the intro outro fix it up and and get it out so   just be patient with me but that was fantastic i'm  really um i'm really curious about the business to   business um copywriting um i'm just thinking about  my stuff and thinking maybe i should um try and   get some of that done but anyway it's thinking  about doing redoing my websites in 2022 so um   we'll be talking before then anyway but yeah yeah  no that that sounds good i have just remembered i   think the links have changed from what i sent you  yes um oh okay cool so i'll just quickly send you   if i send you my link tree all the links  that i spoke about are on there anyway   yes that would that's perfect that's perfect  because i'll make sure that that goes into the um um part of what i was going to touch  on but didn't because the competition   didn't go that way whereas it helps to use an  expert like i'm not an expert at everything so   as you pointed out focus on your strengths  it does help to have an expert yeah and then   get somebody in to cover those weaknesses so it  becomes more well-rounded that's how i'm working   how i've always worked because i'd rather focus  on developing my strengths and go from good to   great then focus on my weaknesses  and go from bad to okay um the other   the other thing i was going to mention and i  had a note of it and then i've i've completely   forgotten about it i meant to circle back and go  so tell me steve about the process of copywriting   for say a website what's the process you go  through but we can always do another interview   yeah i'll do another interview i like this this  is quite a nice way to be interviewed there's no   pressure it's just a chat it is just the chat  i know i know that's what i mean i like doing   things this way but um the the pre-record is kind  of just a bit more relaxed than the live stuff   because the live stuff i'm like okay i've got the  lighting i've got the sound even though i've got   a technician managing stuff in the background  i've still got to keep this look at that make   sure that's there got my you know it's just a bit  more stressful whereas this i can go la dee da it is it is easier when you can relax a little  bit more and it is easier to talk to i mean i   suppose you've done some interviews where it feels  like you're trying to draw blood from a stone   um oh god yes oh god yes and that's why i always  have talking notes and questions um because   some most interviews i can get people  talking and chatting and sharing and   it's good but some interviews are really tough  and i'm really thankful that i always prep with   notes and questions because they're really hard  and then they'll answer them with not a lot of um feeling and you'll go okay so does this mean  you're like you've got to laugh around which   just it makes it hard work and you get to the  end of the interview and you're just like oh   this was just easy like this no yeah time yeah uh so i have actually watched  um an interview not one of yours this was with   somebody else yeah and they're trying to do  something very similar to what you're doing   but the opening questions are who are you  where were you born and where did you grow up   oh okay i'm like i don't know whether  that's relevant but you could tell   that the person who was being interviewed  wasn't expecting to be asked those questions   and it threw off the whole interview  yeah yeah i have to agree steve like   people people have varying levels of nervousness  around interviews particularly if they're live   streaming and i think that it helps settle  the situation if they have some idea of   what they're going to be asked and then i  always put a proviso on the bottom that says   you know i like to keep the conversation organic  because i think that makes for better viewing   um so we might go to different places and  talk about different things but here's what i   sorry here's what i um would like to talk about  so i i just it's it's good to do that and um   keep it pretty natural because you want again  there's people out there that will be watching   that need steve they either need your copywriting  or they need your coach and my job is to get them   to connect with you simple well it sounds simple  it just sounds simple thank you but now i'm i i've had to do a lot of thinking over  the last like couple of months about   my business because obviously i've got two very  different new businesses yes yeah yeah so i've got   to do a lot of well i go together nicely though  steve because i kind of think that the psychology   of of your coaching can actually be used in this  psychology of of writing copywriting and selling   so to speak yeah it's very it is you're right  there that is something that does connect   the two there's a couple of other things that  connect to as well so if you look at marketing   right marketing as a very basic definition  of marketing is targeted communication yeah   so in order to be successful in marketing the  first thing you need to do is set yourself   goals yeah the second thing you need to do is your  market research and in that market research it's   developing an understanding of who you're selling  to where you can find them what their issues are   and how your products and services can help them  the next thing is um developing the targeted   messaging in a platform that will find its way  to what you want and then it's about consistency   so yeah there you go there's your four basically  i'm just gonna say we can have a whole another   we can have a whole another interview  we'll have to we'll have to do that steve   if that's okay with you um yeah i'm happy to  do that i mean um we'll try and have another   your interview because i love to talk about that  i've not got a marketing background although   that's essentially what i'm now involved in  so i like to keep learning and learning and   learning and um i was just going to ask you  well you're talking about that um uh finding   out where your people are or your target market  how do you do that how do you find out where um   40 something year olds i don't know i'm going to  make this up how do you find where 40 year old uh   female business owners with uh money to invest in  coaching how do you find them where do like that's   what the bid i don't understand about marketing  where do you find that information you ask them besides asking them so basically on my youtube channel at the moment  what i'm doing is i'm covering how to segment uh what marketing is then it's geographic  segmentation then demographic segmentation next   week we're looking at psychographic segmentation  and then we're looking at behavioral then the week   after oh my god i'm gonna have to subscribe  i have to subscribe to your youtube channel   that's all yeah i just have to do that yeah so  what i'm doing is the week after that is looking   at how to put them all together and then gonna  be linking in some customer persona templates   and questions and the questions can be done in  either a survey or in a interview or focus group   um so i've got i've got to finish breaking down  those questions and stuff but basically it gives   you all of the information that you need to  start targeting your communication and if you   look at the customer personas the way that i've  done them because they're the ones that i use   so the way that i've done them you've got your  demographics on there you've got your background   on there you've got your financial information  you've got your goals you've got your challenges   you've got your pain points um then you've got  your businesses opportunities you've got basically   like a mini swat analysis within there as well so  you can understand what the opportunities are then   um there's another section where you're  looking at potentially targeting your   messaging within the persona so it's easy for  you to identify what kind of words to look for   what kind of message you want to give how to sell  your products and services um and most important   part is where you're selling your products  and services there's no point in you being on   facebook if your demographic uses revenue they're  not on facebook yes yeah yeah i figured that out the other thing is as your business grows you  then need to start looking at what type of shows   they watch when they watch tv when do they stream  what services do they use to stream what devices   do they use as well and in fact while i'm talking  about it i'll quickly show you let me just grab   my i'll just show you one of the personas  just so you can oh yes to understanding   because i i've got my own stuff worked out  in um my own business um but i just have   never been sure that i've done that to the  full extent of what it could be done so uh   my um i've always gone to i like i like to  look at statistical statistical information   so then i'll google search this person in  this demographic what are they like like   i'll just google search stuff but i realized  that that's not how you're supposed to do it   can you just let me show the screen oh yes sorry  there is something that there's a couple of things   missing on this particular template but this  is my favorite template that i do actually use is that coming through yes it is now yep so i just present it's easy for  me to go through it okay so you've got marketing   maggie no it doesn't matter you can name them  whatever you can call them silly stephen if you   want yes yes yep so as you can see it gives you  a breakdown it's the background and demographics   then it gives you what device they use are the  tech savvy do they understand how zoom works first   uh what social media platforms they are that helps  you identify where to find them then you've got   your goals metrics to motivation so what are their  goals primarily and second goals what are their uh   personal versus professional then you've got the  metrics of what is it that they actually measure   how do they measure their goals what  motivates them their personality traits   so again you're looking at oh what are  they called 9016 personality traits   i'm enfp yes yes that's what i  was going to bring up with you i   um i'm curious to go and have a look at your other  one but i the 16 personality ones i'm an infj okay two percent yeah yeah i'm an infj i'll  have a look at that one and message you later   um yeah and then you've got the challenges   yeah i'll have a look i'll have a look after  this then you've got the challenges so that   is about their their struggles what is it that  keeps them up at night then yeah you put in some   real quotes from the questions that you're  asking because that will help you with yeah   them becoming i am familiar with your brand  because you're using the same kind of words what   are their common objections so why do they not  buy from you what can we do so this is what your   uh business does to help that persona yes then  you can actually go even further and describe the   solution and then you elevate pictures so write it  within a sentence or two and now the i am adding   more onto this because i do think that looking at  trends in your industry or within your customers um to put in a direct where do they buy from what  type of brands do they buy from why are they loyal   to that brand um so there's going to be a couple  more sections in this but this is basically   a episode and then what you do is you get  your persona you read through it to remind   you whenever you're writing a message and where  you're writing it of course and then yeah you take   your message from these three here well these four  technicals you've got the projections as well um that's one of the best that's one of the best  um ones i've seen mine is well kind of a bit   similar to that the one that i use for my own  stuff but that's nice so nice and simple steve   it's really good and then what i've done is like  i said my youtube channel geographic demographics   like graphic behavioral so geographically  demographic who psychographic why behavior or what   i've given it a breakdown so that explains what it  is the next one down gives you examples and then   the next one down explains the benefits of it but  you actually in that persona will be combining all   of them now this is the part that most people are  gonna be like shocked so these are the questions wait you see how thorough these are so you've  got your customer personal questions demographics   yeah the backstory there's a lot of  questions by the way personal life yeah   personality their web purchase behavior  finances goals challenges and pain points   products insights and objections and then this  one yeah this is the questions that you ask your   sales team or your marketing team so there's 10  of those and that helps you understand where you   currently are so you can then set those goals to  get your marketing yes that's really cool steve   thank you thank you for sharing it honestly now  i i will i'll send them to you as well because   oh thank you well i'm going to be giving  them away for free as resources anyway so   the only thing that i would suggest with  those questions now is read through them   and just pinpoint the ones that are relevant  to you yes um yes and then obviously decide   which questions you would in the survey and  which questions you would do outside of a   survey the survey could take about 30 minutes  if you had all of the questions um yeah but b thank you and thank you for your time no thank you you

2021-10-12 01:11

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